#instant magnetism and chemistry
smxkingimages · 1 month
Sam walked up to the new comer. His hands covered and dripping in blood. His face streaked with the crimson liquid as well. “Well, well looks like someone wandered into a place they shouldn’t have.” His eyes could easily be seen in the moonlight as they seems to glow under it. “Lucky for you I’m feeling charitable tonight.” His shirt was torn almost to shreds. It was clear that he had been in a fight. Some of the blood may even be his own, but it was difficult to tell. His aura was almost none existent. Had he learned to suppress it or was he acting like a scared puppy trying to looked bigger and healthier than he actually was?
"Please give me more credit, you'd think I look like this for fun?" She spit blood from her mouth as her own wounds seeped with blood after running for so long. She had managed to kill at least three but that third one almost got the best of her. Tonight wasn't her night as a hunter. And this one had two options we'll technically three but she'd doubt he'd take the third. He could take her back to the city and put her up for auction, he could kill her and drain her of her all her blood, or he could let her go. "Does that mean it's going to be a quick death?"
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leiiilaaaa · 2 months
8th house synastry!
hii, in this blog i'm going to talk about what your partner's planets mean in your 8th house. i'm going to focus this one on a more relationship-wise dynamic so there will be talks of sexual chemistry, kinks, and things of that nature. and of course, a lot more goes into these types of things apart from what i go over!! hope u enjoy <3
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partner's sun in your 8th house - when your partner's sun is in your 8th house, you can find the sun person to be extremely off-putting and intense due to the fact that they will be very eager to figure you out. you appear mysterious to the sun person, and they will not make it unknown that they think they are the one to "repair you." there can be stubbornness in this relationship as your sun person will try to unveil your secrets and experiences you don't want to talk about. as the house person you can resent this and find it to be invasive. however, you have a deep appreciate towards the sun person due to their caring nature and abilities to handle your wounds. sex-life with this person can also be super intense, both of your vulnerabilities allow sex to be much deeper and memorable. this placement can be good for a long-term relationship as long as the house person can feel a sense of privacy. usually there is an instant sexual attraction between the two of you, especially by your sun person. it's magnetic and hard to resist.
partner's moon in your 8th house - house person will find plenty of comfort with the moon person. moon person will not be prone to criticizing your or weaponizing your feelings, they will make significant efforts to understand you and work around any dark areas. you both have very health boundaries surrounding each other's emotions, there's plenty of privacy and security between the two. moon person fulfils your emotional needs more than anybody else does. this can be very prevalent in the bedroom too; comfort is key for the both of you sexually. moon person will usually do more foreplay and deep-talk, they also will be more submissive and favorable to what the house person wants to do. usually, this moon person will be able to read you like an open book. moon person will flutter the house person with chest kisses and vice versa.
partner's mercury in your 8th house - mercury person loves to get behind the surface level discussions with the house person. they like to know you beyond the simple things. house person gives an outlet to the mercury person to express their feelings, stories, traumas, that they usually feel guilty or ashamed to share with anyone else. mercury person admires your strong tolerance towards them. they can be highly persuasive and often times appear manipulating. depending on how it is aspected. usually in the bedroom between the two, mercury person loves dirty talk, kissing, oral, and cuddling up. sex can sometimes be finished more quickly than you're used to, and be careful that the person you are dealing with isn't just using you or sees it as a "friends with benefits" situation. these people are very open to new sexual experiences and can be jumpy.
partner's venus in your 8th house - this one is so good i love love love it. venus person will find themselves in a position where they want to support your lifestyle. some of them might even go out of their way to fund you and spoil you. to them the house person is like their sugar baby. aside from money, this person finds so much beauty in the things you are usually ashamed about. they are able to glamorize the darkness that you might exude to them. as the house person, you grow to have intense ties as the venus person will have immense loyalty towards you and have a "life or death" attitude with you. sometimes this relationship feels surreal because of how hard it clicks. sex-wise, venus person will be able to create a new experience for you everytime. almost feels soul-merging. they will love to neck grab, hold you by your waist, or might even involve toys/costumes, super fantasy-like things. this person will transform your views on sex drastically. venus person can feel very possessive over you and sometimes even forget the bad things you do during the relationship simply because their love feels overpowering.
partner's mars in your 8th house - strong adrenaline rush from the mars person to the house person. sometimes it feels like you have such strong chemistry before you know each other that well. mars is so drawn to the house person that they might do impulsive things just for your attention. this person can match your darkness very well and they have no problem with doing something about settling your issues for you. they don't shy away when you open up, and often times will be protective over you in situations of life or death. in terms of sex, it will feel super intense and the mars person makes sure to go all out for you. they can be unpredictable, and you might often time underestimate what they can do, but they aren't heavy into wasting time. they love hair pulling, face grabs, or penetrations. you both find sex to be a good outlet for pent up feelings, and it definitely is a strong way to show the care between the two.
partner's jupiter in your 8th house - jupiter person will try to point out a lot of the positives through things that have hurted you in the past. they aren't heavy into dwelling on past experiences too much and have more of an optimistic view on life. these people will teach you how to deal with things progressing forward with them, like religiously or spiritually they will open your eyes. these people can also bring an immense influx of money to you and use it to go on vacations and plenty of trips to discover new things and places. you often find that going out with this person is almost healing for you. their energy feels like a breath of fresh air and distracts you from your neglective past. sexually, this person will love butt/thigh grabbing, person might also have bigger behinds or shlongs. feels rejuvenating while you are together. they make you glow in a certain way that other do not. house person finds jupiter person to be very wise and knowledgeable across the board.
partner's saturn in your 8th house - saturn can be tricky but not uncomfortable here. you might feel like this person helps you get your shit together sometimes and see things for the way they are. they will help you understand that building walls is important. between the two of you, this can be a long-lasting relationship and saturn person will be deeply committed. sometimes you might feel that saturn doesn't always understand your emotional state, oftentimes you feel that you cannot always express this to them. they can seem cold, but they are also very experienced in similar things you have dealt with. they offer good perspective and can offer you a stable life in terms of money. sexually, this person might not be too experimental, and worry a lot about if it lives up to your standards. they're more quiet and house person often helps them overcome saturn's shyness to sex. saturn however, will like touching all over your skin, infatuated by your smile, and loves gripping to your ribs. can create a heavily devoted partner.
partner's uranus in your 8th house - uranus person will love to challenege you and make you rewire many stigmas, norms, and traditional values. they love to also connect with your deep-rooted desires, as both of you might have many things in common. this dynamic can be unpredictable sometimes, house person will always see dramatic highs and lows from the uranus person. as the house person, you might like the uranus person covering topics which you find abnormal, however very interesting. sexually, uranus person will have a lot of irregular kinks and desires. usually these people will have prominent veins, have a foot fetish, or might want to indulge in a 3-party act, do it in public, etc. with them they want to break many rules with sex. sometimes this can trigger the house person with their boundaries they have, privacy is also important for the house person, and uranus challenges that.
partner's neptune in your 8th house - neptune person understands the sensitive nature of your volatile state. in a house that gets very dark, neptune matches it but tints it a little differently. you notice that the neptune person almost always has "the answers," but you have to get it out of them almost. as much as a mystery you are, they are also going to be mysterious. they will never overstep and say too much unless you ask from them to. but you notice they bring an old soul energy to you, and they will bring life changing ideas to the table. they will keep you in tune. they love you through your scars as to them it appears as strength. both of you might sense you are equally damaged, but can heal and prosper together. sexually, neptune person can give you a surreal experience. and usually the neptune person knows exactly what to do to please you, as they have a way of reading you through. they will be gentle with you in bed and only step it up if that is what the house person wants. neptune person might have some type of feet kink, or provide a gentle aftercare. interesngly enough, they will always have some fixation on some part of your body. it can seem weird but you find it very cute that they are drawn to it.
