#instead of immediately aging to like 35 with a kid and a divorce on his back like he looks now
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ishizizzle · 4 days ago
I want to write Amber outside of any angry black girl stereotypes and write her more in depth because she’s much more than a reactionary emotion.
Amber is smart and she's dealing with a lot. Ok work from there, Amber is at a great point in life as a young black woman where “ok everything ive done has cultivated to this much. Playtime is over time to get serious. Wait did even get to play during play time? Focus! They all look like they know something you don’t so you need to know more. You need to know everything! Before it happens! So it doesn’t happen again! Did I eat today?”
I want to see Amber burying herself in her studies and taking the opportunities allowed to her in that big ass white school.
I want to see her parallel Mark (whose she's still with in my au i do not care) where he’s getting beaten down by an enemy and Amber is getting covered in assignments and they both get back up because that's real hot girl shit
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encountersincamperland · 2 years ago
Venice Duel and Jewels
The angry, sozzled security guard reached for his gun.
Oh my god! Is he going to shoot the middle aged guy in his trendy slashed jeans - for a crime of fashion, maybe? They had been arguing in Italian. Slashed jeans guy had started it.
It is nearly midnight and we’re on the ferry from San Marco dock in Venice, heading back to Camping Miramare on the Lido. We stepped onto a very quiet ferry and took two empty seats of a set of six.
But they weren’t completely empty. On one of the hard olive green seats sat a black rucksack with a big white NIKE logo across the front. Being well trained TfL travellers, we were immediately concerned. ‘See it. Say it. Sort it’ ran through our minds and Paul went over to the uniformed security guy, who was talking with the ferry crew, to alert him to the bag.
Security guy followed Paul back to our seat, saw the bag and said, It’s mine, in Italian, before sitting down heavily beside it.
We began gesture talking as he asked us where we were from, in English as splintered as our Italian. We shared life story outlines. Showing each other photos of our adult kids - he has a 23 year old lad and is divorced from his wife. He talked in a low, growly slur. He was admiring, if made a little sad by our 35 years together.
Wearying of the effort to make himself understood he put his earphones in and sat back. By now, the ferry had docked at its first stop and was practically full of weary tourists and locals heading home.
Slashed jeans guy was tall and lean. He had swept back ashy blonde hair and a patrician face. He leant back in his seat, his denim clad thighs peeking through the slashes. He was with a tall young man with a wealth of dark curly hair, sitting opposite. Father and son, I thought.
Without moving, slashed jeans guy said something to security guy. Security guy was immediately annoyed, pulling his headphones from his ears. Split jeans guy stayed cool throughout. Confident, arrogant in his middleclassness. The argument went on. Slashed jeans guy was now on his mobile phone as if trying to report what was happening, his manner still languid.
Security guy leapt up, reached down to the gun that was strapped to his leg. Us eavesdropping passengers held our collective breath.
Instead of drawing it, he unstrapped it and threw it into his rucksack. We breathed out. He was now shouting at slashed jeans guy who ignored him as he continued to hold the phone to his ear. His son had a bemused but not overly concerned look in his face as he kept his eyes firmly on his father. Perhaps thinking, Dad’s at it again, but also, needing not to be drawn in by a careless glance in the wrong place.
We took all this in like a police procedural being watched from our sofa, strangely unperturbed by this aggressive and potentially violent if not lethal exchange. The rest of the passengers did the same - some late night entertainment.
We’d just had a wonderful last night of four in Venice. We had visited the Jewish Museum that day and had taken the guided tour around the tight confines of the Ghetto - a square of tall old buildings, some built to eight low-ceilinged floors to house the up to four thousand Jews kept within its confines in the centuries prior to their emancipation in the 1797.
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Our guide pointed out three of the unusually tall buildings that had five windows on the third floor rather than the usual four. These were concealed synagogues for the practice and study of their religion, hidden from hostile eyes. This was before the building of two splendid synagogues, jewels of the city, one Levantine and the other Spanish, right there in that tight square, as some in the community became more prosperous despite the restrictions. Incredibly ornate with marble and wood carved by master craftsmen, the synagogues were beautiful but also spoke of rivalry within the Ghetto, as each new wave of Jews from Germany or Spain or the Middle East, claimed their right to be there and made their livings, rising or falling in social status according to their means or wherewithal to succeed.
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The early inhabitants would be locked into the area by 6pm every night, and allowed out at noon the next day, the men to ply one of the three trades they were allowed to follow: money lending (forbidden to Christians); trading second hand goods; and being doctors. What, no teachers, I asked? The synagogue is a school, our guide explained.
The most moving story was of the nursing home for sick elderly within the community who could not be moved when the WWII pograms arrived and others fled, or lived secret lives dispersed about the city.
Nazi’s came into the Ghetto and dragged elderly, sick women and men from their beds and transported them to a concentration camp where they soon died or were assassinated. Really, what threat did these old people pose that they could not be left to peacefully pass out of life?
Outside the old nursing home building, there are small bronze plaques worked into the cobbles of the square, each one a testament that these people lived and were cruelly taken before their time.
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Later that evening we had had a joyful reunion with close friends from London who we coincidentally were overlapping with for an evening on our mutual holidays. How privileged we are to be able to move about so freely and enjoy our lives - something denied to so many, past and present, through no fault of their own.
