#iori takarada
sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Release Date: August 25, 2023
♛ Arashi Komiyama (CV: Shoya Chiba) ♛ Sora Kirishima (CV: Yuto Uemura) ♛ Iori Takarada (CV: Soma Saito) ♛ Haruhi Kaji (CV: Yoshiki Nakajima) ♛ Towa Sebumi (CV: Gakuto Kajiwara) ♛ Mirai Zaizen (CV: Ryohei Kimura) ♛ Kairi Kurahashi (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi) ♛ Kagura Takatsuki (CV: Takuya Eguchi) ♛ Tomoe Miyazono (CV: Yuya Hirose) ♛ Oshiro Sakaki (CV: Yuuichirou Umehara)
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odorekijin · 2 years
[December 2022] Members’ Tweets Archive
Find all of the members' tweets posted during December 2022 compiled here! Follow the members' official twitter account, or check out my twitter for the latest translation, fresh out of the oven!
★ week two ★ week three ★ week four
#永久 こんにちは 永久です 俺たちを応援してくれる みんなのこと しりたいです 好きなおかしは なんですか🐶#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/iwIcwySCI3
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 12, 2022
TOWA: hello it's Towa i want to get to know you all better as Our Fans what are your Favorite sweets?🐶
#永久 たくさんのおへんじ ありがとうございました 霧島くんたちと たべてみます#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/a4gXcRbFlZ
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 13, 2022
TOWA: thank you for all your replies i will try them out with Kirishima-kun and the others
MIRAI reply to TOWA:
#未來 瀬文がおもしれーことしてるから 俺も乗っかるー!! みんなに質問! どんな時、音楽聴きてえなーってなる?#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/8dKfBox2jg
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 13, 2022
MIRAI: Since Sebumi kicked off a fun li'l bit, I'll jump on the bandwagon—!! Here's a question fer you guys! When d'ya feel like listenin' to music?
MIRAI quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#未來 おまえらありがとうなぁ!! 曲作りの参考にになった😆👊 がんばるわ!!#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/ju8L5hPBNt
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 14, 2022
MIRAI: Thanks a bunch y'all!! I'll use your recs as inspo for my own composition 😆👊 I'll do my best to keep up!!
#旺士朗 はいはーい!! 俺も聞きたいことありまーす!! 今まででもらって嬉しかった プレゼントはなんすか!? 印象に残ってるモンがあれば ぜひ教えてください!!!#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/zvbA5KP47h
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 14, 2022
OSHIRO: AWWWRIGHT AWRIGHT!! I've got a question fer all y'all too!! What's the bestest of best gift you've ever received!? If ya ever got any outta this world present, I'm all ears!!!
OSHIRO quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#旺士朗 たくさん回答していただいてあざーっす! 人それぞれでおもしれーなー!!! 俺もクリスマスに向けて、 お世話んなってる色ノ葉の先輩たちに なにをあげるか考えてみます!!#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/G366RGYFOT
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 15, 2022
OSHIRO: Thanks fer all yer replies! It's crazy how different each 'n every peeps can be—! That bein' said, I'm tryna figura out what kinda Christmas gift I can get fer all my Ironoha senpais!!
#巴 なんか流れに沿ってやれってさ。 本当うざいなここの奴ら。 あんたらに質問とかないから 俺の言うこと聞いて。 このツイートに、 飼ってる動物または好きな動物の写真をつけること。#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/7aFhEmp7i8
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 15, 2022
TOMOE: I've got told that I should tag along this whole questioning ordeal. Ugh, they're all sooo annoying, seriously. I don't have any question for you, so just pay attention to my words: Post a picture of your pet or your favorite animal under this tweet.
TOMOE quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#巴 意外とたくさん返事くるもんだね。 あとで見ておくわ。#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/Jg3rkWP8k4
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 16, 2022
TOMOE: That's a surprising amount of replies, huh. I'll give them a look later.