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thank u for making it this far, i really hope you enjoyed reading some of these. if you feel like this was accurate or inaccurate let me know i would love to hear ur standpoint and do let me know of any other ones you would like me to do. <3
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Overlay Observations #1
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Note: keep in mind that aspects and signs are also very important when reading synastry charts, and it cannot be left aside to prioritize overlays.
Sun in 1st house: this is a tricky overlay for any type of relationships, because it will depend a lot on the strength of the sun in both charts. It can either become the type of relationship where the Sun becomes an excellent guide for the house person to discover their creativity, skills, and core self. They will feel more confident and with an extra shine next to the planet person. As if a disco ball was turned on in a dark room, and there’s a spotlight right on you. The house person will also help the Sun stick to their core principles and feeling comfortable in fully expressing themselves with little judgment. Now, that is the positive expression of this overlay if both individuals are able to avoid the elephant in the room. Yes, the ego. The sour side for the house person is to feel overshadowed when they are next to the planet person, and it can therefore trigger an unnecessary need of competition that could easily ruin the relationship. It is also difficult for both individuals to ignore the triggers that they cause in each other due to the amount of similarities that they share. Their own toxic or unhealthy habits will be noticeable to both, but so will the positive ones as well. It really all boils down to how comfortable both individuals feel within their core self. If either has very low self esteem, it will be harsh to feel at ease with each other. Overall, it can be very helpful and rewarding to encounter each other and see themselves in a mirror for good or bad, especially for the house person since the planet person aspects their 7th house of relationships.
Venus + Mars in 1st house: this one takes the cake for "I saw, I wanted, and I conquered" with the planet person being the one who quite literally charges towards the house person with A LOT of passion to the point that it can be overwhelming if there isn't any other aspect to support it. The planet person recognizes in the other all the qualities that they look for when it comes to relationships and the way they move through life. They both feel extremely physically attracted to each other. Instant magnetism. They are able to see the house person as someone who naturally matches their own sexual energy, and it feels like a no brainer to desire closeness. If Saturn or any other strong aspect/overlay isn't involved in any way, it might be a short hot fling. You will both enjoy the insane chemistry and common ground, and unless Pluto, Rahu, harsh aspects are involved, there shouldn't be much of a hiccup if there's a separation at the end. You will fondly look back to remember how you both felt like an IT couple next to each other, and rekindling the fire would be quite easy if there's a reencounter.
Saturn in 1st house: there is a deep sense of responsibility and seriousness that is quickly developed between these two individuals. They both feel like the relationship is one that they would prefer long term, even if there's a heaviness to it. The planet person brings a grounded energy that encourages the house person to think long term, and they will go to great lengths to please the planet person. Its almost as if the house person wants to earn the respect or admiration of the other, and depending on any other planetary aspects made, it will either be something that will lift the house planets to higher highs or will make them feel overwhelmed with the pressure. Think of it as the pressure necessary to build diamonds, meaning, a necessary discomfort to achieve greatness. There's also a very karmic tie between these two individuals, and they will recognize it. The house person will feel like the other was brough into their lives for a reason, be it good or bad. As if they attracted this person due to their previous actions in a current or past life.
Ketu in 1st house: this is the most common "I've met you before" aspect in synastry. There is a strong feeling of comfort and ease between these two individuals, and the house person will feel a breeze from the past with the planet person. This truly goes both ways, and they both recognize it as well. It can also feel like a soulmate connection and one of the two will comfortably claim it so in their mind and heart. Even if Ketu is commonly perceived as a malefic in Vedic astrology, it is also the key to unlock a higher spiritual awareness, and this is exactly what this overlay causes. So, if both individuals are not actively pursuing to expanding their spiritual side, it will gradually create separation. Ketu brings a cleansing or purifying effect that almost feels like a burning sensation when its met with resistance. Hence why this synastry overlay or even with aspects can feel so debilitating for the planet person particularly. There cannot be a spiritual resistance from either side, and growth must be consistently practiced. Meditating together, learning occult knowledge, or even doing yoga will naturally enhance the relationship and it will be much easier to manage. It will also be more comfortable for individuals who already have Ketu touching personal planets or in the 1st house, also for those that have Scorpio placements in their natal chart.
Juno in 1st house: this is the "You are wife/husband material!" synastry overlay. They both feel like the other person has the qualities that they look for in a serious committed relationship. The asteroid person will simply feel like house person matches a lot of the pointers they have for what they would like in a marriage partner. On the other hand, the house person feels like they can hear wedding bells ringing from afar whenever they interact with the other. It is generally a pleasing overlay and both individuals are able to have a good common ground on what they expect from a long term relationship.
Venus in 4th house: a definite favorite overlay for romantic or platonic relationships. They are able to break the ice easily with each other during the beginning stages because there is a strong feeling of comfort they experience together. They are the type to spend hours chilling next to each other reading, scrolling through TikTok, or watching movies for hours with no issues (unless there are harsh aspects or malefic planets). The planet person feels at home with the house person, and things like cooking, cleaning, or nurturing each other develops with a lot of ease. The planet person brings material benefits to the house person, so if they move in together, the house person quite literally gets their space improved or it gets beautified in some way. Lots of harmony when it comes to these matters in general. They are the type that redecorate their home together as a hobby. It is also a good overlay for naturally wanting to grow a family and having an ease with it since their values match when it comes to raising children.
Mars in 6th house: this is a very wholesome and motivating overlay. The planet person brings a lot of energy to get things done and actively helps the house person on their daily life. The house person on the other hand, gets activated on their sense of servicing Mars, and it is common for them to also do a lot of little AND big things to make their life easier. I've seen them cooking, cleaning, or even fixing things for the house person frequently, but it generally goes both ways regardless. Acts of service as a love language is seen here. In general, there's a lot of "I want to help you grow and develop" between the two of them. They could even work or do exercises together as well. The only downside is that one of them could be too judgmental or picky with how things get done, and it could make either feel as if their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated. If the relationship drifts apart, they will miss each other a lot because of how present they were in their day to day. Sort of like, you will think of each other while doing mundane activities like washing the dishes or doing groceries.
