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sleep-safe · 2 years ago
Comments and reblogs have more info!
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A reminder that sell-buy dates or best-used-by dates are not the same as expiration dates.
I love that a food bank is providing this info as they are experts in stretching food budgets and knowledgable in shelf-stable food items
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96z · 7 months ago
this is soooo bad for me… 💔 #Brocken
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akanemnon · 3 months ago
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So much for flirting your way out. Eh, Frisk?
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kirby-the-gorb · 11 months ago
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lesliemeyers · 10 months ago
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she can be your angle... or yuor devil
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thepreachers-son · 2 months ago
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This is meant to be silly please don't come for me!
i just think we could all benefit from tagging hate going into the new year. some of us come to tumblr.com because we want to see vampires kiss and some of us come to tumblr.com because we hate him so much we can no longer live as free men with this burden upon us. either is ok but lets not get in each others way. things are going to be so scary next year for a lot of people and sometimes you just want to make up silly little stories about silly little vampires on the internet to relax and maybe its a wild idea that we can do it without hurting one another feelings
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overcastedsays · 2 months ago
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Valentine’s Day merch idea from the group chat
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caramelldraws · 1 year ago
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A girl dreaming of marriage and children
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totallyseiso · 2 years ago
Angle deck wins, which means I can't make a My Immortal joke about the vampire vanguard
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(ghost deck is lead by a vampire for some reason)
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rosieyart · 17 days ago
The way you draw shuichi (and also kokichi) makes me shiggle i love him sm he looks so cute and him like in your style. Hes just a silly guy i love him
aaa thank you so so much !! i really do my best to do these characters justice; translating the pasty af silly goofy sprites in game into my art style is… an interesting challenge haha. shuichi’s hair looks like a motorcycle helmet and, imo, there’s a special charm to his original sprites but it’s also so goofy looking. i need him to give more natural looking hair that’s whispy and pretty and long :3
(also… sh…shiggle…?? 😰 )
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thedaythatwas · 6 months ago
one of my favorite post-canon komahina tropes has got to be uncannily observant komaeda. he knows which detergent scent hinata prefers to snag from future foundation's monthly supply drops. he knows that hinata prefers pens to pencils, and pens that click open to pens with caps that detach. he knows what time hinata tends to show up for meals, and how hinata takes his coffee (one sugar and a splash of low-fat milk. not black, but not too sweet, either).
(my drabble got out of hand, watch that happen below the cut lol.)
it's not that hinata himself isn't observant... well. alright. he isn't always observant. but he can lock in when he knows he needs to! he wouldn't have survived a killing game otherwise, and he's got some extra help now (when he decides to tap into it).
he just doesn't understand how komaeda keeps it up around the clock. he assumes it must be because his brain never really turns off. and, well. he's half right. komaeda has a hard time letting his guard down. actually, "hard" might win understatement of the century.
but it's more than that. of course, knowing the full truth would demand that hinata acknowledge the way komaeda's eyes trace his movements over breakfast, like he's mapping out a crime scene, or plotting the perfect kill. like hinata's some sort of prey. like he's special.
strip down hope's peak's dubiously ethical upgrades, and hinata's a reserve course student. he knows it. he knows that komaeda knows it, too. the attention he pays him doesn't add up, so he writes it off. he's imagining things.
so, when komaeda walks over to hinata's table to bring him coffee exactly how he likes it, it takes him off guard. he chalks it up to an exhaustingly keen eye, and maybe a bit of luck. komaeda's an anomaly, hinata has always known that. he rolls his eyes as the other slinks into the chair across from his own, props his elbows up on the table.
(he doesn't question why komaeda's bringing him coffee in the first place. komaeda knows better than anyone: hinata's whole "observant" thing... it comes and goes.)
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andiv3r · 23 days ago
There's a first time for everything. For example last night was the first time I drew sonic the hedgehod yaoi
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cocksley-and-catapult · 8 months ago
cocksley is obviously the better one because he has 3 R34 results while catapult has zero, meaning he gets no bitches.
I find this hilarious.
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the-gay-trashmouth · 3 months ago
I don't feel like the conversation Curly has with Jimmy right before Jimmy crashes the ship gets enough attention, because in that scene we get so much character information from both of them, completely outside of Jimmy warped perception. (Long ass ramble below the cut)
One thing I don't see brought up nearly enough is that Curly and Jimmy aren't just co-workers. They're friends back on Earth. He also brings up Jimmy's "hard times" back home, specifically bringing it up when he's trying to talk him down after he finds out Anya is pregnant. Now we don't know what exactly he means by "hard times", it could be anything from a depressive episode to a drug habit. In context though, I feel like it isn't a stretch to say it was something to do with the law, considering Jimmy is talking about having to face the consequences of assaulting Anya when they get back to Earth ("what do you think will happen when we get back?").
