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oocmuumit · 2 months ago
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gregor-samsung · 1 month ago
" Sottomissione di Michel Houellebecq, in cui si svolge l’incontro tra i due personaggi, è uno dei pochi romanzi che sa raccontare il nuovo secolo europeo, e in particolare lo scacco culturale, oltre che economico, del continente. Chi sono i due protagonisti dell'incontro sulla terrazza dell'Istituto del mondo arabo? Mentre Mohammed Ben Abbes non esiste, il “principe saudita” esiste, anche se lo scrittore non lo dice. Per un curioso scherzo della storia, Mohammed Bin Salman diventa ministro della difesa e presidente del Consiglio per gli affari economici e di sviluppo dell'Arabia Saudita proprio nel gennaio 2015, lo stesso mese in cui esce il romanzo di Houellebecq, a pochi giorni dall'attentato alla sede di Charlie Hebdo a Parigi.
Da quel momento Mohammed Bin Salman consolida il potere, attraverso la gestione delle operazioni belliche in Yemen, che generano una tragedia umanitaria di lungo corso, e attraverso un nuovo profilo della monarchia dell'Arabia Saudita, il Paese centrale tra le petromonarchie del Golfo. In particolare, Mohammed Bin Salman lancia un ampio progetto di trasformazione dell'economia e della società saudita, Vision 2030, puntualmente amplificato dalle pubblicazioni economiche internazionali, attraverso una cassa di risonanza senza precedenti. All'inizio del 2016 viene annunciata la quotazione del gigante petrolifero Saudi Aramco, per un valore di “trilioni di dollari”, secondo le opinioni saudite riportate da The Economist. Il settimanale britannico chiede a Bin Salman se sta preparando in Arabia Saudita la rivoluzione di Margaret Thatcher, e lui annuisce con convinzione. Nel 2016 è di moda identificare il viceprincipe ereditario attraverso le sue iniziali, MBS, e rivendicare familiarità col suo profilo dinamico. MBS indossa giacca, camicia e jeans mentre incontra Mark Zuckerberg, abbigliato con la tradizionale t-shirt. Ciò desta attenzione, e in alcuni casi commozione: jeans e t-shirt segnano un tornante della storia. Il viceprincipe ereditario conquista la parola-pigliatutto del XXI secolo, “innovazione”, prima di conquistare l’eredità formale del trono saudita nel 2017, procedendo alla deposizione dell'erede designato Muhammad Bin Nayef, fino a quel momento personaggio di fiducia degli apparati americani. Fino a quando, a fine 2018, il giornalista saudita Jamal Khashoggi diviene irreperibile. È stato ucciso, e poi con ogni probabilità fatto a pezzi, all'interno del consolato saudita a Istanbul. Nelle copertine pochi mesi prima irretite dalla trasformazione saudita verso il 2030, viene esposta l’indignazione per la morte di Khasoggi, simbolo della libertà di stampa. Anche questo è il capitalismo. "
Alessandro Aresu, Le potenze del capitalismo politico. Stati Uniti e Cina, La nave di Teseo (collana Krisis -diretta da Massimo Cacciari e Natalino Irti- n°4), febbraio 2020. [Libro elettronico]
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neroushalvaus · 1 year ago
Pöllitty brittien vastaavasta äänestyksestä:
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nocternalrandomness · 1 year ago
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"Silver Spitfire"
The Longest Flight....
This Spit is an RAF 1943 Vickers Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX. In 2019 she made an impressive four month, record setting around the world tour, traveling about 27,000 miles and visiting 25 different countries.
The Silver Spitfire is one of the most original airworthy Spitfires in the world.
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valejaloittelija · 8 months ago
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mun lisko alkoi levyttää valokeilan vieressä lmao idiootti
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karvoja · 7 months ago
Kun ryhmä japanilaisia Aki Kaurismäki -faneja saapuu pakettimatkalle Karkkilaan, tavoitteena on nähdä niin paljon Kaurismäki-kohteita kuin mahdollista – sekä toivon mukaan itse fanituksen kohde.
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JOSSAIN täällä Irma kävi miehen kanssa sieniretkellä.
Kello on kahdeksan aamulla, ja ryhmä japanilaisia turisteja tähyää alas Ruuhilammen näköalapaikalta Karkkilassa.