Venus in 8th house: as most astrologer enthusiast explain, this is not an overlay or synastry for the weak, at all. There is a strong attachment that is developed whenever the 8th house involved. Both individuals feel like two candles that join together to create a big flame that can warm and destroy with equal strength. The negative side is very clear, a heavy and almost addictive feeling with a heavy dark intense undertone. The house person sees Venus as a princess/prince that somehow appeared in the place they try to hide the most from others, and this immediately creates a desire to get very close. They want to study Venus, understand how they got in there to begin with, and determine whether they want them in there or not. In this case, the house person holds a lot of the control. Venus will not have easy access to the house person unless it is granted. They will keep on creating obstacles to keep the planet person from getting closer until they recognize that there's no way to keep them out unless they literally walk away. The positive side is when the house person surrenders to the feeling of developing an intense and deep connection with the planet person. Once they do, it will feel like they are able to reach depths that they were unable to do so before with anyone else. It is common for both of them to share resources with each other and there is also a strong sense of loyalty that develops after the common challenges (jealousy, possessiveness, mistrust, etc) are worked out. Venus brings wealth and abundance to the house person, either through gifts or by simply attracting that towards them like a magnet. The house person on the other side shares their own resources VERY often, and have no issues with even dipping into their savings just to please Venus.
Jupiter in 10th house: I would call this the "You're my money lucky charm" overlay along with the 2nd house overlay. The planet person brings expansion, growth, and luck to the house person when it comes to their profession and public image. There is a lot of knowledge and guidance that the planet person provides, and that allows the house person to use those pointers to achieve their goals much faster than they would have been able to do so alone. For the planet person, it feels like they are very popular and/or noticeable within the work or public life of the house person. Unlike Venus, who is seen as a trophy wife/husband or as a very obvious romantic partner next to the house person, Jupiter is seen as someone who is like a sage, advisor, or foreigner. Overall, this is a very positive overlay for both to grow towards their material goals. The house person will prefer to spend more time outside with the planet person instead of being at home all the time since it aspects their 4th house. You both want to be seen together being out and about.
Moon in 12th house: this is a very complex interaction between two people, and it will depend a lot on what type of relationship they have (romantic, platonic, familiar, etc). In a general sense, the moon person will experience some confusion when it comes to acknowledging their feelings towards the house person. As if there was a veil that keeps them from taking confident steps forward. It is common for both people to develop a resistance into trusting each other at the beginning, but the other side of the coin is that they can't help but grow closer towards each other. The house person feels seen in every sense of the word, and they can notice how the other seamlessly understands what goes through their head almost as if it was telepathy. Now, even if the planet person is able to navigate somewhat well the subconscious mind of the other, there will be a constant doubt or hesitance. It will be hard for them to even understand why it feels this way, and only through identifying their own subconscious wounds will they will able to recognize the root of their confusion. Once this feeling and pattern is explored, it will feel as if they veil is lifted and they will understand the house person like the back of their hand. This is an aspect that can be rewarding if the planet person is focused on their spiritual growth, as they will gain immense knowledge to their own mind (since the moon rules the subconscious mind as well).
Hope this was an insightful and enjoyable reading~
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ladyodium · 28 days
I feel like Loumand doesn’t get enough love.
The early romance that Louis and Armand reminded me of those old romance movies. They had this instant attraction and their chemistry was really magnetic.
Armand is someone who worships his lovers and he fell hard and fast for Louis, and I think Louis was kinda shocked how fast he also fell in love with Armand.
Louis also was grieving Lestat as well and following Claudia around to help her find her purpose. I feel like they would have had a longer relationship if Louis wasn’t grieving over his lover.
Armand is very much so in the wrong for the way he went about things, he really was going to kill Louis not only because he couldn’t trust that Louis really loved him but also to punish Lestat. Which is insane.
I really enjoyed Loumand, but I wish they were in a better place like mentally wise. However, I think they would have a fail marriage anyway because they would meet Lestat and Daniel and devolve into the worlds most messiest polycule.
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Rare Things
Sam Claflin x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Maybe something where reader and Sam knew each other for years (like right person wrong time) and then they finally start dating
✧.* summary — The paths of destiny are traced in different and curious ways, pieces that couldn't connect at certain times in the future would fall into place. Sam and you were pieces of fate about to meet again.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 2.2k
✧.* ☁️ — Sam Claflin's Masterlist
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There were several things about your work that amazed you, the way you were able to architect the writers' ideas, harmonize the actors' chemistry, bring the writing to life in front of the studio camera lens and provide a magnificent work of entertainment for the audience. You've always loved directing works since you entered the theater universe, there was a connection backstage where magic was created that you always felt like you belonged and that's when you decided to architect your career.
It didn't take you long to grow in the middle, of course things weren't handed to you on a platter, but with the sweat and talent you've been developing since you were very young, the steps were taken to where you are now. On your way here, you had already worked on some big projects, and that's when you met Sam Claflin.
You were relatively young when you first met, and from the very beginning, there was an undeniable connection between you. Your hearts synchronized effortlessly, causing palpable excitement in your chest every time he was near. His smile held a magnetic charm, capable of illuminating even the darkest of moments, and his infectious laughter made you feel an instant sense of belonging by his side. When his gaze met yours, the entire world faded away, leaving only the two of you in a timeless bubble of affection.
But despite the deep bond you shared, the path of your love was not without obstacles. You both tried to navigate the complexities of a romantic relationship, eagerly embracing the love that blossomed between you. However, as time went on, it became apparent that a formidable challenge loomed over your connection—geographical distance.
Sam, you see, had other recordings in a faraway country, a responsibility that demanded his presence in a distant land. The physical separation took its toll, stretching the limits of your love and testing its resilience. The enchanting power of Sam's smile and the laughter that once echoed through your shared moments now seemed distant, like faint echoes from a place you could no longer reach.
The voice inside Sam, which had once proclaimed that there was no one who could compare to you, now grew quieter, suppressed by the weight of the distance between you. The inexplicable connection you once shared began to fade, like a whisper carried away by the wind, as the physical space between you expanded.
Though your hearts ached for each other, the universe seemed determined to keep you apart. The jolt of electricity that surged through your veins when your hands touched was now overshadowed by the vast expanse of the world that separated you. The warmth of Sam's embrace, once a sanctuary, now felt out of reach, leaving an ache in your heart that couldn't be eased.
You both fought valiantly to keep the flame of your love alive, attempting to bridge the distance with late-night calls, heartfelt messages, and promises of reunion. But the strain grew too heavy, and the burden of distance proved insurmountable. Despite the love that still lingered, the circumstances forced you to make a painful decision.
And so, with heavy hearts, you realized that the physical separation had taken its toll, placing an unrelenting strain on the fragile threads that held your love together. You chose to part ways, knowing that it was the only way to preserve what remained of your hearts.
It hadn't been a breakup due to fights, or very drastic disagreements, but aiming at the good of both of you, a way of understanding that even though you loved each other, it was necessary to let destiny trace its paths. And it took a while, but it happened.
When you received the script for Daisy Jones and the six you were delighted with the project and the idea of the adaptation finally, you had already read Taylor Jenkins Reid's books and were a big fan of her work so you jumped right on the idea. When you guys started working on the casting and testing the connection between the actors it took a long time to find the ideal actor for Billy Dunne, and when you saw that well-known figure walk through the audition door your heart skipped a beat just like the first time.