#宙 宮苑くんがすっごいデレデレした顔で 端末を凝視してました😌 一体なにがあったんでしょう! 僕からの質問は、 みなさんの得意料理はなんですか、です! 写真つきのツイートも大歓迎です✨ お待ちしてまーす!#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/FlKddLp7Yu
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 16, 2022
SORA: Miyazono-kun was in his own little world there, and there was no way to take his eyes off his screen 😌 What in the world happened to him, I wonder! My question to you all is: "what's the dish you always nail?" ! Feel free to show us pictures as well✨ I look forward to your replies!
SORA quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#宙 ご回答ありがとうございました✨ 僕も料理の腕を磨こうと思います! この前も手作りの クッキーを永久さんにあげたんです。 なのに逃げられちゃって……悲しいです😭#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/vIqpwysPq2
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 17, 2022
SORA: Thank you very much for all your replies✨ I, too, have honed my cooking skills, I think! Earlier today, Towa-san and I baked a cake we made ourselves. Yet, the batter ended up leaking out... We were so defeated😭
#嵐 宙、てめえは二度とキッチンに立つな。 俺からの質問。 最近のマイブーム、書いてくれ。#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/fUqRrE6Ojx
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 17, 2022
ARASHI: Sora, whatcha doin' in the kitchen again. Here goes my question: what's yer latest obsession? Write 'em in the replies, thanks.
ARASHI quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#嵐 へー。色々あるんだな。 勉強になるわ。 この間、旺士朗とそういう話になってさ。 ちょっと気になって聞いてみた。#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/zqgXc8D2TB
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 18, 2022
ARASHI: Huuuh, you bunch got a lot goin' on. Welp, I learnt a lot, gotta say. I asked the same thing to Oshiro the other day. I was kinda curious 'bout what he'd answer so I gave it a shot, y'know.
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#海吏 海吏きゅんからのしっつもーん!👻💜 おすすめの東京土産っつったらなーんだ? もらったやつとか、 食べてみたいのでもおっけー🥳 よろちくぅ👀👏#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/wERNwcqL7U
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 19, 2022
KAIRI: Here's your question from your Kairi-kyuuun!👻💜 What kinda souvenir do you recommend to bring back from Tokyo? Objects or food you'd wanna try, tweet 'em aaall my way🥳 I'll be on the lookout👀👏
KAIRI quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#海吏 いっぱい答えてくれてさんきゅう!!🥳 大阪戻るときパピーとマミーに いっぱい買ってこ〜〜👻#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/3FjWS2K9Gz
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 20, 2022
KAIRI: Thanksies for aaall your replies!! 🥳 I'll buy lots of these for Pappy and Mammy before I return to Osaka~~ 👻
#神楽 東京土産といったら虎屋だろう。 質問だ。 ラーメンに入れる 定番の��を教えてくれ。#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/oWZD4cc7il
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 20, 2022
KAGURA:If you wish to bring back a souvenir from Tokyo, it can be none other than sweets from the Toraya Confectionery.(1) Here is my question: What ingredients do you usually put in your ramen?
(1) Toraya is a Japanese confectionery company founded in the 16th century, now established in Tokyo.  ↑
KAIRI reply to KAGURA:
#海吏 つっまんねー質問してんな🤮 てめぇラーメンとか食わねーっつってたべ🤮 クソツマはきめぇけど 虎屋の羊羹はうますぎぃ🥹👏#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/hKrVsjVhYd
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 20, 2022
KAIRI: How can you make a bland question fall even more flat seriously 🤮 You don't even eat ramen and the likes, you literally said that once 🤮 Anyway you may be gross and stuff, but I can at least recommend the yoken from there(1), it's hella good 🥹👏
(1) Yokan is a Japanese dessert made from sweet red bean paste.  ↑
KAGURA quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#神楽 情報提供、感謝する。 最近、手作りラーメンの研究している。 そのうち宝田に試食してもらうつもりだ。#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/PNm9GrzV9q
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 21, 2022
KAGURA: Thank you for providing me with such valuable information, I greatly appreciate it. In fact, I have been delving into homemade ramen these past few days. I intend to have Takarada try one of them soon.
