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benkaden · 4 months ago
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Messestadt Leipzig. Interhotel "Stadt Leipzig" ein Haus der INTERHOTEL.
Erlbach i.V.: Dick-Foto-Verlag, Erlbach i.V. (III-23-27 III-10-6 K 1-63 Nr. 6264 F)
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btaut · 5 months ago
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Oberhof, Juli 2024
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 1 year ago
Interhotel für Insekten neu eröffnet
Die ersten Blätter liegen verkrümmt am Boden und kündigen den Herbst als vorletzte Jahreszeit an. Mein regelmäßiger Spaziergang durch den Eichepark am Rande Berlins sorgt für viel frische Luft und ein aufgeräumtes Aufatmen in meinem Innersten. Es dauerte gar nicht lange, da komme ich an einer Brandstelle vorbei. Nur noch ein verkohlter Fahl schaut aus dem Boden. Ich dachte mir noch, dass es wohl die Dorfjugend sei, die aus Langeweile einen Baumstumpf abgefackelt haben. Kurzes Innehalten, dann schwante es mir. Das Insektenhotel, das ich noch im Sommer bewundert habe ist abgebrannt. Der klägliche Rest schaut nun angespitzt und verkohlt aus dem Boden. Wut steigt in mir auf und Traurigkeit umhüllt mich wie eine Tarnkappe. Das Interhotel mit seinen verschiedensten Unterschlupfmöglichkeiten war ein beliebter Anziehungspunkt für Käfer, Spinnen, Schlupfwespen und Bienen, die hier auch überwinterten oder sich in den Schilfröhrchen verpuppten, um im nächsten Jahr auszufliegen. Vor allem Nützlinge nahmen das Hotel dankbar an. Ganz zu schweigen von der Mühe des unbekannten Handwerkers, der dieses Hotel wohl nicht mit einem 3 D Drucker hergestellt hatte. Der Schandfleck bleibt vorerst ein Mahnmal gegen die Dummheit. Das Interhotel ist wieder aufgebaut worden und durch eine Vogelschutzhecke ergänzt worden. Man müsste Gartenzwerge als Sicherungsposten aufstellen. Sie werden dann zur Dämmerung lebendig und bewachen wie einst die sieben Zwerge den Sarg Schneewittchens, bewaffnet mit Säge, Spaten und Spitzhacke. Wohl dem,der es wagt, der Schönheit ein Leid zuzufügen, dem drohe Schlimmes. Hoffen wir auf die Klugheit der Menschen und dass das Hotel ein neues zu Hause für viele Insekten wird.
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dedibelyegei · 1 year ago
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No elég sokat kalandoztunk már a németeknél, viszont NDK-s bélyegek még nem szerepeltek a blogon. EDDIG! Ráadásul ez szintén egy egész nagyszabású éveken átívelő sorozat, melyet több kisebb szakaszban/csoportban adtak ki, nagyrészt 1973-ban és '74-ben, majd némi szünet után '80-ban is, de ebben már ismétlés is volt, más formátumban. Összességében is több azonos bélyeg megjelent eltérő méretekben, vagy nyomásban, léteztek matt és fényes verziók is, szóval volt nagy fennforgás. A sorozatok egyébként Épületek, Berlini épületek, illetve Emlékművek néven futottak. A nagysorozathoz tartozó összes bélyeg, itt látható, összesen 15-féle különböző minta/érték jelent meg - ebben nincsenek benne a különböző nyomási változatok:
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Az én bélyegeim két külön évből, és kollekcióból valók, az első 1980-ból, tehát egy kései és a Köztársasági Palotát ábrázolja 10 pfenningért. Ez a bélyeg nem is jöhetett volna létre előbb, mivel az épületet '73-ban kezdték el építeni és 1976-ban adták át. A stabilizálódó kelet-német állam parlamentjének, új reprezentatív épületre volt szüksége, minthogy a korábbi Berliner Stadtschlosst, még a porosz időkből lebontották a háborúban keletkezett károk, illetve az ideológialiag nem megfelelő múlt reprezentálása végett. Ennek helyére, a mai Múzeumszigetre épült Palast der Republik. Parlamenti funkciója mellett, itt rendezték a Német Szocialista Egységpárt kongresszusait is, illetve különböző nagyszabású kultúrális és szabadidős eseményeket is. 1989-ben aztán az épület pillanatok alatt elvesztette jelentőségét, mivel megszűnt az NDK Népi Kamarájának működése, majd az egyesüléskor életben léptek a jóval szigorúbb nyugat-német előírások. Az épület acélszerkezetét az építéskor 5.000 tonna szórt azbeszttel borították be tűzvédelmi okokból, így 1990 szeptemberében egészségre veszélyes mivolta miatt teljesen lezárták. Évekig érintetlenül állt, majd '98-ban megkezdték azbesztmentesítését, úgy volt hogy valamilyen módon rekonstruálják és új funkciót adnak neki, de 2002-ben a Bundestag meghozta a döntést, hogy el kell bontani. Sokan próbáltak tiltakozni és megmenteni, 2004-ben még volt egy utolsó próbálkozás amikor kiállításokat, koncerteket rendeztek benne, de 2006-ban megkezdődött a bontás, mely egészen 2008 végéig elhúzódott. Az épület acélszerkezetét részben a Burj Kalifa építéséhez használták fel, részben pedig Volkswagen motorblokkokat építettek belőle! Jelenleg helyén a Humboldt Forum, és a korábban elbontott Stadtscloss rekonstrukciója található.
