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wolfiiburr · 6 months ago
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Interlocked - Rough Illustration
Lockett, enjoying a nice cup of tea.
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chrismighton · 2 months ago
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We're in this together
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scaredtodeath666 · 9 months ago
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Lo más bonito que alguien ha escrito para mi, lo siento puro y sincero, no puedo ocultar y negar que leerlo hizo que mi corazón se acelerara y mis ojos brillarán un poco. Han sido semanas difíciles, sin rumbo, sin expectativas de nada, solo vives al día y eso no lo sabías, no tenias idea que estoy pasando....demasiado tiempo sin saber nada de mi y de repente llegas como un pequeña gota de rocío del amanecer desde lo más alto de la copa de un árbol y golpea suelo áspero. Sin imaginar que esa pequeña gota humedeció un poco ese suelo y algo cambió a partir de tu llegada las cosas han cambiado bastante y me ha ayudado a mantenerme de pie a pesar de las adversidades.... se que nuestra situación es demasiado complicada pero no la veo imposible, en este poco tiempo me has demostrado grandes cosas, cosas muy maravillosas que me hacen sentir más vivo que nunca, incluso llegué a preguntar si esto era real, y claro que lo es, te pedía que esto no fuera efímero. Horas después la situación cambia un poco, pero en lugar de responder como en otras ocasiones lo hubiera hecho, lo hago con total serenidad algo me dice que eres tu, y por lo tanto en lugar de dejarme caer, me levantare y luchare por ti, por que eres demasiado real. Real Love. Mol
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im-gonna-eat-you · 1 year ago
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I think they might (be) like eachother
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digitalcreationsllc · 1 year ago
P2Pinfect - New Variant Targets MIPS Devices - Cado Security | Cloud Forensics & Incident Response
Summary A new P2Pinfect variant compiled for the Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS) architecture has been discovered This demonstrates increased targeting of routers, Internet of Things (IoT) and other embedded devices by those behind P2Pinfect The new sample includes updated evasion mechanisms, making it more difficult for researchers to dynamically analyse These include…
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odoraful · 5 months ago
⟡ i wish i can be your sanctuary until the end of time
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⟡ i need to show them i already have a lover
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⟡ let's push the what-ifs to the side
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⟡ we'll just have to blame the moon
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svlc · 1 year ago
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All my little animal patches. Interlocking crochet, size 10 thread.
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interlockingpatches · 11 months ago
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Bed spread (the contents of my sample bag)
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wolfiiburr · 8 months ago
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Interlocked - Brief Encounter Locke stared at the man from the other side of the room as he quickly tried to rationalise a plan of whether to take his leave or use force. Even though he had the advantage with his height and build, there was something about this man that pushed him to act with caution. The man watching him was of average build and appeared to be middle aged. The most obvious of his features were the square shaped holes over where his eyes should have been. It was nothing he had ever seen from his species before. Whilst he seemed uninterested in warranting any trouble with him for the time being, the man's smile was more than slightly off-putting.
"Your name?" Locke asked, remaining tense.
The man's smile only widened and his posture remained stiff. "Lockett."
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zhampip · 11 days ago
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I will begin packing all pre-orders tomorrow! Orders will be sent out in batches on weekdays. This is a lot for me to manage on my own so i appreciate your continued patience 🙏
Once all orders are sent, i will put up spare stock for sale (and open EU sales hopefully O: ) Thanks!
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months ago
godddddddddddd the vibes/agonizing Cinematique Parallels & Contrasts between taash and a romanced lucanis when harding sacrifices herself are just. unspeakable. and excruciating. they keep going through the same experiences, but taash repeatedly watches lucanis get back what he thought he'd lost, disbelievingly, in ways he would never have dared to hope for in his wildest dreams if it had even occurred to him to do so or have those. while they just. don't. nothing ever comes back for them. lucanis gets his tama back he gets rook back he even gets to keep his cousin in some fashion any way it shakes out. and how on earth could you ever begrudge him any of that for even a moment, especially if you had to see his eyes every day while rook was gone. but also here you stand with your empty hands and your burned-out ruin of a heart with nothing to show for all your love but grief and ash. what do you say to each other after something that. what could you possibly say to each other. what the fuck. what the hell.
there are some incredibly painful and difficult things that can happen between all these people even when no one is acting with anything but the best of intentions every step of the way, and it's such a good theme that keeps breaking through in the writing in this game. it doesn't matter if it's true (because of course it isn't, it's just an illogical but understandable emotional reaction), the guilty feeling that your happiness is at the expense of the happiness of someone else you care about is always lurking. we are inextricably linked. for good, and for ill. joy and regret unavoidably intertwined -- you don't get one fully without the other. and taash truly gets. mostly regret, depending on what you do. jesus christ.
also this is why I don't mind the 'lack of conflict' between the main cast at all. that's the fucking point. horrible and heartwrenching things can still happen between people without active malice or harmful intentions or even fundamental disagreements ever entering into it at all. isn't that awful? isn't that painful to sit with? that you can mean no harm and still cause it, even -- sometimes especially -- to people you love? doesn't it fill you with a very specific kind of dread that actions however well-intentioned have consequences you couldn't have forseen but have to live with now anyway and you won't always be the one to pay the price; that's not under your control?
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scaredtodeath666 · 1 year ago
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majinbangus · 11 months ago
Gotta share these close ups of Soap's fingers. Hope you enjoy
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EDIT: need him to grab my wrists like that
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His hand looks so fucking big UGH
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sweetchilituna · 4 months ago
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interlocking filet crochet weeping willow— pattern by @interlockingpatches
4ply green cotton yarn and 2ply black cotton thread
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heavyheavycream · 4 months ago
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feedist kintober 15 : guardian angel
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weekdaysend · 11 months ago
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Good evening everyone.
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