#春飛 こんにちはー! 俺からは質問じゃないんだけど、 みんなにとっての 思い出深い景色を教えてー!#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/JobIiF97KP
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 21, 2022
HARUHI: HeLLOOOー! I don't really have a question, but I'd like to hear your personal, most indelible moment—!
HARUHI quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#春飛 たくさん教えてくれてありがとー! 俺もちょ���と前に過去を振り返る時間があってさ、 思い出の場所巡りしたんだよねー! みんなにはそういうのあるのかなーって 気になって聞いてみた!#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/WuS523tG1U
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 22, 2022
HARUHI: Thanks for sharing all these memories—! I also took some time to reflect on my own past not so long ago, and boy was a trip down memory lane—! That's what prompted my question: I was curious to see if everyone felt the same way as I did!
#伊織 せっかくだから 俺も聞いてみようかな。 みんなは、年末年始は何をする予定?#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/v6WaaBSvWD
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 22, 2022
IORI: I should also raise a question of my own, since we're all participating, shouldn't I? What are your plans for the New Year's holiday, everybody?
IORI quote-retweeting his own tweet:
#伊織 教えてくれてありがとう。 みんなのことが知れて嬉しかった。 なんかいいな、こういうの。 みんな良いお年を。#カラソニ日常 https://t.co/gDzP3iwE3m
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 23, 2022
IORI: Thank you for sharing your plans with me, I'm always happy to know more about you all. That kind of break does sound nice indeed... I wish you all a very happy new year.
#未來 今年もたくさんメッセージくれて ありがとなああ!!!😆👊 色ノ葉のメンバーからも 祝ってもらったぞ!! ステーキとケーキ食って、 最高の誕生日だ!!!#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/bxC2NafN6q
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 24, 2022
MIRAI: Thanks fer aaall yer messages this year as well!!!😆👊 The guys from Ironoha all celebrated with me too!! I ate steak and cake, that seriously was the best birthday ever!!!
#海吏 やべーケーキ食いすぎた🤮🤮🤮 さすがの海吏きゅんも 胃もたれしちまったわ🎄 みんなのとこにはサンタきた??🎅 海吏きゅんは 新しいイヤホンげっと〜〜🥳🙏#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/QTCMykdsWY
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 25, 2022
KAIRI: I pigged out on wayyy too much cake🤮🤮🤮 Well duh, no wonder why Kairi-kyun's stomach is all upside down 🎄 Did Santa visit you guys??🎅 Kairi-kyun got new earphones~~🥳🙏
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#春飛 クリスマスが終わると一気に お正月ムードだねー。 来年も賑やかになりそう。 今から来年が楽しみだな。 久々にギターでも弾いちゃお。#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/HIuEucDOR3
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 26, 2022
HARUHI: The Christmas spirit barely toned down, and I'm already in the mood for the New Year festivities. Looks like next year's going to be busy for us again. Gotta say, I'm looking forward to it now. It's been a long while since I've last played the guitar.
#神楽 年末の大掃除をしている。 日頃より掃除を心がけているおかげか、 さほど大変な作業ではない。 来年も同じような生活を心がけたいものだ。#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/qHJkHoXkWG
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 27, 2022
KAGURA: I am currently doing my annual new year's cleaning. I made a habit of regularly cleaning, after all, so this much is no daunting task to me. I wish to bring that same lifestyle with me into the next year.
#永久 霧島くんの おうち あそびにきています こたつ はじめて ぽかぽか みかん おいしいです 🍊#カラソニ日常 pic.twitter.com/oJfUmrvekS
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 28, 2022
TOWA: i came to visit Kirishima-kun's home and i stayed for a bit the kotatsu was new to me it was nice and warm madarins are yummy 🍊
#未來 俺たちのこれまでの 楽曲制作の歴史が詰まったドラマが、 期間限定でまるっと聴けるらしいぞ!👊✨ 振り返ってみると色々あったよな。 まだ聞いたことない話があるやつは、 ぜひ聴いてみてくれ!!https://t.co/K55Hk9eXZW#カラソニ日常
— 東京カラーソニック!!【メンバー】 (@tcs_member) December 30, 2022
MIRAI: Looks like you guys can listen to the full-length of our music production stories up 'til now, and for a limited time only!👊✨ We really went through a bunch of stuff, huh. To anyone who's missed a story or two, make sure to give it a listen now!! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOEjTXNkzCO3WUieVvfSrnuE1Jq91OlN0
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dark-frosted-heart · 7 months
Hope y’all don’t mind if I make another one of these posts
Morganatic Idol-focused singing roles (A3!'s not singing related but there's so much music that I might as well include it). Note that not all the roles are included.
