#instead we’re all absolute hos for this freaky little guy
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year ago
I love how Buggy is supposed to be like the ultimate scary clown but the minute we all saw him we were like: I WANNA [REDACTED] THAT GUY SO BAD AND SIT ON HIS [REDACTED] WHILE HE [REDACTED] MY [REDACTED], etc.
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beatconductor-blog · 6 years ago
Coco 👑Last Thursday at 11:44 PM
It's been a few hours since the whole Trickster thing wore off at this point you got to puke it all out and to take a nice long shower, something anyone would need after this bullshit. This leaves you awkwardly sitting on your bed with Dave, who apparently gained the privilege of entering the hideout during all the shit going down the past week or so. You are not going to complain about that at all but the silence right now after things are finally slowing down is unbearable. You just have to say something preferably something that will start a lighthearted and conversation and won't kickstart yet another emotional breakdown. "So...Uh...Tricksters huh? Sorry for uh...Going all psycho on your ass and shit.." Nailed it.
rootyLast Thursday at 11:47 PM
Ehhh dunno if you got that privilege just yet or if you even remember where that one backdoor tunnel goes, but you definitely stayed a night or two because you're just tired of everything. You just shrug. "I started it, should've just let you go ahead but I just had to come after you." Well, sure, Sock was really weird, but you kind of fucked up the whole happy trickster thing too, right? Else you might have been just as freaky.
Coco 👑Last Thursday at 11:58 PM
Probably not a permanent privilege just yet, but he's here right now, that's all that counts. "Yeah, guess it's all your fault." You say that in a total deadpan but you hope that Dave knows you well enough by now to realize it's supposed to be a joke, if not the best one. "Seriously though, I got really creepy on you and..I'm sorry dude. Even called you my boyfriend and shit..." 
rootyYesterday at 12:02 AM
Honestly, that doesn't even properly register in your brain. Like, come on, that wasn't the worst of it all. "It's alright, I probably would've done the same if I had an actual sugar rush. It just kinda all sucked."
Coco 👑Yesterday at 12:04 AM
"Thanks uh..thanks for not fingering my bullet wounds though. That would be one weird memory to have..." Not that you don't have enough of those as is. Ugh.
rootyYesterday at 12:07 AM
"Uh, you're welcome. I mean I wish I could say I've done weirder shit before, but.. nah, not really, that was really something. That's not like, an urge you got regularly, do you..."
Coco 👑Yesterday at 12:11 AM
"You've seen all my hole filling needs so far... I dunno where..that came from." You decide not to mention what you got up to ding with your holes without him. That's not gonna help. "Only thing I did that really made sense was..hm..." You are not sure if you should say that but then again, fuck it? Everything's shit already. "..calling you my boyfriend."
rootyYesterday at 12:12 AM
You.. don't even know how to react that. Can't really say that it totally catches you off-guard, I mean, look at how much you've been together already, but. Man, you suck at this and you know it. "Alright." Nailed it.
Coco 👑Yesterday at 12:22 AM
"I...Ugh dude I feel like such an idiot here. It's...What..What are we even doing? Are we boyfriends?" You have been hanging out for ho long now? When did you start having sex? How often did you actually tell each other 'I love you' so far? A lot, though never without the possibility of blaming being high on illegal substances or just sex. It's hard to look at anything but you hands but you do sneak a glance at his face to see his reaction.
rootyYesterday at 9:44 AM
You don't know how to answer this. Actually you do, it's more like you physically can't. You lean there, getting really nervous and blushing just a little and very much avoiding his eyes. "Huhhh..." Fuck you fucking idiot.
Coco 👑Yesterday at 2:00 PM
Well that doesn't really help. It only makes you feel like more of an idiot for bringing this up. Maybe you misunderstood everything you guys did in the past twoish years. Maybe you shouldn't have brought it up, ever. Maybe he actually secretly hates you and wants you dead- No stop this is getting stupid. Well you are stupidly anxious about this and it shows. It's hard to actually look at Dave anymore. "That's...That's not an answer dude...We can just...shit i dont know. Sorry for asking." Nice chickening out there chicken boy.
rootyYesterday at 2:43 PM
Oh no, Sock definitely didn't misunderstand. That's just what happens when you crush on personified denial. You look incredibly stressed and nervous, trying to find a satisfying solution to an impossible problem. The problem being you. "No, it's.." Well, great, now you feel bad cause your chickening out made him chicken out. Urgh. Just tabbing out and asking Aradia for help would be really rude, right? Something something sometimes it's worth the risk and all and hell. You like him. "I mean. I.. I guess." That sure was a complete and comprehensive conversation.
