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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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RP com muita chuva!!! 🏃‍♂️ 21k em ⏱ 1:50:22 Obrigado @loboslegais pela Força. #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #vistasalt (em Estádio Municipal Pacaembu) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPapMrFpmU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=997g5gg5az9j
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salvie77 · 4 years ago
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Happy New Year! Starting the year with a good run!!! #happynewyear #run #runnersofinstagram #runmotivation @salvador77co #denverrunner #denvercolorado #denver #washparkdenver #5miles #today #intarunners https://www.instagram.com/p/CJhA3doFSOGPVgPeIchDGbjPF3bJNM41mJDxco0/?igshid=15n0augzzjwgh
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Quando il fisico è in un momento no è sulla testa che devi lavorare. Oggi non era troppo importante la velocità quanto più portate in fondo l'allenamento senza cedere alle tentazioni di tornare a letto. Il ginocchio va meglio di quanto pensassi ma peggio di quanto avrei sperato... Ma voglio essere ottimista per sabato sera #nonsimollaunpasso // When your fit physicist is in a moment no is the moment that you have to work on the head. Today it was not too important how fast it was the run but to bring the workout until the end giving up on the temptation to go back to bed. The knee is better than I thought but worse than I would have hoped... But I want to be optimistic for Saturday night #nevergiveup #unpassoallavolta #oltreillimite #corsa #forzaecoraggio #running #love #runner #running #iosonounrunner #iamarunner #mezzamaratona #halfmarathon #Asicsfrontrunner #latuagrandesfida #runlovers #intarunners #instalovers #runnerdellasettimana #finoallafine #untiltheend (presso Corso Sardegna)
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oliverlatus · 8 years ago
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Geht schon wieder, zumindest leicht. #laufenmachtglücklich #running #run #nevernotrunning #fromwhereirun #outsideisfree #roadslikethese #fenix5x #fenix #UpForMore #garmin #nikerunning #neverstoprunning #runhappy #nike #intarunners #instarun #kalenij #decathlon #laufen #laufenmachtglücklich #training #fit #halbmarathon #marathon #healthylifestyle #instarunnercommunity #instarunning #instarunner #training #halbmarathontraining #marathontraining #runitfast #ballern
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vivien-chin · 8 years ago
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@nyrr Brooklyn Half Marathon conquered! Bring on the Nathan's hotdogs! #teamorigamibunny #coneyisland #nathanshotdogs #airbnbbkhalf #nyrr #race #run #running #intarunner #runner #thingsiseewhilerunning #finishers #brooklyn #3halfmarathonsin3months (at Nathan's Famous)
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d2runner · 5 years ago
(via https://soundcloud.com/intarunner/vaultage-mix)
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eddelphino · 5 years ago
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#teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander (em Bosque Marajoara) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5G1lRkl0U3/?igshid=os58mu4dftsg
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eddelphino · 5 years ago
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💙 #eduzinho #papaitriatleta #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GlYFTFG6g/?igshid=g06amygg0ja6
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eddelphino · 5 years ago
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Triday Series - Etapa II Riacho Grande #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander (em Riacho Grande - SBC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kdMUMFKyw/?igshid=k85ydggf6mq6
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eddelphino · 5 years ago
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#triathlon #nike #nikerunning #vaporfly4percent #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #teamLL #loboslegais #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #vistasalt (em Cidade Universitária - USP) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-ItlFF_TH/?igshid=rc3qd6ir43r2
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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NB 15k #foconaendorfina #loboslegais #alobotelevamaislonge #teamnike #teamgarmin #teamLL #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander (em Shopping Eldorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzVYydClN_x/?igshid=spah0ha8u65f
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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#teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #vistasalt #tulum #koretulum (em Kore Tulum) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcQGguFA8w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qmulg85oduq5
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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Natureza Plena. #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #vistasalt #tridayseries (em Kore Tulum) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwajFtUFd2i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=119elajz6jlqf
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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25ª Maratona Internacional de São Paulo deu RP - 21k em 01:59:06. #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #vistasalt (em Parque Ibirapuera) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-RfbkFKMe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jbn3k4ohiz6k
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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Desafio Santander com a @reismpr parceria para promover a Corrida de Rua no mundo corporativo, iniciativa Asset Management e obrigado pelo convite. #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander #assetmanagementsantander (em Santander Sede) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv2u1QtleuI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11syhxvth0s3r
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eddelphino · 6 years ago
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Dia de treino! #teamLL #triathlon #loboslegais #nike #nikerunning #zoomfly #garminbrasil #garmin #instarun #intarunners #corridaderua #loboassessoria #loboslegais #dnalobo #issoélobo #alobotelevamaislonge #triathlontraining #triathlete #triathlongirl #triathlons #triathlonlife #triathlonworld #triathlon_in_the_world #ironmantri #ironman #swimbikerun #imwc #tri365 #ironmannews #imkona #foconaendorfina #behealthysantander (em Estrada Velha de Santos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsBUy6hygg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p0aruz4zr4lm
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