#ipc module
ecto-stone · 4 months
Ecto babe, who is this man you are spamming us with?
All love in the world, I just wanna know
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This is Boothill from Honkai Star Rail -He a Cyborg Space Ranger (cowboy)
-Canonically a Dilf -Canonically can not swear (swear like a sailor) caused someone fudged with his universal translator module -the IPC blow up his Planet along with his kid in it. He survived, comeback a cyborg cowboy and is now out for IPC marketing department head Blood.
-He have Longggg half White Black, half Black white hair -Basically Anime Chess Pieces Vlad, Which Mean he is the first charater Since Vlad to cover such a Wide Trait that like in Men.
that it basically a second i want them carnarly at first sight since i first seen Vlad back in 2012.
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blubberquark · 2 years
The socket module in Python: More than a footgun
Previously: Beginner Problems With TCP & The socket Module in Python, Things To Think About Before You Implement Online Multiplayer
I think I have previously undersold how terrible the socket module in Python is. It's worse. Or rather, what's worse is that often enough, the socket module is all that is available with the "batteries included" with Python 3.X. For anything more, you need to look on PyPI, and there are far too many modules on there that sort of do what you want, but are unmaintained. That is not good for networking, especially on the Internet!
The socket module has a lot of functionality you don't need for Internet applications, and is missing a lot of functionality you do need. Some of that functionality is present with asyncio, but not with socket. This weird feature imparity leads to beginner programmers using asyncio without understanding the use case for asyncio, or without understanding what async does, mixing blocking functions with asyncio.
Even experienced programmers won't be happy with socket. They can see and sidestep some of the pitfalls, but they can't really make productive use of socket on its own. There is no pure-Python way to get your own IP address, network interfaces, or your public IP address. There is no interface for path MTU discovery, and no abstraction layer for handling mixed IPv6/IPv4 connections.
The socket module is not just a footgun. It's little helper gnomes opening your gun safe at light, reloading the footguns you thought safe while you sleep. Even an experienced programmer must treat the socket module as if it can go off at any time!
Solution: A modern Internet-oriented networking module
We need a high-level Internet-oriented networking module as part of Python. Let's call it "networking". It doesn't need any OS-specific networking features, and it doesn't need IPC. It should just have an easy way to opening a socket and communicating over the Internet.
You should be able to query things like IPv4/IPv6 support, and stuff like mobile IP or multi-path TCP, but by default, there should just be a simple interface that takes a DNS name, IPv4 address or IPv6 address, and lets you connect.
There should probably be a "do-what-i-mean multicast" option for UDP, with functions to send and receive broadcast and multicast packets, instead of re-implementing the wrangling of IP addresses and subnet masks every time.
There should probably be a way to extend this, by implementing different message-oriented, datagram-oriented, or stream-oriented protocols, such as SSL and ENet as separate modules.
Most importantly, this module would have its equivalent of Java's BufferedReader. I know that this is super easy to implement, but the lack of a BufferedReader is a major stumbling block for beginners, and it pushes those beginners to use asyncio without understanding what that is or how it works. The "networking" module could have async versions of everything in a separate networking.async namespace. I don't think having awaitable and blocking operations available on the same socket/connection object is sensible, it would be another footgun, so this API duplication seems to me to be the safer option.
We really need full blocking/async parity. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise you end up in bizarre situations where library users write async code inside sync functions and spin up the event loop for every function call, but then call blocking functions in their async code, because to them, async is just a cumbersome way to call blocking functions.
Solution: Interface/Network/Service Discovery
We need a network discovery module as part of Python, maintained and developed in tandem with the old socket and the new networking. It should allow the user/developer to easily enumerate all available network interfaces, their IP addresses, MTU, IPv4/IPv6 status, connectivity, whether they are metered, and whether their networks are connected to the Internet.
Path MTU discovery and ping might also be useful.
Maybe service discovery protocols like Bonjour could live in this module too, or they could be their own module.
Solution: Dealing with NAT
In an ideal world, we would all be using IPv6, and we would somehow know the worldwide unique IP address of our friend's PC - the device we are trying to communicate with. Our router would know to route packets to that IP to our friend's router, and all would be well.
In the real world we are using NAT and VPNs. Some devices have an IPv4 address, others don't. IPv6 usually doesn't help us connect to a friend's PC to play a game.
We need a module (I propose the name "unfirewall" or "traversal") to allow the user/developer to connect or send packets to a computer behind NAT. This module must set up a connection that is either stream-based or datagram-based, and present the same API as raw sockets created with the networking module, or SSL sockets built on top of it.
Whatever system you are using to connect your stream or datagram socket, whether you go through a SOCKS proxy or a TURN server, or you manage to do NAT hole punching via STUN, it should return a networking object that is mostly indistinguishable from one that was connected through your local LAN.
