#irina x reader
mxdimitrescu · 5 months
You Saved Me
Synopsis: A millenniums year old vampire was asked to be a witness for the Cullens and encounters her fated mate along the way.
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Irina Denali x Finley
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Water drips off of me as I brush my black curly wet hair out of my face while walking out the ocean. I walk to the rock formation off side of the beach where I've hidden my clothes. As I reach there, I heard a snap which instantly put me on guard. I crouched, looking around while keeping my ears out but nothing.
I let out a hiss, "Who's there? Reveal yourself!"
"It's me, Alice!" A high pitch voice that embodies happiness invades my hearing.
I instantly relaxed and stood up from my position and headed straight for my clothes.
"What are you doing here, Alice?" I huffed while putting on dark blue Hawaiian shirt and a beige cargo shorts on, and no shoes.
"Finley, something happened and I need your help," Alice murmured with a hint of desperation and fear.
I furrowed my eyebrows at the tone and I knew that something was wrong. I walked toward to Alice and gently grabbed her hand.
"What's going on?"
"Volturi is after us, my family," Alice told me which caused me to react negatively.
"Why? What did you guys do to warrant this? They usually come if it is bad. Alice, please tell me you guys..." I trailed off.
Alice shook her head, "No, my brother, Edward, got married to a human mate and impregnated her as a human and she gave birth before turning into a vampire after dying. Someone saw the child and assumed she was an immortal child and went to the Volturi without letting us explain to them."
I sighed and shook my head. I have come across several half vampire-human people in my lifetime.
"What are you planning to do?"
Alice responded, "Gather witnesses who will attest to that the child is not an immortal child and hopefully Aro and the Volturi won't do anything."
I examined her for a moment and saw some hesitation, "There's something more, isn't there?"
Alice bit her lip, "There are couple futures that could happen if one doesn't react in a way. Plus..."
She trailed off, looking down at the floor, shuffling.
"Plus what?"
"You find your mate," Alice finally revealed.
I stood there shocked.
My mate. I never thought the possibility of finding a mate. To be honest, after living for 6,000 years, I never encouraged to find my mate because there could be a possibility that they have died in the last 6,000 years.
"Irina Denali. She is the one who went to Volturi. Originally, she came by to reconcile with us after we killed her boyfriend at the time but she saw her and got angry with us," Alice mournfully explained.
I froze.
Irina. My mate. Also the informer. With Volturi. Shit, if somehow Aro and Volturi decided not go against the family, what will happen to her?
"Alice," I said tersely, "What will happen to Irina if Volturi decided not to go against the family?"
"She...dies by Caius' hand," Alice whispered.
My heart froze at that. No, that will not happen. She will not die. I will do something, perhaps...
I heard a gasp and looked up to see Alice in a trance. I knew she was getting a vision so I waited until she came out.
"That will work. Everyone lives," Alice smiled widely.
I nodded, "Alright, what do we do now?"
Alice looked determined, "You are coming with me and Jasper. We will go find more witnesses."
I grabbed my backpack that contained all my items and soon Alice and I sped off meeting Jasper along the way and headed towards to Ireland.
One Week Later...
This is the day. We are walking through the forest to the Cullen home. As we exited the forest, we were greeted by a large group. I can see my sisters and my family which caused me to falter in my steps.
They are with them.
I bit my lip as we came to a stop in front of the Cullens and the rest. Soon, I heard a howl and the wolves emerged from the trees causing me to slightly hiss at them. I stood there behind the three Kings in silence until Carlisle spoke out.
"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner," he implored.
Aro smiled, "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."
"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken," Carlisle declared.
Caius spoke, "We see the child. Do not treat us as fools."
"She is not an Immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look," Carlisle started, "See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."
"Artifice!" Caius barked.
Aro raised a hand at him, "I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assumed you are involved."
Edward walked to Aro and allowed him to read his memories. Soon, Aro dropped his hand and looked at the child with awe.
"I'd like to meet her."
Bella, Emmett, the child, and the russet-colored wolf walked up to Aro.
"Ah. Young Bella," Aro croons, "Immortality becomes you."
Then he looks at the girl, letting out a high pitched laugh, "I hear her strange heart."
The child walks closer to Aro, "Hello, Aro."
He leans down to reach to take her hand but the child reaches and touches Aro's face. Few moments passed, the child removes her hand from his face.
"Magnifico! Half mortal, half immortal," Aro turns around to face us, "Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human."
Caius, in disbelief, responded, "Impossible!"
Aro responded, "Do you think they fooled me, brother?"
The wolf snarled at them before walking back with the rest back to their group.
Caius replied raising an arm, "Bring the informer forward."
I was suddenly grabbed on each side and brought forward to the three Kings and the rest.
"Is that the child you saw?" Caius asked pointing at the girl.
I bit my lip, examining the child and responded fearfully while looking down, "I'm not sure."
I spoke out in fear of having Jane's gift being used against me, "She's changed! This child is bigger."
Caius sternly responded, "Then your allegations were false."
In that moment, I knew I was going to die. My actions has put others, including my family, in danger, at risk of being put to death.
"The Cullens are innocent," I looked at the Cullens and the group before looking at Caius, "I take full responsibility for my mistake.
Then, I look toward to my coven, my family, and mournfully spoke to them, "I'm sorry."
I could see Caius motioned to the two guys and both walked toward me, grabbing my arms. I just kept my eyes on my sisters, never wavering.
"Caius, no!"
The two guys were about to pull my arms off when they were suddenly blasted off by jets of water 25 feet away from me causing myself to fall onto the snowy ground.
Everyone was startled by the surprise attack and turned to see who did it. Then we see three figures walk out of the forest. Two were familiar.
"Alice," Edward whispered but we all heard him.
As they got closer, the figures got more clearer. The unfamiliar figure caught my attention. It was a female, standing at 6'4 feet tall, deep tanned skin, black curly hair with her sides shaved down, and wearing orange Hawaiian unbuttoned shirt showing off her black sports bra and beige cargo shorts, and for some reason, no shoes. I saw that she has tattoos all over her body and it looks gorgeous. Then, I meet her eyes.
Bright ruby eyes. Mate.
I looked straight into her golden eyes. Mate.
I broke the eye contact, looking at Alice who nodded then looked forward. We ended up standing in-between the two opposing groups.
"Alice," Aro crooned cheerfully.
I could see Caius was getting twitchy and was about to raise his arm. I narrowed my eyes and raised my hand to create water formed from the condensed snow and atmosphere and shot at Caius, blasting him away. Everyone was startled and turned towards to me, clearly thinking that I was the one behind it.
Alice knew and spoke, "Irina."
The mentioned girl looked up.
"Go to your sister. Now."
Irina didn't hesitated for a moment and sped towards to her sisters who caught her in relief. The Volturi, however, was angry that their prisoner escaped and took their steps to get her back. But, what they didn't expect was myself blocking them.
I stepped in their path and spoke out, "No."
They paused, clearly remembered what happened to Caius just few moments ago. They turned to Aro for guidance while Aro just examined us. Then Aro reached out for Alice who complied and walked toward to him, putting her hand in his.
We stood there in silence while Aro reads her mind and vision. Then, he dropped her hand.
"Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course," Alice said finally.
Aro just stood there in silence, looking at each one of us but landing his eyes on me. Suddenly, I was attacked and thrown up the sky. I growled and manipulated the water into a condensed form of a surfboard and moved through the air towards to Caius. I raised my arms, collecting all the water in the atmosphere into a humongous wave and launched at Caius who clearly regretted his actions.
The wave slammed into Caius then froze into ice instantly, leaving his head free. I stood there on my surfboard while everyone looked at me both equally fear and awe.
