#int. -> aneirin.
rhysdasior · 30 days
closed starter for @aneirin-ap-mouric
Whilst Seth had done a phenomenal job of managing the workload of the entire department throughout Rhys’ absence (not that the witch had expected any less), there were still a few loose ends that needed tying up and considered finalised for good. It had taken Rhys a day or two to submerge himself back into the general hustle and bustle of castle life but once the familiarity had returned in full force, it felt as if he’d never left at all. Well, certainly on the departmental side of things. Matters of the heart and all the complications that came with it remained an apparently persistent issue. Sending off the last flurry of emails for the morning to confirm upcoming consultations and formally check in with coven-related matters back home, Rhys pushed himself up out of his chair with a long sigh, warily eyeing the clock above the doorway as he tried to discern how much of his break tying one particular loose thread up would take. Whatever excuses his mind was eager to make up to avoid addressing any of it, the fact of the matter remained: he couldn’t put it off forever and his conscience had been nagging him relentlessly to extend an olive branch of some kind to fledgling number one if it made Roland’s life even slightly easier.
Shrugging off the last of his reservations, Rhys plucked his blazer from the back of his chair and tugged it on as he headed out of the office, waving a hand behind him to lock and enchant the door to prevent another spontaneous arrival from Gwyn in his absence. Though he’d foolishly hoped it would, it didn’t take long to reach Aneirin’s suite and Rhys took a breath to steady himself before knocking. “Councilman? Apologies for the interruption – do you have five minutes to spare? There’s something we need to discuss.”
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nahimarchive · 3 months
closed starter for @aneirin-ap-mouric
with a new councilman on the roster other than himself, nahim was delighted to finally have the heat taken off of him as the newest addition and thus took it upon himself to learn all he possibly could about the man in question in what free time he could salvage. further digging on aneirin’s history — something more invasive and far more time-consuming — could be done when nahim’s schedule allowed, but as he watched wales’ councilman cross the threshold of the game room bar from his seat, now seemed as good a time as any to make a start. whistling sharply, nahim flashed a bright smile as the sound had the intended effect and as their eyes met across the room, nahim gestured sweetly to the unoccupied stool beside him and turned to order two more glasses of the bar’s faerie blood wine, only turning his full attention to aneirin once the other councilman had settled into place beside him. his smile still in place, nahim slid the spare glass towards the older vampire and scanned his gaze over aneirin meticulously. “i’d ask what you were doing in here, but then you’d ask me the same, wouldn’t you? i don’t think we need to pry so soon into one another’s personal business–” nahim extended a hand for aneirin to shake, a touch expectantly, as he took a measured sip from his glass, his unblinking gaze never once leaving aneirin’s own. “nahim ravani. malta’s councilman. we’re yet to be formally introduced– how are you finding it? there’s still a little light in your eyes, that’s good. no regrets yet?”
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rhysdasiorarchive · 3 months
closed starter for @aneirin-ap-mouric
Entanglements with the family coven back in Mayfair had been pulling at Rhys’ attention until the inevitable had occurred and he’d found himself having to rise above his station whilst shoving an unfortunately heavy workload onto Seth’s shoulders in the process – not a fact the other magic consultant likely enjoyed, especially after all the fuss Seth had kicked up about his workload only a short while before Rhys’ departure. However, needs must and apologies usually went down a little sweeter with a good bottle of something old and red, so Rhys made sure to sneak a bottle from the Dasior’s cellar the morning of his return home, burying it under the sweaters and various tomes he’d promised only to borrow before heading back into Krovs’ uninviting gravitational pull.
The bottle had only come to mind the moment a beat before a knock sounded at his office door and Rhys paused midway across the office with a hissed curse as he hurried to gently slide it into one of his desk drawers and flicked a wrist to lock it shut before. Checking his pocket watch with a sigh at his own poor time management (the jet lag excuse really didn’t fly when abjuration was his main school of magic, it was a nightmarish burden to bear sometimes), Rhys forced himself to slip back into his workplace persona of someone capable of possessing comfortable ease in some capacity and strolled to the office door to tug it open with a warm smile, stepping aside to gesture for the councilman to step inside. “Aneirin. Right on time. Please, come in, make yourself comfortable.” Letting the office door fall shut behind Wales’ representative, Rhys leisurely wandered to lean against his desk chair, watching Aneirin over it curiously. “Before we begin discussing the finer details of your consultation, can I get you anything sent up? You need anything sustenance-wise?”
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niofo · 9 months
it's really funny when a high int high wis character is still getting bamboozled by astarion about that whole vampire thing, i don't think astarion is good enough actor to pull it off against more inquisitive and/or suspicious characters.
all i'm saying that when i when i first played as aneirin, when he was a wizard and more like idris, he would absolutely notice earlier that astation is a vampire, but he wouldn't care much (bcos he has a death wish). but with aneirin 2.0 where he's literally a cleric of kelemvor i think it's important that he doesn't notice or he'd attack astarion on the spot, or at least didn't want to travel with him, bcos of the whole undead thing. but also it makes even less sense bcos shouldn't he be trained to notice undead in this line of work? i'm still not sure how to proceed with the plot in this one, but i feel like kicking astarion out will be the only logical option, i'm sorry astarion. (as khareesa, my cleric of lolth, i already play without gale, bcos she would not pull him out of that portal in the first place and i still feel bad about it)
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