#iris de elmir
phangneh · 2 months
Voice in the Abyss
✨Manhwa : Into The Light Once Again
✨Elmir royal family x Fem!Reader
✨Warning : princess!reader, lost memory, yandere elements (both platonic and romantic), protect, ... (will add more)
📌Note: this is just a fanfic, there are many details unrelated to the original story line. English is not my native language, if I make grammatical mistakes or use incorrect words, please forgive me.
🎭Summary : You have a voice that is said to change the world, when you sing, your sweet voice makes people happy and all things flourish. One day, your kingdom was destroyed, you had to live with the pain of losing your family and being severely mistreated. But it seems that you will die in misery, there will be people who will come and take you out of the abyss.
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"O God, when this song ends, come and take me away"
"Let me live forever, peacefully in your magical arms"
My dear, your voice can change the world...
Looks like there's a noise on the ground, you think. But you're not really sure, is it really noise? Or are your ears just imagining for themselves?
It's been a long time, even a little warmth of sunlight you haven't even seen, two years of being confined to a dark underground prison, all your senses and body have been worn out. Dark, cold, snake centipede insects you are also used to.
When will you be freed?
Why aren't you dead yet?
Eventually, you find yourself lying on the moldy, slurping ground. A finger can't move now, is God taking you?
The noise doesn't go away, but at this moment you don't care about it anymore. When you close your eyes, it feels like you're leaning on your mother's lap, and she sings you lullabies. There is the voice of your mother, of your father, of your brothers and sisters, it seems that you are with them.
And then you don't feel anything anymore.
You wake up, light creeping into the corner of your eye. Brilliant, and uncomfortable. But it's also warm and comfortable. Your head is blank, strangely enough, you don't have any memories in your head. You can't think of anything, you're so strange around, you wonder where this is, there's a lot of mixed emotions, anxiety, fear, restlessness in you,... Suddenly the door of the room opens, a woman enters and is alarmed to realize you have woken up, she is so shocked that she almost dropped the tray in her hand.
"She's awake!"
She speaks something you don't understand. You're vague, weak, but still aware enough that two people came in later, they both looked in a hurry, and seemed surprised to see you open your eyes. Who's that? Do you know them?
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" A soft voice that you can hear, she speaks a language that you understand, you want to answer, but your throat is too weak to say something.
The owner of the voice was a woman with a gentle and beautiful face, her eyes were like beautiful purple jewels.
She looked very worried... Why?
"Hurry up and call the priest here!" Another voice, but that of the younger girl, they were the same, they both had cloud-white hair, but she had blue eyes... It was like that lake, clear and shining. She was as beautiful as an angel.
"It's going to be fine, you're safe."
You are confused, why are you here, who they are, why are you like this, so many questions in your mind.
What happened?
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[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
I hope someone will like it (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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faceclxims · 2 years
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I will be revamping this blog little by little. The changes will not impact much, but there will be two main versions of Nun,
a demon/royal Nunnally...
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(with these icons)
...and a human Nunnally
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(with these icons)
Demon Nunnally is a default one, but feel free to request any version of her including the royal verse; if we have interacted before and we will be rp-ing human Nunnally, but you would still prefer the old icons, I am totally okay with it as well. I myself tend to get used to icons and see muses through them...
There might be some more variations as I go, and I am totally open for us to have interactions with various versions of her.
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mellifluouaamor · 2 years
hello! can I request isis, rezef, and ijekiel courting or crushing hcs? also gn!reader please, like how they would act around their crush, what they would do for them, unless you have a character limit I'll redo this request :') thank you if you took up this request! I hope you'll have a lovely day or night ❤️❤️
synopsis. how he courts you.
warnings. rezef hill being rezef hill.
author's note. HI SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING FOR MONTHS 🙈 to answer your question though - because of how easy it is for me to write for manhwa characters, i wanna say that i have no character limit... but alas, i gotta cap it at 3 so i can catch up with my other requests 😂
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it'll take empress iris and aisha talking to ISIS to get him to realise his intimate feelings for you, and he'll immediately think of courting you once he's sure that what he feels isn't a product of him being in the heat of the moment. if he's already close with you, the way he endearingly treats you won't change but there will be a hint of shyness in his gestures.
his attempts at courting you may be a bit awkward, but there's no denying the heartfelt sincerity in every gift that he leaves in your hands. the gifts that he hand-picks himself reflect his innocent wish of making you the happiest person in the empire (as well as the time that he spends thinking about you).
as the crown prince, isis spends most of his time studying and training, and rarely has a moment to think about relationships. as a result, he would often turn to his father and mother for help. he'd take you out to the places they've suggested and would plan every date meticulously; courting you is an operation that he must succeed in!
he pays extra attention to you on your dates and considers those outings as your days. if there's a particular place that you want to visit, don't hesitate to tell him as he'll gladly bring you there on his carriage - or his horse if you ask him. something in a shop caught your eye? consider it bought.
during royal balls and banquets, isis will always make sure to ask you if he could be your partner for your first dance. he wants to be the one to lead you to the dance floor and show the audience that there is no one in the whole world who shines more brightly or beautifully than you. if he's the star, then you must the sky that allows him to exist.
despite being the crown prince, the way isis treats you will make you feel like royalty - and he's not being endearing just for the sake of getting your hand. every action and word of his is genuine, especially his promise to devote his faith to you and being your sword.
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REZEF will kill a person, burn a mansion down, and even forsake his own country if it means that he can obtain you. with the way he was raised and treated as a child, it shouldn't come as a surprise that rezef views you as a property to own rather than a living human whose feelings he has to put above his own if he truly loves you.
you'll find yourself on the receiving end of his kindness and comfort more often, and you'll wake up to find expensive gifts piling up in your home. he doesn't bother leaving himself anonymous because he knows that once your parents are aware of the prince's courtship, it'll be hard for you to refuse his feelings later.
instead of taking you out to the places that you've never been to before, he'll invite you over for lunch or dinner with him in the palace and try to charm you. if you're cayena's close friend, she'll encourage you to get to know her brother better and will even go as far as putting in a good word for him to convince you; even if you're intuitive enough to realise that he's not someone you should get involved with, cayena's charisma is enough to make you inclined to accept rezef's invitations.
as the prince of his country, rezef is not short on money. if jamil tells him that you've been showing interest in a certain trend or have been eyeing some things in the shops, he'll order his servants to purchase those items and wrap them up as gifts to be delivered to you promptly. he doesn't stop to think about where you'll store his endless stream of gifts because if you run out of space, you always have the option of moving into the palace with him and becoming his beloved.
the more time you spend with rezef, the more possessive he is of you. only he's allowed to court you, only he's allowed to touch you, only he's allowed to love you. other people don't get those privileges, and if they try to steal you away from him, they'll face punishment even worse than death.
