#ip fluff
gxrlcinema · 2 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. Steve Rogers x Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. Your boyfriend is about as Brad Majors as they come, which is why you don’t tell him that you’re playing Janet in a production of Rocky Horror. What happens when he finds out anyway?
𝐀/𝐍. This isn't my usual thing but I wanted to try my hand at fluff! I hope y'all enjoy.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, heavy sexual themes (it’s Rocky Horror), insecure!reader, internalized slut shaming, references to past slut shaming, loving and friendly use of words like slut and whore, various queer original characters, feminist!Steve Rogers
𝐖𝐂: 2.6k
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The excitement backstage is palpable. The familiar cacophony of clicking platform heels and swishing fishnets as your castmates run around, the thick cloud of hairspray, glitter and cheap perfume.
You smile at yourself in the dressing table mirror. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has been part of your Halloween tradition since your teen years, but only in the last couple years have you begun participating in shadowplays of it. There’s nothing like the community that you find between the boas and glitter. And there’s no feeling more powerful than standing in your underwear lip syncing to Susan Sarandon. You smack your lips together, making sure they’re fully covered with the soft neutral color you’ve coated them in. 
“Alright, Miss Janet Weiss!” you hear from behind you. 
You look up in the mirror to see your friend Mac, already fully dressed in a corset, garter, and a pair of black leather platform heels you’re certain that you’d topple over in. This was Mac’s first year as Dr. Frankenfurter, but you’ve known each other for years from various Rocky Horror screenings around New York.
“How’s the crowd looking tonight?” you ask.
“Good,” he smiles, pearly white teeth glinting mischief against red lipstick. “Lots of virgins.”
You laugh, leaning down to fasten your white kitten heels around your ankles. While you do that, your phone buzzes on the dressing table. 
“Text from Steve,” Mac says, lifting your phone. They gasp. “Y/n, have you still not told this poor man what you get up to in October?”
Your shoulders tense, and you fumble a bit at the clasp on your shoe. 
“I told you, he’s old school,” you grumble, snatching your phone back from Mac’s manicured hands. 
Old school is an understatement. Steve was born in 1918. He’s older than color film, and he can barely say the word sex even when you’re in the middle of having it. On top of that, he’s Captain America, the country’s symbol of wholesome family values and the pinnacle of good men. You can’t even begin to imagine his reaction to you prancing around on stage half naked while the audience calls you a slut and a camp horror musical plays in the background. 
You finish with your shoes, standing up from your chair and stepping back to get a full view of yourself in the mirror.
You sigh. “I just don’t know how he’d react to all this, and I don’t want to scare him off.”
“As if the sight of you in your underwear could scare any man off,” Mac scoffs. 
 You study your appearance in the mirror. You look positively virginal in your white cardigan, pink knee-length blouse and skirt combo and kitten heels. This is the image of Captain America’s perfect girlfriend. Unfortunately, you know that the white lace bra, panties and garters you have on underneath are going to be exposed before the end of the show, all of the innocence ruined. 
“All you sluts need to be backstage in five!” your stage manager calls from the hallway. 
Corset-clad bodies scramble for last looks around you, heels clicking as people make their way out of your dressing zone and into the wings. Mac fluffs his wig in the mirror one last time, and then turns to you.
“I’m just gonna reply to Steve,” you tell him. 
He nods and sashays away, throwing in one more unimpressed glance over his shoulder before he disappears from your sight. 
You sigh, looking in the mirror for confidence once again. You stare down at your phone, the text Steve had sent earlier staring back at you.
STEVE: I just got off of work, can I come see you? We could get a slice of pie at the diner, my treat.
Guilt twists in your gut. 
Here, words like slut and whore are interchangeable with hon, dude, or babe. But outside of the Rocky Horror-sphere, people don’t mean anything good when they direct them at you. You think of the disgust on the face of your first boyfriend, hot shame trickling down your spine as he berates you after discovering that he wasn’t your first. You think of your friend’s parents' comments on the length of your shorts in 5th grade, about getting dress coded over every inch of unapproved skin visible in the hallways of your high school.
Steve’s not the type to judge, but that doesn’t exactly mean he’d stick around after seeing you pretend to do the dirty on stage for a crowd of freaks in leather and crazy makeup. He’s a man of his time after all. And your heart won't be able to take it if he looked at you with disgust, same as your first boyfriend all those years ago. 
You type out a quick response.
YOU: i promised wanda a sitcom night :( that diner pie sounds amazing. next time?
You watch the message go through, a familiar knot of guilt settling in your stomach. 
With that, you turn your phone off and walk into the wings to wait with your castmates for the show to start. 
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You’re backstage half-naked, your cardigan and blouse having long since been surrendered to the bizarre inhabitants of Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s castle. The beginning of the show had gone well, the virgin sacrifice as hilarious as it is every year. You watch the stage as your castmates act out the movie playing out on the screen above them, the audience chiming in with their own commentary at every opportunity. 
Jeremy, who plays Rocky, walks up next to you in the wings. He smiles at you, all blond and cheeky. You have to admit that he’s your type, in so much as he looks a lot like Steve. (A fact which Jeremy and his boyfriend Ahmed had taken advantage of the year prior, when they’d gone as self-described “slutty Cap and Bucky” for Halloween. You’d sent the pictures to Bucky, who’d only responded that his arm wasn’t silver anymore. You’d never shown them to Steve). He looks even more like Steve now, his golden briefs and gold knee high boots - the only two articles of clothing on his toned body - oddly reminiscent of the USO tour costume your boyfriend had donned back in the way. 
“You ready to get your cherry popped?” Jeremy whispers as he sidles up by your side.
You grin up at him. “Bring it on.”
You hear your cue and the two of you quickly take your positions on the stage. The movie projector’s light streams above you, showing the film in tandem with your performance. You and Jeremy mouth the lines being said on screen to each other, the actors playing Columbia and Magenta chiming in from the opposite side of the stage. And then your song starts. 
I was feeling done in, you pout, lip syncing to Susan Sarandon’s voice. Couldn’t win. I’d only ever kissed before.
I said there’s no use getting into heavy petting. It only leads to trouble and, you pull a grimace, seat-wetting.
The audience laughs, sending an electric warmth through your body as you launch yourself into the next part of the song. 
Now all I want to know is how to go. I’ve tasted blood and I want more, you lip sync to the music.
You move downstage, closer to Jeremy. He staggers back, clumsy, exactly how a man born two hours ago would be. The two of you play up the virginity of your characters, stealing furtive glances and nervously touching your own bodies as the song continues. 
I’ll put up no resistance, I want to stay the distance. You’re almost chest to chest with Jeremy, a scared and confused frown on his face that you nearly want to laugh at. 
I’ve got an itch to scratch. I need assistance.
You throw yourself at Jeremy, and the two of you begin your more complicated sexy choreography. Your skirt disappears. You’re practically on top of him when you catch a sliver of light out of the corner of your eye, coming from the back of the house. The light disappears, but you see a flash of light hair move through the aisles of the theater, until it disappears at the back of the house. You internally roll your eyes, returning your attention to Jeremy. It’s probably just some twink who spent too much time oiling themself up, but still, rude. 
You turn back to Jeremy and grind down. You throw your head back, rocking on top of him while Susan Sarandon does the same on screen. 
This is why you do this every year; in your normal life, you work a normal 9 to 5, and Jeremy is a yoga instructor. Only here do you two get to be harlot and himbo, respectively, having fake sex while people yell at you and yet feeling happy and at home. For the month of October this cast and the audience is your spooky little family, even down to that late-arriving twink. 
You end the song to raucous cheers, panting from your perch on top of Jeremy, behind the colored plastic of Rocky’s tube. Jeremy throws a wink your way, knowing that the audience can’t see him. You grin back. 
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You’re still grinning as you walk offstage after bows, the raucous hooting and hollering of the audience ringing in your ears. You run back to your dressing station, hoping to change quickly and head to the alley on the side of the theater where the cast all hang out after the show. 
You find your station as you’d left it, and quickly throw on the corset top, skirt and boots you’d had on earlier in the day. Unfortunately, your jacket is nowhere to be found. You shrug, figuring it’ll turn up by next weekend’s show, and head out the back door of the theater. You round the corner to the alley, spotting your cast immediately. 
“There she is, the supreme slut herself!” Mac calls when he sees you. 
You grin, and give a little bow. Ahmed had clearly found Jeremy after the show, so you join the circle between him and your castmate Jaz as the group hoots and hollers at you.
“Where’s your coat?” Ahmed frowns at you. 
“I’m sexy, Ahmed, I don’t need a coat,” you say, shivering. 
Ahmed is unimpressed. Jeremy snorts. 
“Sexy grandpa over there has a coat,” Jeremy points to your right, where a tall, broad blond is making his way over towards your group. The smile drops from your face. 
“Is that the guy who came in late?” you hear Jaz whisper right as Steve reaches you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
“I have an extra jacket in the car,” he whispers to you, letting you know he heard the entire conversation prior. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, waving at your castmates. 
It’s obvious by the looks on their faces that they know who he is, but they have enough tact, at least, not to comment on Steve’s obvious celebrity status. Steve’s appearance on the other hand…
“Damn, Y/n! We thought you had a Brad at home but turns out you were hiding a full on Rocky!” Jeremy hollers. Your cheeks go hot and Steve blushes a furious shade of red. Ahmed smacks Jeremy on the arm, but the himbo just looks down at his boyfriend, confused. 
Mac swoops in to save your ass.“Oh, the famous boyfriend! I didn’t think you were coming tonight.”
Steve gives a tight smile. “It was a surprise for Y/n.”
Your stomach drops at the hurt you hear lurking under his words. 
“Sorry to get here late, I uh,” he looks at you, the threat of a talk to be had later clear in his eyes, “got a little lost on the way.”
Your castmates fawn over Steve for a little while longer and then you quickly make your goodbyes, Steve walking you back to his car. If you were shivering before, you’re shaking now, your nerves and the cold working in tandem. Steve’s eyes fall on you as he climbs into the front seat, concern shining through. He reaches into the back seat, pulling out a navy SHIELD hoodie.
“Here,” he gently places the sweatshirt in your lap. 
His eyes trail over your face for a moment, searching for something. You don’t know what to say. 
Steve sighs, pulling the key out and turning it in the ignition. 
You throw the sweatshirt over your head, fasten your seatbelt. Steve pulls the car away from the curb in total silence. 
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Neither of you says anything for the entire drive back to your apartment. Steve keeps looking over at you, expressions shifting through his eyes too quickly for you to catch, and then turning back to the road without a word. You want to say something, but your mind fills with your first boyfriend, with hot shame on your back. He pulls the car up outside of your apartment, parks on the street (which is no small feat in the city). 
“Is it alright if I come in? I think we need to talk.”
You only nod, hands nearly trembling in your lap. 
You can hear the sound of every mechanism as you unlock the front door, Steve’s stoic silence so utterly unnerving that you nearly flinch when you actually get the door open. Steve walks in behind you, clicking the door shut and locking it after you’re both safely inside. 
“That was-” Steve walks to one of the armchairs in your living room and takes a seat. “That was some show you guys put on back there.”
He holds an arm out, gesturing for you to sit down on the couch in front of him. You acquiesce, forcing yourself to take your seat at the very edge of the couch, hands twisting in your lap. 
“How much did you see?” 
“How’d you find out?” you ask, unable to really meet his gaze.
Steve “You weren’t with Wanda. I got worried and then tracked your phone.”
Guilt twists in your gut like you ate something bad. Of course your perfect superhero boyfriend found out you lied about your location and got worried. You glance at Steve, taking in his furrowed brow, his focused gaze trained completely on you. 
“Are you mad at me?” you ask, unable to take the silence anymore. 
Steve sighs.
“I’m not happy that you lied to me,” he says. 
It’s his Captain-America-is-disappointed-in-you voice. Brutally effective. The guilt twists again. 
“But I guess- I want to know why you felt the need to?”
You swallow, trying to find the words. It made so much sense to you before, but now all your insecurity feels so incredibly stupid. 
“I thought you’d think- well, I didn’t know what you’d think. I guess I was scared that you wouldn’t want me if you found out I didn’t fit your image anymore.”
Steve raises a singular self-righteous eyebrow. “Fit my image?”
“You’re Captain America! One of Earth’s mightiest heroes! The embodiment of truth, justice, and the American way!”
“That’s Superman,” Steve deadpans.
You glare at him.“So not the point. The point is, you’re like, this paragon of virtue and I’m with you. I’m supposed to be Cap’s best girl. And what I did tonight… What I do in October… I thought it’d be like, an ‘embarrassing display of perversion’ to you or something. It’s not a good look for you if Mrs. America turns out to be a two-bit floozy.”
Amusement curls at the corner of Steve’s lips. Your cheeks burn. 
“What, do you prefer ‘hussy’?” you snap, crossing your arms over your chest. “Sorry that I don’t know your favorite old-timey word for slut, Steve!”
A laugh bursts out of Steve, one you’d find infectious and charming if it wasn’t aimed at you. Your gut sinks. Maybe he would have forgiven you for being a whore but now you’re a dumb whore. You cross your arms over your chest while Steve sobers, taking a few moments to shake his head and clear his throat before he looks back up at you. 
“Do I get to talk now?”
His voice is a warm mix of stern and gentle. It gives you the distinct impression of being scolded by your favorite teacher in middle school. You steel yourself. 