There he was, his short hair, that characteristic smile that captivated everyone in that room, you try to maintain your serenity but lose all your posture when those eyes link to yours. He looks surprised to see you but tries to contain it, you can tell by the way his eyebrows come together so discreetly that it's a detail that probably only you noticed. It doesn't take long for Riley to join you and spend the monologue with Claflin, watching him perform has always been and always will be a privilege, the way he embodies the character wonderfully makes anyone stop what they're doing just to see him.
By the time he finished you knew you had the perfect Billy Dunne.
When you started to live together again on set, you knew that there wouldn't be a rancorous past between you, quite the contrary, it was as if you slowly allowed yourselves to get closer as before. Sam always admired your work a lot, for him it was sensational to work with you and let his character be guided on screen by your instructions and scene reading. You guys were quite a team and that conviviality soon reminded you of why you felt so connected to him.
You feared that it was something in your head for a moment, that you had identified something that was no longer there, that your memories were so vivid when you looked at him that it was difficult to distinguish if it was your delirium. After all, he was always close to everyone at work, wasn't he? It was common for everyone on set to feel that connection... Right?
Deep down you knew it wasn't, that despite not believing in the mysticism that surrounded all the romantic stories out there, he made you think that there was indeed an invisible thread tying your souls. He made you think about the unimaginable just by hovering over any thought where you could be together, and whether or not you fed those possibilities... Yearning to be with him as you already were.
During one of the breaks in the recording, you found yourselves alone, away from the bustling set, immersed in a moment of solitude. The air hung with a sense of familiarity, as if time had momentarily transported you back to the days when your connection was at its peak. Sam watched you from time to time while he threw some small pebbles on the ground, and you felt butterflies in your stomach with his gaze on you.
As you and Sam sat together, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you couldn't help but feel a rush of nostalgia. The memories flooded back, and you began to share stories from the day and eventually you couldn't help but bring up the past, the words flowing freely between you.
"You remember that time when we got stuck in that small town during shooting?" you asked, a glint of excitement in your eyes.
Sam chuckled, his voice tinged with fondness. "Of course I do! We thought it would be a disaster, but it turned out to be one of the most memorable nights. Everything cooperated so that we didn't lose the week of work, but that we had some challenges I won't deny."
The laughter that had once filled the air returned, weaving through your conversation like a symphony of joy. It was as if the barriers that had kept you apart had crumbled, leaving only the raw essence of your bond.
With each shared memory, a cascade of emotions washed over you. The anecdotes flowed effortlessly, punctuated by genuine laughter and shared glances that spoke volumes.
"You always had a way of making even the most mundane moments unforgettable," Sam remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice, his comment made your heart skip a beat. "I cherished every second we spent together."
You couldn't help but smile, your heart swelling with warmth. "You don't stay behind one bit, with your incredible ability to bring out the best in everyone. Your unwavering support and belief in my work meant the world to me."
As you spoke, the walls that had guarded your hearts seemed to dissolve, allowing vulnerability to seep in. There was a comfort in knowing that you could trust each other with the depths of your emotions, that your connection had withstood the test of time.
In that moment of vulnerability, the invisible thread that bound your souls seemed to grow stronger. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring you together, to give you a chance to relive the moments that had once set your hearts ablaze.
The conversation danced between nostalgia and hope, threading together fragments of the past with the possibility of a future that had yet to be written. The yearning in your voices, the warmth in your gazes, all conveyed an unspoken desire to reclaim what had been lost, to rewrite the story of your love.
"I've missed this, you know," Sam confessed, his voice filled with a mix of longing and regret. "The ease I have with you, where I know I can share all my thoughts, the way we understand each other without saying a word. It's a connection unlike any other."
Your eyes met, and the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. The depth of your bond was palpable, and in that stolen moment, surrounded by the echoes of memories, you found solace in each other's presence.
You take a deep breath, looking deep into his eyes that seem to pull you into that paradise. "I hope you don't think I'm crazy for what I'm going to say..." You laugh, looking away to the horizon. “I could search far and wide but no one could ever make me feel the way you do. It’s always you, and I think it will always be you.”
He opens a small smile, his hands go to your cheek and he makes you look at him again you feel that no matter what happens, those eyes that make you lose yourself are your way back. You can't contain the laugh that comes out of your mouth, stroking his hand over your face.
“I think we’re one of those rare things deserving of a second chance.” You whisper with a small smile.
"We are one thing, for sure." He slowly approaches you and you anxiously want him to break that distance soon. “I wanna make us work again, if you’re willing.”
“God, of course I’m willing.” His smile was wide and he shifted his gaze to her lips as a silent question. "Can I?"
"Please" You say, getting closer to him.
As Sam's lips meet yours, a wave of emotions surges through your being. It's a kiss filled with longing, the culmination of years spent apart and the hope for a future together. The world around you fades into insignificance as the intensity of your connection envelops you both.
His touch is tender yet passionate, his hands cradling your face, as if trying to imprint every sensation onto his memory. The taste of his lips is familiar, a bittersweet reminder of what you had once shared and what you now have the chance to reclaim.
In that single moment, time seems to stand still. The gentle breeze carries the soft sighs of two souls finding solace in each other's arms. The warmth of the sun caresses your skin, mirroring the warmth that blossoms within your hearts.
It's a kiss that speaks volumes—a testament to the unbreakable bond between you. With each brush of his lips against yours, the weight of the past lifts, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and possibility. The electricity that courses through your veins is a testament to the undeniable chemistry that exists between you, reignited in this tender embrace.
The world around you blurs, and it's just the two of you, locked in a timeless moment of pure love and longing. The kiss deepens, fueled by the unspoken promise of a second chance, a commitment to make things work this time around.
As you finally break apart, breathless and smiling, your eyes meet, and it's as if a universe of unspoken promises lies within that gaze. You know that this kiss is just the beginning—a rekindling of a love story that never truly ended but was simply waiting for the right moment to be rewritten.
In this stolen moment, the power of your connection is reaffirmed. And as you hold each other, your hearts beating in synchrony, you know that together you can overcome any obstacle that may come your way, for your love is stronger than the distance and stronger than the challenges that once stood between you.
This kiss, filled with hope and the promise of a future, becomes a symbol of your commitment to one another, a beacon guiding you towards a love that is meant to be, a love that will endure.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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jadeittic · 1 year
“Your lips are like wine, and I want to get drunk.”
Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto + Bartender!Fem!Reader
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this work is based on a request from anon “🍸” ! if you want more works please feel free to drop them in my inbox! :)
small work, i’m working on a fic that i’m not sure i’ll release):
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Once upon a time in the vibrant city of Chicago, there was a newly established restaurant named "The Bear." At the heart of this culinary haven, the intoxicating aroma of delectable dishes and tantalizing drinks filled the air, drawing in hungry souls seeking a memorable dining experience.
The star of the show was a mesmerizing snake-like bartender named YN. Her iridescent scales shimmered under the soft glow of the bar lights, and her gleaming eyes held a spark of mischief that enchanted everyone who crossed her path. YN had a magnetic personality, and her quick wit and playful charm kept the customers returning, eager to experience the allure of her signature cocktails.
