#ironman x ps reader
txnystarkimagines · 4 years
What would it be like to be in a car chase with Tony Stark?
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Well for one, the car would be expensive. Like really fucking expensive, with a custom turbo engine he would have made himself.
The car is probably some really bright eye catching colour. Fire engine red or maybe as bright of a yellow as as a highlighter.
Wherever you go in that car with him, all eyes are on it. Literally.
The both of you are most likely to be followed by HYDRA and its goons on a busy highway while returning from a weekend trip in the cabin in the woods.
The way his hand grabs the gear stick, his million dollar watch would glint in the sunlight. His other hand would he clenched around the steering wheel, urging the veins in his hand to pop out.
And you would definetely be turned on by that.
Specially when he goes turbo, and is pushed against the seat, eyes focused on the traffic infront of him, while at the same time he keeps looking through the side mirrors if they are still following the both of you are not.
"Grab the gun from the console." He would order you. "You think you can shoot them babe?"
"Who do you think I am Tony?" You would smirk, and pop out of the sun roof in the car, trying your best to shoot down atleast one tyre of the 3 jeeps that are following you.
Meanwhile Tony's left arm would wrap around your bare legs to keep you stable, the right arm still controlling the car.
He would speed through civillian traffic, and a seven lane highway and various trucks and vehicles without even blinking an eye.
Afterall, years of car racing during his Post graduates had made him a pro.
Also what difficulty was there to a drive a car you had made yourself.
"Get down!" He would then scream at you.
Making sure you are safely back in your seat, before drifting and taking a sharp turn.
You swore if caught on camera it could be a scene from Fast and Furious with the way Tony drives the car.
"I think we have lost them." You would then tell him, as you guys now make your way towards his mansion through back roads.
"Good, I wasn't planning on destroying this car anyways. I just customised the engine last week."
"You know? I never knew being in a car chase with Iron Man would be so hot."
He smirked. "Is that what was going through your mind all this time?"
You would only hum in response, your hand moving towards the emergency handbreak.
He realised what you were about to do and just time in time steers the car towards the side track that runs through the woods.
An ear piercing screech is produced when you pull that handbreak but you dont let that ruin your mood.
"What do you say we break in the hood? Make it feel more like home since its so new?" Your hands trail up his thigh.
Grabbing your wristly tightly and refraining you from moving any further up he smirks at you. "I think that is a great idea sweetheart!"
ps: i literally wrote this in the spur of the moment on tumblr's create post. This wasn't planned or anything lmao. Please excuse the typos hehehe
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black and white | part one
summary: In a world where you see everything black and white until you meet your soulmate, (Y/n) and Steve Rogers are dating because there was a small incident during their first meeting. The truth is that Thor is (Y/n)s soulmate but he doesn‘t tell her because he sees how happy she is around Steve. What he doesn‘t know is that she is even happier around him.
request: Thor request?? Reader and Steve have been dating. Yet reader isn’t sure she loves him. When everyone was drinking and trying to lift Thor’s hammer, reader is the only one to succeed. Thor knows that not only is she worthy, but also his soulmate. So he starts acting odd around the couple and even a tad flirty with reader. it is a sticky situation since she is dating Steve, but she knows she and Thor are meant to be. (Pre endgame please?) :)
pairings: Thor x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Avengers x Reader
warnings: soulmate au, cheating, fluff, angst
words: 1979
a/n: This idea is soooo good! Thank you @thoringaround! Oh and please don‘t get me wrong I LOVE MY GOLDEN STEVIE ps: sorry that this lasted soooo long :(
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Being together with your soulmate should feel overwhelming but still (Y/n) has this gut feeling that Steve and her aren‘t meant to be. Sometimes the way he talks towards her when he is angry feels the wrong way. Sometimes she is happy when he is away on a mission. Sometimes she doesn‘t like the way his lips feel on her own. Sometimes she doesn‘t feel completely happy around him, like something is missing. Something important.
They can‘t never be hundred percent sure if they are meant to be together because Steve found his soulmate back in the 40s. Peggy was the first person that let him see colors.
