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stochastique-blog · 9 months ago
Why Not...
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#instamusic #stratocosmo #live #fendertelecaster #telecaster #musicians #pictureoftheday #liveonstage #blue #igermusic #shure #vintage #smoke #rocknroll #fender #fenderguitars #instarock #italianband #itsnotonlyrocknroll #onstage #playandsing #musicpic https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_Ri6BtTk2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nonjewishzionist · 8 months ago
History of religion in 5 minutes: The Big 3
*Canaanites enter the chat*
-Hi, we live in Levante 🫶🏻
*Israeli\Jews start to form an independent identity*
- ya know what? I have adhd and I don’t feel like memorizing the name of the entire pantheon of Canaanite gods, so we will be only worshiping EL, I like that guy, he created the universe and shit, the Greeks can have the rest of the Pantheon, they are into that.
* fast forward some years*
you heard what? People out there claiming Jesus, the preacher is the son of god? That guy, really? Everyone claims to be the son of god these days anyway, it’s a new trend you know, people don’t have anything better to do with their time so they, like, find the nearest stone or piece of paper and write #iamthesonofgod #yahwehindahouse #galileiaftw and that sort of thing, don’t mind them too much, they will shut up eventually
Oh lord they went and really created a religion based on Jesus… where is this world going? Anyone knows when the next meteorite is coming? I want out of here.
And now they are persecuting the Jews… I mean who doenst? It’s another one of those Instarock trends… we were here first people! Yall can suck my ….
*fast forward 700 years*
Oh, now it’s getting too far, some dudes from Arabian peninsula decided to set up camp here and now I not only have to deal with Cristians I also have to deal with these guys? What’s happening here? Everyone claims their god is better and the only one… hey people it’s the same god, you mfs are worshipping a Canaanite guy, the same Canaanite god, stop fighting, you idiots!
*fast forward to 2024*
These idiots, are still fighting… I give up, I’m out, kthanksbye, don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t nothing, I’m out…
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acreativeco · 1 year ago
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Rocking and rolling our way to Valentine's Day! These beauties were hand-picked, one by one, from the beaches here in So Cal. With a little tumbling to enhance the shine and texture!    Nature's artwork!    https://acreativecompany.etsy.com/listing/1158894182 #giftidea #rockcolletor #rocksofinstagram #rockoftheday #pebbleoftheday #nature #naturalgift #redbeachrocks #oceanrocks #rockhound #rockhoundingrocks #rockhounding #rockhounds #rockhunting #rockhunter #tumbledstones #beachrocks #redrocks #pebbles #pebbleoftheday #beachpebbles #instarocks #etsy #forsale #etsyshop
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 2 years ago
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rockonitalia: Slam Dunk Italy - Day 2 con Rancid, Bowling For Soup, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Soul, Anti-Flag, Rumatera, Less Than Jake, Charlotte Sands 🏀 foto @ripamontiandrea #rancid #timarmstrong #LarsFrederiksen #bowlingforsoup #frankturner #antiflag #rumatera #lessthanjake #frankturnerandthesleepingsoul #slamdunk #bekybay #SDFI23 #slamdunkitaly #instarock #instamusic #instarockon #rockon #rockonitalia #instalive
Charlotte Sands via rockonitalia on Instagram, 06/03/2023.