Samoissa metsissä on kuvattu kohtaus Aki Kaurismäen elokuvaan Mies vailla menneisyyttä, jossa Pelastusarmeijan sotilas Irma ja muistinsa menettänyt mies kohtaavat ja rakastuvat.
Parikymmentä vannoutunutta Kaurismäki-fania on saapunut Tokiosta pakettimatkalle Karkkilaan.
Ensimmäinen etappi on aamukävely ja piknik Ruuhilammella. Kävellessä on maisteltu mustikoita ja kuultu Kaurismäen avohakkuuvastaisuudesta.
Matkaopas on karkkilalaisen Kino Laika -elokuvateatterin omistaja Mika Lätti. Elokuvateatterin toinen omistaja on itse Aki Kaurismäki, mutta hän ei ainakaan vielä näyttäydy faneilleen.
Ohjaaja on rakentamassa samana iltana aukeavaa Kaihon kultamaa -valokuvanäyttelyä elokuvateatterin tiloihin.
Mutta näyttelyavajaiset kuuluvat pakettimatkan ohjelmaan. Ehkä Kaurismäki vielä löytyy. "Kaikenlaista hienoa tulee tapahtumaan tänään, lupaan sen", Lätti sanoo matkaajille.
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MENEILLÄÄN on ensimmäinen matkatoimiston järjestämä Kaurismäki-teemainen matka Karkkilaan. Reissun hintalappu on 468 000 jeniä eli noin 2 700 euroa. Pakettimatkaa järjestävän Fintourin nettisivuilla japanilaisten Kaurismäki-fanitus on nimetty Aki-maniaksi.
Japanilaisten erityisen innokkaan fanituksen puolesta puhuvat muun muassa Japaniin perustetut Kaurismäki-teemaiset kahvilat ja ravintolat sekä Kuolleille lehdille omistettu nettisivu.
Kaurismäen Japani-suosio on näkynyt Kino Laikassa Mika Lätin arvion mukaan noin puolentoista vuoden ajan.
Hän kertoo, että Karkkilassa käy lähes viikoittain yksittäisiä japanilaisia Kaurismäki-faneja. "Kun ne näkevät Akin, ne meinaavat pökrätä."
Laikassa on vieraillut esimerkiksi kiotolaisen Suomi-baarin pitäjä.
Hän toi tuliaisena Helsingin metroreittejä muistuttavan kartan, jossa pysäkkien nimet on korvattu Kaurismäen elokuvien suomen- ja japaninkielisillä nimillä.
TÄLLÄ nelipäiväisellä matkalla kierretään Kaurismäen elokuvien kuvauspaikkoja niin Karkkilassa kuin Helsingissäkin.
Matkalaisille on tehty myös "Laika-bingo". Siihen on listattu Kaurismäen elokuvista tuttuja kasvoja, joihin saattaa törmätä pakettimatkan aikana. Kärjessä on Aki Kaurismäen nimi, mutta myös esimerkiksi Lätti löytyy bingosta, koska hän vilahtaa Toivon tuolla puolen -elokuvassa.
Pakettimatkailijoiden aikataulu on tiukka.
Bussi on kuljettanut HelsinkiVantaan lentokentälle laskeutuneet japanilaiset Karkkilan Tehtaan hotellin pihaan jo aamukuudeksi.
Wakana Sekiyama kertoo, että lentokoneessa vietetyn yön aikana ei juuri nukuttu. Väsymys on kuitenkin vähäistä innostuksen rinnalla. Hän odottaa eniten kuvauspaikkojen näkemistä.
Mikä Kaurismäen elokuvissa on hänestä parasta? "Tunnen oloni onnelliseksi", hän vastaa.
Kun pakettimatkalle osallistuvalta Ko Murakamilta puolestaan kysyy parasta Kaurismäen elokuvaa, hän kaivaa puhelimeltaan esiin kuvan Suomi-baarin pitäjän Karkkilaankin tuomasta metrokartasta ja osoittaa suunnilleen Tapiolan kohtaa. Tällä kartalla pysäkin nimi on Varjoja paratiisissa.
Murakami on roskakuski – niin kuin elokuvan päähenkilö Nikanderkin.
