ironclark · 4 months
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The Remedy Set of Keyblades are Done!
LIGHT REVISION- A Keyblade modeled after the typings of Alan Wake! This Keyblade is designed to increase the damage of Light-based spells. The hilt is designed after a flashlight, with the hilt guard being inspired by the typewriter that Alan uses. The shaft of the blade is make of various typed letters, with the teeth being the lense flare of a flashlight. The token is the Clicker.
The World Logo is that of Bright Falls, where the game takes place. The name is a reference to editting a work of art as well as light itself.
CHAMPION OF LIGHT- A Keyblade modeled after the fight between light and darkness in Alan Wake: American Nightmare! This Keyblade is designed to have the effect of Light & Darkness! The hiltguard is designed after the CRTs that Scratch uses to taunt Alan throughout the game, with plumes of darkness arcing out of it to form half of the shaft. The rest of the shaft and teeth are formed from sparks of Light. The token is one of Alan's Manuscript pages.
The world logo is a based on the Arizona town named Night Springs, where the game loops itself. The name comes from the character that Alan has written himself to be, the Champion of Light.
ZERO STATE- A Keyblade modeled after the technology and fracture of time of Quantum Break! This Keyblade is designed to increase the effects of Slow or Stop on a target. The crossguard is designed after the Time Machines built by both Paul and Will in the game, with the core's patrusions on it. The shaft and teeth of the blade are designed after the visual effects of time breaking. The token is the Countermeasure built by Will.
The world logo is that of Riverport, the city in which the game takes place in. The name, Zero State, comes from when time has stopped.
OBJECT OF POWER- A Keyblade modeled after the Astral Realm of Control! This Keyblade is designed to launch targets into the air much easier! The entire keyblade is modeled after the black marble-like structures found in the astral plane, with the same golden veins in that marble as well. The teeth are made from Hedron, Polaris' counterpart in the Oldest House. The token is a slide from a Slide Projector.
The world logo is that of the Oldest House, the paranatural location that the game takes place. The name, Object of Power comes from terms used by the FBC to designated paranatural objects with supernatural powers.
CULT CLASSIC- A Keyblade modeled after the dual sides of Alan Wake II! This Keyblade is designed to have increased damage from Light-based spells! The hilt of the Key is designed after the woods that Saga Anderson traverses through, as well as the cross guard being that of the Antlers of deers that Saga interacts with. The center of the guard is the bullet hole made by Saga. The top of the shaft forms into the Angel Lamb that Alan Wake uses during his segments, with the wings forming the teeth of the blade. The token is the Cult of the Tree logo.
The world logo is a darker variant of the original World Logo. The name comes from the fact that a Cult Classic refers to a work that is extremely popular within niches, and that this game has two cults: Cult of the Word and Cult of the Tree.
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ironclark · 6 months
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GunGrave Keyblades!
A Keyblade modeled after the brutal weapons used by Beyond the Grave in GunGrave! This Keyblade increased damage tremendously! The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after the two guns used by Grave, Cerberus Left Head and Right Head, with two spikes driven in. The shaft of the blade is formed by the coffin worn by Grave, the Death Hauler that also forms the handle. The teeth are formed by one of the many gears.  The token is that of the Demolition Shot Gauge. The world logo comes from the city in which all the games take place. The name of the keyblade comes from the copious amount of death that Grave gives out. 
A Keyblade modeled after the weapons of the Deadmen of GunGrave Overdose! This Keyblade provides boosts to Thunder and Fire skills. The hiltgaurd of the Keyblade is designed after the newly designed Death Hauler coffin used by Grave. The hilt and shaft of the blade are designed after Juji's Gunblades. The teeth of the blade is designed after the railgun part of Rocketbilly's guitar. The token is designed after the Seed Seeker built by Spike. The World Logo comes from the place where the Corsione Family operates. The name comes from the fact that Grave and Juji are reanimated corpses, RB is a ghost, but we can't leave him out. 
A Keybladed modeled after the Death Hauler from GunGrave VR! This keyblade is designed to give Slowness to the targets! The hilt of the blade comes from the "Kick their Asses" spash screen that appears per mission, with the shaft appearing similar to the Death Hauler that Grave uses in the game. At the center of the Death Hauler ring is the retical seen in game, with the teeth coming from the prongs seen from the Hauler. The token is that again of the skull that is the signal for when a Demolition Shot was ready. The world logo is inspired by the GunGrave VR logo. The name comes from a gimmick used in this game that allows Grave to slow down time for a bit. 