Solution: Common Data Types
Python needs data types for networking addresses, such as IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, DNS names, IDNA, and so on. The above mentioned modules should accept parameters with those types, in addition to old-fashioned 32-bit unsigned integers for IPv4 addresses.
Solution: Network Reliability Simulation
Once we have an ecosystem of modern networking APIs, it becomes easier to write your own network un-reliability simulator. Dropped connections, uneven transmission speeds, partial reads and writes leading to TCP stream read() not lining up with send() from the other end, dropped UDP packets, a whole second of latency, low bandwidth, all those could be simulated on localhost.
Those changes would turn Python networking from a footgun for beginners into something that still causes cursing and frozen GUI widgets when your WLAN connection gets choppy. There is no software fix for radio signal quality, or for an excavator cutting the fiber optic connection between your town and the rest of the world.
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harrelltut · 1 year
Official Military [OM] Ops… O MASTERFUL [OM] MONK [OM] MODE [OM] GOD [OMG] MICHAEL [OM] in DEEP METU NETER PTAH MEDITATION… Eye [ME] Mathematically ANU Glitch Engineer [MAGE] DEEP IN:side the Matrix [I'M] Compu_TAH [PTAH] Module of Orthotronic Control [MOC] Hardware Employed [HE] w/Foreign QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] America, Inc. Business Model [IBM] Patent [I/P] Codes [iPC] Accessing Parallel Compu_TAH [PTAH] Records from Prerecorded Matrix [RPM] Operation Memories [ROM] of Fractional 9 Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] Sciences... way beyond your basic modern day human matrix comprehension
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buckle up... everybody getting exposed
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i'm just handling my father's international matrix [i'm] IBM businesses @ QHT AT&T LLC
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eye glitch... you glitch 
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him say he international military [i'm] illuminati from Germany... in America [ATLANTIS]
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am-hush · 5 days
Herbstluftwm, and a WM journey
I went on a little window manager journey earlier this month, so I'm going to write about it a touch. I had been using a slightly hacked up version of DWM for a while - I removed the tiling algorithm in favor of maximized windows by default, and planned on writing a new tiling layout. I wanted to do a columnar layout that showed a certain max number of windows, and allowed for scrolling through the windows sequentially. Modelled after something like GNOME's material shell or paperWM extensions. I never followed through on that, though.
When I started with Linux, my first OS was CrunchBang. It's been long defunct, but there is a continuation project - CrunchBang++, which is really just a metapackage installed over a Debian base. I already run Debian 12, so I decided to install the metapackage on my system and return to the #! days for a bit. I quickly became disillusioned with the mouse-centric flow of Openbox, and also, look how they murdered my boy:
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[image is the crunchbang menu, showing an option for Google Docs under the Office tab]
So I went back to DWM for a minute. I decided what I wanted instead was to have the Maximized-by-default behavior I used with DWM, but with the option to break a window out and tile it with the main stack if I wanted two windows side-by-side. (for those curious: I maximize windows because I use a 13" laptop, so auto tiling usually just doesn't have enough screen space for each window to be useful.) That sounded like a task for a manual tiler, not a dynamic one. Old favorite BSPWM doesn't allow monocle layout by default, so I first tried i3 - but it's only monocle-type layout out-of-the-box appeared to be a tabbed layout, and I wanted to show my windows on the bar, so I wanted a straight monocle rather than a tabbed one. That led me to herstluftwm, which I'd tried once in the past.
Long story short, it does exactly what I want (with a little configuring) - windows are stacked and maximized by default, and if I want to split a window out, that's just a keybind away. The only drawback was that it doesn't have a polybar module built-in, and I wanted it to communicate its desktop and window information to the bar. Luckily, it does have a hooks system, and Polybar has an IPC client, so it was relatively easy to write a script that formats the herbstclient output for tag and window info that runs any time hlwm changes focus, tag, or window title, and prints the output to Polybar. So now things look like this:
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I'll probably stick around like this for a while.
(note: this post was originally written in GemText, and posted to my gemini capsule. If you aren't familiar with the Gemini protocol, check it out!)
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eobdtooluk-blog · 15 days
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Unlock Alfa Romeo ECU via OBD
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Key Programmer has the ability to unlock ECU function for Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and others.
Nowadays, in order to meet the various needs, there are various ECU modules on the car. These modules control almost every aspect of the vehicle. They communicate through the bus. These modules contain vehicle-specific info, usually the VIN code, but not all modules are VIN code. If the ECU module is damaged, we replace it with a new one. We have to use a dealer tool to program the ECU module through the bus so that the other modules in the vehicle will accept it. If this is not done, the new module cannot work properly.
