heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
hi !! i really love your writing you are FEEDING the shinobu stan community🙏 but i need some love for my girl ririka from kkg so could i request a oneshot for ririka and a very bold flirtatious she/her reader!! really want to read about flustered ririka hahaha thank you so much!!
Heyyy Veep
Ririka Momobami x (She/Her) Reader
A/N: I don’t know why, but I struggled on this one for a bit. Hope it’s alright and sorry it took so long! Word Count: 1,416
Ririka sat stiffly at her desk, mask still firmly in place as students gossiped and whispered around her. She knew she should have skipped today, or at least stayed in the student council room like Kirari always did without a care in the world. Even though it was now common knowledge that she and Kirari were twins, she still wore her mask often. It helped make the staring of her peers less penetrating. Before, she was simply the mysterious Vice President. Now, everyone knew who she was and she could feel the questions those stares asked.
Was she like her sister? Was she actually Kirari right now trying to catch another foolish student unawares? Just who was Momobami Ririka? Ririka wished she knew too.
“Heyyy Veep~!”
Ririka blinked slowly beneath her mask and a figure came into focus. A girl, who she soon recognized as one of her classmates that would come by every so often to chat her up, leaning over the front of Ririka’s desk, resting her cheek on her interlaced fingers. When the girl, (Y/n), noticed the slight lift of Ririka’s head, the smile on her lips grew and even her eyes seemed to sparkle.
“Oh good, you are awake! It’s a little hard to tell you know, with the mask.” She chuckled before making herself more comfortable by sitting sideways on Ririka’s desk.
Ririka swallowed inaudibly and blushed while trying to avert her eyes from where (Y/n)’s skirt rode up her thigh to the girl’s face high above her. Still, she kept talking to Ririka as if nothing had changed. Like Ririka’s identity wasn’t much of a surprise or concern to her at all.
“Why do you still wear it anyway? People know who you are now, why not embrace it? It gets uncomfortable in there, right? Why not let everyone see your beautiful face?” She asked in quick succession, tapping the plastic right between the mask’s eye holes.
Ririka stayed silent. Not to be rude, she just didn’t know what to say. Besides Kirari, Runa, on occasion Sayaka, and more notably Mary as of late, (Y/n) hardly ever got this close to her, much less tried to hold a serious conversation with her. It was a lot.
(Y/n)’s smile became more teasing as the silence between them filled the air. She bent in on herself a bit, to make it easier to be at eye-level and whispered in Ririka’s ear, making her shiver.
“Everyone saw you as some mysterious, maybe even scary, unapproachable anomaly, which is pretty attractive, not gonna lie, but…” a pause for dramatic effect, “I think you’re really just a little reserved, shy girl who obediently waits for her sister’s command, but is ever so surely learning to be her own person… and you are super cute!”
Ririka pulled her head away, ears bright red, and (Y/n) laughed, sitting straight once more to give Ririka a little breathing room.
“Don’t be afraid to let loose a little. You don’t have to be your sister’s shadow all the time,” (Y/n) looked over to the door and slid off of Ririka’s desk when she saw the teacher open the door to the classroom, “talk to you later, Ririka-san.”
The other students loitering around took their seats as well and the teacher began their lesson while trying to ignore the group of kids still gambling in the back corner of the room. Meanwhile, Ririka was in her own little world of brain static. Her mask was feeling much too hot and stuffy with the increased flow of blood to her face.
The next day, Ririka went to school without her mask on her face. She still kept it in her school bag of course, just in case. The stares felt more intense without the mask. She could practically hear the cogs grinding in the other student’s heads as she walked past. They were trying to decide if she was Ririka or Kirari. Only Sayaka has ever succeeded in seeing through their deception in all these years. Even if she was Kirari, they wouldn’t know. Sometimes the line was even too blurred for Ririka to differentiate. Mary was certainly helping her through that though.
“You really did it!”
Ririka looked up from the walkway to find (Y/n) jogging over to her. She should have seen this coming after yesterday, but somehow she had convinced herself it was a fluke. What made her decide that, who’s to say.
(Y/n) skidded to a halt right before charging Ririka head on and grasped one of Ririka’s hands in her own before she could recover from the near collision.
“You are so pretty, I hope this means I get to see your face more often.” She said with a wink, raising Ririka’s petrified hand to her lips to place a quick kiss against her knuckles.
Ririka lit up like a Christmas tree at the display and when (Y/n) let go off her hand it flopped limply back to her side. Before she could attempt to begin collecting herself, a buzzing sound came from (Y/n)’s pocket. (Y/n) stuck her hand in and pulled out her phone, reading the message, she cursed and hastily shoved her phone back into her pocket.
