#interaction / sluggrr.
decimatlas · 2 years
@sluggrr​ gets a starter from Wendy !
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She is currently holding her heels in one hand, and her other arm is extended to help keep balance. Perhaps she had a bit too much to drink  ( and Steve certainly noticed )  but Wendy is still insistent that she’s fine, carrying on with normal conversation as if she isn’t stumbling her whole way home.    ❛ You know, you should wear green more often. Makes you look all cool. Cool guy Steve. ❜    Wendy points to Steve’s jacket as she speaks, compromising her balancing mechanism for a moment – and wobbling as a result. 
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bbysittr-blog · 5 years
“It was just a dream”
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        She  clutches  the  blanket  around  her  tightly .    First  thing  she  knew ,  she  was  watching  a  movie  next  to  Steve ,  and  the  next  thing ?    She  was  transported  back  to  Hopper’s  cabin .    Everything  happened  a  few  months  back ,  but  her  dream  was  so  vivid .    That  creature  —  the  way  it  lunged  at  them ,  at  her  ..  at  her  friends .    She  remembers  every  roar  and  squelch ,  and  mixed  with  what  she  had  faced  the  time  before  that ?    Perfect  nightmare  material .
        So  Wendy  quickly  shoots  up  from  her  sleep ,  sitting  upright  whilst  breathing  heavily  and  shaking  with  fear .    A  comforting  squeeze  from  Steve  soon  finds  her  –  followed  by  soft  words ;  she  knows  he  understands .    She  also  knows  of  the  terrible  things  that  happened  to  him  as  well .    A  kind  soul  like  his  didn’t  deserve  that .    It  made  her  sick  to  her  stomach .    Yet ,  slowly  but  surely ,  she  calms  down .    Hazel  eyes  flit  over  to  look  at  him ;  she  takes  a  deep  breath  –  gives  him  a  nod .    
        ❛    Yeah .    Just  a  dream .    ❜        She  smiles ,  letting  the  blanket  fall  from  its  previous  position  around  her  shoulders  and  moving  to  lay  it  over  the  both  of  them .    Hands  grab  a  pillow  from  beside  her ,  and  she  hugs  the  cushion  to  her  chest .    It  isn’t  long ,  however ,  before  she’s  drifting  off  again , more  peacefully ,  this  time    ---    and  her  head  butts  against  his  shoulder .
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bitchclique-blog · 7 years
@sluggrr  ♥ ‘d
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               " Thanks for the ride home, ” She smiles over at him, showcasing her GRATITUDE, eyes simply ADMIRING the person beside her,  “ My car finally offed itself after toying with me all this time.” She snorts and soon ADVERTS her gaze, leaning forward to pull open the glove box, “ You have any GOOD music in here ?? “              
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rebelflies · 7 years
@sluggrr​  liked  for  a  starter  !! 
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he’s  CROUCHING  beside  the  teen  ,  MACHETE  in  hand  .    poe  was  lucky  he’d  found  them    ;    the  group  had  been  holding  their  own        (    which  poe  was  surprised  but  pleased  about    )        but  in  a  situation  like  the  one  they  had  found  themselves  in    ..    backup  was  ALWAYS  welcome  .    plus  ,  they  were  a  group  of  kids    ---    the  oldest  was  quite  obviously  their  leader  ,  and  he  was  keeping  them  safe  ,  but  they  were  now  VASTLY  OUTNUMBERED  .    poe  had  only  just  gotten  there  ,  and  there  was  hardly  any  time  to  waste  .        ❛    ---    keep  their  attention  AWAY  from  the  bus  .    ❜        he  speaks  in  a  WHISPER  ,  a  hand  moving  to  clamp  onto  the  boy’s  shoulder  for  a  moment    ;    it’s  an  encouraging  gesture  ,  but  also  one  of  a  RUSHED  introduction  .    formalities  would  come  AFTER  they  were  safe  .       ❛    ..    the  name’s POE  DAMERON  ,  and  we’re  about  to  kick  some  ass  .    ❜        
he  stands  upright  now  ,  machete  suddenly  moving  to  SMASH  the  window  of  a  nearby  car  .    this  drew  the  attention  of  the  creatures  ,  as  a  number  of FACELESS HEADS  turned  towards  them  .   fight  them  off    ..    as  many  as  they  could  ,  as  quickly  as  they  could  .    that’s  how  they’d  survive  .    the  man  SPINS  his  weapon  in  his  hand  ,  swinging  it  in  the  air  in  preparation  for  the  creatures  to  charge  .        ❛    ---    it’s  SHOWTIME  ,  kid !!   ❜
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vxnd-blog · 7 years
@sluggrr​​ liked for a starter.