Some people then take the rest of what Jimmy says to mean Anya's assault was pre-planned as a way to tarnish Curly's reputation- I think this theory is bullshit. We see multiple times throughout the game that Jimmy is really good at just pulling shit out of his ass when he feels like he's cornered. He's constantly coming up with new justifications as to why he does things and how it's somehow never truly his fault. I think that's what he's doing here, making it Curly's fault for "pushing" him to extremes. "I was just so jealous of you, you're always dangling the life I want right in front of me, you don't even want it, you don't deserve it".
He's twisting his own disgusting actions into some sort of rebellion against the system, just like he always does, just to make himself out to be the poor, downtrodden layman with no other choices. A man pushed to extremes by the world around him. However, this is just Jimmy's rewriting of history, a way to shove blame off onto Curly, a way to manipulate him into going along with his plan. If he really did set out to ruin Curly's reputation he wouldn't have crashed the ship, he wouldn't try and manipulate him into going along with it by saying they could be remembered as heroes instead.
I also think this theory, once again as y'all are so eager to do, makes Anya's assault revolve around a man. It once again turns her into a plot device or means to an end rather than her own character. It shifts the focus onto Curly as the victim when she was Jimmy first and most ignored victim. Like Polle says "why are you still so concerned with HIM?"
But, anyways, by the end of that conversation- his manipulation works. Or, maybe it works. Of course we don't know exactly what's going through Curly's head, but he ends the conversation with "right..." And walks away. Either he didn't believe Jimmy when he was point blank telling him what he was going to do, or he did and genuinely bought into his manipulation for a moment, before snapping back out of it once the alarms actually sounded. Either way, the conversation ends with Curly walking away and letting Jimmy just do whatever he wanted.
That conversation also shows us a look into how Curly was "handling it". Basically throwing empty platitudes to both Jimmy and Anya. Never ever acknowledging the scale of Jimmy actions. An interesting thing to me is that, until the very end when he says "right", not once does he acknowledge what Jimmy is actually saying. Just repeating "we can fix this, you'll get through this, it's going to be fine" while Jimmy continues to talk about how he could still get away with it. It's like he barely hears him, and the same thing with Anya. Anya tells him, point blank, she doesn't feel safe. She hides the gun herself, and constantly drops hints about Jimmy, even tells him about the harassment, but time and time again he brushes it off with "I'll talk to him" and then never actually has a talk with him.
During the psych evals, Anya tells Curly she can't get through an evaluation with Jimmy. He makes sexual jokes and refuses to take her seriously. Saying "I find myself sexually attracted to the company mascot" while locked in a room with a woman who is at most a coworker you've only known for like 4-5 months during a company mandatory psych eval is at the very least non compliance, and at most sexual harassment. What does Curly say about this?
"so tell me about those horses"
And then nothing else. He doesn't get onto Jimmy about treating Anya with respect or taking this seriously. He let's him dodge questions and assures him how everything is fine. Jimmy is actively making the other crewmates jobs more difficult but Curly does. Absolutely. Nothing. And this is RIGHT AFTER he gets onto Swansea for letting Daisuke do a dangerous job. He knows how to be captain, he knows how to put his foot down, but he actively chooses not to with Jimmy, instead appealing to their history and friendship. Letting him slide with things you would NOT let a regular employee slide with.
Curly is a character defined by inaction. He didn't do anything when Anya first tells him that Jimmy makes her uncomfortable, he does nothing when she tells of the assault (off screen) or when she tells him she's pregnant (onscreen), he does NOTHING when Jimmy looks him in the eyes and tells them they can be heroes, if he just lets Jimmy fix it. That's what makes his ending all the more tragic.
His choice to do nothing until the very last second, when it's already too late and Jimmy has doomed them all, results in him not being able to do ANYTHING. he is stuck in constant pain watching as one by one his crew dies and every single time there's Jimmy, still avoiding responsibility, still manipulating the people around him, and he has to finally reconcile that this has always been who jimmy was, he was just too focused on the bigger picture to see the dead pixel.
When Jimmy gets the gun, Curly lets out what seems like something between a laugh and a sob. It's the last of Anya's predictions to come true. Anya was right, and Curly can't do a fucking thing anymore. his friend is a monster, a killer, and a rapist. He was never going to be able to "fix it", because it was never about Curly. It was about Jimmy, it was always about Jimmy and his complete need for control paired with his refusal to take responsibility.
And in the end we end up back in the party room back where Jimmy first created the character of Captain Curly in his head, the one that made it easier to blame. It's there that he makes himself the hero again, valiantly forgives poor Captain Curly and shows himself to be the selfless, responsible, perfect captain that he always saw himself as-
despite the fact that he was surrounded by the stiff remains of his crew, all of whom he'd had a hand in their death, and chewing on the leg of the only man who ever saw the good in him.
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lovepollution · 3 days ago
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I'm gonna go ahead and say that I don't think the person who wrote the Hamish and Lily interview actually watched Midnight Mass...
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v-poreons · 8 months ago
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I drew these all in one go for art fight I thi k there is something wrong with me
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