Aro, Zafrina, Senna, Amun, and Eleazar instantly recognized me.
"Poseidon," Zafrina whispered in awe, catching everyone's attention.
"I've never thought I would ever meet you," Aro spoke, "Poseidon, God of Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, and Horses."
I huffed, sitting down on the surfboard, one leg hanging off, "I don't know where that name came from and it's a bit annoying to be honest."
"May I ask, why have you decided to intervene what is a rightful execution?" Aro asked.
"That woman is my mate. You kill her, I bring the wrath of the Sea against you. No harm will come to her or this group, because I have seen hybrids before," I growled out.
Aro asked curiously, "You seen this before? Will she bring danger?"
I let out a laugh, "She is half vampire, of course she's on the same level of danger as you and all of us are. She's just half human so she eats both blood and human food."
A voice spoke out, "How long will she live?"
I turned to the voice and saw it was the mother. I examined the girl as I responded, "Hybrids reach maturity seven years after birth. So ya got six more years before she becomes fully adult. There is one hybrid that is currently 150 years old so ya good."
I could see the Cullen family let out a sigh of relief then turning to Aro who has made his decision.
"We will not fight today," Aro announced.
With that, the Volturi left the clearing, leaving the three kings. I willed my surfboard to move closer to Caius while everyone's attention was on us. I examined him for a moment while he was frozen.
The woman leaned in to whisper something Caius that nobody can hear. Whatever she said must have terrified him because his eyes widen in fear. Then she pulled away, waving her hand causing the ice to melt away.
Caius, Marcus, and Aro sped away leaving us in the clearing. As soon they exited our view, everyone let out cheers, hugging their respective families and mates. Tanya and Kate held me tightly and we were joined by Eleazar and Carmen who surrounded us.
After few moments, we broke up the hug. I turned my attention to the girl is my mate and saw her standing off to the side, watching us. Then our eyes met and I was instantly captured. Tanya elbowed me, motioning towards to her.
I nodded and began walking to her. Her face lit up in curiosity as her surfboard lowered down. I stopped right in front of her and looked at her face closely.
"You saved me," I started.
She shrugged, "Don't wanna go another 6,000 years without a mate. The first was boring...and lonely."
Wow, she's been alive longer than any of us.
"Anyways, I'm-" She started off but was interrupted by Alice.
Alice tackled my mate, who is now Finley, off the surfboard onto the snowy ground. They wrestled around until Finely gained the upper hand and held Alice down.
"Calm yo ass down," Finley huffed then looked off to the side where Jasper was standing, "Come get yo girl."
Jasper smirked and grabbed Alice leaving Finley brushing off the snow.
She looked at me, "I'm sorry about that. What I was saying was my name is Finley," grabbing my hand and kissed my hand.
I huffed, grabbing her hand and pulled her body against mine and kissed her lips hard.
She left out a laugh at the pull then moaned at the kiss. She kissed back hard as she wrapped her arms around my waist. After few seconds, we broke the kiss, resting our foreheads against each other.
A loud whistle broke our peaceful atmosphere and we turned to see Rosalie smack Emmett in the back of the head. I was greeted by a beautiful laugh.
I looked at her with awe in my eyes. She looked down at me and smiled at me.
"You saved me," I whispered to her.
"Always," She whispered back.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
It is me again! I swear I am holding myself back with the asks but I just- ugh ;-;
I was reading your answer to the doggo post and I was thinking, damn if Tanya gets jealous of a dog how would it be if she had to share reader with her sisters?
How a Poly relationship would work for them? (The three of them with the reader) I am honestly curious because I struggle a lot to have some kind of balance and it makes me change stuff around again and again, I am never happy with the outcome xD
In my mind Kate is definitely the more easy going of the three, Irina likes to act tough and stuff but deep down she's willing to do about anything within reason (kind of like yiu said) and Tanya... I always struggle with her because I think she is in a position where she wants to give in to you but also you gotta know who's in charge, she's the coven leader after all so I think Kate or Irina always are better options (especially Kate) when you want something... In the end you can always go from one another and I am sure at least ONE of them will agree... Right? :p
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In case you are wondering: This was me when I saw yet another lengthy ask from you. PLEASE don´t hold yourself back, goodness no! I absolutely love them! I love gushing about the Denalis, and I love even more when someone else joins me in all that fangirling. 😍🥰
Tbh, I feel like Tanya would get jealous of a spoon because it´s touching upon places she herself hasn´t had the honor of venturing to yet. And she won´t receive that honor for quite a while in my poly story. In fact, I don´t think it will be Tanya who´s gonna receive that very first kiss from Reader. Not if things go as planned.
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(Tanya: "You promised-")
(Me: "Girl, I did shit-")
With that said...it´s difficult, lol. I agree that Kate would defo be the one most likely to go "Eh, why not?" when it comes to sharing. As long as she gets her fill, she´s just peachy.
Irina and Reader won´t see eye to eye for a long time in my story. MC hates all of them with a passion at first - they did kidnap her. But with Irina it´s less a hatred out of hate, and more a hatred out of spite. Irina was the only one willing to just get it done and over with right from the start, and MC appreciates that in a way. Yes, Irina hates her, but she´s honest about it. She doesn´t toy with her like Kate and Tanya do because she has no special interest in Reader at first - aside from the bloodlust (which all of them handle very well because of their age). That´s why MC´s gonna prefer to stay in her company rather than Kate´s or Tanya´s at first.
Tanya is...Tanya, lol. She´s a bit harder to get to the bottom of because she can be rather unpredictable at times - what she says she'll do and what she'll actually do aren't always one and the same. She´s not dishonest, she´s just...cheeky, and all over Reader right from the start. She´s the reason why they didn´t just get it done and over with like Irina wishes they had. Her word is law, no matter the love she holds for her sisters (or Reader, later on). With that said, she expects to come first...always. That won´t quite work out with MC and it´s gonna drive her absolutely crazy. She´s not used to not getting her way, so she´s gonna struggle with coming to terms with Reader´s apparent dislike (to put it lightly) of her for quite a while.
With that said...MC will have the best chances in requesting something with either Kate or Tanya at first in my story.
Kate because she´s just honestly curious how things are gonna turn out, and also because she very much enjoys seeing Tanya turn green with envy whenever she manages to get a reaction from Reader that isn´t full of hate and scorn.
Now Tanya...under normal circumstances she would be a lot more strict to maintain the order. However, she´ll be more lenient with MC´s bratty behavior towards her and the things she requests because she wants to get on her "good" side. She really struggles with seeing her sisters - even Irina - have more of a connection to Reader than she does. She´s jealous, to put it blundly.
Besides...Tanya is someone who enjoys a challenge. The more Reader pushes her away, the more she´s gonna push back in return.
To summarize: It´s gonna be a rather awkward situation at first and there will be conflicts once things get to a stage where Reader can see herself getting romantically involved with all of them (which won´t happen for a long while). There´s gonna be snapping teeth and a bit of a hiss or growl here and there, but in the end I intend for them to be in an equally balanced coalition like I did with Tanya & Carmen in "Compromises", albeit a tad bit more aggressive because they are sisters - there´s always a bit of a quarrel going on with siblings. 😉
I love how you ended your ask - "In the end you can always go from one another and I am sure at least ONE of them will agree"
LMAO. It´s so true though. Why shouldn´t MC make use of having three beautiful ladies at her beck and call? Play them off against each other a bit? She´ll be batting those eyes, twirl a strand of hair-
You, batting your eyes, twirling your hair: "Pretty please?"
Irina, struggling: "...What did Tanya say?"
