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storepakonline · 3 months
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etsyasad · 4 years
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mycrownbeard · 4 years
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youzicha · 5 years
The Chernobyl tv series has been criticized for prioritizing drama over accuracy when fictionalizing the events. But as I've been reading about the accident, I've noticed that a lot of these things actually are present in the sources. The script writer is not necessarily deceitful, just credulous. For example,
⚛ The ionized air glow is depicted as a narrow searchlight beam rising kilometers over the plant, which is surely not physically possible. But there is a first-hand account of it in Midnight in Chernobyl.
The two men turned into the ground-level transport corridor and reeled outside into the night. Standing no more than fifty meters away from the reactor, Tregub and Yuvchenko were among the first to comprehend what had happened to Unit Four. It was a terrifying, apocalyptic sight: the roof of the reactor hall was gone, and the right-hand wall had been almost completely demolished by the force of the explosion. Half of the cooling circuit had simply disappeared: on the left, the water tanks and pipework that had once fed the main circulation pumps dangled in midair. Yuvchenko knew at that moment that Valery Khodemchuk was certainly dead: the spot where he had been standing lay beneath a steaming pile of rubble, lit by flashes from the severed ends of 6,000-volt cables as thick as a man’s arm, swaying and shorting on everything they touched, showering the wreckage with sparks.
And from somewhere in the heart of the tangled mass of rebar and shattered concrete—from deep inside the ruins of Unit Four, where the reactor was supposed to be—Alexander Yuvchenko could see something more frightening still: a shimmering pillar of ethereal blue-white light, reaching straight up into the night sky, disappearing into infinity. Delicate and strange and encircled by a flickering spectrum of colors conjured by flames from within the burning building and superheated chunks of metal and machinery, the beautiful phosphorescence transfixed Yuvchenko for a few seconds. [cite: Alexander Yuvchenko, author interview, 2006]
I think probably this is a perspective effect, where the light appears to stretch up higher if you are standing right at the base, but it would not look like this from Pripyat.
⚛ The tv series claims that if the bubbler pool had not been drained there could have been a megaton-sized explosion, which sounds extremely silly. But this claim was made by Vassili Nesterenko, who was a nuclear physicist and director of the Institute of Nuclear Energy at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. (Incidentally, Nestrerenko also co-authored a book claiming that Chernobyl radioactivity will kill a million people, about 100 times more than most other estimates.)
⚛ The tv show implies that the radiation victims treated at Hospital No. 6 are dangerously radioactive and must be sealed up inside a chamber of plastic sheets. This account is based on Lyudmilla Ignatenko's chapter in Voices of Chernobyl.
They have instruments there, so that without going through the curtain they can give him shots, place the catheter. The curtains are held together by Velcro, and I've learned to use them. I push them aside and go inside. There was a little chair next to his bed. He got so bad that I couldn't leave him now even for a second. He was calling out to me constantly: “Lyusya, where are you? Lyusya!" He called and called. The other biochambers, where our boys were, were tended to by soldiers, because the orderlies on staff refused, they demanded protective clothing. The soldiers carried the sanitary vessels. They wiped the floors down, changed the bedding. They did everything. Where did they get those soldiers? We didn't ask. [...]
None of the doctors knew I was staying with him at night in the bio-chamber. The nurses let me in. At first they pleaded with me, too: “You’re young. Why are you doing this? That's not a person anymore, that’s a nuclear reactor. You'll just burn together." I was like a dog, running after them. I’d stand for hours at their doors, begging and pleading. And then they’d say: “All right! The hell with you! You’re not normal!" In the mornings, just before eight, when the doctors started their rounds, they'd be there on the other side of the film: “Run!"
But this was probably more superstition of the nurses than a real risk. The bio-chamber was there to protect the (immunocompromised) patients from infection, not to protect the staff from radiation.
⚛ Various people have mentioned that the characterization of Dyatlov and Akimov in episode 1---while very memorable---doesn't seem to agree very closely with the historical record. But it was not invented by the tv show writer: both the plot and the characterization in the episode is closely based on Grigoriy Medvedev's Chernobyl Notebook, all the way down to individual scenes like Dyatlov looking out at the graphite, or Akimov's imploring tone of voice.