Nevertheless it‘s possible to have two soulmates if your first one died. So it could be that they are each other’s soulmate but this unsuspectingness unsettles (Y/n). Steve on the contrary is happy to have a second soulmate because after Peggy‘s death he felt like never being happy again. And here he is, in his arms his second soulmate.
In those moments like now when his arms are around her waist and she feels his warmth she is for once happy. And those moments let (Y/n) forget her bad gut feeling and believe that Steve is her one and only.
For a few seconds (Y/n) enjoys his warmth but then decides to do something good for both of them. Slowly she sits up and puts Steve‘s arms on the bed, always careful not to wake him up. As she leaves the room she grabs one of Steve‘s pullovers and puts it over her short pajamas so that she wont get cold.
With a smile on her lips she enters the hallway and walks towards the kitchen where she wants to prepare a breakfast planning to share it with Steve in their bed. To her surprise someone is in the kitchen making coffee. Thor stands with his broad back to her and waits for his coffee to be ready. In the moment he hears someone entering the kitchen he slowly turns around and smiles welcoming at the young woman.
„Morning Thor.“ (Y/n) returns the smile and opens the fridge to take some jam, butter and the strawberries she brought yesterday out of it. „Why are you awake? Couldn‘t sleep?“ She puts the strawberries into a bowl and places it together with the jam and butter on a small tray.
„Sleep is for mortals. I‘m a god.“ Thor grabs a spoon out of one of the drawers to mix the milk with his coffee and in his movement he slightly touches (Y/n)s hand. Both of them feel a tingling but ignore it. (Y/n) keeps telling herself that it‘s nothing, while Thor knows the truth.
Still they look into each other’s eyes and right then and there (Y/n) realizes that Thor is flexing his biceps. Is he trying to impress (Y/n)? Probably.
„How could I forget that.“ A small giggle leaves (Y/n)s mouth and in that moment Thor can‘t ignore the engaging happiness he feels in every part of his body. For a few seconds he is completely happy but that must get destroyed by a certain super soldier who is entering the kitchen.
Immediately Thor turns towards his coffee and stares at the brown brew.
(Y/n) puts two toast into the toaster and smiles at her boyfriend who is walking right towards her and as he reaches her, embraces her in his arms. Only then (Y/n) realizes that Steve isn‘t wearing a shirt which makes her a little bit flustered.
In the moment they kiss, Thor decides to leave the room because he can‘t stand watching someone kiss what is actually supposed to be his. Unintentionally he slams the door behind himself with a loud sound that brings Steve and (Y/n) to interrupt their kiss.
„Is he okay?“ (Y/n) stares at the door through which Thor left. Her boyfriend only shrugs his shoulders and eats a strawberry.
„He is Thor. He will be fine.“ He kisses (Y/n) once again but this time on one of her cheeks before he puts the tray with their breakfast on the table. With a sad expression (Y/n) stares for a little longer at the closed door, thinking about Thor‘s behavior and then joining Steve for breakfast.
A week later all of the Avengers are having a small party in their common room to celebrate their last mission. Everyone is a little bit tipsy so they are all having the time of their lives. While (Y/n) sits right next to Steve and plays with his big hands, everyone tries lifting Thor‘s hammer Mjolnir to see if they are worthy. It‘s kind of a ritual now for the Avengers because every time they have a party at least Tony tries lifting it.
„Why don‘t you try it, honey?“ Steve looks up from their entangled hands and into (Y/n)s beautiful eyes. For a moment (Y/n) truly thinks about standing up and try lifting Mjolnir but then she shakes her head.
„I don‘t want to make a fool out of myself.“ The Avengers that sit next to (Y/n) and Steve laugh because right now Tony tries lifting the hammer in his Ironman suit. „Like Tony.“ A small giggle leaves (Y/n)s mouth and turn Thor‘s attention from Stark to the smiling (Y/n) who has her head on Steve‘s chest.
„If anyone could be worthy enough to lift Mjolnir it‘s you, Lady (Y/n).“ Everyone looks at Thor who is grinning at a rather unwell and kind of ashamed (Y/n). Her boyfriend looks a little bit angry at the god of thunder because his words sound like flirting in Steve‘s ears.