You, lying: 😇 "She said yes."
Irina: 🥰 "Oh, well alright then."
Tanya: "You said she could what?!"
Irina, panicking: "She said you said yes!"
Tanya, seething: "Why that little-"
Tanya (affectionately): "LOOOVE?!"
You: *entering the room rather sheepishly*
You: "...Yes?"
Tanya, standing with her hands on her hips: "Irina tells me you said I said you could what?"
You: "..."
You, batting your eyes, twirling your hair: "Pretty please?"
Tanya, eye twitching: "...I-"
You, still batting your eyes, still twirling your hair: "😏💋"
Tanya, melting: "...Oh alright." 🫠
Kate, in the distance: *makes whipping sound*
That´s pretty much the dynamic I envision for them, once things take a more romantic turn. Reader being anything but the innocent human they´re making her out to be, and the three sisters just not being able to cope. Especially Tanya. Girl is smitten, lemme tell ya. 😅
Thanks again for that amazing ask! I really wouldn´t mind if you kept ´em coming! 🥰🫶
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anzulvr · 2 months
Thank you for follow back! >.> meant a lot to me. Is it okay if I request a Karma x reader where the reader is very sweet & affectionate towards Karma & it makes him shy. No pressure. Just wanted to say hi & thank you! ^_^
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♡ ୨୧ Karma with affectionate Reader ୨୧ ♡
ʚɞ fluff; no warnings || Karma Akabane ♥︎ note : HIII HII SORRY THIS IS LIKE CENTURIES LATE SHEA… guys pls tell me if you see typos I checked but I get sick of reading my own things again and again… 😭|| ʚɞ
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— Karma is inexperienced when it comes to relationships therefore when you’re affectionate and sweet to him he doesn’t know how to act!!
His face canonically gets super red when he’s embarrassed though it’s not an often thing because he can usually shake things off with a joke! When it does happen it’s finally your chance to get back at him for all the times he’s purposely taken weird photos of you.
He’d be shy with PDA (when he’s not trying to embarrass you, since he’s also the type to mortify you by calling you the stupidest pet names in front of your friends and family.)
If you react strongly it's worse because he loves getting you mad and rilled up it's like his love language. Some people like giving gifts or giving words of affirmation to their s/o while he likes pissing you off.
If you randomly hold his hand or rest your hand on his shoulder he won’t know what to do. He plays with your hand instead of staying still as a way to distract himself from how giddy he’s feeling.
Half the time “playing with your hand” means him trying to jokingly get you to slap your own face with your hand, the other half of the time when he feels like being nice and cute he’s just lightly squeezing it.
Very “opposites attract” troupe.
Even when you were just friends you were very attentive which isn’t something he’s familiar with. For the first time ever there’s someone taking care of him? Asking about his day and doing anything to make him feel better when it’s a bad one? He’d find it hard to believe you’re doing so much for him without wanting anything in return.
When he starts getting more comfortable in the relationship he inches towards being sweeter and more open with you.
E-class finds it hard to believe when they first see it, cause it’s Karma out of all people?? Karma being affectionate??
Don’t get me started on Asano’s reaction to this, he from the bottom of his heart, thinks you’re being held hostage.
Most of Karmas “affection” is just making fun of people so when they see him being weirdly nice to you it’s creepy to them. Constant compliments and praise coming out of his mouth is something they didn’t think they’d live to see.
He can’t be serious for long periods of time and always finds a way to “ruin the moment”. For example you’ll hug him and Karma will hug back… for three seconds before he lifts you off the ground and spins you till too dizzy to walk. (He finds it funny to see you struggling.)
Ms.Vitch is tired of you both because you refuse to work with anyone else she sets you up with (since her class centers around assassination with seduction). Sure, the phrases she makes you all say are awkward no matter who you’re saying it to but you can’t bring yourself to work with your other classmates for that class! If you do work with someone else he’s so shady about it afterwards.
“Karma do you mind getting my bag for me?"
“Maybe ask Maehara since he’s so strong.”
“You know I only said that for the class!!"
Karasuma is also sick of you two getting side tracked, instead of sparring you two sword fight, instead of running a mile you somehow convince Karma to carry you on his back while he does all the running?! (he’s a show off.) Instead of doing pushups you sit on Karmas back as he does them. It gets to the point he makes you work on opposite sides of the field but you somehow end up getting together anyway within minutes. He’s starting to give up.
On the brighter side you’re together in all of Korosensei’s classes because he can’t bring himself to separate you two! He did once and you were so miserable he gave in. Even if Karma does give you the answers in exchange for a kiss (it’s really that easy.) Korosensei thought you might’ve died from heartbreak if he kept you apart longer.
It’s pretty hard to make him shy since he’s constantly being praised to the point his ego is up there. It happens in more quiet, private moments. Like if you’re at his house watching a movie and you’re moving closer together all of a sudden he’s looking at the roof and not the screen. He can’t let you see his face is beet red.
Another example is him seeing you in a pretty outfit and not being able to act right cause he’s flustered.
“Do I have something on my face?”
“No, you’re just, you’re- you you’re I like.”
“Come again?”
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goldsainz · 10 months
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pairing . . . lewis hamilton x reader
◦∘。゚. request . . . “could you do slut! for Lewis? and maybe a combination of angst and fluff?”
◦∘。゚. summary . . . fans hate you for dating their favourite driver, but it all might just be worth it for once.
◦∘。゚. note . . . I’M BACK WITH THE FICS!! i’m not quite sure why i had a creative drought, but i’m glad i’m out of it🙏 alsooo, hope you guys liked the new theme bc i brainstormed for hours about it and i’m actually really liking it
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liked by ynfan1, lewisfan1 and 85,326 others
f1gossip Once again, Y/N Y/L/N is back in the paddock! The unofficial but official girlfriend of Lewis Hamilton has now been present for all of the triple-header and fans have noticed! Now, many aren’t happy that their beloved F1 Superstar is entangled with the model because of her dating tendencies. Will she be at the Las Vegas Grand Prix? Let us know your thoughts! 👀
view all 1,279 comments
lewisfan2 need her far far away from my man
lewisfan3 sick and tired of seeing her appear on my screen🙄
ynfan2 don’t know who this lewis guy is but i’m loving all the y/n content we’re getting!!!
⤷ lewisfan4 and thank god you know nothing of the sport. we don’t want any of her fans ruining it.
lewisfan5 unpopular opinion: i actually like her and lewis together🤷‍♀️
ynfan3 i hope she continues dating lewis just to piss you guys off
lewisfan6 🤮🤮🤮
lewisfan7 bye not her taking a photo in front of his car
⤷ ynfan5 she’s his gf? why wouldn’t she do that?
⤷ lewisfan7 it’s giving attention wh0re
⤷ ynfan5 or (and hear me out) she’s just a supportive gf!!
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lewishamilton and yourusername posted an instagram story!
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liked by lewishamilton, rosalia.vt and 2,018,376 others
yourusername brasil, eu te amo
view all 30,275 comments
ynfan21 mother is mothering
ynfan22 they’re actually so cute
adrianalima Bonitos! 💜
liked by yourusername and 65,274others
lewisfan22 girl, that caption is not for brasil😭
lewisfan23 sick and tired of her appearing in my feed
lewisfan24 can’t wait until lewis leave you!!!!!!
user21 since when are they dating?
⤷ ynfan23 it’s really unclear, but everyone points to this year’s silverstone gp when she went as a mercedes guest!
⤷ user21 and people are still hating on her???