“Three things,” he says, holding up three fingers. “First off, I don’t think you’re a floozy. Or a hussy, or a loose woman, or whatever it is you think we said back in the day. I’m not some pearl-clutching grandmother at church. I’m not in the habit of judging someone’s character based on how much they have sex, and I wouldn’t assume to know anything about it based on a performance or a costume.”
He fixes you with a gaze that’s all fire but not quite meant to burn you. “I really hated it when people used to make those assumptions about me.”
Shame washes over you. He’d been so open with you about his life before the serum, about all the assumptions people had about his former life. And you, like an idiot, had taken Captain America at face value, just like they had. 
Your mouth falls open, excuses already forming on the tip of your tongue, but Steve holds up a hand. You sag into the couch, but nod for him to continue.
“Two: you’re my partner, not a marketing campaign. I don’t care and have never cared what the optics are. I want to be with you, Y/n. I’m in love with you. I don’t know who put ‘Cap’s best girl’ shit in your head, but I want it gone.”
You sit stock still, shock setting in. Yeah, the other stuff is important and you’re not off the hook but he’s in lo-
“You’re in love with me?” you’re tense, half sure that pointing out his words are the wrong move.
Steve’s brow furrows. Then they go wide. He flushes bright pink, flashing a sheepish smile. 
“That’s not how I wanted it to come out.”
Your heart flutters. You can’t help the little smile that breaks the line of your lips. You quickly school it down, so that you can look him in the eye and deliver your honest apology.
“I’m sorry, Steve. It was shitty to lie to you, especially given what can happen with your job. And it was shitty to make assumptions about what you’d think. I should’ve just talked to you.”
“Yeah, you should’ve,” he repeats, clearly trying to make that stick. “I’m sorry, too, that I didn’t make it clearer how much I love every part of who you are.”
Your lip twitches. You really love hearing him say that. 
Steve’s sharp eyes catch everything, as always. “You like that?”
He stands from the chair, walking over to sit beside you on the couch. You nod furiously. He smiles a little, but then goes serious again.
“There’s no pressure to say it back. If you’re not ready or-”
“I love you,” you rush out.
You don’t give him time for the victory to settle in, instead launching yourself at him so you can press your lips against his. You make out for a while, melting into Steve as you lay him out under you on the couch. When you pull away, it’s abrupt.Steve pouts, his lips bereft from your absence. 
“What was the third thing?” you ask, giving him a quick peck to keep him sated.  
His mind is miles away. “What?”
“Earlier, you said you had three things to say. What was the third one?”
“Oh. Oh.” 
He smiles, a particularly devastating blend of shy and wicked that only Steve could manage to pull off. “The third thing is how unbelievably hot I found that ‘embarrassing display of perversion’ you put on.”
Your cheeks heat in an entirely different way than they had earlier.
Steve nods vigorously. You giggle at him, before dropping an assessing gaze over his form. 
“You know, you’d look really hot in a corset and fishnets,” you muse aloud. 
Steve’s eyes go wide as saucers, the color in his cheeks rapidly getting darker. His mouth hangs open.
“I’ll uh- take that into consideration,” he manages. 
You giggle again and pull him down into another kiss before his cheeks can get any redder.
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wheresernie · 11 months
Anyone got any writing prompts? I need to start writing again, even if it's bad
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friglounge · 1 year
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clone high had a manga?
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screampied · 6 months
friendddd need some geto or nanami 😋 fluff where he helps you study like pull an all-nighter and then soft smut and he praisesyou for doing so well.
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 nanami helping you study then rewarding you after you finish
warnings. fem! reader, praise kink, soft dom nanami, reader's in college, doggystyle, talking you through it, mdni.
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it’d be quite late at night, the clock nearly struck around two.
you let off a soft sigh, nanami’s words falling into silent ears. of course, you deeply appreciated his help, but the current study had your mind thrown in for a loop. you sat on his lap, leaning up against your palm before letting off another sigh.
“you get frustrated so easily, sweetheart,” nanami hums, leaning in to pepper a few kisses beneath your neck. he was so warm. you couldn’t help but smile despite the vexed pout sitting on your lips. he holds you close to his chest as your pout remained on your lips. “you’re almost done for the night, don’t pout.”
nanami continued to help you, his patience never wearing thin. “…fine,” you’d huff out, and within an hour you end up remembering all the methods he taught you. nanami watches with a soft gaze before you slump back on his chest, exaggerating out a cute sigh.
“now now, was that so hard? my good girl,” nanami kisses the back of your head. his touch was so gentle, yet after all that work you felt a bit turned on—especially from being so snuggled up against his lap. “awww,” he mutters, feeling you rub on his thigh. you were so handsy, he knew what you wanted and nanami hums. “is this your way of asking for a reward? you want…me, princess?”
“y-yes,” you mumble, his cologne started to get stronger and stronger. it wafts against your nose, simply enticing. nanami was so warm up against you, even him dressed down was sexy. he wore nothing but sweats and a white tank top, bulky beefy arms wrapped around your waist. “i need it.”
“need it?” he repeats, a tender smile tugging on his lips. you let off a cute gasp once he makes you sit up — slowly bending you over the desk.
nanami was so slow, purposely slow to make you lose your mind. he gently runs a thumb near the hem of your pajama shorts before sighing. “such a greedy girl, do you think you deserve it? let me know, baby.”
you pout, just aching for him to be inside already. your brain was practically fried from the immense hours of studying and you pathetically nod. “i deserve it kento. want you so bad. you—you called me your good girl.”
“i did, didn’t i,” he purrs right up against your ear. his voice had a slight rasp to it, so deep. he was such a tease, and you whine once you start to feel his bulge prod against your ass. “mhm. that’s true, i suppose. even though you kept whining about trying to get me to tell you all the answers, you did finish.”
“k-kento.” you’d moan, feeling his dick twitch beneath his briefs. you wanted him inside desperately. just being hunched over the desk, arched perfectly for him . . it had you throbbing.
nanami chuckles, whispering out a, “okay. okayy. if the princess wants me, she’ll get all of me.”
gingerly sliding down your sleepwear pants, nanami sighs. seeing you drench all through your panties, he springs out his length before prodding it all against your folds. you moan, feeling him pinch your underwear with two fingers, dragging it to the side. “wet girl. were you this wet the whole time i was helping you?”
“y-yes,” you whimpered with such honesty. he simpers, hearing your breath start to come more erratic and hitched. your bottom lip quivers once he gradually wraps a big hand around his length, brushing it against your entrance. “fuck me kento, waited s-so long.”
“good things come to those who wait, sweetheart,” he says in a hushed tone—you let off a soft mewl at his fat tip, it’s slowly sinking into you before he teases, pulling it out — in and out, in and out. your sheeny spit-glossed ips quaver as well as your legs before you pout. “aw. such an impatient girl. tryin’ to grind against me all nice like that, so cute.”
nanami couldn’t help but tease you. even if it was just a little bit. the moment he finally starts to sink his way into your slick entrance. your mouth slightly went agape. so thick . . it had your head spinning, lips parting and mouth salivating. he grows quiet the minute you do, and the sounds of your own squelching pussy became his favorite tune to listen to.
“niiiice ‘n warm for me l-like always,” he breathes, and his voice grows a bit lower than usual—it’s insanely attractive. he lowly groans the moment you involuntarily clamp down on him. “did such a good job … today.”
nanami brings two rough hands towards your hips, gently stroking your sides with his thumbs. and once he’s fully inside, he presents you with a single thrust. you jolt forward, moaning from his girth expanding inside of you before you slip out a giggle. “k-kento, i want you to fuck me.”
“hm. is that not what i’m doing, baby?” he asks politely, blond eyebrows raising in pure curiosity.
you move your hips forward before panting, desperately wanting more from him — to feel him reach spots you didn’t even know could be reached. “you can be a little rough with me kento, i can handle it.”
“oh…?” he snickers softly, leaning in to plant another kiss behind your ear. “my smart girl thinks she can handle me?”
“kento,” you whine, and nanami feels you make a cute attempt at swiveling your ass against him. he lets off a faint grunt before smiling to himself. seeing you so needy amused him—of course, he couldn’t tease you for too long. nanami makes you arch over all the way over the desk to where your chest bumps against the plethora of scattered papers. “f-fuck me, jus’ fuck me please.”
nanami parts your legs open for you a bit, getting a perfect alignment before he’s fully in this time. a perfect fit . . nice and snug. he had such a thick base, within a few seconds it smacked and smacked against you.
even still, he continued to be gentle with you.
a tender grip on your hips, yet his strokes were incredibly sloppy. with a tongue briefly lolling out, you babbled out his name numerous times until spit glossed over your lips.
doggystyle with nanami — it was always one of your favorite things to do. he preferred positions where he’d see your pretty face, stroking your cheek while you came on him and all. he didn’t mind this either, nanami caresses a part of your ass before giving it a light squeeze.
“huggin’ me so good. s-so good like a good girl,” he huffs out out in shaky pants.
nanami couldn’t help but feel his cock twitch at the way you were bent over for him. the way you’d whine for him to keep going, to stuff you full until nothing but the remnants of his own sticky cum ran down your thighs. he always did adore how you were his messy girl.
“you didn’t wanna study did you, baby? you—you just wanted to be like this,” and his breaths were heavy. you gnawed on the bottom of your lip as you felt the head of his cock run against that particular spot. nanami was so thick. the right amount of thickness, so thick it had your toes curling. you tried suppressing moans but by this point, you couldn’t care less. “bein’ bent over for me isn’t gonna make you any smarter, y’know?”
“i— i knowww that.” you moaned, feeling your thighs start to ache and ache. the way he reached all the right spots with such ease. he found it cute with the way your words were all whiney and dragged out.
you started to feel it, wave after wave ebbing alongside you . . . that familiar dry taste lingering inside your mouth. you felt yourself squirming a bit before letting off a sweetened moan once his cock head brushes right up near your g-spot.
“f-fuck fuckkkk,” you’d mewl out, gasp after gasp escorting past your sheeny lips. you were so close. your thighs tremble beneath him and he leans up close to you, coating your neck with multiple soft kisses. you moan, his cologne filling up your sinuses before you let off a squeak. “kento, ‘m gonna c-cum. keep—keeeep going.”
nanami puffs. “mhm. give it to me, sweetheart,” and his voice was a smooth low melody. his warm breath went against your earlobe, and he gently nibbles on it to make you spiral even more. nanami slows his hips down, giving you more precise strokes. “relax on me, there we go. smart girl,” and he’s gradually talking you through it. your eyelids flutter, legs barely standing before within seconds you come undone. “that’s my girl.”
you’re still panting, the abrupt surge of ways that left you had your breath nearly stolen from you. your pussy throbbed — even once you felt him start to slowly pull out, brushing a thumb against your slick pulsating heat.
“do you think i’ll um.. pass tomorrow?” you mutter in broken words, glancing down at your scattered papers.
nanami spins you around to kiss the top of your forehead, looking at you with kind eyes before letting off a nervous chortle, “no baby. i checked over your work and you only got like four right.”
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gloryy-vs · 2 years
aonung x shy and tiny reader
pls i live for protective aonung 😭😭🙏 they'd be childhood friends and grew up decided that they will be mates eventually
My Mate
characters: ao’nung x na’vi reader
ratings: sfw , fluff
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He always had at least one hand on you, or an arm wrapped around your waist. Ao’nung never let you leave his sight. Not much changed between you two since you were younger, he was always looking over you protectively. A running joke between your parents and his was that he was your personal warrior. Ready to spill blood for you when the time comes.
“Ma Ao’nung, come help me add a bead to my songcord. Let’s get matching ones for the Tulkun’s and their return!” You said happily, not noticing that you were interrupting his time with his friends. He didn’t seem to care, a smile creeping on his face while he got up. Ao’nung saw the two seashells in your palm, a soft grey color with a pearly coating.
As usual, he placed a hand on your lower back, turning you around gently as he spoke to his friends. “I’ll be back later. We can go hunting.” They rolled their eyes playfully, making it clear that this was an almost everyday occurrence. You flashed them an apologetic smile, they didn’t hold it against you anyways.
You excitedly explained to your mate about where you found the shells, a bit deeper in the sand, so it took you a while to find one that was similar. “Come! Let’s add them now.” You said happily, practically skipping to your shared Marui with him.
Ao’nung had a big smirk on his face, sitting down first with his legs spread apart. You grabbed your carved box with weaving materials and other beads before sitting between Ao’nungs legs with your back against his chest. You both unwrapped your songcord from your wrists, finding where the latest bead was placed and unknotting the end. He moved his arms to wrap around you, and he placed his head on your shoulder so he could see what he was doing. You loved any kind of physical contact with him, feeling his heart beat, the way his breath tickles your neck just barely.
You wrapped the twine and string around the silvery shell, securing it with a knot at the end. Your attention shifted to how Ao’nungs fingers worked so intricately, tying a knot at the end of his own songcord. He brushed a few stray strands of your hair from your face as you turned around a faced him at an angle. You held your wrist out, wanting him to tie it back for you.
“You always do it just right. Not too tight, not too loose.” In all honesty it’s because you also couldn’t tie it with one hand.
He laughed, already knowing the real reason. His hands were warm against your cooler skin, and his eyes shot ip to look at you while he tied a small bow for your songcord.
“You’re cold. Cmere.” He said, tapping away at your wrist to let you know you can put it down. He wrapped his arms around you, squishing you against him.
Rolling your eyes, you fought for him to let you go. “Cant, breathe!” You said, but he refused to budge.
“You’ll be okay.” Ao’nung said, looking down at you. His eyes stared at all of your feature for a brief moment, taking everything in.
