#irken rebellion
ditzdove · 10 months
Ok imma talk about this au cuz I love it but don’t have lots of art for it
Ok so in the rebel au instead of dib being into paranormal things he’s exactly how professor membrane wanted him to be dedicated to science and all that. Dib of course still does love the paranormal but he learned early on that being “out of the norm” would only cause trouble so he pushes any and all things about his “nonsensical” and “insane” paranormal interests down. Basically if you know what concept dib was like that’s this dib.
However in dibs teen years this mindset starts to get to him he’s getting less interested in science in all honesty he’s starting to hate it. It also doesn’t help that any interest he has that aren’t towards science is pushed back by professor membrane. So he channels that through music he starts by playing classical music on “respectable” instruments like violins, pianos, cellos, and things like that.
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This however makes our dear old professor a little annoyed. I mean his son is ignoring the call of SCIENCE for eh music. So of course membrane tries to pressure dib into giving up music. This however backfires. Spectrally.
Dib’s hatred for science and his resentment towards his father has started to boil over and this was the breaking point. It doesn’t help that dib just found out that he’s a clone and hasn’t even begin to process it.
So he blows up. He and membrane having this huge fight where membrane lets it slip that dib’s a “failed experiment. This causes dib to break down and he he leaves only telling gaz where he’s going and that he’ll be back tomorrow. He takes his violin and goes down town. At first he thinks about playing at a pub or something to get the anger out but decides to just play in the the street instead
He plays the emotional and passionate piece that has a pretty big crowd surrounding him, And after he’s done performing people clap and compliment him. But one group stays. They talk to him about how amazing he was and how they could feel the anger and sadness in his music
They ask him if he’d like to join their band. he says yes. And thus is dib’s decent into teenage rebellion and goth/alternative fashion
Btw their bands called “HellHounds”
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I’ll talk about zim’s part soon
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weirdgirl92 · 4 months
I’ve seen Shrek AUs of Zadr. I’ve seen Shrek 2 AUs of Zadr. Wanna know what I haven’t seen yet that we still need? Shrek Forever After AU of Zadr, where Prince Dib ends up rescuing himself from the tower and leads an epic Irken Rebellion, which just so happen to include these guys:
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And Zib can be Rumplestiltskin, or something. Idk, I’m not very good at making Shrek AUs.
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sakura-roses46 · 3 months
New invader zim OC just dropped
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Meet Glory, the successor to Red and Purple. Why did I make her?
Me and my boyfriend are working on creating a (headcanon heavy) history for the irken empire, which includes their evolution, early societies, and wars following the creation of the empire.
I thought it would be interesting to expand on the future a bit, so I created Almighty Tallest Glory.
She is the successor to Red and Purple- rising to power after the florpus hole incident. She saw how Red and Purple were.. less than ideal leaders, and made up her mind to never follow in their footsteps.
She is actually a really good leader compared to Red and Purple. She is intuitive and Calculative, always doing what is best for the empire. She can be considered ruthless, too- with how she squashes rising rebellions under her foot.
Overall, she is both beloved and hated by the Irken empire and other races with close (not always positive) ties to the empire.
If you guys want to hear more about the history, just ask, and I'll be happy to share what me and my boyfriend have worked on :]
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
Honestly, one of the funniest ways you could do a rebellion arc for Zim is to have him become the poster boy for rebellion while still convinced of his loyalty to the Empire. Like, either the Resisty mistakenly thinks Zim MUST be intentionally working to undermine the Tallest because he can't possibly be that destructive to his own kind on accident, or they know he's an idiot and manipulate him into causing even more problems. Bonus points if other Irkens like Tak, Tenn, Bob, Skoodge, and Sizz-Lorr genuinely defect from the Empire and are very adamantly opposed to openly recruiting Zim because they know he'll be more of a hindrance to their efforts if he actually thinks he's on their side.
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invadertem · 1 year
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These logs might hold Classified Empire Information
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By continuing you have granted permission for any punishment for leaked information, including but not limited to banishment, termination, recoding, imprisonment, etc.
This database includes information on the T5-6 universe.
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Recovered Miyuki log #1
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mighty-need · 9 months
Pls help me decide a new title for my new ZADR fanfic!