As the restaurant began to gain popularity, the owner, Carmen Berzatto, who is also a talented chef, a shy and unassuming culinary leader. With tousled brown hair, ocean-strong blue eyes, and tattoos adoring his arms. Carmy’s timid demeanor masked his remarkable talent in the kitchen. He was initially hesitant about handling The Bear (formerly known as The Beef.) after his brother, Mikey, left it to him, but he couldn't resist the opportunity to showcase his culinary creations at such a prestigious establishment.
From the moment YN and Carmy met, there was an instant attraction, but they hid it well under the pretense of professional camaraderie. YN was intrigued by Carmy’s reserved nature, while Carmy found himself captivated by her charisma and flair for mixology.
As days turned into weeks, the duo's chemistry began to spill beyond the bar counter and kitchen, and playful banter turned into genuine affection. YN couldn't resist teasing Carmy with subtle flirts during their shifts, much to his blushing delight. In return, he would playfully roll his eyes, pretending to be unaffected by her charm, but secretly cherishing every moment of it.
Yet, amid their blossoming romance, jealousy lurked in the shadows. YN often had to deal with flirtatious customers who tried to win her affections with extravagant tips. While she appreciated the extra earnings, Carmy couldn't help but feel a pang of protectiveness whenever he saw her indulging in their advances, even if it was just a playful act.
One fateful evening, as the restaurant bustled with laughter and clinking glasses, an unpleasant guest entered. A drunkard named Brody, fueled by liquid courage, became aggressive and obnoxious towards YN, unaware of the boundaries he was crossing.
Seeing her discomfort, Carmy’s protective instincts took over. He walked to the bar with purpose, standing tall and resolute in front of YN, ready to defend her if need be. YN admired his unwavering support and felt a deep sense of appreciation for the shy chef who had become her confidant and protector.
As the night progressed, Carmy’s culinary magic cast a spell on the dining crowd, earning him praise and admiration. The jealous thoughts in YN’s mind began to dissipate as she realized that Carmy’s brilliance in the kitchen was an art form worth celebrating, just like her flair for mixology.
As weeks turned into months, the relationship between YN and Carmy grew stronger, built on trust, respect, and an undeniable connection. The others marveled at the synergy between the snake-like bartender and the introverted chef, acknowledging that their dynamic was something special.
With time, YN’s playful flirting became genuine affection, and Carmy’s protectiveness evolved into a deep sense of love. They found solace in each other's presence, embracing their unique personalities, and cherishing the differences that made their bond stronger.
As the sun set on another magical evening at The Bear, YN and Carmy stood side by side, their hands entwined, and their hearts full of joy. They realized that their love story was no less enchanting than the restaurant they called home—a tale of two kindred spirits who found each other amidst culinary delights, laughter, and the magic of the night.
And so, in the enchanting city of Chicago, where dreams and reality intertwined, the love story of YN, the feisty serpent bartender, and Carmy, the timid chef, became a legend—a tale of love flourishing amidst the dance of flavors, a testament to the power of love, laughter, and the courage to embrace one's true self.
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like and reblog my posts if you enjoy my work! requests will be much appreciated too :)
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untoldreader · 8 months
First Glances
The reader and Kate Bishop meet for the first time. There is an instant connection and attraction, but things are not as simple as they appear
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Lost and overwhelmed in the bustling streets of New York City, I stumbled upon a cozy coffee shop tucked away in a side street. Little did I know that this chance encounter would change my life forever. As I entered the shop, my eyes were immediately drawn to a captivating figure standing near the counter. It was Kate Bishop, the skilled archer, and member of the renowned superhero team, the Young Avengers.
Our gazes locked, and in that moment, I felt an electric jolt run through me. It was as if the world around us faded into the background, leaving only the two of us standing there, connected by an invisible thread. Kate's confident demeanor and mischievous eyes drew me in, and I couldn't tear my gaze away.
With a friendly smile, Kate approached me, breaking the silence that enveloped us. "Lost, huh? Need a hand?" she asked, her voice laced with playful charm.
I couldn't help but blush at her attention, feeling both flustered and excited. "Uh, yes, actually. I'm new here, and I seem to have lost my way," I managed to reply, my voice betraying my nerves.
Kate chuckled, her laughter like music to my ears. "Well, lucky for you, I know this city like the back of my hand. Consider me your personal tour guide."
And so, our unexpected adventure began. Kate led me through the vibrant streets of New York, effortlessly weaving through the crowds while sharing stories and anecdotes. With each passing moment, the connection between us grew stronger, as if we were old friends reuniting after a long separation.
But beneath the surface of our blossoming connection, I sensed a hidden truth. Kate seemed to carry a weight on her shoulders, a secret that she couldn't fully reveal. I knew there was more to her than met the eye, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by the layers she hid beneath her confident facade.
As the day turned into evening, Kate suggested we take a break in Central Park. We found a serene spot beneath the sheltering trees, the moonlight casting a gentle glow around us. It was in this tranquil setting that the unspoken attraction between us began to stir.
I found myself drawn to Kate's magnetic presence, her vibrant spirit and unwavering determination. There was an undeniable chemistry between us, a spark that ignited with every word and every stolen glance. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring us together, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was something deeper at play.
But just as our connection reached its crescendo, a shadow loomed in the distance. The Marvel Universe was never short of danger, and Kate carried the weight of her superhero identity on her shoulders. I sensed that she had secrets to protect, and our budding connection would have to navigate the complexities of her double life.
Little did I know that our meeting was not simply a chance encounter. Our destinies were intricately intertwined, and the path ahead would test our resolve and challenge the limits of love and loyalty.
As we shared a stolen moment in the park, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives were about to change in ways we couldn't yet fathom. The reader and Kate Bishop were on the precipice of an extraordinary journey, where the lines between attraction, duty, and the unknown would be blurred.
[Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter from the reader's point of view! Let me know if you'd like to continue the story.]
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csainz5 · 1 year
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pairing: carlos sainz jr x reader
word count: 0.8k
summary: you and carlos have a rendezvous after his win at the spanish grand prix. who knows what would happen when youre so close to each other? as the drinks keep pouring you may just find out. ( this can be read as a part 2 to “smooth operator: emphasis on the smooth” as well as by itself)
author notes: im overwhelmed by the response to my first ever tumblr post!! i hope you enjoy this as much as the first one, maybe even more so 🫣
The crowd erupted with cheers as he stepped out of his car, a broad smile plastered across his handsome face. As the evening sun cast its golden glow over the racetrack, the celebrations had began.
The after party was a glamorous affair, filled with champagne, laughter, and the pulsating rhythm of music. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the thrill of the race and the presence of the Formula 1 stars. Among the many revelers was you, standing apart although in a simple black slip-on dress with rhinestones on the sleeves. Your heart skipped a beat when you caught sight of Carlos across the room. He looked even more breathtaking under the glow of the red lights, his dark hair tousled and his eyes sparkling with mischief. He moved with a natural grace, drawing the attention of everyone around him.