In daily maintenance, in order to save costs, we usually use second-hand modules, but the FCA official in order to let the maintenance technicians use the original brand new module, they add a recognition of the judgement function, once the scanning recognition of the current module exists, other vehicle VIN or other specific information, it will determine the current ECU module for the second-hand control module default for the lock state and will not be programmed. After using the ECU advanced function by OBDSTAR, it can solve the above problems and then can program the second-hand ECU module. This ECU unlock function can operate directly through the OBD diagnostic port on the car, and you can also operate by bench.
How to unlock ECU by OBDSTAR X300 G3?
i.e. Alfa Romeo
Note: the device we used is Key Master G3 (green), it has the same function as OBDSTAR G3 (yellow) we sell.
Connect X300 Classic G3 and the vehicle via OBD cable
Select [ECU Advanced] function on the main menu
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Select FIAT/ ALFAROMEO latest software (i.e. V30.08)
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Select IPC
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Check the ECU info, and the ECU is locked
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Select [ECU Unlock] function and wait a while, the ECU will be unlocked fast.
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OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3ECU Advanced Support List for ALFAROMEO/FIAT (V30.08)
(Note: For reference only, subject to the device.)
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entomoblog · 20 days
Décryptage d’une conversation entre bactéries et plantes
See on Scoop.it - Les Colocs du jardin
Dans un article publié dans The ISME Journal, les scientifiques identifient un nouveau mécanisme stimulant le développement d’une bactérie protectrice autour des racines des plantes ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles stratégies pour la protection des cultures
  Root-associated Streptomyces produce galbonolides to modulate plant immunity and promote rhizosphere colonization | The ISME Journal https://academic.oup.com/ismej/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ismejo/wrae112/7696154
  Image :
Dumas, 2024
Figure : La souche AgN23 produit des métabolites spécialisés, appelés galbonolides, qui inhibent l’activité de l’IPC synthase (IPCS), une enzyme impliquée dans le métabolisme des sphingolipides (céramides). L’altération du métabolisme des céramides entraîne la stimulation des réponses immunitaires dont la production de métabolites antimicrobiens comme la camalexine chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. L’accumulation de camalexine dans la rhizosphère favorise en retour le développement d’AgN23 renforçant ainsi son activité biologique.
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melssblog · 1 month
Is your Spacecraft powered by a Reliable Power Supply?
Satellites and spacecraft, as with any other equipment, need a reliable power supply to power the onboard devices.
Any satellite mission is based on the orbit type, expected mission life, potential radiation hazards, type of payload, weight, and cost, each varying the power supply requirements.
Types of power used
Satellites are the spacecraft that orbit the Earth and are close enough to the Sun to be able to use solar power. Solar panels convert the Sun’s energy into electricity stored in an on-board battery to power the spacecraft.
When solar power doesn’t work, and for short missions, power stored in batteries is used.
Spacecraft batteries are designed to be tough. They need to work in extreme environments in space and on the surfaces of other worlds. However great the amount of charge they can store, and regardless of their size and durability, these batteries need to be recharged many times.
The importance of Power Supply Testing
Any disruption in the power supply can have a cascading effect on the performance of the devices onboard, even leading to the satellite falling apart. Also, the power supply degrades over time due to heating from the Sun and radiation effects in space. However large solar arrays be used, or alternative power sources be used, they need to be tested for reliable performance over the mission’s stay in space.
The need for an appropriate Automated Test Equipment (ATE)
The best way to accomplish this is by using Automated Test Equipment (ATE) equipped with suitable types of equipment.
A great example is the DC-DC converter ATE for Space applications from MELSS which consists of an Industrial PC-based unit with Digital Add-On modules.
Features of the ATE for Space Applications from MELSS
The customer-end UUT unit is interfaced with the DC Source, DMM, DC Load, and Oscilloscope. The instruments are interfaced with the Industrial PC (IPC) and controlled through the application software via USB/RS232 communication interfaces.
The IPC controls and collects the measured Data from the different devices like the DMM, DC Load, DC source, and Oscilloscope for processing and display. The I/O modules in the IPC are controlled and operated to achieve the necessary test conditions.
A custom-designed interface box with a Relay Matrix arrangement meets the necessary switching requirements.
The GUI-based application Software captures the test sequence and acquires & controls the parametric values from the measurement instruments and the UUT. The Test report is generated in a non-editable format for the sequence of tests, master parametric value, measured value, and the status of the test (Pass/Fail). A self-test module ascertains the serviceability status of the test and measurement instruments and the UUT.
