#ipad gps antenna
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rfantennaindia · 2 months ago
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salvationrepair · 2 days ago
WiFi & GPS Antenna Flex Cable Compatible For iPad Pro 12.9" 3rd Gen (2018) / iPad 12.9" 4th Gen (2020)
WiFi & GPS Antenna Flex Cable Compatible For iPad Pro 12.9″ 3rd Gen (2018) / iPad 12.9″ 4th Gen (2020)
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gaxcesensorss · 3 months ago
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VBOX Sport: The ultimate GPS data logger for precision and performance enthusiasts! Waterproof and battery-powered, this cutting-edge device operates at 25 Hz, capturing highly accurate GPS data. Perfect for measuring performance metrics or lap times, its robust design ensures reliability in all conditions.
25 Hz GPS data logging
Performance testing & lap timing
Bluetooth interface to iPhone™ or iPad™
Over 6 hrs battery life
Inbuilt and external GPS antenna
Robust, waterproof, and lightweight enclosure
Contact us for more information: Phone: +91-9371730123 Email: [email protected]
For more details visit - https://gaxcesensors.com/vbox-sport/
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tomasorban · 5 years ago
5G: The Final Assault
The reason why millimetre waves are to be used for 5G is that much larger bands of spectrum are available in the Extremely High Frequencies than at lower frequencies. This means that there can be much broader “bandwidth.” Broader bandwidth means that larger quantities of data can be transferred and the speed of transfer of the data will be significantly faster. One of the effects of this is that it reduces what is called “latency,” or time-lag, in the system, improving the quality of video streaming. But in so doing, it also enables a greater seamlessness between the data accessible from virtual sources and our perceptions of objects in the real world, as is required, for example, in Augmented Reality applications. Greater seamlessness means that we more effortlessly inhabit the natural and the electronic worlds as if they were a single reality.
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One of the technical problems of using frequencies in the millimetre region of the spectrum is that because the waves carrying the data are so tiny, being only millimetres long, they are less able to pass through physical barriers, like walls and trees, than are the longer waves of lower frequencies. This is why it is necessary to have so many more new “micro-cells” or “base stations.” They will need to be spaced at 100 metres apart in cities because beyond this distance their signals weaken and are therefore less able to penetrate buildings and connect with the devices inside. As well as being more closely spaced, the 5G micro-cells will operate at much higher power than current phone masts in order to ensure that the signals are sufficiently strong.
Because the wavelengths are so much smaller, the antennas transmitting and receiving them will also be much smaller than those of current phone masts and electronic devices. A single 5G transmitter/receiver will have a large number of tiny antennas, grouped together in one unit. An array of just over a thousand such antennas measures only four square inches, so will easily fit into a small base station on a lamppost, while the smartphone in your pocket will probably have sixteen 
The following article, published in New Dawn 173 (May-June 2019), presents important information on the 5G networks currently being erected across urban landscapes in Australia, Britain, Europe, the USA, Asia, and eventually everywhere.
In November last year (2018), the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised the rocket company SpaceX, owned by the entrepreneur Elon Musk, to launch a fleet of 7,518 satellites to complete SpaceX’s ambitious scheme to provide global satellite broadband services to every corner of the Earth. The satellites will operate at a height of approximately 210 miles, and irradiate the Earth with extremely high frequencies between 37.5 GHz and 42 GHz. This fleet will be in addition to a smaller SpaceX fleet of 4,425 satellites, already authorised earlier last year by the FCC, which will orbit the Earth at a height of approximately 750 miles and is set to bathe us in frequencies between 12 GHz and 30 GHz. The grand total of SpaceX satellites is thus projected to reach just under 12,000.
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There are at present approximately 2,000 fully functioning satellites orbiting the Earth. Some beam down commercial GPS (or ‘SatNav’), some provide TV, some provide mobile phone services, and some bounce radar back and forth to produce images for meteorologists and military surveillance. The Earth is thus already comprehensively irradiated from outer space. But the new SpaceX fleets will constitute a massive increase in the number of satellites in the skies above us, and a correspondingly massive increase in the radiation reaching the Earth from them. The SpaceX satellite fleet is, however, just one of several that are due to be launched in the next few years, all serving the same purpose of providing global broadband services. Other companies, including Boeing, One Web and Spire Global are each launching their own smaller fleets, bringing the total number of projected new broadband satellites to around 20,000 – every one of them dedicated to irradiating the Earth at similar frequencies.
Why this sudden flurry of activity? The new satellite fleets are contributing to a concerted global effort to ‘upgrade’ the electromagnetic environment of the Earth. The upgrade is commonly referred to as 5G, or fifth generation wireless network. It has become customary in tech circles to talk about the introduction of 5G as involving the creation of a new global “electronic ecosystem.” It amounts to geo-engineering on a scale never before attempted. While this is being sold to the public as an enhancement of the quality of video streaming for media and entertainment, what is really driving it is the creation of the conditions within which electronic or “artificial” intelligence will be able to assume an ever-greater presence in our lives.
The introduction of 5G will also require hundreds of thousands of new mini mobile phone masts (also referred to as “micro-cells” or “base stations”) in urban centres throughout Australia, and literally millions of new masts in cities throughout the rest of the world, all emitting radiation at frequencies and at power levels far higher than those to which we are presently subjected. These new masts are much smaller than the masts we currently see beside highways and on top of buildings. They will be discreetly attached to the side of shops and offices or secured to lampposts. The 20,000 satellites are a necessary supplement to this land-based effort, for they will guarantee that rural areas, lakes, mountains, forests, oceans and wildernesses, where there are neither buildings nor lampposts, will all be incorporated into the new electronic infrastructure. Not one inch of the globe will be free of radiation.