“Hey, I forgot I had a gamble planned this morning. It’s too bad, I was hoping to talk to you more. I’ll see you later, Veep!”
Before (Y/n) could get very far, the back of her uniform jacket was tugged back. She turned her head, one eyebrow raised though she still smiled radiantly at Ririka, even as the other girl’s skin became pinker the longer her tongue remained tied. After a couple failed attempts at speech, (Y/n) threw Ririka a bone, her flirty expression softened as she coaxed Ririka’s grip on her jacket to loosen.
“You can come with if you’d like. It won’t be anything crazy like your sister gets up to, but maybe you would find it nice to relax with some low stakes every now and then.”
Ririka drew out a loud exhale and nodded emphatically. Kirari lived and breathed for the next challenge, always chasing after something to distract from boredom or destroy herself like a supernova. Ririka was still trying to understand herself as someone more than an extension of Kirari as Mary had pushed her to do… and gambling, she realized, had decided her course of life since birth. Low stakes, something inconsequential, sounded good, great even.
The bright gleam in (Y/n)’s eyes intensified and she took Ririka’s hand, tugging her towards the school.
“Then let’s go! My friends might act a little antsy with you watching, but they’ll get over it before long, I promise.”
Ririka found herself not minding at all. As long as (Y/n) didn’t leave her alone, she could handle it. There was still a part of her that couldn’t believe she was doing this, however. She couldn’t wait to tell Mary.
Two Months Later
“Heyyy Veep!” (Y/n), in an incredible act of bravery, or foolishness depending on who you asked, had been waiting with a small bouquet of flowers beside a disgruntled looking Sayaka for the twins’ arrival. “Are we still on for lunch today?”
Ririka could feel Kirari staring into the back of her head. She could imagine the sly smile and sharp glint in her eyes and refused to give her the satisfaction of looking back at her and instead nodded wordlessly and ushered (Y/n), almost hurriedly into the school, away from her sister who, thankfully, was taking her sweet time with Sayaka walking beside her.
“Where’s the fire?” (Y/n) laughed, pushing the flowers into Ririka’s hand, “These are for you by the way.”
“Thank you.” Ririka spoke sincerely. Her heart still thudded rapidly at (Y/n)’s gestures, but she was getting used to them over time. “I’m sorry for pulling you away so fast, it’s just that Kirari…”
“Oh, I’m not worried about her. What’s she gonna do? Write me a life plan? I know better than to gamble with her should she choose to offer it. Besides,” she knocked her shoulder against Ririka’s, “she may very well be my sister-in-law one day. We’ll have to play nice.”
Ririka, predictably, blushed and became so light headed, she nearly fell backwards down the stairs they were currently scaling, but (Y/n) caught her by the arm of course, and blew Ririka a kiss with her free hand. Ririka knew they hadn’t been dating long, but she couldn’t see herself ever getting used to the way (Y/n) made her feel.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
oh my god and i'm so sorry for requesting twice in a row but also a mary one shot where mary goes too far with her tsundere ways to she/her reader gf and reader gets cranky and mary has to make up to her THANK YOU YOU CAN IGNORE THIS IF U WANT
Do I Have to Spell it Out for You Prt. II
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: I thought this request paired up quite nicely with the last Mary request I did so I wrote it in the same universe as that one! Part One is here! Word Count: 1,117
“What are you doing?” Mary hissed, an embarrassed blush crawling up her neck before making home in her cheeks. She pulled her hand away from (Y/n) as if she had been burned and her eyes darted between the other gamblers at the table who eyed her curiously.
“Holding your hand? Like we do all the time?” (Y/n) informed. The look on her face and the tone of her voice spoke volumes for how confused she was over Mary’s sudden bite.
“We do not!” Mary yelled, indignant. “Could you just keep your hands to yourself for once? You’re like Yumeko!”
“Fine!” (Y/n) yelled in return, surprising Mary by not simply matching her volume, but going above it.
What Mary didn’t realize was that she had thrown down the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Her tsundere mood swings had been getting a little out of hand as of late and (Y/n) was over it. If Mary was going to act so volatile over a simple affectionate touch, then she wasn’t going to get a damn thing.
They managed to win the gamble by the skin of their teeth. Mostly because (Y/n) refused to look at Mary for any of her signals. When Mary asked her what the hell was going on, (Y/n) fixed her with a glare that made Mary feel like whatever she had done, she was stupid for not realizing it.
