jrueships · 2 months
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guess whos not going in at all this week, actually
#MY MANAGER EMAILED LIKE 2 HOURS B4 I HAD TO GO IN#she finally changed my schedule (1 day) to the night shift today#(i emailed her to be safe just kinda casually reaffirming im going in at the new time & then asking if any other shifts wanted 2 be changed#bcs that sounds great to me whstever option she goes with#she ignored that question & i get a new email from her asking if i completed a training. lets called it DOC#basically a long time ago she said 'i will send you DOC instructions soon' .. a few days pass and i get three 50 paged packets#one is called NAVIGATING DOC#im like oh ok cool that must be the DOC training shes talking abt bcs the other 2 packets were abt various trainings#NAH BRUH. APPARENTLY THE DAY IM SUPPOSED TO GO IN. SHE MESSAGES ME SOME ENTIRELY ALIEN PROGRAM#and is like 'u completed this right? cus if u didnt u cant come in today.'#LIKE?? MAYBE I WOULDA IF U SENT THE SHIT#but it's also like. dam i shouldve emailed prompting her to send what she said she would n clarifying BUT FUCK#WHY DO I GOTTA?? IM NOT THE MANAGER#she literally told me the name of the program rn thru email so i type it in and see like four hour long modules to complete#mind u i aint never even been informed a WHISPER abt this new program. nothings even labeled DOC TRAINING#but my struggle is. was i notified this?? and i just didnt see??? was i supposed to clarify with her what the DOC training was exactly??#the only thing ive heard abt doc training b4 this is 'i need to send u DOC training soon' in EMAIL. so i expected an alert#abt THE DOC TRAINING... in an EMAIL notification. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS#idk man#i dont even care bro like im busy as hell & the work is just to build clinic hours so i dont care abt the money factor#it's just like. can we get this first day jitters thing over with already?? im so over this bro#yaddayadda i emailed her an apology n ill be on that ASAP shit. but i did let her know i am basically justnnow seeing this site#n if there was any email or notif that couldve/tried to inform me of its existence 2 pls let me know / figure out how to find it#so the issue doesnt occur again & i dont have to keep botherinher which im so srry of bcs med is stress n shes just trying to get by#but still bro im a lil miffed bcs she probably thinks im stupid now and now im wondering if i AM#bcs WDYM ONLINE MODULES. AINT NOBODY SAID SH IT EVEN ABT THE EXISTENCE OF THEM!!! i wouldve pressed harder 4 clarification#if i knew it was an ONLINE MODULE i had to look out for on some randomass site i didnt even know the name of until now#instead of the EMAIL UVE BEEN 'COMMUNICATING' WITH ME ON#ARREGHHHHHHHH IM NOT STUPID. I SWEAR IM NOT STUPID FUCCK MY BAKA LIFE
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eatpraydig · 5 years
Hi, do you have any advice for someone heading to their first dig soon? I'd really appreciate it!
Hi! Hopefully I’m not super late responding to this (I can’t remember the last time I was on…was it yesterday? The days are blurring together??) - but anyway, hopefully i can answer this in a helpful, non-rambling way!
don’t worry about special equipment. honestly, i didn’t get my first trowel until about 2 years ago and i went on my first dig in 2014 and have since been on a second one and never had my own stuff. of course, if the project tells you you should bring your own equipment (trowel, pickaxe, etc.) then you definitely need to bring it. but if not they probably will have a few to spare. things you should definitely bring: gloves (to protect your hands from vegetation and/or blisters), sturdy boots or tennis shoes, and a good water bottle. these are the absolutely essential items you should always bring with you on a dig - even if you’re not sure you’ll need/use the gloves or only end up wearing the boots, it’ll be nice to know you have them in a pinch.
read your emails. this might seem like a no-brainer, but if there are any emails from the dig leading up to the time you arrive there, make sure you read them carefully. they often provide a lot of important information about arrival times, what to bring and/or wear, the local customs, and your schedule for the time you’re working. this should answer more dig-specific questions you might have, and might help you decide what to bring and what to leave at home (i used to be a chronic overpacker + forgetful which could have been remedied by just reading the packing list my dig emailed me at the beginning).
be conscious of the weather. assuming that you’re leaving soon, i’m guessing you’re going on a summer dig (i think there are some places where they work in the other times of the year, but i have zero experience with these). summer digs are particularly challenging because they require A LOT of time in the sun (if you’re in a sunny place). be mindful of the weather conditions - if you happen to be going somewhere super hot and sunny, don’t be afraid of layers! i was once!! turns out (for some people) all that exposure to the sun makes you feel like crap!!! a lightweight, long-sleeved shirt to layer over a t-shirt or tank top will do you a world of good in protecting you from damaging UV rays AND (believe it or not) will keep you cooler than baring your arms. since i was told this, i never leave home without my long-sleeved layer. it may seem crazy, but take my word for it (if you don’t want to, then at the very least make sure you’re drinking enough water and applying sunscreen regularly…) – i can get more into the sorts of clothes that i would typically bring on a dig if you’d like, but i thought i’d stick to the basics here!
if there’s something you want to know more about, ask! i have never worked on a dig that was officially a ‘field school’ - the project i work on is probably pretty close, since students are rotated to different parts of the project to learn different skills every week or two. if this is what will happen at your dig, then you don’t have worry so much about this point. if not (or even if this does happen), and you see/ get to briefly do something you find super interesting, ask to hear more about it! ask to do more of it! like most academics, archaeologists are usually super excited to explain something to a non-specialist - and it’s 10x better if it’s something they’re personally excited about.
similarly - if there’s something you’re unsure about, ask!! it’s waaaaay better to stop what you’re doing and ask what to do than to just dig away all willy-nilly and find out later that you’ve done it wrong. archaeology can often be extremely tedious, but the more you do it - even within a single dig season - the better you’ll get at it. like i said, archaeology can be tedious, but it’s for good reason - it’s also very destructive, and once you remove something, you can’t just put it back.go slow at first, ask questions, and let the people who have been doing it for longer guide you.
be mindful (and respectful) of your host-community/country. i have been amongst a variety of people on the digs i have worked on over the years. most people take their work seriously - others treat the dig as an opportunity for a vacation and completely disregard or even disrespect the people who host them. of course, a dig in a totally new place can be both a learning experience and a vacation - but remember that you are representing not only your home country but also the project you’re working on. at the very least try to respect local customs (for example, in greece, there is a time in the afternoon where greeks take a siesta for work and one should be quiet during those hours), and even try to learn a few words or phrases in their language to practice (hello, please, thank you, excuse me - these are all good places to start).
have fun!! this is something that, as a dig-veteran, i have become less and less good at. which is probably just because i get stuck in a rut within a few weeks of being on a dig in the same place and feel like i’ve seen everything there is to see and just want to nap all day instead. but if you have time off, you should make the most of it! Of course, you should take some time to yourself if you feel the need (naps, netflix, reading, a walk around town) - digs are EXTREMELY social places; you are stuck with the same people for several hours a day, multiple days a week, after all - but try not to miss out on any outings or organize a few for yourself!
i think those things cover the main points - obviously if you have any questions i am happy to answer them! it’s so exciting that you’re going on a dig! hopefully you have a blast and learn a lot both about archaeology but also about your host-country and get to see some of the sights in your down time!
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sa4phire · 3 years
Instead of doing my assignments, due to strenuous circumstances such as my fucking life,
I turned in
A 10 page research paper w 22 sources on pantothenic acid as a potential cure for cystic acne (MLA)
A five page comparative book review on the post- Civil War era w 2 sources (APA)
A hand-picked sample of my book I have yet to publish (22-24 poems idfr)
An essay about The Affects of The Reagan Administration’s tax reformation and deregulation that’s like 5 pages, no sources tho. One source but Ian include it (MLA)
A 3 page essay on vaccines (mmr, the essentials) w 4 sources (MLA)
A 5 page, 11 source essay on UV filters both new age and old (MLA)
And that’s all I remember. I tried my fucking best. And I read the syllabus and used direct quotes from it in my email and I read in the syllabus that the departmental requirement is to prove that you know standard English and can communicate clear thoughts supported by evidence. These works definitely do that. I have hope.
I’m literally praying to the Universe that my teacher understands my writing capacity and assesses what I’ve learned and decides okay, these suffice you pass.
My boss told me I have to work.
It’s 6:36 am, I still have 2 modern US history tests left. The work for English Lit I won’t be able to finish. 15 pages? No way. Not on two different books I haven’t read and on 5 different topics. No fucking way. Not in the 2.5 hours I have left before I have to get ready for work.
I work until 7 today. Tf. Two people already called out before me, so I got the shit end of the stick. One is actually sick, he been sick for a week but this chick, idk what her deal is. But whatever. Reality is.
How to give it all you got 😂😂😂🙂😭😭😭
I pray I graduate. I have a feeling. I have a feeling y’all. I’m gonna graduate.
The crazy thing is, today is the last day of the semester and all the English lit work is due by 6 pm and I’ll still be at work. It would take me approximately 7 hours to do all that work, and then it would be tomorrow. Books closed.
As it would be, I am legit riding on faith and my fookin writing abailities to get my degree. How ironic.
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britpinksblog · 5 years
A Day in the Life
A few years ago, my friend sent me an article about a guy who broke down his first week of work at Target. She said it reminded her of me because I have a similar style of writing. I decided to break down one of my days and email it back to her. I came across it the other day and thought I'd share it with you.
Please Note: This was written several years ago when I was working at a different company than where I work now.
A Day in the Life of Brittany:
- Got up, exercised, showered… you know… boring adult stuff.
- Enjoyed a Hershey Kiss with my breakfast because why not live a little? Not so boring after all.
- Got to work 32 minutes early. Enjoyed an extra 32 minutes sitting in my car before I start the work day.
- Finished my two-hour project in 25 minutes. Is “being too efficient” a weakness I can play as a strength in future job interviews?
- Overheard a coworker having an argument on the phone. He said “calm down” to whoever he was talking to. I can only imagine that this caused the other person to calm down immediately (not).
- Witnessed an argument between two other coworkers (one of which happens to be my supervisor). One person yelled “I’m not being argumentative!” I looked up the definition of “argumentative” just to see if it had changed. Nope. It still means “tending to argue: having or showing a tendency to disagree or argue with other people in an angry way.” The court finds my coworker guilty of being argumentative.
- Another coworker whispers to me “work isn’t normally like this.” I’ve been here 5.5 months. I feel like it is increasingly like this. It’s not even 10:15 a.m.