A Keyblade modeled after the asthetic of GunGrave G.O.R.E.! This Keyblade is designed to have endless combos! The shaft and hilt of the blade is designed after the cross that appears on the back of the Death Hauler and Grave's jacket. The hilt and crossguard is designed after the tech found on the Death Hauler. The teeth are Fluers designed after the Saw-combo that Grave has. The token is once more the Skull indicator of the Demolition Shots. The World Logo comes from the Scumland that appears common throughout the game. The name is an alternative name for Funeral March, a military procedure for the dead.
Check out the Keyblade Forge Discord to see several more keyblades and Kingdom Hearts content! https://discord.gg/keybladeforge
Check out my Patreon for seeing the in works progress and give feedback! https://www.patreon.com/IronClark
Follow my Twitter for more art! https://twitter.com/ClarkDesigner
Thanks to my Patrons for supporting my work!
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ironclark · 5 months
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Weapon Waifu Time!
The Keyblade Spellbinder from Kingdom Hearts is here! Now a witch with a love of learning new spells, its Taika!
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ironclark · 10 months
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Character Cards - Ventus! 
The human glowstick from the begining of time has arrived! Ventus has been traumatized, memory whipped, and through through time, but he will always wake up just in time to help his friends! 
For Ven,
There wasn't a lot of choice for outfits, but some additions I could make. Going with this BBS look, with the Mark of Mastery symbol on his chest and the addition Keyblade Armor. I went further with his armor by adding his pants as well as his arm being in the armor form. As a call back to his time with the Dandelions, I included the logo of the Book of Prochecies on his pants, sans the demon wing. I also included a neat little shadow of Vanitas peaking through. 
For his Title Logo, 
It was as simple as recreating the D-Link Logo, with a tiny bit more flare. 
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ironclark · 2 months
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Character Cards - Terra
The solid rock of the Wayfinder Trio, the one Xehanort had chosen to take over, the One Behind, the Lingering Will, it's Terra!
For Terra, 
I combined his different forms. Using his base design to give the over all look, I added his armored/Lingering Will elements by adding various armor to his base design and of course the cape. For added flare, I added him transforming his arm into the One Behind form, because I think it would be really cool to give him that ability in future games. Finally I added the slight hint of Terra-Nort, with a bit of gold in his eye and some grey hair fading in. 
For his Title Logo,
I took the D-Link design, centered the tech design of it and then added a fade to purple.
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ironclark · 2 years
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A Keyblade modeled after the Omnitrix in Ben 10! This Keyblade is designed to have strong combo modifiers! The entire Keyblade is designed after the prototype Omnitrix that Ben uses throughout the series, stylized to have more black and white with accenting green instread of prodominately green, reflecting the alien designs seen in this series. The token is Heatblast.
The world logo is that of the Rust Bucket, where the Tennysons spend their time inbetween alien adventures. The name comes from Ben's power being tenfold with his 10+ different aliens. 
A Keyblade modeled after the livestreaming experience of Halloween Resurrection! This Keyblade is designed to have high thunder techniques. The hilt guard of the blade has several monitors, referencing the streaming theme of the movie, with the teeth of the blade being a recording camera, with a kitchen knife flair. The token is a pumpkin with the ear mounted recording device. 
The world logo is that of the Myers Home, where the entirety of the movie takes place. The name comes from the two major aspects of the movie: Screaming and Streaming. 
A Keyblade modeled after the Alien Force Trio from Ben 10 Alien Force. This Keyblade is designed to increase the damage of summons. The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after the recalibrated Omnitrix, representing Ben. The Shaft of the blade is designed after Kevin's Car, representing Kevin himself. The teeth of the blade is a Mana Orb, representing Gwen. The token is Swampfire.
The world logo is the now central location of Bellwood. The name comes from Ben's iconic phrase, "It's Hero Time!"