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❛    maybe if we stare at this project in silence long enough, it’ll do itself.    ❜        her voice is completely devoid of any emotion ; she liked to call it advanced sarcasm.  maria stares down at the various books spread on the library’s table for a few more moments before leaning back and stretching her arms over her head.  her gaze flits towards steve now, a brow arching as her lips part to speak.        ❛    ..    you wanna keep working on this or shall we confront the elephant in the room ?  ---  we’re good, right ?    ❜
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swiingr · 7 years
‘ right– so my point is… right, yeah. ’
the gate sentence starters | accepting. 
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one can tell she’s trying very hard to stay focused on what steve is trying to say, but as he fumbles for words himself, it isn’t difficult to notice that ash has begun to become increasingly confused with every passing moment.  her eyes squint a bit ; she’s got her head cocked to the side.    ( what was the big deal ? )    so there she sat, in the passenger seat of his car .. unmoving.        ❛    you said you were going to school.  —  i wanna see  ..  why are we still sitting here ?    ❜
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surarchived · 2 years
*     knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,  repost,  do  not  r.e.blog.
name :  selena. pronouns :  she / her !
preference  of  communication :  discord; i see messages faster and i’m more reliable at responding to them as a result.
name  of  muse(s) :  jordan riley, actress and final girl extraordinare. I also write k.im p.ossible over @nobig and she’s my longest-running muse at nearly a decade, and for you monster/survival horror enthusiasts, I have j.ill v.alentine over @lastescaped. I have a mix of muses on my multi over @despaires, mostly horror ones. experience / how  long  ( months / years ? ) :    i’ve been rping for over 15 years at this point. i still somehow suck at it 😭
best  experience : meeting so many of my friends that I’ve known for years and talk to all the time because of this hellsite; special shoutouts to @sluggrr, @macabremachinations, @revup, and @egotistikill; y’all are stuck with me.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers : gatekeepers, people who follow with NO information on their blog in terms of rules/their muse, etc. I don’t run into it as often but I’ve had people get very possessive over interacting before and that’s a major red flag as well.
muse  preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut :  in order: angst, fluff, smut. I don’t really write smut and if I do it’s usually on a sideblog, and always with writing partners I’m more comfortable with. but angst is 1000000% my bread and butter and when I’m not torturing my muses, I like to let them have a few nice things.
plots  or  memes :  both! but I prefer plotting just because I like knowing what the vibe is between two muses and what type of things they’d get up to, involved in, et cetera. it helps me guide my writing much more. but memes are also an excellent ice breaker.
long  or  short  replies :  longer replies happen when I’ve plotted pretty extensively with a partner, or when I’m just in a groove. I generally favor shorter replies these days but I always try to match length/give my partner something to respond to.
best  time  to  write : right when I wake up in the morning. like, within 10 minutes of me waking up. I don’t know what it is but that’s when I’m the most focused.
are  you  like  your  muse(s) : I pour a decent chunk of myself into my ocs, in some form or another, usually writing from life experience, but I’m never 100% exactly like any character I write. but if you think I am, please let me know!
TAGGED BY:  stole it from @sluggrr !!!   TAGGING: anyone with a birthday in october and also you!
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decimatlas · 2 years
@sluggrr​ gets a starter from Jo ! 
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❛ Steve, I need help. ❜    Jo has all but barged into Family Video, rushing up to the front desk in seemingly great distress. She throws her hands on the counter and speeds through the following information all in one long, spectacular breath.
❛ Danny asked me on a date and I said yes but then I lied and told him I am a big fan of Terminator because I know he likes it but I actually don’t know anything and Eden told me you’re a fan of it so now I need you to teach me everything you know in... ❜    Finally, a pause. She glances at the clock on the wall.    ❛ An hour. ❜
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decimatlas · 2 years
@sluggrr​ gets a starter !
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Eddie reaches a hand up to rub his eyes as Steve enters his hospital room. He had been in and out of sleep since he’d gotten done with surgery. The doctors told him he’d have to stay in the hospital for a few days – which he wasn’t thrilled about – but he dare not protest. As much as he wanted to be back on his feet, Eddie resigned to the fact that he would have to stay put, at least for a little while.