- My coworker walks away then brings back “breakfast” to eat at her desk. I use the term breakfast very loosely. It smells like what can only be described as a twisted combination of meats, eggs, and day old vegetables. Basically, a terrible assault on the nostrils. Sadly, it smells better than the lunch room smells most days.
- Someone described there being 3/4ths of a mannequin in an email. I’m wondering what the other 1/4th is. I’m guessing the head?
- Learned a coworker signed up for a Wine of the Month Club. She decided she’ll pick the wine up from the winery instead of having it delivered. The winery is 140 miles away from her house.
- Went to a meeting where I had to sit next to someone who described himself as “death bed ill.” I made a mental note to OD on Vitamin C the minute I get home. I sneezed and coughed immediately after leaving the meeting. I’m sure that’s just the placebo effect of sitting next to a sickie.
- I find a table by myself at lunch (as usual), hunker down, and make sure my body language is closed off so no one will try to sit with me. I need these 30 minutes of peace if I am to survive the rest of the afternoon.
- At one point during lunch, I laugh out loud (quietly) at something I see on my Twitter timeline. I screen-shot it to show friends later. I have come to the point where I don't care if coworkers think I'm crazy for laughing at my phone by myself. Saying you don't care if people think you are crazy means you aren't crazy and have a good grasp on reality, right? Right?
- I go to a meeting and a coworker has a notebook with the phrase “Shit is Magical” embossed on it. I’ve seen her use it before and I finally muster up the courage to tell her I love it. We briefly bond over notebooks and washi tape. I remember I was scared of her the first day her desk was moved to my side of the building, but I really like her now. She is soft spoken, but extremely smart as proven in the meeting.
- I get back to my desk and realize it’s only ‪2:03. I still have over an hour until my ‪3:30 pee break. Let me start this off by saying I can go pee any time I want, but I break my day up so that I have a pee break ‪at 10:30 and ‪at 3:30. These breaks give me something to look forward to. I have yet to poop at work and I’m hoping that’s a streak I can keep up for as long as I work here.
- A new District Manager comes over to my team’s desks to say goodbye after new hire training. I’m the only one from my team present and I make some nice small talk. I feel like this is a hugging moment, but I’m not great with hugs, so I sport a goofy smile and wish the DM luck. Smooth.
- The afternoon presses on and I do a google search of “shit is magical notebook” to see if I can find the same notebook as my coworker. No success, but an article entitled “What is the world’s greatest non-sexual physical feeling?” pops up under the search. If I wasn’t using a work computer, I’d click the link. I’m going to guess that “a satisfying, well-executed high five” is the world’s greatest non-sexual physical feeling. I make a mental note to look up the link when I get home.
- Headphone time presents itself when one of my supervisors leaves for the day. We are technically allowed to wear headphones at work (everyone does it), but my main supervisor never uses headphones and talks out loud all of the time. I usually need to listen to what she says, so I rarely use headphones. I listened to some songs while working on contest recaps. It is glorious.
- The new LP Director got a fraudulent money/credit card UV detector and a few of us bring money and cards over to test it out. After headphone time, it was the best part of the day.
- I receive an invitation to a holiday party hosted by my company for some time in December. I’ve never gone to an office party before, but this one will be hosted at the California Science Center, so I’m excited. We are allowed to bring a date. Based on the way things are going with the guy I'm seeing, I don't think I'll bring him.
- ‪4:00 finds me ready for my afternoon snack. It’s usually some type of power bar because I always have at least 3 in my purse, except today apparently. While my protein bars are missing, I do have some Star Wars themed Jelly Beans so those will have to suffice. I’d prefer protein to tide me over ‪until dinner, but I’ll settle for galactic candy.
- I worked on store communication emails and spreadsheets.
- Surprisingly, this has actually been one of the better days at work in a while.
- The office starts to smell like bananas ‪at 5:00. This is new. At least it smells better than my coworker’s breakfast.
- I was sure someone stole my white-out tape today. As I was cleaning up my desk at the end of the day, I learned it was under my keyboard the whole time. Typical.
- The drive home is grim because it is so dark outside.
- The Jelly Beans did not hold me over, so I make Minute Rice once I get home. I preheat my oven to make a corn dog as well. I haven’t had one in a while and it just seemed like the right thing to make.
- I get dressed to go workout and as I take off my dress, I realize I’m not wearing a bra. Sudden panic sweeps over me because I can’t believe I went to work without a bra. I look over and see my bra chilling on my living room floor and remember that was the first thing I flung off after I walked through the door after work. Sigh of relief.
- I work out and get my 10,000 steps in for the day. Back to boring adult stuff.
- There is a new New Girl episode on tonight and I am so happy because I send a weekly recap of quotes to one of my old store managers. It’s been our ritual for over 2 and a half years.
- I text the guy I'm dating to see if he's free on Sunday, but he's busy doing stuff for a work project. This is what I get for dating a highly motivated person trying to forward his career.
- I look up the “What is the world’s greatest non-sexual physical feeling” article from earlier. Turns out it’s not really an article, just a Reddit thread with a lot of bizarre suggestions. The tamest answers include: 1) Sleeping naked on crisp, clean cotton sheets with open windows on a dry, cool night after a hot shower. 2) An after shower Q-Tip in the ear. 3) Getting that last damn popcorn kernel out of your teeth. 4) Pulling up saggy socks. 5) A pile of warm towels straight from the dryer (this is my favorite one but I still maintain that a satisfying, well-executed high five is the best option).
- I get ready for bed and check my 3 different alarms about 15 times before I’m confident that they’ll wake me up on time tomorrow morning to start the whole process over again.
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen
Hiya! I’m Lauren Olsen, your new Newsletter Editor. That’s right — the totally official, no more fill-ins, always-here-for-you Newsletter Editor. As the replacement for editor extraordinaire Brianna Labuskes, I’m here to tackle all your health news needs.
Why yes, you’re right — a pandemic is a heck of a time to take over this job. I’d argue, however, that it’s the best time, because who doesn’t need a hand sorting out all this craziness? So far, 2020 has been like trying to paint the “Mona Lisa” while riding a unicycle in a rainstorm — in other words, a sloppy mess teetering on disaster — but, with any luck, when it’s done we might all manage to smile.
In the meantime, I won’t Louvre you in the lurch. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Be sure to read each day’s top health news headlines in KHN’s Morning Briefing, compiled by yours truly. Please subscribe, if you haven’t already — and tell your colleagues and friends, too. Have a comment about the Briefing or the Breeze? Send me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.
A Gift for You, My New Friend
Because we’ve just met, I’d like to offer you a token of friendship: Today’s Breeze will do its best to have a positive spin. Things are dreary enough in the world right now — you don’t need me to blow more gray clouds your way. In the words of Helen Keller, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
What’s Donald Up To?
Today, let’s play a game called “What’s Donald Up To?” You won’t win any points or money. What you will win is the knowledge that there are 180 days until Inauguration Day! (I suppose your real prize will be if “your guy” wins, whether it’s President Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Kanye West.)
So what is Donald up to? He began his busy week of tweeting, mask-wearing and name-calling with a feisty interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday. In it, he lamented increased COVID testing (“I’m glad we do it, but it really skews the numbers”), called Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s infectious diseases superstar, an “alarmist,” boasted about the sagging U.S. economy (“I built the greatest economy in history, I’m now doing it again”), reasserted his opinion that the virus will “disappear” and downplayed the potentially devastating physical effects of COVID-19 by saying some people just have the “sniffles.” When asked about the nearly 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S., Trump said it “is what it is.” On the positive side? Well, the interview was only about an hour.
The critiques rolled in, and for most of the week we saw a kinder, gentler version of Trump. Maybe it was because he was happy he supposedly aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a test that detects early signs of dementia. Or maybe it was because he’d passed “multiple” COVID tests a day, according to his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. (“I don’t know of any time I’ve taken two in one day,” he clarified a few hours later.) Or perhaps he was simply feeling generous, providing $5 billion for struggling nursing homes, resuming COVID task force briefings, renewing the national public health emergency and even (gasp!) tweeting a pic of himself wearing a mask. But I think the real reason may have been because two White House cafeterias closed this week after a staffer tested positive for the coronavirus — providing another excuse for him to keep eating McDonald’s. (Just a theory.)
Even so, Trump’s good mood subsided by the end of the week, probably because he had to cancel the GOP convention in Jacksonville, Florida, amid the state’s rising COVID cases. (Not to mention that the Duval County sheriff did warn him about not being able to provide security.)
Wondering what Biden, Trump’s probable Democratic rival in November, was up to? Well, this week he released his massive “caregiving plan” for Americans — $775 billion over 10 years. (That certainly would buy a lot of Care Bears.)
California and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
California, the most populous state, on Wednesday surpassed New York as the worst-hit state for cases (tallying 413,576 as of that day). The increase of 12,112 was the biggest single-day increase since the pandemic started. At the national level, there have been 4 million cases — it took only 15 days to jump from 3 million to 4 million — and the death toll stands at 144,000. Unfortunately, the rise in cases is outpacing the rise in testing, with The New York Times explaining: “About 21,000 cases were reported per day in early June, when the positive test rate was 4.8 percent. As testing expanded, the positive test rate should have fallen. … Instead, the positive test rate has nearly doubled.”
The number of COVID cases is likely 10 times higher than what we thought, experts now say. On Saturday, the FDA approved the use of pooled testing, essentially allowing the testing of many more people using fewer tests. But the White House, not to be outdone, announced it would push to phase out funding for testing from the COVID-relief bill in Congress. (More on that in a minute.)
In the “oops” category, 113 people in Rhode Island, about 90 in Connecticut, 26 in Kentucky and dozens in New York were told they had COVID-19 when in fact they had tested negative. (Does that qualify as positive news? I’m not sure, but I’m happy those folks are fine.) Conversely, in The Villages, Florida, one of America’s biggest retirement communities known for its golf and rockin’ house parties, is seeing a spike in positive cases, jumping from the single digits last month to at least 29 last week.
Scientists delved into the big question this week: Can you get reinfected with COVID? And the absolute, no-doubt-about-it answer was: Um, not sure. But it’s unlikely, they say. Scientists did determine that mosquitoes most likely don’t spread COVID, and they’re testing whether UV light, which can kill many nasty germs, can kill this virus, too. As a bonus, the CDC now says that if you do get sick, you should isolate for 10 days, not 14. (But severely ill patients should isolate for 20 days.)