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goodbearblind · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @rockonitalia Avrebbe compiuto oggi 70 anni Jaco Pastorius (Norristown, 1º dicembre 1951 – Fort Lauderdale, 21 settembre 1987), uno dei più grandi bassisti di tutti i tempi #jaco #pastorius #jacopastorius #JohnFrancisAnthonyPastorius #jazz #fusion #funky #rockonstory #instarock #instamusic #instarockon #rockon #rockonitalia #instalive #musically #livemusic #instaconcert #livemusicphotography #gigphoto #concertphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CW-OVHVNeFh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fredymetalshow17 · 4 years ago
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06 de agosto de 1996. Los Ramones ofrece su último concierto oficial en el Palace de Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos. Horas antes del evento el cantante de Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder, filmó para la posteridad el momento en que todos los miembros del grupo plantaron sus manos en el Hollywood Rock Walk of Fame. Constituida en 1974, en Nueva York, The Ramones fue una de las bandas más importantes de la historia del punk-rock estadounidense. Su legado al frente de la mítica formación recoge canciones como Judy is a punk, Habana affair, Outsider , Beat on the brat o Do you remember rock n’ roll radio. El grupo desapareció como tal en 1996 tras la publicación del disco Adios amigos (1995). #efemeridesdelrockmetal #TalDiaComoHoy #OnThisDay #guitar #guitarplayer #bass #punkrock #metalcore #metalband #metalhead #postgrunge #rock #rocknroll #classicrock #instarock #heavymetal #heavy #rockon #metal https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPkpKwpmH8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bk81oficial · 4 years ago
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trechosdorock-2 · 4 years ago
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#LetThereBeRock 🎸🎵 Estamos ON novamente com os melhores Trechos da História Do Rock, e Novidades do cenário do Rock Nacional e Internacional... Isso mesmo galera 🤘🏻... Estamos de volta, e contamos com a força de vocês. Então já deixe seu Gostei 👍🏻♥, Comente e Compartilhe nossos Posts em seus Stories. Porque o Legado do Trechos Do Rock jamais Morrerá! . ❝Encontrei o inferno Ao descobrir o céu Paguei o seu preço O seu destino é meu.❞ . (♫ Infierno - @reacaoemcadeia) . Boa Noite galera do Rock'N'Roll.🤘🏻 Mais um Trecho aí pra vocês, depois de mais de 1 Ano "Inativo". O Oficial Trechos Do Rock está de volta à Ativa. Fiquem ligados nas Atualizações. Espero que gostem dessa volta da Maior e Melhor Coleção de Trechos Do Rock em Pt-BR...🤘🏻 . ⚠️Imagens com os Trechos, montagens Autorais. #⃣REPOSTOU❓Credite! Obrigado.⚠️ . Gostaram Galera⁉️😍👨🏻‍🎤 Então Deixem seu Curtir, seu Gostei ai👍❤ . ▶️Ajuda pra Caramba a Fortalecer o Trabalho, e assim fazer com que a Mensagem do Rock'N'Roll chegue cada vez mais ao Maior Número de pessoas Possíveis. Obrigado pela Participação & Colaboração Galera.🤜🏻🤛🏻 . 👥FanPage:👇🏻#⃣CURTAM ➡fb.com/TrechosDoRock.II . 🐦Twitter:👇🏻SIGAM ➡@TrechosDoRock_2 . ⏩A Maior e Melhor Coleção de Trechos em Português/BR⏪ . . #TrechosDoRock #QueHajaRock #Rock #RockNRoll #RockAndRoll #RockLife #RockON #RockShow #RockBand #InstaRock #LoveRock #HardRock #FrasesDoRock #FrasesDeMusicas #VersosSimples #BandasDeRock #Rockeros #Rockeras #Rockero #Rockera #Rockeiro #RockBrasil #RockBR #RockBrasileiro #reacaoemcadeia https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQ9-6wAPZR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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strato-cosmo · 4 years ago
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#live #stratocosmo #rocknroll #instalive #instamusic #livepic #musician #musicians #instarock #italianrock #picoftheday #livemusic #onstage #musica #dalvivo #summer2k21 #suegiudaunpalco #italianband #instapic #liveonstage #lineup #smoke #lighton #strato_cosmo #bandparma https://www.instagram.com/p/CTuqp9aI-Xk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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radiobaixadasantista · 4 years ago