Gathering your courage, you approach him, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Carlos noticed the shy smile on your face and returned it warmly. "Hola," he greeted, his voice smooth and filled with genuine warmth. "Hi," you reply, voice slightly breathless. "Congratulations on the race, Carlos. You were amazing out there."
Carlos's grin widened, revealing his contentment with the compliment. "Gracias, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It means a lot to hear that from you rather than anyone else here." He raised his glass, offering a toast. "Shall we celebrate together, then?" You nod, your hand trembling slightly as it clinked against Carlos's champagne flute. Carlos's words seemed to flow effortlessly, making you feel as though you were the only two people in the room.
As the night wore on, the conversation became more intimate. Carlos leaned in closer, his voice becoming a husky whisper that sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the magnetic pull between the both of you, a simmering tension that made your hearts race. Lost in the moment, you found yourself drawn into Carlos's orbit. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony on the dance floor, the rhythm of the music mirroring the connection you felt. The touch of Carlos's hand on your waist sent sparks of desire coursing through your veins. “Carlos” you whimper, breathless.
Unable to resist your voice, Carlos leaned in and captured your lips in a searing kiss. It was a passionate embrace, filled with longing, as if he had been thinking about doing this to you since the instant he saw you. Your bodies pressed against each other, fitting together like two puzzle pieces.
In that moment, the two of you forgot about the world around you. You were consumed by the intensity of your desire, the electric chemistry that sizzled between you both. Carlos's hands explored your body with a reverence and hunger that left you weak in the knees. His hand pulled you in by the waist as he settled himself against the railing of the balcony. The fiery passion between the two of you was apparent in the way you held each other close, breathing heavily but at the same time, barely breathing. The intensity of his desire seemingly knocked the wind out of you. You place a hand against his chest, pulling apart from his embrace, “Not here Carlos, there’s people around”
For a moment, Carlos finds himself unable to answer, trying his best to be rational as thoughts plague his mind. Thoughts of you, and how you would look as he— Focus Carlos, Focus. he thought to himself, trying to regain his composure. “Yes, of course”, he brings himself to answer. “Perhaps we should go get ourselves a drink by the bar” you suggest, “Yes, perhaps we should.” he replied. His eyes follow you as you lead him through the crowd to the bar. “two white rums, on the rocks” You order. “I hope you don’t mind i ordered on your behalf, i just had a feeling you would enjoy it.” “No worries, i look forward to trying it out.”
The booming sound of the music, the lights and the drinks set a mood in the club, a mood that was eating the two of you inside out. It became harder and harder to remain rational. It all drowned into a blur of stolen kisses and whispered promises in a drunken haze. You and Carlos had found solace in each other's arms, bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The connection was undeniable, like a flame that burned brighter with every touch.
Carlos held you close, your bodies still humming with desire. His hands brushed your hair out of your eyes, settling along your face, cupping your cheek. He looked into your eyes, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and longing. "Mi vida," he murmured, his voice husky, "I don't want this night to end. Will you stay with me?"
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
my brain is braining today.. ballroomdancer!Valeria anyone?
you meet her when she’s assigned to be your dance partner, and there was instant chemistry. every dance, every move, is so full of passion and tension. the connection during a dance is seemingly magnetic, your bodies always ending up intertwined, spinning while she holds you tight. she’s contemplated kissing you a few times on the dips, just to feel your red-painted lips against her own, to see if they’re as soft as the rest of you.
and of course, the red button up slightly unbuttoned, with a black bra and black pants, nice leather shoes.. the works. and if her hands wander farther than your back.. well, it’s hard to control herself after seeing you in that backless red dress, nena. how could she resist slipping her hands a bit lower?
and then ballroomdancer!valeria asks you to stay late. you're expecting the entire class to be there, but it's just her and you in the dimly lit dance studio,,,,,
dont get me started on the sexy black buttonup
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silverhallow · 1 year
A shot to the heart
pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
summary: By accident Sophie meets Benedict when she takes Kate over to drop lunch off for her boyfriend Anthony…The tension is palpable, like a shot to the heart they fall hard and fast… When Benedict invites Sophie to their spring BBQ can they resist their primal urges
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warnings: First Meetings, Love at First Sight, horny beans, Smut, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Explicit Sexual Content, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Fucking, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Blow Jobs, Woman on Top, Fucking, Chemistry
word count: 6390 words
author's note: this is a former Ao3 work. Minors DNI
Sophie and her friend Kate went over to her boyfriend Anthony's to take him some lunch, he was helping his cousins and Uncle Andrew working on a barn and shed repair and there were a half dozen other hot and sweaty guys around as they pulled up outside the address Anthony had texted Kate earlier.
As they pulled up to the house, the girls saw Anthony coming around the side of the house with someone and Sophie had to take her sunglasses off to get a better look at him. Her entire body fizzed with magic and something that felt a lot like arousal as she stared at him and all she could think was "OH MY GOD!" She felt entirely blessed when she laid her eyes on him.
He was quite possibly the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He was tall, dark brown hair, and his muscles glistened with sweat as the sun beat down on him. He wasn't a beefcake or as stocky as Anthony and was about 2 inches taller than him, but he had a body to die for. She couldn't see his eyes because he had sunglasses on. He had no shirt on, a tool belt around his slender, manly waist, and his tattered jeans were so tight that any person looking could tell how fast his pulse was going.
God surely blessed him with the whole package, Sophie was absolutely sure of it.
As the girls got out of Sophie's car, Kate grabbed the lunch she prepared for them and  Sophie hadn't planned to get out of the car, but she found herself unable to stop herself from opening the door and stepping out to follow Kate. 
It's as if her body had a mind all of its own. Sophie wanted to meet him. She had to meet him, it was like a magnet drawing her in. She was powerless to resist.
As they approached the guys, the unbelievably hot guy took his glasses off and watched them as they approached. Sophie could almost feel him watching her, so she had to put on a small show. She just couldn't help herself.
Benedict saw Anthony's girlfriend get out of the blue car and he elbowed Anthony and nodded his head towards the road. Anthony looked up from the paper he was looking at and saw his girlfriend Kate getting an Icebox out of the back of Sophie's car.
"Look like it's lunchtime," Benedict said with a laugh
"Yep, Kate promised to bring us all lunch, and if I am lucky, maybe some dessert," Anthony replied with a lurid smirk and Benedict scowled and turned his face away from his brother in disgust and was about to wave to Kate when he noticed the stunningly beautiful blonde in denim shorts and a silver vest top walking towards him and honesty he thought the world had stopped.
Benedict had to take off his sunglasses so that he wouldn't miss anything. Her skin was glowing in the hot August sunshine, he could see her braless breasts bouncing with each step she took. The slight breeze in the air caused her tousled hair to reflect the sun. Her full lips were just begging to be deeply kissed. Her skin was flawless all the way down to her bare, painted toes. 
She was the cause of an instant erection and he could feel it happen almost in an instant. Never before had a woman had such an instant effect on him
Benedict again elbowed Anthony, "Ant, who the fuck is that with Kate?" he whispered and wanted to ask why the fuck he had never introduced him if he knew.