“I’m upset with you, if it really wasn’t abundantly clear to you.” She turned away, dodging Mary’s hand, “I’m done for the day. I’m going back to my room. Alone.” She emphasized.
“Damn it, what did I do?” Mary kicked the nearby wall. She wanted to follow (Y/n), but she was being so prickly all of the sudden. What was that all about?
“Oh? Trouble in paradise, Saotome?”
Mary turned her head so fast her neck cracked. Momobami Kirari was definitely the last person she wanted to see right now. Even if Ririka was walking beside her.
“Go drown yourself in your fish tank.” Mary spat, before walking past the twins in the direction they had come from.
“Wouldn’t that be a fun gamble… who could hold their breath the longest.” Kirari chuckled.
“Mary, wait.” Ririka’s voice crackled beneath her mask. She left her sister’s side and caught up to Mary.
“What is it Ririka, I’m not exactly in the mood to talk.” Mary tried to keep the President out of her field of vision as she spoke. She just knew she had some kind of stupid smirk on her face.
“I think I know why (L/n)-san is upset with you.”
“You do? Well, spit it out already?”
“It’s your attitude.” Kirari called, amusement evident.
“You seem to have been pushing away her affections a lot recently.” Ririka spoke quickly, stepping between Mary and Kirari before Mary could decide on running over and wringing her sister’s neck. “It is probably disheartening to have the one you love continuously pulling away from your touch.”
“I haven’t…” Mary crossed her arms and bit into her thumb. Giving it a little thought, she had been kind of a bitch lately. She was supposed to be more honest with her feelings and pushing (Y/n) away was definitely not honest. “Damn it. I really messed up.”
“I’m sure if you apologized, things would get better.” Ririka suggested.
“I would love to see that.” Kirari mused.
“Good luck, Mary.” Ririka dismissed quickly while tugging her sister away.
Mary was angry, but Ririka was right. She would have to apologize and do better.
Mary knocked on (Y/n)’s door and waited anxiously for any indication that she had been heard. She had tried texting before this point, but (Y/n) didn’t so much as open them, much less read or answer them. So here she was, uninvited.
Her ears perked up at the sound of shuffling within the room and stood ramrod straight when (Y/n) unlocked the door and opened it half way.
“What?” She asked shortly, prompting Mary to clear her throat and finally speak.
“Hey, um, I get why you’re mad now. If you still want some space that’s more than okay, but I just wanted to say.. that.. I’m..”
Oh come on, Mary. It was just one sincere apology to a person she loved. It really shouldn’t be like pulling teeth.
“I have no idea what you just said.” (Y/n) moved to close the door but Mary wedged her foot in at the last second.
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings!” Mary shouted. “You shouldn’t have to feel bad for tying to hold your girlfriend’s hand. It’s really shitty that I keep reacting that way when I promised you before that I would be honest with my feelings. I’m doing a real bad job at it, but I promise I’m gonna change. Whenever I act out, punch me in the stomach if you have to, remind me to stop being such a beast.”
(Y/n) laughed a little bit and Mary looked at her with a hopeful expression.
“I’m not going to punch you… maybe a hard pinch if you really deserve it.” She smiled shyly.
Mary presented her arm to (Y/n) and when her girlfriend looked up at her confused, she explained.
“I think I deserve a retroactive one. Maybe two.”
(Y/n) wasted no time and showed no mercy. Mary sucked in a breath through her teeth and pressed down on the tender skin with her opposite hand.
“That stings! Should be the motivation I need to stop being a jerk to you.” Mary gently rubbed the sore spot.
“May I see it?” (Y/n) asked worriedly. She hadn’t meant to go so hard, but the frustration she felt made her increase the pressure.
Mary rolled up her sleeve and (Y/n) winced at the pink mark already forming on her forearm. Gently, she ran her fingers over the mark.
“I could kiss it better if you’d like…” (Y/n) expected Mary to blush and tear her hand away, and she was fine with that in this instance, she just wanted to tease. She was surprised however when Mary did in fact blush, but gave a jerky nod of her head before looking at the ground between them.
(Y/n) recovered from her surprise quickly and kissed the smarting skin softly, then she grazed her thumb over it as she smiled at Mary.
“Any better?”
“Another? …Please?”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes and shook her head, moving further into her room to give Mary enough room to enter. “Come inside ya goof.”
Mary’s lips turned up in a shy smile as she followed (Y/n) inside, closing the door behind her. She was fully intent on showing (Y/n) just how much she appreciated her.
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