#instead of canon babeh vanora 'they're being jerks but their moms know my mom who will tell them exactly why i punched them in the face
quilleth · 1 year
edgy oc memememem for vanora!!
3, 10, 23
Ooh these are good! :3c
3) What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Vanora is reckless, which isn’t exactly a surprise to either her or people who know her. But the extent to which she can be reckless and the effect it can have on other people might be a bit more of a surprise to her. She’s well aware she’s not invincible, but she has a rather lackadaisical attitude about the chance that she could get hurt by being so reckless, confident that she could handle it almost to the point of arrogance. She does try to make sure that other people won’t be hurt by what she does, but the fact that even if she’s the only one who might get physically hurt, seeing her be hurt could hurt or upset those she cares about isn’t really something she’s considered.
10) What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
I initially thought of one that hurt my feelings, but has definite backstory spoilers, so I will try to remember to come back to that when/ if it comes up in game xD
In thinking though, since so much of her backstory is tied to Faolán, it could be interesting to explore a kind of role reversal au. Ending up somewhere unintended where she doesn’t fit in and things are unsettled and uncertain during formative years I think would mean she’d actually end up being a little less reckless or impulsive.
She is so confident and assured in part because until more recently in game, she’s been in the same place all her life. She knows her surroundings, she knows her place there, she’s happy and comfortable, and if something comes up that challenges that, she knows she has what’s needed to back up her place in the game so to speak, and isn’t afraid to face it head on.
Not having that solid foundation, like she would if she had been the one to unexpectedly end up in Faolán’s hometown instead of vice versa, would temper that some. She’d learn as a kid to put more thought into things before she does them, because the consequence would seem more severe for not doing them.
She’d still punch bullies in the face though xD I don’t think that aspect would change at all. She just might have the thought process “I could get in big trouble about this” instead of just indignant “How dare they?!” first xD
23) What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Vanora is not good with negative emotions like sadness or grief. She tends to have a very “I am looking away. I do not see” attitude towards them, which can backfire when she’s stressed or during particularly upsetting situations, resulting in her being more snappish, petulant, or rude. She doesn’t do well expressing it because she doesn’t like to admit she’s upset, so she doesn’t really know how to reach out when she needs to. She also doesn’t really want to seem weak or potentially even more unreliable than she might already due to her impulsivity, so she doesn’t like crying in front of other people. She will push it down and hide it as much and as long as she can.
She also doesn’t do well with boredom, which usually leads to her going and finding more potentially dangerous situations to get into, which ties in to her recklessness. ;)
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