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Security guy had sat back down and phones were our combatants weapons of choice. Slashed jeans guys was still on his phone but not getting through, throwing comments across to security guy in his measured tones. Security guy was audibly more angry in his retorts as he stabbed out the numbers on the mobile. He got through and began to complain loudly about what was occurring. His right hand orchestrating his frustration.
The ferry, meanwhile, chugged and bumped into Punto Sabbioni, our temporary home port. Most people got up to leave, including the duelling pair, phones still to ears as if to put them away would signal surrender.
We shuffled off the ferry and the crowd quickly dispersed. We saw no more of security guy or the other.
Once the argument had begun, they had eyes for no one but each other, like new lovers having a first fight.
What had it all been about? We speculated as we walked the ten minutes back to camp. Slashed jeans guy had taken umbrage that security guy had been drinking either on or off duty but in uniform and armed, and had told him to remove his piece.
Security guy had been outraged to have been addressed and directed in this manner and the argument erupted, but yet he complied, knowing he was in the wrong.
If that was the case, then slashed jeans guy had a valid reason for his challenge, but his peremptory manner spoke more of class patrimony than community spirit and we were left feeling a little sorry for security guy and his lonely state, a ‘ghetto’ of his own making.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years ago
Globe, December 28
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Farewell to 93 legends we loved and lost in 2020 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Steve Martin holds a green pepper on the NYC set of Only Murders in the Building, Derek Hough is light on his feet at the MTV Movie & TV Awards 
Page 3: Julia Roberts looks scary skinny during a solo stroll in Hawaii, Chris Pratt hoists a hoverboard during an L.A. workout 
Page 4: Troubled twosome Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi are hoping to put their year from hell behind them by renewing their vows over the holidays in a desperate big to keep their love alive -- Ellen wants to prove her long-suffering wife comes first ahead of Ellen’s daytime talk show and her many celebrity friends and is going all out to show it -- penny-pincher Ellen opened her wallet as wide as her heart telling Portia she could spend whatever she wants on clothes, food, drinks, music and invite whoever she wants at the New Year’s vow ceremony on a Santa Barbara beach
Page 5: Obsessive Blake Shelton is so stressed over his upcoming wedding to Gwen Stefani he’s turning into the Groomzilla from hell -- he is sparing no expense and shelling out millions to redo his Oklahoma ranch to impress the couple’s Tinseltown friends but the mountain of stuff still to be done is driving him around the bend even though no one’s putting pressure on him but he’s obsessed with the wedding details and driving his staff crazy with his constant orders and revisions -- he’s building a chapel on the ranch and a lighted boat for a romantic wedding cruise on the lake and picking the style of the canopy for the banquet floor and re-landscaping the grounds and adding a color-themed garden
* Kenya Moore of Real Housewives of Atlanta reveals she went on a date with Kanye West but bolted when she caught him watching inappropriate flicks -- she described the outing with Kanye as a disaster date and they ended up going to his house where he left her alone, wandering around and when she followed the noises he was watching something on TV that he probably shouldn’t have been and that was her exit 
Page 6: Matthew Perry was such a slave to his addiction his former galpal Kayti Edwards says he’d send her to score drugs while she was pregnant and Matthew insisted she was the perfect drug mule because he believed cops wouldn’t stop a gal in her condition Kayti claims in a shocking tell-all about her 2011 romance with Matthew -- she says his ravenous cravings for cocaine and heroin were so out of control that he once superglued his hands to his legs and he took up to 80 Vicodin pills daily -- Kayti claims she was trying to protect Matthew because she feared he’d end up wandering around the streets and being nabbed by cops or snapped by photogs but she was also getting paid big bucks like $3000 to $4000 a day 
Page 7: Duchess Camilla’s taste for an early morning tipple has rubbed off on husband Prince Charles who is now so hooked on the sauce he starts the day guzzling a powerful gin martini with breakfast and now Charles’ alarmed staffers and pals are talking about an intervention to remind him not to go down the path that put his second wife in rehab -- Charles’ booze consumption has been off the charts for years but drinking first thing in the morning with his breakfast is a new low -- Charles laughs off suggestions he has a booze issue but one look at his bloodshot face tells the story 
* Now that a COVID-19 vaccine’s been approved in Britain Queen Elizabeth says she’s going to get the shot but wait her turn instead of pulling royal rank but she and husband Prince Philip won’t wait long because at their ages they’re in the second group to get the vaccine which is health care workers and people over 80 
Page 8: Helena Bonham Carter has a world-shakin’ suggestion for gals frustrated by the COVID-19 lockdown: get a vibrator -- she says women shouldn’t worry about snaring a beau during the pandemic but that’s easy for her to say because she’s currently cuddling with toyboy writer Rye Dag Holmboe 
* George Clooney confesses wife Amal Clooney had him shaking in his boots when he popped the question and she didn’t answer -- he asked her out of the blue but instead of squealing yes immediately the brainy lawyer just stood there -- George says he was on his knee for like 20 minutes and finally said he was going to throw his hip out -- Amal finally agreed and the couple have three-year-old twins 
* The nip/tuck freak daughter of Olivia Newton-John is being blasted as a hypocrite for coming out against the new COVID-19 vaccines -- Chloe Lattanzi claims she doesn’t trust doctors or the vaccine but critics note she had no problem shelling out an estimated $550,000 to plastic surgeons for nose jobs, super-sized boobs and ballooned lips 
