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inspector-montoya-fox · 7 months ago
No question, favourite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Caramel Chew-Chew, to the point I try to always have some in the freezer to fall back on if needed. Some B&J products are a little too much all at once for my taste, but this one is the perfect midpoint between complex and simple
oouuu that is such an excellent choice bestie. i think the pairing here is pretty self-explanatory (it was either Jean Bison or another villain related to trains but i didn't want to spoil your fav ice cream with it!)
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extraneousdominomask · 5 months ago
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Happy Bisexual Awareness Day slash Sly Cooper's birthday, one and all! Even if you didn't leave out cookies, our favourite raccoon will be coming down your chimney tonight, regardless of how good your security system is. ...bisexually.
By the time this post goes up, I'll be recording another episode of Safehouse Chats. (Expect big things on that front, and soon...)
But in the meantime - remember that Carmelita fic you helped me come up with? I figure today's the day to start posting it!
Please enjoy Carmelita Fox in... The Devil of the Mine on AO3 or, if you're really nasty, FF dot net at the links below:
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slycooperconfessions · 1 year ago
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"Even now I'm not hugely interested in a full reboot, but one thing I would be curious to see is a second telling of Neyla's arc, especially if they were aiming for an older audience this time. Let's re-open some emotional wounds </3"
Confessed by: ironicsnap
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schwoofy · 11 months ago
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Very, very, VERY late raffle prize for @ironicsnap !!!
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mx-kit · 2 years ago
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First character chibi for my friend Snap!! everyones fav porple tiger.
If you didn’t know I’m trying to raise some funds for moving and I’m doing £5 chibis! Check em out here!
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yoshifawful64 · 2 years ago
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ironicsnap · 3 months ago
Hello my friend, I am a hadiah from Gaza.
Can you help my children and donate evetn a little
I was working as a lawyer to bring justice, and now you are the ones who will bring justice to me...We lost our jobs, our homes, all our belongings, we became homeless.. Asking for help is not easy, but saving lives on the front lines
I have children. I suffer from a hernia, diaphragm, stomach bacteria, and infections, and I need continuous treatment...it is expensive.
In the name of humanity and not participating in genocide.I ask you to re-share my story and help my children if possible. Ten dollars is enough to save my children.
Please do what you can.
I want my children to live in safety and peace. Please don't neglect to do what you can to  participate or donate
Link in bio
My campaing vetted by @90-ghost
Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #136 )
Ask ironicsnap a question
I've made a donation as you requested. I hope things get better for you and your children soon.
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slightly-gay-pogohammer · 4 years ago
Police HQ, China, Contessa's Prison, and/or Blood Bath Bay?
sly asks!
Police HQ: How and when were you introduced to the Sly Cooper series?
the good ol’ ways: my dad got back home with a brand new game featuring a funny thief raccoon and i watched in awe as my mom took my controller everytime a scary moment happened i think i. mostly played in the hubs and in carmelita’s chases the first time and then gave it a shot only AFTER everything was done ffgnamdf
China: What do you think of the change Murray’s character went through between the first two games?
love it. it’s great. it’s so good. i remember in the first draft of sly 1 murray wanted to be like sly but never could, and his transformation in sly 2 makes sense!! he wants to get in action and prove his friend he’s great!!! even as a kid at first i was a little confused, but since the first game ended with sly commenting about how braver murray got it made sense to me u<u
Contessa’s Prison: What do you think about Bentley’s character development over the series?
look look looooook i adore the growth sly, murray and carmelita go through in the trilogy... but bentley has always been a personal favorite, at least when it comes to character growth. all of them have a VERY good arc, but i think bentley’s is the best one. im lately replaying sly 2 right after finishing the first game, and his character in “a tangled web” shows SO MUCH development compared to the beginning of the game alone and i love it. i love him. best turtle
Blood Bath Bay: What (so far unseen) location would you like the series to visit?
i would really like to see them tackle africa, in some way, or perhaps south america!!! ...and i know theyve been in italy already but i would love to see them jump around here again, maybe going to rome or somewhere in the mountains..........
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moonstone-writes · 6 years ago
SlyFox 15 for that international angst
things you said with too many miles between us
come for my heart why don’t you my dude
Carmelita sat on her balcony, turning a cup around and around in her hands, staring at the handful of stars winking over the Parisian skyline. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly, “I’m sorry that I lied to you on Kaine Island and then... that I was so furious that you went along with that lie. I think all of this would have been easier if we had both been honest with each other. Then maybe none of this would have happened.
The darkness and the cityscape didn’t answer her.
“Sly.” Carmelita felt the threat of tears, welling behind her eyes, making her voice thick. She resisted the urge to throw her mug, to have the satisfying reaction of watching it shatter. She’d lost a lot of mugs that way over the last few months. “Sly we’re going to find you and then we’re going to talk about all of this. And if you want to stay, maybe we can make it work... and if you want to leave... you should be able to have that choice.” She took a swallow of her tea. “For what it’s worth I’d like for you to stay.”
She put her mug on the table, it was getting cold. She should go inside, or get a blanket. 
Was Sly cold wherever he was? 
Carmelita drew her knees up, making no move to leave the balcony, letting gooseflesh prickle all over her.
“Are the stars the same where you are?”
“I’m sorry.” Sly said. How many times had he said that to no one? “I messed everything up didn’t I?” He looked up at the night sky, so different from what he was used to.
He’d tried to find it comforting at first, the moon was the same that was something. Something that he and Carmelita and his gang were all looking at no matter where or when they were.
But the stars were different, especially on nights like this with no moon. Hundreds of years cosmic movement and no light pollution made the sky alien and terrifying in its scope.