Parameters tested
This ATE tests an exhaustive set of parameters, including the following:
Isolation/Continuity Checks
Input Voltages
Output Voltages
Output Currents
Cross Regulation
Transient/Noise Parameters
Stability Test
Short Circuit Current
Inrush Current
Over Voltage Lockout
Under Voltage Lockout
Line Regulation
Load Regulation
Input Power
Output Power
Settable power
Data acquired to perform the Tests
Data such as Inrush Current, Peak to Peak Output Noise, RMS Noise, Turn-on and Turn OFF Timers, Overshoot and Undershoot Voltage/Settling Times at outputs for load transients and I/P line transients, Under Voltage Lockout (UVL), and Over Current are acquired to perform the following tests.
Tests performed
Isolation/Continuity Test using DMM and Relay Matrix
Input Voltage Test using DC Source
Output Voltage Test using DMM
Output Current Test using DC Load
Cross Regulation Test using DC Load
Transient/Noise Parameters using Oscilloscope
Ripple and Spike's Parameters Using Oscilloscope
Stability Check using DMM
Short Circuit Current using DC Load
Inrush Current using DC Source and Current Probe
Over Voltage Lockout/Under Voltage Lockout using DC Source
For more information, please contact our ATE team or visit: automated test equipment manufacturers
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govindhtech · 2 months
MSI MS-C906: Tiny Ultra low power Fanless Edge AI IPC
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Edge AI Applications
MSI Introduces the MS-C906, a Compact, Ultra-Low-Power Fanless Box IPC for Edge  AI.
The debut of the MS-C906, a small box PC with an Intel 13th Gen Raptor Lake-P U Series processor, is proudly announced by MSI, a leader in AI and advanced computing solutions worldwide. Built for ultra-low power fanless operation, the MS-C906 delivers unmatched performance and dependability, making it the perfect choice for edge AI applications.
Principal Elements
High Performance
Allows for up to 32GB of DDR5 5200 MHz RAM and has four separate HDMI screens, making it ideal for a variety of commercial and industrial settings where visual output is needed.
Strong Network Connectivity
This device has four Intel 2.5GbE LAN ports, which makes for strong network connectivity. SATA and M.2 ports offer a wide range of storage choices.
 AI Integration
This feature speeds up the implementation of AI solutions, especially in image processing and machine vision applications, by integrating with the Intel OpenVINO AI development tools. Suitable for additional AIoT applications, smart cities, and smart manufacturing.
The wide operating temperature range of -20°C to 70°C and the wide voltage DC-IN of 12~24V allow the MS-C906 to function dependably in challenging industrial situations. The gadget is protected against electrical abnormalities and ensures reliable and secure operation with its features of Over Current Protection (OCP) and Over Voltage Protection (OVP).
The MS-C906 is a strong option for a range of industrial applications because of these precautions, which also increase its longevity and durability. Its IEC 61373-compliant anti-vibration and shockproof construction further guarantees that the gadget can resist shocks and vibrations in industrial environments.
Numerous Serial Connections
Four COM ports (RS-232/422/485) allow you to connect a wide range of industrial devices, including controllers, sensors, and legacy equipment. This improves overall operational efficiency in settings like smart factories, retail stores, and healthcare facilities.
Fanless Design
Because fanless design ensures silent operation and lowers maintenance, it’s perfect for places like retail stores and healthcare facilities where dust and noise are issues.
The enhanced security of TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) makes it appropriate for applications including financial services, healthcare, and government that demand safe data management and protection.
Rich Interface for I/O:
4 HDMI Ports
Four HDMI ports are perfect for multi-display configurations, digital signage, and high-definition video output.
Four USB ports
Four USB 3.2 Gen2 ports allow accessories like external storage, cameras, and other USB devices to transport data quickly.
4 LAN Ports
With four 2.5 GbE LAN ports, this network is well-suited for applications including data centres and surveillance systems that demand fast internet and network access. since of its sophisticated network capabilities, the MS-C906 is more suitable for a wider range of industrial and commercial situations since it offers dependable and fast connectivity.
4 COM Ports
Four COM ports (RS-232/422/485) are necessary to link industrial devices, such as sensors, controllers, and legacy equipment. This feature makes the port appropriate for automation systems and smart factories.
DIO (Digital Input/Output) 
SMBus connections for better multimedia and system administration; audio and amplifier; and digital input/output (DIO) for a variety of control and monitoring applications.
Power Input
DC power input ranging from 12 to 24 volts provides a range of power choices suitable for various settings.
Smart Factories
By utilising the MSI MS-C906 for data analysis, equipment monitoring, and machine vision inspection, production efficiency and product quality can be improved. Smart factories will find the Intel 13th Gen Raptor Lake-P U Series Processor, quadruple HDMI a monitors, and four Intel 2.5GbE LAN connections ideal. Its broad operating temperature range of -20°C to 70°C, anti-vibration and shockproof construction, combined with its integration with the Intel OpenVINO  AI framework for sophisticated image processing and machine vision, guarantee dependable performance in demanding industrial environments.