Page 9: Since his life-threatening health scare game show icon Pat Sajak’s been testy and snapping at contestants and crew members leaving insiders fearing he’s heading for a breakdown -- the once-cheery Wheel of Fortune host is a different man since recovering from emergency surgery for a blocked intestine and is having difficulty coping with the workload -- he just can’t keep up with the pace and he’s pushed to the very limit and can’t seem to function doing this job and it’s all spilling over and manifesting into these ugly outbursts which are shocking viewers -- he even glares at long-time help-mate Vanna White when he gets frustrated or forgetful and she is really too nice to complain about it but she’s definitely been taken aback by his behavior 
Page 10: Proof UFOs are real -- new photos taken by Navy jets reveal we are not alone 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- WWE legend Ric Flair (picture), Real Housewives of Orange County’s Braunwyn Windham-Burke maintains she’s not attracted to men despite renewing her wedding vows with her husband of over two decades -- she says she is gay but she loves husband Sean Burke and they plan on staying married although they don’t sleep in the same bedroom and they are raising their kids together but he knows the girl she’s dating and he’s been given the thumbs-up to date too, Liam Payne believes he’s being haunted by spooks -- convinced spooky spirits were inhabiting his West London digs Liam moved but spooks popped up at the new pad and he thinks the new house is even more haunted than the old one, George Clooney handpicked an even better looking doppelganger to play his younger self in his new flick The Midnight Sky who is screen legend Gregory Peck’s grandson Ethan Peck -- George said it was tricky because people know what he looked like when he was 35 years old but he rejected the high-tech gizmos used to weirdly reverse Robert De Niro’s age in The Irishman but he did mix his voice with Ethan’s since his voice is pretty recognizable, Matthew McConaughey’s kids Levi and Vida used their phones to photograph him for his latest magazine covers because of quarantine they couldn’t do normal photoshoots so the kids became the photographers 
Page 13: Tom Arnold dines out in Rome (picture), Aubrey O’Day (picture), Brooke Burke in Mexico (picture), pregnant Meghan Trainor was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and she’s healthy and her baby boy is healthy but she has to really pay attention to everything she eats 
Page 14: Luke Evans denies hiding in the closet to advance his Hollywood career saying it was the last thing he had because everything else he’d given to the world and adding that he left home at 16 because he was gay and went into the world as a kid because he had to, Mindy Kaling managed to keep two pregnancies under cover and kept the kids’ middle names under wraps until now -- a fan wondered why Mindy who is of a Indian heritage gave her kids Caucasian names but their names are Katherine Swati and Spencer Avu 
* Fashion Verdict -- Blanca Suarez 3/10, Olivia Palermo 1/10, Nicky Hilton 9/10, Bella Heathcote 2/10, Catt Sadler 8/10 
Page 16: True Crime 
Page 17: Martha Stewart confesses her painful divorce in 1990 was a terrible thing and she hasn’t talked to ex-husband Andrew Stewart since but she bounced back from the pain and her infamous prison stint because she’s very strong and motivated to get on with life -- still Martha admits being dumped by her husband for another woman after 29 years of marriage nearly did her in -- Martha also reveals serving five months in West Virginia in 2004 on a federal insider stock trading rap was a struggle but she got through it by working on her arts and crafts 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Don Lemon 
* Dolly Parton pulled no punches when discussing her longtime romance with Carl Dean dishing she and her husband have been together for 57 years and married for 54 and she’s sick of him and she’s sure he’s sick of her -- the couple have rarely been seen in public together and she says their marriage succeeds because she stays gone and they’re not in each other’s faces all the time 
* Miley Cyrus says she’s mastered the art of staying safe during lockdown love and it’s by having online sex -- she said the safest sex in these COVID-crazy times is the virtual kind and that’s where Miley has been hooking up
Page 21: Cover Story -- Thanks for the Memories -- tribute to the stars we loved and lost in 2020 
Page 22: Alex Trebek 
Page 23: Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna, Kelly Preston 
Page 24: Kirk Douglas, Sean Connery 
Page 25: Olivia de Havilland, Chadwick Boseman 
Page 26: Robert Conrad, Naya Rivera 
Page 27: Regis Philbin 
Page 28: Kenny Rogers, Roy Horn 
Page 29: Eddie Van Halen, Little Richard 
Page 36: Health Report -- eating bread can toast your brain 
Page 38: Ghostbusters icon Dan Aykroyd has turned into a ghoulish recluse who rarely leaves his $25 million Martha’s Vineyard estate where he’s now eerily planning his own funeral -- the bizarre 68-year-old appears perfectly healthy yet he spooks around in his bed clothes muttering about who he wants to officiate at his memorial service and the goodies the chef should serve at the wake -- the curious thing is he appears to be in no danger of dropping dead anytime soon and he’s sturdy as a horse which is surprising given the cigars and the vodka and the big meals he enjoys -- Dan’s wife of 37 years Donna Dixon has gotten used to her husband’s ghoulish monologues
* Bob Dylan sold his extensive back catalog of more than 600 songs including Blowin’ in the Wind and Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door to Universal Music in a blockbuster deal topping $300 million 
Page 40: Patrick Stewart confesses he’s been furious all his life and he’s still seeing a shrink to control his rage -- he reveals he’s burned with rage inside since childhood when he witnessed his dad’s violence against his mom and he had to suppress all that anger -- at age 14 he feared he’d explode and kill his headmaster when he caned him and later he worried he’d hurt his two children with first wife Sheila Falconer in a fit of fury and now at age 80 it’s still there so he sees a therapist every week 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- The Weeknd has his nose out of joint because he wasn’t nominated for any Grammys this year and he claims he’s being snubbed because he’ll be starring on the February 7 Super Bowl halftime show a week after the Grammys 
Page 45: Jeffrey Epstein’s accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell is a paranoid mess losing her hair and wasting away in federal prison where she’s terrified shadowy forces have marked her for death -- the shrinking British socialite who denies recruiting and grooming underage girls for Epstein’s twisted lust is charged with sex trafficking minors as she rots in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center awaiting trial next year 
Page 47: Bizarre But True 
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charsimatic · 8 years ago
All 50 for Faye
Yesssss, thank you!!!!