Reposted from @ebatv.oficial Está no ar o Website oficial do Eba Tv! 🌐 www.ebatv.online 🌐 . . . . #rockindependente #rockautoral #rockalternativo #rocknroll #rock #rockunderground #rocknacional #arteculturaerockandroll #insta #instarock #rockforever #rockbr https://www.instagram.com/p/CSa1nRRgAnl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wiseskeletonloverfreak · 4 years ago
Pirate - Rock 🤘🎼🎧 #rock #rocknroll #musicislife #musicproducer #listen #instarock #followme #likeit #piano #musicproduction (à Esquelbecq) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2V00MFEaI/?igshid=1o8osblqlcdqy
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acreativeco · 1 year ago
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Day 2!  Countdown to a day dedicated to "LOVE"! ❤️ Available in our Etsy shop, this beautiful wire wrapped red Jasper necklace.  This beach find was tumbled by us to bring out its shine and wire wrapped in gold wire to accent the unique color of the stone!  Red Jasper is an alternate birthstone for those born in the month of February.  Note only a unique Valentine gift idea...  A GREAT Birthday 🎁 too! Wearing Jasper near your heart helps to focus on the intention of feeling more confident, empowered, and open to the love of the universe!  #redjasper #redjaspernecklace #redjasperjewelry #gift #valentinesgift #valentines #etsyshop #etsy #forsaleonetsy #etsygift #jasperstone #jaspernecklace #beachtreasures #naturalart #nature #natureinspired #naturesart #pebbles #searocks #westcoastpebbles #beachpebbles  #pebblesofinstagram  #pebbleoftheday #rockhounding  #instarocks #rocksofinstagram #oceanrocks #luckystone
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thedanneary · 4 years ago
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🤘🏻🎸 📸: @baileybhand @tristateentertainmentnj #rockon #rocknroll #guitar #guitarist #guitarphoto #livemusic #hardrock #classic #vintage #stage #guitarsolo #danneary #lespaul #gibson #musiciansofinstagram #guitarcover #guitaristsofinstagram #dailyguitar #instarock #touring #concerts #livephotography #guitarphotography #guitarplayer #danneary #guitarvideo #musicislife #nyc #hollywood #nashville #rocker (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQuWh4pMVRI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goodbearblind · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @rockonitalia Avrebbe compiuto 93 anni il compositore e premio oscar Maestro Ennio Morricone #ennio #morricone #enniomorricone #maestroenniomorricone #happybirthday #birthday #buoncompleanno #compleanno #instarock #instarockon #rockon #rockonitalia #instalive #musically #livemusicphotography #gigphoto https://www.instagram.com/p/CWFhxXPtd_c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fredymetalshow17 · 4 years ago
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06 de agosto de 1952. Nace Vincent John Cusano en Bridgeport, Connecticut, Estados Unidos. Más conocido como Vinnie Vincent. Es un guitarrista y compositor más famoso por su composición breve en la banda de Kiss. Vincent fue el guitarrista en el álbum Creatures of the night y, posteriormente, estuvo de gira con Kiss, su personaje en el maquillaje fue el "Ankh Warrior",creado a toda prisa por Paul Stanley. Vincent fue dejado en libertad inmediatamente después de la gira, pero fue llamado de nuevo para el año 1983, para grabar el álbum Lick It Up, antes de ser despedido de nuevo de la banda por el comportamiento poco ético supuesto. Más tarde actuó como solista y con su propia banda, Vinnie Vincent Invasion. #efemeridesdelrockmetal #TalDiaComoHoy #OnThisDay #guitar #guitarplayer #bass #punkrock #metalcore #metalband #metalhead #postgrunge #rock #rocknroll #classicrock #instarock #heavymetal #heavy #rockon #metal https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPk052J7Z0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bk81oficial · 4 years ago
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Muito obrigado a todos que acompanharam a nossa live! Você pode conferir acessando o link na bio! 🔥✊🏽✊🏻✊✊🏾 . . . . #live #bk81 #rockinrio #palcosunset #metal #knotfest #slipknot #br #metalcore #aovivo #rock #instarock (em Rock in Rio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8Kq0IDS_E/?igshid=fo3dnet2dg3i
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