Murakamin kumppanin Kazuyo Kusumin suosikkielokuva löytyy metrokartasta Siilitien suunnilta: Kauas pilvet karkaavat. Se tuo kuulemma toivoa.
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RUUHILAMMEN näköalapaikalla raparperipiirakat ja laatikollinen mansikoita pitävät matkailijoiden nälän kurissa.
Piknikviltin välittömään läheisyyteen istahtanut Yoshito Shimamura on syömisen lisäksi keskittynyt valokuvaamaan tarjoiluja. Hän omistaa Japanissa leipomon.
Shimamuraa on auttanut leipomon perustamisessa ystävä, joka omistaa Tokiossa kahvipaahtimon nimeltä Tatjana. Paikka on nimetty Kaurismäen Pidä huivista kiinni, Tatjana -elokuvan mukaan.
Sanojensa painoksi Shimamura kaivaa kassistaan paahtimon nimellä ja logolla varustetun huivin.
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OSA japanilaisista on ihaillut Kaurismäkeä vuosikymmeniä, Leningrad Cowboys -elokuvista ja Kauas pilvet karkaavat -leffasta asti, mutta matkalla on mukana myös faneja, joiden ensimmäinen Kaurismäki-kokemus on ollut Kuolleet lehdet viime talvena.
Muutama sanoo fanittavansa ennen kaikkea elokuvien musiikkia.
Matkan tulkkina ja oppaana toimiva Etsuro Endo kertoo olleensa fani jo ainakin 30 vuotta. Suomessa asuva Endo on opetellut aikoinaan suomea pitkälti Kaurismäen elokuvien avulla. Nyt hän tulkkaa niiden herättämiä tuntemuksia vaivatta vuoroin suomesta japaniksi ja päinvastoin. "Akin elokuvat on aika surullisia, mutta jossain on aina pieni toivo ja lämpö", hän kuvailee.
Endo on ollut mukana japanilaisen Aki-faniyhteisön toiminnassa ja hän tulkkasi Alma Pöystiä Kuolleiden lehtien Japaninkiertueella. Lisäksi Endo on näytellyt avustajaroolin Toivon tuolla puolen -elokuvassa – siksi hänestäkin saa merkinnän bingoon.
PALUUMATKALLA näköalapaikalta turistibussi karkkilalaisen metsän reunalla herättää ohikulkijoissa jonkinasteista ihmetystä.
Jos Karkkila on japanilaisturisteille jokseenkin erikoinen nähtävyys, niin on myös japanilaisten matkailijoiden ryhmä karkkilalaisille. Etsuro Endon mielestä Karkkilalla olisi potentiaalia suurempaankin turistivirtaan. "Akin maailman vetovoima on ihan uskomaton. Karkkila on suuri mahdollisuus."
Ainakin Aki-maanisesta näkökulmasta Karkkilassa tuntuu tosiaan riittävän nähtävää. Sen huomaa, kun ohjelmassa on vuorossa Karkkilan ympäriajo.
Tavalla tai toisella Aki Kaurismäkeen liittyviä maamerkkejä putkahtelee bussimatkustajien silmien eteen jatkuvalla syötöllä. Ensimmäisenä nähdään Kaurismäen These Boots -musiikkivideosta tuttu hyppytorni Pyhäjärven uimarannalla.
Mika Lätti kertoo, että rannan viereisellä tenniskentällä on vastikään pelattu valurautapannutenniksen MM-kullasta, mikä herättää bussissa hilpeyttä. Voittajaksi julistettiin Jukka Rautiai- nen, joka on näytellyt pieniä rooleja useammassa Kaurismäen elokuvassa.
Sitten ohi vilahtaa omakotitalo, jonka piha näkyy Mies vailla menneisyyttä -elokuvassa.
Jaloittelemaan noustaan Myllykoskella, jonne Shemeikka ja Maria menevät kesäretkelle elokuvassa Juha. Myöhemmin kierroksella turistibussi huristelee Turuntietä, jota Pidä huivista kiinni, Tatjanan avauskohtauksessa ajetaan moottoripyörillä.
Bussista kuuluu jatkuvasti oivaltavia äännähdyksiä. Tutulta näyttää.