1)      Age? Faye is 21 years old!
2)      Gender? Female
3)      Romantic/Sexual Orientation? Straight
4)      Height? 5′6
5)      Race? Caucasian
6)      What do they look like? (i.e, hair color, eye color, etc). She has blonde hair and gold/brown eyes. She’s skinny and has a former dancers body
7)      Any disabilities? Nope
8)      Is there a meaning to their name? It means fairy, and her mom loved fairies so that’s how she got her name
9)      What makes them, them?  Oh goodness. Her strength comes from watching her parents as a child struggle through work issues, family issues, etc. It also comes from surviving the car crash that killed her parents. Her resolve comes from people telling her she couldn’t be a mother because she was too young, and she raised a healthy child anyway. She loves dance and has pursued it her entire life. She’s incredibly loving because she knows life is too short. She’s adventurous because she’s a survivor and not afraid to try new things, even if they’re a bit scary. But she tends to run away from issues a lot. Instead of facing her problems, she runs and pretends they don’t exist until it comes to a head.
10)   What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives? She just wants to be a good mother to Sophia. She does eventually want to be either a professional dancer or a chef, and is exploring both those options
11)   Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)? She did, but they passed away when she was 8 years old. Before they passed, however, they were very loving and supportive and made sure their children were happy and taken care of. They were excellent parents and Faye misses them every day.
12)   Do they have siblings? How do they interact with them? If not, do they wish they had siblings? She has two sisters- Madlaina and Jaymie. She used to speak to Jaymie on a daily basis, but they have cut contact recently because Jaymie does not agree with Faye’s decisions recently. She wasn’t as close to Madlaina, but the two did get along and talked often once Faye was older. As children, Faye was super close with Jaymie but fought often with Madlaina, who was much older and liked to pick on her.
13)   Extended family? Do they see them often? Not really, they lost contact with their extended family after their parents died. She still gets Christmas and Birthday cards and stuff, but that’s about it. She sees her grandfather occasionally, but he’s traveling the world at the moment since his wife died. 
14)   Do they like where they live? (Is it a safe place?) Currently, she hates where she lives.
15)   Where do they live? Are they wealthy? Poor? Middle-Class? Eh...lower middle.
16)   Do they have a lot of expectations/pressure on them from family to do great? Right now, yeah. Everyone wants her to leave.
17)   Do they have pets? Not currently.
18)   Who do they look up to the most/are the closest to in their family? Her sister, Jaymie. She’s always looked up to her.
19)   This there anything special about their family? Every family is special! Lol but nothing that stands out
20)   Do they wish they lived in a different family/household? Yes, currently.
21)   Best Friend(s)? Braylie (made by @nonsimsical) Is pretty much her only friend at this point. She’s working a lot and has Sophia to look after, but Braylie is Sophia’s Godmother so she sees her a lot.
22)   Who was their first friend? Freeman, also by Dani lol
23)   What is their friend group like? Incredibly small
24)   Do they have a love/hate relationship with any of them? Nope. She loves them all.
25)   Do they consider any of their friends to be like siblings? Braylie and Oona, yes
26)   Have they ever hurt a friend or lost one? Unintentionally, yes.
27)   Do they have a crush on any of their friends? Lol
28)   Do they share classes with good friends? She is no longer in classes
29)   Whom do they go to the most when they need a shoulder to cry on? Braylie for sure right now. Used to be Freeman.
30)   What would this person do without their friends in their lives? Crash and burn.
31)   What grade are they in? If they aren’t in school, how come? She’s 21 years old that’s why lol
32)   Do/Did they like their teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one? Generally she liked her teachers and they liked her. She was a good student. Only one teacher didn’t really like her, Faye never really knew why, but she didn’t make her life miserable.
33)   Do/Did they listen to their teachers or are/where they goofing off a lot? She was always quiet and listened.
34)   Are/Where they a good student grade wise? Yep.
35)   Do/Did they need extra help? No
36)   What is/was their school like? Average school system. 
37)   Do/Did they have bullies in school? When she was pregnant, yes. People turned on her almost immediately.
38)   Have they ever gotten into a fight at school? Nope
39)   Have they ever done something stupid/embarrassing at school? All the time lol she’s a clutz when she isn’t dancing or cheerleading
40)   How far do they plan to go with school? If they dropped out, do they want to go back? She wants to go to culinary school soon.