⤷ ynfan23 yeah lmao
lewisfan25 mama y papa
lewisfan26 crazy how just a couple mints ago she was supposedly dating tom brady and now she’s “in love” with lewis… such a slut
⤷ ynfan24 you literally don’t know her. stop insulting people you don’t know.
ynfan25 mourning the loss of my wife rn 💔
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt and 2,537,104 others
yourusername it’s raw, it’s real and it’s here!
this interview is extensive, but interviewer was so polite and just the perfect person to be interviewed by, to have my voice told by.
my vogue article will be yours too on the 22nd of november.
comments are turned off
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 2,075,138 others
lewishamilton FIA Gala, 2023
view all 31,127 comments
yourusername an honour to be by your side 💜
⤷ lewishamilton The honour is all mine 💜
lewisfan42 did not expect the hard launch, sir hamilton
roscoelovescoco I love’s my mum’s
liked by yourusername, lewishamilton and 201,849 others
ynfan41 my heart literally flew out of my chest when i saw that they were together at the gala
mercedesamgf1 Our second Mercedes royal couple 👑
liked by lewishamilton, yourusername and 174,052 others
lewisfan43 bro you didn’t take the prize home😭
⤷ lewisfan44 he already has the biggest prize with him
⤷ ynfan42 lewis fans got poetic all of a sudden
⤷ ynfan43 lewis fans stopped hating on y/n all of a sudden*
lewifan45 if he’s happy, i’m happy
sebastianvettel Congratulations! Finally the secret is out 😁
⤷ lewishamilton Thank you 🙌
ynfan44 need them both desperately!!!!!
ynfan45 i just know wag pages are having a field day
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— brasil, eu te amo — brazil, i love you — bonitos — beauties
-ˋˏ *.· taglist . . . @lorarri @lpab @noncannonships @lunnnix @elliegrey2803 @schumacheer @saintslewis @leoramage @toomuchdelusion @anthonykatebridgerton @enhacolor @gulabjamoon @toomuchdelusion @goldenalbon @ravisinghs-wife @racingtrail @hobiismyhopeu @celestialpato @lecsainz @kkeels
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allthornsnopetals · 2 months
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Tall S/O
Umm, yes you can!! Something, for the fellow tall girlies, 100% I'm 5,12ft... Ik, but at least I'm not short, but finding pants that can cover my ankles is, rather challenging.
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Tanya is 5,5ft, while Myanna Burning—the actress, that plays her—is 5,1ft... She is a small bean.
In other words it is really not that hard to outgrow her, unless you are below 5ft or the same height. (If you are, that f sucks.)
Legit calling for you if she can't reach for something on a high shelf.
When she first laid eyes on you, she legit thought you were a model of some sorts. You had to be with all, that leg, and height.
She legit is drooling, like the horndog, that she is. Her mouth is salivating, eyeing you as one would with a meal.
I picture Tanya, constantly asking for uppies. (shut up this is my HC, so I say so).
She's extremely aware of the height difference, but she couldn't careless, in fact she loves it!
Always wearing your clothes and even your heels. She would deny ever taking anything from your closet, perhaps pointing her finger at Kate.
She will only return the clothes she 'borrowed', if you manage to find where she hid them, which is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Oh, and if she is at booby height, babe your done for. At least shoving her face where it shouldn't, ten times a day. Wanting hugs only because she wants her face in your boobies
I'm sorry but you will be wearing nothing but shorts when you are home, because in my perspective she loves the look/appeal of your legs. She will even offer/will shave and or wax your legs for you.
She's obsessed!
Love's it when you cage her in with your legs when love making, especially if your legs cross over daintily around her tiny waist.
This is gonna sound—because it is— dirty, but her favorite thing to do, when in the bedroom is ride your thighs/your entire leg, and yes she will boot fuck your foot, grinding and reaching her high.
She is like a dog on another kind of drug, humping, and even whining—which, would lead to begging—if you decline her of her favorite thing to do in the bedroom. Watch out, she will pounce when you are not looking, and perhaps boot fuck when you least expect it, again like a feral dog.
"My love, please!" Tanya begs, pouting the best she could, trying to sway Y/n. "Honey, you have made a mess on both my legs, I have to clean myself up, and put an end to tonight's festivities. I'm sorry." Y/n stood, kissing her wife's cheek.
Tanya's pout deepens, crossing her arms over her bare breasts. An idea pops in her head, causing a sly grin to split her face. She speeds into the bathroom, running Y/n a bath while she worries about fixing the room.
Once the tub is full, she's tugging her loving wife into the bathroom with her, and instantly getting her in.
"You dirty, little girl." Y/n teases, feeling Tanya plop herself on her thigh, and starting to rock her hips.
Tanya grins, bracing her grip on her darlings shoulders. "Dirty? No, clean. You wanted to clean the mess I made and I'm not finished, that is called compromise." She pecks her love's grinning lips, riding her tired thigh.
'Compromise' happens a lot with Tanya. Finding a solution to both of your problems, still being able to be satisfied.
If she is misbehaving or being an asshole, you can always say: "Be good and I'll let you make a mess on my legs tonight, but be an asshole, and I won't let you touch me." That shuts her up, makes her behave, listen, and even have Kate whining to you, when she feels as if she is being mistreated.
Tanya is a strong woman, who is def a top/Dom, and wears the pants in the relationship, but pull the: I'm covering my legs or you are getting none of this. She's a flopping mess, suddenly turned baby bottom with amazing hearing and obedience.
She's folding in seconds.
Def following you around, waiting patiently to be whisked away into the bedroom.
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Kate is 5,7ft, which is pretty tall, so finding someone that is even taller... Now that is something.
The very first time you both met Edward is reading her mind and is finding: "Well, damn! I can't wait to climb that tree, ohh baby!!" With her face looking like this: 🥴
She gives: Yeah, that's my wife vibes, I know she's a Goddess.
Deadass, flexing on the nearest person.
She wouldn't subject you to wearing only shorts around the house. She doesn't want her sisters or anyone who visits to get any ideas.
But show an inch of leg, she's going feral. Deadass, pulling out her dusty reading glasses or binoculars, and perching herself up on her legs, like a fucking pervert just to get a slight look at those stunning legs.
She calls you: Tall tree, supermodel, mommy-long-legs.
She would 100% love back rides, being carried (bridal style) around like a baby, and climbing your shoulders.
As much as she likes being the bigger spoon, you're taller than she is, so she would adore being the little spoon when cuddling.
Asking for uppies all the damn time!
If you're mad at her for whatever reason and state that you will kill her. Kate would happily die with her head squeezed between your thighs, and snapping her head clean from her body. She thinks that it's the most blessed, righteous, and holy way to die.
Loves to be wrapped up in your legs.
Either when you are cuddling, holding her when you are doing her make up or hair, or when she's going to town between your legs. Miss ma'am just loves being swaddled with your legs.
Do be careful, she may never wanna stop cuddling if it means being wrapped up in your legs. Would throw a fit if you decide that you're done.
Love's it when your legs are thrown over her shoulders when she's eating you out, oh goes nuts when you begin to suffocate her between your legs when cutting it close to the edge, legit feeds her pride. (She's a vampire, she doesn't need air.)
Ohhh, she loves eating you out. It's her favorite thing to do in the bedroom. It gives her a reason to come close to something she thinks as holy.
Kate smirks, loving her necklace, aka the legs of her wife. "You little shit!" Y/n growls, clenching her legs around Kate's neck, ready to decapitate her head.
She had pissed her off again, but at least she will die a glorious death. "Mmmh, I can smell hell from here. Harder Princezná, I think God's calling me." She encourages Y/n, feeling her tighten her hold.