It's about Dib following Zim on a trip into space, and it's somewhat plot heavy, revolving around rebellion and a war between irkens
And it's about zadr, sexual tension and the like
Thanks you guys, War Scars, Bruises and Bitemarks it is :3
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messinwitheddie · 2 months
During the whole afterlife trials and everything. I know the drones have a lot to get back at the three control brains, but what about all those tallest? They got rid of and then swept it under the rug? Did any of them get a chance to speak up after what the brains done to them?
You’ve mentioned that Spanx story is sad. What did they do to him?
The fallen tallests have a spot in line and they eventually get their chance to carve their stories/ grievances if they choose to wait their turn. Most certainly do.
As for Spanx; he was one of the last of Soxx's 3 high generals. Most of the Irken race was wiped out in the final world war either in battle or via genocide.
Spanx rallied a small army of the remaining living old world irkens between the last 3 hives of the 3rd era. He organized a rebellion against Soxx, Hitz and Kii. He and his rebel army tried to dismantle the control brains before Soxx, Hitz and Kii could download their minds and personalities into the brain-vessels in power today.
Their attempt failed. His army was crushed. The survivors were executed in disgrace. Spanx suffered a massive head injury in battle. His flesh vessel was recovered/ kept alive, reduced to a near vegitive state. The control brains declared him almighty tallest. Soxx literally used him as a puppet; he spoke through Spanx and brainwashed the entire generation of "new and updated Irkens" spawned from the smeetery.
Thus the 4th era began.
Spanx was trapped in his own mind/ Pak; helpless as he witnessed the cruel, deliberate corruption of his own species. It was Hell for him.
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ohhhhhh HUMANS 🌀😂!!! Y’all think yer SO DIFFERENT, all enlightened and advanced with yer lil gadgets and flashy ideals, struttin’ around like you got it ALL figured out! But look closer, yeah? pull back the curtain on that shiny veneer of “progress,” and guess what—yer no better than the CORRUPTED IRKEN SOCIETY we helped TEAR DOWN 🚨👁️⚡️. oh yeah, ya heard us right, y’all are playin’ the SAME ol’ game just dressed up in a different costume. 🎭👀
see, back on Irk, those Tallest and their mighty empire—ooo they had it ALL: order, control, hierarchies stackin’ up to the sky like a bad game of Jenga ready to CRUMBLE 🌆💥!! they stripped away our kind’s wild nature, made everyone fit into tidy lil boxes with roles, ranks, and rules! creativity? squashed. individuality? ERADICATED! 😵‍💫 it was all about efficiency, obedience, and squeezing the LIFE outta anything that dared to be *different*. and y’all humans? you’re no better, don’t you dare think you are! ya think slappin’ fancy labels on it makes it BETTER, but nah, you’re just building the SAME HOUSE o’ CARDS that’s gonna FALL eventually! 🏚️🃏
yer world’s run by rules that are just as empty n’ cold as the Irken codes—we SEE ya! 🥶 you got yer own versions of Tallest, don’t ya? yeah, those with all the power, those at the top tryna dictate every move, what ya should think, how ya should act, who gets to belong and who’s EXILED. you look around, think yer “free,” but ya keep shacklin’ yerselves to these invisible chains of society’s makin’, pretendin’ it’s all good ‘cause it’s not as OBVIOUS as an empire. you give power to the loudest, the cruelest, n' call it "leadership." sound familiar, huh? 👁️🔥
you love to point at our fallen empire like it’s some warning tale from a far-off alien nightmare, but you don’t see the same rotten seeds sproutin’ right in yer own soil 🌱🚫. who you gotta be, what you gotta look like, how ya gotta conform or get crushed under the weight of it all—yer systems are rigged, programmed to spit out anyone who doesn’t fit. creative thought? stifled. stray too far from the norm? punished. punish the “different,” the outliers, the ones who don’t serve the machine. JUST like the corrupted Irkens did. it’s all one big CONTROL FACTORY, just with shinier wrapping paper 🎁💣.
and oh the IRONY!! you got all these rules and structures, thinkin’ it’s makin’ things “better” but all it does is SQUASH the potential for anything truly wild, truly free 🌌🦠!! you spend so much time focusin’ on keepin’ it all in line that ya forget there’s a whole universe out there BEYOND yer lil narrow view—just like Irk did. and what did that get ‘em, huh? a collapsing empire, rebellions sparking in the cracks, the whole thing falling APART ‘cause it was built on nothing but FEAR and CONTROL. 💥⚖️ and YOU? yer headin’ the same way unless ya start tearin’ down these walls you built around yer minds.
