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thegotogirl 5 years ago
Blogging Rule 11. Appreciate Interaction.
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  Blogging Rule 11.  Appreciate Interaction.   When you are a blogger one thing that makes your day is when your readers and followers interact with you.  This can be by following you, leaving a comment, linking to your blog or simply liking your latest work.  Whatever the interaction make the most of it.  If someone comments on your work then reply and whether it is positive or negative take it on the chin.  You chose to put your work out there on the internet for all to see and you will find that whatever you write it will not be everyone's 'cup of tea'.  If someone writes a negative comment thank them for their opinion and leave it at that.  Other bloggers may ask you for help,  if you can then help them,  Do so! Interaction is key!
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Blogging Rule 11.  Appreciate Interaction. You will be surprised how far answering a question (which may be easy for you to answer) will take you with regards to your reputation as a good blogger.  Other bloggers will always appreciate interaction whether it is a bit of help or advice when they need it.  Don't forget not all bloggers are 'techie' or good at all aspects of bogging so you never know what help a fellow blogger will ask for.  Here at The Go To Girls Blog we get asked all sorts of questions from what hosting do we use? to how do we center ourselves when we write?  We always reply with as much information as we can. Thanks for reading. Rule 12 tomorrow. Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx Read the full article
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medialogist 7 years ago
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#DesignThinking #UX Awesome IDF 脰resend edition networking and enjoying prototyping with #AdobeXD deep dive workshop @matcompagnucci #UXCampCPH #nonstoplearning #interactiondesignfoundation 馃檶馃徎 #trevlighelg #IDFEurope 馃嚜馃嚭馃嚛馃嚢馃嚫馃嚜馃尦馃挕馃摎馃摑馃搻 (at IT University of Copenhagen)
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quibbletrunk 7 years ago
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Tuesday mornings, green tea, UI/UX 馃摎 #quibbletrunk #tuesdaymornings #studies #ui/ux #Design #interactiondesign #medium #wordpress #tumblr #greentea #healthylifestyle #lipton #thedesigntip #interactiondesignfoundation # designthinking #inspiration #motivation #graphicdesign #calligraphy #typography #illustration #books #music
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dedend-studio 7 years ago
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Its official @xdedend is a proud member of @interaction_design_foundation #interactiondesignfoundation
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rihasikder007 4 years ago
Google #googlecertified #googlecertification #googlecertificate #uxdesigns #uidesigner #uxdesigner #uiapp #uxapp #uiuxdesigns #uxuidesigns #uiuxdesigner #uxuidesigner #uiuxdesigners #uxuidesigners #userinterface #userexperience #userinterfacedesign #userexperiencedesign #userinterfacedesigning #userexperienceresearch #userinterfacedesigner #userexperiencedesigner #user #appuiux #appuidesign #applicationdesign
#ux #uxdesign #uxdesigns #uiux #uiuxdeveloper #uiuxdesigner #uidesign #uxjob #uxcareer #coursera #onlinecourses #googleuxdesign #uxtraining #uxlearning #uxtrends #uxresearcher #uideveloper #uidesigners #interfacedesign #interactiondesigner #interactiondesignfoundation #ixd #uxdesignmastery #uxd #uxdesigning
#google #googleuxcertificate #googlecertification #googleux #onlinecourses
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medialogist 8 years ago
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Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg :) Our next event with a great guest speaker is already fully booked 馃檶馃徎 Tack och ses vi p氓 tisdag! #TeamUniti #InteractionDesignFoundation #Medialogist #IDFmalm枚 #FooCaf茅 馃殩馃殨馃弾馃殫馃殬 (at Malm枚 Arena Hotel)
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