Tanya along with Carmen. "No, Y/n let her go. She pissed you off but it doesn't mean you should kill your wife. Let her go!" Tanya orders, pulling Kate from her feet with Carmen's help.
Kate whines. "Noooo! Let go of my feet, let me die a beautiful death!"
She would legit piss you off on purpose, because one she enjoys it, two she thinks you look hot when you're mad, three if she plays her cards right she might die in the bedroom or on sight with you trying to decapitate her.
She would fight off anyone trying to obviously save her life.
She would hate it if you tease her for her height in public, but loves it when you are both in the comforts of your home.
Like Tanya, would wear your clothes, especially your sweaters, hoodies, and jackets. You'll have a hard time finding them or even her with how many layers she may wear at once, and hiding herself somewhere.
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Irina is 5,9ft, making her the tallest among her sisters, so discovering, that her mate is far taller than she is, it's gonna crush her ego a bit.
But she would recover.
In fact, she's excited to find someone that is taller than herself. This means shopping for clothes pacifically tailored to both your heights, and complaining together when certain clothes don't work out. I imagine her saying: "Well this is bullshit..." With you nodding in agreement.
Legit catwalks/runway moments when trying on new clothes.
When she first laid eyes on you, she was checking out your boots, wanting to get her hands on them, thinking that she could do with the extra inch.
What she didn't expect was to find you attached to the said boots, instantly drooling. Glad she found someone, that is an absolute stunner and super model.
She loves it when you cuddle. Legit has no troubles with who gets to be the big spoon or little spoon, because she is pretty tall as well.
Love's it when you splay your legs over her lap when relaxing or reading or chatting. Would mindlessly caress your leg, regardless if it is bare or clothed.
She isn't one for uppies, but if she needs something she cannot reach, immediately calling for you, even though she's 5,9. But who knows, you might be far taller, which means if something is completely out of her reach, she is set.
Unlike her sisters, she isn't drooling or turning into a pervert when she catches a glimpse of your legs. No, she's chill and super cute when smothering her face in your lap.
She's a cutie.
Oh, but she's on her knees, so damn weak when it comes to scissoring.
Sure there is a bunch of long legs, but she loves it when you cage her with your legs, with the goal to grind your sex on hers.
And oh, miss ma'am is folding the moment you clasp your legs around her, oh she's yours, instantly melting.
"Ohh, try this one, I think it would look great on you!" Irina tosses a dress at Y/n, watching as she undresses herself for the tenth time.
"What do you think?" She comes up from behind, feeling her waist and hips, gliding her hands over her sides, and watching her love through the mirror.
"I think, that we should take a couple photos and perhaps have a little runway show."
Irina giggles with giddy excitement, already planning her outfit.
She would even trade clothes with you.
Sharing clothes becomes second nature and before you know it, you're both basically sharing one closet, wearing whatever works.
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anzulvr · 10 months
Hello how are you doing today. May I request a E class x reader who runs a gossip page on their class and even the teacher and just likes to start chaos. And know one suspect it them (🤫)
End class x Reader w a Gossip page // small karma-reader moment but can be seen as platonic too.
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This account has to be private because the main campus are ruthless, so you do that and follow only class 3E.
Then when everyone starts talking about it Korosensei feels left out and desperately wants to be follow-accepted by the account, he made an Instagram just for it.
His username would be something like @user73637287363828 cause he doesn’t know how to work the app. (Irina teaches him after a while)
They all reply to your posts in the stupidest ways, half of the time they’re beefing in the replies.
@Maehara_Hiroto: My ass looks flat in that angle
@410Ryoma: (reply to Maehara_Hiroto) it looks like that irl wdym?
@Maehara_Hiroto: fuck you.
Your posts vary from:
“Rio has a crush on someone in class 🤫”
to “Korosensei caught following Kayano and Nagisa home.”
“[Name] can’t stop watching Josh Hutcherson edits.”
You reply on your main account to again lower suspicion
@[your user] Neither can the rest of the world.
@n9kamura.rio: (reply to you) same honestly
@user73637287363828 (aka Koro): [Name] please focus on your class work, this morning you mistakenly wrote his name on your math work, this Josh Hutcherson man can wait.
@[your user] No he can’t.
@akabane_karma: (reply to you) but I can? I’ve been on delivered for 2 hours start typing.
At first they think it has to be a stalker, they go full seek mode
You won’t admit it because you cannot let Terasaka know you’re the one who posted the picture of him petting a stray cat.
Eventually they give up the stalker theory and start suspecting eachother.
“Alright who posted the picture of me getting my arm stuck in the vending machine??” Maehara is actually the biggest victim because he’s always doing stupid shit.
“Now that I think about it… Isogai you were the last person with me!”
“You know my phone was dead right? I told you- ‘hey I have to charge my phone’ and I turn around to see your hand jammed in the machine over a bag of Doritos.”
“…it was hot fries actually.”
You come clean at the end of the year but they got attached to the account and force you to continue :)
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allthornsnopetals · 2 months
Unrequited love
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If her dead heart could shatter it would. She has been waiting for her mate for a millennium.
To find out that you would rather be friends, messed her up.
She was rejected by Edward, indulged in the company of others, which were purely sexual, and finally being rejected by the one.
Tanya is trying to understand why. She knew you were human, so you would never experience the magnetic connection, the pull, the yearning, and the instant clasp of your heart. But that would not stop her questions of why.
Why would you not want to be with her, as she wants to be with you?
In my perspective, out of all her sisters, she would respect your wishes. And even fight the urge to turn you, so you would be her mate, her forever.
She would question you, interrogate, and even ask if there is someone else. She just wants to know why you would only have her as a friend, especially after the—in her perspective, romantic experiences—experiences you have shared together.
"You like me but you do not love me?" Said Tanya, sounding defeated as she sat beside Y/n.
Y/n nods, staring at the ground, feeling horrible for rejecting her. "Is there someone else?" Tanya questions, find Y/n's gaze.
She shook her head, confusing the vampire. "Then why, not feel the same way as I do? I thought we were on the same page... I assumed you felt the same way as I do."
"Tanya, you're my friend... A very good friend. I was new to town, but you showed up and decided to be—what I thought, was my friend." Y/n explains, trying her best not to upset Tanya, knowing she's in a rather sore situation.
It rang through her head. She never thought, she could be friend zoned. She's Tanya Denali, a beauty, a leader, and desirable woman, who was being friend zoned by her own mate. She would kill and die for the woman beside her, but she would only simply see her as a friend.
She distanced herself for a while, until the bond was tearing through her, like a heated blade cutting through her flesh.
Whenever she sees you it pulls her apart, but when she cannot, it kills her. In a sense she can't stand herself.
She curses whomever would listen for giving her someone she cannot have. For a while Tanya would feel hollow and not even her sisters can fix it.
But if you are in danger, she would never think twice to drop everything to save you.
Also, Tanya's a vampire. She has nothing but time, so she will wait until you come around. She would still flirt, pursue, and be with you, because to her this is a challenge, and she loves a good challenge.
She'll wait until you come around, and trust me, she has nothing but patience. It's Tanya Denali, leader of her coven, her patience is her number one gift.
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Kate in my perspective, is very much: 'that's cute but you're mine and I'm you'res'.
She just gives me that vibe.
So if she finally confesses her feelings and you inform her that you just want to be friends, she's laughing her ass off, and most likely changing you right then and there.
Unlike Tanya, Kate does not give a fuck for your wishes.
The bond was set, the moment her eyes met yours. The magnetic connection fed her determination, her hunger, and her drive. Once Kate sets her mind on something, she will do anything to achieve it.
Once, she turns you the bond is set, making it impossible for you not to love her as she loves you. She just hopes that you could forgive her for changing your life.