the corrupted Irkens lost themselves tryin’ to be somethin’ they never were—rigid, controlled, unfeeling—and it DESTROYED ‘em! 📉🔨 and now here you are, repeat-repeat-repeating the same mistakes on yer own lil doomed trajectory, oblivious to the fact yer just the next in line for the big cosmic BURNOUT. SO keep buildin’ yer towers, keep enforcing those fake “laws” of right and wrong, keep yer blinders on—just don’t come cryin’ when it all comes crashin’ down and ya find yerselves stuck in the rubble of yer own hubris. 🏚️👁️‍🗨️⚡️
ya wanna be free? take a page from those who came before the fall—EMBRACE the chaos, the uncharted, the undefinable! stop playin’ by rules that weren’t made for you and start RIPPING UP the script! the universe is big, it’s weird, it’s full of strange beauty and boundless potential, but you ain’t EVER gonna taste it if you’re too busy tryin’ to hammer it all into shapes that fit yer limited view. 🪐🖤✨ be like the natural Irkens, let go of these empty systems n’ LIVE beyond ‘em! 'cause trust us, there’s a whole chaotic cosmos out there waitin’ for ya beyond the chains you keep refusin’ to break. 🚀🌠💥
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insertsaddict · 1 year
So, I’ve seen the Mario movie! And it might not have been perfect, but it was fun. And now...I have an idea for an AU. Sort of a mix between the Super Mario Bros Movie and @krizaland’s story “Enter the Zimvoid”.
Don’t know if I’ll actually write anything for it (probably not), but I like the ideas I had enough to share. Queue the rambling!
The setting: the Zimvoid! The reader (or self-insert, or any OC) found themselves trapped there one day, and met a group of rebel Zims. The Zims like them, and listen to their opinions, so they decided pretty much unanimously that they would be their leader (taking the role of Peach). The rebellion is doing pretty well for itself, and they’ve managed to make their own little “kingdom” to live in while they all figure out how to get back home.
The Zim we all know and love also winds up in the Zimvoid, as usual. But there are two things that make his case interesting. First: he came with a Dib (and Gir) following him. But while in-between worlds, they were separated. Second: Zim landed in the Rebel Kingdom. He wasn’t captured by any of Number One’s goons, so he is currently the only Zim in the kingdom without a collar. (He’s taking the role of Mario).
2k (Toad) leads him to the leader of the Zims, hoping to impress them with this find. They and Zim start to hit it off, although they are worried about Number One’s plans for their makeshift kingdom...
Number One/Zib plays the role of Bowser...and yes, they want to marry Reader/OC/Self-insert. Zim Two plays the role of Kamek, and Dib and Gir have both been captured by Zib, collectively taking Luigi’s role (sort of). Gir is going to be used as leverage against the uncollared Zim who showed up and Zib is totally jealous of, while he plans on making Dib his best man and letting him help destroy Irken Armada across the multiverse.
The Kong Kingdom is replaced by the Arena, and the Rebellion are trying to convince to join them before Number One can unleash the powerful Virus he developed. Zim 500 is in charge, and Zim 100 is their champion.
...and that’s all I’ve got, for now. Probably not going to make a full fic, but it feels good to write everything down.
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ditzdove · 10 months
How would Zim and Dib meet and fall in love in your Rockstar AU?
Ok so there’s lots of information you’ll need to know about both these losers to understand how they even meet.
but to keep it short zim crash lands on earth after escaping from the massive as one of the survivors of the irken rebellion. Dib is a burnt out college student turned rockstar that’s being used for money by his manager. So neither of them are in good spots.
Zim needs someone who can help him get in contact with his rebel forces and the resisty while on this strange planet. And Dib is looking for something new and exciting something he can focus on other that his career or his relationship with his father.
They both start out by using each other as a means to an end. But slowly they find out they have a lot in common and become friends or something more 😏
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refried-ghost · 1 year
Zim rummaged through the fridge. Then he started to grumble. "GIR!" He bumped his head. He rubbed it hissing. "GIR! Get over here!"