Characters listed clockwise
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Xeno: Kai Akizuki (ACTORS), Tenma Sumeragi (A3!), Shiki Takamura (Tsukipro), Nagi Rokuya (i7), Miroku Shingari (B-project), Wataru Hibiki (Enstars)
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Ivy: Silve (Technoroid), Rui Maita (iM@s SideM), Chaoyang Li (I-Chu)
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Jace: Saku Uruha (I-Chu), Tsuzuru Minagi (A3!), Eichi Horimiya (Tsukirpo), Minami Natsume (i7), Yuduki Teramitsu (B-project), Kanata Shinkai (Enstars)
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Finn: Kairi Kurahashi (Tokyo Color Sonic), Juza Hyodo (A3!), Shu Izumi (Tsukipro), Rui Hinagi (Hana-Doll*), Yoshikazu Isa (Aoppella), Badobaram (Fragaria Memories)
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Hugh: Arashi Komiyama (Tokyo Sonic Drive), Rokuta (Paradox Live), Hayato Akiyama (iM@s SideM), Akane Fudo (B-Project), Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
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Miu: Runa Kagurazaka (I-Chu), Soichiro Shinonome (iM@s SideM), INORIN (Fabulous Night), Saburo Yamada (Hypmic), Aira Shiratori (Enstars)
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Hitaki: Iori Takarada (Tokyo Sonic Drive), Tatsumi Madarao (I-Chu), Tsubasa Okui (Tsukipro), Gentaro Yumeno (Hypmic), Yuta and Hinata Aoi (Enstars), Tenn Kujo (i7)
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Nagi: Dice Arisugawa (Hypmic)
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hadukilina · 2 years
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Arashi Komiyama (CV. Shoya Chiba)
Sora Kirishima (CV. Uemura Yuto)
Iori Takarada (CV. Saito Soma)
Haruhi Kaji (CV. Nakajima Yoshiki)
Towa Sebumi (CV. Kajiwara Gakuto)
Mirai Zaizen (CV. Kimura Ryohei)
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insi-winsy · 2 years
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Back at it again with the tokyo color sonic drawings
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paquerettexx · 3 years
In the funny world, become a buddy. We can change any era and this world.
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free to use but a like or reblog would be greatly appreciated 🌸
[open the image for better quality 💕]
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pxrifiedmxniac · 4 years
tag dump... (part 3)
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hydnasidomt1976 · 2 years
Asian wife doing wild things here!
New Post has been published on https://andrewchristianhal.eu/asian-wife-doing-wild-things-here/
Asian wife doing wild things here!
Asian wife doing wild things here! Chinese wifey hotwife movies!