So Much for Vacation
Congress returned from a two-week summer recess Monday to begin work on the fifth COVID-relief bill of the year, and it played out like a real-life version of Chevy Chase’s “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” starring Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Clark Griswold, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the Ferrari-driving Christie Brinkley and Trump as the security guard at Walley World who basically ends their fun. (My goodness, can’t you just envision it?)
Republicans had a $1 trillion agenda that included funds for schools and COVID testing, a payroll tax cut, direct checks for individuals and $600-a-week stipends for laid-off workers. Senate Republicans seemed near a deal with the White House on Wednesday as the Griswold family station wagon chugged along. But the car crashed Thursday when the two groups failed to reach an agreement on the unemployment issue. (Mind you, the Democrats haven’t even gotten involved yet.) Republicans vowed to have a new deal next week. As all this was going on, smooth-driving Pelosi left tire tracks all over Trump while speaking on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Tuesday, calling the coronavirus the “Trump virus.”
Let’s Make a Deal: Which Vaccine Is Behind Door No. 1?
Am I the only person who can’t keep track of all the vaccines and treatments in play? Chinese group Sinopharm said it will have a vaccine ready for the public before the end of the year. (Woohoo!) British pharmaceutical firm Synairgen announced a breakthrough nebulizer treatment that reduces the severity of COVID-19, and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine AZD1222 showed promising results in human trials, too. Meanwhile, behind Door No. 2, the Russians are insisting they didn’t try to steal British coronavirus vaccine research.
Back in the good ol’ U.S. of A., five pharmaceutical giants testified to Congress on Tuesday that they wouldn’t cut corners when developing a vaccine. And Wednesday, as if on cue, Pfizer and German firm BioNTech made an unusual $1.95 billion deal to supply 100 million doses of a not-yet-finished vaccine to the federal government, which plans on giving it to Americans at no cost. (Not to nitpick, but there are 330 million people in America. I’m not great a math, but still …)
Meanwhile, behind Door No. 3, the Department of Justice indicted two Chinese nationals this week on charges that they hacked and stole research from companies working on COVID vaccines in the U.S., the U.K., Sweden, Spain, Australia and other nations.
The REALLY Important Questions
Sure, all of that stuff has big implications. But here in the real world, we’re worried about simpler stuff. For example, when can I watch NFL football? (Not for a while.) Has baseball started? (Yes!) Can I travel to the Bahamas (no), Niagara Falls (yes) or New York (maybe)? If I live in California and need a haircut, where can I get one? (Outdoors.) Should I buy my teen some condoms? (It’s up to you, but more adolescents are improvising with plastic wrap — shudder.) Does it hurt to get shot with a less-lethal projectile? (Um, HECK YES.) Should I wear a mask in Atlanta, at a Marriott hotel or when buying jeans at the Gap? (Yes.) How about at the bank? (Yes, as long as you promise not to rob the joint.)
That about wraps it up for me. Hope you enjoyed my inaugural Breeze. Keep smiling! Until next week,
— Lauren
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen
Hiya! I’m Lauren Olsen, your new Newsletter Editor. That’s right — the totally official, no more fill-ins, always-here-for-you Newsletter Editor. As the replacement for editor extraordinaire Brianna Labuskes, I’m here to tackle all your health news needs.
Why yes, you’re right — a pandemic is a heck of a time to take over this job. I’d argue, however, that it’s the best time, because who doesn’t need a hand sorting out all this craziness? So far, 2020 has been like trying to paint the “Mona Lisa” while riding a unicycle in a rainstorm — in other words, a sloppy mess teetering on disaster — but, with any luck, when it’s done we might all manage to smile.
In the meantime, I won’t Louvre you in the lurch. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Be sure to read each day’s top health news headlines in KHN’s Morning Briefing, compiled by yours truly. Please subscribe, if you haven’t already — and tell your colleagues and friends, too. Have a comment about the Briefing or the Breeze? Send me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.
A Gift for You, My New Friend
Because we’ve just met, I’d like to offer you a token of friendship: Today’s Breeze will do its best to have a positive spin. Things are dreary enough in the world right now — you don’t need me to blow more gray clouds your way. In the words of Helen Keller, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
What’s Donald Up To?
Today, let’s play a game called “What’s Donald Up To?” You won’t win any points or money. What you will win is the knowledge that there are 180 days until Inauguration Day! (I suppose your real prize will be if “your guy” wins, whether it’s President Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Kanye West.)
So what is Donald up to? He began his busy week of tweeting, mask-wearing and name-calling with a feisty interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday. In it, he lamented increased COVID testing (“I’m glad we do it, but it really skews the numbers”), called Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s infectious diseases superstar, an “alarmist,” boasted about the sagging U.S. economy (“I built the greatest economy in history, I’m now doing it again”), reasserted his opinion that the virus will “disappear” and downplayed the potentially devastating physical effects of COVID-19 by saying some people just have the “sniffles.” When asked about the nearly 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S., Trump said it “is what it is.” On the positive side? Well, the interview was only about an hour.
The critiques rolled in, and for most of the week we saw a kinder, gentler version of Trump. Maybe it was because he was happy he supposedly aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a test that detects early signs of dementia. Or maybe it was because he’d passed “multiple” COVID tests a day, according to his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. (“I don’t know of any time I’ve taken two in one day,” he clarified a few hours later.) Or perhaps he was simply feeling generous, providing $5 billion for struggling nursing homes, resuming COVID task force briefings, renewing the national public health emergency and even (gasp!) tweeting a pic of himself wearing a mask. But I think the real reason may have been because two White House cafeterias closed this week after a staffer tested positive for the coronavirus — providing another excuse for him to keep eating McDonald’s. (Just a theory.)
Even so, Trump’s good mood subsided by the end of the week, probably because he had to cancel the GOP convention in Jacksonville, Florida, amid the state’s rising COVID cases. (Not to mention that the Duval County sheriff did warn him about not being able to provide security.)
Wondering what Biden, Trump’s probable Democratic rival in November, was up to? Well, this week he released his massive “caregiving plan” for Americans — $775 billion over 10 years. (That certainly would buy a lot of Care Bears.)
California and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
California, the most populous state, on Wednesday surpassed New York as the worst-hit state for cases (tallying 413,576 as of that day). The increase of 12,112 was the biggest single-day increase since the pandemic started. At the national level, there have been 4 million cases — it took only 15 days to jump from 3 million to 4 million — and the death toll stands at 144,000. Unfortunately, the rise in cases is outpacing the rise in testing, with The New York Times explaining: “About 21,000 cases were reported per day in early June, when the positive test rate was 4.8 percent. As testing expanded, the positive test rate should have fallen. … Instead, the positive test rate has nearly doubled.”
The number of COVID cases is likely 10 times higher than what we thought, experts now say. On Saturday, the FDA approved the use of pooled testing, essentially allowing the testing of many more people using fewer tests. But the White House, not to be outdone, announced it would push to phase out funding for testing from the COVID-relief bill in Congress. (More on that in a minute.)
In the “oops” category, 113 people in Rhode Island, about 90 in Connecticut, 26 in Kentucky and dozens in New York were told they had COVID-19 when in fact they had tested negative. (Does that qualify as positive news? I’m not sure, but I’m happy those folks are fine.) Conversely, in The Villages, Florida, one of America’s biggest retirement communities known for its golf and rockin’ house parties, is seeing a spike in positive cases, jumping from the single digits last month to at least 29 last week.
Scientists delved into the big question this week: Can you get reinfected with COVID? And the absolute, no-doubt-about-it answer was: Um, not sure. But it’s unlikely, they say. Scientists did determine that mosquitoes most likely don’t spread COVID, and they’re testing whether UV light, which can kill many nasty germs, can kill this virus, too. As a bonus, the CDC now says that if you do get sick, you should isolate for 10 days, not 14. (But severely ill patients should isolate for 20 days.)
So Much for Vacation
Congress returned from a two-week summer recess Monday to begin work on the fifth COVID-relief bill of the year, and it played out like a real-life version of Chevy Chase’s “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” starring Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Clark Griswold, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the Ferrari-driving Christie Brinkley and Trump as the security guard at Walley World who basically ends their fun. (My goodness, can’t you just envision it?)
Republicans had a $1 trillion agenda that included funds for schools and COVID testing, a payroll tax cut, direct checks for individuals and $600-a-week stipends for laid-off workers. Senate Republicans seemed near a deal with the White House on Wednesday as the Griswold family station wagon chugged along. But the car crashed Thursday when the two groups failed to reach an agreement on the unemployment issue. (Mind you, the Democrats haven’t even gotten involved yet.) Republicans vowed to have a new deal next week. As all this was going on, smooth-driving Pelosi left tire tracks all over Trump while speaking on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Tuesday, calling the coronavirus the “Trump virus.”
Let’s Make a Deal: Which Vaccine Is Behind Door No. 1?
Am I the only person who can’t keep track of all the vaccines and treatments in play? Chinese group Sinopharm said it will have a vaccine ready for the public before the end of the year. (Woohoo!) British pharmaceutical firm Synairgen announced a breakthrough nebulizer treatment that reduces the severity of COVID-19, and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine AZD1222 showed promising results in human trials, too. Meanwhile, behind Door No. 2, the Russians are insisting they didn’t try to steal British coronavirus vaccine research.
Back in the good ol’ U.S. of A., five pharmaceutical giants testified to Congress on Tuesday that they wouldn’t cut corners when developing a vaccine. And Wednesday, as if on cue, Pfizer and German firm BioNTech made an unusual $1.95 billion deal to supply 100 million doses of a not-yet-finished vaccine to the federal government, which plans on giving it to Americans at no cost. (Not to nitpick, but there are 330 million people in America. I’m not great a math, but still …)
Meanwhile, behind Door No. 3, the Department of Justice indicted two Chinese nationals this week on charges that they hacked and stole research from companies working on COVID vaccines in the U.S., the U.K., Sweden, Spain, Australia and other nations.
The REALLY Important Questions
Sure, all of that stuff has big implications. But here in the real world, we’re worried about simpler stuff. For example, when can I watch NFL football? (Not for a while.) Has baseball started? (Yes!) Can I travel to the Bahamas (no), Niagara Falls (yes) or New York (maybe)? If I live in California and need a haircut, where can I get one? (Outdoors.) Should I buy my teen some condoms? (It’s up to you, but more adolescents are improvising with plastic wrap — shudder.) Does it hurt to get shot with a less-lethal projectile? (Um, HECK YES.) Should I wear a mask in Atlanta, at a Marriott hotel or when buying jeans at the Gap? (Yes.) How about at the bank? (Yes, as long as you promise not to rob the joint.)