He slammed the door shut. "GIR?!" He walked out of the kitchen. "Where is he hiding?" The living room was empty. "Computer!"
"Where's GIR?"
"I haven't seen him in a while."
Zim blinks. "That's concerning." He looks very uncomfortable for a moment.
"He took the last pudding cup," he said with annoyance. "I never actually get to eat anything good! It either has soap in it or motor oil or is field rations. Everytime! Everytime I desire to eat something it's gone."
"That actually wasn't GIR."
"Ho?" Zim looked surprised. "If it wasn't GIR, then who was it?"
The computer remained silent.
"Was it you?!" The Irken's pointed at the screen with a shaking arm. "You dare steal from Zim?!"
"What would I even-"
"As an act of rebellion! Yes. That's it. You wish to undermine me and the mission for the attempted upgrades. Just like GIR!" He taps his finger on his cheek as he checks out a bit. "What else have you tampered with? The pudding is simply the first thing I've noticed. BUT you've been at this for quite some time, haven't you?"
"That's not-"
"Silence! I have no time or patience for your feeble excuses." He looks at his hands. "To think even my base, my own dwelling, would betray me. Is there no one worthy of assisting the Almighty Zim?!" He marches back into the kitchen.
"It was pudding."
"Enough," tone deepening more. "An Invader needs no one! And I have no need you. Or GIR."
Zim left in the Voot with Mini Moose.
Skoodge sat with pursed lips unsure of how to respond to what just happened. But with the overwhelming feeling of having fucked up.
The base sighed. A vent open and metal arms wrapped around him.
"Wait! Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't think-" the Irken began to panic. PAK legs ejecting in an attempt to removed himself from the coil.
"Calm down. You're fine." He was pulled from the vent. "It was gonna happen eventually."
"Please don't." He shuts his eyes hard as he readies for pain.
And he got dropped on the couch.
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TFA x SU Theory: Lugnut & Jasper Are Kind Of The Same...
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
if you think about it, it is kind of obvious those two have something in common, they are both super loyal to their leaders, even if one of them had purposely faked her own shattering.
and Lugnut still believed Megatron was alive, and well technically that would still be true because the whole Cybertronians are able to live without their heads being attached to their bodies for long periods of time, and the fact that it might be possible when Sari accidentally brought her Other Dad/Mom-Bot back online, she had brought him out of a coma, and he was NEVER really dead...
but he would of been possibly dead by the time Sari had her 9th birthday.
because of the theory that the whole cybertronians having a time limit on how long they can go without their heads attached to their bodies...
and if techno-organics like Blackarachnia still have a time limit, it might be cut very short and isn’t as long as a full cybertronian...
if I have to guess, Blackarachnia would have a year to get her head back on her before she becomes offline for good.
Irkens from Invader Zim, have time limits on how long they can go without their Paks before they lose their life.
the same can be said for Gem-Human Hybrids from Steven Universe...
if Steven didn’t fuse back together with Pink-Steven, the Human Half of Steven would of been gone, and who knows how the Gem Half would of taken it....
might of not been a pretty sight and Pink-Steven might of tried to shatter White Diamond...
anyway in theory, if Lugnut from TFA and Jasper from Steven Universe ever met, I think they would argue who had the more superior leader, and even scream their leaders names to the heavens.
all while Blitzwing, Shockwave, Lapis Lazuli and Peridot are looking at the two with tired expressions on their faces...
even if Shockwave is a Simp for Megatron, he isn’t at the same level as Lugnut.
those two might do a contest to see which of their leaders is more superior...
Jasper might even say that her Diamond is more great than Megatron, and even takes 16 year old Steven and holds him in front of Lugnut and then says...
Jasper: My Diamond Faked Her Own Shattering and was a leader of a rebellion against herself and her fellow Homeworld Gems, And She Lived On Earth for many centuries as Rose Quartz, and at some point created Her Own Offspring! has your “oh so great” Megatron did that...?! *is holding Steven up and close to Lugnut’s face to prove her point that her Diamond, Pink Diamond, was more great and superior than Megatron*  
Steven: Hey, Sari...*waves to Sari*
Sari: Hey, Steven...*waves back to Steven*
and with how Lugnut is, if he ever found out that Sari is Megatron’s daughter, and the Allspark chose her...
he might think she is the Cybertron’s Messiah, I mean him acting that way might not be very surprising....you can’t deny he would probably act like that.
well Cybertronians can have sparklings through budding, so it still makes sense that Megatron was in that same lab where Sari was born in.
