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irualdesire · 3 months ago
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(gifs credited to Saintsalia)
So Dune: Prophecy just came out and can't help but see some Irulan/paul coded parts. Was shocked since didn't think I would since 10,000 years before they were born. We know how tradition and preserving the old ways is important in dune. We sadly never had a chance to see Irulan and Paul's wedding. Not sure if it was described in detail in the books. This is probably the closest we will get to it on the screen. That or they do a brief flashback in the third dune movie. We have a CORRINO princess in an arranged marriage and see that feeding each other the pomegranate is an old wedding custom to complete the ceremony. Even though Paul in the books married her just in title and nothing else - he would still need to adhere to the ancient wedding customs since this display is to prove to the houses that he has a legitimate claim to the throne through the marriage. (Film version may be more like an arranged marriage since co-rulers) As someone on tumblr had mentioned; Pomegranate being used for the marriage ceremony of the house Corrino has greek connections. Taking a bite of the fruit trapped Persephone into the underworld and bound to the god/king of the underworld. Half in the light of the surface with her mother (goddess of fertility and the harvest ironicly) Can't help but see the tradition being Irual coded. Paul becomes darker and more like a villain that had mostly good intentions at the start. Irulan was on the surface and heir to the known universe. Might be symbolic of her being torn between her upbringing of being a tool for the BG and her growing feelings for Paul despite his treatment. Still trapped regardless. Then icing on the delicious cake is that the Corrino and Atreides bloodlines have been intertwined before. Or at least their ancient ancestors were together. The present princess is in a relationship with her swords master mentor, an Atreides. Before she is stuck being wed to a child, they have a steamy night together in a spice den.
Would have been interesting if Paul while memory walking into the past, saw how their houses did find the connection to be together. Houses intertwined together at points over those thousands of years. Even his father was seen as a sort of son to the emperor. Irulan was close to being married to him if she were older. My thoughts so far on that amazing first episode of the series lol
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444namesplus · 7 days ago
reversed finnish forenames
Aatsuk Adii Aeen Aen Ahuar Aidyyl Aiim Ailime Ailuj Ajhal Ajia Ajiam Ajiam-allu Ajiar Ajie Ajlih Ajlil Ajlim Ajra Ajre Ajrem Ajri Ajrim Akkep Akkep-ahuj Akkep-ira Akkii Akkiirneh Akkli Akkre Akkrip Akkunna Akkuut Aliar Alias Alie Alittam Alle Allih Allim Alsa Alsiak Amli Amme Amous Amrav Amroj Amso Anaaj Anaas Ania Aniat Anii Aniil Aniileve Aniinna Anile Aniraak Anle Anna Annah Anneh Annej Anoo Anooj Appihra Applih Apris Araas Aras Areev Aria Aroon Arua Arual Asiak Asiak-anna Asiil-ajiam Asiil-anna Asiv Asle Asna Asoor Ateh Atiir-ajie Atirip Atli Atnam Attajram Attiir Attit Attuj Atuul Avee Avio Avrenak Avrim Avtir Ekkin Elak Elliv Enat Enie Ennaj Ennam Enua Enyyt Ere Erej Essal Essej Ikkieh Ikkileim Ikkillyk Ikkilua Ikkimul Ikkinna Ikkiryyn Ikkre Ikryj Iksih Ileh Ilemas Ilepaa Ilev Ilia Ilio Illil Illyk Ilua Iluar Ilyyl Imar Imataa Imiat Imis Imleh Imlesna Imli Imra Inahuj Inapat Inas Inia Iniam Inios Inna Innej Innes Inno Inoj Inua Inyt Ipmel Ipot Irakas Iramli Irani Ireem Iretnas Irettlav Iriis Irij Iroj Irual Isap Iskela Isra Isrik Isse Issna Itou Ittam Ittam-ahuj Ittla Ittna Ittra Ittrep Ittuun Ituo Ivaat Ivalo Ivee Ivelak Ivelleh Ivellih Ivhos Iviiv Ivio Ivis Ivlat Ivleh Ivlip Ivout Ivra Ivrem Ivus Limee Ohliv Ohnet Ohru Ohuj Oipat Ojiek Ojret Ojrip Oker Okin Okkiev Okkim Okko Okkrek Okkrip Okku Oksa Okse Oksis Okuoj Olaj Olav Oleik Omia Omiar Omiek Omli Ommik Omraj Omrat Oneiv Onia Onie Onre Onua Onuak Onual Onuam Onuu Opaak Opla Oppaa Oppes Oppis Oppli Opru Oraa Oree Oretna Orii Orut Osta Otam Otho Otlav Otsir Ottiov Otto Ouoj Ovaap Ovha Ovii Ovra Ovrat Ovrelak Ovrellep Ovrellet Ovrelluk Ovuet Samout Sanooj Senii Silee Sukram-omout Trevee Uka Ukas Ukir Ukkram Ukkris Umaa Umeet Umiim Una Unam Unap Unnah Unuam Uppliv Usaj Usiak Utas Utee Uter Uttnas Uttnim Uttra Uttrek Uttut Ylyl Yskys Äjleh Öjry