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IJEKIEL is a gentleman at heart and wants to treat you with utmost care, believing that you deserve only the best. he's already kind to you, and you'll often find yourself being doted on by him in private.
he's quite romantic and would send you more love letters than gifts, which are reserved for special occasions such as your birthday. the words and emotions he normally wouldn't express to you in person are inked onto every sheet of paper folded and tucked into the envelopes that will soon find their way to your hands. sometimes, he would deliver his letter to you personally to show you just how genuine he is with his courtship of you.
when the two of you have a free slot in your schedules, he'd take you out for a boat ride and ask you about your day. don't spare him the details; he wants to know everything, so don't be shy about speaking freely around him. he likes listening to you ramble on about the things that make you happy as he watches your animated expressions with a fond smile. of course, he'll gladly talk about himself too if you ask him.
ijekiel will invite you to join him in night markets if you don't mind crowded places. it's the perfect opportunity for him to see what you really like and buy you a memorable gift that will hopefully remind you of this day whenever you look at it. these crowded night markets also give him a good excuse to hold your hand; you wouldn't want to suddenly be separated from him now, would you?
before every social event the two of you have been invited to, he would make sure to gift you something to wear to it, something that will obviously indicate whose heart you've captured. with how charming you are, ijekiel is positive that many suitors will approach you tonight, and wants a subtle yet effective way of warding off any potential threats to his courtship of you.
ijekiel always wants to be the partner of your first dance in balls and banquets. the moment he sets foot in the venue, he's weaving through the crowd, eyes searching for your familiar face. as soon as he finds you, he wastes no time in approaching you - and if you happen to be having a conversation with someone, he'll politely slot himself in to ask you if he could be your first dance partner.
during the first dance, you won't miss the way he's tenderly holding your waist as he meets your eyes with a loving gaze; in these moments, he'll make his feelings for you clear as day in hopes that one day, he'll have a place in your future.
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melo-icons · 3 years
[ ✿ 70 Iris ]
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☘  Character: Iris De Elmir ☘  Manhwa: Into The Light Once Again ☘  Dimension: 100 x 100 ☘  Chapters: 1 - 25 ☘  Icons: 70
Do leave a like/reblog if you’ve used these icons.Have a great day!
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yanderedreamer · 2 years
But aaa since you're taking requests for manhwa, may I request general yandere headcanons for our beloved Crown Prince Isis?
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Yandere Isis de Elmir / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: General yandere headcanons.
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, infantilization, mentions of torture (not towards reader).
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Sweet, sweet Isis. A fairy tale prince in flesh, a strong knight possessing gentle sincerity, and the Crown Prince of the Elmir Empire... He's the man who's madly in love with you to the point where he would tear down the stars and rearrange them if you asked him to. If you have enemies that you'd like to exact revenge on, just tell him their names and he'll get his hands dirty for you.
Isis unknowingly fell for you when he saw how well you treated his younger sister. Aisha is everything to him, and to see her being doted on by you stirred a certain feeling of warmth inside his chest. At first, he wanted to keep you close to make his sister happy after knowing how much she loves spending time with you, but his reason eventually became more and more personal as the days passed. His admiration for you gradually morphed into an obsession which he can't control.
If he's the sun, then you're his moon. You gently light people's paths with your kindness, and your innocence is something that Isis wants to preserve. He thinks that you're too naïve for this world but don't worry! As your prince and knight, he'll do everything within his power to protect you from the "bad things".
Anyone who tries to harm you will meet the other end of his sword first before they are dragged to face the enraged emperor. How dare they try to endanger the life of his son's love interest? For meddling with someone who is directly connected to the crown prince, he would let his son choose the perpetrator's punishment. Of course, Isis has no plans of giving them the easy way out through death. They'll be tortured until they get it into their thick head that they shouldn't touch what doesn't belong to them.
Isis will lure you in with his honey-coated words and sweet gestures. He knows the way to your heart very well, and you will fall for him. He'll guarantee it no matter what because anyone you show interest in will avoid you with eyes full of fear the next day. Isis will wrap you with a false sense of security, deceiving you into believing that he's the prince charming of your dreams. When it comes to you, he's willing to step out of line a little.
He wouldn't confine you to a room because Aisha would strongly object to the idea; instead, he should tie you to him with matrimony. That would put a tight leash on you without actually hurting you, and you'll have no choice but to move into the Imperial Palace to live with him and his family. His face grows warm at the thought of being emperor with you sitting on the seat next to his throne. His little Aisha is so smart!
It would be easy for Isis to gain your hand in marriage. Your family is already loyal to the royal family so if it's a direct order from the emperor himself, then your parents will gladly hand you over to be the crown prince's future spouse. Aisha is excited to have you as her sibling-in-law soon, and Tyrion and Iris would always give you a warm welcome whenever you visit to have lunch or dinner with them.
If you decide to break your engagement with Isis, he'll be heartbroken and he'll readily show you how he feels about your decision. He'll act desperate, he'll beg, he'll guilt-trip you into staying with him. What do you mean you can't handle it? Has he not been nice enough to you? When you think back, the crown prince has been nothing but loving towards you - but that's the problem. His love is suffocating, yet you can't deny the kindness he has shown you all this time.
If you continue to refuse him, he'll find a way to have you crawling back to him, begging him to save your family with your hands clasped together as tears run down your cheeks in rivulets. He'd feign concern and reassure you that he'll take care of things while smiling gleefully on the inside. Do you understand now? That you're helpless without him. You need him in your life because only he can save you from your troubles. Only he can be the fairy tale prince to embrace you with love, to put the crown on your head and thus bind you to him for the rest of your life.
Aww, his precious one is crying. Don't worry, he coos, he'll serve the world to you on a silver platter. So why don't you smile for him and show a little happiness?