Retail and Commercial
The MS-C906 can be utilized to improve customer service and operational efficiency in the retail and commercial sectors through customer flow analysis, smart vending machines, and digital signage (both indoor and outdoor). Perfect for dynamic digital signage and client involvement, its quadruple HDMI 2.0 independent displays feature the EDID Lock display capability.
The M.2 and SATA interfaces offer versatile storage options, while the four Intel 2.5GbE LAN ports guarantee dependable network access. The ability to analyze consumer traffic and operate smart vending machines is improved by the integration with the Intel OpenVINO  AI toolset.
By using MS-C906 for telemedicine, patient monitoring, and medical image processing, healthcare services can be provided more effectively and at a higher quality. Clear and detailed medical imaging is made possible by its quadruple HDMI screens, which are essential for precise diagnosis and patient care.
For seamless telemedicine consultations and real-time patient monitoring, the four Intel 2.5GbE LAN ports provide dependable and quick network connectivity. Advanced diagnosis and treatment planning are made possible by the integration with the Intel OpenVINO AI toolbox, which improves medical imaging processing capabilities.
With cutting-edge solutions that satisfy its clients’ changing needs, MSI is at the forefront of the industry. Purchases of the MS-C906 can now be made via authorised distributors and MSI’s official channels.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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The saltine mixture is used to assassinated Vladimir Putin with in 2022 was a cianide. It may have killed a dummy module that plays Putin in media and other political stunts. So, I helped blue up the Nordstream Pipeline and assassinated one of Putin's Royal Guards. We also assassinated the head leaders of the Wagner Group and Islamic Iranian leaders. We are working on infiltrating the Morality Police 's palacial system.
The Iranian Palace Complex Takedown.
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niightravcns · 4 months
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Samuel is often accompanied by three little flying robots, affectionately dubbed as Benny, Buddy and Billy.
All three robots were part of the same Home-Object Finder unit that Samuel came across and salvaged on Jarilo-VI. Unlike its 'sibling' Findie, this unit was severely damaged, causing its connection to the IPC's main hub to be permanently interrupted (probably as the result of a botched recalibration) and Samuel to be able to repair only three of the seven segments of the unit.
Each segment, while technically part of the same system and recognizing themselves as such, thinks of itself as its own individual, thus they remain as separated modules most of the time.
Each little robot is equipped with a laser gun, restractable claws/grips and a small screen acting as their 'face' (similar to the little robots scattered around Herta Space Station).
One way to differentiate the three is the number of times they say 'beep' before speaking: Benny says it once, Billy says it twice and Buddy says it thrice.
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harrelltut · 1 year
Eye BEE MEMORIZING [IBM] Random Access [RA] Storage & Control Signatures @ QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] LLC’s General Electric [G.E.] Division [GED]… since Eye Built Multifunctional [IBM] HONEYWELL 860 Series Storage Modules of Orthotronic Control [MOC] Hardware Employed [HE] w/Foreign QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] America, Inc. Business Model [IBM] Patent [I/P] Codes [iPC] Accessing Parallel Compu_TAH [PTAH] Records from Prerecorded Matrix [RPM] Operation Memories [ROM] of Fractional 9 Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] SKY Mother Plane Thoughts Captured by QHT’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Digital CARBON [D.C.] Encryption Addresses [DEA] on ANU Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERBOARD [PM] of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING ANU MAPPED [I AM] Subterranean Earth [Qi] Continent of Constellation ORION's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Parallel Earth [Qi] Computing Intelligences from Astronomical MERCURY’s [I AM] Retrograde LIGHT Cycles of Continuous Cyclic SUN Energies Simultaneously EXPANDING Auxiliary [SEA] MOON Memories INCORPORATING [MI = MICHAEL] EVENLY [ME] Divided Characters [D.C.] Associated w/Astronomical PLUTO’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Cosmic Computational [Compton] STAR MEMORY Compu_TAH [PTAH] Languages of Alphanumerical [L.A.] Characters Facilitating MUUR EXPLANATORY [ME] DATA Scientifically Engineered by the ALUHUM [SEA] ANUNNAQI of MURDUK'S [MIYKAEL'S] GOLDEN SUPERCONSCIOUS Intergalactic 9 [i9] Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] Earth [Qi] Planet NIBIRU
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the artificial human clone time cycle on our earth is up... buckle up zombie america
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ipcsglobaltvm · 7 months
Python's Supremacy in the Realm of Artificial Intelligence
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The Python language is indispensable in the ever-evolving world of technology, especially in artificial intelligence (AI). Its extensive libraries, ease of use, and versatility have made it the go-to language for AI development. This blog explores Python's supremacy in artificial intelligence and how to leverage it through Python programming training.