A Keyblade designed after the Ultimatrix of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. This Keyblade is designed to have high strength. The hiltguard of the Keyblade is designed to represent the Ulitmatrix, the main Omnitrix seen in Ultimate Alien. This design conitinues up the shaft, ending in the Ultimatrix symbol covering the Seal. The teeth is Dagon's tentacles begin freed from said Seal. The token is that of Ultimate Swampfire.
The world Logo is Bellwood again, but with more Ultimate Humungasaur design to it. The name comes from Aggregor's search for the Ultimate Prize. 
A Keyblade designed after the omniversal elements of Ben 10 Omniverse! This Keyblade is designed to have high combo modifiers. The hiltguard is designed to have the new Omnitrix wielded by current Ben combining into the prototype Omnitrix wielded by the past Ben. The shaft of the blade has some design elements from the new Omnitrix, but ends in Rook Blanko's Proto-Tool. The teeth of the blade is a stylized version of the new Omnitrix's holographic alien selection mode. The Keychain and token is that of the newest alien Feedback.
The world logo is designed after the newest addition to Bellwood, Undertown. The name came from my friend DreadCaptainClover, adding the pun of Ten to Omnipotent. 
A Keyblade designed after the 2016 reboot of Ben 10! It is designed to have stronger electric attacks. The hilt of the Keybade is designed by combining the elements of the Season 2, 3 and 4/5 Omnitrixes seen in the show, with the Season 3 version appearing at the center of the hilt. The shaft of the Keyblade is designed after Ben's Go-Kart, but with elements of the Season 3 Omnitrix color scheme and a Omnitrix face plate combining elements of the Omnikix and Omni-Naut transformations. The teeth of the blade are inspired by the Omni-Enhanced transformation coming from Shockrock, using the rock design with the electrical elements forming the actual teeth. The token is the reboot's version of Heatblast.
The World Logo is the Rust Bucket, as this series again follows the Tennysons in the Rustbucket. The name comes from the ever notable fact that Ben has the power of ten different aliens. 
A Keyblade designed after the combination of Danny Phantom and Ben 10 in the fan comic by the Ink Tank, 5 Years Later! This Keyblade is designed to have more powerful transformations. The hilt guard of the Keyblade is designed after Danny's Ghost form, using the white and black design. The shaft and hilt of the blade is designed after this universes design of the Omnitrix while in Uniform mode, using the white accents to break up the black and green design. The teeth of the blade is designed after Danny's logo, with the Omnitrix shaft making the P part, and Danny's new flaming hair design making the D teeth. The token is the 5YL logo.
The World Logo is Bellwood, as the story takes place in Ben's side of the multiverse. The name comes from the fact that Danny and Ben are both Heroes in different parts of the Multiverse! 
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ironclark · 3 months
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Species: Mydeliym
Homeworld: Kuls V
The Omnitrix has created the DNA of a mushroom-like species! A species of mushroom that uses their spores to emmit a hallucinogen that causes themseves to appear much more terrifying than they initially appear. They are native to the forest of Kuls V and are known to terrify anyone who wanders into their domain. 
The design is inspired by the Green Ghosts that are iconic to Scooby-Doo where are you. The reasoning for the mushroom design is that originally it was to be a subspecies of the Ectonorite, but I didnt want to do a subspecies just yet. Then the idea of it being a mushroom that uses hallucinogenic spores to appear scarier came to mind. Because the "monsters" in Scooby-Doo are often just guys in masks. The reason for a msuhroom is because it is similar to a "ghost sheet over an object" sort of look, and well, we all know that Shaggy partakes in the devil's lettuce, and regular lettuce. 
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ironclark · 6 months
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OMNITRIX - Devil May Cry
Species: Demonia Sparda
Homeworld: Hell
The Omnitrix has recreated the DNA of the Sparda line of Royal Demons! A species of demon that uses their natural born energies to fire energy balls. This energy is stored into their arms, giving their physical attacks a boost, but they are mainly ranged hunters. Overuse of firing this energy will cause their reserves to be depleated, leaving their smaller unprotected frame exposed. 
The design is inspired by insects much like how the Sparda Devil Trigger from the first Devil May Cry game had insect like designs. That lead to the name of Beezlebomb, taking from Beezlebub, the demon Lord of the Flies, and of course Bomb. 