Kate barks a laugh, doubling over, holding her middle as she finds your words amusing. "Kate, I'm serious. You and I are friends, nothing more." Y/n says, beginning to feel comfortable with her reaction, and perhaps a bit frightened.
Kate wipes a fake tear, slowing her laughter, coming to an end with a large grin. "Princezná', that is funny. You're hilarious, you should be a stand up comedian." She cups Y/n's cheeks, rolling her thumbs over her warm human flesh.
"But there is one thing that I know... It's that you and I were never destined to be friends. You are my love, and I am yours." She pecks her lips, rubbing their noses together, affectionately.
Y/n's heart beats rapidly, unable to recognize the person in front of her. Pulling away, she begins collecting her belongings. "You're right we were never meant to be friends. We should have stayed as strangers." Kate laughs again, taking Y/n's hand into her own.
"That is not how mates work. You'll understand once you wake, but I must warn you, it will hurt."
She strokes your hair, comforting you as you transform. Kate knew it would be a risky thing to do, but when it comes to her beloved, she can't seem to give a single fuck.
This is giving yandere vibes, but she's obsessed, and drunk on love. (and she didn't wait for so fucking long, just to be friend zoned.
When you do come back, do expect a bit of manipulation, and a lot of apologies.
She would spend her entire life apologizing for changing you, but she knows, that the bond has infected you as it did her, so it is only so much time until you're in her arms, forgiving her, and sharing your undying love for her.
She will be waiting with a shit-eating grin.
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Like Tanya and Kate, Irian has been patiently waiting for her mate, for the one, for you.
So in my perspective she isn't going to take the news very well or at all. But unlike Kate, your request to be just friends isn't going to fall to deaf ears.
She has been following the law perfectly well, until she met you, sealing the bond... Sealing her fate.
So, your rejection does not settle well with her.
Irian would not be understanding, because to pursue you is to put her family in harm's way, to break the law, to bring suffering to herself and her coven.
Sorry, babe but you're not going to get rid of her.
She would make it seem that she took your rejection well, but internally she's burning.
If she knew that you rejected her because you're already in an established relationship... Yeah not anymore. You better say good bye to that fucker, because Irina has sent them to the darkness, aka death.
She would make it appear as if they left you. Abandoned you, packed up their things and left, and broke things off with you. Making you feel unwanted, heartbroken, and low in self-esteem.
Toxic, yandere style, but she's kinda fucking crazy and feral; (thanks @thegamingcatmom, for rotting my mind, I expect composition for my therapy, that you're accompanying me to, because there is nothing right in your head. If you need evidence, look at the stuff you publish... Well, the stuff I like... WHATEVER!!)
She would be there as a 'friend' to catch you and patch up any holes, that their absence has left on you.
She would even make you rely on her, making you believe that you should have chosen her, which is fine, because she would welcome your lost heart with open arms.
"I should have listened to you." Y/n wept, cuddled deep in Irian's arms.
Irian shushes Y/n, rubbing soothing circles on her back as they lay comfortably on her couch. "It's okay, Maličký. It is not your fault, it's his. He sucks for leaving you." She wipes her tears away with her sleeve.
"Did I do something wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" Y/n sniffles, finding Irian's gaze, her eyes filled with pain.
"No, not at all. There could never be anything wrong about you. Never think that way." She pulls her into her arms, pecking gentle kisses to her hair.
"Irian?" Y/n pulls away, looking her in the eyes. The blond psycho hums, cradling her face in her cold hands, and softly kissing her head. "You won't leave me, would you?"
Irian felt her dead heart squeeze. As if she could leave her darling behind. Her heart was completely devoted to her, far too gone for her to just leave her.
"I would never. I'll break if I did."
Faster then she thought, you're cradled in her arms, spending every waking moment with her.
She of course would never tell you, that she murdered your ex-partner, fuck that shit.
And once she has you, she's not waiting for permission to turn you. She can't have the volturi knocking on her door.
She would turn you, knowing that you would be stuck together forever, and would easily forgive her.
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How I see the Denalis some of the time:
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The other part of my mind of how I see them:
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Welcome to the Chibi-Denalis(Chibi-nalis? Chibinalis?) Idk lol(a small segment of how my chaotic mind sees them in chibi doodle form)
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Tanya? When not leader mode? Affectionate, koala hug/backpack mode, you cannot pry her off you once she is on.
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Kate shenanigans...
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Time with Irina best spent not in chaos
[Most of how I see them influenced by fanfictions/tumblr postings I've read[except Kate, Kate you can clearly get chaos vibes from its very clearly there])
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witchthewriter · 4 months
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧?
⤷ commissioned piece, male reader.
Warnings: nothing
a/n: thank you to @rexburn12 for the commission!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
In a hidden corner of the world where dark forests met silvered mountains, lived a creature of ancient power and unparalleled mystery. His name was Kiros, a rare hybrid of vampire and werewolf, born of a forbidden union between two realms that loathed each other. His existence was a paradox: the unyielding hunger of a vampire and the wild strength of a werewolf, bound together in a single, tortured soul.
Kiros Lucian Yoruba. Named after his grandparents as was a common tradition amongst werewolves.
Kiros’s beginning was a sad one. Only a few months into the pregnancy, his mother, a werewolf, had been bitten by a centuries-old vampire. The venom had worked its way through her blood stream and straight to Kiros.
In retaliation, his father; a noble and forthright man, had killed the vampire. Tracked him across the seas, all in revenge.
A true wolf, bitten by a vampire, had never happened before. Not in all of history. Until Kiros.
He became a myth, a legend. His story was one that the supernatural world told one another in front of fireplaces. It changed over time; each of the details changing in one way or another. As he was the type to keep to himself, Kiros never challenged the differing tales. There was no need to.
    So, thousands of years later, in the 20th century, Kiros now stood with a coffee cup in his large hand. His body had stopped ageing at 27, he stopped growing when he reached just passed seven feet tall. Watching over his land as the sun went down, in the distance he saw two figures approaching.
On the other side of the country, the Cullens had brought together their closest friends to stand against the Volturi. The young Renesmee had touched their hearts. Even those who had hearts of ice, were starting to melt.
And Irina had made a mistake and forced herself to come back to her coven to apologise. To grovel, in all truth.
“I had flashbacks of the past,” she said. Her eyes sad and tearful. She meant every word, and yet, she hadn’t entirely been truthful. But her family not knowing her true intentions would save them. Irina told herself that she could sacrifice one family for another. For the Cullens had been living a good life for a long time.
Kiros stood at the front door, his fist about to touch its surface when it swung open. A handsome blonde man, Carlisle from Alice’s description, stood before him.
   “We didn’t think you would get here so quickly; I hope your journey wasn’t too tiresome.” Well-mannered, Kiros noted and stared into the vampire’s golden eyes.
    “It was fine,” Kiros said in his deep and rumbling voice. It was pure earth. Unmovable, just how he appeared. “Where are they?”
 Carlisle’s eyes flicked from Kiros to the dense forest behind him. Kiros, with his depth-perception, noticed it and turned around.
There was movement, and then two large wolves appeared. They were startled to see him; none of the pack had noticed Kiros enter Forks, nor their territory.
   The untraceable speed was an ability that most of the supernatural world hadn’t seen. Kiros possessed many gifts that only a hybrid would; and he seemed to be the only one of his kind.
It was why unease had crawled its way through the Cullen’s residence. No one knew of a creature like Kiros.
  And that’s why Jacob had bid his new pack to disperse; but only the opposite was done.