“You’d make a perfect Tsahik.” He said, as if he was lost in thought still staring at you.
Your mouth was agape, a flustered expression covering your face as you looked at the future chief. He ran his fingers through the parts of your hair that weren’t braided, his other hand resting on your hand and caressing your palm softly.
“We should officially mate, before Eywa. I want you to be my Tsahik.” Ao’nung suggested, but the tone in his voice suggested that it was more of a demand.
You stiffened but slowly relaxed, knowing he would be with you each step of the way, even if it was a big responsibility and a important thing he was asking of you. You nodded, and a smile grew on his teal face.
“I must go ask your father permission to court you, come. We don’t have all day.” He said, giddy over the fact everything would be official between you two as soon as you mate.
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arahdow · 5 months
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Pairing. Sonic x reader, Shadow x reader, Silver x reader, Knuckles x reader
Content. fem!reader. fluff, tiny silly argument in shadow’s, cuddling, overall soft stuff.
Word count. 1.6 k
A/N. writing sonic was the hardest thing i’ve ever done aH idk why!! i’ll make sure to write him more often to get used to his personality aH anywaaay, again, not beta read, i’m really sacrificing my sleep hours for this one sjdjs hope y’all like it!!
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making you run and accidentally crashing with him.
“Come on! You’re being too slow!” Sonic screamed as he kept on running, his feet moving way too fast for her liking. 
Just a few days ago, the blue hedgehog encouraged his partner to go out for a run together, and she knew he was an athletic man, but this? This was torture.
“Sonic… Wait… I can’t” her feet were moving so slow compared to his, especially when she wasn’t used to running this much. 
“One foot in front of the other! Come on!” Sonic said laughing, as he ran backwards, looking at the girl. She huffed with annoyance, the hedgehog still winning even when running like that!
After a while, the blue animal ran faster and almost disappeared from her sight. The girl took a deep breath and started running faster. Somehow, the fear of getting lost in the forest making her move, helping with adrenaline. Suddenly her body was moving faster than before. Way faster! 
Her body, sadly, started to grow tired quickly because of the energy she was using. Her lower limbs suddenly getting wobbly, but somehow kept running. Out of instinct, she thought.
That was until she realized she was about to crash into a stone wall at the end of the road, it was getting dangerously close!
The girl stretched her arms to cushion the blow. A violent ‘Hey!’ was all she could hear as she crashed, not on a stone wall, but rather a soft body. Sonic’s body to be clear.
He used his own body to soften the crash, but something was wrong.
“Ouch! Wha-”
She looked down and saw one of Sonic’s blue quills stuck on her shoulder. “Damn… Ouch.” 
The animal was sprawled upon her, but quickly recovered to take a look at his injured girlfriend. “Oh, I’m sorry darling,” he said with a sheepish smile, helping her stand up, careful not to mess with the quill. “but it’s kinda your fault to run that fast, thought you were about to destroy time and spac- Ouch! Why are you hitting me!” He said with a pained laugh.
“You’re an asshole! Help me get this out!” She complained, annoyed that the man was making fun of her.
“Aw, don’t be all grumpy, I promise not to make you run again.” He said, pushing her slightly to take her to the infirmary. “Hey, maybe next time you can try Shadow’s air shoe-”
“Don’t even finish that thought.”
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silly old couple argument
“Move.” The girl didn’t reply, her gaze focused on the tv. “Get up.”
“Git ip.” she mocked.
The black hedgehog grumbled, sitting really close to her, almost on her.
“This is my side of the couch, you know that.” He said as he crossed his arms. “I don’t like this channel.”
“You don’t like anything, Shadow.” She complained, not giving him the remote.
They’ve been living together for a year, two years being a couple, and they still bickered like an old couple. It became something usual between them, and it got even worse when speaking of the sofa. There was only this purple sofa in the living room, both her and Shadow liked it, but there was just something about the spot on the far left that was perfect. For both of them.
So if they were together in the house, it was usual for them to fight over the sofa spot, like they were doing now.
“I’m feeling hot, you need to get off of me!”
“I’m not on you, you’re the one occupying my place!”
“Shadow!” she pushed the hedgehog with her shoulder, as he pressed even harder on her.
With a huff, she turned and put her hands on him to push him again, when a quill suddenly pinched her hand. 
“Ow!” She exclaimed, looking at the dark quill stuck on her. “You can have your stupid place on the couch!” the girl said as she stuck her tongue and got up to the kitchen, looking for some tweezers to take the quill out.
Not many long after, the man got into the kitchen, following her, taking her arm in his hand. “Hey-”
“I’m sorry.” He said, looking intently at the sensitive red spot on her hand. Pressing his lips, he brought her hand under the faucet to clean the wound. “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you. Please forgive me.” 
The girl snorted. “It’s alright though, I was just messing with you, but you were seriously pressed, huh? Pressed enough to hurt me.” She said with a fake tone of hurt on her voice.
Shadow rolled his eyes. “You’re not gonna let this down, are you?”
She gasped and whined, putting on a pouty face, “Ow! It hurts! Please! Why are you so mean to me?”
“Alright alright, you can have the couch for today.” He sighed, shaking his head with humor.
The girl smiled, her face expression going back to normal. Turning happily, the girl kissed his cheek before running to the couch. “Love you, Shads!” 
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cuddling after a long day but uh oh…
After a tiring day outside, he wanted nothing more than to be at home, eat the food his girl made for him and spend time with her. It was a simple plan, and the cherry on top? Cuddling with her on bed, his face pressed on her stomach as she threaded his quills.
It was a usual occurrence, both of them lying down in silence, sometimes him laying on her lap, sometimes her on his, but they spent most of their time cheek to cheek.
“Silver…” She whispered, afraid of disturbing him. But he didn’t reply, instead, a soft snore broke his silence.
The girl giggled a bit as she kept on caressing his face and quills. It was times like this where she found herself falling once again for her hedgehog lover. She was actually reading a book on her other hand, so her attention was mostly directed to it.
Being immersed on the story, she got really focused on the sentences, suddenly drifting off from her task on her other hand. She unconsciously made her limb move in erratic ways, as she tried to keep on doing both things at the same time.
That was until she felt a slight sting on her hand. Jolting, she yelped as she retreated her hand from his body. The movement was so sudden, Silver opened his sleepy eyes, sensing something wrong.
Leaning back enough so he could see his partner in the eye, he found instead a look of slight pain as she held her hand in front of her face, a silverish quill stuck on her palm.
“Oh chaos, dear, your hand!” He expressed, incorporating as he held her hand for a bit. Using his telekinesis, he brought the aid kit to bed. Doing a careful procedure, he took the quill out from her hand, making her hiss at the feeling.
“I’m sorry…” He said.
“Don’t be, it was my fault, I was completely distracted by the story.” She replied, looking at the book beside her.
Silver took a look, as he kept patching her hand. “Hey! That’s the book I recommended the other day!” 
“It is! And it’s so good! I really loved it when the protagonist saved the kids from the falling building.” 
“That was my favorite part too!” He said. Both of them laughed and kept on talking about the book. He was really happy to have her in his life.
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It’s shedding season! And your roomie-bf is in the house!
Cleaning after an echidna warrior was difficult, especially when he kept bringing his dirty shoes inside her home, her food taken, and her bed occupied. But she honestly loved Knuckles company, so she carried on with it.
It was starting to get a whole lot colder outside, as the temperature began to cool down. It was that time of the year where the island became a little snowglobe, so the echidna spent more time at her partner’s home than anywhere else.
Today she needed to do the laundry, piles of dirty clothes started to form, and even though Knuckles tried to convince her to stop using clothes like him, that still wasn’t on her plans, at least not on a short term.
Sighing, she started to walk towards the laundry room, a pile of white clothes on her arms, making seeing the floor almost impossible. Knuckles was sleeping in her room, so she let him. She’ll make him fold the clothes afterwards either way. Sure, she’d let him crash whenever he needed it, but it came with a price.
Opening the door of the room, the girl stepped inside. But she wasn't ready to feel an electric pain coursing from the bottom of her feet to her core. A scared scream left her throat as the pile of clothes fell from her hands. Tripping, the girl fell on her butt with a thud. Not a second later, the echidna was already punching the laundry’s room door, breaking it. His breathing agitated as he saw his significant other on the floor.
“What happened?” He asked, worried that someone might have come into her home. 
The girl crawled, starting to search in between the clothes as she stumbled upon a red quill. Taking it in between her fingers, she showed it to the animal, furrowed eyebrows on her face.
Knuckles saw the quill with curious eyes. “You stepped on a quill of mine?” 
She threw the quill at him, half annoyed. “Of course I did! Don’t go around shedding your stuff please. Look! Now my foot hurts because of it.” She said as she looked at her now destroyed door. “And that too!” The mammal listened to her words, and before she could complain for anything else, he got closer to take the girl in his arms, an easy task for him, and brought her to the sofa. Laying her down, he put a gloved hand on his own chest.
“I’ll take care of the laundry to compensate for it.” He oathed, the girl surprised for his serious face, snorting in the process.
“That’d be nice.” She said, as she looked at her foot, not swollen or anything. “I could help you though-”
“No, you stay there.” He demanded as he strided to the laundry room.
A moment later, he came back stomping to the living room again. 
“Uhm… How does the machine that washes clothes works?”
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Coming home to you
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember, week 2
Prompts: Soft and slow & Clothes on
Words: 1,339
Rated: E
Tags: Post-Vecna; Everybody lives; Established relationship; Kindergarten teacher Steve; Domestic fluff; Fluff and smut; Soft dom Eddie; sub Steve; Groping; Dry humping; coming in pants
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Eddie is halfway through composing an absolutely sick riff when the front door slams shut. The sound rattles the walls of the apartment and sends one of their framed photos askew. Eddie blinks, pulling off his headphones and taking a few moments to get his bearings. It’s starting to turn dark outside and his stomach is rumbling. Shit, for how long was he out? 
“Stevie? You home?” he calls, but the apartment stays quiet, bar for the creak of the bedroom door and the thud of a body hitting the mattress. Eddie frowns, setting the guitar aside and padding across the hallway. 
A look into their bedroom reveals Steve, spread out on the bed like a starfish. His shoes are lying by the foot end, but that’s as far as he’s managed to undress before collapsing face-down into the sheets. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, sinking down onto the bed and laying a comforting hand on his ankle. “Rough day?” 
“wha dof ip loolie?” Steve says into the mattress. 
Eddie doesn’t rise to the bait, just laughs lightly and crawls further onto the bed, hand migrating from Steve’s ankle up to the small of his back. “Wanna talk about it?” 
Steve’s back rises and falls under the weight of his enormous sigh, but he does turn his head to unstick his face from the pillows. 
“Josh and Christopher got into another fistfight at lunch. Ever tried prying two five-year-olds out of a fistfight? They're at perfect level with your crotch.” 
“Ouch,” Eddie winces, fingers creeping under the hem of Steve’s polo to caress the dip of his spine, just over the waistband of his jeans. 
Steve huffs. “Yeah, ouch. I had to call their parents about it, and you know how Josh's mom is, her son's a perfect little angel in her eyes. And while she was busy yelling at me, the rest of the group got into the finger paint, so guess who's been cleaning the classroom all afternoon.” 
His eyes are large and round and miserable as he looks up. There's a big smudge of pink paint just below his hairline, and Eddie feels something unbearably fond flutter in his chest. 
“I dunno,” Steve shrugs. It turns into a weird, twitchy kind of movement, what with the way he’s still very much embedded in the mattress. “Sometimes I think this isn’t the job for me after all.”
“Aw, baby,” Eddie coos. He shifts so that he’s lying next to Steve, gently coaxing him to turn to his side, so that they are facing each other. “You were made for this job. The kids love you, and what’s some bitchy moms if you’ve fought an interdimensional war?” 
Steve huffs a dry laugh, fingers linking at the base of Eddie’s neck. “Are you suggesting I bring the nail bat to my next Meet the Teacher day?”
“That would be so fucking sexy,” Eddie murmurs, and lets himself be pulled in. 
It starts out innocently enough. A soft press of lips against lips, the gentle tickle of hands running through hair, that beautifully warm feeling blooming in his chest as Steve melts into his touch. Steve sighs against his mouth, low and content, and Eddie nips lightly at his bottom lip, asking for entrance. For a while, they lose themselves in the lazy glide of spit and tongues, legs tangling in the sheets, hands roaming over the familiar curves of shoulders and chests and hips. It's only when Eddie’s hands start fumbling for the fly of Steve’s pants that Steve makes a reluctant sound and breaks the kiss.
“What's wrong?” Eddie asks. “The headaches again?” 
“No,” Steve smiles at him, bashful and soft in the fuzzy light of the darkening room. “Just … fucking exhausted I guess. Sorry, I don't think I'll be up to it today. Can't even muster the energy to take off my clothes, leave alone-” 
“Oh?” Eddie says, cupping the very obvious bulge in Steve's pants and grinning at the startled gasp it gets him. “Don’t worry, baby. You won’t have to take off a thing.” 
Steve laughs, hoarse and breathy with arousal. “What are you on about, huh? There’s no way in hell you can get me off with my clothes o-oh.” 
He trails off into a low moan, forehead sagging against the crook of Eddie’s neck, long lashes tickling Eddie’s skin. 
“Oh yeah?” Eddie asks around a chuckle. His one hand continues palming Steve through the fabric of his pants, feeling him grow hard under his touch, while the other splays against the small of his back, pulling him closer. “I bet I can. I bet it’s easy. You’re so responsive, baby, so eager for me to take you apart. Give me half an hour and I’ll have you coming in those pants.” 
