frostspoken · 4 years
@invictarre​ liked for a starter - HERE
“I can’t believe spark hasn’t tried to get a breeding population of these on pogo yet.”
Came the low but clear exclamation from a silver haired individual who was clearly discovering the joy of snom for the first time, Kneeled down on the path to circhester and gently cupping one of the wormy icy insects in two hands as it jingled at them before it earned a golden razz berry for simply existing, Bringing up their modified pokedex (pogo and the go initiative had their own but blanche had further modified the one they owned-) and scanned the snom. Watching as known info filled the screen and this individuals weight/Size/Known moves and even flavor preference flashed across the screen.
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“So that’s what your called, Snom! you are a very fascinating creature, I wonder if you evolve? you should. Most worm pokemon do to some degree, Though i haven’t seen any sign of a possible evolution around...”
It was then they realized they were being observed.
“Ah, Am i blocking the pat..-”
Oh, that was not just a random passerby, THAT was one of galars most important figure heads (Or was but excusing that-). Even from someone who didn’t pay great attention to champions and the like, Leon was not easily mistaken! They resisted the urge to question them about some of the concepts about Gigantamaxing, Instead moving out of the way (And being sure not to accidentally drop the snom in the process-)
“My deepest apologizes.”
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silver-amalgamation · 4 years
@invictarre​ liked for a starter - HERE
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He’d just come out of Professor Sycamore’s lab, Humming contently to himself with a bag slung over one shoulder that held a bunch of tucked away papers on Mega evolution to read over, Though mostly hand over to blanche. He knew how excited they’d be about getting their hands on it, It might seem a odd surprise, But it was one he knew they’d appreciate. Maybe he could go to a café while he was still here? he didn’t have to leave until the next morning after all, So he supposes he could enjoy a little relaxation or maybe go examine the local wildlife? He’s not sure what to do first.
“Oh what to do, So many interesting things and so little time to see them all~ did you have any suggestions tatty?”
He asks this to the old rattata perched on his shoulder who squeaks at him.
“A café then? I suppose you would be hungry.”
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