That about wraps it up for me. Hope you enjoyed my inaugural Breeze. Keep smiling! Until next week,
— Lauren
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Must-Reads of the Week From Lauren Olsen
Hiya! I’m Lauren Olsen, your new Newsletter Editor. That’s right — the totally official, no more fill-ins, always-here-for-you Newsletter Editor. As the replacement for editor extraordinaire Brianna Labuskes, I’m here to tackle all your health news needs.
Why yes, you’re right — a pandemic is a heck of a time to take over this job. I’d argue, however, that it’s the best time, because who doesn’t need a hand sorting out all this craziness? So far, 2020 has been like trying to paint the “Mona Lisa” while riding a unicycle in a rainstorm — in other words, a sloppy mess teetering on disaster — but, with any luck, when it’s done we might all manage to smile.
In the meantime, I won’t Louvre you in the lurch. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Be sure to read each day’s top health news headlines in KHN’s Morning Briefing, compiled by yours truly. Please subscribe, if you haven’t already — and tell your colleagues and friends, too. Have a comment about the Briefing or the Breeze? Send me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.
A Gift for You, My New Friend
Because we’ve just met, I’d like to offer you a token of friendship: Today’s Breeze will do its best to have a positive spin. Things are dreary enough in the world right now — you don’t need me to blow more gray clouds your way. In the words of Helen Keller, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
What’s Donald Up To?
Today, let’s play a game called “What’s Donald Up To?” You won’t win any points or money. What you will win is the knowledge that there are 180 days until Inauguration Day! (I suppose your real prize will be if “your guy” wins, whether it’s President Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Kanye West.)
So what is Donald up to? He began his busy week of tweeting, mask-wearing and name-calling with a feisty interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday. In it, he lamented increased COVID testing (“I’m glad we do it, but it really skews the numbers”), called Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s infectious diseases superstar, an “alarmist,” boasted about the sagging U.S. economy (“I built the greatest economy in history, I’m now doing it again”), reasserted his opinion that the virus will “disappear” and downplayed the potentially devastating physical effects of COVID-19 by saying some people just have the “sniffles.” When asked about the nearly 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S., Trump said it “is what it is.” On the positive side? Well, the interview was only about an hour.
The critiques rolled in, and for most of the week we saw a kinder, gentler version of Trump. Maybe it was because he was happy he supposedly aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a test that detects early signs of dementia. Or maybe it was because he’d passed “multiple” COVID tests a day, according to his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. (“I don’t know of any time I’ve taken two in one day,” he clarified a few hours later.) Or perhaps he was simply feeling generous, providing $5 billion for struggling nursing homes, resuming COVID task force briefings, renewing the national public health emergency and even (gasp!) tweeting a pic of himself wearing a mask. But I think the real reason may have been because two White House cafeterias closed this week after a staffer tested positive for the coronavirus — providing another excuse for him to keep eating McDonald’s. (Just a theory.)
Even so, Trump’s good mood subsided by the end of the week, probably because he had to cancel the GOP convention in Jacksonville, Florida, amid the state’s rising COVID cases. (Not to mention that the Duval County sheriff did warn him about not being able to provide security.)
Wondering what Biden, Trump’s probable Democratic rival in November, was up to? Well, this week he released his massive “caregiving plan” for Americans — $775 billion over 10 years. (That certainly would buy a lot of Care Bears.)
California and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
California, the most populous state, on Wednesday surpassed New York as the worst-hit state for cases (tallying 413,576 as of that day). The increase of 12,112 was the biggest single-day increase since the pandemic started. At the national level, there have been 4 million cases — it took only 15 days to jump from 3 million to 4 million — and the death toll stands at 144,000. Unfortunately, the rise in cases is outpacing the rise in testing, with The New York Times explaining: “About 21,000 cases were reported per day in early June, when the positive test rate was 4.8 percent. As testing expanded, the positive test rate should have fallen. … Instead, the positive test rate has nearly doubled.”
The number of COVID cases is likely 10 times higher than what we thought, experts now say. On Saturday, the FDA approved the use of pooled testing, essentially allowing the testing of many more people using fewer tests. But the White House, not to be outdone, announced it would push to phase out funding for testing from the COVID-relief bill in Congress. (More on that in a minute.)
In the “oops” category, 113 people in Rhode Island, about 90 in Connecticut, 26 in Kentucky and dozens in New York were told they had COVID-19 when in fact they had tested negative. (Does that qualify as positive news? I’m not sure, but I’m happy those folks are fine.) Conversely, in The Villages, Florida, one of America’s biggest retirement communities known for its golf and rockin’ house parties, is seeing a spike in positive cases, jumping from the single digits last month to at least 29 last week.
Scientists delved into the big question this week: Can you get reinfected with COVID? And the absolute, no-doubt-about-it answer was: Um, not sure. But it’s unlikely, they say. Scientists did determine that mosquitoes most likely don’t spread COVID, and they’re testing whether UV light, which can kill many nasty germs, can kill this virus, too. As a bonus, the CDC now says that if you do get sick, you should isolate for 10 days, not 14. (But severely ill patients should isolate for 20 days.)
So Much for Vacation
Congress returned from a two-week summer recess Monday to begin work on the fifth COVID-relief bill of the year, and it played out like a real-life version of Chevy Chase’s “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” starring Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Clark Griswold, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as the Ferrari-driving Christie Brinkley and Trump as the security guard at Walley World who basically ends their fun. (My goodness, can’t you just envision it?)
Republicans had a $1 trillion agenda that included funds for schools and COVID testing, a payroll tax cut, direct checks for individuals and $600-a-week stipends for laid-off workers. Senate Republicans seemed near a deal with the White House on Wednesday as the Griswold family station wagon chugged along. But the car crashed Thursday when the two groups failed to reach an agreement on the unemployment issue. (Mind you, the Democrats haven’t even gotten involved yet.) Republicans vowed to have a new deal next week. As all this was going on, smooth-driving Pelosi left tire tracks all over Trump while speaking on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Tuesday, calling the coronavirus the “Trump virus.”
Let’s Make a Deal: Which Vaccine Is Behind Door No. 1?
Am I the only person who can’t keep track of all the vaccines and treatments in play? Chinese group Sinopharm said it will have a vaccine ready for the public before the end of the year. (Woohoo!) British pharmaceutical firm Synairgen announced a breakthrough nebulizer treatment that reduces the severity of COVID-19, and Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine AZD1222 showed promising results in human trials, too. Meanwhile, behind Door No. 2, the Russians are insisting they didn’t try to steal British coronavirus vaccine research.
Back in the good ol’ U.S. of A., five pharmaceutical giants testified to Congress on Tuesday that they wouldn’t cut corners when developing a vaccine. And Wednesday, as if on cue, Pfizer and German firm BioNTech made an unusual $1.95 billion deal to supply 100 million doses of a not-yet-finished vaccine to the federal government, which plans on giving it to Americans at no cost. (Not to nitpick, but there are 330 million people in America. I’m not great a math, but still …)
Meanwhile, behind Door No. 3, the Department of Justice indicted two Chinese nationals this week on charges that they hacked and stole research from companies working on COVID vaccines in the U.S., the U.K., Sweden, Spain, Australia and other nations.
The REALLY Important Questions
Sure, all of that stuff has big implications. But here in the real world, we’re worried about simpler stuff. For example, when can I watch NFL football? (Not for a while.) Has baseball started? (Yes!) Can I travel to the Bahamas (no), Niagara Falls (yes) or New York (maybe)? If I live in California and need a haircut, where can I get one? (Outdoors.) Should I buy my teen some condoms? (It’s up to you, but more adolescents are improvising with plastic wrap — shudder.) Does it hurt to get shot with a less-lethal projectile? (Um, HECK YES.) Should I wear a mask in Atlanta, at a Marriott hotel or when buying jeans at the Gap? (Yes.) How about at the bank? (Yes, as long as you promise not to rob the joint.)
That about wraps it up for me. Hope you enjoyed my inaugural Breeze. Keep smiling! Until next week,
— Lauren
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/friday-breeze-health-care-policy-must-reads-of-the-week-from-lauren-olsen-july-24-2020/
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sirlennon · 6 years
Good Business Is The Base Of Good SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the procedure of improving the amount plus quality of traffic to an internet site from search engines via "natural", which may mean either natural or algorithmic, search results. Knowledge associated with SEO techniques will help a company to promote its online existence effectively. Since most users no longer look beyond the first ten outcomes of the search motor, one can think of defeating your competitors only if the company website ranks full of the lookup results. So taking break in order to do an SEO training training course is only going to be beneficial for your own business as it can assist you stay ahead of your own competitors. 2. Work out obtain effective SEO practices is via social networking sites. Word associated with mouth is vital. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are the particular new way to get word of mouth marketing around about your company or even business. Household find out regarding you through these social networking websites they will likely want in order to share it with their close friends. Do not underestimate these techniques because you will be dropping out on a lot. Moz Top Ten: Almost something Moz does with marketing seems to be spot-on and their own email newsletter is no exclusion. Instead of pushing their plan with tons of their personal posts, the Moz Top 10 pulls lots of great posts through around the Blog9T Youtube web and gives them with its audience. Their particular posts cover covers the really best stories on inbound marketing and advertising, SEO, and social and this particular is one weekly newsletter individuals look forward to reading. Rand Fishkin, The Sorcerer of Moz: He's founder plus former CEO of Moz plus co-founder of An active doodlekit, Rand regularly writes on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, content, search, & social upon the web, from his several blogs. 20 year old Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Gardener (Australia) / Field Plant Farmer (New Zealand ) Zerbe from Earlton, has several hobbies that include water skiing, top seo trends in 2018 and ballet. Finds a lot of inspiration from life by going to spots like Uvs Nuur Basin. Known for his 'Whiteboard Friday' lectures, Rand is nowadays the most sort after believed leader in Digital Marketing area.