This japanese wife pornography is totally ultra-kinky! Japanese wife gangbang for nasty and slutty damsels! Japanese cockslut wife gets what she deserves! 119:25Uncensored Gorgeous Young Wifey Iori Kogawa Gets Creampie In Front Of Her Vulnerable HusbandUncensored 128:25141:09Housewife Hypnotized And Brainwashed ChineseHairy 33:26993_NSPS001_1104_Mature WifeWife 44:43[English Subtitle JAV] I Want To Impregnate My Son-in-law’s Wife — JuliaJapanese 155:19Nsps-996 I Will Lend My Wife A Wife Soiled By A Manual Employee Greatest Edition – Takarada Arisa, Konno Hikaru And Tsubaki KatouMILF 127:18112:01Step Father And The Beautiful WifeJapanese 124:33Esposa japonesa disfruta del negro jefe de su maridoWife 94:18Wife lured by husband friendsMILF 59:43Waaa-135 Good-sized Breast Wife Part 2 – Yoshine YuriaInterracial 76:5610:27big bra-stuffers wife fucked by father in law while her husband sleeping next to heAsian 114:01Sprd-1197 My Mom-in-law Is Much Nicer Than My WifeHairy 121:52Repayment Of Debt For Husband… – Wifey – Celebrity Xxl Alice Fell Down OzawaJapanese 25:29203:24Aimi Yoshikawa NHDTB-051 A Beautiful Wife’s Blowjob That She Got AteHardcore 119:10My wife is also my sisterWife 71:37JULIA Wife Gigantic Tits Molten Springs Travel AffairFetish 11:12Wife fuck father in law while spouse SleepBig Tits 59:27113:31Rin Ogawa – Married Woman Office Female (japanese erotic movie)Wife 118:19Hottest Japanese girl Mako Oda in Fabulous big tits, wifey JAV gigFor Lex 118:38200:08wife friend japanese fuck hard epicBig Butt 120:03Jav Ntr – My Wife Got Fucked By The Neighborhood Workers With Rika AimiHairy 11:14Cuckold Japanese Housewife (Full: bit. ly/2OLHRrg)Japanese 137:09120:20Japanese wife taken and usedMature 99:42Wife Which Was Nestled In The Boss For Her Spouse – is. gd/rkoFEDGroup Sex 148:25A Story In Which A Wife Was Taken Down Like In A NovelStraight 93:28Wife To Go Mad Rising Superb Peek At His Wifey Magic Mirror Cry Rising Teyo Fellate The Beef Whistle (voyeurism) Massage Swapping Wife Interchanging Is Not To Namanama Do Not Fit The RubberJapanese 48:27Busty wife knew. Bondage has been a sheer pleasure to be fuck. 1Tied Up 109:47119:42NGOD-117 My Wifey And I Went Back Home To The Country And There My Nephew Welcomed Us Back But His Panting Perspiring Stares At My Wife Made Me AwkwardHD 51:2394:18Wife seduced by husband homiesMILF 91:48Yuriko Shiomi – Japanese Wife Got Fucked TwoWife 117:15HBAD-310 It Is Plowed In Front Of The Massive Wife HusbandJapanese 106:33ADN-139 Please Forgive MeWife 104:55Please Forgive Me Hana Haruna Japanese Wife HotwifeCensored 114:5674:3840:22111:44Cute housewife Yuuka Osawa has creampie hookup with a neighbor. Straight 138:19Wife’s Older Sister’s Unmatched Daring Affair AllurementHD 126:58Aimi Yoshikawa PORN-002 Holding His Brother’s WifeHardcore 109:47110:04JUY-052 Mizuno Asahi Committed To The BossWife 90:06120:11Jav young gal charwomanMILFs 90:44NSPS-615 At The End Of The Marriage Of A Yr 20 YearsJapanese 60:00Japanese drama – Father in law and wifeJapanese 158:49NSPS-759 172 Cm Cutie Wife – Kamihata IchikaAsian 136:43Minami​ ayase​ my​ wife​ got​ gang boinked at​ a​ dinner partyPublic 119:14Perfect Chinese Wife Pleases Her Man At Home. Censored. Utter MovieHD 144:23Ndra-047 A Wife Nine Who Has Become A Mistress Of A Neighbor 9 – It Is Twisted And A Ample Schlong Jingu Temple NaoStockings 160:39Asian Wife Needs Some Supreme Fuck And BdsmMILF 114:5642:05Nozomi Tanihara In Asian English Subtitle Jav Wife Pummeled By OldMILF 110:04JUY-052 Mizuno Asahi Committed To The BossWife 88:10SHKD-750 Jailbreaker Yagami SaoriWife 109:47121:19251147 Bang Son’s Wife – youpornwisdom. comStraight 99:09110:57NSPS 889 – I let my Boss Tear Up my Young Wife – Ai MukaiHD 136:2863:39My Wifes Younger Step-sister Pressed Me – Docp-258bFacial 68:36Wonderful Japanese chick Kaede Oshiro, Megumi Shino, Hitomi Kitagawa in Best Puny Tits JAV sceneCensored 62:04Ayano Nana Sweet Daughter-in-law-in-law – Beautiful