41)   Are they dating anyone? Do they want to date? Are the married? Divorced? She is currently living with Eli Gardner, who is Sophia’s biological father.
42)   What is their favorite hobby? Do they keep it a secret? Dancing. She does not keep it a secret
43)   If they could have one thing in life, what would it be? Happiness.
44)   Do they work? If so, what is it? If not, are they looking for one or even want one? She is a floor manager at Kohl’s and has been working there for quite a while. She knows every department and is pretty essential to her store. She is on the road to being promoted to assistant manager.
45)   Do they use social media? Twitter, rarely
46)   Have they ever been in the hospital? Yep. In a coma after the car accident, when she broke her arm as a kid, and when she had her daughter.
47)   Do they believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see? Absolutely.
48)   What do they do when they get angry, stressed, or upset? Cry, throw things, leave and cool off herself either on a walk, drive, or in the dance studio.
49)   Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey? She used to consider herself a good person, but she feels awful about the choices she’s made recently and generally views herself as a bad person, parent, etc.
50)   Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc) Yep. Her love of holidays, her ability to get exited easily, the love for her friends and family, and the way she cries SUPER easily are all parts of me.
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maylocnuocplasma · 5 years ago
What Language Really does South Korea Speak?
Second, when you become a member of the site, you may scan their particular online catalog. Ok If a guy may accept that great, but down the road comes her parents and siblings, they to have to be looked after. Learn in the event they have rich Coke or 7-Up for their home.
Secret And Delightful
Koreans will not always have the opportunity to experience earliest love, or mutual sympathy during teenage years, as is traditional in our country. Because of having life ideas and probe in place of their pre-teen years most girls inside the Philippines are taught to please their very own parents, by no means consider actions that may shame the family, remain moral and upstanding so everybody in the spot knows they are “good girls”, fear the wrath with their angry fathers, dress appropriately so as to not appear to be a “loose girlfriend, ” and possess an overall “straight-laced” life until they find a better candidate for any husband.
When the Simple reformation emerged people’s thoughts were changing. Protestants presumed weddings needs to be orchestrated by a justice with the peace and this couples who were not fitted to each other are able to divorce freely. Unfortunately the legality of these philosophy were only valid for a short period of time before the Catholics once again renewed an older legal system. However the Protestants had been victorious in adding wedding vows to marriage ceremonies, a series of oaths and promises to treat each other with dignity and admiration, something that until then wasn’t really thought to be of particular importance. The vows lacked any legal authority but they were one step in the right direction.
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At this point regarding the somebody; it is not scientific opr historical. Costly attempt and justify a way of life that never really came about and Cina – which has an old and long registered civilization would not have to transform the rim. In this book, there are so truths, but is normally is plainly a spiritual view of the world that the Roman Empire were required to endorse to save lots of itself. You will find no mention of Europe in the Old Testament; only allusions that people afterward ascribe to Europe. Syria is brought up, Persia is usually mentioned; Ethiopia is brought up; Egypt is mentioned, Egypt, but zero mention of Greece – and naturally Israel is usually mentioned – when then it was do not ever a country. Consequently , it is merely an attempt to provide some credence to a life-style, and concentrates specifically in the peoples around the epicentre in the events that supposedly happened in that area.
You may ask why would probably Korean brides to be want currently men right from abroad? Oriental culture in too stern but it shouldn’t turn local brides in snow queens”. Korean young girls find it as well difficult to find appropriate partners inside their home country. Community brides are smart, hard-working, regimented, family-oriented, and living but they are unlucky in love. Regional men are definitely not keen on the idea to get married to and develop families. This kind of us what forces community girls to locate intended for partners abroad. Girls right here conservative thoughts about relationship and marriage. That they dream of a cheerful family and kids their minds full of like and they imagine sharing this with males who admire the same.
By the way, when you advised your fiance you don’t want him to send cash, you would a good thing to get building his trust in you. He then does a good thing by telling you is actually not wrong for a future husband to receive cash from her soon being lifelong spouse. This seems like a good relationship beginning with trustworthiness and trust between the two of you.
Since you are interested in a Korean language mail buy bride, it could be reasonable to consider that you will most probably find involvement in Asian culture as well. Communications in your way on the path to your potential Korean star of the event will be method easier whenever both of you know and speak the local language.
Korean females strive for international husbands because of the classic impact on that are prevalent in Parts of asia. By default, the male figure commands respect and reverence even though the females are expected to grow in quiet and almost out of the limelight.
We have 3 categories of older gals, middle from ages ladies, and young ladies. In person, I prefer an individual at least 20 years the younger. Why? Since they have energy, enthusiasm, a positive outlook toward their potential new existence, and just plain youthfulness. I actually didn’t formerly start out searching for a really youthful wife nonetheless it ended up doing this. I collection the search engine in FilipinaHeart to look for a candidate candidates that had been 35 to 45 like we are taught to choose in the U. T. – 10 to 20 years younger than myself. However the next time I went on this website, the search engine totally reset itself for the purpose of 18 to 45. I’ve no idea so why the lower number reset nevertheless the higher a single didn’t. Immediately there were so many of new possibilities and the absolutely adore of living was in generally there. So I will have a Filipina wife that is 32 years younger than myself.
