#ipad on 4 percent. i must go. goodbye
randomminty · 11 months
hi!! you have super pretty art. if you’re taking requests, could you draw anabel (pokemon) from sun & moon?
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Th coolest ever …..
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A Bump in the Road - Morgan Rielly
Request: 44. You need to see a doctor.” Morgan Rielly
I winced as I got off the sofa, I had been feeling off for a couple of days now but I just chalked it up to my period and the cramps being extra bad this month. It didn’t help that Mo was out of town on a super long road trip and that always put me in a funk. But he was coming home today and I was ready to spend some time with him. I was picking Morgan up from the airport so I threw on some leggings and one of Morgan’s old sweatshirts. 
Getting into the car, I tried to push off the discomfort and focused on the road ahead of me. I managed to pull into the parking lot of the airport just as Morgan texted that they landed. Heading inside the small, private terminal they would be coming through I found a couple of the other girls waiting. Alannah waved me over, smiling as I sat down next to her. “Are you okay Samantha? You look a little pale.”
“Yeah.” Alannah looked like she was going to push more but the guys showed up then. I was slow to get out of the seat so Alannah said something to Morgan before going to Zach. I had just stood up by the time Morgan got to me. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. Alannah said you don’t feel good.”
“I’m fine, it’s just cramps from my period.” Morgan grabbed his bag as we headed out to the car, I didn’t even argue with him when he motioned for the car keys. 
“You’re period isn’t for another 4 days and you only start cramping the day before. You look really pale.” I got into the passenger seat and winced as I twisted to get my seatbelt on. Morgan looked super concerned, reaching over to feel my forehead. “And you feel warm. How long have you been feeling like this?”
“A day or two. I probably just ate something bad.”
“You need to see a doctor Sam.” I really wanted to roll my eyes at him but I also knew he was just worried about me.
“I’ll get an appointment for tomorrow.” That seemed to make Morgan happy because he didn’t bring it up on the way home, letting me call to make an appointment before we cuddled on the sofa. As we caught up on tv I started to feel worse, trying to hide it from Morgan so he wouldn’t worry. That all went out the window when I stood up to get a drink and I literally swayed before falling back onto the sofa. 
“That’s it, we are going to the ER now.”
“No, you just almost fainted. You need to see a doctor. Right now.” His face was as serious as I had ever seen, even when he was on the ice in a tight playoff game. “You are going to sit here while I go get pants for both of us and your purse. Then we are getting in my car and I am driving us to the hospital.” I just nodded, wincing as I moved on the sofa. Morgan left the room quickly, I could hear him down in the bedroom. He came rushing back, pulling on a sweatshirt and carrying sweatpants for me. “Do you need help getting these on while I grab your bag?” 
I just shook my head, slowly pulling on my sweatpants. I barely had both legs in the sweatpants by the time Morgan returned, carefully helping me stand up and pulling the sweatpants up before looking me in the eyes. “I have your purse with your wallet, your water bottle, some snacks, an ipad, and some headphones.” I nodded and before I could say anything Morgan picked me up and moved towards the door. He hurried us out of the apartment and down to the car, buckling me in before hurrying around to the driver's seat. I closed my eyes as Morgan started to drive, even with my eyes closed I knew he was speeding as much as he could in a big city with so many traffic lights.
Before I knew it Morgan was stopping and getting out of the car, my eyes opened to see him hurrying across the front of the car with the backpack before helping me out of the car. He had actually parked the car and was now carrying me through the parking garage to the emergency department entrance. A nurse spotted us as soon as we entered, bringing a wheelchair over for me. As much as I didn't want to admit it, the pain was much worse now and I was so out of it that Morgan had to do all the talking to get me checked in. Once that was all done we were moved back to a room and Morgan lifted me onto the bed. 
The next few minutes were a flurry of activity, a nurse getting me on an iv as a doctor came in and started to ask questions. They must have given me something for the pain because I was finally about to focus on what the doctor was saying. "Your boyfriend said that you have been having bad stomach pain for a few days now?"