“I do not understand anything! What kind of devilry is this?! We did everything correctly...,” Akimov cried out once again. [...]
“This is it!...” the thought flashed through Dyatlov in a panic. “The explosive mixture has been detonated.... Where?... Seemingly in the emergency tank of the SUZ (safety control system—G.M.).” This version, engendered in the shocked brain of Anatoliy Dyatlov, was to wander for a long time yet in people’s minds, was to console the hemorrhaging consciousness, the paralyzed and sometimes convulsively quivering will, came all the way to Moscow, and it was believed right up until 29 April; it was the basis for many actions that were sometimes fatal to people’s lives. But why? Well, because that was the easiest approach. It contained both a justification and a salvation for those who were responsible from the bottom to the top. Especially those who by some miracle had been left intact in the radioactive belly of the explosion. They needed strength, and a conscience that was at least partly quieted gave it to them. After all, ahead of them was the entire night, the unendurable night of death which they had nevertheless conquered.... [...]
Dyatlov ran out of the unit control room and with resounding steps, as though he were wearing football shoes, sliding on the broken glass that made a soulwrenching gritting and grinding sound, he ran into the backup control room, which was right next to the staircase-elevator well. He pressed the AZ-5 button and turned the key to shut off power to the servodrives. Late. Why? The reactor had been destroyed.... But Anatoliy Stepanovich Dyatlov figured otherwise: The reactor was intact, the safety control system tank had ruptured in the central hall. The reactor was intact.... The reactor was intact....
The windows in the backup control room were broken, the glass made a slippery screaching sound under the feet, and there was a strong smell of ozone. Dyatlov looked out the window, stuck his head outside. Night-time. The din and screaming of the fire raging up above. In the reddish reflection from the fire, he could see a horrible heap of structural fragments, girders, concrete, and brick. Something was scattered around the unit on the asphalt. Very thickly. Something black.... But he could not take it in that this was graphite from the reactor. Just as in the turbine room. There as well his eyes had seen the glowing chunks of graphite and fuel. But his mind would not accept the horrible implication of what he had seen.
I guess the issue is that Medvedev's book is already fictionalized. ("What did Akimov and Toptunov, the operators of the nuclear process, feel at the moment when the control rods became stuck along the way and the first terrible shocks were heard from the central hall? It is difficult to say, because both operators died a painful death from radiation without leaving any testimony on this point. But one can imagine what they felt.")
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fuzethehostagehater · 6 years
Fuze Rework ??
i know this blog is for memes or bad quality fuze doodles but for once i guess i might do something really serious and kind of my take on the whole state of fuze and his gadget in the game as of now.
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now this some of you might recognize is indeed the win-rate,pick rate graph
and as we can see fuze is in the under-picked and too weak zone. 
and i want to kind of review or give my opinions on the whole situation and why this might be the case. and kind of give my ideas or suggestions as to improve the hostage killing  performance.
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fuze has 3 choices when it comes to primary weapons.
so far he is the only operator in the entire game to have option to use shield as a primary weapon even through his ability does not relate to shield in any sort of way.
Damage output: (to the center mass and without any rook armor,no suppressor)
48:damage base 
45:level 1 light armor 
41:level 2 medium armor 
36:level 3 heavy armor
Rate of fire 850 rounds/m
 638 DPS, 141 MS time to kill on all armor type operators with only 3 bullets
this is by far the best and fastest killing assault rifle in the entire game and has best damage per second out of any primary weapons in game.
Damage output
49:damage base
46:level 1 light armor
42:level 2 medium armor
37:level 3 heavy armor 
Rate of fire 680 rounds/m
521 DPS ,176 MS time to kill on all armor type operators with only 3 bullets
one of the best light machine guns in the game having excellent and consistent time to kill firing large 7.62x54R round from 100 round box for long sustained fire.
his primary weapons in summary:
can 3 shot any armor type operators without rook armor without putting them into down but not out state at above average rate of fire.
in other words his primary weapons have if not the best killing potential in the entire game.
to balance this excellent damage output how ever both weapons have considerable amount of both vertical and horizontal recoil along with spread. to make things worse the grim sky patch introduced even more recoil for both fire arms making it even more difficult for weapon to be control.
how ever just like any other weapon with right amount of  practice along with the attachments both weapons can be tamed and controlled.
