sagefranklin · 9 months
— kennedy davis the jagged yard, downtown.
Crayons lay scattered across the bar top, the tiny blonde on the other end of them propped up on her knees and scribbling furiously as a blank piece of paper in front of her, completely focused on whatever image she'd conjured up in her mind. Sage bounced back and forth between finishing setting up the glasses and refilling the bottles that needed to on the other side of the bar and handing the focused toddler a new crayon color whenever she dared to look up from her masterpiece and ask for it. Daylight still streamed through the few windows that existed in The Jagged Yard, which meant they were far from opening. A hazard of being a parent and owning a business, she supposed, was when the new year inventory needed settled up, she had no choice but to bring Maggie along to do it while they waited for Atlas to finish up at work and take her home for the night. Making sure that the toddler wasn't going anywhere, Sage took a break from counting glasses and refilling bottles to peak around the corner of the office, finding another blonde engrossed in the work she was doing. "Anything I can help with?" The older blonde questioned, leaning against the doorframe. "Counting glasses is as mind numbing as it sounds. I think I'd rather be doing just about anything else."
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mollywilliams · 1 year
— kennedy davis williams' house, bighorn hills.
It felt weird, approaching the house during a time when she knew that her brother would be gone. But in all fairness, she wasn't there for him and Atlas being around might only complicate the situation more or, at the very least, but a type of pressure on both of the woman that would only make things more tense. Also, Molly really wasn't sure where else she could look to find the blonde in the wild, so the home in which she once shared was her only chance. When the knock on the door led to reveal a blonde on the other side, her breathing stopped, the only motion displaying she was even still alive was her hand with held up a small bouquet of flowers she'd grabbed at the shop in town on her way over. "These are, uh, for you. For showing back up here again. I hoped they might soften the blow of seeing me."
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sage-adler · 3 years
location: farmer’s market, downtown. status: closed for @kennydavis​
Bag forgotten? Check. Hands full? Also check. But was it a beautiful day to bask in the sun and forget all of her problems regarding kicking her sister out, the blow up Atlas had, and the bubble that she was insistent on keeping herself and her soon the be ex-wife in? Check, check, and check. It was hard to be mad about the simple action of forgetting her usual burlap bag that helped her make it through the weekly farmer’s market without looking like a juggling circus clown when she had yet to run into any of the above three people and the warmth of the bright sun made all of her issues with said people seem to float away - at least for the time being. Unfortunately, a side effect of forgetting her bag and being so distract by balancing the glass jars of tea and honey in her hands led to her bumping into another shopper, effectively sending all of her items to the ground below them. The following thud and crack of some of the glasses seemed quiet compared to the worry rushing through her veins at the thought of the person she bumped into being someone she very much didn’t want to bump into, especially when she would be stuck in that situation while she cleans up as much of the glass on the ground as she could. Thankfully, as she turned to apologize, she found that she didn’t recognize the woman at all. A grateful smile curved softly on her lips. “Thank god,” Sage mumbled in relief, correcting herself when she realized how insane she sounded. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you, I just... thought you were going to be someone I really didn’t want to see and I’m really glad you’re not.” Her brow furrowed and she waved to her mess on the ground. “Although I am really sorry I bumped into you, this is definitely on me for forgetting my bag at home today.”
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sagefranklin · 1 year
— kennedy davis atlas and kennedy's house, bighorn hills.
Usually Atlas was kind enough to pick Maggie up at her house in Claret Park, keeping to a routine that worked out for everyone involved. But on the rare occasion, Sage dropped the littlest blonde off at their house, happy to see just how excited the toddler was to be at her home in Bighorn Hills. A knock on the door brought an answer and the older blonde offered a soft smile when Kenny answered the door, Maggie already moving to make her way past the screen door and waving 'hi' to the other woman, tiny arms wrapping around the other's legs as Sage offered her own slight wave with the hand that wasn't holding her daughter's overnight bag. "Atlas said he'd be home in a few minutes, I felt weird just waiting in your driveway and this little one was a bit impatient. She loves it here."
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sagefranklin · 11 months
— kennedy davis
Despite it being a few days until Halloween night, Maggie had taken to living in the Ghostface mask that her father had given to her, only taking it off when she absolutely needed to (eating, drinking, watching tv... the necessities, you know). Unfortunately, the pumpkin farm outing didn't quite count as one of the necessary times to remove the mask and so the two year old wandered, or wobbled more like it, across the grass of the farm as they perused the half-off pumpkins while waiting for the next hayride to pull into the station. "Speak of the devil...'s accomplice," Sage teased, spotting Kenny nearby as her hands fell to the top of the toddler's head and directed her toward the familiar woman, the tiny blonde's eyesight only working at about fifty, maybe sixty, percent beneath the mask. "Can you give Atlas my upmost gratitude for the mask gift? You know how terrifying it is to wake up to this," Sage paused for a moment, patting the top of Maggie's head as the toddler stood in front of her, "standing above you in the middle of the night?"
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sagefranklin · 2 years
location: snowdrop soirée, peak seasons. status: closed for @kennydavis​
A charity ball wasn’t exactly where Sage had expected to be on a Friday night, especially when Coyote Night was just a day away and she should have spent the night preparing for that instead. But there was life outside of The Jagged Yard and being a mom and she knew she had to get out and experience it. Plus, she’d never turn down a night to harass her arch nemesis any way she could, even if it were at his own charity event. In the process of seeking Nathan out, the blonde stumbled upon a familiar face, one that just so happened to be friend and not foe. “Kenny! I didn’t know you’d be here tonight,” Sage greeted, a soft smile on her lips. “You look absolutely gorgeous. You here alone or is your lesser half out there sulking because there’s no way he could hold a candle to you?”
