#instead of almost every other day kdjfj
milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Hey chief, I read your tags and I'm gonna need you to start doing wrist stretches regularly. You sound like you need it... And probably a wrist brace. Depending on the brand of wrist pain, you can try applying heat or cold to it to soothe it also. ❤ Please stay healthy and treat your body kindly!
ohhh yeah I'm just complaining orz but I've been having wrist/arm related pain since I was 18 and even went to physical therapy before... but in the past 2? ish? yrs it has gotten a lot better than before! I used to grt flareups that would last weeks or even months... But now my flareups usu last a few days or a week at most. And the pivotal factor that started thjs improvement is because I started doing some light weight lifting every other day (wish I was disciplined enough to get Buff... but I think of this as like. recharging my drawing stamina and usu draw the day of or day after)
tysm for ur concern!! I do know to do wrist stretches (sometimes I don't bc of hyperfocusing tho🫠 and end up not taking breaks and overdoing it... which is my problem... )
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