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You may likewise make use of watchword instruments like Google Advertisement words Keyword Planner, and Key phrase Tool, which is typically used for SEO, for the cause that greater part of customers is as yet utilizing internet indexes like Google and Ask to scan for applications. I actually am Ramjee Yadav. I feel working as a SEO Expert in German Based Company known as as Applaunch. With the importance of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is increasing day by day time for businesses and online companies, SEO companies providing reliable plus safe SEO become relevant period today. You could have the website or an Internet company, but it is useless in case this can not be discovered in the pages of outcomes. Mister. Sanjay Joshi is a Search engine optimization Expert, providing Magento Themes, Magento Templates, Magento Extensions, Magento Solutions, PSD to Magento Theme, PSD to Magento Plugin & the lot more. Three of the particular most important and easy-to-implement SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics are: content and key phrase development, updates to META Labels, and search engine friendly Web addresses. You can find many SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tools on the web in order to help you ease the procedure of SEO and e-Marketing. Your post need Blog9T to be up to the criteria of SEO, otherwise people will certainly find yours post in the particular search engines. Use WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION by Yoast, it's the simple way to get started upon optimizing your blog post. Atit Shah is a electronic marketing expert expert and offers been journeying through the globe of digital marketing for even more than 9 years. He will be working as SEO Manager in KitelyTech He could be passionate about electronic Blog9T marketing and strongly believes within the power of storytelling regarding marketing. Social media marketing is the particular new avatar of marketing within today's net savvy world. Right now there are professionals SEO and SMO companies emerging to serve this particular purpose.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
NEW Evedol Review 2017 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?
Evedol is a female health supplement that claims to promote sexual arousal in women with a low libido. By using the product, women are supposed to feel more energized and get more pleasure out of sex.
When taken as directed, the product promises to activate the sex drive, allowing women who would otherwise not be “in the mood” to become fully sexually energized and jump right into the act. In addition, women who take it are supposed to have more natural lubrication, as well as an easier time achieving orgasm. Finally, its non-sexual effects include improved energy and better mood overall, as well as reduced depression and anxiety.
Women looking to improve their libido as well as their overall reproductive health have many options in the nutritional market, but Libitrinex is the best choice out of them all. With its mixture of 100% natural ingredients designed explicitly to enhance sexual experience for women, we’ve seen no better product than it. To read more information about Libitrinex, and to see how customers are reacting, check out this link.
Do You Know the Best Female Libido Enhancers of 2017 ?
Evedol has a huge mix of different herbs, vitamins, and compounds, but here are some of the main ones:
L-Arginine Epimedium Dong Quai Catuaba Ginkgo Biloba Damiana Ashwagandha Ginger Mucuna Pruriens Maca Muria Purama Sarsparilla Asparagus Extract Tyrosine BioPerine
L-Arginine: This nutrient considered important for good cardiovascular flow and heart health. It helps the kidneys clean up the blood, and can also help to improve hormonal balance.
Epimedium: Also known as horny goat weed, this plant has been used in traditional Asian medicine to improve blood flow to erectile tissue in men and women. It is also said to be able to treat the symptoms of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and joint pain.
Dong Quai: The root of this plant is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat symptoms of menopause, infertility, anemia, and constipation. Unfortunately, there are possible side effects when using it, including increased skin sensitivity to UV rays, and according to WebMD, there are suggestions that chemicals in dong quai can cause cancer. This has not been confirmed, however.
Read this list for the Top Ten supplements for women’s sexual function.
Catuaba: A bark from which a medicine can be made, which is claimed to improve sexual arousal, to treat erectile dysfunction in men, and a bunch of other problems such as fatigue, trouble sleeping, and poor memory.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract: Derived from the bark of the ginkgo trees of east Asia, this extract is said to treat different disorders such as low sexual performance, and can improve blood flow.
Damiana: A plant found in Central America, it is used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac. It is also prescribed for diarrhea, headaches, and depression.
Ashwagandha: A plant that has long been used in traditional Indian medicine, the root of this plant has been used to treat arthritis, insomnia, as well as menstrual issues in women. In larger doses there are potentially dangerous side effects that could include:
Stomach problems, diarrhea, vomiting
Vaginal spotting, bleeding, and miscarriages
Can cause a drop in blood sugar
Among the other ingredients are vitamins B3, B6, and B12, all of which are prescribed for energy and overall body health.
For the best in sexual enhancement products for women, click this link.
Evedol is made up of a mixture of various extracts and ingredients that are used in naturopathic and traditional folk medicines, primarily for blood circulations and increased sexual vigor. Unfortunately, some of these ingredients are to be approached with caution.
Ashwagandha, for example, despite its supposed positive effects upon the menstrual cycle and the uterus in general, comes with very little scientific backing and a host of different discomforting side effects. The association of the herb with miscarriage makes it especially dangerous for women who are pregnant and are taking a libido booster to counteract the hormonal effects of pregnancy.
In addition, ingredients like dong quai have very little in terms of clinical testing to back up the claims made about its effects, and so there is no clear evidence whether it works or not.
Check out these options for the safest, most natural ways to kick your libido up a notch.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.
Evedol is currently sold at several online vendors, including the company’s main website as well as Amazon. As of writing this review, it is “on sale” for $49.95 for a one month supply, a price that matches the one on Amazon for the same amount.
Each bottle contains 60 capsules, and at a recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day, each bottle should last around a month.
The product page offers several discount options for buying multiple bottles, and that is where the price per bottle can go down dramatically. The only problem with this is that, in order for people to get the best deal on the product, they have to make a larger investment in it ($90+) – and that’s before they even know if the pills will work for them or not.
Due to the mid-to-high price of this supplement, and considering the questionable value and possible dangers associated with several of the ingredients in its blend of compounds and herbs, we cannot say right now that the price of the product is worth it for the average customer.
Click here to read about our top ten supplements for improving low libido in women.
Evedol is made and sold by a company by the same name. There is no “Contact Us” page on their website, meaning we had to sift through the website page by page, and were unable to see any clearly-listed contact information beyond a customer service email address and an address for returns:
Phone Number: Not listed.
Address: 27 N. Phillipi Street, Boise ID 83706
Their return policy allows products to be returned within 60 days for a full refund, ,even unopened bottles. However, the “fine print” clarifies that there is a limit of 2 open bottles per return, meaning that people who buy three or more for their purchase will not get a refund for the third or fourth bottle if they have been opened.
Here is the ultimate list of sexual performance-enhancing products for women.
Evedol as a company leaves much to be desired. Their company seems to sell only one product, and while that alone is nothing to worry about, it is concerning that there is such a lack of information on the site about the company that makes it.
While there is plenty of information about the product, its ingredients, and its supposed health benefits, someone visiting the website will see nothing about the history of Evedol, its founders, its mission, or any sort of personnel involved who might have a background in medicine, nutrition, or physical therapy who can vouch for the effects the medicine is supposed to have, or who may have helped develop it.
On top of that, there are no mentions of the Evedol company in any business listings or on any other reputable websites.
The fact that there are no names of any of the people involved, that no phone numbers for customers to call, and that there is no evidence that the company has any qualifications to sell nutritional supplements in the first place all lead one to doubt whether the company is truly trustworthy or not.
You’ll want to see this list of the Top 10 libido-enhancing supplements for women.
The only reviews for Evedol that we could find were on the company’s official product page. Many of the reviews, unsurprisingly, were positive, although even here there were some minor detractors:
“A great value for the price! My husband can’t believe how sexual I am now.”
“It took weeks for me to notice any differences, but until then I was stuck waiting.”
“I wish it were possible to only take one pill per day instead of the recommended 2.”
“This product helped me to achieve orgasm, which is extremely rare for me.”
There are other testimonials, but the fact that they are all uniformly positive leads to the possibility that the website only allows positive reviews on the site, which is unfortunate. There are people who would probably like to see reviews from people for whom this didn’t work, as they would likely prefer to know if there were any side effects and what conditions those people had that could lead them to have a similar experience.
There are no reviews for the product on the Amazon page. This is disappointing as Amazon can be a good third-party platform for viewing what other people have to say about various products, without worrying if there is any editing or censoring going on.
For improving low sexual energy in women, these products are the best of the best.
Based on the fact that the mix of ingredients has some mixed qualities and some potentially sickening side effects, the fact that the company does not have a very professional appearance and it is difficult to contact them directly, and the fact that there are no reviews of the product on third-party websites, this product does not have a lot going for it.
In the field of nutrition, we advise that people turn instead to options that come from reputable, professional businesses that have good communication and more transparency.
One alternative we can suggest for women dealing with a weak libido is a product called Libitrinex. Using respected and naturally-derived ingredients developed made in a U.S. facility that exceeds industry standards for quality, it is an effective and safe option for women who want to have better sex lives, better energy, and a happier mood.
Libitrinex is our number one choice for women who want to recharge and boost their sexual health. Check out this link for more about Libitrinex, as well as to see how customers are reacting.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2gkh8yZ via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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A Glimpse of the Old Manila
Hi Guys, my Central Visayas blog is about to get posted. For the mean time, Im going to share the trip, (literal na trip) we had in Manila last saturday. So my feet is seeking for an adventure when I decided to ask my boyfriend if we can go visit the National Museum. I’ve been wanting to see it since the government decided to open it to public for free.
- In our case from Pasig, We took a UV Express bound for Quiapo 40 PHP each 
- Took a jeepney to Mabini and ask the driver to you off in front of the National Museum 8 PHP each
When we arrived in Quiapo, we visit the  Quiapo Church and headed to the famous Lumpia Ubod just for 18 pesos each. (must try!!)
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(See, theres no other branch, if you want to taste this, you should visit it yourself)
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                                                      yummers  :p
Admission to the National Museum is now permanently free of charge for all visitors, Filipino or foreign, to its museums nationwide.
A policy of free general admission has been established, effective July 1, 2016, by the Board of Trustees of the National Museum, in order to build upon significant spikes in viewership, especially among younger Filipinos, that have been observed in 2013-2015 and to date in 2016, when general admission has been made free of charge for various traditional reasons such as National Arts Month in February, National Heritage Month in May, and National Museums and Galleries Month in October.
Enhancing universal access by all Filipinos to what we proudly exhibit as our national patrimony and heritage has always been a primary concern, and with this new policy we hope to reach more people than ever before, both by encouraging visits to our museums, and by bringing the National Museum's programs and resources to communities throughout the national capital and all the regions of our archipelago.
By this measure of free admission, which is supported, in terms of the nationwide operations of the Agency, by a solid institutional budget drawn ultimately from all Filipino taxpayers through the national budget, we hope to better achieve our goals, and fulfill general expectations, of serving as a true national museum institution dedicated to the benefit of the entire Filipino people and the wider world. (http://www.nationalmuseum.gov.ph)
For inquiries call: Telephone #: 527 7889 
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                                               View from the outside
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                       Former President Manuel Roxas at the lobby 
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                                             Spoliarium by Juan Luna
It is the first work of art that greets visitors upon entry into the National Museum of Fine arts. The picture recreates a despoiling scene in a Roman circus where dead gladiators are stripped of weapons and garments.He spent 8 months working and completing the painting which depicts dying gladiators. He garnered the first gold medal out of three in  Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884 in Madrid.