"Yeah, at first I thought it was just cramping but it is much more painful than any cramp I have ever had."
"I'm going to run some tests and we will figure this out." He spoke to the nurse before leaving the room with a nod. Once the nurse was also done I turned to look at Morgan who looked terrified.
"I'm going to text Kyle and Sheldon to let them know I probably won't be at practice tomorrow." I wanted to argue but the concerned look that covered Morgan’s face was enough to stop me before I spoke up, just nodding and watching him type out a text. When that was done he put his phone away and grabbed my hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Like there is a knife in my stomach, but besides that I’m fine. How was your road trip?” Morgan raised an eyebrow, making me laugh. “It will distract me until the doctor comes back.” 
“Fine.” With that Morgan launched into a story of the shenanigans that he and his teammates got into during their trip. As Morgan was telling me about Mitch hiding Auston’s gear before a practice. The story made me laugh which caused pain that I was trying to hide from Morgan. "I'm hurting you by making you laugh. Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?"
“No, I think it’s just something I have to deal with until the doctor figures it out.” Morgan held onto my hand as we waited, telling me more about the road trip until the doctor came into the room around 30 minutes later.
“Ms. Kennedy, we got the results of your test back. Your appendix is about to burst. We need to get you into surgery right away. The complications if we wait too long are severe so time is of the essence. Our plan is to do it laparoscopically, that might change once we are in there. The surgery should last about an hour as long as everything goes to plan. Do you have any questions?”
“What is the recovery time?”
“You will probably have to stay in the hospital for a day or two, maybe 3 if there are any complications. You should be back to regular daily activities in 2 to 4 weeks, nothing too strenuous for the first week or so. Anything else?” We both say no, the doctor shaking both of our hands before moving towards the door. “Someone will be in shortly to prep you for surgery.”
Once he was gone I looked over at Morgan who was frozen. “Mo, it’s going to be fine.”
“It’s still surgery Samantha! Surgery always has a chance of something bad happening.”
“Wow, did you really just full first name me? I will be fine, and two days from now I will be watching you play hockey from the comfort of our bed while you kick ass on the ice. I’m gonna text my family quickly before I go back for surgery but I am going to need you to keep them up to date with what’s going on. I know they are going to want to fly out but hopefully I can convince them not to come.”
“Good luck with that.”
Morgan’s POV
I watched as Sam texted her family before the nurse came in to take her back for surgery. “I’ll see you once soon. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Mo.” I kissed her forehead and then her lips before they wheeled her bed away. Another nurse showed me to a waiting room where I would be out of the way and they would know where to find me. I was texting an update to Samantha’s family when someone bumped into my legs. It annoyed me when they just stood there then, not apologizing. I looked up and saw Fred and Auston standing there with coffee and a bag of food.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“Sam texted us and said you might need some company. So we brought coffee and snacks." They sit on either side of me, handing me a coffee before pulling out some sandwiches. “How long is the surgery supposed to take?”
“Hopefully an hour. Thank you guys for coming.”
“Of course, Sam’s family too.” Freddie says handing me a sandwich. Auston and Fred kept me distracted for the whole time as we waited for the doctor to come out. I started to get antsy when the hour mark passed. As we got closer to two hours I was pacing the waiting room. “Mo, sit down. I’m sure they will be out soon with news.” Freddie had to pull me back into my seat to stop me from pacing. Instead of pacing my leg was bouncing and Auston laughed at me.
“Sometimes surgery takes a while, if something went wrong I’m sure that someone would come out and update you.” I really wanted to believe my teammates, but I was still worried. Finally Samantha”s doctor came out and as soon as I spotted him I was up, out of my seat and moving towards him. 
“Did something go wrong?”
“No, things were a little worse than we expected so we weren’t able to do it laparoscopically. Besides that everything went perfect. She is in a recovery room now. I don’t think the change in procedure will extend her time she needs to stay here, it could take her a little longer to get back to 100 percent.”