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cherchersketch · 2 years
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Into the Light, Once Again
I’ve just been really into these ~reborn for REVENGE~ stories ever since I read Iris >< But as a totally different person this time, and no travel back in time involved.  Her new family is so cute and it’s adorable how much they love her ;w;
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Summary Trash family is trash and sentence the 14-year-old FL to death. Even though she prays not to be reborn as a human the next time, she is now the princess of a neighbouring country. And her new family LOVE her SO MUCH ;w; Her brother is especially protective and such a good brother ;A; Also, even though there’s the usual *secretly plotting revenge for previous life* plot point, she actually reveals it pretty early on to someone close to her. What a twist. 
Tropes   - just throw this whole family away   - died and reincarnated FOR REVENGE   - the angelic character is secretly a villain? *shocked pikachu face*   - my family is obsessed with me    - maybe hints of a romance but PLOT is MORE IMPORTANT
FL - Princess Aisha de Elmir
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- baby - betrayed child returns to be superior to her trash family (I hope) WE LOVE TO SEE IT - fueled by *REVENGE* - super special awesome ~*magic*~ user - employers love her: the 10 year old with 20 years of work experience
Rating: I enjoyed my time reading this Status (as of 16 May 2023) It’s still fairly new and very early into the plot. The FL hasn’t even met the previous family yet in this new life. So if you’re the type who reads these for the ~catharsis~ then it’s definitely one to bookmark and wait til like... the end of the year to read probably I’ve seen spoilers for who the ML is, as it’s getting a bit more blatant in the manhwa, and I... don’t really like it. But still love the family dynamic and revenge plot so dropped it in my personal ranking ;;;
Same Same but Different   - Devoted to Diamond / My Family is obsessed with Me   - The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess / The Monstrous Duke’s Adopted Daughter   - Actually, I was the Real One / I am the Real One
full rec list
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phangneh · 2 months
Voice in the Abyss
✨Manhwa : Into The Light Once Again
✨Elmir royal family x Fem!Reader
✨Warning : princess!reader, lost memory, yandere elements (both platonic and romantic), protect, ... (will add more)
📌Note: this is just a fanfic, there are many details unrelated to the original story line. English is not my native language, if I make grammatical mistakes or use incorrect words, please forgive me.
🎭Summary : You have a voice that is said to change the world, when you sing, your sweet voice makes people happy and all things flourish. One day, your kingdom was destroyed, you had to live with the pain of losing your family and being severely mistreated. But it seems that you will die in misery, there will be people who will come and take you out of the abyss.
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[ Introduce ]
[ Chapter 1 ]
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Looks like there's a noise on the ground, you think. But you're not really sure, is it really noise? Or are your ears just imagining for themselves?
It's been a long time, even a little warmth of sunlight you haven't even seen, two years of being confined to a dark underground prison, all your senses and body have been worn out. Dark, cold, snake centipede insects you are also used to.
When will you be freed?
Why aren't you dead yet?
Eventually, you find yourself lying on the moldy, slurping ground. A finger can't move now, is God taking you?
The noise doesn't go away, but at this moment you don't care about it anymore. When you close your eyes, it feels like you're leaning on your mother's lap, and she sings you lullabies. There is the voice of your mother, of your father, of your brothers and sisters, it seems that you are with them.
And then you don't feel anything anymore.
You wake up, light creeping into the corner of your eye. Brilliant, and uncomfortable. But it's also warm and comfortable. Your head is blank, strangely enough, you don't have any memories in your head. You can't think of anything, you're so strange around, you wonder where this is, there's a lot of mixed emotions, anxiety, fear, restlessness in you,... Suddenly the door of the room opens, a woman enters and is alarmed to realize you have woken up, she is so shocked that she almost dropped the tray in her hand.
"She's awake!"
She speaks something you don't understand. You're vague, weak, but still aware enough that two people came in later, they both looked in a hurry, and seemed surprised to see you open your eyes. Who's that? Do you know them?
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" A soft voice that you can hear, she speaks a language that you understand, you want to answer, but your throat is too weak to say something.
The owner of the voice was a woman with a gentle and beautiful face, her eyes were like beautiful purple jewels.
She looked very worried... Why?
"Hurry up and call the priest here!" Another voice, but that of the younger girl, they were the same, they both had cloud-white hair, but she had blue eyes... It was like that lake, clear and shining. She was as beautiful as an angel.
"It's going to be fine, you're safe."
You are confused, why are you here, who they are, why are you like this, so many questions in your mind.
What happened?
You gaze silently out the light-filled window, your aimless eyes gazing into the distance. It's been two days since you woke up, Empress Iris – that beautiful purple-eyed woman said that you have been in a coma for almost 1 month since they found you.
"(Y/n) (L/n)"
The name crosses your mind, people say it's your name. You don't remember anything, your dark eyes look down at your bandaged hands, not an inch of flesh is healed right now, everywhere is full of wounds, some have become infected, some have become scars.
You are now in the Elmir Empire, a beautiful and prosperous Empire. Somehow you have been taken care of directly by the royal palace, everyone here is kind to you, even if you do not understand their language, but it seems that their words mean good. The only people you can hear are Empress Iris and Princess Aisha, who are by your side for two days today.
The gentle voice wakes you up from the train of thought, Princess Aisha, she is looking at you with worried eyes.
"How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?"
You shake your head slightly, then your tired eyes can see how relieved she is to see you're okay. Anytime you see anxiety on people's faces, you realize that you are the cause of that anxiety.
"Tell me if you're uncomfortable, please! I'll handle everything."  Aisha gave you a reassuring smile, hoping to get some reaction from you. For the past two days, the priests have taken turns treating you. Your condition has improved significantly, you can eat normally and move around more. Even so, you still look empty, like a lifeless doll. Aisha hopes that after you can walk, she will take you for a walk around the palace grounds. It will certainly be very quick, the divine power of the priests will help you recover quickly.
You really can't help but feel grateful for the care and concern of everyone in the Elmir royal family, from the Empress, Princess to the servants, they are truly good people. You were sure of it after only two days of interacting with them, there really was no one who could care for another person with such incredible enthusiasm.
However, for Aisha.
To this day, Aisha can't forget the moment you were taken back to the palace, you almost stopped breathing, disheveled... and couldn't have looked more horrible. They can't imagine what you've been through, your body is full of wounds big and small, sickness and skin diseases. Anyone who saw your condition was dumbfounded, there were no words that could describe you then. They wonder if the people who make you like this are still human.
