#irish lads fanart
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justtrashperson · 2 months ago
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Misc Irish lads doodles
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2023-2021 version
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year ago
Omg guys The Irish Lads!!!!!!
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I did this entirely by memory. It’s probably obvious.
I would’ve done something bigger this year but with going to 2 conventions and then moving all within 2 weeks my life been busy and it’s left me demotivated 💔
Anyways this is what I’m trying to reference. Was a suggestion from my partner :)
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soul-sand · 5 months ago
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Inktober Day 26: Zenith
zero sum game
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captainscodex · 4 months ago
ive been missing being on rttumblr and ladstumblr and seeing everyone's wild AUs, so ive returned with glorious purpose; redesign some of my own from 2021 and 2022!
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beastars!dan, or reindan as i called him
tumbleflight, warriors!dan
and just a silly galaxy pony dan :]
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mawzri · 7 months ago
drift…. prince
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ruthytwoshakes · 11 days ago
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happy Ireland day from my oc 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪 GET IRISHED. Had my green light for migraines on too long everybtuthg is red
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the witch and her idiot cowgirl. Also the indent on her chest is her indented breast bone,, she’s got Marfan syndrome. Also I MADE THE KNOTS UP IM SORRY IRISH ☘️ FORGIVE ME ANCESTORS 💔💔💔💔💔
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alaritheaurora · 11 months ago
More sillies!
In the Au Magic can take form as little creatures called Spirits, Spirits are usually a blend of two animals, although sometimes it can be more or less. Here are Kevin, Jack, and Dan's Spirits (in that order)
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More in depth of each spirit and the spirits by themselves under cut.
Kevin's spirit is a mix between a fox and red panda, although the fox shines through a bit more. Normally people don't name their spirits, obviously Kevin did though, so his spirit is Turg! Generally about as aggressive and playful as spirits get. Usually spirits kind of act as like, an aid in using magic, so they tend to stick pretty close to their person and don't really interact with others. However, spirits take after the person who made them, so Turg can be very playful and will often trip people.
Jack's is a mix between a rabbit and deer (haha, jackalope). While Jack hasn't technically named it, Kevin calls it Burg, to match with Turg. Burg is a pretty typical spirit and tends to keep to Jack, but it's also very comfortable with Kevin and will often play with Turg.
Dan's spirit is a mix between a cat and sheep. He's fairly new to magic, and Kevin was the one who suggested he name it, so he named her Cupcake. Cupcake is a very new spirit and can barely affect the physical world, she's also very timid, and gets spooked if she gets too far away from Dan.
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backjackdoitagain · 1 year ago
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you thought i was gone? i'm not :)
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wolfziedraws · 3 months ago
i feel like i just encountered a celebrity in the wild YOUR the one who made all those incredibke irish lad animations i watched those obssesively for like a month i just kept coming back to them theyre so cool!! i lovelovelove how fluidly you move characters and so many creative transitions from real life to video game AAAGAHDG ??? my favourite animation is the codenames one because theres so many little things that tie the animation together so nicely (the classroom scene, dans 'ALPS :|', brian with the dictionary etc) i just love it. close seconds are all the mario kart ones, tied, followed by all ur other animations. i hope u have a lovely lovely day THANK u for hurling me back into drawing silly little scenarios with ypur animations :)
Hehe yeah that was me! Now I work directly with RT on channel art so less time for the animations, but I'm glad so many people liked them lol
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phelon147 · 5 months ago
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moonst0n3 · 2 years ago
There are still a few days left to participate in the RT birthday art collaboration friends! Any level welcome, even if it's your first time drawing! Join the server for more information!
RT’s birthday art collab alert!
Hey yall! We had an idea for Daniel’s upcoming birthday! :) It’s an art collab, inspired by the original one from 2020. Each person would have their own illustrated cake layer themed around RT’s content and it would be assembled at the end to make a huge birthday cake! It's being organized by myself as well as others who worked on all the collaborations from 2020 up to now! Even if you don't draw often/ don't think you're that good, you can join! We'll be here to help and it's the participating that counts <:)
If you are interested, I’ve made a discord server for that specific purpose (for the sake of organization): https://discord.gg/BPZnMpBqWu The original cake
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justtrashperson · 3 months ago
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Been redrawing my old Irish lads fanarts just to see how far I’ve come lol
They’ve been in the brain for 4 years now,,,,damn
+ old versions below
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kabuki-draws · 2 months ago
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Yeah so, i watched the 'Kneecap' film last Sunday without knowing anything about the group and they literally hooked me so hard, that Kneecap is now on my number 1 Spotify. Damn, those Irish lads 🇮🇪☘️.
I know that there is probably no demand for Kneecap fanart, whatsoever. Will this stop me? No. *handing over the art piece*
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soul-sand · 5 months ago
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Inktober Day 17: Quash
quietly savor
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captainscodex · 3 months ago
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throws you a 20MTM!kevin. behold, our favourite slightly traumatised carpenter.
new chapter dropping on monday!
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year ago
This took so long but my cosplay of Cupcake!
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(Too long for alt text or it’s just broken for me)
I spent over 60 hours making a fursuit of Cupcake. Why? Felt like it. I have done it again, I made fanart in the form of a fursuit. Features - Individually sewn sprinkles, at least 36 of them - wiggle-able ears that move when I shake my head - braid things that are weighted at the bottom so they sway more when I move - stuffing in neck and hair to give illusion of wool - paws with plush claws so they don’t actually hurt anyone - either I’ve gotten too used to wearing her or she’s surprisingly light despite how she looks. I did most of the work when the plushies were supposed to ship. I still haven’t gotten mine as of November 18, 2023. (About the Miitopia Cupcake) My phone cut off her arm here idk why but I don’t feel like fixing it.
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The original plan before I decided to ignore it entirely and just go with what I saw in my head. I now got 2/5 fursuits of Irish Lads members. I’m still unsure of exactly why I decided to do this but too late now.
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Work in progress photos because they’re neat, I guess. Halfway through this I had to stop because the forces of nature tried to prevent this from happening (massive wildfire happened, had to evacuate) but it’s okay now. I resumed in October.
Some more pictures from Kelowna Comic-con, shoutout to the people who recognized her :3
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I hope y’all like her because I do a lot :)
She was so worth it.
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Aight what member of the Irish Lads do I make a fursuit of next?
(Also, I have an IG where I post way more often, they are snowfall_warning & snowfallwarning_creations)
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