The Python Advantage in AI:
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1. Versatility and Readability: 
Python's syntax is simple and easy to manipulate. For both beginners and experienced developers, it makes it easy to access. Its versatility enables AI practitioners to seamlessly switch between tasks ranging from data preprocessing to complex algorithms.
2. A rich ecosystem of libraries:
Python has a collection of AI and machine learning-focused libraries, including sci-kit-learn, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. By providing pre-built modules and functions, these libraries significantly reduce the time and effort required for their development.
3. Community Support:
The dynamic Python community actively develops the evolution of the language. It provides access to several resources, discussion boards, and cooperative areas for problem-solving and knowledge-sharing for AI enthusiasts and experts.
4. Rapid Prototyping and Iteration:
Python's dynamic nature facilitates experimentation, rapid prototyping, and iteration. It is essential to the iterative process of developing AI models. Python is the most popular language for AI research and applications because of its agility.
Python Programming Training: Unlocking the Potential
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With specific Python programming training, people can take full advantage of Python's supremacy in AI. Here's how:
1. Skill Enhancement:
Those who practice structured Python programming training courses will get a clear understanding of the language details, AI libraries, and their best practices. It can also provide the skills needed to excel in AI development.
2. Hands-On Projects:
Successful training enables participants to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios through hands-on projects. These initiatives build the practical skills and confidence needed for success in the AI ​​field.
3. Networking Opportunities:
Attending a Python programming training course allows individuals to connect with other like-minded people and experienced trainers. It encourages collaboration, idea sharing, and exposure to diverse perspectives through networking opportunities within the AI ​​community.
Python's strong ecosystem and adaptability are the main reasons for its supremacy in artificial intelligence. Gaining practical skills through Python programming training and understanding the language are needed to embrace this trend. Python is an indispensable tool for developers looking to maximize the potential of intelligent systems in the rapidly changing fields of artificial intelligence and technology.
IPCS Global is a great place to start if you are looking for the best Python training institute. They can give you the skills you need to navigate and contribute to the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. As AI continues to shape the future of technology, developers can use Python to fulfil the potential of intelligent systems.
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oaresearchpaper · 9 months
Carbosulfan's Impact on Freshwater Fish Neuro-genotoxicity
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Carbosulfan, a carbamate pesticide extensively employed in rural communities, enters the aquatic environment by the proximity of agricultural lands to water bodies or through direct application in such environments. The study’s goal was to investigate the neurotoxic effects of carbosulfan using ACh and AChE levels in brain tissue, and genotoxic effects using Micronucleus (MN) assay in blood cells and Comet assay in gill cells of Cyprinus carpio. The fish was exposed to 1/5th & 1/10th sublethal concentrations of 96 h LC50 for 7, 14, and 21 days. There were significant (P<0.05) alterations in ACh and AChE content and carbosulfan was induced to show MN formation and DNA damage in concentration and time-dependent manner. The reduced ionic composition in C.carpio brain tissue may explain the inhibition of AChE and the rise of ACh concentration. The significant increase in MN and DNA damage observed in carbosulfan-exposed fishes in the current study indicates the mutagenic/genotoxic potential of carbosulfan in the freshwater fish C.carpio, as well as the potential value of the Common carp for assessing pesticide pollution of freshwater bodies. Changes in these characteristics may provide an early warning signal for determining pesticide toxicity and its impact on aquatic species. As a result, it is necessary to monitor the aquatic system and forecast the hazardous effect of carbosulfan on fish; precautions should be taken while using even low concentrations of carbosulfan, and prohibiting or restricting carbosulfan usage is preferable.
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Carbosulfan is an insecticide used for the control of insects, mites, and nematodes on potatoes, sugar beets, rice, maize, and citrus. It is exceedingly toxic to fish, and its toxicity is mediated in the nervous system through acetylcholinesterase inhibition (Yi et al., 2006). Carbosulfan, which is commonly used in rural communities, penetrates the aquatic environment by the proximity of agricultural lands to water bodies or directly through reckless application in such environments and affects aquatic species, and its concentrations in surface and groundwater are predicted to be between 29μg/L and 0.64μg/L (Leppert et al., 1983; Sao et al., 2008). It is converted to carbofuran in animals by hydroxylation or oxidation processes in water (Giri et al., 2003) and has been restricted or banned in some countries, primarily due to the formation of highly toxic metabolites. Pollution from pesticides in water kills fish and other aquatic creatures (Svensson et al., 1994). Fish are particularly sensitive to environmental changes. Thus, fish health may reflect and be an excellent predictor of the overall health of an aquatic environment (Burkepile et al., 2000). Even though carbosulfan is not stable in water and does not remain in the environment, fish bioaccumulate to some amount due to their slower metabolism. Its high water solubility, widespread use in the environment, and exposure to non-target creatures may all offer long-term risks to aquatic organisms (IPCS, 1986).