Sly had been deserted place like the Australian outback and far north of Canada, he’d seen more stars than he ever been able to count, seen constellations swallowed by unfamiliar volume but this was different.
Another reminder how far from home he really was.
Sly adjusted his cloak, the desert night was cold. Sly turned and withdrew into his hidey hole, settling himself in front of his little brazier.
“’Lita... if I... when I come home....” His voice caught in his throat. “When I come home, can we try again? No more amnesia, no more lies? Just us. Would you like that? Would you let me try?”
The darkness and the desert had no answer for him.
Sly pulled his cane against himself, the one familiar comfort he had here and wrapped his tail around his feet.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again. “I’m sorry.”
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secretmellowblog · 1 year ago
@ironicsnap very strong propaganda! You make solid points here! I think the solution is to take Christmas hymns and replace all the “Jesus”’s with “Frosty,” and things like that. Instead of “Christ our Savior is born” it should be “Frosty Our Snowman is Born,” and etc etc etc. I think kids will prefer that.
In addition to that, many people in the notes have pointed out that “Melodramatic Maudlin Sad Story Christmas Songs” are not getting enough hate. This is extremely true. These songs suck, are always weirdly classist and/or racist, and they are not getting the rage they rightfully deserve.
Look at lyrics for “The Christmas Shoes” (a poor boy begs the singer for money to buy his dying mother Christmas shoes so she can look pretty for Jesus) “Billy’s Christmas Wish” (an abused homeless boy desperately begs a mall Santa for a present because he’s never gotten one before and thinks it means he’s naughty, then dies in the mall Santa’s arms) or “Do They Know It’s Christmas” (the racist one about how everyone in Africa is starving to death on Christmas because all of Africa is a land where ‘nothing grows and no rain or river flows”)…. And you will feel the hate flow through you! : D It’s enough to turn a person into a Grinch. The overall messages of the songs can be boiled down to “look at pathetic suffering of poor people and be glad that you’re not poor.” It’s using caricatures of poor people as props to make a middle-class audience “feel grateful.”
Really though, @pilferingapples just introduced me to the maudlin sad song “Billy’s Christmas Wish” and it might be the single worst Christmas song that has ever been created, enough to make me reconsider my original vote and choose option 2 instead.
I also think bad songs from zero-budget Christmas kid’s movies aren’t getting enough attention. I think it’s because they’re less likely to be played in grocery stores/at church/in other places where you can’t escape them. They’re also so abysmally bad you can’t be too mad at them; it’s like being mad at Tommy Wiseau’s The Room. But still, someone needs to bring up “Grandma’s Gonna Sue the Pants Off Of Santa”:
It’s time to spread holiday hatred:
Type 1: I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, the Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song
Type 2: The Christmas Shoes
Type 3: all the bad religious songs, especially the terrible hymns that are just demanding you worship Jesus again and again, alas!
Type 4: Santa Buddy, and other more forgettable covers
Type 5: “As Long as There’s Christmas” from Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Enchanted Christmas, the many bland songs from many bland low-budget musical adaptations of A Christmas Carol, etc etc
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inspector-montoya-fox · 1 year ago
Hi again friend - hope you get through winter in one piece! For favourite mission, my go-to is always Laptop Retrieval. I always like how much it fits within the confines of what's technically one mid-level job
bestie that's very sweet of you to say and i hope the same for you too!
Laptop Retrieval is an excellent choice. first, it broke the illusion that the safehouse is actually safe (via a super meta presentation too). then you've got multiple members involved in this kinda two-parter mission that ends with a double phase bossfight, which helps flesh out Tsao as one of the most evil dudes in the series. 10/10
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extraneousdominomask · 5 months ago
New chapter! A brief respite in bad things happening to Carmelita...
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grelbin · 6 years ago
I just saw your tags about PS1 Spyro also Inventing Music and I just wanted to confirm that is a huge, huge mood. To this day I will definitely enjoy a song more if anything about it reminds me of the soundtrack to Spyro the Dragon (1998)
This is a huge mood!!
I don’t know what kind of energy it takes to drive to the house of The Police’s drummer and ask him in-person to compose the soundtrack to a purple dragon game, but it’s the kind of energy I want in my life.
Spyro 2 & 3 also have amazing soundtracks, but Spyro the Dragon is especially unique because Copeland goes absolutely ham on the drums and bass, constantly.
If anyone out there hasn’t heard anything from Spyro 1′s OST before, I’d highly recommend giving it a listen! Two good ones include:
-Toasty (especially 1:21 onward!)
-Lofty Castle 
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galactic-dragoness · 15 days ago
*obi-wan voice* hello there
Put your 4 favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe. Then tag 4 people!
woe, tagging be upon ye:
@midinite @ironicsnap @elinadsy @the-carmelita-collection and anybody else
Long Reblog Poll Chain:
Put your 4 favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe. Then tag 4 people!
Thanks for the tag, @ceciturtle!!
Only Four peoples?? …Alright: @asheronangel, @sleepingdragon11, @teks-emporium, @tmntforeverinmyheart
(+anyone else who wants too!! Do it!! >:p)
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weirdzootopiaframes · 7 years ago
Hi, pal. Today, exactly one year ago, I created a sideblog and put up its first ever post. Years of being online had taught me not to get my hopes up, but I thought it was a funny concept. A full year later, it seems almost 1800 people agree. I don't mean to impose, but to celebrate, could I please get a birthframe for December 17th, 2016? Thanks, pal - keep it up.
ugh. fine, i’ll indulge your weird request. jackass.
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heh, nice. loving the sass....hmm. déjà vu. let’s check what else we got.
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also nice. real nice.
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mx-kit · 6 years ago
Neyla :3c
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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