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Given the scale of the project, it is surprising how few people are aware of the enormity of what is now just beginning to unfold all around us. Very few people have even heard about the 20,000 new satellites that are due to transform the planet into a so-called “smart planet,” irradiating us night and day. In the national media, we do not hear voices questioning the wisdom, let alone the ethics, of geo-engineering a new global electromagnetic environment. Instead, there is a blithe acceptance that technology must continue to progress, and the presence in our lives of increasingly “smart” machines and gadgets that each year become cleverer and more capable is an inevitable part of this progress. And who doesn’t want progress? Almost everyone loves their sleek and seductively designed phones, iPads and virtual assistants, and regards them as an indispensable part of their lives.
The question we should ask is whether we also want increasingly intense exposure of the natural environment and all living creatures, including ourselves, to more and more electromagnetic radiation. Is it likely that this does not entail any adverse health consequences, as both government and industry claim? If the electromagnetic waves that connect our smartphones to the Internet travel through brick, stone and cement, then what happens when these same waves encounter our bodies? Be assured that they do not just bounce off us! They travel into the human body. The degree to which they are absorbed can be precisely measured in what is called the Specific Absorption Rate, expressed in Watts per kilogram of biological tissue. When we fill our houses with WiFi, we are irradiating our bodies continuously. When we hold a smartphone to our ear, electromagnetic waves irradiate our brains (figure 2). Do we really believe this could be completely harmless?
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Waves and Frequencies
At present, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, WiFi and so on all operate at under 3 GHz in what is called the “microwave” region of the electromagnetic spectrum. If you could see and measure their wavelengths, you would find that they are many centimetres (or inches) long. A smartphone operating at 800 MHz, for example, sends and receives signals with wavelengths of 37.5 centimetres (just under 15 inches). Operating at 1.9 GHz, the wavelengths are 16 centimetres (just over 6 inches). WiFi uses the 2.4 GHz frequency band with 12 centimetre wavelengths (just under 5 inches long).
The introduction of 5G will entail the use of considerably higher frequencies than these, with correspondingly shorter wavelengths. Above 30 GHz, wavelengths are just millimetres rather than centimetres long. The millimetre waveband (from 30 GHz to 300 GHz) is referred to as Extremely High Frequency, and its wavelengths are between 10 millimetres and 1 millimetre in length.3 Up to the present time, Extremely High Frequency electromagnetic radiation has not been widely propagated, and its introduction marks a significant step change in the kind of electromagnetic energy that will become present in the natural environment.
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The reason why millimetre waves are to be used for 5G is that much larger bands of spectrum are available in the Extremely High Frequencies than at lower frequencies. This means that there can be much broader “bandwidth.” Broader bandwidth means that larger quantities of data can be transferred and the speed of transfer of the data will be significantly faster. One of the effects of this is that it reduces what is called “latency,” or time-lag, in the system, improving the quality of video streaming. But in so doing, it also enables a greater seamlessness between the data accessible from virtual sources and our perceptions of objects in the real world, as is required, for example, in Augmented Reality applications. Greater seamlessness means that we more effortlessly inhabit the natural and the electronic worlds as if they were a single reality.
One of the technical problems of using frequencies in the millimetre region of the spectrum is that because the waves carrying the data are so tiny, being only millimetres long, they are less able to pass through physical barriers, like walls and trees, than are the longer waves of lower frequencies. This is why it is necessary to have so many more new “micro-cells” or “base stations.” They will need to be spaced at 100 metres apart in cities because beyond this distance their signals weaken and are therefore less able to penetrate buildings and connect with the devices inside. As well as being more closely spaced, the 5G micro-cells will operate at much higher power than current phone masts in order to ensure that the signals are sufficiently strong.
Because the wavelengths are so much smaller, the antennas transmitting and receiving them will also be much smaller than those of current phone masts and electronic devices. A single 5G transmitter/receiver will have a large number of tiny antennas, grouped together in one unit. An array of just over a thousand such antennas measures only four square inches, so will easily fit into a small base station on a lamppost, while the smartphone in your pocket will probably have sixteen.
Both 5G satellites and 5G land-based masts will use a system called the “phased array.” In phased array, groups of antennas are co-ordinated to radiate pulses in a specific direction and in a specified time sequence. This allows a concentrated beam of radio waves to be exactly aimed at designated targets, to enable signals to be sent or received. Because the beams are concentrated in this way, this adds to their power, which means they are able more easily to penetrate buildings. But it also means that any living creature that gets in the way of such a concentrated beam will be subjected to a powerful dose of extremely high frequency radiant electricity.
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A study published earlier this year demonstrated that certain insects, because of their small body-size, are particularly vulnerable to the millimetre waves of the higher frequencies to be utilised by 5G. Other studies have shown that bacteria and plants are vulnerable, and so also (as one might expect) are the skin and the eyes of animals including, of course, human beings.
As well as its ability to concentrate power in focused beams, phased array technology has a further complicating factor. Either side of the main beam, the time intervals between the pulses are different from the time intervals between those of the main beam, but they may overlap each other in such a way as to produce extremely rapid changes in the electromagnetic field. This can have a particularly detrimental effect on living organisms, because instead of the radiation decaying when it is absorbed into living tissue, it can be re-radiated within the body. The moving charges streaming into the body effectively become antennas that re-radiate the electromagnetic field and send it deeper into the organism. These re-radiated waves are known as Brillouin precursors, named after the French physicist Leon Brillouin, who first described them in 1914. Research suggests that they can have a significant and highly detrimental impact on living cells.