“A nurse can take you to her whenever you are ready, but unfortunately only one visitor can see her.” I thank him, shaking his hand before going to tell my friends what was going on.
“We’ll try to stop by tomorrow after practice if Sam is up to it.” I bid them goodbye before following the nurse back to where Sam was. Walking into the room, I wiped my sweaty hands on my sweatpants before going into the room. Sam was laying in the slightly inclined bed with her eyes closed, so I tried to be quiet as I pulled a chair up to her bed. Just as I was sitting down Sam looked at me smiling. 
“Hi, how are you feeling?” That caused me to laugh, of course she was asking me how I was.
“Aren’t I supposed to ask you that, since you are the one who just came out of surgery?” That got a smile out of her as she reached for my hand. 
“I’m fine but I am also pretty sure that I have pain meds in me right now.” Sam stroked my cheek and smiled at me. “You worry about me, and the nurse mentioned that the surgery ran long so I know that you worried even more.”
“Well, Fred and Auston didn’t have to tie me down to the chair.”
“That’s good.” We talked for a bit before a nurse came in to check on Sam. When he left Sam turned to me. “Why don’t you sleep at home?”
“I’m sure they will be okay if I stay here with you overnight.”
“It’s not going to be comfortable for you. Please go home and sleep in our bed, I will still be here in the morning and your back will thank me for making sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
“Please Mo. Do it for me. I am going to be asleep basically the whole time you are gone.”
“Fine, but I will be back in the morning as soon as visitor hours start.”
“I can’t wait.” Kissing Samantha goodbye, I left the hospital, wishing that I was back with her but knowing she was right.
“She is walking around with a nurse but they should be back in the room in a few minutes.” I thank the nurse and sit down in a chair and answer a few texts before I hear Sam and a nurse coming into the room. 
“Hey Sam, how are you feeling?”
“A little stiff, but good. It felt really good to walk around the floor.” The nurse says a doctor will be in soon before leaving us, Sam coming to sit on my lap. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, but you were right.”
“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” I laugh, kissing her before lightly squeezing her side.
“You were right and I love you. I also brought you an iced coffee, I called the nurses desk and they talked to your doctor who gave the okay for the drink.”
“I love you too. And not just because you brought me coffee.” Hugging Sam as she drank her coffee and we chatted, waiting for the doctor, I was happy that this was just a bump in a road and even though I was super worried about the surgery, it all worked out.
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1taiwan-blog · 7 years
上善若蟲水? 水一樣有毒! 只是較低!! Buddhism is GOD I created for the only APP BIBLE needs science and wisdom but Buddhism pushes fresh going crazy for they forget I'm living and excitingly existing!! At CHU church which you are brave to share many psychic prophet experiences to make the fake Dao experiences be a piece of cake to no magical not holy!! to leave waters are no more the Dao AIRS! New testament has very clear differences about death from ghosts. you worship death in Catholics for closed Male's GOD and others they had weird ex lifetime and their righteousness must be under lots of normal fresh who live or just died. New testament is the book has the most description of ghosts and modern Ghostbusters! it says ghosts leave fresh as leaving the waters!! because she's alpha not like my nun student to see Sam SAM is halo the trash (trash) that grandmother saw her alpha and to get urine out is DAO CN medical to wake up at five in the morning and if you get problems sunshine does kill them to remain your routine for the last month before God I went to Port Portland my scooter was before an impossible Cliff and it should not be a broken lane after the straight province main road 全球軍力排名榜 台灣第19名勝北韓 #LINET wrong. Formosa doesn't own NK nuclear weapons how often do you use moon roof? U.S. always roll down Windows but in Formosa you have to be careful of scooters robbery