#int. danny.
zoeysandin · 3 months
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"tell me WHERE ABELARDO IS!" she hollers, thwacking him with the crack of her whip one more time as she paces over to loom above him. he starts chatting his shit again and she has to restrain herself from spitting. can't leave any dna on him.
"yeah. you should see me when on my period," she snarls, pulling a more personal weapon out as she crouches down to sit on his chest. soon enough she's bringing the knife up to slide along his cheek now. "you're gonna tell me what i need to know and... i might not hurt you. cliche, but it's true... maybe." or maybe i'll still stab you. but you don't have to know that part.
replying to your starter as a repost because tumblr wouldn't let me reblog | @etxrnaleclipse
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Aurora Borealis Crown has been haunting my thoughts…..
RedBubble Link
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 76
Both worlds are different dimensions.
Danny has always had a mark one that was a clear (shape/animal/hero symbol/whatever) on his wrist. Since the day he was born. His parents always just told him it made him even more special.
The nasty burger explosion happens.
He can’t go to vlad so he hides in the realm. Only to fall through a natural portal.
It’s then the mark gains colors.
Danny realizes the marks are soul-marks in this dimension. I prefer parental marks so that’s what the rest of my idea is for but it could be romantic/platonic as well.
Danny who just lost his entire family and feels completely at fault just says nope. he won’t risk it being a thing. It’s not even his home dimension anyways. So like it won’t match anybody anyways. Right?
So he hides the mark and just goes about life as a homeless teen with superpowers.
He’s not out looking to be a vigilante but if something is happening infringe of him and no one else is acting he will.
One day he gets caught in a bad fight. Ends up injured probably helping someone else not get hurt.
It’s then the soul mark is revealed to be for *insert dc character name here*
For some angst. Danny was original born in the dc. When a mark blackens it means the other person is dead. Or in this case separated by different dimensions. So for a year or two the other person had there marked colored only. Then Danny “died”.
The other person thought he was dead.
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Danny, on the run from the GIW decides to take shelter in Gotham because if the GIW have any sense they'd never set foot in there.
Even if Batman and the JL agree with thier opinion on ecto entities (as evidenced by their lack of speaking out against the anti-ecto acts) Batman was notoriously territorial and would have issue with a wildly incompetent government organization throwing missiles around his city all willy-nilly.
With that being said it was probably best for Danny to wear a disguise. Sure, they didn't know Fenton and Phantom were the same person yet but Danny Fenton suddenly turning up in Gotham after going missing in Amity is certainly going to raise some eyebrows regardless of the necklace he had that jammed his ecto-signature and made him untrackable.
Danny started off by going blond. Its something he's always wanted to do and now with ghostly shape-shifting powers he doesn't even have to worry about frying his hair or dying his eyebrows to match. After that all he needed to do was part his hair down the middle, add a lip ring or two and maybe a bit of make up.
Danny stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like a completely different person.
A completely different and very attractive person. He looked good. The newly blond man threw on a green jacket and went out to explore the town. He did not expect to literally bump into the Tim Drake. The Wayne adoptee just stood there mouth opening and closing comically. Did he offend him? Crap. He had promised Jazz he would stay off of the radar of the Waynes and the bats specifically and here he was angering one of them.
Danny decided to book it before it became a scene, ignoring the lovestruck Tim's crys for him to wait.
Back at his apartment Danny quickly changed his look to red hair tied back into a two inch low ponytail, green eyes and freckles that unbeknownst to anyone else was made up from the lesser known constellations.
The coffee at this Cafe smelled amazing! Too bad Danny wouldn't get to try it because the next this he knew freaking Red Hood was behind him asking to talk. Our favorite ghost boy wouldn't be embarrassed to admit he let out a small squeek before bolting out the door yelling, "I'm not even a criminal!"
It took Jason a few seconds to process that the guy he had tried to flirt with ran away in terror. Crap.
Day three and four were blissfully Wayne and bat free, though he did find out that Tim Drake and Red Hood were looking for his two false identities. Joy.
Day five he met the stabby Robin who very valiantly beat up two people who had been following him. Danny didn't even notice he was being followed and thanked the bird for saving him. Danny, who was shape-shifted into a very pretty girl at the moment, offered to buy him something to eat as a thank you. "Danielle" insisted and Robin allowed it. Danielle never noticed the slight pink on Damians cheeks as they went over to one of Damians favorite restaurants.
Day seven he had went out as blondie and got confronted by some girl named Barbara. She was nice and managed to convince him to come to a Cafe with her. He told her his name was David and he ran away from his parents with the help of one of his friends family members and that he was Jewish, which was true...except for the David part. He learned that if you wanna keep your story straight keeping to almost truths was your best bet. She in turn told him about Tim and how he's a friend of hers-uh oh- and that he's been looking all over for him.
Danny-David- tells her he's sorry but he didn't mean to offend Tim and doesn't want any trouble before laying down enough money to cover his half of the bill and the tip and booking it out of there
This repeats with most of the family trying to flirt with him or adopt him into the family when he's out as Danny.
Bruce Wayne approached Danny when he was waiting to board an elevator, "Hel-" was all the billionaire could get out before Danny cut him off "Hell no." And then he just got in the elevator and pressed the close doors button and was gone again.
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diltonsstrangescience · 2 months
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(Disclaimer that I know literally nothing about Danni, besides the facts that she’s trans and dated Dilton at one point. I have no knowledge of her personality or backstory or anything. I’m improvising based solely on this one picture:)
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ecto-stone · 6 months
I'm curious, When Writting or making art for Dp, You Prefer to Buff or Nerf Danny and other Halfa
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galaxaey · 1 month
thank you for letting me know. i'll get right on it. / danny at claudia. absolutely sarcastically. no i don't know how they're communicating considering he only knew jenny.