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rfantennaindia · 2 months ago
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viitorcloudblogs · 3 years ago
Top Augmented Reality trends to look out in 2022?
The use of augmented reality technology has proved to be one of the best ways for businesses to find new ways to grow worldwide. Many people think the AR market will be worth $198 billion by 2025. This year, there will be 3.5 billion people who use mobile AR. There is a lot of room for AR experiences in many industries because there is much room for them. There will also be more efficiency at work because of better technology. Let’s look at some of the augmented reality trends that will be important in 2022. Trend #1: Mobile Augmented Reality Is Getting Better. Mobile augmented reality has a lot of clear advantages that make it the focus of a lot of attention from people interested in this kind of tech. Many people already have a phone that can do AR, so there’s no need for them to buy a big and pricey headset. Because mobile devices are so small and easy to move around, they can be brought into just about any room. APPLE ARKIT 5 is coming out soon. The most recent version of Apple’s open-source mobile augmented reality development toolset, ARKit 5, has more features than ARKit 4. Some of the most significant changes include more support for location anchors, better motion tracking, better face tracking in the ultra-wide camera on the 5th generation iPad Pro, and better face tracking. App Clip Codes can also make AR experiences that can be started with a quick scan of the code. App Clip Codes are QR code-like images that can be scanned to start a small part of an app. They can be used to create a small amount of an app. Apple has added this feature to its ARKit software, which means that augmented reality experiences can be started up from anywhere without downloading extra software. ARCORE ARCore is the Android version of ARKit, and it gives developers the open-source native tools they need to make augmented reality apps for Android devices. Thought to be a little more complex than ARKit because Android has a lot of different hardware that needs to be taken into account. Because of this, some Android features may not work with all of them. This year, Google added a few new things to ARCore, like recording and playback APIs, to make it even better. These tools allow developers to record video footage with information about AR.
There is a video on the Internet that shows how developers can use depth and IMU sensor data to make the same environment and use it for more testing. This means that developers can now more easily test their software in different places. Recording and playback API isn’t just good for developers, and it’s also suitable for people who use the app. This technology makes it possible for people to record video and then apply AR effects to it later because video can have information about the environment that can be found in the video.
Trend #2: Using GPS in both indoor and outdoor navigation In 2022, AR navigation has become more fluid and accessible than ever before, making it easier and more fun than ever to get around. When Bluetooth Low Energy antennas, Wi-Fi RTT, and ultra-wideband (UWB) technologies came out, it was easier for people to find their way inside than it was in the past. One of the most valuable things this technology can do is show directions in places like distribution centers, shopping malls, and airports that are very big inside. One thing not to forget is that people and businesses can use this technology. If you’re at a store, you might use AR indoor navigation to find what you’re looking for. The same thing might happen at a distribution center. If you want to use AR in your business, but you don’t yet have comfortable and cheap glasses. Businesses can use AR in distribution centers, stores, and other places is already there, though. One of the best-known manufacturers, Zebra, makes ARCore-ready mobile enterprise devices like the TC52, TC57, and TC77. These are Android-powered phones with barcode scanners meant to be used at work. With indoor navigation, services like buy online pick up in-store (BOPIS) can be a lot more time-saving and easy. It’s easier to use AR directions for people who have to “pick” items from a store for order than follow coordinated directions. This saves time by not looking through similar things and finding the right aisle and section of the store. Only one person has to hold up their phone and look at what the screen says. There are some things to keep in mind, like things that have been lost around the store. It’s possible that they were moved by guests or logged into the system incorrectly. The team member could then use AR navigation on their device to get to an empty spot on a shelf. Trend #3:Health care and Augmented Reality According to Deloitte Research, augmented reality and AI will change the way healthcare businesses work. AR/MR-enabled hands-free solutions and AI-based diagnostic tools will make the traditional business model obsolete. A surgeon can get information from Microsoft Hololens 2 while still using both hands to do the job, like when they do surgery. Trend #4: Augmented Reality Shopping Experiences Augmented reality has a lot of uses in the retail industry. One of these opportunities that are being used now is store mapping. Users can use augmented reality to help them find the item they need in a store by following on-screen directions. Dent Reality is one of the companies making AR mapping systems for stores, like this one. They just have to hold their phone up and follow the augmented reality directions through the aisles to get to their desired item. Trend #5: Augmented Reality and Remote Help Augmented reality can make people’s lives better when they need help or want to learn. Owl Labs says that by 2020, almost 70% of full-time workers in the United States will be able to work from home.
Viitorcloud is an IT company based in Ahmedabad. The company provides all IT services like python development, augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain development, laravel development, and much more. Viitorcloud allows you to hire a developer and get your work done.
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loadei286 · 4 years ago
DTV Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver
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Digital TV Tuner Bluetooth WiFi GPS Android 5.1 Lollipop 2500mAh battery 151.9 X 77.84 X 9.45mm 165g. Cherry Mobile Flare S Play. Cherry Mobile Flare S Play specs: 5-inch HD IPS display, 1280×720 @ 294ppi 1.4GHz Octa-core processor 2GB RAM Expandable 16GB internal storage Supports up to 32GB via microSD card 13MP rear camera. Find here the list of all mobile phones brands of India and Worldwide, Also check latest smartphones from top & best company like Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, OnePlus and more.