So cruel.
So evil.
Why would they treat a human being like that?
Even if you don't know them, their hearts won't allow them to leave you alone. Luckily, they narrowly saved your life.
Aisha finishes her flashbacks, she looks up at you, seeing your eyes staring at her startles her.
"W-what's wrong?"
You look at her intently, after a while, you open your mouth slightly, but then you stop. You feel like you want to say something to her. But somehow, you want to say something. You become confused, struggling to find a way to express your thoughts.
"You want to say something?"
Seeing that she understood, you quickly nodded. Aisha thought, then quickly ran out of the room, you looked at her puzzledly, Aisha came back very quickly, in her hand were a few sheets of paper with a pen and ink.
"We can communicate this way, if you can't already speak" Princess Aisha certainly couldn't hide her joy knowing you wanted to talk, because probably from the moment you woke up, apart from nodding or shaking your head to express your best friend's thoughts, you didn't express anything that sounded like you wanted to talk. Aisha is really curious what you want to say to her.
When you pick up the paper and pen from Aisha, you pause for a moment, then start writing something. Your hands trembling, the black letters trembling on the paper, the Princess stares at you intently, waiting for what you are writing. After you stop, you slowly hold up the paper in front of her, Aisha narrows her eyes, trying to see your indistinct zigzag handwriting clearly.
"Thank you"
"For was... take care of you?" Aisha looked up at you, meeting your expectant gaze. When you nod, she knows she's read exactly what you want to say.
Before she could say anything more, Aisha saw you start writing on paper, looking urgent and hurried, as if you were afraid you'd miss the time to speak your mind.
"Once I'm well, I'll leave right away."
As she read those words, Aisha frowned slightly.
"Why? Where are you going?" She asks you, leaving you momentarily confused.
"Go Home"
Go home.
That's what you want, even if there is no memory of your so-called 'home' in your mind.
Aisha can't help but be surprised, because since you regained consciousness from that coma, no one has told you about your hometown, maybe 'home' is not something you would think about now. But now, you tell her you want to go home. How can Aisha tell you that your home is now a ruin?
"(Y/n), you can only stay in Elmir for now..."
When the Princess says that, you look confused, your eyes on her waiting for an explanation.
"Well... You see, your health is still unstable, right?"
"Staying in Elmir will give you time to recuperate, and I and everyone will take care of you."
So... For now, please rest assured to stay in Elmir, okay?
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Continue to [ Chapter 2 ]
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phangneh · 5 days
Voice in the Abyss
✨Manhwa : Into The Light Once Again
✨Elmir royal family x Fem!Reader
✨Warning : princess!reader, lost memory, yandere elements (both platonic and romantic), protect, ... (will add more)
📌Note: this is just a fanfic, there are many details unrelated to the original story line. English is not my native language, if I make grammatical mistakes or use incorrect words, please forgive me.
🎭Summary : You have a voice that is said to change the world, when you sing, your sweet voice makes people happy and all things flourish. One day, your kingdom was destroyed, you had to live with the pain of losing your family and being severely mistreated. But it seems that you will die in misery, there will be people who will come and take you out of the abyss.
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[ Introduce ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
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"So... how's that child ?"
The cup of tea that she had just picked up suddenly stopped. Aisha looked at her father when he mentioned you.
“(Y/n) is much better, she is receiving treatment very well,” Empress Iris said and then paused, the smile on her lips gradually becoming lighter. “… Like in the letter I sent you before, she doesn't remember anything that happened. So the royal physician diagnosed her with memory loss.”
“Hm” The Emperor nodded, raised the teacup, and took a sip.
"Isn't anyone going to tell her the truth ?"
“N-no way !” Aisha said hastily, she put down the tea cup. She still doesn't want you to know the truth. It's very difficult for you to get better. If you knew your homeland had been destroyed, Aisha isn't sure how you would feel.
“(Y/n) will have a hard time getting better, if we let her know the truth…”
You are too fragile to face it now. That would be a horrifying truth that could destroy you all over again. Aisha doesn't want that.
Tyrion thought for a while, then sighed, as if seeing right through his daughter's emotions.
“I understand.” The king nodded slightly, thinking. “Anyway, that child has nowhere else to go…”
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“Aisha, can we talk for a bit ?”
Finally, the Princess found herself on the balcony with her brother. Tonight, the moonlight is cool and windy, making it very suitable for relaxing or taking a walk before going to bed.
The two talked about many things to each other, as if this peaceful moment would last without end. Isis looked at her, his eyes were so gentle and affectionate that there were no words to describe them. He was talking to his beloved sister, how wonderful this was.
“You seem to care a lot about (K/n)'s princess, Aisha.”
Aisha's smile stiffened slightly; she was confused, her face suddenly turned pink. “Why do you think that ?”
“I saw your face turn worried when dad talked about telling her the truth.” Isis said softly. He wasn't surprised; he knew Aisha was a kind person and had a kind heart.
“Ah, is that so ?”
Aisha giggled, she didn't expect her face to look worried at that moment. But maybe he's right, because she really cares about you. Her mood, when she saw you getting better, became relieved, as if a ton of burden had been lifted from her.
“I feel… She…” She hesitated, seemingly at a loss for words to describe her feelings and what they were about you.
“When you talked about (Y/n) through the letter, my mother and I were very shocked. She reminds me of what happened when I was in Edenburg…”
But it seems like she… went through something even more horrifying than that…
Isis's pupils shrank slightly, he realized something. He pondered, his hands clenching unconsciously. The mention of Edenburg's name made him feel hateful.
Isis was silent for a moment, as if considering something before deciding to speak.
“Aisha… there is something I want to tell you.” He hesitated.
Something made Isis' voice sound more serious than before.
Aisha was a bit surprised. What kind of thing sounded so serious? She didn't take her eyes off him, ready for whatever he would say.
“They have something to do with this war, my sister…”
What ?
Her pupils shrank, her heart skipped a beat. Aisha couldn't utter a word when her brother said that. Her throat felt tight, her body felt numb. Did Isis just mention Edenburg ? She felt doubtful, many emotions mixed and rolled within her, making Aisha unable to find the words to answer him. She wondered: Why is Edenburg involved in this?
What the hell are they thinking anyway ?
“What did you… just say…?”
"That-… Impossible ! Why is Edenburg involved in this ?!"
