#interacting can get me a lil drained tho so i tend 2 answer loads at once then like take a break !
garoujo · 2 years
do you have a lot of friends in real life or do you mostly just interact on here? i ask because the amount of social energy and your social battery lasts longer than anyone i think i’ve ever seen lol!!! as an introvert i mean this as a compliment!! < 3
akhajaka i have like 4 best friends i speak 2 regularly !!! i’m actually super hard 2 get a hold of irl [lmao] cause i’m constantly on here or playing genshin so my irl friends are always sending me like 87199 texts like bro … answer me !!! my social battery can get super drained tho n im like wowwww help >_< sometimes i get in the mood 2 talk tho <3 !
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