Mobile DTV devices can receive the new Mobile Digital TV signals and are currently being developed and upgraded by manufacturers.
For Sale:
The EyeTV Mobile for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch and the Escort Mobile for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch are for sale.
No 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, or data plan is required, and it does not use your existing data plan!
The Tivax 7-Inch Mobile Digital TV can be used in any vehicle.
Types of Mobile DTV Devices:
Mobile Phone: Almost always on hand, the cell phone is an essential device for connecting to millions of viewers.
Portable Media Player: Portable TVs and DVD players will receive live local broadcasts making the traditional mode of watching video on-the-go even more mobile.
Laptop Computer: The laptop is the perfect device for bundling broadcast television with a large screen viewing area.
Navigation Device (GPS): On the road or in the park, this ever increasingly popular device is used by millions today for their everyday activities.
Automobile-based: Mobile DTV is the perfect addition to the family vehicle.
Current Portable Digital TVs vs. the New Mobile Digital TVs (that receive free, over-the-air TV broadcasts)
Portable Digital TV Sets:
Portable Digital TVs are capable of receiving digital television signals free over-the-air, but are not able to receive digital signals while moving. These TV sets have to be in one place with the antenna carefully positioned to receive a good signal and picture.
Mobile Digital TV Sets:
Mobile Digital TVs are capable of receiving mobile digital television signals free over-the-air while traveling at speeds over 100 miles per hour.
Currently there are services that will allow you to watch TV from your cell phone. Instead of paying monthly fees of $7 to $15 to subscribe to mobile TV services such as Flo TV or MobiTV. Mobile Digital TV will be transmitted FREE over-the-air by local broadcasters.
Because Mobile DTV is designed for small screens, it does not require a high definition picture. The technology will be used on new portable televisions with up to 10-inch screens, smartphones, in-car entertainment systems, portable media players, and laptops with special adapters that can receive the new signals.
The resolution is fairly low at 416 x 240 pixels, but can be increased to 624 x 360 if the station upgrades to newer technology. The average person won’t be able to notice the difference on smaller screens.
The devices must be within about 60 miles of a broadcast tower for good reception. We will have retailer information here as it becomes available.
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Mobile DTV devices can receive the new Mobile Digital TV signals and are currently being developed and upgraded by manufacturers.
For Sale:
The EyeTV Mobile for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch and the Escort Mobile for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch are for sale.
No 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, or data plan is required, and it does not use your existing data plan!
The Tivax 7-Inch Mobile Digital TV can be used in any vehicle.
Types of Mobile DTV Devices:
Dtv Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Drivers
Mobile Phone: Almost always on hand, the cell phone is an essential device for connecting to millions of viewers.
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Portable Media Player: Portable TVs and DVD players will receive live local broadcasts making the traditional mode of watching video on-the-go even more mobile.
Greatwall driver. Laptop Computer: The laptop is the perfect device for bundling broadcast television with a large screen viewing area.
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Navigation Device (GPS): On the road or in the park, this ever increasingly popular device is used by millions today for their everyday activities.
Automobile-based: Mobile DTV is the perfect addition to the family vehicle.
Current Portable Digital TVs vs. the New Mobile Digital TVs (that receive free, over-the-air TV broadcasts)
Portable Digital TV Sets:
DTV Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver
Portable Digital TVs are capable of receiving digital television signals free over-the-air, but are not able to receive digital signals while moving. These TV sets have to be in one place with the antenna carefully positioned to receive a good signal and picture.
Actividentity driver download for windows 10. Mobile Digital TV Sets:
Mobile Digital TVs are capable of receiving mobile digital television signals free over-the-air while traveling at speeds over 100 miles per hour.
Currently there are services that will allow you to watch TV from your cell phone. Instead of paying monthly fees of $7 to $15 to subscribe to mobile TV services such as Flo TV or MobiTV. Mobile Digital TV will be transmitted FREE over-the-air by local broadcasters.
Because Mobile DTV is designed for small screens, it does not require a high definition picture. The technology will be used on new portable televisions with up to 10-inch screens, smartphones, in-car entertainment systems, portable media players, and laptops with special adapters that can receive the new signals.
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The resolution is fairly low at 416 x 240 pixels, but can be increased to 624 x 360 if the station upgrades to newer technology. The average person won’t be able to notice the difference on smaller screens.
The devices must be within about 60 miles of a broadcast tower for good reception. We will have retailer information here as it becomes available.
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rfantennaindia · 3 months ago
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igeotechgps · 4 years ago
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from the constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. The Global Positioning System is mainly funded and controlled by the U.S Department of Defense (DOD). The system was initially designed for the operation of the U. S. military. But today, there are also many civil users of GPS tracker systems across the whole world. The civil users are allowed to use the Standard Positioning Service without any kind of charge or restrictions
Global Positioning System tracking is a method of working out exactly where something is. A GPS tracker system, for example, maybe placed in a vehicle, on a cell phone, or on special GPS devices, which can either be a fixed or portable unit.GPS works by providing information on the exact location. It can also track the movement of a vehicle or person. So, for example, a gps tracker malaysia can be used by a company to monitor the route and progress of a delivery truck, and by parents to check on the location of their child, or even to monitor high-valued assets in transit.