„Well, if you say so, Thor.“ Slowly (Y/n) stands up and walks over to the hammer. At first she stares at it because she is unsure how to grab it. Then she grabs it and as she takes a deep breath the hammer rises from the table. It‘s like no one even breathes in the common room because it‘s so silent (Y/n) is afraid everyone can hear her heartbeat.
A small smile creeps on (Y/n)s lips. Only she does know if it‘s because of the impact the hammer has on her or because she is proud of herself.
„Now you are welcome to come to Asgard whenever you desire.“ Thor is the first one to speak again and he stands up to get his hammer back. „But this is mine.“ As their fingers brush against one another they both feel a weird feeling deep in their stomachs. Like a week before they ignore it.
„Should we call you queen now?“ Tony grins over his beer bottle and relaxes the mood with his words. Everyone laughs, except for Steve. He looks with a jealous expression towards Thor and (Y/n) who are staring into each other’s eyes as if they were alone in the common room. This makes Steve so angry that he stands up, puts his empty beer bottle on the table and walks out of the room.
„Steven!?“ (Y/n) watches her soulmate leave in worry and follows him.
The problem is that she breaks the heart of her real soulmate with her actions. Thor thought that maybe (Y/n) would realize that they are supposed to be together after lifting the hammer and seeing that she is worthy but that was just a hopeless thought.
The next morning everyone sleeps in because most of the Avengers drunk to much the night before. Thor is the first one to enter the kitchen. Because he is a god and can take much alcohol before getting drunk he feels physically good. Psychologically not. His heart is aching and it yearns after his soulmate. It‘s even worse that his soulmate is close enough to touch but he wont allow himself to do it. Thor can‘t take the happiness away (Y/n) has with Steve.
Thinking of (Y/n) she must of course come through the door and walk into the kitchen. She looks to her feet. As she hears that someone else is in the kitchen she looks up and Thor is greeted with a tired face. Not that (Y/n) looks tired, no, she also looks sad and exhausted. The bags under her eyes look like she cried through the night instead of sleeping.
„Hey, is everything okay?“ The young woman doesn‘t answer which is an answer to Thor. He thinks about asking her more questions but then he realizes that if (Y/n) would want to talk to him then she would.
(Y/n) opens the fridge and grabs herself a yogurt which she eats at the big table in the middle of the kitchen. Bored and with an depressed expression (Y/n) stares at the table and leads her spoon towards her mouth.
Thor who prepared himself a tea also makes one for the woman because that may be one thing that relaxes her. After the teas are ready he puts one in front of (Y/n) and sits right next to her.
This small gesture breaks the ice and (Y/n) starts talking.
„Steve and I had a fight last night. He said things that hurt me really hard. I can‘t tell you but they were really…bad.“ Tears begin to form in (Y/n)s eyes as she speaks of the fight with her supposed soulmate. Thor shifts next to her. He thinks about telling her and ending his and above all her pain. She can‘t live her life with a person that is not her soulmate.
„Can I ask you something?“ After Thor spoke his question out loud he swallows hard and closes his eyes for a second. (Y/n) looks confused into his blue eyes but then nods her head. One more time Thor takes a deep breath. „Do you really think Steve is your soulmate?“
(Y/n) stares shocked into Thor‘s eyes.
„Yes, of course. I mean, he is the reason I can see colors so why wouldn‘t he be my soulmate?“ She raises her eyebrows and watches Thor who seems to fight with himself. He wants so desperately to tell her the truth but what if that makes everything worse? What if she doesn‘t want him after she gets to know he lied to her all those years?
„I need to tell you something important, (Y/n), and it‘s okay if you hate me afterwards.“ A small giggle leaves (Y/n)s mouth as she shakes her head. She could never hate Thor. „You remember the day we first met? It was the same day you discovered Steve was your soulmate. I stood right behind him and as you saw him you also saw me. What I‘m trying to tell you is…that I‘m your soulmate. The day you first saw colors was also my first day seeing colors.“
The spoon (Y/n) held in her hands falls onto the table and interrupts the silence. The young woman opens her mouth but she can‘t find the right words.