The present study investigates the neurotoxic effects of carbosulfan using ACh and AChE levels in brain tissue, and genotoxic effects using Micronucleus (MN) assay in blood cells and Comet assay in gill cells of Cyprinus carpio exposed in vivo. Because of the reduction of its activity, acetylcholinesterase (AChE; enzyme classification is widely recognized as a particular biomarker of carbamate pesticides (Fairbrother and Bennett, 1988). By hydrolyzing the ubiquitous neurotransmitter acetylcholine, this enzyme modulates neuronal transmission in the synaptic cleft. AChE deficiency causes central and peripheral nervous system problems as well as mortality (Quinn, 1987).
Many studies have shown that the micronucleus (MN) test and the comet assay (CA) are the two most sensitive, rapid, and widely used methods for detecting the genotoxicity of chemicals and xenobiotics in the field and laboratory (Ateeq et al., 2002; Pandey et al., 2006). Despite the fact that carbosulfan has been shown to induce micronuclei, sister chromatid exchange, and chromosomal aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and rat bone marrow cells (Sterhrer-Schmid and Wolf, 1995; Topaktas et al., 1996; Rencüzogullari and Topaktas, 2000; Giri et al., 2003), research on the genotoxic properties of carbosulfan in aquatic organisms is few, particularly data on its effects on fish. The experimental fish, Cyprinus carpio (L.) is a cool to temperate water fish species that, due to its economic importance and status as a major element of many food chains around the world, is an ideal model indicator for toxicological investigations.
Source : Neuro-genotoxicity assessment of sublethal exposure of carbosulfan to freshwater Fish, Cyprinus carpio (L.)
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melssblog · 7 months
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It has a range of features such as IPC based System, various programmable test and measurement instruments, customisable GUI and Reports, user authority control, activity log and comprehensive hardware modules.
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govindhtech · 6 months
AMD EPYC CPUs boost SAP SD 2 Tier Performance
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SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD)
4th Generation AMD EPYC processors are revolutionizing data center performance, power efficiency, and total cost of ownership through continuous innovation. This dual focus on performance and efficiency demonstrates AMD’s commitment to offering companies cutting-edge solutions for their data Centre needs.
At the moment, the extensive AMD EPYC ecosystem includes more than 800 different cloud instances and more than 250 different server designs. In more than 300 benchmarks, including business applications, technical computing data management, data analytics, digital services, media and entertainment, and infrastructure solutions, AMD EPYC processors have achieved performance records.
One of the most important logistics modules in SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is SAP Sales and Distribution (SAP SD). This module is essential to the management and archiving of vital business data among four main components:
Organisation Structure
By defining different units, divisions, and departments involved in the sales and distribution processes, SAP SD controls the organizational setup within the software.
Master Data
SAP SD stores material (product specs, inventory levels, and pricing) and customer (customer profiles, contact information, and transaction history) master data.
Business Processes
SAP SD manages all aspects of end-to-end , including order fulfilment, pricing, shipping, invoicing, and receiving payments. It guarantees the smooth execution and coordination of tasks linked to sales.
With the help of SAP SD’s extensive reporting features, users can create intelligent analyses and reports using sales and distribution data. These reports offer insightful information on revenue generation, inventory management, customer trends, and sales performance.
All things considered, SAP SD is essential for improving productivity, simplifying sales and distribution processes, and facilitating well-informed decision-making in businesses using SAP ERP software.
The SAP-SD 2-Tier benchmark measures database performance in SAP Application Performance Standard units (SAPS) to assess hardware performance. Within the SAP environment, SAPS is a hardware-independent unit that measures system performance. The Sales and Distribution (SD) benchmark is the source of SAPS, which indicate how well a system can manage SAP workloads.
Vendors use their standard methodology to assess the system’s ability to support SD users during SAP benchmark testing. Every benchmark module has a weight that transforms users into a Normalised SD (NSD) number. NSD is used to calculate SAPS. SAP customers can size their SAP systems and plan their infrastructure footprint with the aid of SAPS results from the SAP SD benchmark. Customers can use this benchmark to compare platforms, plan for future growth, and perform Proof-of-Concepts (POCs) in order to choose the best hardware configuration for their SAP solution.