Aisha's hands gripped the balcony railing tightly, making her fingers turn white. The image of Marianne unconsciously invaded her mind. The more Edenburg was mentioned, even if she was immersed in boundless joy, it still left Aisha enveloped in feelings of pain and deep hatred, above anything.
“Dad and I learned about it when we questioned Alamasia's soldiers. They said that Edenburg also had a part in this, including the destruction of (K/n).”
“They are the ones who provided information about (K/n) to Alamasia, and they are also the ones who provided magic tools for Alamasia to invade (K/n)…”
Although his voice was still steady and calm, Isis's expression had since become frowning. Edenburg's appearance was something he did not expect when interrogating those soldiers.
"I don't understand…"
“In the end, what did (K/n) do to deserve all that?” Aisha couldn't hide the bitterness in her voice.
From a young age, when exposed to human knowledge, Aisha noticed that the world praised the (K/n) Empire. People all use beautiful words to talk about that place, the country always stands at the pinnacle of prosperity, regardless of time. Along with the fact that music has always been associated with the country's development over the centuries, people call it the name: The country of songs.
People say that place is like paradise on earth—such a beautiful, wonderful place, where people live in prosperity and happiness, light exists everywhere, even in each alley in (K/n). Ancient songs, melodies, stories, and legends about the gods. (K/n) is always a place full of human love and happiness.
But now they are just a pile of ruins.
(Y/n), do you remember what your hometown used to be like?
“Do you know ?” Aisha said this after a moment of silence.
“Even though she doesn't remember anything about herself, she always remembers that she has a place to return to. I feel that it has deepened and taken root in her consciousness and subconscious.”
It seems like your heart is always in that place—a place that nothing can replace, a place that you can't even forget.
The place you call “home”.
Paper cannot cover a fire. Aisha knew you would find out one day; sooner or later, she wouldn't be able to hide the truth from you forever. But… how can Aisha tell you the truth ?
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Bang !
The sound came when Aisha's light arrow hit the tree trunk, making a dent there. She adjusted her breathing, looking at the dent that was bigger than the last time she practiced, which meant she was getting stronger. Aisha was happy about that. Although using light spirit power to fight was quite laborious, she would definitely try.
You sit on the side, clapping your hands. Your eyes widened in surprise and admiration. Princess Aisha was amazing. Aisha saw that and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her heart and, at the same time, a little embarrassed at the admiring eyes you were giving her.
Today, Aisha took you out to get some fresh air. She was worried that leaving you in the room for a long time would make you feel bored, partly because you could walk again. And it was the right decision! She noticed that you look more refreshed when you go out. The weather today is also very suitable, so you will feel comfortable. Aisha also feels better when she sees you happy.
Worried that you would wander around alone, she let you stay by her side while practicing. After that, you always stared at her curiously. The feeling of being stared at like that was also a bit embarrassing. Aisha would sometimes turn her face away for a moment to hide her slightly blushing face.
But most of all, what the Princess noticed was that you look so adorable sitting there !
This thought may be strange, but it's true! What Aisha means is… You look cute. You are dreamy, and your cheeks are pink, probably because the comfortable weather makes you like that. There's also the way you watch the butterflies flutter around and the way your eyes light up when you clap for her.
“Yeah… even though (Y/n) normally looks pretty and cute…” Aisha thought that while the bow in her hand glowed, it transformed into Rimie, an intermediate light spirit. Lu also transformed, returning from the arrow just now.
“Good job, Lu, Rimie !”
"Master! This time, you have improved !” Lu said excitedly that the little spirit was flying around Aisha.
"Yes! You too! It's been hard for you two."
"It's nothing, it's my honor to contribute to my master," Rimie said. She smiled slightly, placing her hand on her chest, showing sincerity.
“Now rest, Lu, Rimie.”
The two spirits disappeared after her words. Aisha quickly came to you. The two of you had been out for a long time; she wondered if you were tired.
“(Y/n), how are you feeling ?” Aisha sat down with you.
You nodded, your hand rubbing the green grass, feeling the smoothness touching your palm. Everything makes you curious. Suddenly, you feel like you haven't been outdoors for a long time, and the warm light also makes you feel a bit strange. It wasn't just a few weeks; it was longer than that. But you quickly dismissed it and thought that maybe you were thinking too much. Maybe being in the room for too long makes you feel that way.
Aisha silently smiled, watching you interact with everything outside. You looked like a child right now, studying everything in your sight.
Before that, she had taken you to meet her father, Emperor Tyrion; although at first she found it a bit hasty for you, she was worried that you would feel nervous about meeting him. But after that, nothing happened, everything was quite fine. Even though you still refused to say anything, luckily, the Emperor sympathized with you.
Actually, you're not very good about it. Meeting such a noble person makes you feel tense and restless, Aisha and Empress Iris are also noble, but they are much gentler. When welcoming you, he did not show that side but instead showed a gentle side. If you compare Emperor Tyrion with Empress Iris, you can see that Tyrion is stricter and colder, certainly, because he is the Emperor, the ruler of a large Empire and the leader of the people. You understand that; indeed, being a ruler is not easy.
You heard that Aisha also has an older brother, he is the Crown Prince, but you haven't met him.
“Next month, we will have a party to celebrate my dad's return from that trip. I heard it's supposed to last for half a month.” Princess Aisha looked up at the sky. “Hm… There will probably be a ball too."
Even though she said it was a celebration of the Emperor's successful trip, it was actually a celebration of the knights returning victorious from the war. Everyone knows that, except you.
“(Y/n), do you like royal balls ?”
Hearing her question, you drifted off, thinking about balls and royal parties. Many question marks began to appear in your mind. What is a royal party like ?
Aisha looked at your bewildered appearance and accidentally let out a giggle. “A ball is a kind of social gathering, but where people's main activity is dancing.” She explained, seeming to guess your thoughts.
“You can make friends there and dance with whoever you like.”
Having said this, she suddenly stopped and stared at you. If you let yourself attend the party, perhaps you will also attract a lot of attention from nobles, many people will notice your outstanding beauty. Your beauty becomes apparent after the scars gradually fade until they completely disappear. You look like the reincarnation of an angel fallen from heaven. Shiny, smooth hair and crystal-like (e/c) eyes—when you're quiet, people say you're as beautiful as a porcelain doll.