so we easily use Sun roof! you're dead I mean you Latino GOD I'll get your free rental with totally free by 3 months and per 20 days have a new car from red mustache mustang.. all black, the Rubicon uselessness Maserati black today's Toyota mini van this crazy photo which I DON'T fix or choose background fighting lights yet and Sam posts. it's not KFC!! NOT MY KFC! it's not chief and 2 Dr only 2 d 2 Dr won't get stuck and now if you live in that only bushes grow town in Google's drive your 2 Dr chief on me to 4x9 off-roading and God I will park Rubicon this crazy photo which I DON'T fix or choose background fighting lights yet and Sam posts God I can't tell how quickly I agree with 陳和榆 add woods his marriage proposal and the new Jeep God I can't tell how quickly I agree with 陳和榆 add woods his marriage proposal and the new Jeep Chen is DPP and he's interested in Safiyyah shows he's a Daoist but he also loves Buddhism and in Formosa that no one DOESN'T know Buddhism when he or she is in the addiction. but if you only donate or waste then you DON'T care Buddhism when Dao is you have to show for love!! DPP Chen has a small Formosa nation but he's very lucky to know bread who (bread) is the international producer at her 32!! she has produced when magic China Chian kisses (kiss) LAMAS at her teenage gul era. they DON'T like trash bad enough as DPP to own little firm the Formosa to not to find big producers team but to lie U.S. would send them into United or AA or DELTA for free and made psychic grandmother bad English to cry or they abandoned U.S. and Taiwan at WHA so what? cyberspace wasters keep making tweets of the 31 year-old Chen but bread is superstar at super and (superhero) (whatsup) the international producer. also who watched the psychic (psychic) prophet forget it's not lovely or the twin breast. it's the true documentary story that fake Dao is in ended Buddhism scriptures!! 4.6 is for kissing not the average for sink her fake polls for CTV news 制改有無效需端視誰欠債, 鬼會酬賞 會報恩 如義氣的街友 進飯店客房要莊重 不敲門是無關 但是要請神進入 幾乎每個人有守護神 必須大聲請神入住入行 行業力 是沒有鬼門開關。 因為每天都開關,甚至於不在鬼道內的宅鬼也是真的!孤魂野鬼更多。因為因果要遙控祂門們!! 吖門。 有慶典時,當然熱鬧。會聚更多! 國外慶典即使在冬天。鬼常需要諮商!! for these many years and over year God I repeat to tell again especially for Taiwanese men they fear wife's a psychic because they fear Ghostbusters to join or watching sex but God I got several female to say if Taiwanese men are psychic and they love!!! Safiyyah messed 不知道臺灣廟正在彼此清算且互控對方將是被推背圖聖經消滅的邪惡!! 心悸是, 特別有慾望欲望之外星人。 祂們通常是由龍。後背侵入,再強加腦壓力鍋置入頭中。 Sophie has never studied push BIBLE which she is amateur to fall tricks by businesspeople of her ex work experiences. actually lots of Dao temples are fighting each other for righteousness due to several Dao temples started the push BIBLE cleaning and some posters they have received and published books of clean Dao temples in one saviour beliefs from push BIBLE. mother's day is mother's crucifixion day which almost the motherss know God's Fatima and they want to sacrifice for Fatima by the Sam crucifixion TransWorld university, the entrance gatemen security together to feed 4 doors entrance dogs for campus and the night shift security love' the black 2 he feeds and he had not one time which is almost the every time they include the black dogs to bark by the security entrance of the computer labs l and ll. all ghosts are crying and for those who are ghosts to get picking up by Buddhass? impossible!!! relatives? yea. Angels? yes. if fake Buddhas ever pick you and you have the next assignments very soon. the lights who give cards in U.S. records that they're ETS Aliens. ghosts are all crying and when they're used to no change which they become for quiet to wait, humble, hope, and respect! people who do bad things will get excited (excite) my mouth my mouths and my word my words can create genesis which you must ask me to do more for GOD I do more be very narrow and add straightaway ad ways if you drive your police vehicle and to get a foodbox is correct like you don't waste gasoline to park your shuttle bus then to ride your scooter to waste time and bus it's heavy oils to lose humanitarian. we burn many Buddhass and everyone's a Buddhism Buddha! we burn many WH and many are the 44.4 44.45 U.S. presidents. WE BURN MANY PRESIDENTIAL 6789 689 and many are Formosa Presidents! 