Damage output
64:damage base
61:level 1 light armor
54:level 2 medium armor
48:level 3 heavy armor
one of the best secondary/back up weapons in game with very low recoil,high damage and the fact that fuze can use this weapon in conjunction with a shield and the fact that this weapon reloads fastest in the whole game. makes it probably the best secondary weapon in game.
Damage output
47:damage base
44:level 1 light armor
40:level 2 medium armor
35:level 3 heavy armor
over shadowed by pmm still very nice spam fire pistol with high magazine size and non existent recoil to fullfill it’s role as back up weapon.
overall fuze’s weapons aren’t the problem. infact it might well be only reason why he will be picked to utilize the out standing weaponry.
2.Armor and Speed
●●●    Heavy 
●○○ Slow
Fuze is the one of two heavy armor attackers in the whole game as of making this post (pre wind bastion season) other being montange who is a pure forced shield operator. and this makes him kind of only heavy armor operator on attack that is not a shield operator.
in theory.. in theory(let me remind you) more armor you have more protection you will receive but in exchange you will be slower because steel + kevlar armor plates are heavy.and the less armor you have less protection you will get but be faster.
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but in reality this is not the case thanks to siege’s ridiculous headshot damage multiplier  90% of weapons can headshot any armor type operators in the head across the map. (other 10% being special weapons or weapons that have different projectiles) Speed is always in favor over armor.
 faster speed means that the harder to be headshot meaning harder to be  instant killed as the head is much smaller compared to body. and the faster moving small target will be far less likely to be hit than same size target moving at slower speed.
also siege is a game about making a one way angles and countering some of the most mind fucking angles possible.and again faster operators can move them selves out of line of fire from angle holding anchors much easier. giving them an upper hand.
to be fair this is the case of most heavy armor operators in general however since fuze is attacker. he has to make the push or perform a flank. unlike other heavy armor defensive operators who can anchor a position and be some what effective. and in the process since he is much slower than other operators in attacking side. he will be much more venerable to those mind fucking defensive angles than most operators.
also since he is attacker there for he has to face roamers. but this harder than most operators since he is slower to react. making him easy target for flanking defensive roamers.
fuze is able to equip shield. and try to utilize more of his armor. but how ever  shield has problem of 1st person and 3 rd person protective surface area not matching. also this slows fuze down even more than he really is as well as giving poor visibility may leave him being more venerable to roamers and traps than he already is.
overall in the current state of the game where having decent armor isn’t advantageous as being fast and agile being a slow heavy armor isn’t a advantageous thing.
3.Gadget : Cluster Bomb
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last and not the least the fuze’s signature hostage murdering device. 
APM-6 matryoshka.
this device of doom can be placed on surfaces that are destructible these include :
castle barricade 
barricade + glass 
which then launches 5 grenades at other side in  set pattern that starts from right to left. and 3 rd grenade always shooting straight perpendicular to the placement.
each grenades have 4.2 meter blast radius where 2.5 meter total kill zone and 1.7 meter pure damaging zones where it will still be able to kill light armored operators.
also grenades do same damage as nitro cells
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to balance this destructive power. fuze’s cluster charges makes a lot of noise while it is being placed onto the surface such as barricade. it is suicidal to just place the charge onto normal wooden barricades unless there is a  proper flash bang support from the team.
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Fuze had option to use flash bangs at the launch of the game. but after the mid season reinforcements patch in operation health took away his flash bangs and replaced them with smoke grenades. 
how ever it is worth mentioning due to his gadget only being able to be placed on the destructible surfaces. often times he will be near hatches and floors and breaching charge enables new breaching routes and sight-lines assisting his flank and the fact that it is and was only way for fuze to create it. it is to this day in more of favor than the smoke grenade.
noises are often very good source of location leading to kills in rainbow six. to avoid from getting killed while placing the cluster charge, safest bet when placing it to windows is the windows with glasses intact as it completely muffles the sound of cluster charge being placed.