It's just a shame that you look quite... lifeless right now. Every time Iris looks into your eyes, she says that they contain an indescribable sadness that is as deep as the ocean, just looking at it once or twice will not be enough to understand.
Aisha wondered what it would be like when you smiled; it would definitely be very beautiful.
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You two don't know that Isis is silently observing you at the window in the palace. Looking at the two of you being so close, he smiled slightly, happy that Aisha had a friend to keep her company. However, his smile suddenly faded, and a thoughtful look shone in his blue eyes as he looked at your back.
What is he thinking ?
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Continue to [ Chapter 5 ]
ψ(`∇´)ψ @heather-hutchcroft @alittlelostmoonchild
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phangneh · 1 month
Voice in the Abyss
✨Manhwa : Into The Light Once Again
✨Elmir royal family x Fem!Reader
✨Warning : princess!reader, lost memory, yandere elements (both platonic and romantic), protect, ... (will add more)
📌Note: this is just a fanfic, there are many details unrelated to the original story line. English is not my native language, if I make grammatical mistakes or use incorrect words, please forgive me.
🎭Summary : You have a voice that is said to change the world, when you sing, your sweet voice makes people happy and all things flourish. One day, your kingdom was destroyed, you had to live with the pain of losing your family and being severely mistreated. But it seems that you will die in misery, there will be people who will come and take you out of the abyss.
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[ Introduce ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
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It is said that today is the day the Emperor and Crown Prince return from a relatively long trip, which is why everyone in the palace is busy. That's what you heard. Well, you also want to do something to help them, you don't want to be free while everyone else is so busy with work.
“Your health is still very poor, rest!”
That's what Aisha told you before disappearing. And so now you have to be alone in your room, on your bed. Aisha and the Empress will act extremely worried and try to dissuade you when you try to do something alone without asking for their help or that of a servant. Even though you were grateful, you couldn't help but feel like it was a bit suffocating; you didn't want to bother others over small things or something.
You want yourself to get well quickly, and after walking better, you can quickly go home. Staying in Elmir for too long will bother everyone a lot.
Moreover, being here makes you feel extremely strange. Even though you've been here for a while, everyone is kind and friendly, but you still can't get used to it. Do you think maybe it's because you don't speak the same language, so it's difficult to integrate with them, or not...?
You don't know, you're just not used to this place, this isn't your home, and it's so strange because it doesn't exist in your memories. Despite Princess Aisha's efforts to make you feel comfortable with your new home, you still don't feel any better. You wouldn't say that to her, you didn't want people to be disappointed after all their efforts. In fact, you are very grateful to them.
Gently place your feet on the floor, the coolness of the stone floor makes your toes numb. You tried to stand up with both legs with your strength. When you finally did, your legs shook a little. Maybe Aisha was right, you were still too weak to do anything. Slowly walking to the window, the sunlight falling on you makes you feel warm. Elmir's weather right now is very beautiful: a blue sky, mild sunshine, and sometimes wind.
“… How is the weather at home?” You mumbled as your eyes still stared at the high blue sky.
It's strange, suddenly one day you wake up in a strange place with an empty mind without any memories. You have lost your memory. Up until now, you don't have any information about your family or where you live; you don't even remember where you live anymore. Every time you ask Aisha and Empress Iris about it, they only give vague or evasive answers. You don't even know why you lost your memory and suffered serious injuries because no one is willing to explain it to you. You couldn't help but be puzzled and curious, but they all seemed to be good at hiding things; they immediately and easily distracted you with another topic.
“I want to go home…” You want to go home because you think that place might make you feel more at home than Elmir. Your hand rests on the glass, and your mind begins to imagine the scene when you get home. Suddenly you realize that it seems like yesterday you had a rather strange dream, you don't remember it clearly. Now that dream has become vague, like a passing fog, suddenly disappearing, suddenly appearing, blurred. Blurry and unclear. But maybe you won't care about it anymore.
Returning to the bed, you sat down, causing the soft mattress to sink slightly. You look back at your hands, with the scars that have gradually faded. Well, thanks to everyone's care, even though sometimes you don't know why they are so good to you, it makes you want to do something to thank them.
As you keep thinking about it, you start to feel sleepiness creeping in, and you fall asleep again.
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Aisha was looking forward to it; she knew. Of course, that's not strange, she couldn't help but feel happy and excited at the thought of her beloved father and brother about to return.
Standing in front of the palace's grand gate and hearing the sound of horse hooves approaching, she felt her heart beat a little faster. Empress Iris, standing next to her, couldn't help but smile when she saw her daughter's appearance. She herself was feeling lightheaded and happy.
When the group of knights led by the revered Emperor of the Empire officially entered the gate, servants stood on both sides, bowing their heads and bowing respectfully.
“Greetings, Emperor and Crown Prince!”
Aisha's smile immediately brightened when she saw the people she was looking forward to. She immediately waved to them, her cheeks turning pink. When the horse stopped, Crown Prince Isis could not stop himself but quickly got off the horse and ran like he was flying to Aisha, his beloved sister, to hug her.
“Aisha! I'm back!” Isis hugged his sister tightly as if to make up for the time they had been apart, while also expressing the love and nostalgia he had for her. Isis loves her sister more than anyone; of course everyone knows that. "I missed you so much."
“I miss you too." The princess giggled while in her brother's arms.
“Ahem… Aisha, what about this father?”
The Emperor's voice made Aisha recognize him. She smiled shyly and then went to give him a hug.
“Welcome home, dad.”
Tyrion also happily hugged his daughter back. No less than Isis, the emperor himself missed his daughter and wife very much. His family is everything to him, and he will do anything if it means protecting his family's happiness and safety, even if it means sacrificing himself on the battlefield.
“Everyone must be very tired from such a long journey, let's go rest quickly.”
The palace servants began to get busy again, arranging and packing their luggage, some followed the royal family to help them.
On the way, Aisha and Isis couldn't stop themselves from talking to each other. They had a lot to say to each other after a period of separation, even though they exchanged letters during that time, but that was absolutely not enough! But the moments of being together and talking to each other are much more valuable. Their parents could only smile when they saw their children so excited, after all, they themselves knew that Isis and Aisha were deeply attached to each other.
When they had to temporarily separate, the two of them stopped. The Crown Prince couldn't help but smile regretfully, but his sister wanted him to rest, and in fact, he himself was very tired.