“Fucking show-off,” Steve snorts, but his hips have started rolling in slow, rhythmic motions to meet Eddie’s touch. His lips tickle Eddie’s pulse. “Go on then. Prove it.” 
“Gladly, sweetheart,” Eddie says, letting his voice drop to that gravelly rumble that Steve likes. The one that always makes Steve go soft and pliant in his hands, trusting Eddie to do whatever he wants with him. And damn, if he isn’t the luckiest bastard in the world for it. “Your wish is my command, you know that.” 
He presses his lips to that magnificent head of hair, and Steve’s cock twitches in his hand. 
Eddie chuckles, teeth grazing the shell of Steve’s ear. He always loves it when Steve says his name, but especially like this. Like a plea. Like a prayer. 
“Hm, baby? What do you need?” 
“Please,” Steve babbles, then swallows and licks his lips, remembering he’s supposed to use his words. “Please, I need to come.” 
“Aw, honey,” Eddie laughs, caressing the curve of Steve’s ass. They’re still lying on their sides, Eddie’s leg wedged firmly between Steve’s thighs, Steve panting into the crook of his neck. His cock is rock-hard in the tight confines of his jeans. Hard just from humping Eddie’s leg, just from Eddie whispering sweet filth in his ear, Eddie’s hands and lips teasing him in all those places he likes to be teased. “But your half hour isn’t even close to over.” 
Steve moans, desperate and broken, and it’s the most delicious sound in the world. When he rocks his hips to grind himself against Eddie’s leg, Eddie cups his ass to pull him flush against him, and the moan turns into a sob. 
“Fuck it, I can’t- … Please, Eddie, I’m so close, I need to- Please, please, please let me come.”
Did Eddie mention he’s the luckiest motherfucker in the whole goddamn world? 
“Of course you may come, Stevie,” he says, brushing back a sweaty strand of chestnut hair and kissing Steve’s temple. “Go ahead.” 
Steve does before he even finishes the sentence, shattering apart with a hoarse scream, and Eddie takes him by the jaw to guide him into a long, languid kiss, licking the sound right out of his mouth. He continues to kiss him while Steve trembles through the aftershocks, only pulling him against his chest when he finally collapses in a boneless heap. 
“Feeling better now?” 
“So much better,” Steve slurs. His smile is bright and off-kilter as he leans up for a peck on the lips. “There’s only one small problem.” 
“Oh? What’s that?” Eddie yawns, stretching his arms above his head and making himself comfortable in the pillows. 
Steve shifts, the movement warm and sticky against Eddie’s leg. 
“Well, I definitely need to shower now,” he declares. “But I’m still so fucking tired. I’ll be lucky if I even manage to undress, leave alone clean myself up.” 
Eddie stares at him. “What, seriously? Fifteen minutes ago, you were ready to fall asleep on me and now you want seconds?” 
“You got a problem with that?” Steve winks, tangling their hands together and pulling him off the bed and towards the bathroom. “I thought my wish was your command.” 
And well … Eddie can’t really argue with that, can he? 
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More smutty September
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blitzos-horse-ranch · 3 months
There is a solid argument being made that a lot of the more "mainstream" queer media is sanitized to a point that the relationships are boring and lacking depth, so as to be more appeasing to the aforementioned general population and not potentially "offend" the LGBT community.
It's actually a very important conversation to have, because if I'm being honest, the overabundance of those squeaky-clean, "unproblematic" shows and movies that shall not be named has set back not only the non-queer audiences' view of more challenging LGBT media, but actual queer viewers as well.
And disclaimer, it's perfectly okay to have fluffier, less challenging media to enjoy. But it's almost every well-known queer IP.
It's why you have grown ass adults claiming a queer ship is toxic and bad representation when the ship in question is designed to be imperfect, like a REAL relationship. Like you're supposed to feel nuanced, complex feelings about it. And when you have clearly in progress works that are either setting up to address and remedy these issues, or are simply depicting a bad relationship that happens to be queer, arms go flailing and the creators, who are often ALSO QUEER, are declared homophobic and/or supportive of the "bad" kind of representation.
And it's funny, because so many of the same detractors will claim they want "good" rep. But their definition of good really boils down to, once again, feel-good fluff that they've been conditioned to believe is the norm. And not only the norm, but the better rep. NO!!!!
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soulaires · 10 months
cardan greenbriar family headcanons. your aaron warner was amazing btw.
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The Greenbriars.
pairings: dad!cardan x mom!reader
summary: Introducing the Greenbriar Family.
warnings: domestic fluff, ooc!cardan, mention of alcohol, family shenanigans, dad cardan, not proofread ...
note: omg! Thank you so much! Hope you love this one 🤍
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Cardan Greenbriar, the High King of Elfhame, sat upon his majestic throne and reclined in your shared space, the air hung with a quiet warmth as you, his beloved Queen of Elfhame, nervously fidgeted nearby.
"Cardan," you began, eyes meeting his with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. "I have something to tell you." His gaze, worries and panick visible to his eyes fixed on yours, waiting for the words that lingered on the tip of your tongue.
Cardan instinctively wrap his hands around you, trying to calm you down.
“what is it, My love?” he asked, but you only stares at him, anxiety building ip to the both of you.
The silence stretched, prompting you to take a steadying breath. As you pulled away from his embrace, which did not help your husband to calm at all, you let the secret out.
"I'm pregnant," you confessed, the weight of the words settling in the air between you. His eyes widened for a fleeting moment before a slow grin spread across his face.
you are pregnant. Gods, you are pregnant! He is going to be a father!
"Pregnant?" Cardan repeated, disbelief giving way to a genuine, unrestrained joy. He stood, closing the distance between you, and gently cupped your face. "You're going to be a mother," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of astonishment and delight.
“And I am going to be a father...” He whispered as he pick you up and hugged you around.
A cascade of emotions washed over you both—excitement, uncertainty, and the undeniable joy that comes with the promise of new life. Cardan's hands found yours, intertwining fingers in a gesture that spoke volumes. "We're going to have a family," he declared, his voice rich with emotion.
The reality of impending parenthood settled in as you exchanged glances, both grappling with the enormity of the news. Cardan's fingers traced circles on the back of your hand, a silent reassurance. "Are you happy?" you asked, the vulnerability in your voice bared for him to see.
His laughter, deep and genuine, filled the room. "Happy doesn't even begin to cover it," Cardan replied, pulling you into a tender embrace. “I love you so much, We can do this together, okay?” You nodded, as you two hugged once again, your husband face buried in your neck.
"We'll need to prepare," he mused, a glint of determination in his eyes. "A nursery, perhaps?"
As the news spread through the kingdom, joy radiated from the palace, touching every corner of Elfhame. The High King and his Queen, expecting an heir.
Elfhame celebrated with grand feasts and festivities, the air filled with laughter and music.
Days turned into weeks, and your pregnancy became the talk of the realm. The royal court buzzed with excitement, and Cardan, once the stoic ruler, found himself sharing his happiness openly. He attended to his kingly duties with renewed vigor, fueled by the anticipation of becoming a father.
As your pregnancy progressed, Cardan became increasingly involved, attending appointments with the court healer and participating in the preparations for the nursery. Soft kisses on your forehead, a gentle touch to your belly, and whispered promises of love to the baby.
dad!cardan who after the revelation he stops and restrain himself from drinking.
the baby was your 4th tear wedding anniversary baby
he LOOOOVES pressing his face to upur stomach, peppering kisses and talking to the baby even if the bump is not visible.
he had a habit wrapping his tail around you!
He gets very protective
he also does not care what time is it if you ever wake him up in the middle of the night because your cravings are acting out
he loves the way you are being clingy, even having mood swings being away from him
which also he had, hates it when he is away from you.
He do whatever you wish you want
Really can not say no to you
Only wants the best for you and the baby
Oh hes very paranoid
then when the time was near, he is always by your side and taking care of you.
When your water broke, cardan was not with you and you started to panick
You quickly rung the bell to call for servants to assist you
The pain was unbearable so you let out a cry
Your husband heard you and immediately darted out to reach you.
He quickly swept you to his arms and rushed you to the bed and the healers were already filing up in the room. Tears ran down to your cheeks as you pressed your face to your husbands chest.
Cardan attempted to stay strong for you despite his fears coming at him, he holds your hand and kissed your temples as he whisperers assurances and cheering you on.
“Oh, my love, I’m here now. It would be okay.”
“Shh, don’t worry. You can do this.”
“I love you. I love you. You and the baby would be fine just breathe for me, darling.”
As a mixture of nerves and anticipation settled over both of you. The night when contractions finally began, Cardan's calm demeanor cradled your anxiety. In the hushed hours of the birthing room, he held your hand, a steadfast presence amidst the whirlwind of emotions.
When the cries of a newborn filled the air, the reality of parenthood embraced you both. Cardan, his eyes shimmering with unspoken awe, cradled the tiny bundle in his arms. "We did it," he whispered, his gaze never leaving your exhausted yet elated face.
It was a boy! You named him archer. Archie as a nickname.
jude become his godmother!
he wrote letter to archie for him to read in the future
Cardan who is willing to be sleepless so tou can have your much needed rest and to ensure baby archies safety and comfort.
The type of dad to do silly things just to embarrass and make your kid laugh!
His prioritie is you and archies happiness
Oh archie is spoiled rotten as you and your husband falls victim to the puppy dog eyes easily
who cried when archie have his first word!!
Of course it was “dada”
you softly smiled and hug him as he hold your son
you guys cuddle at night as he whispers sweet nothings to your ears.
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🪩 :: voicemail; hope you guys love this one as much with the aaron warner hcs do not worry this is not the last time you guys gonna see baby archie and dad!cardan 🤭 Also if you want to be in my Cardan Greenbriar taglist please let me know on my inbox or dm me! See you soonest <3
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peterman-spideyparker · 10 months
Half-Wrong (College!Matt Murdock x college!fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Howdy folks, ya girl somehow caught Covid during the worst week possible! I have a 102 fever and I don't really remember writing this cuz I've been taking a lot of naps, so if it doesn't make sense and has errors I'm sorry. I saw that Owen Sleater gifset (iykyk) and rolled with it. Enjoy :)
Summary: You have been attracted to Matt Murdock ever since the pair of you met at the coffee shop on campus on move-in day, but you knew he'd never feel the same way about you - this became especially true once you got insight on his romantic life. So when you find him waiting for you after you come back from a date, you take a chance.
Warnings: Sweet platonic fluff, close friendship vibes, kissing, smut (oral - f!receiving, sexy oral m!condom put on, protected sex, p in v sex), swearing
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, ofc (Cassie)
Word Count: 2,844
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“C’mon, just a little more,” you huff as you move your run to a jog on the sidewalk. “A little bit more, and then we’ll be back at the dorms.”
“I don’t get why you think this is the best way to exercise,” Matt huffs as he puts his hands up in a T shape.
“You like boxing, I like a good run. Potato, potahto. The thing you should be thinking about is why you repeatedly agree and continue to go on runs with me,” you pant as you untie the tether that you use while you run—with Matt being unable to see and just how hard you imagine running with a cane would be, a tether to your waist to guide him and gently keep him out of the path of obstacles seemed like a good option.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve figured that part out yet, either. I mean, you do agree to box with me which is nice. But I think I just like spending time with you. Although, being tied with you does kind of make me feel like a dog.”
“Ah, but you’re such a kind, pretty dog with soft hair,” you smirk, ruffling his sweaty hair. “Such a good boy.”
“Alright, alright,” he chuckles, his cheeks flushing beyond the rosiness from the run. “Help me get to the cafe in the student union and I’ll buy us some waters.”
You press a kiss to his warm cheek and place his hand on your forearm. 
“Hey, are you still gonna join Foggy and I at Josie’s tonight?” he asks, his breathing sounding like it’s starting to return to normal as you both enter the nearby building.
“I thought that was tomorrow?” you return, navigating the pair of you through a small little self-serve concession area.
“No, tonight. You have plans?”
“Don’t sound too shocked.”
“I don’t mean it like that.”
“Okay. Then how did you mean it?”
“Well, just that you haven’t had plans in almost a year,” he exaggerates as he takes the waters you hand him.
“Excuse me, I have plans,” you say as you take the waters back and scan them, Matt rooting around in his shorts for his student ID.
“No, you have plans with your other friends semi-regularly. You never have date plans,” he clarifies as he swipes his ID to pay.
“I’m sorry all of us can’t be you with a new companion every few weeks.”
“I don’t have a ‘new companion’ every few weeks.”
“Oh, come on, Matt, don’t deny it,” you say as you drink your water. “Right now, it’s that girl from that IP law class, before that it was a dental student, then I think an international relations major? But let’s not forget about contract law girl, estate planning—.”
“Okay, fine, I’ve had a lot of short-term relationships.”
“Well, that’s great for you, but that’s not what I’m looking for,” you tell him. “I mean, I don’t expect anything right now to last forever, but, I don’t want it to be a four-week thing and then be done with it. If I’m gonna make plans with someone, it’s because I think I still might be making plans with them in five months.”
Matt nods and drinks some of his own water as you move back outside and in the direction of our dorms. “So, what’s this guy like? Where’d you meet?”
“Cassie actually set us up,” you say. “She said that he seemed like my type, like a really good guy.”
“Well, then, I’m happy you have plans tonight. I hope it goes well.”
