coffeenuts · 3 months
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abnormarine · 2 years
Literally my inquistor had no real issues with Solas and I was like hmmmm, might play trespasser differently then? And then… he took my magic stick
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paranormarine · 2 years
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Irassal Lavellan
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erdnaxelalexandre · 8 years
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cynxkai · 6 years
Továbbra is iskola nézés
Anya: Találtam kertészeti sulit Kecskeméten.
Én: Azonnal költözünk oda és be iratsz!
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thathiddencat · 6 years
so rwby volume 6. huh.
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darkcreamz95 · 7 years
okay but how about dazai shibusawa and fyodor playing “just dance” in that fortress of theirs and then there’s “rasputin”...
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larkoneironaut · 2 years
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Here are Ren Lavellan's parents Irassal and Elgara! It was super fun to bring them to life (no pun intended) - Can you tell which features Ren shares with her parents? 😌
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sweetd3lights · 3 years
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All rights reserved by  Walędzik Ireneusz Irass
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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The King. by Ireneusz Irass Walędzik https://flic.kr/p/2oiswXj
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lc-manager-x · 2 years
Irass twenxuwhhaaa wendsey my suees
cant tell if you had a stroke or if something malfunctioned-
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npc-catalogue · 3 years
alchemy apprentice+master level alchemist
Purpose: introduce characters to the Concept of Alchemy, have a knowledgable alchemist for later on
Can be found: as the party enters an inn, she is talking to the innkeeper about a room for the night
General: female, half elf, good, 25
Appearance: dressed like most commoners; a large cloth bag is strapped around her shoulder-with each of her movements you hear the clinkering of some type of glass objects coming from the bag; you notice that she is leaning on a chair in front of the reception desk, putting most of her weight on the left side; her hair is blonde and reaches her shoulders
Backstory: Has been trying to study magic for a few months but she noticed that it wasn't really for her. Her father, an elf named Irassal, has managed to teach her some cantrips (Mending, Shape Water) but she failed at the spells. She wants to study alchemy instead and is looking for a mentor.
Further information, if Enwel trusts the PCs: Enwel has been suffering from severe joint pains since she was 19 and while her father wasn't able to cure the condition completely, he could linder her pain. Enwel wanted to learn to take care of herself, which is why she initially asked her father to teach her magic. She had left her home 2 weeks prior to look for an Alchemist who could brew a potion and also teach her the recipe. Furthermore, she thinks that being an Alchemist is something she would really enjoy and could also manage to do with the right accomodations (potions) for her illness.
[The condition can be compared to arthritis. Enwel shouldn't be portrayed as weak, she just has a disability and is learning how to live with it.]
(retired) Alchemist in Town: Sinderion
Can be found: in a closed potion shop at the edge of town. Only locals know that he is still in there brewing potions, so the PCs will have to ask around to get this information
General: male, human, lawful [good or evil], 65-70 years old
Appearance: Looks quite old; bald with a patchy white beard; he is very short and skinny, but his hands and arms are very muscular; The sleeves of his long green robe are cuffed in order to free his forearms and they are secured in place with leather straps; There are no traces of alchemy work on his person, he looks very clean and so does his shop.
Quest: Sinderion is willing to brew the Potion for Enwel and teach her the recipe. However, if she wants a full education in alchemy, he requires a favor. He has been working on a potion for a long time and is missing an ingredient that is hard to come by: [Insert any Monster Body part that fits your campaign].
Due to her condition, Enwel isn't able to adventure.
[Lawful Good Sinderion] Enwel brings up the unfairness of his request, upon which he will be embarassed for not thinking about how unlogical it was. He then asks Enwel another favor (talking to some merchants in town to find someone who sells another ingredient he needs) and then turn to the party and ask them to get the monster ingredient.
[Lawful Evil Sinderion] Enwel brings up the unfairness of his request and he will demand that she do it anyway. If the party offers to gather the ingredient instead of Enwel, he will demand that she go with them, since it's for something SHE wants.
[If you haven't guessed already, this story deals with the struggles that disabled people face. Even the Lawful Good Sinderion fails to recognize that Enwel can't fulfill his request, despite learning about her condition a few minutes prior. The Evil Sinderion is basically any Manager/Boss at any Company.]