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YMPÄRIAJO päättyy lounaan jälkeen Kino Laikan elokuvasaliin.
Siellä esitetään Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö sekä Kaurismäen lyhytelokuvia. Salin punaisilla penkeillä turistiryhmä alkaa myös olla fanituksensa kohteen välittömässä läheisyydessä, sillä Lätti on juuri nähnyt yhä illan näyttelyavajaisia valmistelevan Kaurismäen vilaukselta.
Vaikka Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö ei ole esimerkki erityisen toiveikkaasta elokuvasta, pakettimatkailijat tuntuvat olevan yhtä mieltä siitä, että nimenomaan toiveikas tunnelma puhuttelee Kaurismäen tuotannossa.
Kun Ryosei Murabayashi näki Kuolleet lehdet elokuvateatterissa, hänelle jäi mieleen ennen kaikkea sen onnellinen loppu. Kielimuurinkin takaa hän pystyy tarkentamaan, miksi: "Love, love, love." Rakkaus, rakkaus, rakkaus.
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PERIMMÄINEN syy japanilaisten Aki-maniaan on Mika Lätin mukaan mysteeri Kaurismäelle itselleenkin. Ilmiö otetaan kuitenkin lämmöllä vastaan.
Lähes 8 000 kilometrin matkan päästä saapuviin faneihin on Laikassa varauduttu: elokuvateatterin nettisivut ovat nykyään saatavilla osittain japaniksi.
Karkkilassa toivotaan, ettei ensimmäinen pakettimatka jäisi ainoaksi.
Kenties japanilaisessa faniyhteisössä haaveillaan samasta – ainakin kun neitsytpakettimatkailijat palaavat Japaniin Kaurismäen nimikirjoitukset mukanaan.
Elokuvanäytöksen jälkeen fanit nimittäin kohtasivat idolinsa valokuvanäyttelyn avajaisissa. Bingo!
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chomametchi · 2 months ago
omg luin sun tagit angelgotchista ja mulla on sama ongelma 😭 oon legit meinannu et rikon sen takakannen siit että pääsen kokeilee, oon yrittäny vääntää sitä vitin ruuvvii nii paljo et siit on menny kierteet 🥲
:DDD tässä on nyt kunnon vertaistukiryhmä kasassa
siis tilasin ton mun joskus viis vuotta sit ja siitä on kans ruuvit paskana kunnon vääntämisen jäljiltä mut ei vaa aukee!! perheen raavas röimies joutu myös luovuttamaa ja mietin vaa et kuka helvetti noi on vääntäny alunperin noin tiukalle ja miks 😭
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enwie · 1 year ago
Nyt on syksy 2023 antakaa minulle se myyrän neljäs kausi olen sen ansainnut 😠
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toonfinatic · 2 years ago
Joskus haluun puhuu Alfred J Kwakista muille ihmisille koska se on hiton kova antifasistinen sarja mut KAIKKI jotka tietää sen on ollu ihmisii jotka sai siit irti vaan sen et "hahaa hassu hitlervitsi Korppi based sillee läbäl xd" :(
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saurorus · 2 years ago
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hiljametsa · 4 months ago
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neroushalvaus · 2 years ago
Luuletteko, että minustakin voisi tulla Perussuomalaisten kansanedustaja, jos tekisin youtubeen huonosti editoituja videoita, joissa puhuisin siitä, kuinka [pyöräyttää onnenpyörää] katujengit ja gender-ideologia ovat osa jälkikristillistä agendaa mureuttaa länsi. Tästä vasemmistopuolueet, kuten [pyöräyttää uudestaan] Kokoomus ja Vihreät, eivät uskalla puhua sananvapauden ollessa vaarassa dystooppisen cäncel-kulttuurin alla,
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ruttotohtori · 5 months ago
Jos suorittais tee-sr-itse - amputaation ni eihän kukaa vois sit takavarikoida sitä poistettua osaa, kossrn haluis vaik säilöä formaldehydissä tai muumioida?
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eksopolitiikka · 5 months ago
Elämää hybridiolentona Maapallolla
Elämää hybridiolentona Maapallolla
∞9D Arcturuksen Neuvosto, Kanavoinut Daniel Scranton
“Tervehdys. Me olemme Arcturuksen Neuvosto. Me olemme mielissämme saadessamme yhteyden kaikkiin teihin.