Coco 👑Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"You guess...? That uh..That we're..you know? Or that we can..drop it?" You hope for the first answer for sure but you also really don't want to get your hopes up. Stupid bird boy.
rootyYesterday at 7:46 PM
God, he's really making you say it, is he? Fucking hell. You sink back into the matress a little, wishing you were anywhere but here but what else is new. "The thing. The boy.. friend.. thing." Your voice is getting smaller with every word.
Coco 👑Yesterday at 7:59 PM
"Oh..." It actually takes you a moment to process that. Is that a yes? It sounds like a yes. Is he sure about the yes? Do you deserve a yes? What if he just feels like he has to say yes but secretly he hates you- No bad again. Wrong. Stop.  You take a deep breath before you gather all your courage and tackle the poor guy on the bed to kiss him. That's what you are supposed to do in a moment like this right? You pull away and look down at Dave and it feels like you are running the most nasty fever in the world. God you have to look like a god damn tomato. "Are...Are you sure? Is this okay?" It feels okay to you but... You are not so sure about Dave.  It's hard not to let your fears and insecurities take over.
rootyYesterday at 9:39 PM
Oh. Oh god. Yeah, making out still feels really good, though you're also totally caught offguard. And blushing much harder than Sock because you're a few degrees paler. You have a really hard time meeting his eyes. Please stop expecting so much, you're just a simple Dave... "Y.. yeah. It is......"
Coco 👑Yesterday at 10:15 PM
Oh wow, you've never seen him blush this hard.  That actually reassures you and you give him your biggest dumbest grin. "Does that mean we can hold hands in public?"
rootyYesterday at 10:51 PM
*"Wow wow wow. Slow down there alright who the hell do you think I am." You almost sound upset, but there's the teeniest tiny awkward grin on your face. God. Fuck. Yeah, alright. You love him. Look at that idiot.
Coco 👑Yesterday at 11:03 PM
"I think you are Dave Strider." You kiss him again, longer this time. "The biggest gaylord on Derse and my fucking boyfriend." Saying that feels just a little weird still but it's easier packaged as a joke and...It might be weird but it's also really nice. The smile just doesn't leave your face.
rootyToday at 12:24 AM
"Shut up." God. Fuck. Fucking hell. For once, the giddy excitement just barely outweighs the absolute terror in your bone, and yet he just talks way too fucking much and you pull him in for another deep kiss.
Coco 👑Today at 1:05 AM
You easily let him shut you up with kisses. Hell yeah you will take that any day. Fuck, you'd really like that every day for real. Maybe you can pretend that this is going to be every day from now on for just a minute. You don't know how long you've been making out when you finally speak up again, grabbing his hand because well..You are gay. And you want to hold onto him. "Hey... I'm really happy." And you really are. For once, just for now, nothing else really matters. You can go back to worrying about everything tomorrow.
rootyToday at 1:09 AM
"Fuuck..." Hell, this is gay. He's so gay. You're so gay. And excited. And nervous. Like what, this isn't your first crush, not your first makeout, not even your first relationship. But it was... so much more than this. "Me too..." you answer somewhat shaky. You really mean it though.
Coco 👑Today at 1:30 AM
He looks so utterly vulnerable right now and it makes your heart beat just a little bit faster. You know how much he wants to come off as cool and collected even if he's just a big loser so just getting this close... It feels special. It makes you feel like you are special, in the good way for once in your life. "I love you." It slips out before you can even consider what you are saying but well...You do. You did for a while now. You even said it before but it feels so different to say it now.
rootyToday at 1:53 AM
You're not vulnerable, you're cool af. Okay, that's a lie, but one you gotta tell yourself to preserve what little is left of your self-esteem and composure. Except, that 'I love you' completely sweeps the rest of it away too and you start to tear up a little (to be fair, you're exhausted as fuck), which is probably a weird look with that awkward grin of you. You reply, though you mouth your answer mor than you actually speak it. Hopefully Sock can guess what you tried to say.
Coco 👑Today at 2:04 AM
Look at that big sap, does he actually have tears in his eyes? You'd tease him about it under different circumstances but right now? You're not going to ruin this. That reply is more than good enough for you, you honestly didn't expect one at all and that would have been okay too. You answer with some more kisses instead, too scared to ruin the moment if you keep on talking.
rootyToday at 2:10 AM
Kisses. Right, yes, that's a thing you can do. It's like a button got pushed, snapping you out of your deer-in-headlights kinda trance, and you kiss him in return on any spot you can find and reach.
Coco 👑Today at 2:21 AM
The sudden affection makes you chuckle a little. It's nice. You pull Dave as close as you can and carefully wrap your wings around him. This feels right, you can get used to this. The past days? Weeks? Years? Have been so exhausting but it's all worth it for this little moment. It's easy to fall asleep when you are with your boyfriend.
rootyToday at 2:25 AM
Yes. Yes, this is nice. And you don't stop the kisses for a few more moments. You probably won't ever get used to this, but even then, this isn't all that bad.
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