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You will be needing 3-5 hours roaming the whole museum, We weren’t able to roam both buildings all levels because we’re really tired that time and got no sleep at all. These photos above are just several of many things. paintings, sculptures, historical objects that showcase the Filipino culture. I am a fan of vintage stuff and history that’s why I really enjoyed the museum so much.
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                                        Architecture Division
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                            The best avocado icecream in town. 
intramuros means within the walls, it is the oldest district and historic core of Manila, Philippines. It is also called the Walled City, and at the time of the Spanish Colonial Period was synonymous to the city of Manila itself. It was the seat of government when the Philippines was a component realm of the Spanish Empire. Districts beyond the walls were referred as the extramuros of Manila, the Spanish for "outside the walls". (google.com)
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You can choose to have a tour via  Kalesa rates between 500-1000 PHP (or more) pedicab for 200 per hour. We opted to walk and just ask the pedicab driver to drop us off in Casa Manila just for 100 PHP. (We dont have a choice, our feet is already in pain we just took the offer). Our first stop, the San Agustin Church.
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                            The Oldest Church in the Philippines
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                                        Traveling back in time
The Memorare-Manila 1945 Foundation erected a memorial called the Shrine of Freedom to honor the memory of the over 100,000 civilians killed in the battle. It is also known as the Memorare Manila Monument and is located at Plaza de Santa Isabel in Intramuros.
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                                      With Kuya Gwardya Sibil
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We are supposed to go to Fort Santiago but we don’t have enough energy to do that. The list of the expenses below if you will ride a jeepney instead of van and if you will not take pedicab.
Total Expenses:
UV fare 40 x 2 =80 Jeepney fare = 16 Pedicab = 100 /3 = 34 Food and Snack = 100 Total = 230
Sample Itinerary:
0800 ETD Pasig 0930- ETA Quiapo 1000-ETA National Museum 1330- ETD National Museum 1330-1530- Intramuros Tour 1600- ETD Manila to Pasig
Thanks for your time reading this, you can send me a message if you have any questions. Thanks again, Adios!
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0 notes
easyweight101 · 8 years
Retinolla Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Retinolla is a skin cream product that is advertised as a daily moisturizer and color corrector. They claim that it can help increase collagen levels, smooth out skin textures, and increase overall cellular hydration. Retinolla’s website also says that it has antioxidant properties and that it is useful for helping fight the damaging effects of the sun.
Our panel of health, wellness, and beauty experts believe that the most effective skin care product on the market is Kremotex. Their ingredients blend has been shown to provide many necessary vitamins and nutrients while also helping to stimulate the skin’s natural defense systems. Follow this link to learn more about Kremotex’s unique skin care formula.
Do You Know the Best Anti-Aging Creams of 2017?
Retinolla Ingredients and Side Effects
Retinyl Palmitate Hydrolyzed Collagen Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract Sodium Hydroxide
 Retinyl Palmitate: A combination of concentrated vitamin A with saturated fatty acids. Retinyl Palmitate is popular in skin care products because of its ability stimulate new skin production and for the smoothing effects it has on the skin.
Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is known in the industry as one of the most effective skin care ingredients currently available. It is a vital amine for the body and is necessary for a number of fundamental biological processes. We cannot manufacture vitamin A by ourselves, even though we need it to survive.
Vitamin A is also a necessary part of the collagen generation process, which is one of primary parts of skin cell formulation. It combines with other vitamins, protein chains, and minerals to form the cells that will become new skin, bones, and other forms of bodily tissue.
Retinyl palmitate if formed when retinol is bonded with a form of fatty acid called palmitic acid. Fatty acids function as emollients, smoothing out the texture of the skin and helping trap moisture inside. This in turn helps increase the absorption rates of the vitamin A complex, making the whole combination more effective.
Retinyl palmitate is not known to have any negative side effects. It is safe for almost all users if used within reason and is one of our team’s more strongly recommended additives.
Hydrolized Collagen: The same building block of the skin that is mentioned above, but formulated for easier absorption through the dermis. Despite the fact that products that help the body generate collagen are known to be highly effective for skin care, rubbing collagen molecules directly on to the skin is not as useful.
Collagen is a highly complicated protein complex and rubbing it onto the skin and expecting it to become skin is about as reasonable as rubbing hair on your head and expecting it to become your hair would be. Collagen is safe for most people when applied topically, and it contains some useful minerals and protein chains, however these are used by the body generally and may or may not ever become a part of the skin.
Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract: A form of oils taken from the leaves of the green tea plant that are thought to be high in antioxidants. Green tea is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide and many people believe that it has healing properties.
Most of those people attribute its values to ingesting the tea, but some even think that it has therapeutic properties when applied topically. It should be noted that there is very little scientific data to back up these claims. Genital warts is the only condition that there is actually significant enough data to claim that the topical applications of green tea is potentially helpful for treating.
It is high in antioxidants, which are the agents that fight free radicals, the atomic formations that destroy skin cell membranes. This leads many to conclude that green tea is possibly useful for helping fight the damage caused by UV rays and other environmental toxins.
Green tea can have serious health consequences if ingested in high enough quantities, however it is thought to be safe when applied topically.
Sodium Hydroxide: A highly caustic and pH-base chemical that used to be popular in skin care ingredients before it was connected to a number of different negative side effects. It is more commonly known as lye.
Lye was popular through the 1800s and 1900s as a skin bleaching agent and pH balancer in many questionable skin care products. It fell out of favor as skin lightening became less popular and as people started realizing that it could have some pretty damaging effects on the skin including:
Uneven pigmentation and skin tone
Chemical burns
Hair loss
As nasty as those short-term effects can be, the long term ones may be even worse. Prolonged exposure to lye has the potential to lead to:
Changes in metabolism
Cancer, especially esophageal
Sodium hydroxide is not an additive that our panel of experts recommend. Despite the condemnation of most of the medical community, however, lye does still occasionally appear in some less-reputable skin care ingredient mixes.
Click here to see our experts’ list of the safest and most effective skin care products available to the public.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven anti-aging cream such as Kremotex for better results.
Retinolla Quality of Ingredients
According to our panel, there is one high-quality ingredient in Retinolla’s blend, two medium-to-low quality ingredients, and one very bad ingredient.
Our team encourages our readers to seek out skin care products that include retinyl palmitate, though it should not necessarily be the main ingredient and certainly not the only proven useful ingredient. Collagen and camellia sinensis extracts are unlikely to do any harm to a user, however they are also unlikely to have much of a positive impact on the skin. Of the two, green tea is the more recommended ingredient.
Our team strongly discourages users from trying any product that contains lye. Not only can its effects often be counter-indicative to its uses, but also the long-term health concerns that surround it make it a highly questionable additive choice.
Follow this link to learn which skin care products our experts ranked as the most effective for increasing daily hydration levels.
The Price and Quality of Retinolla
Retinolla is only available for purchase through their own website. As of the date of this article’s publication the price that they were quoting was:
1, 1.7 oz jar of Retinolla Vital Everyday Moisture: $33.00
This price is about average or slightly above for products of this nature.
To see the skin care products that our team rated as the most effective for skin health overall, follow this link.
Business of Retinolla
Retinolla is manufactured by LPM Marketing LTD. They list their contact information as:
Phone Number: (647) 933-9312
Address: 12 Mykinon St, Office 23
Nicosia 1065, Cyprus
It should be noted that Retinolla currently has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau, based in part on the 64 formal complaints that they’ve received over the last three years and their 100% negative customer feedback rating.
Click here for the most up-to-date reviews of the top over the counter skin care products on the market.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using anti-aging creams for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Retinolla
There are many customers that are angry with Retinolla, and even though their site does not have a space for customer feedback, there are quite a few consumer rights websites that people have written to about their experiences. Many of the posts are similar to these:
“I bought Retinolla because I was looking for a simple moisturizer and color corrector. Instead what I got were huge bleached patches in the middle of my face.”
“OUCH! This stuff bunt me – and not in a stinging sensation way. I went to the doctor and he told me I had what looked like a chemical burn on my face.”
Customers were upset with the smell and texture of Retinolla, with its level of effectiveness in regards to its claims, the side effects that they experienced, and there were also many people that reported negative experiences with their business practices and customer service.
To see our experts’ complete database of the most effective skin care products for increasing collagen generation, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and shrinking pore sizes, click here.
Conclusion – Does Retinolla Work?
In analyzing Retinolla our team looked at the ingredients that they use, the available clinical data about their product, the reputation of their business and the responses of their customers.
The ingredients had some positive aspects, however their choice to use the caustic solvent lye alone is reason enough to not recommend Retinolla. Their business does not appear to be reputable or straightforward in their dealings with customers, and our team doubted the accuracy of some of their advertising claims.
Finally, the responses from previous users were overwhelmingly negative. The accounts of side effects, negative experiences with customer service, and the lack of anyone claiming that it was effective for them have forced our team to conclude that they cannot recommend Retinolla to our readers.
Our experts suggest that readers looking for a reputable skin cream try Kremotex. It has the approval of the industry thanks to their core-health based approach to skin beauty and wellness. Click here to see before and after photos of Kremotex users.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2kvL6Dt via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 8 years
Rejuva Essence Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Rejuva Essence is a beauty cream that’s designed for improving the skin’s appearance by relaxing the muscles of the face. It’s advertising compares it to a topical version of Botox, but without the dangers that are associated with facial injections. They claim that Rejuva Essence reduces wrinkle depth, increases moisture levels, and leaves the skin looking younger and healthier.
Our panel of experts has found that the best skin care product on the market is Kremotex. It tested as the most effective brand for collagen renewal and repair and cellular health. Click here to see comparisons of users before they began taking Kremotex and after.
Do You Know the Best Anti-Aging Creams of 2017?
Rejuva Essence Ingredients and Side Effects
There is no ingredients list for Rejuva Essence posted anywhere on their website or in any of their advertising across the Internet. In their advertising they only mention one of their active ingredients:
 Peptides: A kind of amino acid chain that is used in skin care products as a skin-smoothing agent. Even though this is the only ingredient that Rejuva Essence mentions by name instead of by effects it is still a highly ambiguous entry. There are quite a few different peptides that are used in skin creams and advertised as “injection free Botox.”
Botox became famous in the skin care community several years ago for its ability to smooth the appearance of the skin by deadening the musculature below with botulism toxins. This treatment had visible results but also became known for all of the potential negative side effects that can result from the injection procedure.