Olette merkittäviä olentoja, ja monet muut olennot eri puolilla galaksia ja maailmankaikkeutta ovat kiinnittäneet huomiota ihmiskuntaan. Olette kulkeneet melko pitkästi päästäksenne sinne, missä olette, alentaaksenne värähtelyänne tarpeeksi, jotta voitte saada niitä lukemattomia kokemuksia, joita keräätte siellä Maan päällä, ja kaikki se kiehtoo tietoisuutta kaikkialla tässä universumissa. Saamme jakaa Linnunradan galaksin teidän kaikkien kanssa ja tunnemme olevamme hyvin onnekkaita, että voimme kutsua teitä galaktiseksi perheeksemme. Tiedämme, että kyseenalaistatte usein valintanne olla siell�� Maan päällä koko elämänne ajan ja tiedämme, että voitte kohdata samanaikaisesti monia erilaisia haasteita. Ja haluamme teidän tietävän, että ajoittain teitä palvelee hyvin paljon se, että vain päästätte irti.
Päästä irti ajatuksesta, että sinun pitäisi olla jossain muualla kuin siellä, missä olet. Päästä irti ajatuksesta, että sinun pitäisi olla pidemmällä kuin olet nyt. Päästä irti kaikista kiintymyksistäsi siihen, että elämäsi olisi erilaista kuin mitä se on nyt. Päästä irti, päästä irti ja päästä vielä lisää irti, ja huomaat uppoavasi mukavasti nyt-hetkeen, jossa voit kamppailusta irti päästyäsi vain rauhoittua ja kokea sen. Koe se tietäen, että luot sen omaksi korkeimmaksi parhaaksesi. Koe se tietäen, että se muuttuu koko ajan, riippumatta siitä, mitä koet. Koe todellisuus sellaisena kuin se on juuri nyt tietäen, että voit päästä käsiksi enemmän siihen, kuka oikeasti olet, kun hidastat ja pysähdyt kokonaan, ja voit olla enemmän ihmisen ja Alkulähteen energian hybridi.
Ja kun tunnistatte tämän, voitte nähdä, miten tunteiden kohtaaminen on iso osa matkaa, koska suuri osa siitä, mitä teette siellä Maan päällä, on peittämistä, naamioimista, tukahduttamista, turruttamista yhteen tai useampaan tunteeseen. Mutta kun kohtaatte ne ja liikutte niiden läpi, teistä tulee voimakkaampia kuin tulessa taotusta teräksestä. Teistä tulee valmiita siihen mitä on tulossa seuraavaksi, ja voitte kokea sen mitä on tulossa seuraavaksi uudella ja paremmin linjassa olevalla tavalla, koska kun löydätte itsenne, löydätte itsenne kokonaan. Ja kun koko minänne opastaa teitä, se voi tehdä sen paljon enemmän korkeamman mielen tietämyksen avulla.
Haluamme teidän tietävän, että mielestämme olette tehneet upeaa työtä niissä olosuhteissa, joita elämä on teille tarjonnut, ja haluamme teidän tietävän, että se myös paranee, koska korkeampi tietoisuus, joka on yllänne, vaikuttaa. Korkeamman taajuuden energiat tarttuvat teihin ja ravistatte irti kaiken, mikä on alempaa värähtelyä. Ja teistä on tulossa yhtä koko itsenne kanssa, jotta voitte kokea tämän seuraavan elämänvaiheen paljon enemmän iloa, rakkautta, jännitystä ja rauhaa sydämissänne, ja se on kaikki, mitä voitte oikeastaan pyytää itseltänne. Muuttakaa kokemuksenne todellisuudesta juuri nyt ja silloin muutatte kaiken. Se on ihmisen ja Alkulähteen energian hybridin tapa elää.
Me olemme Arcturuksen Neuvosto, ja me olemme nauttineet yhteydestä kanssanne.”
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monicaalexandraaa · 8 months ago
Missed them! Loved this and the end was so good🤭
Toothpaste III
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Read Toothpaste here | ~2.6k words
From me: Been way longer than it was supposed to since I last chatted about these two.