“Thanks, Matt. I do, too. I mean, I have no reason to think they won’t. Just tell Foggy I’m sorry I’m gonna miss him tonight.”
“Of course.”
“Do I see a wild (Y/N) in one of her natural habitats?” you hear Foggy call from across the quad.
“Speak of the Nelson, and he shall appear!” you smile as he comes to wrap you in a hug. 
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“(Y/N) has a date tonight,” Matt says with a devilish grin.
“Matthew!” you say, giving him a swift whack. “This is exactly why I don’t tell you things.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m happy for you, really.”
“I am, too!” Foggy chimes in. “I’m bummed that it means you’ll miss drinks at Josie’s, but, it’s about time you get dicked down.”
“I need to hang out with more friends that are girls,” you sigh, taking a look at your watch. “I gotta go now if I want to take an everything shower.” Kissing each of their cheeks, you wave goodbye and run off to your dorm to get ready.
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“I just don’t see it going anywhere,” you sigh as you enter the main lobby of your dorm building.
“Really?” Cassie asks over the phone.
“We work on paper, but there wasn’t any spark.”
“Maybe the spark is gonna take some time.”
“A spark shouldn’t take time, Cass. It should be right there I didn’t feel anything.”
“You can’t pin every guy against Matt, you know.”
“I’m not comparing everyone against Matt,” you scoff incredulously. 
“Yes, you are. Ever since you met. I bet you felt a spark with him.”
“So what if I did? It’s clear he didn’t with me, but . . .” You sigh and shake the thought out of your head. “I’m not an option for him. He’s a good person, but more importantly, he’s my friend. I’m not gonna spend my time fantasizing about something that’s never gonna happen.”
“You are so mean.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just a funny concept—you, not fantasizing.”
“I’m your oldest friend, it’s my job.”
“I appreciate it. Listen, I just got to my door, I’m gonna call it a night.”
“Okay, (Y/N). Sleep well.”
“You too.”
Hanging up, you sigh as you put your phone back into your bag, hiking the strap up over your shoulder, slipping out your keys and undoing the old locks. You toss your purse on the nearby table, but freeze in your tracks when you see someone sitting on your bed. Not any someone. Matt.
“You shouldn’t be in here this late,” you breathe.
“I shouldn’t be in here at all,” he says softly, folding his glasses and putting them on your nightstand. “But why do something half-wrong?”
You slowly start to close the gap between where he sits and where you stand. “Matt . . .”
“If you want me to go, I will. Just say the word.”
“. . . Why now?”
“I don’t know. I just . . . I realized tonight when I was at Josie’s with Foggy that if you’re going to be kissing anyone, I want it to be me.”
You don’t care what you just told Cassie. Honestly, you don’t care about anything or how this could complicate your friendship or any of the consequences. Instead, you move to your bed, climb into his lap, and kiss him. That spark you first felt with Matt when you met is a full-blown lightning bolt now, every last bit of you tingling with electricity; you know Matt feels it too from the way his hands slide up your back and how his fingers card through your hair. Matt leans back on the mattress, letting you take the lead as you make out. His kisses gradually grow more aggressive—the clashing of teeth, nipping, squeezing, and grinding. Matt rolls your bodies over on the bed, eagerly but carefully pulling off your shirt.
“Please tell me you were anticipating this and have condoms on you,” you pant as he peppers kisses all over your torso.
“Mmm,” he hums into my body. Oh my God, I think I just came. “Four.”
“We’re using all of them.” You feel how his lips curl into a smile against your body, making you writhe before you scream out when he starts to suck on the sweet spot on your neck.
“Ambitious,” he hums, licking and kissing at the stinging spot on my neck.
“Oh, well, you know me,” you grunt, your fingertips scratching his scalp. “I love to go above and beyond.”
“Let’s shoot for two,” he says into your collarbone.
“Don’t think I can handle using them all?”
He lifts his face up to be level with yours. “I’m saying that you won’t be walking straight after one. If we use more than two, I’ll be carrying you around campus for a week.”
“Sound like a challenge.”
“It’s a guarantee.”
You both smile brightly before you kiss, and you bunch up the cotton of his shirt exposing his soft skin and toned muscles something out of a romance novel.
“Like what you see?” he smirks.
“You’re too cocky for your own good,” you sigh as you run a hand down his exposed body. “But as a matter of fact, I really, really do.”
“Well, if you’re thinking of doing what I think you are, angel . . . Tonight is about you, and treating you right. How I should’ve treated you a long time ago.” He leans down and kisses your lips before moving the embraces along your cheek to just below your ear. “Sit back and relax, sweetheart. I’m gonna take good care of you.”
You sigh as he presses kisses down your chest, nipping at your cleavage and soothing the sting of any bite with his lips. You pant in excitement under his touch as his hands wrap around my back, unclasping your bra and sliding it painfully slow off of your body. You let out a sigh and toss your head to the side as his lips wrap around your nipple, one of his hands on your free breast while the other hand holds onto yours. Matt takes his time as if he’s trying to map out your body in his mind with his lips. Gazing down, you catch a glimpse of how happy Matt looks as he drags his lips further down your torso, pressing a long kiss on your belly button before unbuttoning your pants to shimmy them off your legs. Tossing them to the floor, he kisses all the way up your legs before spreading them apart to nestle his face against your covered core. You whine at his careful and deliberate movements, lifting your hips to help him slide the fabric off. Matt’s fingers gently spread you open, exposing yourself completely to him.
“Oh, fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he breathes. “So perfect for me.”
Carefully, he lets out a soft breath on your pussy before leaning forward and wrapping his lips around your clit.
“Oh!” you cry out. “Fuck . . .”
Your toes curl as Matt works his magic, and your eyes flutter shut as you let your mind get caught up in all the things that Matt is making you feel. If you had known he could make you feel like this—if you knew he even felt an inkling of the same way toward your, you would’ve done something to let him know that you care about him more more than a friend.
“Matty,” you breathe, running your fingers through his hair. “Oh, Matt, just like that. So good.”
You watch as Matt tries to lift his gaze upward to meet yours, his beautiful hazel eyes sparkling with delight as he eats you out. You swallow hard, throwing your head back as you feel your orgasm quickly approach. You cry out when you feel him slide two fingers into you, curling them just right to throw you over the edge. Your body arches off of the mattress as you cry out, your thighs clenching around his head. Matt’s tongue cleans up every last drop of your arousal before kissing all the way back up your body.
“You taste so good, angel,” he murmurs into your lips. “You ready for me?”
“Please,” you breathe, kissing him deeply. “I need you.”
He grins, kissing you again before leaning back and undoing his pants, shimmying them down enough to free his cock from the fabric before he reaches in his pocket to grab a condom. He is absolutely huge—delightfully so, and I feel the space between my legs instantly flood at the sight of him. Now what he said about not walking straight makes total sense, and not Matt just being cocky.
“All the way off,” you demand with a smile.
“Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”
You bite your lip in excitement as he gets completely naked while you tear open the little foil package.
“C’mere,” you grin as you drink him in as he kneels on your bed, completely and utterly bare.
Matt licks his lips, doing as you ask, folding his arms behind his head. Fuck, he has to know what he’s doing when he rests like that. Carefully, you crawl over to him, putting the tip of the condom in your mouth before you wrap your hand around his base and bring your head down his length. Your jaw hurts as you go down his thick cock, but you manage to get it all the way down. When you get back up, you see how lust-blown Matt’s expression is, how flushed his cheeks and chest are.
“That was so fucking hot,” he hums. “Get over here, angel.”
With a smile, you move to meet him in a kiss, a new passion in the embrace that hand’t been there before.
“You ready for me?” he breathes.
“Yeah,” you nod eagerly as you dip down for a kiss.
With firm hands on your hips, he guides you down on his cock. You moan in harmony as he gets deeper and deeper in you, and it feels like you’re going to get split in two the further he goes. When you’re all the way down, he pulls you in for a deep kiss.
“Are you okay?” he breathes when your lips part.
“I’m okay,” you assure him. “You’re big."
“And you’re tight,” he smirks. “You good for me to move?”
“Oh, fuck, please.”
“Such good manners.”
With another kiss and a smile, Matt wraps his arms around you so your back is on the mattress and he’s hovering above you. You feel the sweet sting from the drag of his cock as he pulls out before pushing back in, testing and stretching you slowly as he starts to establish a rhythm. Your lips part as you feel more pleasure with each of Matt’s thrusts, one of your hands moving to his bicep and creating little crescent moons in his soft skin as he moves faster and faster.
“Right there,” you breathe. “Shit . . . Matt, yes, right there.”
“Good girl,” he hums. “So good taking my cock like that.”
“K-Kiss me,” you stutter, feeling your second orgasm approaching.
Looking at you tenderly, he leans down and kisses you long and slow, staying lower to keep little space between our bodies.
“You’re perfect,” he breathes, kissing your cheek. “So perfect.”
“Matt, ‘m close,” you whimper.
“Whenever you’re ready.” His hand cradles the side of your face, kissing you once more.
You bite your lip, stifling your moan as you come around Matt, your body clinging to his as he continues to move his hips, his skin flushing as he grunts, approaching his own release, spilling into the condom. He kisses you all over as your breathing steadies, pulling out and tossing the condom into the trash before wrapping you in his arms and kissing your wherever his lips can find skin.
“Matt,” you chuckle softly as he sucks marks into your collarbone.
“Shh,” he hums, kissing the marks to soothe them.
“Matt, it tickles!”
You feel his lips curl into a smile as he presses kisses up your neck. “I’ve always loved your laugh. This is just another way I can hear it.”
“And it’s another way I can see your smile.” You lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “You know, I bet if you give me enough time in between, we can use up all the condoms.”
“You think?”
“Nothing saying we can’t try.”
“Ambitious girl,” he smiles.
“It’s part of my charm. Why you like me. Why we work well together.”
“One of the reasons, yeah. There’s plenty of others, though.”
“Mm.” He kisses your forehead. “I’ve got a whole list.”
You giggle at the silence and look at him. “Are you gonna tell me any?”
Matt’s fingers trace aimless patterns on your skin. “I think you already know them, angel. But I’ll tell you one every day. Today, it’s your ambition. Tomorrow . . .” He lets out a breath. “It’ll be whatever feels right for me to point out.”
“Well, I’ve got a list, too. And right at the top is how safe you make me feel. How special you make me feel. How loved." You kiss his chest. "Tomorrow’s something might have to do with your nose.”
Matt’s expression is filled with tenderness, closing the gap between you once more, holding onto you and letting you rest right above his heart.
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​
Matt Murdock Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters
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sparkles-and-trash · 5 months
dabi & shouto bonding + dabihawks, fluff
It's almost noon when Touya comes shuffling into the living room he shared with his boyfriend, PJ pants hanging low on his hips, no shirt in sight.
"Well, good mo-, no wait, good midday to me, handsome," Keigo quipped with a grin and Touya rolled his eyes.
Yeah, yeah, I'm a lazy bum, I know I know," Touya replied with a yawn and a stretch.
"We can't all just call home office and lunge around in sweats all day and call it work, yanno," he added and Keigo laughed.
"So staying up until 3 am gaming with Spinner and Tenko counts as work, now?" the hero asked with a sly smirk, and Touya sighed.
"I need a shirt for this conversation, and either their all in the wash or you stole some again, and I think we all know which one is true."
Keigo raised his eyebrows at that.
"I haven't taken any more than you've given me, I swear!" he said with hands raised in surrender, and Touya sighed dramatically.
"Well, what am I supposed to wear then?"
Listen, Touya loves Keigo.
Everything about him, actually.
Except for the fact that, ever since the war ended and the hero was allowed to develop his own style, that style turned out to be a mix between cottage core lesbian and confused grandpa.
Actually Touya didn't mind it when the clothes were on Keigo, he actually kinda loved it.
But while Keigo looked ridiculously hot in Touya's band shirts and big hoodies, Touya didn't quite have that same luxury.
So, there he sat, in a crowded coffee shop, a busy afternoon, out in public, with his white hair, scarred skin, piercings, tattoos, ripped black skinny jeans and... a very eclectically colored cardigan Touya suspected Keigo had dug out of a thrift store that should have been closed decades ago.
Yeah, fuck his life.
Just as the former villain pulled the bucket hat he had also borrowed from his boyfriend further down on his head in a vain attempt to hide he noticed the person he was here to meet come in trough the door.
"Shouto," Touya said out loud, raiding his hand to grab his brothers attention.
His dork of a younger brother smiled, as brightly as he ever did, and moved over to Touya quickly.
"Nii-san!" The young hero greeted and Touya huffed.
"Yeah yeah, sit down ya dork, I ordered you your..."
Touya's voice trailed off as Shouto took off his jacket.
"Todoroki Shouto, are you wearing my fucking shirt?!"
Shouto looked up at him with a hint of surprise on his face as he looked down on himself , before he nodded.
"Yes, it appears that I am," he said simply before happily taking a sip of his bubble tea.
Touya just stared at him.
"Why?" he finally asked as Shouto didn't elaborate.
Shouto took his time enjoying his tea before he answered.
"It's like a hand-over, it's normal for brothers to do, you know?" he replied with a shrug.
Touya blinked a few times trying to catch up.
"A hand... over?" he finally asked, trying his best to wrap his head around this.
He decided this was a bucket hat off situation, and just as he placed the hat down, Shouto picked ip back up and put in on his head.
"Like this, see?" the young hero said as if that answered all the questions.
Touya just stared back and Shouto sighed.
"Iida said he used to get his older brothers stuff all the time, Nii-san, I really think you're making too much out of this."