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thedreadgay · 4 years
fuck it, i’m making my own: a dragon age elvish dictionary
part 2 of 3!!!!
check out my elvish tag or send me an ask if you’re curious about anything, and use your browser’s ‘find in page’ function to make it easier to find something specific <3
A-G || H-Q || R-Z
hahren: elder
halam: end
halani: help
hamin: rest
hanin: knight
harel: lie, deception, trick
harellan: trickster, traitor
harillen: opposition
hasa: twirl, spin
hasamima: snowflake, lit. ‘twirling ice’
hela: struggle, fight
hellathen: noble struggle
him: become
-in: additional, rather than multiple, which is -is
inan: once
i’nansal-in: ‘one who is another blessing’ or ‘my child’s blessing’, grandson, grandchild (masc)
ir: i am, first person pronoun
iras: where
irassal: wherever
-is: multiple, rather than in addition, which is -in
isala: needing, need
ise: fire
ise’thenera: veilfire
la: and
lan: person (fem)
las: grant, give
lasalin: to conceive, lit. ‘give blood’
lassyl: to birth, lit. ‘give air’
lath: love
lathlan: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (fem)
lathlen: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (neutral)
lathlin: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (masc)
len: person (neutral)
lethal: kin
lethal’him: ‘one i became kin with’, a person who has become family in the many ways one can become family; found family, marriage, etc.
lia: flower
lin: blood, person (masc)
linavare: a life-or-death oath, lit. ‘blood oath’
lothlen: forgotten
ma: you; my (probably defined by case, context, or both)
maehah: ‘elder mother’, granny (fem)
maehahlin: ‘my grandmother’s blood’, maternal great aunt/uncle
maehahren: ‘elder mother’, grandmother (fem)
maelin: ‘my mother’s blood’, maternal aunt/uncle
mala: your or you’re (defined by case)
mamae: mother, parent (fem)
mana: please
mar: your (defined by case)
masel: good
masel’dys: congratulations, lit. ‘good luck’
melana, melava: time
melanada: all time, lit. ‘inevitable time’
melar: here, now, present
mellavar: on time
mi: blade
mi’durgen: diamond, lit. ‘stone blade’
mien: short blade
mien’harel: rebellion, a violent call to justice
min: a partition, something that separates one thing from another
mindar: the veil, lit. ‘divider between states of being’
mir: my
mirlin: ‘my blood’, sibling
mima: ice, lit. ‘water blade’
na: is
nadas: inevitable, something that must be
nae: no
nal: thing, matter
nan: revenge, vengeance
nedan: lost
nehn: joy
numin: cry
nuven: say; speak in the sense of expressing something, rather than sharing knowledge, which is dirth
olam: the world in the broader, ideological sense; different from the world as in land, which is vhen’alas
par: skitter, scuttle
par’as: skittering, scuttling
penshra: an insult, possibly akin to ‘bumbling fool’
quena: why
qunlen: qunari, lit. ‘qun children’
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sportblogok · 4 years
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thathiddencat · 7 years
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ive been staring at this scene for like 5 hours
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pb1138 · 5 years
Frescoes and Lullabies
This was a prompt given to me by @queergaymer, to use “So it was you.” So, Solavellan~ 
Note: The lullaby they sing is the one that’s featured at the bottom of the Elvhen Language wiki page. It’s also a poster on my wall lol 
Solas hums to himself as he works on his newest fresco depicting the debacle at Adamant. It’s grown late in the night, only the squawking of a handful of ravens high above him and the occasional footfalls of the night patrol passing outside his door to keep him company. The plaster is stubborn tonight, doesn’t want to take to the colors he wants, but he’s always been one to enjoy a challenge and the monotony of the constant mixing allows him time to ponder the events of the Fade. (In hindsight, it’s perhaps due to his preoccupation that the plaster won’t do what he wants.) But he finds comfort as he always has in watching the way the plaster swirls so thickly in its bowl as he lazily drags his stirrer through it. And so he hums. He hums songs long forgotten by this world, melodies sung by lovers lying lazily in bed, lullabies sung by tired parents to infants who won’t quiet, jaunty songs shared drunkenly around the fire.
The plaster lays easily upon the wall once he has the colors set, and eventually the humming turns into soft singing. After all, there’s no one awake to be bothered since even Dorian had retired to an actual bed earlier that night. He does not get carried away, but as the hours pass by, he does allow himself to raise his voice a little more, and he loses himself so far in his work that he does not hear the soft footsteps passing behind him, does not feel the endearing nor the vibrant green eyes watching his hands move across the wall.