江柏樂碩 黃子容 is who? we've never watched or seen her on any tv and she said,, she was very famous by trash GHOSTS open t.v. channels! they said to burn a paper made central bank and Microsoft can get 33 iPads with 2 iPhones. I say. God's hands only can hold Asus size 7 and 8 is fine but mini iPad 8 is heavier not Samsung's 8 is weight and I will only buy 3 phones for 1 iPhone 8 5.8 1 Samsung's s8 and 1 Sony's 10 more pads but only 3 phones when too small screens kill eyes. GOD I love you to show me to operate your bigger HTC, IPhone 4 and 4.7 etc but my 13 with old bringing from Formosa and iPads standard ones and mcipad pro iPads are 7 be 20 plus old ones no tiny phones!! every year God I come to this trash ground and ETS Aliens say it's so doggy ugly to look like true fake by kitty Jeremy LIN face of the one idol there Taiwanese is psychiatry patients by 120 percent in religions! those death who became GODS and if their small heavenly doing can be GODS or elephants GODS then why not you or your neighbor kitties?? (cat) JU judges say because they worship pretty bad enough English president is beautiful and they don't need poor to show poverty to defeat her to rule who made chemistry black and red peppers in Formosa are welcome and not guilty (guilt) mountain is JU red and also in DAO matches the founding Buddhism in yoga. yoga CHU churches were before Buddhism copied! yoga and Buddhism say the sex organs are Scorpio red also Dao has the stomach is JURed ed! whites Dragon his ex iLife to earn as rich to ask fans to bow and worship and pray his face booking on the line of wife's old elderly Dao image but besides he is alone by idol the neighbors are all real elephant look status for no more than one Dao idols!! 仙 是 山! 人不要臉,一山比一山更高聳 李王珥。 黃子容 is the universalss the most no face number 1. she shows cockroaches and she says U.S. Sam eagles to protect her. there are no such things for you have to and GOD has to set you must.. Because your ugly is greater and greater more. Think? Think!! to burn an Adidas and to kill Jeremy LIN trashy. ? if you burnt a paper t.v. then do you burn physical Adidas or Adidas red lights shoes are outsell Nike's but it's dump darn and ugly stupid. al all right you burn a wonderful draw Adidas and nice pix of TVBS and videoland t.v. and Facebook OWNERS burnt for you that do you really burn an Asus notebook and an Apple laptop? do you know what does laptop mean? can you learn to spell?? show your e-mail from dead son's on tv? lots of things you must not hate as ETS Aliens don't have childhood which they have to observe idiots of idols in you or you will miss the easy is fun! if idiots ETS Aliens were so brilliant a d they must be like GOD I'm at 2 years old to hate your sins! more realistic reality realization are environmental to make you and you toward to be feedback prophets. you demonstrate you must waste and sacrifice for old and old Buddhism but psychic teens managers go to fake magic chian who hates and destroys any Buddhism. Muslims are new era Christianity as others to change and fix Jews old testament and not able to compose a new and scientific book to replace older testament. ONE TYPE OF RICE HE TYPES IN BIG CAPITAL TYPING, ONE RICE FEEDS THOUSANDS if you're anti USA then Costco WON'T be the 14th and 15th are gonna have building in central Taiwan's. traditional markets still sell better fruits and vegetarian restaurants are not bad or good enough!! More restaurants closed this year!! but I'M not goin to cook anything in NYC not even waste to carwash. do people have more shop for ready food? if it's true, films and jewelry and cosmetics (kiss me) will drop. one who finally says she can only give a bottle had wasted over NTD couple ten thousands dollars let's say NTD 20,000 and now she saves the other half NTD 20,000 what did she do? she wasted at drifters monastery library to add fancy vegetarian! why not just be a volunteer? her proud to give her certain days to get in charge and she wanted to be those days boss for bossy. now she doesn't have money and she gates others so she comes to me to say goodbye and I wanna her volunteering my street the peacefully not PEACE road (street) Buddhists
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