Oh, god.
This poor, clueless, sweet bastard.
"You're talking about hand-me-downs, aren't you?" Touya finally asked, and Shouto nodded.
"Yes, that was the phrase."
Touya bit his lip, trying to figure out how to go about this without being too mean.
Look at him, all reformed and shit.
"Look Sho, I get that we have a lot of catching up to do, but if you want my stuff as hand-me-downs or whatever it'd be great if you asked first, okay?" Touya explained.
Shouto hummed.
"I must have misunderstood the tradition then, I apologize."
Touya huffed.
"It's okay, kid," he said with a small smile, and Shouto smiled back, before his gaze fell to the cardigan Touya was wearing and his brown furrowed.
"You can keep that one, though," Shouto said seriously, and Touya couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Yeah, I don't judge ya there, kid," he replied with a grin.
Before they parted ways a few hours later Touya quickly snapped a picture of Shouto in the bucket hat to send to Keigo with a warning that he'd probably never seen that hat again.
It was handed down now, after all.
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despairots · 1 year
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━━━━━━━━ incorrect quotes with our core four + spidey! reader.
core four x spidey! reader. fluff and a crackshot i felt guilty for mot posting today so have this short incorrect quotes with our core four and you! lifes been kicking my ass and i almost gave ip on playing the clarinet cuz i was not doing do well. also regarding my guidelines and rules: please read them. mostly platonic but you could see it as romantic.
i’m sick and tired of you guys requesting things that i don’t write. ask another writer who does because im not gonna write it, your request will be deleted. as much as i enjoy you guys sending requests some cross the lines im sorry.
incorrect quotes with our core four and our spidey! reader.
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gwen ━━━━━━━━ alright, important question for our friendship. when you go to the movie theatres, do you ask for extra butter or regular butter? or no butter?
pav ━━━━━━━━ i put skittles—not skittles— m&ms with the popcorn.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ alright, i’m gonna remove pav from this dimension.
pav ━━━━━━━━ hold on, pleas—
miles ━━━━━━━━ laughing.
hobie ━━━━━━━━ you didn’t give mans the chance to explain himself.
miles ━━━━━━━━ we need more help. maybe i should call my other friends.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ … your what?
miles ━━━━━━━━ my friends?
pav ━━━━━━━━ are they saying “friends”?
gwen ━━━━━━━━ i think his being sarcastic.
hobie ━━━━━━━━ no, no, no, this is delirium. hey, miles! all of your friends are in this room.
miles ━━━━━━━━ i have other friends! you asked me to make new friends, i made new friends! it was a task, i complete tasks.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ i’m not sure ganke is a “friends.”
[name] ━━━━━━━━ what did you guys get in your yearbook?
miles ━━━━━━━━ prettiest smile.
pav ━━━━━━━━ nicest personality.
gwen ━━━━━━━━ most likely to start a bar fight.
hobie ━━━━━━━━ least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ i thought you hated labels?
[name] ━━━━━━━━ *accidentally shots a web in miles face*
[name] ━━━━━━━━ *trying to decide between saying “are you okay?” and “i’m fucking sorry.”*
[name] ━━━━━━━━ ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?!
miles ━━━━━━━━ what’s wrong with you!?
miles ━━━━━━━━ favourite horror movie?
hobie ━━━━━━━━ it.
pav ━━━━━━━━ saw.
gwen ━━━━━━━━ annabelle.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ high school musical. after watching it, i spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and i’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics.
miles ━━━━━━━━ treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ killed without hesitation.
miles ━━━━━━━━ no.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ come on, i wasn’t drugged last night.
gwen ━━━━━━━━ you were flirting with miles.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ so what? he’s my partner.
gwen ━━━━━━━━ you asked them if they were single.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ …
gwen ━━━━━━━━ and cried when he said he wasn’t.
pav ━━━━━━━━ there are seven chairs and ten kids. what do you do?
gwen ━━━━━━━━ have everyone stand.
miles ━━━━━━━━ ask to bring more chairs.
hobie ━━━━━━━━ the most important ones can sit down.
[name] ━━━━━━━━ kill three.
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504 notes · View notes
gingiesworld · 10 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Nine
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/ Wanda Maximoff x Jarvis Stark
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @natashaswife4125 (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N watched as Wanda grew more and more confident since she started to meet with Opal and started the divorce proceedings. Soon enough the elevator doors opened to reveal Gwen in her lab coat.
“We have a slight problem.” She told them as she approached Y/N.
“What is it?” They questioned as Gwen took a deep breath.
“We have been hacked.” She told them urgently. “The blueprints for the Oscorp/Hammer project were the only things stolen.”
“Ok.” Y/N started to move towards their office. “Just one moment and we will go to IT.” She watched as they entered their office, typing away on their computer.
“What’s going on?” Wanda asked them curiously as Opal observed the two.
“Nothing to worry about, but please don’t leave this office.” They told her. “Both of you.” They looked to Opal as Wanda nodded. “I’ll explain everything once I’ve sorted it, I have also shut down the company wifi for the time being.”
“What?” Wanda questioned as she went to follow them but Opal beat her to it.
“Y/N, what has happened?” She asked as she pulled them to the side.
“We have been hacked.” They whispered as Opal sighed. “An important project has been stolen and I plan on getting to the bottom of it.”
“I warned you.” She whispered as she glanced back at Wanda. “This has Stark written all over it.”
“I know.” Y/N groaned as they looked into the older woman’s eyes. “But I can’t help but feel this way, like I need to help her, protect her. I just need her to be safe.”
“You’re in love with her.” She gasped as Y/N nodded. “That’s why you’re hellbent on getting her out of this loveless marriage.”
“I do.” They answered. “But I just want what’s best for her.” She smiled at them before they continued. “Just keep her inside the office, I have this floor on lock down so there will be no unexpected guests before my return, and you know where the fridge is.”
The two watched as Y/N followed Gwen into the lift, Opal approached Wanda and led her back inside the office.
“Come dear, we have much to do.” She told the younger woman as she closed the door behind them. Moving to grab a couple of drinks before continuing their task at hand as Y/N and Gwen raced towards the IT department.
“Scott, please tell me you have something.” Y/N spoke as they entered the Tech lab.
“I am trying to break down the digital footprints, hoping to get an IP but so far nothing.” He told them as he typed away.
“Have you accessed the remote wifi?” They asked him as he shook his head. Y/N then pushed him out of the way as they grabbed their USB from their coat. The two watched as they typed away on the computer, listening as they mumbled to themselves.
“Anything?” Gwen asked them as she stepped beside them, watching as they tried to break through the firewall.
“I am getting closer but whoever this is, they are much better at hacking than our very own IT minion.” They raised their voice as their anger was getting the better of them.
“Maybe we should inform the police?” Scott asked as Y/N laughed.
“No!” They yelled. “We settle this in house.” They started to type away again before talking once more. “How’s Jean doing?” They asked, causing Gwen to smirk as Scott looked unsure.
“She is great, really tired.” He answered them.
“She’s due soon right?” They asked him as he nodded.
“Yeah, she is due next week.” He answered them.
“You should bring the two of them in when she’s had the baby.” They told him as they straightened up. “It’s someone at Hammer Industries.” The two looked confused as Y/N fixed their jacket. “Get the evidence in a secure file for me. I have a call to make.” Scott nodded as Gwen followed Y/N to the lift.
“You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?” She asked them as they smirked.
“Since when have you known me to do anything stupid?” They questioned as she raised a brow. “You know what? Forget what I asked.”
“I have known you forever.” She told them as they stepped inside the lift. “I know you better than you know yourself.”
“Look, this is my company Gwen. My whole teen and adult life has been spent here, in this building. Learning as much as I possibly could, I am not going to let someone come here and steal from under my nose.” They told her firmly, soon stepping out of the lift and heading to Wanda’s desk, getting out the address book they had.
“Y/N, this could be dangerous. Maybe my dad can help.” She tried as Y/N shook their head no. “Come on.”
“Look, I am not going to do anything stupid.” They told her as they picked up the phone, Gwen’s eyes soon seeing the name of the person they were calling.
“You can’t be serious?! Cottonmouth?” She whispered as Y/N soon started to talk with the person on the other end, their eyes never leaving Gwen’s as they spoke.
“Ok. Thanks.” They soon hung up to see Gwen’s disapproving stare. “He owes me.”
“Y/N, this isn’t going to work!” She yelled at them, alerting the two women just beyond the wall. “He is dangerous, even worse than KP.”
“Look, I have a way of doing things.” They told her as they stood up. “If you don’t like it, then just shut up.”
“Y/N, I worry that you will get hurt, or worse.” She told them softly. “You’re my best friend above all else, and I couldn’t live with myself if you died.” Y/N’s eyes softened as they watched her wipe away a stray tear.
“I’m sorry Gwen.” They whispered. “But I have to do this. This company is all of our livelihoods. Our means of survival and I need to make sure that you and everyone else in this building is protected.”
“I’m going back to my lab.” She whispered as she straightened up. “Scott will be up soon with your file.” With that she left as the door opened, revealing Opal with her bag ready to leave.
“You need to be careful Y/N/N.” She told them as they nodded. “Your mom would kick my ass if anything happened to you.”
“I will.” They assured her. “I know what I have to do.” She sighed knowing she will never break through to them.
“So, what happened?” Wanda asked as she followed Y/N inside their office, closing the door behind her.
“We were hacked.” They told her as they looked over the city. “Someone at Hammer hacked into our database and stole the blueprints from the very project we were working on together!” They turned to face Wanda who remained steady on her feet. “They stole from us and everyone is practically telling me to sit back, just let the authorities deal with it.”
“Maybe you should.” Wanda told them as she stepped closer to them. “It would be safer, maybe terminate the contract since they have broken it.” They listened as she spoke. “We can organise a meeting next week with Justin Hammer and his associates, make it a formal matter, have Opal on our side, and a notary too.” She took their hand as they looked into her eyes. “Make sure that soon enough you will ruin them, from the legal route.”
“I.” They sighed as they closed their eyes, the closeness between the two as Wanda caressed their face.
“Don’t say anything.” She whispered as her lips ghosted theirs. Y/N released a shaky breath before kissing her tenderly, their hands soon moving to her hips as the kiss deepened. Pushing her up against the window as the kiss grew hungrier by the second.
“I can’t.” They whispered as Wanda looked at them. “I can’t do this here.”
“Then where?” She asked them as they stepped away.
“I just, you’re still married.” They whispered as she sighed.
“Not for long though.” She told them.
“But still, I don’t want this.” They pointed between the two of them. “To be just about sex. You deserve more than that.” With that they left the office, leaving a bewildered Wanda behind.
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teojira · 4 months
[ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀᴛᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴀʀ]
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ᴛᴇᴏᴊɪʀᴀ (ᴇꜱᴛ 2ᴋ24)
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《Introduction》 +
《! Please read me !》
¤ Hi! My name is Teddy and this blog as it says on the tin, is a multifandom blog! I'm into a wide range of characters and interests, so I'm sure I have something that'll strike your fancy!
¤ This is an 18+ blog. This is to keep me and you safe should you be a minor. Please stay away! I can't police you, but use common sense.
¤ I will not deal with discourse here, don't like what I write or who I write for? Block me and move on, I don't care.
¤ I am a woman person of color, no hatred towards ANY group is tolerated here. It will end in an IP address block.
¤ My interests fluctuates alot, I have severe adhd and some characters will get special treatment depending on which mood I am in!
¤ I'm always down to chat and make conversation but please remember I'm human and I have a job outside of tumblr, this is just a hobby for me! Please be kind and understanding.
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¤ Every character I will write romantic ideas for must be of age. Any minor will ONLY be platonic. (Exception being the tmnt brothers, they are aged up accordingly.)
¤I write comfort, fluff, angst, pretty much anything tbh.
¤ My own rule of thumb is that if a furry character is sentient, can consent and is of age, and speaks/thinks/acts like a human, it is akin to monster loving. (Harkness scale pretty much). I don't care for your take on it, block me if you disagree!
¤ I will not write nsfw if you are on anon, your age must be somewhere on your blog. I will delete it from my askbox.
¤ A please and a thank you go a long way!
¤ I usually write with she/her pronouns or gender neutral pronouns.
¤ I am not looking for critique, this is all for fun. This is a heavy boundary, I will block if you do this.
¤ NSFW will be tagged accordingly so you can black list, if I forget to tag something, kindly let me know. I am not responsible for your experience beyond that, act accordingly if I write something you don't like.
¤ Please include some details with your requests, such as character and a general idea on what you'd like me to write! Please don't write an essay in my ask box.
¤ Things I will not write: Pregnancy, Underage, harder kinks (Scat/Noncon/vore/piss), Character harming reader physically, Parenthood, character x character.
Not sure if I write something? Just shoot me a text!
¤ Do NOT share my writing anywhere else (Quotev, Ao3, wattpad, Tiktok). A Simple reblog is appreciated here and only on tumblr.
¤ Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! It's nice to know something I wrote was loved!
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And finally what we've all been waiting for, put your hands together for the :
《 Fandoms I write for》
Genshin impact
Honkai Star rail
Monsterverse (platonic only for the Kaijus)
Planet of the apes (remake) (NO nsfw)
My hero academia (Dabi and Tomura only)
Demon slayer
Twisted wonderland
Devil may cry
Apex legends (Revenant only)
Fire emblem three houses
Puss in boots: the last wish (Death only)
Stranger things (Eddie Munson only)
Red dead redemption 2
The Wolf among us (Bigby only)
Five nights at freddys: Security Breach
Sonic (platonic for everyone except Shadow)
DC comics/ DCEU
Horror icons/slashers
Countless other video game characters probably lmao.