A GPS tracking system uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network. This network incorporates a range of satellites that use microwave signals that are transmitted to GPS devices to give information on location, vehicle speed, time, and direction. So, a GPS tracking system can potentially give both real-time and historic navigation data on any kind of journey. GPS provides special satellite signals, which are processed by a receiver. These GPS receivers not only track the exact location but can also compute velocity and time. The positions can even be computed in three-dimensional views with the help of four GPS satellite signals. The Space Segment of the Global Positioning System consists of 27 Earth-orbiting GPS satellites. There are 24 operational and 3 extra (in case one fails) satellites that move around the Earth every 12 hours and send radio signals from space that are received by the GPS receiver.
The control of the Positioning System consists of different tracking stations that are located across the globe. These monitoring stations help in tracking signals from the GPS satellites that are continuously orbiting the earth. Space vehicles transmit microwave carrier signals. The users of Global Positioning Systems have GPS receivers that convert these satellite signals so that one can estimate the actual position, velocity, and time.
The operation of the system is based on a simple mathematical principle called trilateration. Trilateration falls into two categories: 2-D Trilateration and 3-D Trilateration. In order to make a simple mathematical calculation, the GPS receiver must know two things. First, it must know the location of the place is to be traced by at least three satellites above the place. Second, it must know the distance between the place and each of those Space Vehicles. Units that have multiple receivers that pick up signals from several GPS satellites at the same time. These radio waves are electromagnetic energy that travels at the speed of light.
A GPS tracking system can work in various ways. From a commercial perspective, GPS devices are generally used to record the position of vehicles as they make their journeys. Some systems will store the data within the GPS tracking system itself (known as passive tracking) and some send the information to a centralized database or system via a modem within the GPS system unit on a regular basis (known as active tracking) or 2-Way GPS. A passive GPS tracking system will monitor the location and will store its data on journeys based on certain types of events. So, for example, this kind of GPS system may log data such as where the device has traveled in the past 12 hours. The data stored on this kind of GPS tracking system is usually stored in the internal memory or on a memory card, which can then be downloaded to a computer at a later date for analysis. In some cases the data can be sent automatically for wireless download at predetermined points/times or can be requested at specific points during the journey.
An active GPS tracking system is also known as a real-time system as this method automatically sends the information on the GPS system to a central tracking portal or system in real-time as it happens. This kind of system is usually a better option for commercial purposes such as fleet tracking or monitoring of people, such as children or elderly, as it allows a caregiver to know exactly where loved ones are, whether they are on time and whether they are where they are supposed to be during a journey. This is also a useful way of monitoring the behavior of employees as they carry out their work and of streamlining internal processes and procedures for delivery fleets. Real-time tracking is also particularly useful from a security perspective as it allows vehicle owners to pinpoint the exact location of a vehicle at any given time. And, the GPS tracking system in the vehicle may then be able to help police work out where the vehicle was taken to if it was stolen.
Mobile Phone Tracking
The development of communications technology has long since surpassed the sole ability to access others when they are mobile. Today, mobile communication devices are becoming much more advanced and offer more than the ability to just carry on a conversation. Cell phone GPS tracking is one of those advances. All cell phones constantly broadcast a radio signal, even when not on a call. The cell phone companies have been able to estimate the location of a cell phone for many years using triangulation information from the towers receiving the signal. However, the introduction of GPS technology into cell phones has meant that cell phone GPS tracking now makes this information a lot more accurate.
With GPS technology now more commonplace in many new smartphones, this means that the location of anyone carrying a GPS-enabled smartphone can be accurately tracked at any time. Cell phone GPS tracking can therefore be a useful feature for business owners, parents, friends, and co-workers looking to connect with one another. GPS Tracking Apps (www.gpstrackingapps.com) provides a suit of Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and the latest Samsung operating system bad all of which can be used to track one another on a location-based social networking portal or from phone to phone.
The technology of locating is based on measuring power levels and antenna patterns and uses the concept that a mobile phone always communicates wirelessly with one of the closest base stations, so if you know which base station the phone communicates with, you know that the phone is close to the respective base station.
Advanced systems determine the sector in which the mobile phone resides and roughly estimate also the distance to the base station. Further approximation can be accomplished by interpolating signals between adjacent antenna towers. Qualified services may achieve a precision of down to 50 meters in urban areas where mobile traffic and density of antenna towers (base stations) is sufficiently high. Rural and desolate areas may see miles between base stations and therefore determine locations less precisely. GSM localization is the use of multilateration to determine the location of GSM mobile phones, usually with the intent to locate the user. Localization-based Systems can be broadly divided into: • Network-based • Handset based • Hybrid
• Network Based
Network-based techniques utilize the service provider’s network infrastructure to identify the location of the handset. The advantage of network-based techniques (from the mobile operator’s point of view) is that they can be implemented non-intrusively, without affecting the handsets. The accuracy of network-based techniques varies, with cell identification as the least accurate and triangulation as the most accurate. The accuracy of network-based techniques is closely dependent on the concentration of base station cells, with urban environments achieving the highest possible accuracy. Handset Based
Handset-based technology requires the installation of client software on the handset to determine its location for E-911 purposes. This technique determines the location of the handset by computing its location by cell identification, signal strengths of the home and neighboring cells, which is continuously sent to the carrier. In addition, if the handset is also equipped with GPS then significantly more precise location information is then sent from the handset to the carrier.
This technology requires the installation of client software on the mobile phone, which acts as its biggest drawback since it’s difficult to install software on a mobile phone without the user’s consent. More importantly, the software has to be compatible with various operating systems. It requires the active cooperation of the mobile subscriber as well as software that must be able to handle the different operating systems of the handsets. Typically, smartphones, such as one based on Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone/iPhoneOS or Android would be able to run such software.