Beyond just the initial pain of the needle, the injections became known for a fiery, burning sensation that accompanied the botulism toxins flooding the musculature. The procedure could also cause the affected areas to swell, redden, and become tender and sensitive to the touch. Even more concerningly, the injection sites could often develop infections that could lead to open sores and abscesses of the face.
The needles could also sever nerves in the face, deadening the area permanently. People lost the ability to control their faces and express themselves, often leading to drooping and asymmetrical features.
As a result of these concerns, skin care scientists began looking for less invasive alternatives and over the last several years started experimenting with peptide creams. They found that peptides such as argireline, Syn-Ake, and gatuline could achieve the same muscle-deadening effects of Botox by blocking the neurological signals that the brain uses to control facial muscles.
Peptides are smaller molecularly than Botox and as such are thought to be more easily absorbed by the skin and into the muscles, where they can help ease the appearance of expression lines and other wrinkles. Despite their smaller size, there is still some debate about how much of the active chemical actually reaches the musculature below.
What is less debatable is that in the process a considerable amount of the chemicals are absorbed by the cells of the skin. The paralytic effects of these chemicals do not perform any beneficial functions when absorbed by the skin, however they can have some rather unpleasant effects over time.
Peptides can warp and destroy the membranes that keep skin cells in tight, regular shapes. This disrupts the close formations that the cells are arrayed in and the results of all this are that the skin starts to sag as it expands, wrinkling and losing luster.
This damaged skin also loses its density and reflectivity, making it even more vulnerable to the harsh effects of UV rays and other environmental hazards. The skin cannot repel the free-radical creating elements that it used to, even further compromising the integrity of the skin’s cellular structure.
An even greater concern, however, are what peptides may do to the nervous system over time. Their success is dependent on their ability to disrupt the brain’s ability to control the body’s musculature, and over time these effects can become more and more permanent. Studies have shown that some chronic peptide users, especially those that favor argireline-based products, have lost the ability to express themselves facially.
There are also reports of a condition sometimes called “fuzzy brain” or “argireline brain” that is described as a general loss of mental functioning. Sufferers describe a decreased ability to focus, problem solve, and recall data, with an overall slowing of thinking speed. There is no data about the effects of prolonged peptide use for more than just a few years, so there is little information about what happens to this condition over time.
For the list of skin care products that are the safest and most reliable for all skin types, click here.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven anti-aging cream such as Kremotex for better results.
Rejuva Essence Quality of Ingredients
Our review team does not recommend products that do not disclose their ingredients. It is unfortunate, but there are too many untrustworthy businesses that use low-grade ingredients in their skin care products to be able to trust any skin cream unless you can see exactly what it does contain.
Manufacturers often use products like simple alcohols, paraffins, and parabens that help their creams go on smooth and absorb rapidly, making the skin look great right after application. The problem is that simple alcohols evaporate rapidly, taking with them the moisture that was in the skin before they were applied, and paraffins and parabens can contain carcinogenic impurities and other toxins that can cause serious health problems long term.
It is impossible to see the damage that these products are causing when they are first applied, which sadly leads many users to keep applying them, often to correct the damage that their own products are causing. Unless a manufacturer tells you that they are parts of their blend, you could use a product for years without ever knowing.
Beyond this, the only ingredient that they do choose to list is one that our team is not currently recommending. Peptides are cosmetic products that have no positive health effects but may have some negative ones. Not only can their effects be the opposite of what they are indicated for, but peptides can also have severe neurological consequences.
The brain and nervous system are incredibly complicated and very delicate. It is not recommended that users attempt to achieve surface-level beauty effects at the expense of mental and neurological functioning.
Follow this link to learn about which skin care products tested the highest for cellular action and collagen refreshment.
The Price and Quality of Rejuva Essence
Rejuva Essence is only sold through their own website. As of the date of this article’s publication, the price quoted on the homepage is:
1, 1 oz jar of Rejuva Essence Anti-Aging Cream: $34.99
3, 1 oz jars of Rejuva Essence Anti-Aging Cream: $69.98
5, 1 oz jar of Rejuva Essence Anti-Aging Cream: $104.97
This price is above average for products of this nature, but not by much. It would be easer to say if this was a fair or unfair price if Rejuva Essence was willing to disclose their ingredients.
Click here to gain access to the complete database of skin care product brands as compiled by our team of experts.
Business of Rejuva Essence
Rejuva Essence is an affiliate of Pacific 298 Ltd., who lists their contact information as:
Phone Number: (818) 303-9260
Address: Neither Rejuva Essence nor Pacific 298 Ltd. lists a physical address for their business.
Email: There is also no email address published, however Pacific 298 Ltd. does have a Customer Care Center for electronic communication needs.
There are quite a few formal complaints that have been filed against Rejuva Essence, Pacific 298 Ltd., and their other affiliated partners. Many customers have threatened legal action against them, however there is no evidence of any open lawsuits at this time.
Follow this link to find the skin care products that work best for oily, dry, or damaged skin.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using anti-aging creams for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Rejuva Essence
The reactions from customers that have chosen to write about Rejuva Essence on third-party review sites have not been as favorable as the reviews posted on their own site. Many customers had opinions similar to these:
“Pure garbage – save your skin.”
“I’m pretty sure Rejuva dried me out worse than before I used it at all.”
“One of the great regrets of my life will always be that after smelling Rejuva’s rancid essence, for some reason I still put it on my face.”
Many of the negative reactions to Rejuva Essence were due to general product ineffectiveness, however others were regarding the smell and texture of the cream, the way that it made their skin feel, and an array of different negative side effects including redness, acne breakouts, and strange nodes underneath the skin.
To see the products that were rated as the most effective for lowering users perceived age levels, click here.
Conclusion – Does Rejuva Essence Work?
Our panel of health and beauty experts prefer to recommend products that list all of their ingredients so that users know what they are putting on their face and into their body, however Rejuva Essence does not publish their complete ingredients list anywhere.
Our team tries to only recommend products that work to improve the way that the skin looks by improving its health and functionality. The only ingredient that Rejuva Essence mentions is one that only has cosmetic effects, often at the expense of the long-term health of the user.
We only recommend products from trustworthy companies that we believe will improve the skin, health, and lives of our readers. Rejuva Essence does not meet these criteria.
Our panel does recommend that readers looking for skin care try Kremotex. It has received their highest ratings for cellular hydration, moisture levels, and collagen generation.
Kremotex has established a level of respect with professionals within the skin care industry, many of whom have begun recommending it to their clients. It is not merely a cosmetics aid that covers up damage, it works to improve the overall wellness of the skin. Click here to learn more about what other industry members are saying about Kremotex.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2kkCBZO via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 8 years
Complete Derma Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Complete Derma is a skin care product that is designed to be a moisturizer and anti-aging cream. Its advertising calls Complete Derma a needle-free alternative to Botox that has all of its wrinkle-reducing power but none of the complications that come along with the better-known but more invasive chemical. They recommend their cream to all users looking to prevent the effects of environmental damage, reduce the appearance of expression lines, and tighten the skin.
Kremotex has been rated as the most effective anti-aging cream on the market. It is known for its ability to increase collagen production while also stimulating cellular activity, leading to skin that looks better because it works better. Click here for pictures documenting Kremotex’s effects.
Do You Know the Best Anti-Aging Creams of 2017?
Complete Derma Ingredients and Side Effects
Complete Derma does not publish their complete ingredients list. Their advertising, however, does mention two of the additives in their blend:
Collagen Peptides
Collagen: A highly complex combination of amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and other minerals that the body manufactures on its own, but can also be derived from cows, sheep, and other vertebrates. Collagen is the cellular building block of the skin, but is not considered an effective skin care ingredient itself.
The most effective skin care products are those that can stimulate the body’s own collagen generation functions. This is preferable to trying to ingest or apply raw collagen topically because the body breaks down collagen from outside sources, redistributing its nutrients throughout the body as needed.
Another problem with collagen applied topically is that its bulky molecular structure has difficulty penetrating the skin, so even the limited nutrients it has to offer are generally not absorbed. Instead they remain on the top of the skin where they do have smoothing and conditioning effect, however this is strictly cosmetic and will be washed off in the next shower.
Peptides: A type of amino acid compound, in this case specifically one that mimics the muscle-paralyzing effects of Botox. Complete Derma is somewhat ambiguous about the exact peptide that they are using, however based on their description of its effects it could be argireline, gatuline, Syn-Ake, or a number of other so-called “injectionless Botox” products.
Botox injections became popular for their ability to smooth the skin by paralyzing the facial muscles beneath it, however this approach has some drawbacks as well. The injection procedure itself was the subject of a good deal of criticism because of side effects like pain, swelling, tenderness, and, more seriously, infections, facial abscesses, and nerve death.
These topical alternatives were developed to avoid those issues, however they come with a set of complications all their own. The injections were necessary for Botox because the dermis is a tough, absorbent membrane whose purpose is to protect the musculature and other tissues from outside influences, and it sucks up a good deal of the paralyzing peptides itself before they can even reach the musculature.
This compromises the effectiveness of the peptides, as they need to reach the muscles to be effective and they have no function when absorbed by the skin cells. Not only that, but their paralytic venom can have a serious impact on the health of those cells that contact it. It ceases cellular activity and destroys their membranes, causing them to stop functioning and to start expanding and becoming misshapen.
Health skin cells are packed densely in nice, even rows, and when one of them starts mutating, it impacts the entire structure of the skin. The visible results of this are that the skin starts to sag and loose luster. Its elasticity and reflectivity are compromised, making it more vulnerable to environmental toxins and UV rays.
This is not the scariest effect of these chemicals, however. The way that most of these peptide products work is that they block the neurotransmissions from the brain that control the muscles, and effect that can have permanent effects on the nervous system.
Some users have reported long-term loss of facial control and the inability to express themselves. Others complain of a condition called “fuzzy brain” or “argireline brain,” where they are unable to recall information, pay attention, and in general they feel that their mental functionality is depressed.
Click here to see our experts’ list of the most effective skin care products currently on the market.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven anti-aging cream such as Kremotex for better results.
Complete Derma Quality of Ingredients
There are two major issues with the ingredients in Complete Derma. First, it is impossible to accurately evaluate the product without knowing what is in it, and Complete Derma hides some of their contents from the public. Second, neither of the two products that they do disclose is considered both safe and effective for skin care purposes.
Vitamins and minerals that help encourage collagen production like vitamin C or shea butter are helpful and highly recommended ingredients, however straight collagen itself is not useful for skin care. It also raises questions about the ethical nature of the company, as many manufacturers will include collagen in their blend knowing that it is not affective ingredient but assuming that many people will not know that and purchase it anyway.
