#int: kelly clarkson show
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Aaron Pierre visits the Kelly Clarkson Show with the Lion King cast.
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Anna Kendrick Bought Her Own 'Trolls' Merch At Target And No One Noticed
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So, this was also requested by @margo-the-destroyer. So, I guess I gotta. Also, I’m glad I gotta.
· who hogs the duvet
Julia.But it’s completely by accident. See, Kady gets hot at night and kicks theblankets off, leaving Julia to cuddle in them and wrap them around herself.Then she wakes up, cold, and has to tangle Julia so that she can have blankets.
· who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Kady.She texts to make sure that Julia has eaten and is doing alright because Juliagets really involved with whatever she’s doing. She gets really into it andtends to forget about things like food and sleep and everything else. So, Kadytexts and checks on her every couple of hours.
· who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Kady.Julia is really good at finding practical gifts and things that match people’sinterest. Kady is good at finding weird shit. She’s good at finding that thingthat you didn’t know you needed but the second you say it it was everything. Like,Julia would get you a first edition book from your favourite series, Kady foundyou a sword cane.
· who gets up first in the morning
Julia.Even if she’s the last one in bed at night she’s the first one up in themorning. She’s got shit to do and sleeping takes up too much time. By the timeKady wakes up the coffee is already made, Julia is already showered and gettingon with the day. Kady likes her sleep and can occasionally get Julia to sleepin a little bit, sometimes hugging her tight in the morning and not letting herget out of bed.
· who suggests new things in bed
Kady.There’s a lot she wants to try and a lot of things that Julia wants to try.Kady only knows what Julia wants because Julia will ‘accidentally’ leave upwebpages of different positions or toys for Kady to see. So then Kady is theone to bring it up because she knows Julia never will.
· who cries at movies
Itdepends on the movie. Julia cries when the dog dies in movies and during movieswhere someone passes away after a long battle with illness. She also happycries at the end of animated movies and hopes that no one notices. Kady criesduring romantic movies and tries to hide it or makes up an excuse to go to thebathroom so Julia doesn’t see her tearing up.
· who gives unprompted massages
Kady.When Julia is reading or working Kady comes up behind her and starts rubbingher shoulders until she relaxes. These are usually quickly little massages but if Julia is really tense and hasn’tbeen sleeping well they can turn into full body massages that end with Juliaasleep and finally relaxed.
· who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Julia.Kady assumes people want to be left alone when they’re sick and, also, shedoesn’t want to catch whatever someone else has. She’ll be there, but she’s notgreat with illness. So, she avoids sick people at all costs. Julia makes soupand checks temperatures and makes sure Kady doesn’t need a doctor. She makessure Kady takes the proper dose of medicine (as Kady will occasionally justdrink half a bottle of cold medicine and declare herself to be fine.).
· who gets jealous easiest
Kady.She’s always worried that Julia will somehow be taken away from her or that she’snot good enough for Julia. Julia has nice things, she’s brilliant, she couldhave basically anyone. Kady sometimes thinks that Julia is only with herbecause of their circumstances. That Julia feels like she has to be. She’s veryjealous and protective over Julia.
· who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Kady.One of her secret favourite artists is Kelly Clarkson. She watched AmericanIdol in a hotel room they lived in when she was younger and she just got kindof attached. She liked Kelly’s story and her music and she still listens to herwhen she’s having a bad day.
· who collects something unusual
Julia.It’s insects. It started when she was younger. She has shadow boxes ofdelicately places and labelled insects and arachnids. Kady thinks it’s a bit creepy but she supports Julia,occasionally bringing her strange insects she’s found for her collection.
· who takes the longest to get ready
Kady.Mostly because she procrastinates. She doesn’t want to get into the shower,then she doesn’t want to get out, then she doesn’t feel like getting dressed orfussing with her hair. These things just take too much effort and she delaysthem for as long as possible.
· who is the most tidy and organised
Julia.Mess is too distracting. Kady is the type to leave coffee cups around her workspace and works better in clutter. Kadyis used to clutter and chaos, Julia isn’t. Messes make things overwhelming andthere’s too much going on. Everything has to be a certain way or working andstudying become difficult.