This woman is automatically developed from arrival to work at a paid out job always but be mindful about that. She could go find the lowest paid job in the area and think she’s succeeding because it appears to be much higher than she would generate in the Korea but you know it’s certainly not and that living expenses are much higher in this article. I’ve also found that a sugary and kind Filipina will more often than not start to pick up feminist, bitchy, attitudes right from female co workers and her personality will change because this woman is around them a whole lot. Filipino people are born copiers and cloners so she is going to absorb many methods from others. Did you know enjoy the result of her working with a bunch of crabby gossiping ladies.
Do Korean language Women Have got Family Ties?
Over the last few decades, men’s affinity for Korean girls has significantly increased. As you can see love is definitely a recent idea when it comes to marital life and when that concerns the law the idea doesn’t seriously know what best for the people. Marriage has long been used to discriminate, prosecute, and harass. Easy methods to a tool for bigotry and ignorance. It is been seen in religious and nonreligious adjustments. Laws and politics have always said a lot about marital life but sometimes individuals have an overabundance to say. Make sure you continue reading since my subsequent article represents different types of marriage by arranged marriages, child brides, polygamy, and even the odd circumstance of polyandy, when one particular woman usually takes several partners. Or perhaps you’d like to learn about distinctive forms of family instead.
In the event they’re seriously interested in a romance with YOU rather than just wanting to conquer here to the promised area of dairy and honies, then they’d be willing and want to speak to you designed for an extended period of time to discover you well. Being rapide about you approaching over isn’t a characteristic of the Filipina you need to marry, in my view. It’s not your matter if others are talking her up without wishing to commit. They have something they should endure if perhaps they’re going to be online for that husband. A Filipina who’s cautious and takes time to discover you is normally worried about your ability to possess deep thoughts for her, worried about you possibly coldly treating her as an inanimate residence cleaner and baby developer, you as being a hot head who sounds wives, you being an alcohol or drug addict, etc . She really wants to “probe” you with dialogue to satisfy her curiosity about somebody she’s planning upon spending other parts of her life with and would not mind many months of communicating.
It’s healthy for you to be cautious but never be THEREFORE cautious that you just miss your perfect diamond necklace. I entered this while using attitude that out of a country of 89 , 000, 000 people which more than 50% are woman, I would get the perfect pal that I was meant to meet up with. If that took 12 months, I’d hold out it out. If this didn’t, I’d personally be happy that we didn’t need to wait it. I found my wife’s account the very first evening I seemed on FilipinaHeart, she was in my favorites in the future for the next 3 days, and she was the first We wrote to. Maybe I lucked out, maybe this lady was suitable for me ahead of I even got at this time there. I believe we were meant to get together and get married to. But which just me personally.
You have a very high chance to meet many sole and single women on-line. You will be excited by how sugary, and kind regional women happen to be. They will demonstrate respect; they are interested in conntacting you and causing you to fall in love with all of them. Asian-Western marriage is considered the strongest. The divorce fee is twenty percent compared to marital relationship between people today belonging to the same competition. It’s not really a huge surprise that so many guys prefer to date and marry Oriental girls.
sixty two Interesting Korean War Particulars. The Korean language War begun at some: 30 a. m. about June 25, 1950, and ended about July twenty seven, 1953. Compared to WW II, there are few movies regarding the Korean language War. There initially were 6. eight , 000, 000 American individuals who served during the Korean language War period, by June 27, 1950, to January thirty-one, 1955.
But the term is certainly widely used which includes application of it is negative associations; the primary an individual being the concept of buying a female from a catalog. Further more, there are ramifications, derived from its initial application to Asian women, that define the form of women readily available from a catalog.
Jamjuree From Daejeon, Korea, Southerly Seeking For Guy
A mail-order bride is actually a woman who data herself in catalogs which is selected by a man with regards to marriage. Don’t think because the father is a water pipe fitter that he’s making a lot of money. It’s nothing like Journeyman Tube Fitter income in this region. He’s continue to probably lucky to make $5, 000US per year even if your dog is doing perfectly by their lesser standards. It’s not uncommon for that doctor for making $12, 000 a year until they have the possibility to come to the U. S. and make 15X as much per year.
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I have to differ though. Whilst I’m sure there are plenty who do that very effectively, and I spoken to a few young girls while discovering my wife that I’m sure might, not all are searching for a scam sufferer to fund their families in high class, and give money with their illicit sweethearts. My blog page is actually about being careful to not receive stung, i really warn https://buyabrideonline.com/korean-women men to be careful.
I actually also feel that asking you if you are coming over may be a test at the girl’s portion to see if you are already thinking about coming over to select from a number of applicants instead of just browsing her only, or if it is just to have got a sex spree across her nation, etc . because she realizes you don’t have spent sufficient time to be interested in her however. She possibly doesn’t get a handle on how much a trip over presently there costs you or she actually is baiting you to see what their answer will probably be.
Angry jelous women after that, jajaja. Let me revise the silver digger portion, this article is old. The answer you gave it “like all of the countries you will find women aiming to be maintained”, that is what I highlighted. The article is “How to Date Colombian Women” as well as the relationship I realize between foreigners and colombian women is the fact one just. I i am talking to that crowd, the web dating picture. And I include tasted equally ways of Colombian women, the gold digger and the right ones. And met a whole lot of golden diggers, that may be what I find out. But I will revise and atone this article. Is avoid the object of denigrating.