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uberbuyer-blog · 5 years ago
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Here are the best deals from Sam’s Club’s big one-day sale happening right now
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Sam’s Club, like every other major retailer, will be taking part in Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2019. But unlike most others (aside from Best Buy), it’s already getting things started with a day-long sale today, Saturday, November 9th. You’ll just need a Sam’s Club membership to take part in the savings.
We’ll update this post with any noteworthy Black Friday deals from Sam’s Club that we stumble upon. Also, if there’s a markedly better deal happening at a different retailer, we’ll be sure to point you in the right direction.
The best Black Friday deals at Sam’s Club so far
Sam’s Club is offering the 11-inch iPad Pro with 256GB of storage for $749. We’ve seen it hit this price a few times before, but it’s rare, and other retailers charge $50 more at the moment. You can find this deal in-store only, though.
Vizio’s 65-inch P-Series Quantum X 4K HDR TV (pictured above) is $979 during this one-day event, a 30 percent price drop. I’m hopeful to see this deal pop up at other retailers because it’s the best price we’ve seen yet for this high-end model. This deal is available online, as well as in-store.
If you’re shopping for a TV, Vizio’s P-Series will be of interest if excellent picture quality (enabled by its Quantum Dot LED tech that rivals OLED at a cheaper cost) and Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support are must-have features for you. This TV is also very bright: it can reach a maximum of 3000 nits, and it has 384 local dimming zones. (The more of these your TV has, the better; they make for a more realistically lit scene.)
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Image: Vizio
Other Vizio-branded 4K TVs are steeply discounted at Sam’s Club, including models from its M- and V-Series, which are more value-focused options compared to the flagship P-Series listed above. Across the board, they have fewer dimming zones and aren’t as bright. But if neither of those things matters all that much to you, they will probably be exactly what you’re looking for. And with AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support, even these cheaper models stand above other options if you’re looking for connectivity with the Apple ecosystem. You can read more about the differences between Vizio’s 2019 models right here.
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LG’s massive 75-inch 4K HDR TV (model 6970) is $749, which is more than 20 percent off from its regular price. What’s better than this low price on a big TV is that this purchase includes a $70 Sam’s Club gift card. Generally, it’s tough to find a 75-inch 4K HDR TV under $1,000 (at least, one you should be looking to buy), and if you’re on the hunt, this could be the deal of the season for you.
If you want to buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 10, Sam’s Club will offer a big $450 gift card when you purchase one on an installment plan and activate it on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, or U.S. Cellular. Plus, it will give you up to $250 in gift cards for a trade-in. Keep in mind that the gift cards can’t be used at the time of buying the phone, so you’ll have to use them later on.
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Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge
A similar deal is going on for the latest iPhone, including the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max. Instead, Sam’s Club will offer up to a $400 gift card when you activate and agree to pay installments. The same details apply as above.
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The HP Pavilion x360 laptop (15.6-inch display, Intel Core i5-8256U CPU, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD) is $499 today. It usually costs $899, and at nearly half-off, this is a great price for a 2-in-1 Windows 10 laptop with specs suitable for office work, casual browsing, and some very light gaming. You can find this deal online, as well as in-store.
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Xbox One S
Photo by Tyler Pina / The Verge
Sam’s Club is hosting a $100 discount on an appealing Xbox One S bundle that includes an extra first-party wireless controller. Normally $299, it will cost $199. This is a good value if you have two gamers in the house, or you just want a second controller to use on your PC, iOS 13, or Android 10 device. (Both operating systems recently gained native support for the controller.) This deal is exclusive to Sam’s Club’s online store.
If the Apple Watch Series 5 with GPS and LTE capability are on your list, Sam’s Club is knocking $40 off of this model in both sizes. This is an online-only deal, and it’s cheaper than the cost at Amazon, so head over to its site to pick your size and color starting at $459.
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Netgear’s Nighthawk X6 wireless router with AC3000 support is $129.88 at Sam’s Club. This is a flat $50 discount, and with its array of six antennas, this model seems well-suited for pushing a fast, reliable Wi-Fi signal throughout your home, whether you’re gaming, streaming 4K video, or doing any other bandwidth-intensive activities.