Peptides and Botox alternatives are not recommended ingredients. Not only are they strictly cosmetic in their effects and have no core level health benefits, but they can also have the opposite effect of what most people are using them for, causing the skin to sag, wrinkle, and appear older.
Further, peptides are concerning because they can affect mental functioning. Facial care products should never negatively impact your health, and especially not anything as sensitive, complicated, and important as your brain and nervous system.
Follow this link for information about the skin care products that are the best at reducing dark spots, redness, and the effects of over-pigmentation.
The Price and Quality of Complete Derma
Complete Derma is not sold through any independent retailers and is only available through their own website. As of the date of publication of this review, the prices that they were quoting are:
1, 1 oz jar of Complete Derma Anti-Aging Cream: $34.99
3, 1 oz jars of Complete Derma Anti-Aging Cream: $69.98
5, 1 oz jars of Complete Derma Anti-Aging Cream: $104.97
This is slightly above average for a daily skin cream product, but still within a normal range for products of this type.
To see all of the highest rated skin care products available without a prescription, click here.
Business of Complete Derma
Complete Derma lists their manufacturer as Revitol, who in turn is owned by Pacific 298 Ltd. They list their contact information as:
Phone Number: (818) 303-9260
Address: Neither Complete Derma, Revitol, nor Pacific 298 Ltd. lists an address online.
Email: There is also no email address published, however Pacific 298 Ltd. does have a Customer Care Center for electronic communication needs.
There is no evidence that Complete Derma or any of their affiliated brands is involved in any legal actions at this time.
Follow this link to see the skin creams, moisturizers, and serums that are the most effective for your specific skin type and needs.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using anti-aging creams for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Complete Derma
Complete Derma has attempted to control customer reviews by only making it available through their own portals online, however that hasn’t stopped disappointed former customers from posting complaints on sites like Pissed Consumer and Ripoff Report. On those third-party sites the reviews are often similar to these:
“It would be hard for me to imagine a worse product. It smells bad, feels bad, and works bad.”     
“By far the worst skin care product I’ve ever used. I’m still angry with myself for even trying it after I smelled it.”
“I started getting these weird bumps under my skin after about a week. They weren’t pimples, they were hard little lumps, and they still haven’t gone away.”
Users complained about quite a few different features of Complete Derma, including its smell, texture, ineffectiveness, and side effects. There are also reports of users that were angry that the “Free Trial Offer” that some sites advertise had a number of hidden costs.
Click here to see the list of the most effective over the counter skin care products for increasing hydration, cellular turnover, and the skin’s natural collagen repair functions.
Conclusion – Does Complete Derma Work?
In order to receive a recommendation from our review team, a product must make users skin more beautiful by making it healthier at the core level – not just cosmetically improving it for a short time. They have to be honest about their ingredients and treat their customers fairly and respectfully.
In every one of those cases, Complete Derma fails to live up to our standards. It is a cosmetic fix that can have long-term consequences that are at best counter-indicative and at worst can deplete mental functioning. Our users are encouraged to find other alternatives that are safer, more effective, and that have a better track record of customer service.
Our team suggests that those readers searching for a daily skin care product try Kremotex. Kremotex is a core-health focused skin cream that improves collagen generation, cellular, action, and protects the skin from outside attackers.
It uses apple stem cells, shea butter, and other vitamins and minerals in their blend. It is mild on sensitive skins, yet powerful enough to help repair damaged skin. Click here to see all of Kremotex’s ingredients.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2kUyZgo via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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easyweight101 · 8 years
Youtheory Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Youtheory is a daily skin health supplement that is designed to increase collagen production and improve overall dermal wellness. Youtheory is taken orally as a tablet instead of applied topically, where it offers its value in terms of providing core-level nutrients rather than cosmetic effects. Its advertising says that Youtheory is also beneficial for the hair and nails, as well as basic immune health and general biofunctionality.
Our panel of health, wellness, and beauty experts believe that Kremotex is the most effective daily skin care treatment on the market. It has been shown to be the most effective product for both increasing cellular hydration and collagen generation. Click here to see the many other benefits that Kremotex can offer to users’ skins.
Do You Know the Best Anti-Aging Creams of 2017?
Youtheory Ingredients and Side Effects
Vitamin C Collagen
Vitamin C: One of the most important chemicals for the overall health and wellbeing of the body and a key part in a number of biological processes. It is needed for proper immune system functionality, cholesterol regulation, and iron absorption.
Vitamin C is especially crucial in the skin formulation process because it is one of the main reactive agents required for the synthesis of collagen, along with proteins, amino acids, and other vitamins and minerals. Collagen is the main building block of the skin, bones, joints and other tissues in the body and the most effective skin care products are generally those that are best able to stimulate its generation.
Vitamin C is also high in antioxidants, which are key to skin health in a different kind of way. Antioxidants are what your body uses to fight free radicals, the damaging atom groups that destroy cell membranes, leading skin to sag and loose its luster. Free radicals are released or created when your skin is exposed to UV radiation, smoke, and other environmental hazards.
As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen and antioxidants and it becomes more necessary to get outside help in lotion or supplement form. Vitamin C is safe for the vast majority of users and is generally side effect free if taken in reasonable quantities.
Collagen: A raw, powdered form of the same protein complex that was discussed above. This form of collagen is derived from animal sources, usually cow, shark, or poultry.
Some potential customers may assume that the best way to increase collagen production is to just ingest it directly, however this is not exactly the case. Collagen is a highly complex compound that needs to be broken down and processed by the body before it can be used, and those component parts may or may not end up being used for collagen production again.
Chemicals like vitamin E or A have shown more aptitude at actually encouraging the body to make more collagen, whereas collagen itself is mostly just a somewhat useful source of amino acids and basic proteins. It is usually considered healthy for most users and there are no side effects to pure, uncontaminated collagen.
There are some slight health risks with collagen supplements because of their animal origins. Collagen is derived usually from cartilage and bone taken from spinal tissues, which is where some diseases like mad cow live. There will always be a small chance that collagen may be contaminated in some way as long as it is animal in origin. Those individuals with sensitivities to poultry or bovine derived products may also be at risk for allergic reaction.
For our experts up-to-date rankings of the most effective skin care products currently available, follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven anti-aging cream such as Kremotex for better results.
Youtheory Quality of Ingredients
Barring the slight chance that the batch of collagen you are using is contaminated with mad cow disease, avian flu, or some other form of animal spongiform disease, there is little chance that Youtheory is going to be harmful for any given user. There are no short- or long-term health concerns related to either collagen or vitamin C directly, and both have a track record as being useful to the body in a number of ways.
While Youtheory may not be detrimental to most users, it also may not be particularly helpful for skin health either. Much more goes into the collagen formulation process than just vitamin C and the materials provided by powdered collagen.
As mentioned, vitamins A and E are also required, as are amino acids, zinc, copper, various protein chains and more. Not all of those chemicals can be derived from ingested collagen, leaving Youtheory as a rather incomplete blend. It may theoretically get your body two steps closer to the creation of collagen, but by itself it is not likely to be enough to impact skin health in any significant way.
Click here to see which skin care ingredients have shown to be the most effective at naturally increasing collagen levels, dermal renewal rates, and cellular regeneration.
The Price and Quality of Youtheory
Youtheory is sold both through their own website and through a number of other online retailers. While there is some fluctuation, in general its prices are similar to these:
1, 290-count bottle of Youtheory collagen tablets: $13.22
6, 290-count bottle of Youtheory collagen tablets: $74.00
In keeping with the limited ingredients list of Youtheory it is one of the more affordable daily skin care market. This is tempered by the fact that in order to really see results from Youtheory one would have to supplement it with another skin care product in order to see any significant results.
Follow this link for more information about which brands of skin care products have been shown to be the most effective for users with hyperpigmentation, psoriasis, eczema, and other types of serious skin conditions.
Business of Youtheory
Youtheory is owned by nutritional supplements manufacturer Nutrawise. They can be contacted through these platforms:
Phone Number: (714) 361-4660
Address: 9600 Toledo Way
Irvine, CA 92618
Email: Nutrawise does not choose to publish an email address, however they do have a customer comment form for electronic communication on their contact page.
It should be noted that Nutrawise has recently been named in several legal actions, including one in 2011 that involved mislabeling their products and misrepresenting their potential health benefits.
To see our team’s before and after photos showing the results of different kinds of skin care treatments, click here.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using anti-aging creams for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Youtheory
Our reviewers were not surprised by the large amount of customers that were disappointed with the effectiveness of Youtheory, however they were somewhat surprised by the amount of people complaining about negative side effects. Many of their reports were similar to these:
“Youtheory was NOT effective for my skin, but it was very effective at giving me stomach problems.”
“I was taking this for several weeks and I noticed my hair started falling out more and more. I started getting bald patches and was really worried, but then I stopped taking Youtheory and my hair began coming back.”
“After two or three weeks on Youtheory I started having some terrible effects – I was losing my hair, my eyes were puffy and swollen, and I have the worst gas! I looked and felt like death!”
The majority of the customer reviews were simple complaints of not noticing any difference, however there were also accounts of hair loss and gastro-intestinal distress as mentioned above, as well as brittle, discolored nails, weight gain, and headaches.
Follow this link to find out which brands of over the counter skin care products our experts rated as the safest and most effective.
Conclusion – Does Youtheory Work?
Our team of experts has reviewed the ingredients, the customer responses, and all of the clinical data surrounding Youtheory brand collagen tablets and they were surprised at what they found.
Given the ingredient profile of Youtheory, one would expect the effects to be general, though largely imperceptible benefits to overall bodily wellness. However there were hundreds of customer reviews of the product and the frequency of their reports of unpleasant side effects was shocking.
It is unclear why a product with such basic, well-tolerated ingredients would provoke such a high frequency of negative results. This could be due to a number of factors including impurities in the additives, which is especially likely given the animal sources that they are derived from, the mislabeling of the product, which Youtheory’s manufacturer has been accused of before, or it could be general low-quality manufacturing that makes the product hard to tolerate in many people.
Our reviewers would not have recommended Youtheory on its own before they heard all the accounts from disappointed customers, due mainly to their belief that it would not be particularly successful at actually helping the body generate new collagen. After finding out about how many people have had unpleasant experiences, they would like to actively caution users against purchasing Youtheory products.
Our team encourages readers looking for daily skin care products to try Kremotex. It is known in the industry as one of the most effective core-health skin treatment programs currently available. Click here to find out more about why so many skin care professionals have been ranking Kremotex at the top of their list.
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