Another advantage you will like when you understand Korean vocabulary is that you will see that incredibly simple to make a good first impression while using parents of the potential Korean language bride. Communicating with her father and mother in the local words is highly vital, especially during a family union dinner. By impressing her family, you will discover it easier to marry a Korean woman.
Colombian young girls can be hard to know. Sometimes they manage to dress to incite and they are very sexual in their actions. Compared to other cultures, physical contact is very normal and they may well stay near to you. But will not interpret this as in invitation to crib them, try it out and you will ruin everything.
The Xiongnu or Hephthalite are not Israelites. Xion and Zion are just punctuational conincidence. Among the chapters in my publication talks about “The Tower of Babel” that can answer your question exactly who the Xiongnu were. Xiongnu were bloodstream thirsty and wicked barbarians that caused a lot of troubles to China. These were finally conquered by the Chinese army in the Han Dynasty and got sent from the East fleeing to the West. At this time there, they started to be the well known Huns where a mighty soldier, Attila, came about and dominated them. They turned out to be a great enemy of your Romans.
blah blah blah, all this speak about Filipino women of all ages. These men whom said undesirable things about us I’m sure are good men (eyes rolling). The majority of these men who are going on about how crazy Filipino females are anticipate a obedient, compliant, acquiescent, subservient, docile, meek, dutiful, tractable wife that might give them the every whim and if a girl can’t squeeze into that field, they are disappointed. Expect to receive 100% if you’ve given your 100%. In any other case, it’s called karma. You get the things you give. There are good and rotten kinds and stop categorizing us like we are a fruit group.
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newstfionline · 8 years ago
Friends of a Certain Age
By Alex Williams, NY Times, July 13, 2012
It was like one of those magical blind-date scenes out of a Hollywood rom-com, without the “rom.” I met Brian, a New York screenwriter, a few years ago through work, which led to dinner with our wives and friend chemistry that was instant and obvious.
We liked the same songs off Dylan’s “Blonde on Blonde,” the same lines from “Chinatown.” By the time the green curry shrimp had arrived, we were finishing each other’s sentences. Our wives were forced to cut in: “Hey, guys, want to come up for air?”
As Brian and his wife wandered off toward the No. 2 train afterward, it crossed my mind that he was the kind of guy who might have ended up a groomsman at my wedding if we had met in college.
That was four years ago. We’ve seen each other four times since. We are “friends,” but not quite friends. We keep trying to get over the hump, but life gets in the way.
Our story is not unusual. In your 30s and 40s, plenty of new people enter your life, through work, children’s play dates and, of course, Facebook. But actual close friends--the kind you make in college, the kind you call in a crisis--those are in shorter supply.
As people approach midlife, the days of youthful exploration, when life felt like one big blind date, are fading. Schedules compress, priorities change and people often become pickier in what they want in their friends.
No matter how many friends you make, a sense of fatalism can creep in: the period for making B.F.F.’s, the way you did in your teens or early 20s, is pretty much over. It’s time to resign yourself to situational friends: K.O.F.’s (kind of friends)--for now.
But often, people realize how much they have neglected to restock their pool of friends only when they encounter a big life event, like a move, say, or a divorce.
That thought struck Lisa Degliantoni, an educational fund-raising executive in Chicago, a few months ago when she was planning her 39th birthday party. After a move from New York to Evanston, Ill., she realized that she had 857 Facebook friends and 509 Twitter followers, but still did not know if she could fill her party’s invitation list. “I did an inventory of the phases of my life where I’ve managed to make the most friends, and it was definitely high school and my first job,” she said.
After a divorce in his 40s, Robert Glover, a psychotherapist in Bellevue, Wash., realized that his roster of friends had quietly atrophied for years as he focused on career and family. “All of a sudden, with your wife out of the picture, you realize you’re lonely,” said Dr. Glover, now 56. “I’d go to salsa lessons. Instead of trying to pick up the women, I’d introduce myself to the men: ‘Hey, let’s go get a drink.’ “
In studies of peer groups, Laura L. Carstensen, a psychology professor who is the director of the Stanford Center on Longevity in California, observed that people tended to interact with fewer people as they moved toward midlife, but that they grew closer to the friends they already had.
Basically, she suggests, this is because people have an internal alarm clock that goes off at big life events, like turning 30. It reminds them that time horizons are shrinking, so it is a point to pull back on exploration and concentrate on the here and now. “You tend to focus on what is most emotionally important to you,” she said, “so you’re not interested in going to that cocktail party, you’re interested in spending time with your kids.”
As external conditions change, it becomes tougher to meet the three conditions that sociologists since the 1950s have considered crucial to making close friends: proximity; repeated, unplanned interactions; and a setting that encourages people to let their guard down and confide in each other, said Rebecca G. Adams, a professor of sociology and gerontology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. This is why so many people meet their lifelong friends in college, she added.
In the professional world, “proximity” is hard to maintain, as work colleagues are reassigned or move on to new jobs. Last year, Erica Rivinoja, a writer on the NBC series “Up All Night,” became close with a woman, Jen, when they worked together on a pilot. Almost instantly, they knew each other’s exercise schedules and food preferences. Jen could sense when Ms. Rivinoja needed a jolt of caffeine, and without asking would be there with an iced tea.