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zootopianewsnetwork · 5 years ago
Holding Hands
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For as much as Disney might want to toe the line in regards to the status of Nick and Judy’s true relationship, it seems that their respective mascots at Walt Disney World have more concrete feelings in mind...
Check out the video provided by Irual on our website:
🐾 ══▶ Click Here ◀══ 🐾
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
The tragic side of Irual (Irulan/Paul) with book quotes 😿
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
Always near each other in multiple universes~
Amy/Laurie and Paul/Irulan ♥♥♥
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
A beautiful edit that tells a story of what was behind the scenes or what could have been.
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
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Hmm, summaries like this can change but I was right that Chani was prego. From the sound of this - don't think they will do a major time-skip. As emperor he has done that right after crowning himself as such as well as into years ahead. Don't think the time skip is necessary for the story. This might take place months after the end of Dune: 2. Could see this causing friction between Irulan and Paul. Especially if he kept his word with them being co-rulers and perhaps more. Jealousy can still be present since he still loves Chani and obsessed with finding her or bringing her to safety to the palace. Her or the BG wanting to assassinate Chani. Irulan didn't want Chani's death in the books and in the movies isn't 100 percent team bene Gesserit. She might make the decision to help Paul keep Chani alive despite it breaking her heart. 🤔 Irulan and Paul were described as 'ill fated lovers' before during the press tour I think. Then again, could have been a slip for those that didn't read the books.
Does make the mind reel with how this may play out.
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
A golden moment of Irulan/Paul from the past
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While their wasn't much interaction between the two in SciFi's mini series adaption what they did give us was generous~ Showed how if fate was kinder to them, they most likely would have chosen to be together of their own free will. In the scene they shared, the princess was sent to a party being thrown by the atreides house to represent the emperor. Paul was still himself, moody and hot tempered before his calling and the water of life happened. After Paul gets tipsy from spiced beer he made this comical display for his friend while impersonating the Baron Harkonnen. Irulan appears to have an obvious attraction to Paul. Clapping at his display and essentially crashing his merry making. Paul gave a side-eyed glance to his friend as a silent signal to leave the two of them alone. It's interesting to note that their are equal amounts of flirting as their is passive aggressive banter. Paul warning her about the beer and Irulan rising to his challenge and drinks the rest of it down. Slight cattiness in him mentioning how she isn't 'refined'. She tries to show how they are the same, understands him since they both are burdened with heavy responsibilities. Her with being the future Empress and him as the duke, protecting the most vital resource in the universe. Both feeling that solitude. This scene showed Paul's attraction to her yet also assessing who she really is past the surface. Heavy flirting from Irulan being bold about trying to spark his interest. The tension is there as they get closer with every response in their verbal discourse about their lives. Irulan tried to prove her life isn't just roses and rainbows. The image above shows how close they were to a kiss. They even begin to dance together. Yet their time of understanding and chemistry is short lived because then their protectors from both sides come and are ready to start attacking each other with the princess having gone 'missing'. The display proved her points to Paul about being in a cage. Their was a cute exchange with Paul saying she was under his protection and her scoffing at that. ♥
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It's a beautifully romantic scene...the lighting with the moonlight in the background. Irulan taking the initiative to hold his arm which is caught in the reflection of the window to lead him into a dance 💕💗😳