She makes no sound, not wanting to distract him from his work, and he does not take notice of her even after the light of dawn breaking through the windows jars him out of his trance. With a stretch and a yawn, he leans back to admire his work then blinks in surprise when his hand brushes against a plate of food sat beside him. It’s long since gone cold, leftover roast and vegetables from the dinner he’d missed that night, but the bread is still soft and sweet-smelling. His stomach growls its displeasure at him, and begrudgingly he sets his tools down and eats.
When he climbs down the scaffolding at long last and stretches, he is alone again, his mysterious benefactor having taken their leave it would seem. He does not ponder it much further, exhaustion guiding him to his sofa into which he slumps and slips into a deep sleep.
This continues for the following week. Solas stays up well beyond what he considers comfortable, hard at work, she comes to watch him and bring him food, and by the time he’s finished she’s gone.
It’s the sixth night in a row that he finally discovers who has been watching over him. He’s singing again this night, softly because he suspects Leliana is still working in her alcove, but he’s singing. She’s been there about an hour already, watching him with her gentle smile as always, but she can see that he’s beginning to grow tired. His voice has been a little hoarse from these past nights, but tonight it’s softer, more reserved, and he pauses frequently to yawn. As quietly as she has previously, she slips from his desk and makes for the door, until a familiar tune reaches her ears and halts her steps. Her smile which until now had been gentle and amused grows upon her face into a soft grin, and she turns to look up at him.
The song is a lullaby favored by her Hahren to soothe the younger children and babies in the clan. Her steps are silent and her movements fluid as she makes her way up the scaffold, and she sits delicately on the edge, looking at the art that he’s already completed. “…ara ma’nedan ashir. Dirthara lothlenan’as, bal emma mala dir—” His words hault as her voice joins his, and he looks over at her in surprise.
She turns a warm smile to him, her nose crinkled, and his surprise melts away into a warm smile of his own. His hand, stained with the dyes of the plaster, reaches over and settles atop hers as he picks the tune back up with her. “Tel’enfenim, da’len, irassal ma ghilas, ma garas mir renan. Ara ma’athlan venas,” and he leans in, places a soft kiss to her temple, squeezes her hand before he finishes in a low, honey-smooth tone, “Ara ma’athlan vhenas.”
Vikara smiles at him, a soft blush dusting her cheeks, the same light pink as the vallaslin upon her left eye, and she reciprocates his kiss with a quick peck to his nose. He chuckles at it, wiggles his nose in response, and leans back to observe her. She knows she looks tired, having not slept more than a handful of hours this past week, and she can feel the concern with which he takes in the bags under her eyes, the dullness of her hair, but he does not comment on it. Instead, he looks down at the plate of food she’d brought earlier. “So, it was you. I might’ve known since I know of no one else who insists upon staying up all night,” he teases.
She giggles softly, looks back over at his other works. “I heard you singing, came in to talk but you looked so at ease.” She blushes, the tips of her ears darkening, too, as she adds, “I liked watching you work.”
He reaches over and tucks a stray hair behind her ear, brushes his knuckles along her cheekbone. “I appreciated the gesture,” he whispers. As she smiles, he slips his hand around to the other side of her face and gently pulls her to look back at him. “Next time, though, you might stay and talk with me instead.”
She turns her cheek into his hand, lets her eyes close for a long moment, and sighs contentedly. “Well, if you insist.”
He chuckles and moves some of his stuff around to accommodate her better. “I just might. I always enjoy your company, vhenan.”
She settles in, close enough to feel his warmth but not too close as to disrupt his work. “Far be it from me to disobey my elders.”
He lets out a chortle and shakes his head, an amused smirk upon his lips as he goes back to his work. “Oh, no, Vikara of Clan Lavellan is the epitome of obedient,” he teases, bringing another giggle from her. After a long while, he glances at her and nudges her knee. “Tell me. Where did you learn that song?”
She hums and pulls a knee up to rest her elbow upon it. “It’s my Keeper’s favorite lullaby to sing to the children,” she explains, and he tilts his head as he thinks over her words.
In a rare burst of sincere curiosity, he nudges her again. “Tell me more of your clan, vhenan.”
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