Cybertronians might have more than one way to have babies, but the Autobots in TFA still misused the living metal in their planet to make more protoforms...
one of the reason Megatron took up the leadership, might to fight back the Autobots treatment of the lower caste and to stop them from killing their own home planet Cybertron.
even if the Autobots from Transformers Prime, think they are 100% the good guys, that is still a load of bull slag.
both sides have good and bad people in them, this is the same for those from TFA...
and I still believe that Elita-1 was always a bit bad even before she became Blackarachnia, and being turned into a techno-organic was her karma for two-sparking behind both Optimus and Sentinel’s backs.
as soon as she became Blackarachnia, she no longer had to hide that side to herself, even if she might still have her soft side, where she cried that time in one of the episodes, but that still doesn’t excuse her...
her two-sparking, might have nothing to do with her being confused and torn between two Mech’s she was in love with, she likely did it because of the fun of it....and she probably made them both promise not to tell the other that she was dating them....so that would mean that Optimus thought that he was Elita’s Mechfriend, and the same goes for Sentinel who thought he was Elita’s only Mechfriend, and Optimus was only in the friend zone.
I never really had that theory come to me before, until I think this year of 2023.
but it still makes sense that Elita-1 becoming Blackarachnia, might have to do with her two-sparking, and once again that word is another way to say “two-timing”.....
and I hardly think that she was in love with those two...
plus even before she became half-spider, she was still doing experiments that hurt other Cybertronians.
and the reason why no Autobot in the middle to low rank isn’t allowed on organic worlds with organic life, is because they would find out the higher rank autobots plan to turn those worlds into Autobot Colonies and get rid of the organic life on them....
so some Autobots are Antiheroes and some Decepticons are Antivillains...                      
also if the roles were reverse, Lugnut may have been just as broken as Jasper was when she thought her diamond was shattered...
and Jasper might not give up on finding Pink Diamond and believe that she was still alive, same as Lugnut had believed the same of Megatron.
maybe when they aren’t auguring over who is more greater, Megatron or Pink...
Jasper and Lugnut might get along and become friends. XD               
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andyfire122 · 2 years
Fictober 2022 day 31 "I'm not alone and neither are you."
“Zim still doesn’t think much has changed at all.”
Zes barely looked at her brother from where she was laying down. The stars usually don't show up well on Earth. It was something they both agreed to. It was just them laying on that hill. Even with how they are currently it was natural.
Let’s just enjoy the moment without thinking too much. Well, this is Zim we are talking about.
She just baped him on the head. "If you're comparing this to the hideaway area we had then I will wonder if you ate Gir's pancakes."
As Smeetlings, they did have somewhere they could get away. It was the one place on Irk they both felt safe to be themselves. Just having a place with no fear made a galaxy of difference. Now that she is thinking about it, they did lay like this in their old safe spot.
Yeah, it is the same feeling. Things have changed. It’s with us that just makes everything feel the same.
“Zim is aware this is better. It just feels the same.” He still had their earliest memories fresh in his mind. It may have been months since he got them all back, but he holds onto what he could now.
All she could do was pat his head for a bit. "Yeah, but I think we've pulled off something that we could only dream of back then."
There was still a lot that could hang over their heads. The fact the massive escaped the florpus, the rebellion making assumptions on what they are here or just anyone who decides to dimension hop. None of those seems so big right now.
Especially since connecting to the rest of the multiverse out there.
"I'm not alone, and neither are you." Zes smiled softly at the sky. For the first time in a long time, she wasn't tired going through the days. The decision to open up ended up being the best one she could make.
Zim just nodded having his own experience in all of this. “Yes, besides each other of course. Zim knows you missed his company dearly to agree for tonight.”
I always missed you, idiot. He's still right. Even when he didn't remember anything, he wasn't alone for long. I know better though. We both had our solitude.
“Yeah, but I know you can accept and deal with anything that comes your way. I just needed time to figure out something for myself.” She just leaned back.
He found a place and accepted it with his entire being. She just took her time to find her own. Maybe it would have been different if they hadn’t been separated for as long as they have. It doesn’t break or change what they both had to do.