“See you later, Aisha. I really have a lot to tell you.”
“Yes, brother, please rest. I also look forward to talking to you.”
“See you at dinner.”
“Goodbye, brother Isis.”
Aisha waved goodbye to Isis, who turned toward the prince's palace with his servants following. She looked forward to the time they would spend together soon. Besides, the princess also felt extremely relieved; it was fortunate that everyone returned safely after the war. This battle happened suddenly, and the departure of the only heir to the throne, Isis, following Emperor Tyrion, also caused a lot of worry. Most people tried to prevent him from going to the battlefield because if something happened to the Empire's Crown Prince, the entire Empire would fall into chaos. Even so, he was still determined to step out onto the front-line.
She always knew that her brother was talented, very strong and intelligent, but on the battlefield, anything could happen suddenly and no one could predict. She sent letters to her father and brother regularly to make sure they were okay. An entire empire is represented by the Royal Family, after all.
Looking at her brother, who had disappeared, Aisha fell into contemplation as she turned away. Even though her father and brother have returned, it's unlikely their lives will return to their original trajectory any time soon. War and peace both stand between extremely fragile lines. One threat has been eliminated, but there are still countless other threats lurking. Especially a real enemy who is always lurking and stalking them.
And you, the one who will most likely have a big impact on their lives in the future.
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Continue to [ Chapter 4 ]
p/s: I'm about to enter a very important exam so I can't release a new chapter soon, I'm really sorry 〒▽〒 I'll be back in three weeks!
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phangneh · 2 months
Voice in the Abyss
✨Manhwa : Into The Light Once Again
✨Elmir royal family x Fem!Reader
✨Warning : princess!reader, lost memory, yandere elements (both platonic and romantic), protect, ... (will add more)
📌Note: this is just a fanfic, there are many details unrelated to the original story line. English is not my native language, if I make grammatical mistakes or use incorrect words, please forgive me.
🎭Summary : You have a voice that is said to change the world, when you sing, your sweet voice makes people happy and all things flourish. One day, your kingdom was destroyed, you had to live with the pain of losing your family and being severely mistreated. But it seems that you will die in misery, there will be people who will come and take you out of the abyss.
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[ Introduce ]
[ Chapter 2 ]
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"Garibel von Alamask, do you have anything else to say?"
The vanquished knelt on the ground, panting in disheveled form. Garibel von Alamask, the new emperor of the Alamask Empire, after ascending the throne, launched war, conquering the kingdom (K/n) in the East. Taking advantage of (K/n)'s time of poor security and defense, they attacked (K/n) in the night, causing the kingdom already filled with joy to be drowned out by screams. The whole festival, which was born to pray for a prosperous new year, ended in blood.
That's the tragedy.
 With a strong military bloc and formidable forces at his back, Garibel von Alamask led an army towards the Elmir Empire following a two-year monopoly (K/n).
However, their ambitions fail completely under the sword of Elmir's Emperor.
"Hah..." Seemingly unrepentant, Garibel glanced up into his deadly blue eyes. His lips twisted into a twisted, mocking smile.
"Just one more moment..." He whispered, recalling why he was doing these things, "Perhaps my plan will come to pass." He had not felt guilty up until now. A twisted, irreparably insane soul who takes genocide for pleasure. Garibel killed his siblings and the previous Emperor to inherit the throne.
He was a demon in human disguise.
"Even now, you still maintain that bottomless greed. As expected, nothing has changed, right?" Emperor Tyrion frowned, his eyes showing contempt and hatred.
The space fell silent again, and the surrounding knights couldn't help but feel tense in the gloomy atmosphere.
"Your presence in the world is an impurity, an insult to the Creator God." The harsh words were slowly uttered in an even tone, but it was still not enough to move the sinner.
"(Y/n) (L/n), that girl... Vocals can change the world." 
"Finally, it's time to get close to death... I still can't get that weapon to work as I please... I wonder what it is, after all?"
"What are you talking about?"
Garibel looked up at the Emperor standing in front of him, his deep eyes gleaming with frenzy.
"Why don't you find out for yourself?"
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"Dad, what do you think he meant?" The handsome young man spoke with a puzzled expression; Garibel's words stuck in his head. Unfortunately, there is no satisfactory explanation for that statement.
Because Garibel is dead. A sudden death was something no one at the scene could have expected. He screamed in pain, his whole body emitting a jet black aura, as if... being drained of the soul from the body. When he stopped, he himself was like a dried corpse. Emperor Tyrion frowned at his son's question; indeed, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, his words, his death, none of them had an explanation.
"About that... I don't know. Let's wait for the results of the mages on his death."
The Crown Prince hummed, but inside he couldn't stop thinking. The girl named (Y/n) they find in the dungeon is actually the princess of the kingdom (K/n), who is also the last surviving person of that kingdom. There had to be some reason why Garibel kept her like that.
"Weapons...?" Prince Isis muttered, thinking about the word; maybe it was the focus they needed to think about.
"Tomorrow we will return to Elmir... As for the remnants of the kingdom (K/n) are temporarily left there, the princess of (K/n) is still alive; we must not touch what is left of this Kingdom arbitrarily." 
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"(Y/n) is asleep."
Aisha whispered to Empress Iris. The Empress smiled lightly, Looking down at the little girl who was sleeping, indescribable emotions rose up in her heart. It was perhaps a mixture of concern and pity, as well as an affectionate concern.
"I'm glad she's getting better."
Aisha nodded. Everyone in the palace is excited to see you get better. Compared to the previous situation, it is really different. Although she was happy, the little princess still had things still in her heart.
One thing that makes her think for a long time, when you are brought back to Elmir, they invited a high priest to treat you. With such magic, you should have woken up earlier, but it took you almost a month to wake up. Even Aisha tried to directly heal you with her magic but there was no progress, which made Aisha doubt herself. But no, it's not... After many magical treatments, priests realize that your body receives very little of their magic. It's only a matter of time before you wake up from sleep, which is why your injuries, scars, and physical strength recover so poorly despite a lot of treatment. In order to avoid damaging their magic, Empress Iris decides to switch to the usual medicine treatment option and combine it with the healing magic of the priests.
"The royal doctor said her vocal cords had recovered by now... But Y/n hasn't said anything yet..." Aisha said worriedly, looking at your slender hand.
"Maybe now isn't the time... If she wanted to, she would say it."