"That's Kate's best friend Sophie," he answered as he looked over toward Benedict.
A slow, sly grin came to Anthony's lips as he realised that Benedict's curiosity had peaked. "You do know Kate’s been trying to set you up with her for months. She’s kinda hot," Anthony encouraged. 
Benedict looked up with his own sheepish grin and said, "Kinda? She’s a fucking goddess ." he practically moaned, ensuring his voice was low and they weren’t overheard.
Kate handed Sophie the icebox and ran and jumped up and straddled Anthony and gave him a deep kiss. As she pulled away from Anthony's lips she smirked, "Hey Honey, you hungry?"
"Starved," Anthony replied, "I can use some food too." They laughed and kissed again oblivious to the rest of the world.
During this, Benedict was checking Sophie out from head to toe, rather unashamedly as well.
Sophie looked into Benedict's eyes and realised that he had the most beautiful deep blue eyes with gorgeous long lashes, he was actually perfection in the male form and she felt herself growing a little wet in her denim shorts just from looking at him.
Anthony put Kate down and stood there watching the storm that was brewing up between Sophie and Benedict, just then glancing at one another and feeling some sort of magical connection.
Kate finally broke the silence, "oh right…. Benedict this is my friend Sophie, Sophie this is Benedict, Anthony's twin brother."
Benedict smiled as he came out of his dream state, hoping he wasn’t actually drooling or panting at her like she was a bitch in heat and he was a frisky dog as he extended his hand out and replied, "Hey it's nice to meet you."
Sophie smirked, took his hand and smiled up into a sea of blue trying not to get lost there, "Hello, nice to meet you too."
It was as if there was pure electricity going from him and penetrating Sophie deep into her soul as their hands touched she felt a palpable surge through her entire body, it went so deep that she felt it between her legs. "What in the hell is happening to me?" she thought.
"Well honey," Kate started, "Sophie and I have some house stuff to attend to so we have to get going”
Benedict dropped Sophie's hand and both of their smiles were washed away. Neither one of them wanted to end what was going on between them.
Benedict piped up quickly realising he had an in, "Hey Kate, we’re having a little party tonight, a BBQ since the weather is so nice. Why don't you bring Sophie?"
"I already asked her if she wanted to come with me, and she said she would feel out of place," Kate answered truthfully, Kate had asked Sophie if she wanted to come but Sophie had declined, she didn’t really know any of Kate’s boyfriends friends or family and had felt like she’d stick out like a sore thumb and, as had happened before, end up billy-no-mates when Anthony and Kate disappeared into a room to fuck in.
Benedict looked over at Sophie as he smiled a charming lopsided smile that Sophie was sure she was powerless to resist, "Come on, there's nothing to feel out of place about. I would like you to come Please."
"Okay, I'll come," she answered with an underlying meaning, a naughty sparkle in her eye
"Great, I'll expect you there. Don't let me down," he grinned back happily.
Then all of a sudden, Kate grabbed Sophie by the waist of her shorts and pulled her away toward the car. As she walked away, she could still feel Benedict watching her. 
As much as she wanted to, she didn't look back until she got in the car. She looked up and he still stood there watching her, mouth open and somehow even at a distance, she could still feel his eyes penetrating her soul. It was as if he could read her deepest, darkest desires, like she had just come alive after years of sleepwalking.
As Sophie began to drive away, Kate sat there and just stared at her looking amused. Sophie was looking out of her rearview mirror trying to get one final look at Benedict before she noticed Kate and asked her "What?"
She smiled knowingly, "Don't say " what " to me, I saw what went on back there. I know there was something going on between the two of you. You two all but fucked right there in the street."
Sophie couldn't help but to smile as she looked into her friend's eyes and she just blinked before she couldn’t stop the words that came from her mouth; "Oh my God Kate! I can't believe I’ve turned down meeting him for the last 6 months!!! He is like literally the Fucking hottest guy I have ever set my eyes on. It felt like his eyes could read my soul! I have no idea what came over me, I have never acted like that around a guy before. It’s ridiculous, the blood just left my brain!
I mean, I've had sex before and enjoyed that sex… but I swear to god Kate whatever thatwas… was a million times better than any sex I have ever had and i’d give all the sex up that I ever had just to experience another five minutes of whatever that was," she said as she finally stopped and took a breath. 
“Well then I have a feeling that we’re in for an interesting evening,” Kate laughed. "Play your cards right Miss Beckett, then you might get to experience the real thing” she smirked but Sophie was only half listening.
She heard what Kate said, and it was all she could think about. She wasn’t one to have one night stands, or sleep with a man the first time she met them, though this would be the second time she had to admit to herself but this she couldn’t help but think what would she do if the opportunity arose?
? Deep down she knew the answer to her question. She knew she wouldn't be strong enough to deny Benedict, she wanted him too badly, and the thought of doing something wild and crazy like that got her even more excited.
Sophie was late picking up Kate. She had a problem deciding what she should wear. Kate told her that the Bridgertons had a pool in their country house garden and Violet, their mum was away and because the weather was so nice, Anthony and Benedict had decided to have a little BBQ with their friends, as was the norm during the summer for them.
Sophie’s father had had a pool in the back garden of their country home and she had a feeling that the Bridgerton’s, were the Bridgerton’s her father knew from years before his marriage and divorce. 
Sophie knew to wear, or at least bring a bikini just in case everyone decided to go swimming and made the decision to wear her blue bikini, that fastened on the sides and behind her back, allowing for easier access should it be required. She then put on a pair of denim shorts that were scandalously short and a low cut vest top. She threw some warmer clothes in her boot for when, as was traditional with British summers, it would turn colder.
Kate agreed not to have Anthony pick her up, so that Sophie wouldn't arrive at the party by herself. Anthony had agreed and Kate knew that she’d be stopping at Aubrey Hall and had a feeling Sophie probably would as well, but wanted to ensure her friend had a way home in case things didn’t go the way she expected.
As they pulled up to the house, butterflies started fluttering in Sophie's stomach. She was nervous and excited.
As Sophie and Kate walked into the house, Anthony had been waiting and watching for them and he made his way over and grabbed Kate. "About time!! I thought you guys would never get here."
"Sorry honey, Sophie was late picking me up," Kate whined and Sophie just rolled her eyes at her friend throwing her under the bus. 
Anthony led them out to the back of the house and Sophie felt her mouth drop open, it was the biggest garden she’d ever seen . They had the BBQ going, the music was playing, people were milling around chatting and the beer was in an icebox. 
Sophie looked over towards the BBQ and all of a sudden her heart skipped a beat.
There he was, Benedict, dressed in a pair of tight jeans, with a blue shirt with the buttons unfastened. He was freshly showered and shaved and talking to a bearded man as he was flipping burgers, a beer in hand, looking every inch a debonair relaxed host. 
Benedict was chatting with his friend Henry, actually talking about Sophie and how he was hoping she was actually coming to the party when he felt the same sensation course through his body that he had felt that morning helping his family out.
Henry was teasing him about the way he had described the sensation he was feeling right at that morning and he looked up from the BBQ towards the door and everything stopped, the joke was over as Henry saw Benedict’s face as Benedict’s eyes found Sophie.