Wifey Of Functional Novel Son TemptationJapanese 95:06125:11Cum Shot Next to Her Hubby SleepingStraight 149:57japamese wife been banged by strangersStraight 119:10JAV wifey having affair with husbands bossJapanese 98:15NSPS-636 With That Person You DislikeWife 99:24Hotwife saves the marriageWife 90:24hot korean doll shared by two dudesSoftcore 124:06120:29Sprd-704 Ashina Wife Yulia Is Mistress Of Yakuza In An Ultra-orthodox Functional Married Female Erotic Photo Scroll TravelingThreesome 129:27Yuma​ asami​ wife​ were sold in​ soaplandMILFs 153:52Married Wife Of A General Feeling ZoneZone 55:44Before my wifey come home someone know her name? Straight 82:06122:5567:01128:01Family Strange Happy!! Ikegami Wife Sakurako Is Pie The Embraced Also Bro Of The Spouse-Embraced By SonJapanese 41:13Japanese Stellar Cheating Wife Next DoorJapanese 106:28The hungry wife was taken by her -in-lawMILF 118:02RBD-418 The stepson’s wife was humiliated and eventually took the initiative!HD 15:25106:33ADN-139 Sate Forgive MeWife 90:41NSPS-486 Take Away The Daughter-in-lawWife 163:10AV FULLHD Young Wives Sold In Debt, 6 GIRLS, Six FashionThreesomes
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calculotiius-blog · 7 years
tag dump!!
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Tokyo Color Sonic!! Moments song series "daybreak"
Release Date: April 21, 2023
✨ Iori Takarada (CV: Soma Saito)
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years
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My guess for the final roster in Kill la Kill the Game: IF.
Characters I’m preeeetty certain will make it in:
Shiro Iori
Mako Mankanshoku
Aikuro Mikisugi 
Tsumugu Kinagase
Ragyo Kiryuin
Nui Harime
Characters I’m not so sure will make it in, but maybe they will:
Rei Hououmaru
Takaharu Fukuroda
Omiko Hakodate
Kaneo Takarada
Maiko Ogure
Characters I’m suuuuper not sure will make it in:
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musicfought · 5 years
What are some KLK muses you'd like to see pop up?
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LOADED QUESTION !!! pretty much everyone ( except for r*gyo, she can fucking choke ) ! however !!! i guess i cooould make a list . . .          gamagori ( !!! ) , mako , aikuro , tsumugu , iori ( !!! ) , and someone silly / stupid like takarada or hakodate . 
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backhandbaby-blog · 8 years
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that,please repost instead of reblogging!
ryouma hoshi - dangan ronpa (here you fucking dingus....)
gonta gokuhara - dangan ronpa (@gontakun) 
dangan ronpa oc 1 - Toyo Onohara (@h8tman, not very active)
dangan ronpa oc 2 - Nori Higashiyama (@kabukimonno, won’t be very active until mgc picks up again)
inasa yoarashi - boku no hero academia
other than that i have no idea l m a o
i’ve submitted my dangan ronpa ocs to a bunch of things so i might play those soon!
horuss - homestuck (this was in 2013 dont ask)
iori shiro - kill la kill
kaneo takarada - kill la kill (once, briefly. it was fun)
kazuichi souda - dangan ronpa
detective!teruteru hanamura - dangan ronpa (talentswap)
one million ocs 
super high school level impostor - dangan ronpa
none of em probably most of them are relics of the past
TAGGED BY : i stole this from @desbearer lol
TAGGING: if u are wearing pants consider urself tagged
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Tokyo Color Sonic!! Trust Ep.01 Reboost
Release Date: September 22, 2023
📝 Iori Takarada (CV: Soma Saito)
📝 Haruhi Kaji (CV: Yoshiki Nakajima)
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paquerettexx · 3 years
[ unit 2 iori x haruhi ]
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free to use but a like or reblog would be greatly appreciated 🌸
[open the image for better quality 💕]
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pxrifiedmxniac · 7 years
Tag Dump P.1 (KLK Tags)
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