Her eyes were filled with sadness. When Aisha learned that you were imprisoned in the underground dungeon of your own kingdom, she immediately remembered what she had experienced in her previous life, those dark memories, which she still cannot forget now.
Aisha, in her previous life, was the fourth princess of the Edenberg Empire, at that time the Edenberg Empire rivaled Elmir. Her name used to be Alisa; although she was a princess, it was always discussed, it was not worthy of the title of princess at all. Her raven-black hair and gloomy blue eyes were different from those of her sister Marianne, the fifth princess of Edenberg, who were likened to jewels. how much she loved Mari, in the end it was the little brother she loved with all her heart that staged her manslaughter of her, leaving her imprisoned in a dungeon, subject to scorn from her own family. And then, Alisa was sentenced to death for something she didn't do.
Alisa died like that. Wrongful death, pain, and anguish. No one believed her. And to this day, Aisha could not understand: Why did Marianne do this to her?
But now she is Aisha de Elmir, Elmir's only princess, Elmer's one and only star. There will be no more days of suffering like that.
Aisha pursed her lips; she understood what it was like to be locked in a dark, moldy prison. Very lonely and sad. Every time she remembered it, it gave her chills. How extraordinary you are to persist until now. Despite all that trauma, you have lived there for 2 years and waited for the day to be freed... Even though you're alone now.
Take your hand. Aisha wants to protect you, which is what she wants after knowing everything you've been through. Your situation is like an invisible but extremely sure thread that connects to her heart. Aisha really wants to protect you at all costs.
As if seeing her gaze on you, Iris said softly, "I remember Aisha as a child..."
Her mother's voice caught her attention, and the princess looked up at her mother and then met her affectionate amethyst eyes.
"Everyone in the palace is worried because Aisha hasn't said a word, I myself am also very worried… hm, but I still believe that one day you'll say, no matter how far away, I'm willing to wait."
It reminds Aisha of her past experiences when she was raised from the dead to become Elmir's princess. Because she was obsessed with what she had experienced in Edenberg, she rebuffed and avoided everyone around her... even though she was an infant at the time.
"Then finally, on your 1st birthday, you spoke first," Empress Iris paused, recalling the moment her little girl called out "mom" for the first time. It would be perhaps the most memorable moment of her life. The moment when all her anticipation paid off was bursting with overflowing happiness.
"I'm so happy, Aisha. And surely your father and Isis feel the same way." Iris looked up at Aisha, smiling.
"Maybe (Y/n) too; one day, she'll say... so let's wait together, Aisha?"
Aisha's heart fluttered, instantly enveloped by warmth and happiness. Being reborn in the love of her family is the happiest and luckiest thing in her life, something Aisha didn't feel when she was Alisa del Edenberg. The gods gave her a chance to live in the light of love. Princess Aisha looked down at you again, her hand still holding yours...
If so, will you ever feel happiness like she did in the future?
You are just an innocent person living in pain—the pain of losing your family and the destruction of your kingdom. If God has eyes, he will surely give you a chance to live happily, which you deserve after all your suffering. Then your beautiful eyes will no longer be sad...
Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, sounding like a servant. After obtaining the consent of Queen Iris, the servant entered, accompanied by an announcement.
"Your Highness, there is an announcement from Emperor: tomorrow His Majesty the Emperor, Crown Prince, and the knights will return to Elmir from (K/n)."
"Ah, dad and brother Isis will return tomorrow ?" Aisha's eyes lit up when she heard the news, which was good news. 
Aisha of course couldn't help but be happy, her father and brother finally returned after a long time away. Even though they corresponded with each other, wouldn't it be much better to meet face to face and be together. Princess Aisha began to feel nervous and excited when she thought she could hug her brother in her arms after not seeing each other for a long time.
The return of the Emperor and Crown Prince will certainly bring relevant information about you.
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"You gave me a spring full of desire.”
“A fresh spring full of light everywhere..."
Someone is singing; you hear it.
"You brought youth to this land.”
“Echoing singing contains the love of life."
It's nice.
You wonder who's singing; her voice is so soft and sweet that you don't know what words to use to describe that voice.
But... It's strange; it makes you feel familiar, both vocally and with this song, as if you've met it somewhere. How familiar it is—when did you hear it?—you can't remember.
In your sleep, that mysterious voice makes you feel at peace.
"The darkness receded, and the birds sang joyfully."
“And then, from here, the sunshine shines a new life.”
“Following in your footsteps, I see a bright future.”
Who? Who's that?
"Come on, let's go home..."
Awake. Your dreamy eyes caught sight of someone's figure standing next to your bed. The boy looked like he was smiled. You couldn't see his face well with your foggy thoughts.
"Sister, let's go home together!"
"Our parents and everyone are waiting for you!"
A boy's little voice is always ringing in your ears, reminding you to return home. The boy's words ignited something within of you. You came to the realization that you had been missing something crucial the entire time. It is so significant that when it vanishes from your memory, you feel empty and depressed.
Your home.
Maybe that's it. Have you forgotten it?
“Why don't I remember anything?" You ask yourself.
Somewhere, the voice keeps ringing, piques your interest. Right now your body feels weirdly heavy, your eyes are constantly shutting, and you are immobile.
"Sister, let's go home."
In the end, you continued to fall asleep with the pleasant sound of singing wafting in your ears.
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Continue to [ Chapter 3 ]
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🙪 No art on this blog is mine. It belongs to their respective authors.
🙪 Faceclaim for demon Nunnally is Iris De Elmir from 'The Light Once Again'
🙪 Faceclaim for human Nunnally is Chichiro Hiyoshi from 'Kimi ga Kirai na Koi no Hanashi'
🙪 The credits for the graphics on this blog go to Ghoull (@v-iciious)
🙪 The credits for Nunnally's icons (both demon and human) go to Elle (@falseamore)
🙪 The elements of my header were also made by Elle and Tea (@gasotea). Tea is the artist that made Nunnally's avatar. Thank you Tea! You are a wonderful friend!
🙪 Although I have probably said that many times, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who made Nunnally's blog look as gorgeous as it does right now. Thank you.
🙪 I would also like to say thank you to all who helped me to get where I am right now. Be it by sharing their knowledge and experience on how this platform works, talking with me ooc, dropping in various ideas, or simply writing with me! Thank you. You all make my time here special!
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