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Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge
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certainheartrunaway · 6 years ago
Hurricane watch issued as Tropical Storm Dorian nears Puerto Rico
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Unboxing the AnyTone 878PLUS by David Casler
August 22, 2019 No comments
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Yaesu 891 + WSJT + FT8 Digital on Raspberry Pi 4
August 17, 2019 No comments
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Wouxun KG-UV980P Quad Band First Look
August 16, 2019 No comments
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NX-3000 Series lightbar and custom voice prompts | Kenwood Comms
August 15, 2019 No comments
The lightbar and custom voice prompts are shown in operation on the NX-3000 series heandheld walkie talkie radio, these features are a big advantage f… Read more
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The RS-918 clone of a clone of an outstanding open source SDR transceiver, the mcHF
August 14, 2019 No comments
RS-918 10WATT  HF SDR Transceiver RX:1.8-30MHz TX:All HAM HF BANDS,Full Modes: SSB(J3E),CW,AM(RX Only),,FM, FREE-DV  Features: Spectrum Dynamic Waterf… Read more
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Yaesu FT3D Full Review and Battery Torture Test
August 13, 2019 No comments
“This is it. The first complete unbiased review of the new Yaesu FT3D dual band Fusion handheld ham radio with built in GPS and APRS. Watch this… Read more
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SDRplay HF Diversity Demo
August 12, 2019 No comments
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Airspy HF+ Discovery – Overview & Brief Testing
August 11, 2019 No comments
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RigExpert AA-230 Antenna Analyzer Unboxing and Initial
August 09, 2019 No comments
The RigExpert AA-230 Zoom analyzer is designed for measuring SWR (standing wave ratio), return loss, cable loss, as well as other parameters of cable… Read more
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Weather Proofing and UV protection on your Coaxial Cable
August 07, 2019 No comments
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Retevis RT98, the mini mobile radio show
August 23, 2019 No comments
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Should a Baofeng be your First Ham Radio – Ham Radio Q&A
August 12, 2019 No comments
“The Baofeng UV5R. Some have called them the savior to ham radio and others say they are nothing but a scourge to the hobby. But one is for sure… Read more
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WRC-19: request to support 50MHz
August 02, 2019 No comments
As the run-up to WRC-19 gathers pace, the UK Six Metre Group has also written to Ofcom in support of a positive approach to Agenda Item 1.1 concerning… Read more
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D41CV work DK5AI – 144MHz ! 4966 KM
July 23, 2019 No comments
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TYT DMR Radio IP-79
July 23, 2019 No comments
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AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS with Bluetooth and PTT remote
July 22, 2019 No comments
This is a demonstration of the new version of the AnyTone AT-D878UV PLUS with Bluetooth and PTT remote. Read more
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VHF Newsletter 83 – New VHF Handbook
July 16, 2019 No comments
The latest edition of the VHF Newsletter has been mailed to all on the VHF mailing list and can be found here. The new version of the VHF Handbook, 8…. Read more
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Dutch IARU Member-Society Invites Hams to Participate in 2-Meter Propagation Experiment
July 16, 2019 No comments
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society in the Netherlands, VERON, has invited radio amateurs from around the world to take part i… Read more
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The Best DMR Radio? Anytone AT-D878UV Bluetooth GPS
July 09, 2019 No comments
  To fully utilize all the features you have to use Windows PC to program this radio. Not Compatible with CHIRP and RT systems software. FCC Part 90 C… Read more
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IC V86 Review with George Thomas and Ray Novak
July 03, 2019 No comments
The IC-V86 gives you more audio, more RF power, more coverage and more battery capacity in a compact, MIL-STD portable. With 1.5W of receive audio pow… Read more
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EB104 HF Power Amplifier – 2,4KW water cooling system 5″ LCD touch screen for N0JSN
August 21, 2019 No comments
HF/6m linear amplifier 2400W MRF1K50H 2 pcs water cooling system 5″ LCD touch screen for N0JSN   Read more
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August 09, 2019 No comments
NooElec have recently released a new LNA + filter combo called the “SAWbird+ H1 Barebones” which significantly lowers the entry bar for ne… Read more
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Yaesu FT3D First look at the new Handheld
August 07, 2019 No comments
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PTRX-7300 Panorama Adaptor for the IC-7300
July 24, 2019 No comments
A panorama adapter for the IC-7300? What’s the point, you might ask, the IC-7300 has such a nice spectrum and waterfall display? Right, but unfo… Read more
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EXTRAFLEX BURY /.400″ – Low loss Coax Cable
July 12, 2019 No comments
EXTRAFLEX BURY /.400″ [10,3 mm / 0,405 inches Cable]                      WHY CHOOSE THIS CABLE: – The only 10,3mm coax that can be use bo… Read more
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Ultra-compact transceiver Lab599 Discovery TX-500
July 07, 2019 No comments
The Lab599 Discovery covers 160-6 meters, all modes, with a maximum power output of 10 W. It comes with true desktop-radio features, like auto-notch,… Read more
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Compact In-Line stereo DSP noise cancelling module -BHI
June 30, 2019 No comments
Compact In-Line stereo DSP noise cancelling module £179.95 Net Price (ex VAT) £ 149.96 Add to Cart Compact In-Line 0.270 kg Weight: A-COMPACT IN-LINE… Read more
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Commradio CR-1a Receiver [ Video ]
June 27, 2019 No comments
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1A2R – connect two radios to one amplifier [ 4O3A ]
June 26, 2019 No comments
A2R is a switch with the capability to share one amplifier between two radios. If you have a Solid State amplifier with fast band switching, it can up… Read more
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RM Italy BLA-600 Review with Martin Lynch
June 26, 2019 No comments
The BLA 600 is a wideband compact, fully automatic 500W wideband linear amplifier for the HF bands and 6m, from 1.8 to 54 MHz. Totally ideal for runni… Read more
App – Mobile
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New APP for digital QST
March 25, 2019 No comments
Apple has released a new app for digital QST (version 5.1) readers that use that platform. A long-standing problem involved the inability of some Appl… Read more
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6 Must Have Amateur Radio Apps!