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they're in a middle of an incursion , and he's here mouthing off like a petulant little boy . bronzed orbs roll , this was absolutely ridiculous . he was bold for a civilian , she'd give him that but claudia knew how to contain these types of things . brow arched , scoffing in his direction . she turned away from the soldiers she was directing , marching towards the perimeter . she's an image of refined stress , dressed in a black overcoat , knee high boots and hair slicked back into a well groomed ponytail . ❛ one more syllable and i'll have you arrested , this is government business . ❜ stoic vocals left her lips , doing her best to keep it together in the absence of cutter . she doesn't have to turn to command the soldiers , raising her voice in an orderly fashion . no need for theatrics . ❛ move the perimeter back another mile ! ❜ she smirks at him , thinking she knows better . the infamous danny quinn , ex - policeman and trouble in a biker's jacket . she takes a step back , heading towards the field . pointing at him as soldiers now swarmed her . nodding in their direction to move . ❛ don't try anything stupid , mr quinn . if he breaches the perimeter , arrest him . ❜
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Two weeks ago I got really into profile personalization in Spacehey (which is like a MySpace knock off). I was changing my profile layout almost everyday and looking at videos with tips and I even considered learning some html, then my interest kinda wore off. Buy it was fun, I will get into it again someday
My first layout had an emo theme. I chose Hang'em High by MCR as an autoplay (the music that keeps playing on the background) to add to it's MySpace glory
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Then I made a profile with a.... cunty? theme. Not sure how to call this aesthetic. I am kinda into doll collecting, specially Monster High, but I don't really like MH's branding/aesthetic (just the dolls) so I chose Bratz. I put DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3 as autoplay.
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Then I themed my profile after Ouran Highschool Host Club, an anime that I got REALLY into for like two days. The autoplay was the ending of the anime, called Shissou With Guitar Riff
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The last one was a Nicktoons themed profile. I fell into a Nicktoons rabbit hole that week bc of @nicktoonsunite. The autoplay was Danny Phantom's opening theme bc it slaps
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meetmeafftcrdark · 8 months
danny wood ( @thcgoodwitch ) said: “Oh, to be young and to feel love’s keen sting.”
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– Oh, lo sé. Dan ganas de volver a ser adolescentes –comentó concordando con su amigo, viendo a una pareja a la distancia. No se veían mucho menores que ellos, sin embargo, había algo de estar viviendo en plena guerra y haberse casado joven que hacía que se sintiera mayor. Al menos eso le pasaba a Andrómeda– Aunque creo que yo sí sigo sintiendo "el agudo aguijón del amor", si es que soy sincera –agregó, soltando una pequeña risa. Tonks decía la verdad: quizás no era lo mismo que el amor adolescente, pero era un amor intenso el que sentía por su familia de todas formas.
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cxpectopatronum · 8 months
“He’s covered in blood again. Why is it he’s always covered in blood?”
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—Mmm —meditó su respuesta sin pretensiones, pues tampoco se hallaba sorprendido—. Tengo la teoría de que sus puños son más rápidos que... Bueno, cualquier otra cosa —opinó con un suspiro. No importaba si estaba de acuerdo o no (y aunque algunas personas se lo merecían), tampoco parecía ser la mejor solución.
michael & danny : @thcgoodwitch
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trinkettes · 2 years
grattis melodifestivalen till det första roliga skämtet på tre deltävlingar
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euphememoon · 1 year
“What were you thinking? You could have been hurt!”  ― @thcgoodwitch​
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“No te preocupes, Danny. No soy tan frágil ni torpe.” Mentira. “Además, mis huesos son prácticamente de goma.” Otra mentira. Pero lo que no quería admitir es que había tenido que arriesgar su salud por el regalo que llevaba en la mano, que casi había sido dañado por el golpe de un desconocido. Y como era lógico, Zoe había acabado en el suelo para que este no se rompiera. Puede que tuviera un par de rasguños en las rodillas, pero al menos podía decir que su obsequio estaba ileso. Sonriente, le ofreció este a su acompañante. “En fin, aquí tienes. Es para ti. Y tu familia... y esas cosas.” Finalizó tratando de sonar lo más despreocupada posible, aunque no fue un gran intento. Incluso se encogió de hombros, como si no hubiera estado semanas buscando un buen regalo. 
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danny wood said: ❝ when was the last time you took a moment to just breathe and be in the moment ? ❞ / @thcgoodwitch​
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– ¿La verdad? No estoy segura –reconoció, antes de darle un mordisco a su sándwich. Lo cierto era que, si bien su vida era buena, no estaba nunca quieta– Y creo que lo necesitaba, pero es que todo siempre parece estar tan... tan... –ni siquiera supo cómo describirlo. 
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princemick · 1 year
...I hate all if you, I'm crying now
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Danny? I min mello???
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wolfbaenes · 2 years
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nickname: charlie, danny. birthdate: february 28, 1996. medical issues: depression, chronic heart condition. species: human. specialty: hunting hacking. family members: daryl dixon-argent, allison argent, daniel mahealani, judith mayer. positive traits: kind, forgiving, compassionate. negative traits: secretive, defensive, irrational. school/major: beacon hills university, computer sciences. quote: “i want to tell you this story without having to confess anything. i want to tell you this story without having to be in it.” theme song: closure, taylor swift. described as a color: space gray.
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