❛ You here to change my bandages, Harrington? ❜    He offers his new friend a bit of a dopey smile before gesturing for him to come closer.
❛ I never got to thank you –– for saving my ass back there. Thought I was a goner. ❜
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decimatlas · 2 years
❝ great, he gets carsick. ❞ ( wendy! )
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❛ How was I supposed to know cats can get carsick? ❜    Wendy turns to Steve and asks the question through tears. She doesn’t entirely know if her tears are from amusement or distress, but what she does know is that this cat just threw up all over her lap in Steve’s car. After finding the sickly stray cat in her yard and calling the first person to come to mind ( Steve, of course ) – the icing on the cake was getting vomited on.    ❛ Open the window. Rodan needs some air. ❜
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decimatlas · 2 years
" i was only gone for thirty seconds! " ( wendy! )
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A lot can happen in thirty seconds... especially when you’re Wendy Moore. Today, Wendy is spending    far too much time    in Family Video while Steve is on shift. He went to the back to retrieve something for a customer, and he returned to Wendy with    several tapes    tucked under one arm. Her other hand waves a box around wildly. She seems to be preaching to the customer.
❛ Now, with Son of Godzilla... If you’re looking for a    quality    movie,    this isn’t it,    but if you’re looking to be blindly entertained... ❜    She’s cut off by Steve, who comes up behind her and whispers that he’s only been gone for thirty seconds. Wendy partially turns towards him, her lips pursing together before she hisses,    ❛ Steve, I’m working. ❜
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decimatlas · 2 years
❝ why are you thumping down the hall? ❞ ( wendy! )
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❛ I am not thumping! ❜    Wendy lets out a laugh, giving Steve a    nudge    with her arm as she continues to    bounce    down the hall, towards the gym.    ❛ I’m just excited! I feel like we’re gonna win this one. Can’t you feel it? ❜    As she asks the question, her fingers poke at him as she trots in a circle around him. The walls are    adorned    with Tigers paraphernalia, and the band can be heard warming up in the distance. Her energy is at an    all-time high    until...    
‘ Steve! ’ 
A voice calls out, and both of them turn towards the source. Wendy catches a glance at Steve in her peripheral vision and she can see his    demeanor shift    slightly as he realizes who it is : Brenda.    She’s pretty.    Blonde. Curly hair.    And she’s walking right up to Steve. She offers a greeting to Wendy, which Wendy softly responds to  ( a complete 180 from her disposition before )  before linking her arm with Steve’s.    ‘ Do you mind if I sit with you? ’    Are the next words that she utters. Before Steve can even answer her, Wendy pipes up, her voice likely too chipper to sound genuine in such a context.    ❛ I’ll    catch up    with you guys! I’m gonna get some snacks. ❜     She quickly turns on her heel and practically rushes past the gym, towards the student-run concession stand. 
Wendy pulls some cash from her bag, contemplating simply buying herself a snack and sitting outside. She’d tell Steve she started feeling sick.    As selfish as she felt,    Wendy wasn’t sure if she could stomach seeing Brenda    snuggling up    with Steve for the entire game.    Better to avoid it in its entirety.    Better to not give herself an opportunity to think about why Steve’s eyes lit up when he saw Brenda. Why her? 
So, she buys herself a pack of M&M’s and starts to head outside. 
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decimatlas · 2 years
" how many fingers am i holding up? " ( wendy! )
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❛ Um... ❜    Wendy blinks up at Steve, attempting to focus on his fingers.    Good news:    she could tell he was holding up three of them.    Bad news:    she could also tell that he had been torn up pretty badly by those bats... if they could even call them that. She can’t even focus on his question ;    why the hell was he worried about her    when his side was practically    torn open?    ❛ Steve... You’re bleeding. ❜    She reaches a hand out to touch right under the wound, before turning towards the others with    widened eyes.    Nancy is already working on a makeshift tourniquet for him. Wendy pushes herself up, taking one of Steve’s hands in hers.    ❛ You need to put pressure on it. And then we can    wrap it.    Okay? It’s... gonna hurt. ❜    She then presses his hand to the wound, using her own atop his for added pressure.    ❛ –– Just breathe. ❜ 
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