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They show foreshadowing of how well they would serve as an emperor and empress. Being the responsible ones and leading by example since their underlings were itching to start a conflict. Irulan mentioning that she hopes to see him again. Then the massacre of house atreides happens. Irulan is furious with her father using her (not to her knowledge) to lull them into a false sense of security. She is so upset by what happened that she sent her own people out to find out the truth of what transpired. Paul had to flee to the desert and well we know what happens after that. Sad how if they were in their regular stations in life things could have been different. Time passed and misunderstandings over her part in it even small, may have ocurred. Paul can go through memories so perhaps he did realize she was innocent in that but in this version time wasn't kind for them. He met chani and had a child with her in those years of waiting for the right time to get revenge.
Can watch the scene on youtube should you desire.
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
My Paul & Irulan Playlist
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irualdesire · 2 months ago
Fanfic alarm: Conqueress
One week had passed since Paul had killed Feyd-Rautha, one week since he had agreed to spare Shaddam IV's life at Irulan’s request. A week, and yet the world seemed no closer to equilibrium. But Irulan. She, above all, secretly unnerved him. And it was simply because he could not clearly read her motives. Not at first, anyway.
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
Fanfic Update
Another Way by AlmostG
Summary: What if Princess Irulan and Paul Atreides had met before the events of Dune?
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
Here for failmarriage screaming match done through voice with these two. Irulan may be more skilled with Bene Gesserit skills compared to her book counterpart. Paul would always be stronger but can see that with tempers rising, Irulan in the moment would at least try.
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irualdesire · 3 months ago
Liked the focus on Paul targeting Irulan, recognizing her from his vision ♥ He was planning this moment since Dune: part 1
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
New Irulan/Paul fanfic alert ♥
Paul knew the woman sitting before the board only as a symbol: the daughter of an overthrown Emperor, his wife by necessity, and a presence that spoke of alliances and power plays. In the day, their interactions were sparse, cold, as if each saw the other only through a pane of ice. Yet tonight, her expression was different. Open, vulnerable in a way he had never seen. The sight unsettled him more than any political crisis.
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
The beginning of the mind games...
Just saw an interview between Florence Pugh and timmy and it added another layer to the proposal scene. That Irulan's plan with the reverend mother was already to be wed/seduce the victor who would be the next emperor to stay in power. How they played it was Paul already knew this beforehand. Irulan realizing that he made the first move on their mental chess board and seemed surprised for a moment with her eyes. Then, before he developed feelings for Chani he already was thinking of how the daughters of the emperor were unwed. So this was either a plan he was mulling over since after his house was attacked and mostly wiped out. Or he saw a vision he would be wed to Irulan that came about off screen in the first movie.
Feel bad for Chani. He was conflicted about not changing yet still feeling he had to stay the course of fate while also wanting power needed for revenge. Yet perhaps in the back of his mind he always seriously considered having the marriage of convenience. No matter his feelings for her, seems that step in his plan to secure the throne should he survive far enough into the visions was premeditated.
That moment between them where apparently she knows that he knows that she knows he's aware of what she was conditioned for. To marry him or Feyh lol 😆
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irualdesire · 4 months ago
Figured I would share some of my favorite irulan/paul edits since we need more love for this pairing~
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