“But as soon as the pilot was over, it was hard to be as close without that constant day-to-day interaction,” said Ms. Rivinoja, 35. They can occasionally carve out time for a quick gin and tonic, she said, but “there aren’t those long afternoons which bleed into evenings hanging out at the beach and then heading to a bar.”
The workplace can crackle with competition, so people learn to hide vulnerabilities and quirks from colleagues, Dr. Adams said. Work friendships often take on a transactional feel; it is difficult to say where networking ends and real friendship begins.
Differences in professional status and income also complicate matters. “It really does get weird when your friends are making tons more than you, or tons less,” said Adriane Duckworth, a former marketing executive now working as an artist in Hamilton, Ontario.
Once people start coupling up, the challenges only increase. Making friends with other couples ��is like matchmaking for two,” said Kara Baskin, a journalist who works in Boston. “Not only are you worrying about whether the other woman likes you, you’re also worrying if her husband likes you, if your husband likes her, if your husband likes him.”
Not long ago, she invited her husband’s new work buddy over for dinner with his wife. But the wife was visibly unimpressed by Ms. Baskin’s half-furnished home (they had just moved in) and thrown-together spaghetti dinner. “It was basically clear that his wife had been cajoled into attending,” said Ms. Baskin, 33. “She settled on to our rickety Ikea kitchen chairs like she was lowering herself into a coal mine.”
The couple departed quickly after dessert. The next day at work, the husband made an excuse about his wife being tired. “But it was unspoken that we wouldn’t be seeking their company again,” Ms. Baskin said.
ADDING children to the mix muddles things further. Suddenly, you are surrounded by a new circle of parent friends--but the emotional ties can be tenuous at best, as the comedian Louis C. K. related in one stand-up routine: “I spend whole days with people, I’m like, I never would have hung out with you, I didn’t choose you. Our children chose each other. Based on no criteria, by the way. They’re the same size.”
Even when parent friends develop a bond, the resulting friendships can be fleeting--and subject to the whims of the children themselves.
Caryl Lyons, an event planner in Danville, Calif., and her husband found a budding friendship with a parent-friend couple hit a roadblock when their young sons, who had been close friends, drifted apart. When the families planned a barbecue together, her son would say, “Can I have my other friends over?” said Ms. Lyons, 44.
External factors are not the only hurdle. After 30, people often experience internal shifts in how they approach friendship. Self-discovery gives way to self-knowledge, so you become pickier about whom you surround yourself with, said Marla Paul, the author of the 2004 book “The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making, and Keeping Friends When You’re Not a Kid Anymore.” “The bar is higher than when we were younger and were willing to meet almost anyone for a margarita,” she said.
Manipulators, drama queens, egomaniacs: a lot of them just no longer make the cut.
Thayer Prime, a 32-year-old strategy consultant who lives in London, has even developed a playful 100-point scale (100 being “best friend forever”). In her mind, she starts to dock new friend candidates as they begin to display annoying or disloyal behavior. Nine times out of 10, she said, her new friends end up from 30 to 60, or little more than an acquaintance.
“You meet someone really nice, but if they don’t return a call, drop to 90, if they don’t return two calls, that’s an immediate 50,” she said. “If they’re late to something in the first month, that’s another 10 off.” (But people can move up the scale with nice behavior, too, she added.)
Having been hardened by experience, many people develop a more fatalistic view of friendship.
“When you’re younger, you define what it really means to be friends in a more serious way,” said my screenwriter friend, Brian. (His full name is Brian Koppelman, and he wrote and is a co-director of “Solitary Man,” a 2010 film starring Michael Douglas about a middle-aged man trying to reconnect with friends and family.)
“My ideas of friendship were built by ‘The Godfather’ and ‘Diner,’ “ he said. “Your friends were your brothers, and anything but total loyalty at all costs meant excommunication. As you get older, that model becomes unrealistic.”
By that point, you have been through your share of wearying or failed relationships. You have come to grips with the responsibilities of juggling work, family and existing friends, so you become more wary about making yourself emotionally available to new people. “You’re more keenly aware of the downside,” said Mr. Koppelman, 46. “You’re also more keenly aware of your own capacity to disappoint.”
“I haven’t really changed my standards for what it means to actually be friends,” he concluded. “It’s just that I use the word ‘friends’ more loosely. Making the real kind, the brother kind, is much harder now.”
Some, like Ms. Degliantoni, the fund-raising executive, simply downsize their expectations. “I take an extremely efficient approach and seek out like-minded folks to fill very specific needs,” she said of her current strategy. “I have a cocktail friend and a book friend and a parenting friend and several basketball friends and a neighbor friend and a workout friend.”
“It’s much easier filling in those gaps in my life,” she added, “than doing an exhaustive approach for a new friend.”
Or, they hit rock bottom and turn back the clock to their breathlessly social 20s.
After a move to New York in his 30s, Dave Cervini, a radio station executive, was so lonely that he would walk his cat in Central Park, hoping to stoke conversations. Finding only curious stares, he decided to start the New York Social Network, an activities group for people to find friends by hanging out at Yankees games or wine-tasting mixers. The company now counts 2,000 members, most in their 30s. He considers 200 of them close friends.
“It takes courage for people to take the first step,” he said. “Hopefully, I make it easier, having been there myself.”
In that spirit, I recently called Brian. We joked about our inability to find time to hang out, and made a dinner date at the next available opening.
It is three months from now.
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