Regarding Bare Metal
Because SAP SD workloads are compute-intensive, 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (9004 series) are the best option for bare metal server deployment of SAP applications. In comparison to previous-generation AMD EPYC processors, these processors maximise performance by utilising notable improvements in Instructions per Cycle (IPC), faster memory access, larger L3 cache sizes, and higher core density.
The performance gains achieved with “top of stack” processor SKUs over the course of the four generations of AMD EPYC general-purpose processors are shown in Figure 1. It also emphasises how consistently better 2nd generation AMD EPYC processors and subsequent generations are than equivalent generations of Intel Xeon processors. It is noteworthy that 5th generation Intel Xeon processors perform 53% worse than 4th generation AMD EPYC processors.
Within the Cloud
Do you want to use SAP in the cloud? Additionally, AMD EPYC processors provide extensive support in this area. Significant performance improvements across 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors on Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2 cloud instances are shown on the left side of Figure 2.On the right side of Figure 2, an Amazon EC2 m7a.48xlarge instance with 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors outperforms one with Intel Xeon Platinum 8488C processors.
SAP-SD Performance Analysis (Curiosity Analysis) Compared to SPEC CPU 2017
Many people make an effort to explain how the SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark accurately reflects enterprise applications found in the real world. Because of the extensive stress that its performance measurements place on a system’s processor, memory subsystem, and compiler, the SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark enjoys considerable industry prominence. Users can effectively compare the performance of different systems thanks to these measurements. While SPECspeed metrics track task completion time, SPECrate metrics track work completed per unit of time.
SAP SD 2 Tier
Of these metrics, Figure 3 shows that SPECrate 2017 Integer has a strong correlation with the SAP-SD 2-Tier Benchmark Users metric. Because it enables the derivation of trustworthy estimates for SAP-SD 2-Tier Benchmark Users based on the SPECrate 2017 Integer metric results published for each EPYC SKU, this correlation is especially valuable for SAP SD 2-Tier sizing.
In summary
The SAP SD benchmark results highlight AMD EPYC processors’ exceptional performance in the cloud and on bare metal. Cutting-edge technologies are supported by AMD EPYC processors from the 4th generation, such as “Zen 4” cores based on 5nm process technology, up to 12 DDR5 memory channels supporting up to 4800GHz in memory speed support, and up to 128 (1P) or 160 (2P) PCIe Gen5 lanes that offer twice the PCIe Gen4 transfer rate.
While AMD Infinity Guard technology improves data security while in use, the 3rd generation Infinity Fabric doubles the data transfer rate of the 2nd generation Infinity Fabric.[5] The lineup of 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors is further expanded by the AMD EPYC 97×4 and AMD EPYC 9004 processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology, which are optimised models for memory-bound workloads and cloud infrastructure, respectively.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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getfreecourses-uk · 1 year
Comprehensive course on criminal law - GetFreeCourses
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  5 hour detailed course on Indian Penal Code (IPC) covering syllabus for
all the major law examinations in India.
Description Comprehensive course on criminal law - GetFreeCourses.uk is divided into 9 modules that manifest the crucial chapters through which a better understanding of the substantial criminal law in India is ensured. The Course envelops in-depth knowledge about the structure of the Indian Penal Code which includes contents on abetment, offences against State, body, sexual offences, property, and many more. Comprehensive course on criminal law The interactive structure of the course will make the subject interesting and the course is designed in such a way that it deliberates every diverse concept of the substantial criminal law to its crux. The concepts and definitions have been simplified to provide a better understanding of the topics covered under the Indian Penal Code. The major objective of providing this course is to give thorough knowledge about the subject to every student in a systematic manner which will be helpful in clearing university exams and competitive exams. This course shall offer the following- - 9 Major modules covering the entire structure of IPC - Video Lectures - Important Case Laws - Flow Charts, Diagrams, and Assessment Tests to test your knowledge. - Smart description and easy bifurcation of the concepts. - Easy to understand with the help of graphical elucidations and animations. This course is structured in a self-paced learning style. Each and every concept is broken down as various micro-lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case laws.
Comprehensive course on criminal law
The Course has been curated for students who are intrigued to gain knowledge about the criminal justice system and understand the structure and concepts under the Indian Penal Code. With 35+ lectures, this is a comprehensive course and no stone is left unturned- theory, practice, case laws,  and even homework exercises. And moreover, this course is step by step, and thus regardless of your experience in the legal field, you shall be successful with this course. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert you can rewind, refresh or breeze through at your own pace. And if you get stuck, I offer fast support in Q and A area. So what are you waiting for, Join me in this incredible learning experience today.
Who this course is for:
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- Nothing! We’ll cover everything from A-Z. - Access to the Internet is essential. Last Updated 6/2021
Download Links
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