Warnings: a couple sweet fluffy puns and pining.
Summary: Harry realizes there's a bit of nepotism in hiring her to work for him while she finds a new job. But Harry would call it flat out favoritism. Also, he really likes the way she says Dr. Styles when she answers the phone.
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“Good morning, Dr. Styles office.”
Harry was used to hearing his name said by women all the time. He worked with all women—they all reminded him of his mum which is why he hired them. Unfortunately, he found that many of the newly graduated dental hygienists were there for him...and not the job. He started his practice fresh out of school. Wanting to make good on his degree (and start pecking away at the loan debt from dental school) and help those with toothaches as soon as humanly possible. He was kind to each of them, but he wasn’t oblivious to the flirting that attempted to reel him in during the interview process. They would make small remarks about how they saw themselves fitting right in at his practice—and life. They batted their eyelashes and smiled just a hair too hard.
Now, he was no better than those he turned down in favor of the woman flitting about his office and eyeing the same sweet girl on desk duty. Hiring her because she was pretty, funny, intelligent.
And very much unemployed thanks to him.
Not even dinner first?
It rang in his head. The promise to take her to dinner still only remained just that: a promise. He had given her space as she was excited about the time to herself for the first time in two years. But then when she called again about a month after, claiming she was getting bored and antsy, Harry had to hire her. There had been paperwork to get hired. Training in what her tasks would be as she made the desk her home-away-from-home.
It seemed wrong to hire her and desperately want to go on a date with her, so he separated the two. Let her get her feet under her and whatnot. So, he never got to find out if ‘open’ would be the last of their flirting.
Unfortunately, Harry was ready to let all of his sanity fly out the window. The way Styles sounded in her mouth was a sin and a virtue. Completely and totally the cause for him struggling to maintain a semblance of control over his emotions.
“I know we say drooling is good thing in this office, Dr. Styles, but that’s a bit much,” Mary chided as she walked past him in the small hallway between rooms. Harry cleared his throat. Once more thankful for the mask covering the majority of his face to hide the blush that rose to his cheeks. She was none the wiser, fiddling with a pen as she listened intently. The little headset on her head while she scribbled on a notepad.
“Let me check and I’ll call you right back, yeah? If not, I’ll find someone to recommend,” her voice was so soothing, oozing with kindness and understanding that Harry didn’t know was necessary for someone scheduling appointments for him, but it was the moment he heard her voice. There was an exchange of goodbyes and then she clicked the headset off. “Dr. Styles,” she sang analyzing her notes while clicking and tapping away at her keyboard.
Now Harry had to pretend like he wasn’t just waiting for her to call for his attention. He turned immediately into a patient room where Helen was tending to a teen boy. Helen glanced up; her eyes danced with a smile unseen by her own mask as she continued to pick at the buildup between her patient’s teeth. “Toby isn’t due for an exam, Dr. Styles,” Helen teased.
He glared at her briefly and turned to call out of the room. “Jus’ a second, love.”
“Did you hear that, Toby?” Helen whispered. “Dr. Styles is a bit smitten with his secretary. He’s trying to act casual.”
Toby smiled around the instruments in his mouth and peered back toward where Harry stood. “She pre-ee,” he murmured.
“She is pretty,” Helen agreed. “But he’s pretending like he isn’t in love with her.” Toby chuckled around the tool once more and Harry glared at him.
“There’s a joke ‘bout me being a sadistic dentist, Toby. Make sure y’floss before y’next exam,” he warned lowly. “Helen,” he nodded.
“Dr. Styles,” she nodded in response, the smile never leaving her eyes.
She was scribbling on the calendar in front of her inputting as many random national dates as possible. It started shortly after her arrival. The other women in the office usually multitasked their dental duties as well as the front desk. They were excited to have her. As motherly as they were, they knew immediately why Dr. Styles hired the pretty girl and were hopeful the otherwise quiet, shy man would open himself up for her and let love in rather than spend all his waking hours thinking about his practice.
The day of her follow up appointment, she informed him it was National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and she wanted to be sure she would be allowed to celebrate.
“National what?” He chuckled.