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mollywilliams · 2 years
location: break room, university heights. status: closed for @kennydavis​
Maybe her time was better spent elsewhere, yet with everything that had gone down lately, Molly found herself in need of a beer and a break... literally. Anger usually wasn’t her thing, especially when she could either remain blissfully ignorant or cold and calculated instead, but when some newfound friends had invited her out for the night, she couldn’t exactly find herself saying no and even found some enjoyment in throwing axes while tipsy. She was on her search for a third beer at the bar up front, sidling into the empty stool to place her order, when she recognized a voice not far from her and when she turned her gaze toward the sound, a familiar blonde head came into view. “Look at that, what a sight for sore eyes,” Molly offered, a charming smile on the outside feeling anything but on the inside. “Guess I’m glad I ran into you out here and not when you had an axe in your hands, hm?”
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sagefranklin · 2 years
location: hot cocoa stop, downtown. status: closed for @kennydavis​
The air had cooled in Providence Peak, leaving both Sage and the toddler in the stroller bundled up in their thickets coats and scarves, a sherpa lined baby blanket tucked in tightly around Maggie, and her own hat pulled on tight as they watched the blonde they both knew well approach. “Thanks for coming out with us today.” She handed Kennedy a steaming hot chocolate that she ordered while she waited on the streets of downtown, thankful the little pop up shop had chosen to show up in that exact spot that day. “I hope peppermint is fine, we got here a little early and I figured I’d order while we waited. I thought it would be cooled off by now, but I guess that’s the magic of hot chocolate, hm?” It was always scolding until it was ice cold, there never seemed to be an in between for cocoa even when she was a kid. “I’m sure it’ll cool off soon, I really didn’t expect it to be this cold when I promised this little one a chance to look at the window displays and I know she’s only a year and a half and she’s not going to remember it, but I don’t know... it’s never too early for a holiday tradition, right?”
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mollywilliams · 2 years
location: friendsgiving dinner, resort cabin. status: closed for @kennydavis​
“Look who the cat dragged in,” Molly grinned, approaching the woman she just so happened to already know would be there as she’d overheard her brother and the blonde talking about this event a few nights ago. Her eyes scanned Kennedy, observing the outfit she was wearing, before finally meeting her gaze, smile never falling from her lips. “It’s always hard to pull an outfit together last minute, isn’t it?” Her statement came with the taste of grape juice and the moonshine she’d smuggled in earlier. Then, she motioned toward the large windows covering the wall of the reception building. “You definitely don’t get views like this in Arizona.”
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mollywilliams · 2 years
location: atlas’ house, bighorn hills. status: closed for @kennydavis​
Her fist hovered just above the wood of the door, a slight curve of her lips at the fixed glass between it, remembering just how she’d first gotten through that very same door months ago, before ever meeting her long lost brother and eventually landing in the cast that she still donned on her dominant arm, just a few weeks from finally being able to get it removed. Her nose still ached, mostly from muscle memory and the prior injury she’d taken to it years before, and she wondered if she would regret this visit as much as she regretted throwing a punch the night of the soiree. But, she’d realized a few day ago she’d managed to leave a bag at the house that she once resided in, a bag that she was sure contained the necklace from her mom that she hadn’t seen in months, and finally felt daring enough to make an attempt in getting it back. She wouldn’t be surprised if she found out the blonde had long since burned it though.  Finally, Molly knocked her fist against the door, taking a breath as she stepped back and waited for it to be opened. She knew that Atlas wasn’t home judging by the lack of his car in the driveway, so she prepared herself for coming face to face with Kennedy before it happened. “I left a bag here in December. I’m just here to see if I can get it back.”
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mollywilliams · 2 years
location: atlas’ house, bighorn hills. status: closed for @atlaswilliams​ & @kennydavis
She knew of him - had for a long time, yet the thought of reaching out hadn’t ever really crossed her mind. What was she going to say? Hey, not sure if you knew about me but I’m your sister and our dad’s a dick? It wasn’t exactly the icebreaker she was looking for. Still, after a few years of couch hopping from one friend’s apartment to another and a short stint working for a traveling carnival running a suspiciously rusted ferris wheel, Molly got bored and found herself seeking chaos in the form of a dusty old Colorado neighborhood and an unsuspecting brother and... his blonde, mildly attractive lady friend?
“Damn, I should’ve done more research,” She called out as soon as they entered the house, clearly concerned about the bobby pin stuck in the door and the broken window next to it. It was unceremonious, but Molly hadn’t felt like searching around for a key when easy access was just a cracked window pane away. “Oh yeah, I’d probably get that fixed. Looks a little broken.” Her nose scrunched as she hopped off of the island, box of Cheerios she’d scrounged from one of the cupboard while waiting in her hands, leaning against the wall as she watched the couple in the entryway. She quickly directed her attention toward Atlas. “Didn’t think you’d be bringing a girl home, my bad. She’s a looker though. Would’ve called ahead, but turns out I didn’t have your phone number because we’ve never met because our dad is a philandering whore and I thought, hey, you know what could be a really fun icebreaker? So, congratulations, you’re a big brother.”
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