„I didn‘t tell you because you seemed so happy around Steve and I didn‘t want to take the happiness away from you.“ Thoughtlessly Thor grabs one of her small hands and looks into her tearfully (e/c) eyes. To his surprise (Y/n) puts her other hand onto his cheek and looks so deep into his eyes that he could swear she can see his soul.
(Y/n) knows that this isn‘t a thing everyone would do in this situation, especially because she actually has a boyfriend, but she can‘t resist and kisses Thor. They both feel overwhelmed and Thor can‘t stop grinning. The tickling in their stomachs gets more dominant but one feeling that describes this moment the best is: happiness.
Both of them never felt that fulfilled. It‘s like they can see the colors around them even clearer.
„I found you.“ None of them thinks of Steve and the problems their relationship will cause in the Avengers compound because all they want to feel right now is each other.
Taglist: @xmarveled
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Tony Stark x reader - one more try
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I don't really what counts as cute music and most of music I listen to is either super old, in german or from animes soo yeah buuut I think you may like the song Lullaby by Nickleback. I'm not a big fan of Nickleback but this is one of their few songs I really like so yeah💞😂
I know the feeling
Of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge
You didn’t know that Tony understood how you felt, it hurt him every single time he seen you exhausted from a night of nightmares. He tried to help you but you pushed him away.
You were curled up on the couch when he found you. Sighing to himself Tony gently lifted you up, heading to the elevator.
“Take me to (Y/N)s floor Jarvis.”
“Of course sir.” The AI relied softly.
And there ain't no healing
From cuttin' yourself with the jagged edge
When he finally got there, Tony headed to your room. Placing you on one side of the bed as he pulled the covers back on the other.
Padding over he carefully started to removed your hoodie but froze. Your arms decorated with bloody bandages and scars.
“Jarvis and I seeing this right?” He asked in disbelief.
“Yes sir...”
How could you do this to yourself?
Tony breathed a shaky sigh and pulled it back down, settling for leaving you the way you were and laying above the covers with you. Though, instead of sleeping he watched you, for once you seemed peaceful.
I'm tellin' you that it's never that bad
And take it from someone who's been where your at
Not even an hour later you were tossing and turning, muttering words in another language. Sweat formed on your forhead as you begin to thrash violently.
Tony bolted up, pinning your arms to the bed and he kneeled over your chest. In any other situation he would have enjoyed being like this but with you, he was terrified.
“JARVIS LIGHTS!” He screamed.
The lights flicked on, Tony could see the tears on your cheeks.
“(Y/N)?! (Y/N) wake up!” He pleaded.
Your eyes snapped open, a totally different emotion there before a flicker of recognition and you begin to relaxed. The tears still making their way out. Rolling of you, Tony leaned against the headboard and pulled you into his lap. Brushing your hair back.
“Shhh, I’m here okay? I know what it feels like...”
You're laid out on the floor and you're not sure
You can take this anymore
Curling into a ball, you pressed your face into the fabric of his shirt. Soaking it as you sobbed, hand clutching it tightly.
“I... I.. can’t.. do it!” You sobbed.
“No! No! No! Don’t say that, please don’t say that! I know it’s hard but please keep trying?” He begged.
“T..they won’t stop...”
“I know sweetheart... I know...”
So just give it one more try
With a lullaby
Tony waitied for your sobs to die down until you were just sniffing. Occasionally you shifted position.
“Go back to sleep...” he whispered.
You shook your head violently, eyes wide with fear as you looked at him. You shook your head again.
Wrapping his arms around you, Tony laid the pair of you down and begun to hum a tune under his breath lulling you back to sleep. Once he was sure you were asleep he spoke to his friend.
“Jarvis, I want an around the clock monitor on her.”
“I know.”
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reachin' out to let you know
That you're not alone
When you woke up the bed was empty, Tony’s shirt was there so with a shrug you put it on and put your hoodie back on. Eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light. The clock said it was about 12pm.
Pulling on some jeans and shoes, you grabbed your phone and headphones and begun blasting music as you left the tower. Not even an hour later your phone begins to ring and you hang up.
When you were out here, in a way you didn’t feel so alone. With your music and the people you felt a little better.
