#into eddie->VICTOR and thus fabian-> rufus in a way that sort of doesnt work but the ways in which it DOES work are OOF OW MY BONES
fakeosirian · 1 year
i'm the number one victor-fabian parallelism girlie but i must admit i was just struck with the bolt of lightning that is victor-eddie parallelism. hear me out:
strained relationship with selfish father (in victor's case too close/controlling, and in eddie's too distant/neglectful)
consequences of that relationship impact sense of identity (victor trying his best to Be his father in many ways, and eddie doing everything he can to be the opposite)
that sense of identity is something of a conscious choice to take "control" over their circumstances in response to that strained relationship (young victor learns to berate/intimidate to get his way (including taking the role of his father to punish himself when he fails), and eddie "chooses" to have a "bad boy" persona and admits to putting up a "forcefield"/that his poor attendance is a conscious aesthetic/lifestyle choice so that people don't expect too much from him in a way that he feels some sense of control over)
also worth noting that the circumstances of the society's founding means that victor was a mentor figure to sweet in his formative years, and sweet himself has a very weird relationship with victor that has this same pattern to it. to avoid victor's ire (because he seeks his approval), he doesn't take action/responsibility as headmaster in situations that he REALLY SHOULD HAVE DONE because he defers to victor (who is most likely making an obviously bad decision that everyone else privy to it is pointing out), in part because he's selfish too and doesn't like dealing with consequences (lol) but also because his loyalty to victor impedes that. but, in situations where his own pride is wounded because of victor (he starts feeling the drawbacks of being a lackey enough to consciously realize he's a lackey), he takes it out on other people, same as victor (and arguably same as eddie) -- notable examples include ALL of the expulsion scenes but especially mara's, the arguments he has with andrews in s1, and just. the entirety of season 3.
i am. not sure what this means yet but it shifted my perception of a large chunk of the show about two inches to the left and reaffirmed the read that this whole time the real treasure in anubis house was the generational trauma and the cycles of abuse we made along the way
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