It was the kind of thing that made life a little more enjoyable, she explained. After he hired her to be secretary, it was a whirlwind filling the calendar with as many silly days to recognize as possible. Many days had multiple things to be celebrated, so she chose carefully. National Dimples Day was a must—given that Harry had pretty dimples hiding behind his mask. It was followed by National Pina Colada Day, and she told him it was one of her favorite summer drinks.
“Did y’need something?” His voice was warm. Like always. The way it made her feel safe when she was scared that first time she met him, worried a root canal was in her very immediate future. “What’s that say?”
“National Retainer Day!” She nearly cheered. She looked up at him with a bright smile and he couldn’t help but fall harder for her. Each topic of the day was curated with someone in mind. Even the other ladies in the office got their moment to celebrate something they loved as she would randomly call out factoids about the coming month. “Anyone like rosé?” She had called.
“Who doesn’t?!” Melissa shouted back. Of course, the entire time she worked was spent mainly doing tasks, waiting in between calls and tasks to continue filling in the calendar with her funny days of recognition.
Harry was still chuckling about Retainer Day. “Something y’needed t’ask from y’phone call?” He repeated gently to jog her memory.
“Oh yes,” she dropped her pen midway through writing National “Ba” and he felt a little bad for interrupting her thought. Also, he desperately wanted to know the end of the word, and what they would be celebrating in a few weeks. She opened a different window back up and held her notebook poised professionally in front of her. “It’s a little boy,” she explained. “His teeth sound a lot like mine, so I’m probably being too nice,” she frowned. “I know you’re not a pediatric dentist, but the mom sounded exhausted so I told her I would ask and if not recommend someone you know personally from dental school who would take care of him.”
The kindness in her heart was way too sweet. No wonder she was filled with cavities.
“S’fine, set it up, I’ll look.”
“Like today?”
“S’it that serious?” Harry asked curiously.
“Mom sounds exhausted.”
“Like she’s going t’pull her son’s teeth out at a hardware store?”
“Exactly,” her smile was so beautiful. Harry knew smiles.
“S’this m’next patient?” He asked pointing at the tablet waiting beside her. She handed it to him and watched him read.
The way Harry leaned against the counter surrounding her desk put his forearms on full display making her stomach flip. Due to the mask, she couldn’t see his mouth—which was probably for the best. If she saw his lips, his nice teeth, perfect smile, or that dimple in his left cheek she would do something crazy, like kiss him in the middle of his waiting room. Even though no one was there in the waiting room, it seemed like a precedent she couldn’t let happen. Especially when her coworkers were down the hall with patients as well.
His eyes were so focused on the tablet, he didn’t even notice she was staring at him. His concentration was adorable. It was obvious Harry cared about all his patients. He was so intelligent (obviously) and just overall lovely.
“Are we ever going to go on our date?” She whispered quietly so not even Mary, Helen, or Melissa could hear.
Harry nearly dropped the tablet. His mask saved him once more by hiding his surprise. “Oh...um...” It spooked him that she was so confident and easy going about their flirting. It was only a few moments of flirtation and yet, it was enough to make him flustered. Tongue-tied. His brain misfired, no words could get out of his mouth.
Which was not great for her.
“I’m sorry,” she looked away and her hair fell in front of her face so he couldn’t see her embarrassment. “That was rude, I was...” she shook her head. “Forget I said it.”
Her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest, and she thought she might die of mortification. How could she say that in the middle of the workday? That was so inappropriate. Maybe more inappropriate since he was a hand deep in her mouth and she asked to open for him. At least then she was a patient and could leave. Instead, he was going to have to go be a hand deep in someone else’s mouth thinking about how she cornered him and flirted with him when she shouldn’t have.
Her stupid mouth was going to get her fired again. She finished the word “Bagel” on her calendar and looked for the information to call that poor mother back. She dialed the phone number and listened on her headset at the other end rang.
A note was dropped on her desk, a prescription paper from Harry’s notepad. Fluttered and settled directly in front of her as the phone continued ringing. She turned to see Harry’s retreating figure before she picked it up and read it.
Tomorrow? Tooth-irty is too early. How about six?
The bell to her apartment rang at quarter to six. She was doing some finishing touches to her hair and makeup, and it seemed they would remain unfinished. She wasn’t mad that he was early because it was making her anxious to wait for so long (hence the extra primping). “Just a second!” She called scrambling to put the last bobby pin in place and swiped mascara over her lashes quickly.