December 24, 2018 No comments
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iWSPR TX – WSPR for iOS version 2.8 now available
October 16, 2018 No comments
WSPR WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions.  Normal transmissions carry a station’s… Read more
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RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 3.5.2 now available
August 19, 2018 No comments
Thomas Lindner, DL2RUM, is happy to announce the availability of version 3.5.2 of his RUMlogNG2Go logger for the iPhone and iPad.  RUMlogNG2Go can be … Read more
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SmartSDR for iOS v2.6.2 Now Available
August 12, 2018 No comments
FlexRadio Systems announces the release of SmartSDR for iOS v2.6.2 is now available for download or update from the Apple App Store. This App requires… Read more
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QRZ.com App for Android now in Beta Testing
May 07, 2018 No comments
 The updates to QRZ’s Android App, formerly known as QRZDroid have been released and are available to those who are interested in trying it out…. Read more
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EchoLink for iOS version 2.10.18 is now available
May 07, 2018 No comments
EchoLink for iOS version 2.10.18 is now available in the App Store. This is a 64-bit build that is fully compatible with iOS 10 and modern iOS devices… Read more
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EchoLink for iOS version 2.6.14 is now available
March 13, 2018 No comments
EchoLink for iOS version 2.6.14 is now available in the App Store. This is a 64-bit build that is fully compatible with iOS 10 and modern iOS devices…. Read more
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AmsatDroidFree now open source
January 30, 2018 No comments
AmsatDroidFree satellite tracking App for Android devices is now open source. This App predicts future passes for amateur radio satellites for a speci… Read more
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SmartSDR for iOS v2.1.0 Now Available
August 25, 2017 No comments
FlexRadio Systems announces the release of SmartSDR for iOS v2.1.0 is now available for download or update from the Apple App Store. This App requires… Read more
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parezcomafalda-blog · 7 years ago
Apple Inc.
App gay porn e Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools; and iOS, a mobile operating system. As of August 2010, the company operates 301 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and software products are sold. Established on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California, and incorporated January 3, 1977, the company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc., for its first 30 years, but removed the word "Computer" on January 9, 2007, to reflect the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers. As of September 25, 2010, Apple had 46,600 full time employees and 2,800 temporary full time employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of $65.23 billion. For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand, particularly in the United States. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The company has also received widespread criticism for its contractors' labor, environmental, and business practices The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides reliable location and time information in all weather and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth when and where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver. GPS was created and realized by the U.S. Department of Defense (USDOD) and was originally run with 24 satellites. It was established in 1973 to overcome the limitations of previous navigation systems. In addition to GPS other systems are in use or under development. The Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) was for use by the Russian military only until 2007. There are also the planned Chinese Compass navigation system and Galileo positioning system of the European Union (EU). GPS consists of three parts: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment. The U.S. Air Force develops, maintains, and operates the space and control segments. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space, and each GPS receiver uses these signals to calculate its three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and the current time. The space segment is composed of 24 to 32 satellites in medium Earth orbit and also includes the payload adapters to the boosters required to launch them into orbit. The control segment is composed of a master control station, an alternate master control station, and a host of dedicated and shared ground antennas and monitor stations. The user segment is composed of hundreds of thousands of U.S. and allied military users of the secure GPS Precise Positioning Service, and tens of millions of civil, commercial, and scientific users of the Standard Positioning Service (see GPS navigation devices). for more info- http://mobask.net/402602-gpsphone-Apple.html
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critical-opal-blog · 7 years ago
Apple Inc.
App gay porn e Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL, formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. The company's most famous products are the Macintosh line of computers, iPod, iPhone and iPad. Apple Software includes Mac OS X; iTunes Media Browser; iLife multimedia and creative software package; iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, professional photo package; Final Cut Studio, a collection of professional audio and film programs; Logic Studio, a collection of music production tools; and iOS, a mobile operating system. Since August 2010, the company manages 301 retail stores in ten countries and an online store where hardware and software products are sold. The company was founded on April 1, 1976 in Cupertin, California, and was founded on January 3, 1977, previously named Apple Computer, Inc. for the first 30 years, but removed the word "Computer" on 9 January 2007. its traditional focus on personal computers has continued to expand to the consumer electronics market. As of September 25, 2010, Apple had 46,600 full-time employees and 2,800 temporary full-time employees worldwide and reached $ 65.23 billion worldwide. For various reasons, such as its philosophy of aesthetic design and its typical advertising campaigns, Apple has seen a reputation in the consumer electronics industry. This includes a customer base dedicated to the company and its trademark, in particular in the United States. In 2008, Fortune named Apple the most admired company in the United States and the world in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The company also received a wide criticism of the work, environmental and business practices of contractors Global Positioning System (GPS) is a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) that provides reliable location and time data in all weather conditions and at any time and anywhere on or near Earth, when and where the unobstructed view of four or more satellites GPS. It is preserved by the United States government and is available for free to anyone with a GPS receiver. GPS was created and realized by the US Department of Defense (USDOD) and originally led by 24 satellites. It was established in 1973 to overcome the limitations of previous navigation systems. In addition to GPS, other systems are in use or in development. The Russian military satellite system GLONASS (GLONASS) was used only until 2007. There is also the planned Compass navigation system and the Galileo European Union (EU) positioning system. GPS consists of three parts: the space segment, the control segment and the user segment. American aviation forces develop, maintain, and manage segments of space and control. GPS satellites transmit signals from space and each GPS receiver uses these signals to calculate its three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude and altitude) and the current time. The space segment consists of 24 to 32 satellites in the middle orbit of the Earth, and also includes adapters for reinforcement brackets that are required for their launch into orbit. The control segment consists of the main control station, the replacement main control station and a number of dedicated and common base antennas and monitoring stations. The user segment consists of hundreds of thousands of US military users and associated military users of protected GPS precision positioning services and ten million civil, commercial and scientific users of the standard positioning service (see GPS navigation devices). for more information - http://mobask.net/402602-gpsphone-Apple.html
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rfantennaindia · 3 months ago
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