Though I write for many fandoms, I'm more comfortable with specific characters so I'll let you know if I'm comfortable enough to write for them!
Don't see a character you're sweet on? No worries, shoot me a text and I'll see if I know anything about them to whip something up for ya!
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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fairlyang · 9 months
Ghostie III 🕷️
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the beginning of miguel's obsession with you, he plays with you, & normal couple things
w/c: 3.8K
pairing: ghostface!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. mention of murder, SA, dark web, blood, stalking. Instantly obsessed, jerks off, grinding, slight dry humping, marking kink, oral (f!receiving), exhibitionism mention, unprotected sex (don't do that), breakfast in bed, slight fluff, grocery shopping together, fluff (for funsies)
part one ~ part two
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Miguel didn't exactly plan on going on a killing spree if anything he was trying hard not to, but some people pushed him over the edge and he was slowly losing his sanity.
He'd been a savior for a few women in the past, he once walked around the streets late at night when he heard yelling coming from an alleyway and he ran to go help. Some drunk men were groping and sexually assaulting a young woman.
He luckily was able to help her and after a good two months he got enough information about them, making sure they'd never do it again.
After he killed those three men, he told himself that'd be it. There was no evidence that'd lead the cops to him. Everything went perfectly and his new become friend, Grace, was relieved that those men won't be bothering other women but not knowing he was the one that killed them.
He told her she can sleep peacefully now and that she'd be safe. He kept telling himself that was it, that he wouldn't cover his hands in blood again.
That was until he noticed just how many awful and terrible people were freely roaming around the streets of his neighborhood, the absolute worst of the worst.
So after the first time, two weeks passed, he had found information on tons of people and had a strict day to day schedule on who he'd kill each day, what time, where, and how. He didn't think he'd get so invested on making sure to put an end to all these fucked up people.
It's like he couldn't help but want to take down all the shitty people he'd find out about. He'd go on the dark web and find different chat rooms where people would talk anonymously about the bad people in their life.
It took him a while to find people letting out their frustrations and concerns that were near him. He somehow ended up stumbling across sites for the movie series 'Scream', he found out it had a lot of crazed fans talking about how they'd be Ghostface and how or who they'd kill.
People went on in graphic detail and he was shocked he hadn't stumbled across it before. Some of the things were more calm, some saying how they wish they could be a victim like Sidney or some saying they've had dreams of being like Billy or Stu.
He wasn't a big of a fan like some fanatics out of there but he did appreciate the attention to detail in the movies and especially loved the intro scenes with the first girls. Just that alone had given him the idea to use the ghostface mask when he first started.
But some were unlike others, yours specifically stood out to him as you wrote about how badly you wanted to be used and played with by a Ghostface killer. He was drawn to the way you worded your biggest fantasy, the way you went into such specific detail of how you wanted everything to be done, what you'd do, how you'd seduce him...
Wanting to read more about this intriguing scream obsessed fan he went on to your page and found dozens of confessions. He couldn't contain his excitement and spent hours reading them all carefully and even reread his favorites.
He was slowly growing obsessed with this stranger not able to help the way his cock twitched under his sweatpants reading your posts, and quickly searched for your IP address, needing to know more about you, where you live, what you looked like.
He groaned when he saw you were using a VPN but found a post where he ultimately was able to find your address in a few seconds. He searched it up on google and felt so happy when he saw that you only lived fifteen minutes away from him.
He forgot all about his schedule of the next week and focused on a new plan, a new plan on how to find you on a day to day basis. He needed to know everything about you, where you studied, who were your friends, family, where you worked, if you had a boyfriend....
That last thought alone was enough to anger him and he groaned, fists clenching. Oh how fast he'd take care of it if you did have one.
He quickly found your socials including a twitter account and a public instagram. He went to your insta first, eyes immediately widening and his head falls back against the sofa cushion. He puts a hand on his bulge, lightly stroking it, his teeth lightly tugging on his bottom lip as he admired how pretty you are.
He knew he'd be attracted to you no matter what, but you being just his type was insane. It's like he was meant to find you.
He looked through all the posts you had up, only four but they all had multiple pictures which was very helpful for him and his hard cock. He clicks on a bikini post and immediately groans, zooming in on the picture looking at the sultry look you posed as well as how perfect your tits looked, and how pretty you looked on your knees, your thighs looking so fucking perfect.
That was the first time he came looking at your pictures, it wasn't the last time either. He'd stroke his cock looking at all your pictures more than he'd like to admit.
He ended up doing some more investigating on you and found you went to the nearby community college with a few of your friends.
And on the boyfriend aspect he was happy to find out through your tweets that you were recently single after a two and a half year relationship with a dickhead that cheated on you with more than one woman.
The fact that he would cheat on you was mind blowing to him and Miguel was already thinking of the ways he wanted to hurt him but it not being his first thought. His first thought was needing to see you in person.
He didn't know how, maybe look at you from afar at a grocery store? Maybe peep outside your bedroom window? Follow you around for a day? No, you're a scream fan surely you'd figure out you were being watched....
He sighed and tried to think of any possible excuse he could go see you that wouldn't make you suspect him of anything. He decided to go with the grocery store plan, but now needing to know when you go, he wrote down your address and thought of maybe watching over you for a bit, just to learn your schedule and know when's the exact day or time you go buy your groceries.
He felt himself become insane in a whole different manner, now instead of wanting to kill, he wanted to protect and obsess over a complete stranger he practically fell in love with at first accidental sighting.
He was already beginning to think of how he could make your biggest fantasies come true, he was already ready to make you the happiest girl possible.
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I heard a knock on my window which made me jump but as soon as I saw just a glimpse of the familiar mask I couldn't hide the grin that appeared on my face.
I quickly got up from my bed and ran to the window then unlock it. I swing it open and step aside waiting for my new favorite visitor to come in.
"Y'know you don't exactly have to put on the mask when you come over anymore." I tease as he climbs in.
He stands in front of me and takes the mask off and shows off a wide grin, "well what would be fun in that?"
I shrug and give him a grin back, "maybe to not scare the shit out of my mom if she ever catches you...."
He scoffs and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as I wrap mine behind his neck, "wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world considering you have a scream shrine." He teases making me scoff.
"It's not a shrine-"
"Nena, half of your room looks like it belongs in those chatrooms you're in." he teased once again making me glare at him. (Sweetheart)
"You can't say shit about that though since you were on them too!" I said in defense but he just laughs and pressed my body against his, bringing me in for a hug.
"And good on me for finding them otherwise I would've never found my favorite girl." He says making my heart melt.
I move my arms and wrap them around his waist as I listen to his heart beat slightly racing. Crazy, mines doing the exact same.
"I was thinking what if we recreated my grand reveal?" He murmurs making me laugh.
"What miss that day so bad?" I tease and he chuckles.
"Maybe... let's not forget Ryan spoiled my original plan." He replies and I gasp.
I pull away from him and look up, "what was your original idea?"
He laughs and walks over to my bed plopping down before patting the spot next to him which I happily comply to and jump onto my bed then sit next to him.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I lay my head against his chest. "Alright so I'll start off by saying I simply couldn't wait to see you so I purposely went to the diner so you could see me-"
"And thus it technically wasn't Ryan's fault.... In other words, you ruined your own reveal." I say and look up at him as he looks down and rolls his eyes at me.
"Alright fine, maybe I ruined my own reveal but how was I suppose to know he would find me-"
"Well you found me easily.... He found you in a couple minutes by just using face recognition..." I say trying to fight off my laughter.
"Anyway. You, I think were on your back, and I was under your bed waiting for the perfect moment to pop out. I was going to climb on top of you and have my knife against your throat." He admits making me hum.
It is incredibly sad how fast that turned me on.
"I was then going to grind myself against you and remind you of the dirty things you were doing for me the night before." He whispers softly and I nod, putting a hand on his chest and laying my cheek against it.
"I just wanted to see your reaction, the look in your eyes, and hear the first words you would've said to me." He says and traces along my arm softly while his hand moved strands of hair out of my flushed face.
"I knew you'd get excited right away since you specifically said you wanted to be manhandled and thrown around like a rag doll." He murmurs as his hand trails along my jawline gently.
"Wanted you to feel how hard you had me, how I was already wrapped around your little finger before we even officially met." He purrs sending a shiver down my spine and makes me subconsciously squeeze my thighs together.
I felt my breathing getting heavier and I just knew he was taking notice or more like he was doing this on purpose to get a reaction out of me. But I didn't mind.
And he was already starting to read me like a book, which I also didn't mind.
My thoughts get cut off when I feel Miguel slip his hand down my thighs, lightly squeezing the right one then the left before he just rubbed circles against my skin.
"You're so fucking pretty." He whispers and leaves a kiss on my forehead.
He's truly the sweetest.
"Y toda mía." he says and brings his hand back up to cup my jaw, before leaning in and leaving a peck on my lips. (And all mine)
I peck his lips back and he just smiles then leans his forehead against mine. "Toda mía verdad mami?" He asks and I nod. (All mine right)
"Nomas tuya." I confirm and climb onto his lap, his hands already found their to my hips, pressing me down against him. (Only yours)
I bite my lip and move my hips against him, slowly grinding on him. He lays his head back onto the pillow and watches, along with helping me move.
He then decides to let me go which has me pouting for a solid second before he grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. The butterflies in my stomach were going insane and my face was burning hot.
How someone could change my life in under two months even though we met through the drastic way ever, was truly beyond my understanding.
Even if we met in "normal circumstances" I still felt like we'd have this strong bond, we had a lot in common and our personalities matched perfectly.
Maybe what one might call soulmates or just the phrase "meant to be" but I was so ecstatic nonetheless.
I then am knocked back into reality when Miguel flips us over and he's now on top of me. I smile and he gives me one right back before bringing his hand down to kiss my neck but soon enough just leaving some new marks.
I sigh and tilt my head back while I bring my fingers up to play with his hair. I felt my eyes flutter as he left new love marks all over my neck to replace the ones that were already fading.
One of his hands went down and started toying with the hem of my shirt but then brought it up my stomach and left it there. He pulled away from my neck and started bringing himself down between my legs.
I spread them wide enough for him to fit when he leaves the softest of kisses on my inner thighs making them shake in anticipation. He then wrapped his arms around my thighs, squeezing the skin as he started to gently suck on my inner thigh.
He's grown to love leaving marks anywhere he can, where people can see them, where only he can, the places he loved the most. He used any excuse under the moon to claim me as his.
Which again I didn't mind, as long as I was able to do the same.
Especially after I connected the dots that my best friends were drooling along with me for the same man, but I was the one that was living rent free in his head.
But still I almost felt like jealous of other women just looking at him, I couldn't bare the thought of other thirsty people like my friends looking at him like how we looked at him.
Them doing it is fine, none of us knew he was my secret ghostface, they still didn't know because i didn't have the guts to admit I fucked our town's killer. But hey he stopped just for me so that's the good news in that.
All they knew was I was getting treated really good in all aspects and that's all they had to know. Plus the so called love bites all over my body prove it.
He pulls away from my thighs and drops down, quickly taking my little thong off and throws it behind us. He settled between my legs and spreads them more before diving straight in.
I moan and immediately grip on to his hair, bring him as close as possible to my pussy. He looks directly into my eyes as he sucks on my clit, one of my weaknesses.
I very quickly learned what I loved the most when Miguel would have his way with me. The first being how vocal he would be, how fast his mood changes, the eye contact, and how down he was to try new things.
Just last week he fucked me in a forest wearing his ghostface attire, was probably the hottest thing we had tried next to when he made me sit in that shed we had in the backyard and watch him jerk off in my room.
He wanted me to see the torture he was in for months while I only had to do it for an hour, I couldn't stand it. He looked so fucking good and those moans on that specific day keep me up at night by how perfect they were.
"Miguel-" I moan and wrap my legs around his head, in a way trapping him there.
He moaned against my pussy making me whimper and tug on his curls harder. "Just like that baby- fuck! always making me feel so good." I cry out and buck my hips forward needing even more.
He wraps his arms around my thighs as he laps his tongue against my folds then teases my hole with the tip of his tongue. "Amor por favor- te necesito tanto." I whine and pout making him give me a wink. (Love please- I need you so bad)
I whimper and try to buck my hips forward but he holds me down, "fuck-"
I then see him buck his hips up and pull his sweatpants down along with his boxers. I smiled then quickly moaned at the sight once he started to grind against the mattress. Holy fuck-
"Mmm Miguel~ no pares por favor-" I moan and close my eyes, laying my head onto my plush pillow as he continues devouring my pussy.  (don’t stop please)
I feel my orgasm build up in my abdomen as he continues thrusting himself onto the mattress. Him doing that was leaving me an even bigger mess. Can he get anymore perfect?
Suddenly he pulls out making me spill out whiny little pleads as he lifted himself up and climbed on top of me. He lifted my legs up and spread them wide before pressing them back.
He gave me a look and I immediately took hold of my legs as he was teasing my poor hole with the tip of his already hard cock. "Miguel no juegues conmigo- te necesito tanto por favor ya-" (don't play with me- I need you so much please go-)
And he slammed into me without another word. We both moan as he let me adjust for a solid second before pulling back and slamming right back into me again. "Fuck!!"
"Pobrecita, me necesitabas tanto mami?" He grunts and I nod, letting out whimpers as grips onto my legs to help him pound into me. (Poor girl you needed me so badly?)