Check out my Patreon for seeing the in works progress and give feedback! https://www.patreon.com/IronClark
Follow my Twitter for more art! https://twitter.com/ClarkDesigner
Thanks to my Patrons for supporting my work!
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ironclark · 8 months
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Weapon Waifu - Divine Rose
The Divine Rose Weapon Waifu is finished! Rosalia is a quiet and reserved noble who values tradition!
Follow my twitter for polls choosing the next Weapon Waifu! https://twitter.com/ClarkDesigner
Check out my Patreon for seeing the in works progress and give feedback! https://www.patreon.com/IronClark
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ironclark · 4 days
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Time for the next Weapon Waifu! This time is the KH1 Keyblade Lionheart! She is Agent Lyones, a secret agent that infiltrates and takes down different operations!
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ironclark · 23 days
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Character Cards - Guts, the Black Swordsman
The original BLack Swordsman of anime fame, the one who will not die, the berserker fury and demon killer. The only one to wield Dragon Slayer with easy, GUTS! 
For Guts, 
I took his most basic look with the Berserk armor, but leaving the helmet off so we can see his lovely face! To add detail, I took inspiriation from a young Dolph Lundgren for his face, and I had the armor pulled back to reveal his cannon prosthetic arm. I also added a behelit, to add a bit of color. 
For his Title Logo, 
I took inspiration from the latest Berserk anime logo, but instead of using katakana, I simply used Guts' name, along with his famous title. 
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ironclark · 1 year
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Weapon Waifu - Ghost Claws "Muhou"
The Next Weapon Waifu!  Along with the Ultimatrix, The Ghost Claws from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go have been Weapon Waifu'd! Her name is Muhou, and is very calm and enjoys practicing her martial arts. She likes to think she has  a lot of wisdom, but she just likes memorizing fortune cookies. 
Thanks to my Patrons for supporting my work! Ethanull Follow my twitter for polls choosing the next Weapon Waifu! https://twitter.com/ClarkDesigner
Check out my Patreon for seeing the in works progress and give feedback! https://www.patreon.com/IronClark
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ironclark · 1 year
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So I wanted to make a Sora variant for the Marvel Event Hellfire Gala!
Check out my Patreon for seeing the in works progress and give feedback! https://www.patreon.com/IronClark Follow my Twitter for more art! https://twitter.com/ClarkDesigner
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ironclark · 5 months
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Character Cards - Mario Mario
Mr. Video Game himself, the Jumpman! It's Mario!
For Mario, 
I reference a lot to the Luigi Character Card I did. I included designs from the Striker armored designs on his chest, shoulders and hands, but to change it up a little bit I upped flame motif on the chest piece. Of course FLUDD there, but on the belt for FLUDD I include one of the blasters that Mario uses in Mario + Rabbids. And once more like Luigi, I included a part of the Thwomp Stompers from the first Super Mario Bros movie.
For his Title Logo, 
Simple as can be, its the classic Mario logo, with a little Mario stache!
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ironclark · 9 months
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Character Cards - Venusaur!
The OG grass starter has came back to show everyone how it is done! Venusaur is here to get you whipped into shape! And it's super effective!
For Venusaur,
I mainly upped the Frog factor on Venusaur, adding more wrinkles and warts, more detail to leaves and such. I added the Mega skin marks to his face and added some lines to his feet. 
For his Title Logo, 
I took the base Pokemon logo, changed the colors to Venusaur's typing, Grass and Poison, and a vine whip to add a bit of flare.
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ironclark · 2 years
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Character Cards - Diamondhead
It started when an alien device did what it did. Choosing a young boy to be its wielder, and when the Petrosapien DNA was selected, Diamondhead was ready to take on anything in his way! 
For Diamondhead, 
I took his appearance in Alien Force as the base, being really inspired by the rocky parts of his crystaline body. I took the rock idea and transformed it with a geode, having several additional crystals jut out. I took the placement of the Omnitrix symbol from Omniverse, being the most simple place for it, but I also added details in the symbol inspired from the Ink Tanks' 5 Years Later designs. I added small markings in the body to follow the different outfits Diamondhead wears in the original, Omniverse as well as the reboot.
For his Title Logo, 
I went with a simple Diamond-inspired designed with the Omnitrix logo. 
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