· who gets most excited about the holidays
Kady.She didn’t always. Usually the holidays were just another day and she didn’treally celebrate. Hell, she never had anyone to celebrate with. Her mothertended to forget her birthday and big holidays were always ignored. With Juliait’s different. She has a family and someone she can share the day with. It’snever big or fancy or overly exciting, but Kady did get to decorate her firstChristmas tree with Julia and felt like a little kid.
· who is the big spoon/little spoon
Kadyis always big spoon. Julia is small and likes to be cuddled. Kady likes holdingher tightly and knowing she’s there, knowing she can’t slip away.
· who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Julia.She grew up competing academically and every game is very serious to her. Shereally likes playing bridge even though Kady doesn’t entirely understand therules of it. With games like that Kady is incredibly laid back and tends toaccidentally win, leading Julia to try and figure out her strategy even whenthere isn’t one.
· who starts the most arguments
Julia.She doesn’t mean to but occasionally she overreacts too things that Kady saysor takes things too personally. Kady doesn’t like to argue and only does itwhen Julia is exhausted but refuses to go to bed. They don’t often fight andwhen they do it’s usually easily resolved once they calm down.
· who suggests that they buy a pet
Kady.Except, she doesn’t so much suggest it as she does….bring a pet home. Juliacomes home to a cat just in the apartment. It was homeless and tiny and Kadydidn’t think it should be on the street like that, so she brought it in. It takes a while for Juliato calm down over the random stray cat showing up, but she eventually grows tolove him. Even if he is the ugliest cat she’s ever seen in her life, Kady loveshim and they saved him together.
· what couple traditions they have
Tuesdaynight movies and sushi. It’s the one time when they actually stop what they’redoing and make themselves take a break. It was Kady’s idea when she realisedthat Julia had never seen Young Frankenstein and they watched it together. Thenit became a regular Tuesday night occurrence with them settling in and watchinga movie, switching off who picks the movie each week,
· what tv shows they watch together
Theydon’t really have time to watch television. Occasionally they’ll binge watchLaw and Order when the other is sick and have officially seen every episode of SVU. Late at night whenthey’re working they’ll turn on X-Files or Twilight Zone to play in thebackground, sometimes getting caught up in the show and forgetting to work.
· what other couple they hang out with
Okay,you knew this was coming. You know me, you’ve seen my URL, you’ve seen me postshit. Obviously they occasionally hang out with Penny and Eliot. Penny stilllikes talking to Kady and there are still some feelings there and it gets hardsometimes, but he likes her as a person and misses talking to her. Eliot andJulia are both really good at bridge and like to play together.
· how they spend time together as a couple
Mostlyreading or working on magic. Their cooperative spells are amazing and they lovelearning and practising together. They don’t really go out much, neither ofthem really having an interest in shopping or going to wine tastings. They liketo stay at home most nights. Sometimes Julia reads Kady her favourite poemsuntil she falls asleep. Kady likes to make up stories to tell Julia aboutfantastic adventures int eh Great Unknown.
· who made the first move
Julia.It wasn’t exactly on purpose and neither of them really thought about it. Theyjust started growing closer and everything happened so slowly they didn’t evenrealise their feelings were changing. Then one day Julia just kissed Kadygoodnight without thinking. There was a long pause and a few seconds whereneither of them moved or said anything. Then Kady kissed her back.
· who brings flowers home
Kady.She doesn’t know the names of the flowers (and sometimes the flowers areactually weeds) but she picks up any yellow flower she sees because she knowyellow is Julia’s favourite colour. She learns that Julia especially likessunflowers and starts getting her those. Then later she finds out that Juliadoesn’t actually like cut flowers, she doesn’t like watching them die. So, shestarts taking Julia on walks through gardens instead, especially on days where Juliais feeling bad. They’ll casually go stroll through a garden, looking at theexotic and foreign plants with Julia pronouncing their Latin names perfectly.
· who is the best cook
Julia.She bakes bread and makes homemade pasta and desserts. Kady is really good atfoods that needs to be microwaved but not so great with a stove. She can sortof make spaghetti out of a box with a canned sauce, but they both quicklydecide that Julia should be the one to cook. She also stress bakes. Sometimesif she’s really stressed and can’t focus then the house will be filled withfresh bread and brownies.
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