however in most cases this might not really be possible. due to defenders trying to spawn kill attackers at the start of the game the attackers will instinctively shoot the barricades and windows at the start of the game from their spawn. 
and all it takes is even 1 or 2 holes on windows for cluster charge sound to be audible on the receiving end.
or sometimes defenders will decide to just pull off all barricades and then fuze again can be seen while he is placing the charge and is  easy kill for defenders.
hatches well.. are bit better in a sense that external hatches are not technically reinforceable without using exploit. but however most cases internal hatches gets reinforced by defenders. and this makes fuze completely useless on some objectives and maps. such as tower and it’s dining room objective.
walls are bit better in a sense not all of them gets reinforced both externally and internally but still the sound audible is as loud as placing it onto barricades.
also having a set directional pattern where grenades being launched is problematic as it is in some cases close to impossible to send grenades into the direction that you desire without repositioning yourself 180 degrees. however this not always possible as cover or props might block your way. or repelling won’t be available near that certain window. also since it has set pattern it takes avoiding cluster charge easier if it is deployed horizontally, hence really forcing it to be used vertically.
and last but not the least. at times the defenders often anchor themselves down in a position where there isn’t any destructible surfaces and windows nearby making fuze’s gadget useless.
in short summary:
fuze’s gadget is most powerful gadget in the attacking team or even the entire game however it’s great fire power is balanced out by environmental factors and the gadget’s nature. hinders it’s effectiveness drastically.
so in final conclusion fuze being a slow heavy armor operator in a game that favors speed over armor . and the fact that gadget being very unsettle and being able to be deployed in very limited places with set pattern. weigh him down to be the least picked and under powered operator in the whole game as of now.
4.Rework idea ?
now this is my take on the idea of ways to improve the gadget. you might disagree or thinking it might not be as effective feel free to tell me. or tell me  to add hostage wall hack vision that we all been waiting for .
First thing that should be improved on the gadget should be more of stealth and element of surprise over most things. charges should be alot quieter while it is being placed onto the barricades.
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give gadget ability to change the starting point of grenade dispersion pattern.meaning that player should be able to choose between two patterns. one where the grenades shoot from right to left in traditional way or to shoot the grenades from left to right in a identical pattern. and it shall be  done by a animation where fuze turns the piston of the cluster charge 180 degrees which will takes about 2 seconds.
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additionally give cluster charge ability to be thrown into the room where it will land onto closest surface then it will launch grenades into the room with similar pattern, however by doing this total number of grenades launched will be reduced down to 4 (will not shoot 3rd grenade that will fly straight or perpendicular to the charge) also the blast radius of each grenade will be reduced from 4.2 meters back to 2.5m meters.if thrown.
the charge will have to be converted to throwing charge with N button and will also have to be manually done. this should be done by fuze inserting piston blocker into the buttom of the charge. and again it will takes about 2 seconds before hand. 
he will be able to do this with a shield aswell and keep his shield in his loadout option.now when you throw the charge with shield equipped fuze will expose some of his body and head similar to when you aim down sights with shield.
as with the armor i would and i personally hope ubisoft kind of rebalance the whole armor and speed system from the ground up. to make headshot effective but not so much of dumb instant kill mechanic that ignore all form of balance and grants instant kill like it is current in the game. as it not only is bad for fuze but entire heavy armor operators in general. and the fact that even after 3 years of dlcs we still don’t have heavy armor attacker.