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A másik 25 pfenninges bélyeg, a mindenki által jólismert Alexanderplatzot ábrázolja, és 1973-ban nyomták. A területet még 1805-ben nevezték el így, I. Sándor orosz cár látogatásának tiszteletére. Közlekedési csomópont jellegének kialakulása már 1847-ben megkeződődik, mikor elindul a lóvontatású omnibusz az Alex és a Potzdamer Platz között. Az 1870-es években indul be az igazi fejlődés, amikor megkezdik az S-Bahn építését, ami 1882-ben el is készül és megindul a forgalom. Ekkor már ötemelet épületek állnak a téren, illetve körülötte. A XX.század elején megkezdődnek az U-Bahn építések is, de metróhálózatot végül az I. világháború miatt csak 1930-ban adják át. A II. vh. során hatalmas légvédelmi bunkert építettek alá, majd 1945-ben a szövetségesek bombázásaiban lényegében megsemmisül a tér. A Potsdami Konferencián a területet a keleti blokkhoz sorolják, így itt kezdik el kiépíteni az NDK fővárosonák új központját. Az 1960-as években kerülnek a helyére mai ikonikus szocmodern épületei, a Fernsehturm (Tv-torony, becenevén Fogpiszkáló) vagy a 120 méter magas Interhotel Stadt Berlin, a mai Park Inn. Számos metró, S-Bahn, regionális és távolsági vonat áll meg itt, és ez napjainkig csak bővült. Az egyesítés után nagy változás nem történik, mindössze annyi, hogy 1999-ben visszahozzák a villamoshálózatot is a térre, amit korábban felszámoltak.
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Ezeket a bélyegeket nagyon magas példányszámban nyomták éveken keresztül, így olcsón hozzá lehet jutni, a fent látott 15 darabos teljes sorozat körülbelül két euróért beszerezhető.
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bialtocom · 8 months ago
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13.686) Alemanha- Interhotel Panorama (não circulado) https://www.bialto.com/listing/13686-alemanha-interhotel-panorama-nao-circulado/18395337
0 notes
foodistanbul · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
0 notes
istanbularttr · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
0 notes
staristan · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
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istanbulsophia · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
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istanbulpalaces · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
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benkaden · 5 months ago
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Dresden Inter-Hotels in der Prager Straße
Dresden: Foto Hanich, 8017 Dresden (J 43/72 F III/9/62 III/9/20 Best.-Nr. 2220)
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istanbulcistern · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
0 notes
hagiasophiart · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
0 notes
istanbulsguide · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
0 notes
istlifestyle · 10 months ago
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Turnovo Monuments and Cultural Attractions
House Museum of Emilian Stanev
Located at 20 N. Zlatarski Street, this museum offers a glimpse into the life of the renowned Bulgarian writer Emilian Stanev. The exhibition, housed in his restored home, showcases both traditional and modern ways of life.
The Asenov Dynasty Monument
Situated near the Stambulovia Bridge and InterHotel Veliko Turnovo, this monument pays tribute to the leaders of the war of independence from Byzantium, including Petur & Asen, Kaloyan, and Ivan Asen the Second. Sculpted by Krum Damynov in 1985, it stands as a symbol of Bulgaria’s rich heritage.
Art Gallery with Continuous Exhibition
Adjacent to the Asenov Dynasty Monument, the Art Gallery hosts an ongoing exhibition titled “Veliko Turnovo – Through the Eye of an Artist.” Featuring works by Bulgarian artists, the collection offers diverse impressions of Turnovo and historical events.
Audio Visual Spectacular “Sound & Light”
Presented by the Czech company Art Centrum in the ruins of Tsarevets, this spectacular audiovisual performance combines sound and light to bring history to life. Directed by film director Vulo Radev, the show offers a mesmerizing experience for visitors. For inquiries and bookings, contact the Tourist Information Center at 5 Christo Botev Street Sightseeing Turkey.
Echoes of Turnovo’s Splendor
Nikita Homat: “This city (Turnovo) is the most fortified and beautiful of all the cities of the Balkans. Surrounded by strong walls, washed by the river, built on the top of the hills.” Tzar Kolyan to Pope Innocent III, 1203: “….and to uphold the leader for Patriach of the Holy and Great Church of Turnovo, the First City of the whole of Bulgaria.” Tzar Kolyan’s oath in his communique to the Pope, 1204: “To be given the blessing of the Patriach and granted by order, the city of my Kingdom, Turnovo.” Gregori Tsamblak: “Because he had heard a lot for Turnovo, for its great magnificence, for the strength of its walls, for its beauty and location, hard to attack not only for the walls but its natural defenses, and its great riches and population famous in faith and culture.” Unknown Traveler: “Turnovo in Europe is truly unique by its location, all travelers are amazed by the picturesque scene and the originality of the entire region.”
Turnovo’s monuments and cultural attractions serve as testaments to its rich history and enduring beauty. From museums honoring literary giants to monuments commemorating pivotal moments, Turnovo offers visitors a journey through time, steeped in legend and splendor.
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bialtocom · 8 months ago
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13.686) Alemanha- Interhotel Panorama (não circulado) https://www.bialto.com/listing/13686-alemanha-interhotel-panorama-nao-circulado/18395337
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