Leah. The name echoed in Kiros’ mind. One of his four mates. One of the names Alice Cullen had promised him a month ago on his doorstep.
  Kiros walked down the front steps and one of the wolves whined. He ventured further but a warning growl sounded behind him.
   “I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” a young man stalked towards the two wolves from inside. A wave of anger crashed within Kiros.
  “I am not you,” he answered with a snarl. And Leah, now changed from her wolf form, made a small noise.
   “You?” her voice was harsh and yet familiar at the same time. Kiros’ attention turned wholeheartedly to Leah. And a rope had knotted itself between them. Tying them together for eternity.
This happened within seconds and nearly knocked the short-haired shifter to her knees. But her balance was rectified by Kiros. He seemed to leap through the air but again the shifters had been unable to comprehend the fast movement. Faster than any normal vampire.
   “I’m not your only imprint…
“How is that even possible?” Jacob said, clearly irritated. His arms crossed over his chest, almost as if he was trying to make himself appear larger.
   “It is not known,” Kiros replied.
“Alice should have told them,” Esme murmured to Carlisle. Three pale, blonde-haired women stood on one side of the room.
Kiros stood opposite them. His eyes moving from one woman to the next. None looked happy to see him. Not at all.
   The once crowded room had dispersed, leaving only the Denali coven, Carlisle and Esme.
Eleazar’s eyes went wide as his gift took in the stranger. Carmen noticed, her eyebrows knitting together with worry.
     “There have been myths about a being like you,” Eleazar said, barely above a whisper.
All Kiros gave him was a nod.
    “I really don’t care,” Kate said and started to move, her hand ready to attack.
“No-“ Eleazar said, watching on with the others as Kate advanced.
   But the severe nature that was expected did not appear. Kiros only smiled as he felt a small zap on his chest.
    “Huh… that should’ve-“
“Done something more deadly? Yes. It would have, if I was anyone else,” Kiros said, gently taking Kate’s hand and removing it from his body.
Something shifted in the room. To everyone but the three females, Kiros became infinitely more alarming.
But they understood him. Even though they were hesitant. The three women weren’t easily swayed, in most things. Their minds, their hearts and souls – were their own.
They wouldn’t let anyone change that.
Not a man.
Not a vampire.
Not even a Hybrid who had been alive for thousands of years.
But in that moment, Kiros had earned the three females’ respect.
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allthornsnopetals · 1 month
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Description: some fluff ( blurb )
A/n: Thank you anon for your kind words and your request. You made my day! Love you <3
Translation: Najdrahší = dearest , Moja láska = my love
Warning: A bit of smut if you squint , mention of blood, women covered in blood
TANYA DENAlI, trails feather-like kisses along Y/n's neck, while tenderly drawing her fingers in and out of her heat. The sensation of her darling's dull nails digging into the flesh of her back as she holds her close, drives the circuits in her brain numb and dumb with soft moans, swaying in the air of their shared chambers.
"Najdrahší?" Y/n moans, drawing Tanya's attention. She drew from her neck, staring down at Y/n with love in her eyes and soft grin gracing her lips. She savors the sight before her: plump and crimson lips, heavy ruby eyes, and bloody teeth. Beautiful.
She swoons with her charming grin, turning crooked as her love pecks a kiss to her chin, and softens her grip on her back— tracing her fingers up and down her back.
"Yes, moja láska." Tanya answers, bringing her fingers to her lips, and sucking them clean, putting a pause to their love making. She rests against Y/n's bloody chest, tracing circles along her collar bone, and enjoying their time away from the others.
"We should, perhaps put a pause on tonight's festivities, and clean the mess we made." Y/n says, with a chuckle as Tanya pouts, smothering her face in the crook of her neck. She hated having to clean after their meals.
We should have fed in the woods. She groans, like a baby being told what to do as she holds Y/n closer, acting as if she's being torn away from her toy.
"Tanya." Y/n chuckles again, turning her attention to her.
"One more round and then we can deal with the bodies, pretty please." She pouts again begging Y/n with her best pair of puppy dog eyes and stained nose — matching her mouth — painted in their shared meals, that lay in pools of blood on the wooden floor; lifeless and bare.
Chuckling again, Y/n cups her love's cheek, and brings their lips together. It was sweet, familiar, and an easy kiss. It melts Tanya into pure putty, drawing her mind into fog... How could a simple kiss leave her so flopped? She had no idea, but it was hers, all hers.
Her mind was so dazed, she had no idea that Y/n had pulled away, and climbed out of bed. Her grin was all bent, eyes still closed, and stuck on another planet.
Y/n giggling to herself, drew Tanya back.
"Come, love we have a mess to clean."
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist. Everything I've written so far will be kept in one place until I feel like a mini masterlist is necessary. Requests are Open so please send in your requests!
Who I'll Write For:
Right now, I'm only writing for characters or celebrities I am familiar so I apologize if I don't recognize for your person that you request for. However, I am hyper-fixated on Twice so that's your best bet. I primarily write OCs instead of Y/N just to make it easier for me to write. Also all my OCs are G!P too.
Stories/Imagines that are highlighted RED is 18+. CONTAINS SMUT!!
Reactions/Headcanons Masterlist
↳Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
↳Park Jihyo x Bae Eun
Her Lion
↳Chou Tzuyu x GP!Kang Saja
Unexpected Surprise (Request)
↳Twice x GN!Reader
Red String of Fate (Coming Soon)
↳Minatozaki Sana x Kim Dohyun
New Hiring (Coming Soon)
↳Hirai Momo x ??
Late Night Fun
↳ Vanessa Moe x GP!Reece Johnson
↳Kylie Jenner x GP!Lux Jones
Drunken Night
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Remy Fields
Green-Eyed Monster
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Kai Daniels
After Party
↳Cardi B. x GP!Salem Black
Shy Reunion
↳Lauren Jauregui x Blue Hansen
↳Anna Kendrick x Bellamy Black
Unexpected Love Pt.1 & Pt.2
↳Rosalie Hale x Echo Clearwater
You Saved Me
↳Irina Denali x Finley
When Our Eyes Meet
↳Alex Morgan x Hunter Lake
New Revelations
↳Christen Press x Deaf!Emery Press
Opposites Attract
↳Tobin Heath x Tall!Jace Campbell
Connections Leads to Something
↳Mom!Hope Solo x Kid!Sloan
Everything is Okay
↳Jackie Groenen x Asa West
Love Found in Cafe
↳Ashlyn Harris x August Kane x Ali Krieger
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thegamingcatmom · 3 months
Tanya Denali is a woman who will go after what she wants with everything she´s got.
Or, in other words: Tanya Denali acting like a teenage girl with a high school crush confirmed.
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cosplayproblemsposts · 2 months
Stefan reaction to finding out his Mate is a male human Pt2
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Bella did not appreciate your sarcasm "say something to him" Bella leaned against the piano with crossed arms. Leah was stubborn to leave the room. Seth persuades her to give you two alone time to address the situation.
"Bella, he doesn't want anything to do with me" Bella shook her head and points at you. "You have to make the first move, don't have to say anything fancy" you groan and rub your temple.
"What would you do if you were in my shoes" Bella doesn't say anything, instead she slowly closes the distance. "He is scared and so are you. Do something or else you'll regret it" you wished Esme was here and not Bella.
At least Esme makes you feel confident to say or do something instead Bella makes you feel uncertain. She was never good at hiding her expression.
"I don't care if he is upset or delighted. It is not my job to keep him from tearing someone's head off". Bella couldn't take your defensive behavior or your disagreement any longer. "Say something to him or whatever. He is your mate not mine" she leaves without a second glance.