anyway thanks for reading low quality super long post. i hope you now go out there and try fuze atleast once. ~~he is still good on hostage mode~~ or tell me your opinion on the whole ideas or feel free to add.~~or to tell me fuze myself~~
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storepakonline · 3 months
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tradepakistan · 3 years
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Timing Tablets| Intact Dp Tablets In Pakistan |03043280033 - Timing Tablets| Intact Dp Tablets In Pakistan |03043280033 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1049207245-timing-tablets-intact-dp-tablets-in-pakistan?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=epimediumoriginal&wp_originator=Ue9wPmGnY%2BzdLEczZC8%2BcjZ469eejp8gdRbaL9QUsKl4mBZrsrATLIFXIhwj0C2mPx1Nbk5tAA7QEkXqXQd110skea6XMY%2F3miShJF0bGpfb7X13Rya2%2FhDzHZW929LB INTACT DP TABLET PRICE IN PAKISTAN The most common side effects of this medicine are flushing, headache, blurred vision, muscle pain, stomach upset, and rash. Talk to your doctor if the side effects bother you or will not go away. This medicine is not intended for use by women, and men should avoid using any other medicines to treat impotence without talking to a doctor. It can be dangerous to take it along with medicines called nitrates (often given for chest pain). Do not take this medicine if you have severe heart or liver problems, if you have recently had a stroke or heart attack or if you have low blood pressure. Let your doctor know if you suffer from these or any other health problems before taking it. You should not drive if this medicine makes you feel dizzy. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine as it can lead to side effects. Intact Dp Order Now:+923043280033 INTACT DP TABLET PRICE 2000/-PKR IN PAKISTAN HOW TO USE INTACT DP TABLET Take this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. Intact 100 mg Tablet may be taken with or without food, but it is better to take it at a fixed time. HOW INTACT DP TABLET WORKS Intact Dp Extra is a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor. It works by relaxing the blood vessels in your penis, thereby increasing blood flow into the penis on sexual stimulation. This helps you achieve and maintain a hard, erect penis suitable for sexual activity.
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mycrownbeard · 4 years
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hibamansoor · 4 years
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beautysolutionworld · 4 years
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
BLACK BULLS RAP CYPHER | RUSTAGE ft. DPS, NLJ, Ironmouse & More [Black Clover] - Rustage Lyrics
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Singer Rustage
Asta (Rustage):-
Bombing in like a meteor, all brawn I'm looking meatier I'm feeding the demon power seeping through my exterior You're fearing the anti-magic, anti-coward, anti-weak Anti-giving up when I'm pushing my limits past their peak Black Bull, I'm heading the mages like cattle I'm tearing the pages a handful I tackle, not binding my fury no shackles A king don't need no vassals No castles like Hanover All I need is passion when I battle with my Black Clover Magna (Shwabadi):-
They see the hair's salt and pepa 'cus now we're in effect In fact, I might just Magna swing a flaming bat at your neck Thе mana's in check, the red around me giving such a lament effect I fight to fan a flame, they're fanning their death When the flame is on I come hitting like a truck I feel the game, you're gone when the grand slam struck I protect everyone with a prison kill buckshot Tryna take me on? You gon' need a lotta luck, ha Vanessa (Thighhighsenpai):-
Drinking down til this a clear bottle, a fierce model Always looking through these beer goggles, when I hear trouble My magic causes severe struggle, this fear's awful But I'm older now no mere muggle Handle the threads when I'm crafting a web And I'm grabbing the dead like their marionettes Unravel the best when they tangle with 'ness And I'm making a weave just to snatch it from heads I'm a treat no trick, this isn't Halloween I'm a wicked witch, defying gravity Finral (Connor Quest):-
Lady charmer with the powers of a Portal Gun Escape plan always ready if you're thinking that we oughta run No place you need to walk to hun, I can take you anywhere Fetch flowers from the mountain tops or catch your falling derriere Sick knight, kill it with the dip dyed hair I position rifts, I'll see you on the flip side yeah Doesn't even matter if the placement is careless You can't dodge it cause you just don't have the spatial awareness Luck (NonelikeJoshua):-
Hello, fight me I'm ready to show you That all of my luck is my own because Everywhere that I'll be wanting to roam They all know that I'm bringing the thunderdome Lightning had struck, don't be trying your luck when I'm sizing you up Excited as fuck and my smile is stuck while you'll be denying from what I conduct Leaving you in shock and No I never want to talk Unless you're gonna box Cause that is what I love With thunder god gloves And striking from above Yeah I laugh at death But I'm not possessed I promised when I fought as a child Momma said to knock you all out, uh Noelle (FrivolousShara):-