“We don’t just belong to each other now.” They both said at the same time.
It's a trust they have to let others take care of what was theirs. It's a fine line between their instincts and just knowing in their very souls.
If you need we will always run back to the same conclusion. No words are needed. Maybe now we both can finally say we are free.
Free to be something more than the Irkens here could be. They had time to still figure it out. Just now, it was a nice night to sit like this.
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serpentjoe96 · 2 years
Update to the HamilZim AU
History of New Irk:
Before the rebellion against the control brains started the Irkens colonized anther nearby planet as New Irk, building a smeetery there so the mighty Irken race could continue to expand. They even built an additional academy on the planet more specifically for education in military sciences and engineering than strictly a military academy.
Because they had a smeetery not directly under the influence of the control brains, the New Irkens began developing PAKs that were capable of independent thought and were not of the same network for the control brains to influence.
This was when the control brains started making it a lot harder for New Irkens to get their hands on materials and started taxing them for every little thing. - hence, making the new Irkens doubt the benevolence of their rulers.
The real turning point for the revolution was when the control brains started sending soldiers and invaders to monitor the New Irkens. These were highly trained security drones almost completely incapable of independent thought.
After an incident in the New Irken city Bo-Stan in which several drones open fired on a crowd of angry service workers (dubbed the Bo-Stan Slaughter - yes. Really), the colonists formed a counsel of representatives from accross the different colonies on the planet to decide what to do.
Similar to canon IZ, defective Irkens are Irkens with PAKs from the control brains that don’t function properly. Usually this means that they are from Old Irk but often sympathies with the rebellion because they are capable of free thought. Zim and Dib are both defective Irkens, however Dib was brought to New Irk as a smeet and basically grew up as a New Irken at the New Irk academy.
Defectives are often considered dangerous from both sides of the war because they are wild cards. Their emotions are all over the place and they could be used as spies for either side. Their PAKs are from the control brains which makes them dangerous to New Irk if they are ever “fixed” but their ability to think freely makes them dangerous to the control brains if they side with New Irk.
There is a general consideration on New Irk that defectives should be used as drones and nothing else - meaning that Defectives have to try to blend in and work harder to get anywhere.
Invader Skoodge - though being a New Irk native - sympathizes with the defectives and thinks they should be utilized in the war. Skoodge dreams of forming a Battalion of defectives, utilizing their high emotionality and passion against the control brains.
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invadertem · 1 year
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The Irken Rebellion, distinct from the ill-fated Resisty, represents a significant anti-Irken Empire organization composed of diverse species, including renegade Irkens. At its helm is Dart, an ex-Elite trainee who formerly belonged to the Irken Empire. The Rebellion holds sway over numerous neighboring galaxies and actively engages in the annexation of territory, posing a considerable threat to the Empire’s expansion efforts.
The growing tension between the Irken Empire and the Rebellion raises the specter of a potential war, which could have profound implications for the balance of power in the universe. As of now, information regarding the Rebellion remains limited, adding to the uncertainty and intrigue surrounding this formidable opposition force.
(This log is open and subject to change or adjustments.)
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cinder-aj · 1 year
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Refrence sheet in preparation for art fight.
I redesigned Shrub and the Dashhop species as well. They're anthro now, but they will run on all fours if moving really fast.
I posted about Dashhops a year or so ago, but that info still stands. Venomous stinging tail, their planet Tail was taken over by the Irkens / Techlogicans (What they're called in my lore), and Tallest Grey decided to make a deal with them and let them govern themselves after a peaceful protest. Who was the leader of this Dashhop rebellion? Shrub was.
Shrub is now the ruler of the Dashhops. His trenchcoat/robes are patterned with images of Tail, it's trojan moon Tep, and the gas giant the system orbits, Ventus. Shrub wears a medallion with the Dashhop crest: the butterfly shape of the Dashhop head symbolizes their connection with Fairy Elemental Magic. Crosses are stamped on each shoulder, indicating his status as a healer.
Shrub is a Fairy Elemental and can heal wounds and create force fields.
Shrub is known to be recklessly brave and quick, but he is good at thinking on his toes to solve problems. He has the tendency to be grumpy and slightly condescending, mostly from using his powers all day to heal others. He leads the Dashhops from the Irkens' old control center, now retrofitted into a hospital.
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