She hurried to the door and pulled it out of the way. Harry held three red roses in his hand. “Sorry m’early. I was... nervous and excited.”
“Nervous?” She questioned.
He nodded but didn’t say anything else. Harry wasn’t a man of many words. He was quiet overall. But when he did speak, every word was warm, important. Nerves must not have been important. “Those are beautiful,” she reached out to touch the mini bouquet. The petals were like velvet, and she imagined that he paid a pretty penny for just three little roses.
“S’not too much?” He asked.
“No,” she shook her head. “They’re perfect.”
He released a relieved sigh and smiled. “Good.”
At dinner, Harry pulled her chair out and his knee bumped hers beneath the table. She tried to memorize every detail of the moment. It was a feeling that started all the way in her toes and worked up to the roots of her hair. This was a big day. A big moment.
Three months ago, she was in a different world. Now she was at a new job, a new apartment, and on a date with her unbelievably handsome dentist and boss. It was unreal and perfect and something that didn’t happen every day. Something that had never happened to her.
So, she was memorizing every little detail so that when she thought about it for the rest of her life she could talk about the wrinkle near the corner of his mouth when he smiled. How his eyebrow quirked up when he read something he liked on the menu. The way his fingers wrapped around the stem of his wine glass like he was a connoisseur. Was he? She wanted to ask.
“S’it alright?” He asked quietly.
In all her memorizing, she forgot how quiet she must have gotten. Even a man as few words as Harry, it was probably unnerving to sit in silence while sipping at wine, listening to the quiet jazz quartet in the corner of the space while the girl across from him nibbled at the bread on her plate and stared at him for what must have been an embarrassing number of minutes. “Yes,” she said quickly, her knee bumping against his and the table causing the glasses to wiggle. He smiled. That gorgeous, beautiful smile that should have been on pamphlets and billboards for his practice. “Sorry,” she cleared her throat.
She wondered if he would ask her back to his place. Was it too much to do that? Maybe they could just hang out. Her entire work week was spent with Harry and yet she just wanted more time with him. Like something had changed in her that this was...this was something more. More than a toothache. More than toothpaste.
“Are you alright, love? You’re awfully quiet...”
“Can I say something...insane? You obviously don’t mind my ranting thus far between my intake form and my appointments. But this one might... really make you regret asking me out... I don’t know... I just think I have spent a lot of my young adulthood being unhappy. I watched rom-coms and read romance novels and envisioned this all-encompassing love that would put Nicholas Sparks to shame. Then I started my job fresh out of college and I hadn’t thought about love in three years? Four years. Four years of not thinking about love, reading about love, watching love and it was my favorite thing in the world...and then I got a toothache and wanted to yank it out myself and you were just there. You don’t say a lot but you... you helped me quit a job I wasn’t happy in, a job I wasn’t in love with a job that was killing me from the inside out,” she took a breath and Harry was stoically watching her. “I am trying to focus on everything that is happening. For the last three months I’ve been trying to figure all of this out and remember every little detail about you. The way that your knee feels next to mine and how your ring clinks on your wine glass and how I have imagined falling in love so many times in my life and I never thought it would happen in a dentist office—arguably, my least favorite place in the world.”
Speechless. Completely totally speechless.
Harry held his hand up for the waiter. “Could we get our food t’go?” He asked.
Part of her hoped the ground would open up and swallow her. The anxiety and mortification she felt was so intense her voice was dead in her throat. All emotion stopped existing. Part of her thought she did combust as he asked to leave. “Is everything alright?” The waiter asked.
“Yes,” Harry nodded assuredly. “S’jus’... I’ve got a bit of a toothache,” he explained and glanced at her finally. The left dimple making itself visible. The relief swam through her. “Need t’head home t’take care of it. S’that okay, love?” He asked quietly.
She nodded. “Yeah,” she cleared her throat. “It’s that sweet tooth of yours.”
“Well, y’know me, love,” he winked and handed his credit card to the waiter. “I crave sweet things.”
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pusangkambing · 7 months ago
I am so like chill and normal and am taking this so so levelheadedly like so chill
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