"Siempre te necesito-" I mutter and give him a smile before he starts going faster, thrusting his hips into me. (I always need you-)
He groans and starts pounding into me leaving me a whimpering mess as I tried my hardest to keep quiet. But as always he didn't care and always wanted me to be heard. So everyone knew who I belonged to.
"No te calles ahora nena-" he moans out and rolls his eyes back, "Mmm quiero que tus vecinos nunca se olviden a quien perteneces." he groans making me clench against him. (Don't shut up now baby girl- I want your neighbors to never forget who you belong to)
"Oh fuck!! Miguel- mmm Miguel soy toda tuya-" I cried out and felt my legs begin to shake. (I'm all yours)
"Yes you fucking are." He murmurs and fucks me deeper but slows down.
I then feel my orgasm nearing with every thrust, and I cried out for him, "Miguel! I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me pretty girl- be my perfect girl and cum for me." He moans and with one final deep thrust I felt him fill me up as my orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks.
I was on the verge of tears as my legs violently shook and I was completely breathless. Holy shit-
He was breathing heavily as he went down to kiss the back of my leg. I whimpered and clenched against him making him sigh. He then helped me bring my legs down and then slowly pulled out of me.
All his cum leaked out and dripped down to my asshole but I wasn't really thinking about that. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me gently. I melted into his touch and closed my eyes, letting him embrace me as my breathing calmed down.
"Love and adore you more and more every day my perfect girl." Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.
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I woke up the next morning to the spot next to me empty, it always made me sad how he usually slipped out when I fall asleep because he didn't want to get caught by either of my parents leaving in the morning.
But then I hear footsteps coming closer to my room and I wipe my eyes before letting out a yawn as my door opened.
In comes Miguel with a tray of food and I gasp, a smile forming on my face as he grins and walks over to your side of the bed. "You stayed." I say and grin up at him as he sets up the legs of the tray on each side of my legs.
"How could I not?" He says and pecks my lips softly before taking a seat by my legs.
He grabs a strawberry from the bowl and plops it into his mouth before picking up another and brings it to my mouth. I open my mouth and gladly take it, savoring it's sweetness before cutting up a piece of the mini waffles he made. "You're the best boyfriend ever yknow?"
He grins and shrugs, "only for you mami, now until forever."
My heart melts and I stare at him lovingly as I take the first bite of the waffles. "Forever." I say and grab his hand making him intertwine our fingers together.
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"Tráeme un paquete de chorizo y queso fresco porfis!" I tell Miguel as I pick up some fresh veggies and he just nods, was about to head off when he looks over at a cucumber and nudges me. (Bring me a pack of chorizo and fresh cheese please)
"Me dio una idea....." he whispers into my ear and I just scoff and slap his shoulder playfully. (I just got an idea....)
"No empieces con tus tonterías aquí de todos lados." I whisper fast and stuff some bell peppers into a bag. (Do not start with your dumb shit here of all places)
"Porque?" He whined making me roll my eyes. (Why?)
"Ya sabes porque. Estamos en la calle..." I say and he smirks. (You know why. We're in public...)
"Eso no dijiste la última semana.." he says and I gasp, slapping his arm and glaring at him. (That's not what you said last week..)
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
Behind Blue Eyes
(Part.1)(Part 2)(Part 3)
Time written- 7:40 p.m.
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Titans!Jason Todd/fem!reader angst/fluff
You get a notification pop up on your phone screen during your downtime. An unidentified number via a text, making you sit up in your computer chair in question.
Coordinates, accompanied by a specified time. Nothing more.
Why? You didn’t really know. You wish you could come up with a logical response, rather than blatant stupidity and lack of better judgement. You could’ve showed this text to Babs or Dick.
Or Dawn, Kory, or Connor even.
Literally anyone who would be just as confused as you were that you got this text out of the blue, as you had done nothing but lounge in front of the batcomputer for merely an hour.
You head towards this location, despite your said lack of better judgement. The hour was late, sirens merely an echo in your ears as you drive towards said destination; a broad road in between abandoned warehouses in the slums of Gotham.
Not even the crooks or drug fiends roamed this neck of the woods, not yet at least. Instantly upon your arrival, the hairs rise along the back of your neck, your eyes shifting around for any movement of a stranger making their presence known.
I’m here. You text the number, keeping your foot prepared to leave the break and book it.
Go home.
Those two words shortly arrive after three minutes of glancing up and around you before returning back to your phone.
“Are you serious??” You mutter in disbelief at your screen, shoulders slumping as you tilt your head back in irritation against the headrest.
A prank. This has to be. A damn, fucking prank.
You sulk in your drivers seat after pulling off towards somewhere more open and friendly, a local gas station parking lot. Having your laptop with you in the car, you might as well do what you should’ve done in the first place. Search the IP address for who the fucking hell sent you those texts.
Pure, unfiltered regret shoots got throughout your chest the second you pinpoint the location of the sender, instantly recognizing the address of the phone owner was at. Your address, to your own home.
You always had a home at the tower, but you took it upon yourself to need your own space; a small apartment on a rarely quiet street. A place to get away from it all, a place you called your own, a place you vanished off towards to mourn what you’ve lost.
The only people who were of the place were the only two people who desperately relied on your expertise; Barbara and Dick.
Up until recently, the only other person used to be Jason, mostly keeping you up most nights through phone calls ranging from random rants about emotional topics, to nonsense, to falling asleep to his voice as he ranted about said nonsense.
So, you go home, feeling increasingly uncomfortable at the reality of your personal safe space being invaded by an intruder. Was this some joke? Some cruel trick?
You had half a mind to call Dick right now, letting at least someone other than yourself of the situation. Hell, you didn’t even have to go home, you could’ve driven straight towards the tower.
Again, you needed much better judgement.
You pull a pistol you carried inside your book bag along with your house keys, your nerves nearly betraying you upon sight of your living room lamp near the closed curtain window turned on. A criminal would’ve left the door unlocked, or on the floor after breaking it off the hinges. No, someone took the liberty to distract you enough to invade your apartment, the perpetrator waiting just inside.
Your forearm instinctively blocks a larger one the second you walk through your short entryway, pushing against you with impressive strength. Caring less about your book bag falling to the ground once you shrug it off, relying on your training to strike the intruder.
The leather clad intruder evaded your strikes, wrestling against your attacks, but never struck. Never harmed quite yet.
He pulls the gun out of your hand after you strike his helmet once with it, the blunt blow slightly ringing through the metal. Tossing the weapon to the side, he blocks one of your punches by catching your fist, his gloved fingers pushing back against yours, not squeezing more than he intends not to.
You shove him back just enough towards to where he stumbles against your lamp stand, resulting in a bulb busting as it hits the ground.
You scrabble for your gun off the floor, forcing distance in between the two of you as you aim, halting him in place right when he got his bearings. Your lungs burned after such a short, adrenaline inducing routine. Your busted lamp providing a dim glow in your dark living room, but giving enough light to view the intruder.
A tall man, slightly scrawny, more muscular even in his padded suit, stood in the middle of your living room. Leather, ranging from chocolate brown to maroon, decorated his body in various pieces of his suit. All topped with a bright, cherry red mask, topped with milky, emotionlessly narrowed eyes.
Who the hell was this??
What the fuck did he possibly want from you??
“Where’d you learn those moves, computer geek?” His modulated voice rang through the air, hiding his identity from your puzzled thoughts.
“Fuck does it matter?” You exhale, still panting from this dangerous struggle. You held the upper hand in this, now you wanted answers.
“It matters,” he replies. “Who taught you? Was it Dick? Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s tried to make some moves on you.”
The masked stranger then holds up a bullet packed magazine, wiggling it a little in his hand. “Need to work on your awareness some more.”
Huh? Your hands glance over towards your gun, your nerves whirring a little more at this daunting realization. Your brain went from processing how this stranger knew about Dick, towards such an unprecedented disarm.
“What the hell do you want?” You demand, trying to maintain your slightly wavering composure.
“To talk.” He says as he tosses the ammo clip towards the carpet before taking a step forward, resulting you in stepping back, reaching the edge to your kitchen.
“What…?” You question, a faint tremble in your tone as you remember just where the knives were, preparing to run towards them if needed.
“To just talk.”
Your hand wavered again, nerves trembling into overdrive. You had to have had at least one bullet in the chamber, just one. You had nothing else on you, your panic growing worse the closer the intruder got—
He shoved your hand aside, your finger involuntarily firing towards your floor. A harsh pop burst through both your eardrums, the pistol loudly bursting, shooting a sharp heated sting throughout your palm. You cried out a sharp yelp, dropping the gun with a loud hiss through your teeth.
“Oh shit!!” Two varied voices cried out in unison, followed by a chorus of curses on your end. You nearly sink to the ground, clutching hold of your dominant hand in utter agony.
The stranger winced back with hidden eyes jolted wide at the sight, forcing his reflexes into overdrive.
A shuffle of boots rush towards you, panic trifling through his veins. He calls your name with concern, making you freeze shortly after his hands clutch your shoulders, purely out of concern rather than intentions of intentionally harming you.
Two things quickly occurred to you; a loud thud nearly didn’t register to you when his helmet was pulled off and carelessly tossed to the side, and his voice.
Your head tilted up, teary, pained eyes widened in horror at who you gazed up at. It was as if all the photos, all the silly videos you’ve saved of one another came to life right before you, peering down at you with furrowed brows, curly brown hair, and mortified blue eyes.
Various emotions coursed through your veins, all overrun by incredible waves of denial and a chorus of overwhelming grief. Guilty grief.
You thought he was dead. You thought you unintentionally aided in his death when you helped him find the Joker all so long ago. You believed that for so long, even when everyone insisted that he had done it himself. Jason Todd had it coming.
You never thought that, refusing to believe otherwise. You thought you had killed him, your closest friend in such a short amount of time ever since you talked him off the ledge.
But here he was; eyes blown wide, his breathing gone rapid as he clutched onto your wrist, assessing the damage he unintentionally caused.
Your involuntary tremors caused the single bullet in the chamber to jam, which also quickly revealed to be faulty. A kaboom, the rarest of misfires; the pistol bursting in your palm, a convex dent with a jammed bullet inside now forgotten on the floor.
“Holy fuck,” Jason pants out, holding onto your hand, putting pressure. “Shit. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t think. I-I didn’t want this to happen—“
“What the fuck..?” You exhale, pure shock setting in, mingling with the pain. Jason’s wild eyes were too focused on checking over for injuries. Thankfully, thankfully, their wasn’t much. It could’ve gone worse; missing fingers, shrapnel lodged through skulls type worse.
“Jason?” You expressed yourself once more, waves of anger quickly settling in once you came to terms that he was alive. Here, in your apartment, breathing in air through his lungs with a beating heartbeat in his chest.
He was the one who led you through that suspenseful goose chase, just to break into your damn apartment?? This was how he’d reveal he was alive, by nearly causing you a severed hand??
“Jason! What the fuck, Jason?!”
“I know, I know! Shit,” his voice trembled, his distressed mind mortified at this happening. This incident solidified his fears of hurting those he grew close to, those he allowed to get too close.
Hell, Jason wasn’t even sure what he was thinking, coming into your apartment, leading you astray like that. He knew you’d have a gun, but he should’ve assumed the worst out of the worst. It’s what he unintentionally always had done.
He fully expected to get shot, not this. Not hurt the only girl who never would’ve done anything to hurt him, that much he knew. Why betray someone you saved from death?
“Jason!!” You cried out his name, fat tears spilling down your cheeks, your heart pouring out along with your pain. This bastard could’ve at least called, not cost you your dominant hand!
“I know, baby. I know, I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean this!” Jason’s hand grasped the back of your head, clutching you close towards himself. Your voice erupted into a chorus of loud, broken sobs against him, his bat painted chest catching nearly every tear.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Jason couldn’t stop chanting into your hair, his flushed eyes welling up with his own grief and guilt, his breathing quick and ragged.
You were the luckiest girl in the world right now, your hand would be alright, lacking any severe cuts or visible evidence of broken fingers.
“I’m so, so sorry.” He couldn’t stop babbling endless apologies, feeling your unaffected hand grasp tightly along his jacket. He reeked of gunpowder and cologne, the same cologne you smelled on an article of clothing you borrowed from him after he slept over once, refusing to wash it after he had supposedly died.
You wanted to know how, wanting to screech out millions of questions, but no plausible words could possibly leave your quivering mouth.
It mattered little now.
The unmasked man remained slump on his knees for as long as needed, cradling your trembling body from the terrors of calamity. It mattered little for a moment as to why he was wearing what he was wearing, your growing urge to punch him in his stupidly handsome face, just to see his functioning body create a bruise.
Hitting him for his stupidities felt so much better than him in the cold, hard ground where the Joker had left him. His bulky arms cradling you like a war wounded girl was better than sobbing yourself to sleep on another cold night.
Jason nearly wanted you to shoot him right now as payback, but consoling you with endless apologies was now his main priority. His dearest friend, his little computer geek. His girl.
You could kill him later, he’d hand you a fully functioning pistol himself. For now, he quietly sobs against your head, the base notes of your sweet, perfumed aura flooding his senses.
A habit you never broke, even after his death.
Spraying perfume on your clothes and bedsheets, clinging to his skin for the rest of the day after you spent time with each other, doing something as simple as reading from the same book.
The very same book that sat untouched on your vanity desk. A laminated bookmark humbly holding onto the last place Jason left off on.
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