There must be a silver lining For a Silva with no resign Control is mine when the stars align Not meant to color inside the lines Third class, but first rate, check the birth place Tsundere? No, not me, that is not the case Born with a broken wing, no silver eagle I'm a Black Bull, ram these fools with water, drown the ego Mom died giving birth to me, so I'm gon' be her legacy Mess with my friends, Valkyrie foes to Valhalla, see? Zora (Shao Dow):-
(anyone who knows Japanese please help to type this) Get some ash for sure in your nose and chest For a black heart I'm a handful Now you're dealing with the black mask from the Black Bulls Zora, but what's the link? If you bug me get the stink Any trouble that you bring Will get doubled like a twin Forget mana you need manners Aristocratic types get put in a magic daze 'cos you ain't magic knights Grey (HalaCG):-
You 'bout to attack? Funny you say that I'll twist your magic so that we can fight back My body can change and my heart stays intact Fun fact, I don't need confidence when I am stacked Yes I am shy, I'm not a guy A practical Black Bull and I can save lives It's a lie to say I don't like to hide But what truly matters is what's hidden inside The story of Cinderella has nothing on me, I was abused by my step family Mad at me, for magically being unique Call me ugly, I'll fight for this magic knight clique I'm my own person, but hurtin' my squad will earn you a defeat Gordon (GameboyJones):-
It's the man with the whisper, no Ying Yang twins The silent killer with the poison that will eat they skin You want Bull then I'm right here, welcome to the rodeo You keep on taking shots, well then I'll give yo ass an overdose Wait till you see my book, I ain't playing Just wait till you see my book, it's full of recipes I'm Ramsey with the Grimoire, serving up my specialty's G's move in silence, so you better be respecting me Charmy (Ironmouse):-
Awoken from my slumber I hunger so bring an army No wonder I start the party You blunder when facing Charmy Food hearty so do not waste it, I hate it, I'll whip you like cake mix The basics of cooking, every plate is made for greatness A hybrid who's finding my goals Keeping you tight nit when I'm in control Like I'm yeast I keep on growing My love for Yuno is showing I'm smoking meat and I'm knowing That I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing Gauche (Zach Boucher):-
It's just been a bit long road, but we'll keep trekking through it all I promise on my life that I'll be there for you though if you call I'll keep you safe in any way, even with backs up on the wall I got this mirror magic, bringing fear and havoc 'til they fall It's hard to treat you unfair, they all freeze when you stare Don't care for me, it's for Marie, I tend to bleed when I care And now when they see reflections it will not be me that they fear So please tell me when you're in need, I swear, you'll see, I'll be there Henry (GR3YS0N):-
My team don't know that I'm here, but I been around The ops bout to lose this round, I'll bring the house down Equipped with the Bulls and Asta's my projectile Check how I make my house do a ground pound Don't play me close, I'll jack ya mana you better dip I'll turn my crib into a ship and pull up quick For Clover kingdom I swear to god that I will never quit Like my illness my skills is forever sick Secre (Chi-Chi):-
Secre flying on down, never making a sound, holding evil at bay Keeping eyes on you through a bird's eye view, locked up and sealed away Five hundred years I've been waiting around Don't doubt power less you wanna be bound Cast your ego aside, better swallow that pride Cause this swallow gonna make you pay Yami (Daddyphatsnaps):-
Poke the Bull you get the horns, hold on let me light a cigarette I'm smoking all you cowards, only puff the littlest disrespect I'm a step ahead, so if you disregard my intellect There won't be a dimension my katana cannot intercept Pierce your heart and turn your life against you, that's an inner threat And if I interject your wife won't need to have your dinner prepped Surpass those limits or get clapped no finish We the best Black Bulls, no cap, you can get it
https://img.youtube.com/vi/40KybQ8FY2A/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/2PW55cY
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onlinetradeweb · 4 years
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Intact Dp Extra Tablet 100mg Price In Pakistan-03043280033 - Intact Dp Extra Tablet 100mg Price In Pakistan-03043280033 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/GLXi1suwr7 INTACT DP TABLET PRICE IN PAKISTAN The most common side effects of this medicine are flushing, headache, blurred vision, muscle pain, stomach upset, and rash. Talk to your doctor if the side effects bother you or will not go away. Call Us: 03043280033 03403280033 Mail Us: [email protected] https://www.onlinetrade.pk/product/intact-dp-tablet-in-pakistan/
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