You pace back and forth worried, he wants nothing to do with you. The pull of a rope tightens every time you deny each other closure. What were you expecting, Bella chose to become a Vampire to spend her eternity with Edward.
"You must be aggravated too" his voice, familiar and yet it feels as if a stranger speaks every time he opens his mouth. "Not as aggravated as you" Stefan watches you come to a halt.
"You are worse compared to my former partners" Stefan doesn't take your word well. "Former partners? were they women or men?" was he being serious.
"What do you think tick?" You don't know why you decided to insult him. Maybe because he addressed you as the Cullens "Pet" or "Plaything". "I thought you don't like playing with your food" Stefan falls silent.
"I heard you address me as the Cullens pet, food, snack and plaything. You're not so discreet" Stefan twitches. Stefan had grown impatient and irritated.
Stefan grew more frustrated by the minute the wolf named Leah Clearwater laughs and leans into. How you laugh and smile in the presence of the Denali coven.
Never acknowledging or sparing him a glance, you ignore him as if the mate bond meant nothing to you. As if he is a burden, as if he is nothing but a blood thirsty vampire who sees you as nothing but a meal.
Stefan sped walks in your direction, a desperate attempt to get a point across. What's the point he has inhuman speed so why speed walk in your general direction. His action makes you back away from him, creating distance between you and a fuming Stefan.
He slows down to a slow pace but nonetheless keeps walking in your direction. You keep backing away from him "say it, say this means nothing".
"What the hell is wrong with you" you spoke in an attempt to make him come to a halt. "Say you are not mine and I am not yours. This is torture and you know it" you silently scream hoping someone will save you.
"What you are doing to me is cruel and mean. The more you laugh in the presence of those vegetarians frustrates me to no extent". Stefan, watch as your back meets the piano "you have issues".
Stefan stood in front of you a foot from you, he looked up at you "say it, say you loathe me as much I loathe you". You remain silent in hopes he'll leave you alone.
"I am not leaving until you answer me" you look around for anything to help you. "I... You are what you are. I don't want anything from you" Stefan shook his head and finally closes the gap between you and him.
"That is not what I asked. Do you loathe me Swan" Stefan watch you shook your head. "No" you spoke lowly but loud enough for him to hear. Stefan eyes takes in your features, red lips, sharp jaw line, strong cheek bones.
Stefan gloved cold hands cups your face, pulls you in to close the tempting gap. Cold lips met yours, Stefan is much shorter than you but there is no way he would be caught tipping toeing to reach your rosy lips.
The kiss was rough, almost as if Stefan didn't want this to go this far. But what would Vladimir say if he missed this chance to have you to himself? Would Vladimir laugh or call him a fool? It didn't matter anymore, what did matter is you.
Stefan smirks against your lips, you gripped his leather coat. Stefan seemed to forget humans need to breathe so when you pulled away from him, he was not happy.
"What? I'm not finished" you shook your head at him. Removing Stefan cold hands from your beet red face. "I'm human I need to breath" straighten yourself to prevent him from pulling you back down again.
Stefan doesn't waste a minute for you to catch your breath, once again he pulls you down. Impatient, rough and cruel to your once perfect lips.
You force yourself away from him "jeez man, I'm not in university yet" Stefan cocks an eyebrow. "Graduate high school, yes?" you nod, you shouldn't have nod "good enough for me".
Bella grew frustrated "Edward he is swapping spit with MY brother" Edward sets a hand on her shoulder. "At least they are not ignoring each other now" Vladimir skims through a magazine.
"Stefan wouldn't stop talking about him, I grew annoyed so I threaten if he doesn't say anything I'll chain him to a pole". Bella and Edward looks at the albino Vampire with an unreadable expression.
"What? were you not thinking the same thing" Bella shook her head making Vladimir shrug. "It doesn't matter anymore" Vladimir returns to the magazine.
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wander-lum · 7 months
can somebody find that karma akabane oneshot (?) fic where his s/o is as confident, competent and kinda hot-headed as him? somebody humble too, like theyre rich rich and buy expensive things (the example shown was a watch) but they hide it and they dont rub it in that person? and theyre also soft and emotional but only when in the privacy of their own space, the example shown was an dead animal and the they wanted to burry it properly. i first found it in the akabane x reader tag.
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akabanerio · 2 years
A sharp knife
Kayano: Oh boy… I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous
Irina: Holding a really sharp knife to their neck usually does it for me
Rio: I advise you to wear something sexy instead-
Kayano: T-T
Karma: Wasabi and mustard makes a lot of people nervous *grins*
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lilbrainbigheartz · 7 months
Karma Akabane x reader (dunnothenameyet)
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Chapter 2
Today we had in 5th period P.E.
Karasuma-sensei announced that he will take over the P.E lessons.
Seriously, I am glad that an actual HUMAN being will be our P.E teacher.
How should we keep up with a creature who has a speed of Mach 20.
After class, we were about to walk back to the 3-E building and Sugino whines:" A quiz in 6th period, eh?"
Nagisa agreed: "Shame we didn't get to home after all"
Rio and I were also walking back with the class. Rio: "naw we have now a math quiz"
Sometimes I just want rip my math book apart. What are these formulas?!
"I will just tell Karasuma sensei or Korosensei that I'm on my period and want to go home. Who do they think they are?! MATH QUIZ AFTER P.E?!" ,I complain.
In that moment we see a figure standing on the top of the stairs outside.
Nagisa says surprised: "Karma-kun...you're back?"
I raise an eyebrow and said to Rio: "How come I just mentioned my period and a guy with redhair shows up?"
Rio snorts and laughs at my comment.
The redhead in the meantime has a little smile and raises his eyebrows with curiousity: "Oh? So this is the infamous Korosensei? He really *does* look like an octopus"
The rest of the class observed Karma and Korosensei.
Korosensei: "You're Akabane Karma-kun right? I'd hear your suspension was up today. But that's no excuse to be late on your first day back."
Akabane stretched out his hand for a handshake: "It's nice to meet you, Sensei"
In the moment when Korosensei touched Akabane's hand, his tentacle got destroyed and as Akabane was trying to attack him with the Anti-Sensei knife but Korosensei dodged easily and fast.
The class was stunned since Karma was now the first one to damage Korosensei.
Nagisa told Kayano that Akabane and him were in the same class for the first and second year but he got suspended due to his violent tendencies. The periodhead- I mean Akabane kind of looked like that type of guy.
Nagisa continued explaining: "When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play Karma got us all beat" Yeah yeah don't exaggerate he is only 14/15 years old. Overrated.
During the math quiz... yeah I know I said I wanted to leave but then I remembered that Korosensei would probably bring some random medicine from other countries to make my "cramps" heal.
So now here I am sitting at my desk and writing that quiz... Honestly I am just freestyling ,the fuck. Math is annoying enough but do you all know what was more annoying?! Korosensei punching with his tentacles the wall and made some squishing sounds.
I hit with my hand my desk and raised my voice: "HEY WE ARE WRITING YOUR QUIZ HERE?! Stop the squishing!"
The class deadpan at my outburst and Korosensei flinches a little sweating "P-Pardon me!"
In the meantime Terasaka and his friends were teasing Akabane because him being the reason that Korosensei is mad. Korosensei then turned around even if his face looks the same you could sense that he is pretty pissed off right now. "You there! No noise during a test!" He sees now Karma eating Gelato or let's say...Korosensei's Gelato.
Korosensei: "Hey! I even flied a colder stratosphere to keep it from melting!" I saw many classmates roll their eyes and I just sighed quietly to myself aboit this whole fiasco. That redhead still has the audacity to be a pain in the ass when today was his first day back.
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