And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
After the 5th call you rejected Tony begun to panic. He furiously typed at his computer.
“Where is she...” he mumbled to himself.
After another 20 minutes he and Jarvis found you near an abandoned subway tunnel, Tony wasted no time in heading there. Everyone curious as to why Ironman is speeding across the city.
So just close your eyes
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby
It was dark, a thing you had gotten used to over the past year. Your footsteps echoing of the wall as you walked in further.
You honestly had no clue how far you went but when you turned around you could no longer see the entrance. Deciding you had gone far enough you stopped, sitting down on the dirty floor with your knees pulled to your chest. The gun clutches tightly in your hand.
Please let me take you
Out of the darkness and into the light
Your head jerked up, you wiped the tears from your face.
“(Y/N) please!” Came the panicked voice again.
Do you ignore him? Do you run? Or do you call back? Your gaze flicked to the gun, hand shaking violently.
“Tony...?” You called softly.
Metal feet pounded on the floor, the suit lighting his way. When he found you Tony stumbled out and dropped to the ground next to you.
'Cause I have faith in you
That you're gonna make it through another night
Stop thinkin' about the easy way out
It took Tony a few minutes to process the gun in your hand and why you had it, but once he did hisbeyes shot open. His face turning to pure fear.
“(Y/N)... were you going... is that...” he couldn’t even get it out.
You just simply nodded, hand tightening around it. Hesitantly Tony reached out, placing his hand on top of yours, his fingers wrapping around the gun as well.
“Please let it go...” he begged, voice cracking.
There's no need to go and blow the candle out
Because you're not done, you're far too young
And the best is yet to come
“I... no...”
“(Y/N) please!”
Tears of his own started to fall, you refused to look at him.
“You can’t let take the easy road! I know things are hard but there’s so much you’ve got to do!”
“I can’t...”
“You can, please?” His voice cracked again.
So just give it one more try
“Try one more time, if not for you, for me?” He whispered.
With a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
Your eyes flicked up to meet his teary brown ones. Fingers loosing their grip on the gun allowing to throw it as far away as he could. In one quick motion Tony pulled you in for a hug.
His tears soaking your shoulder as his body wracked with broken cries. You couldn’t cry though, you had no more tears to shed. Instead, you slowly wrapped your arms around him.
I'm reachin' out to let you know
That you're not alone
And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
Neither of you knew how long you had been there before. When Tony pulled away he wiped his face, taking a few deep breaths.
“Never ignore my calls again okay? I’m always by your side.”
Tony nodded but he didn’t look convinced, still, he decided not to push it any further. He simply took your hand and you both begun to walk or if there.
So just close your eyes
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby
Along the way home you grew tired, so Tony put on his suit again and picked you up in his arms. Instead of taking you to your bed he took you to his, sending the suit back before curling up with you.
Well everybody's hit the bottom
And everybody's been forgotten
Well everybody's tired of being alone
Yeah everybody's been abandoned
And left a little empty handed
He knew exactly how you felt. Tony has been through it to. You helped him, even when he didn’t want you too.
So now it was his turn to help you.
With his arms around your back, he held you closely to his chest to remind you he was there and you weren’t alone.
That you hadn’t been forgotten.
So if you're out there barely hangin', on
Just give it one more try
Your weren’t alseep though, you could feel Tony shuffle, readjust how he was holding you every so often.
You weren’t reading to face your dreams again, so instead you waited. You wanted to be alone, but you were scared at the same time. Maybe you did want to try at life again.
With a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reachin' out to let you know
That you're not alone
Tony felt you shuffle, getting closer into him, pressing your head into the crook of his neck.
“Thank you...” your quiet voice hit his ears.
And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your eyes
You were ready to close your eyes again. Anticipating the nightmares, but they never came. Your dreams for once weren’t filled with horror or screams. They were filled with happy memories.
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby
Well honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby
Waking up the next moment, you felt more refreshed then you had in ages. Tony was still asleep, mouth partly open, hair a mess.
For the first time in nearly a year you smiled, a real smile. Hand coming up to run through his hair, you crawled over to his chest and laid back down.
“One more try..” you whispered
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