There she stood, looking as beautiful and hot as before.
He has been waiting all day to see her again. Hell he had been waiting his entire life to meet her, he was sure of it.
He had felt anticipation in his veins so thick it almost turned his blood to concrete, he had been waiting for her all night, all day… all his life and finally, the waiting was over. He had no idea what the hell was happening to him other than the fact he desperately did not want it to stop. No other person had affected him like Sophie did. Everything about her set all of his senses on fire.
He handed the spatula to Henry with a “you take over” and without another word walked toward Sophie, magnetically drawn to her, like a moth to a flame, his lopsided smile grew as he approached her. "Hey, you made it. I didn't think you were going to come."
"Yeah, sorry I was a bit late picking up Kate but we made it” she smiled sweetly back at him.
Anthony smiled knowingly at Kate and with a look towards his brother he knew the look of fuck off and Anthony leaned towards Kate and whispered, "I think we need to leave them alone…" Kate giggled and they walked away leaving the two of them.
Benedict walked beside Sophie grabbing her a beer and twisting it open as he handed it to her, he had no idea what to say to her so he shoved his hand into his jeans and tore his eyes from her and glanced up at the sky as he tried to work out what to say.
Sophie could see he was as nervous as she was, she felt so nervous that she thought she might pass out.
She wanted to get to know him, she wanted to know everything about him but every time she went to speak her mouth wouldn't move.
Mentally she chastised her self; fuck sake Sophie, talk to him… you’ve waited all day for this and here you are shutting up like some 16 year old virgin. What do I even say to him? That I want to fuck his brains out right here, right now, regardless of all the people watching… Jesus, you can’t say that! you depraved lunatic!”
They started to walk, neither of them really realising where they were going but once they were away, Sophie was still dreaming a little when Benedict broke the weird silence that was going on between them. "So Sophie, do you want to do it?"
She was thrown for a second as she stammered as she wondered if he had actually said what she thought he had said, "Ex…excuse me What?"
He gave her a quizzical and confused look as he repeated his question "What do you do? You know for a living?"
Sophie went bright red completely embarrassed about having her head in the gutter, as she replied, "Oh, I am training to be a Veterinarian, i’m in my last year”
He smiled his lovely lopsided smirk as he said, "That sounds so cool, so I guess you are an animal lover?"
"Yes, a rather mad one. How about you?" she asked
"Yeah, I like animals. I'm just not home long enough to take care of one cause of my art but one day I'd like some pets" he responded. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."
"You know it’s rude to ask a woman her age” she teased before adding, “I am 22, nearly 23 what about you?" she asked stopping still
"25," he replied as he glanced back up towards the sky so he wasn’t staring so much as her arse but he hadn’t realised she had stopped walking and he walked straight into her.
If he hadn’t thrown his arms out and grabbed her around the waist, she would have fallen straight to the ground, he pulled her towards him instinctively, her top had ridden up so his hands were on her bare skin and his touch felt like fire the sensation took both his and her breaths away.
Benedict couldn’t help his thoughts, she felt so good in his hands, and felt so soft as the back of her body pressed against the front of his and he felt all the blood started to surge towards his groin.
He prayed for control, but it was quickly fading as she turned and looked up into his luscious emerald green eyes, and that's when the last bit of control eluded him.
Unable to help himself, needing her he brought his right hand up to her cheek, and pulled her mouth to his. 
It was a fierce kiss. 
The kind of kiss that devours the soul, the inner being. It was deep, it was passionate and it was spiritual.
He pulled her body tighter against his. He didn't know what was happening to him. He's been with women and men before, but he never wanted anyone as bad as he wanted her. He needed her like he needed air. He knew he needed to gain control, but he couldn't figure out how.
Sophie reached up and tangled her fingers of one hand into his thick chestnut hair and pulled him tighter against her mouth as her tongue flickered against his tongue. 
She turned in his arms fully in his arms so they would be facing each other. The kiss was as wild and untamed as their hunger was for each other.
He backed her up against the back wall of the summer house. He pressed his rock hard denim cald cock into the soft mound between her thighs as he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him closer to her.
She moaned softly against Benedict's demanding mouth, the moan was like kerosine to fuel to his fire and any last remnants of control he had, was long gone and he knew there was nothing that was going to stop this now… this was going to happen regardless if there would be regrets later or not.
With his left hand on her arse, hips pressing her into the wall holding her in place, his right hand stroked up her side and under her vest-top. He brushed his fingers against her hardened nipple under her bikini top which caused her to whimper against his lips.
She wanted more so she arched her back to push her breast harder into his hand. She wanted more, and he couldn't deny her, not when he wanted it so badly as well. He pulled the fabric aside so that he could roll her nipple between his finger and thumb. The sensation caused her to cry out  as she threw her head back, letting it rest against the cold brick behind her.
"Oh Ben! Fuck! You feel so good. I want you! I need you!" she gasped into his skin, as she began trailing kisses down his neck and nipped his skin with her teeth.
That drove Benedict mad, it was like she knew all the things that turned him on and feeling her teeth on his skin caused him to growl into her neck and he needed to feel more of her.
His hands slipped down from her nipple, and trailed down her body, down her stomach and slipped between her legs. 
Sophie’s breath caught as she felt his hands rub her pussy over her shorts, she was in danger of soaking through the demin of her shorts she was that wet. “Please…” she whined and with a smirk he slipped his hand down the inseam of her shorts and slipped his long slender fingers under the seam, sending a blazing fire through her as he inched closer to her destination.
Sophie was rucking her hips against him and the moment his fingers made contact she instantly came, screaming his name “Oh yes! Ben! Fuck… oh god… yes!!” she moaned
Smirking as she was falling apart on him, he moved his other hand, letting his hips hold her in place, he lifted her top and yanked her bikini aside to he took her nipple in his mouth and put his hands back on her arse for better balance as he carried on his exquisite and sensual torture.
His tongue licked the hard nipple, causing her to moan and grind her wet pussy against him. His finger flicked the hard clit, causing Sophie to whimper again, the sensitivity increasing as she raced towards another high... 
Smirking into her lips, he pushed his finger into the wet and inviting folds and her breathing became shallower as she began to grind herself, rucking and fucking his fingers.
Benedict could feel the pain in his cock as he was about to burst through his jeans, he needed her and there was no way there were going to be able to do anything else here. 
He didn’t want to fuck her for the first time on the outside of a building, both of them were still fully dressed and he knew they needed to move, it was probably one the last rational thoughts in his mind.
He pulled his fingers from her wanting pussy and pulled her away from the wall, she whined but he grinned at her “it’s okay, we’re going somewhere a bit more private” he smirked as he carried her into the summer house they had been rucking up against ensuring he locked the door behind him.
Whilst he carried her, she leaned up and started to kiss his cheek and then she ran her tongue across the light stubble of his jaw to his ear before she sucked on his ear, sending shock waves of pleasure and need all the way down to his hard cock. 
He lowered her feet to the floor as he went to a table and turned on a light. It sent a soft light across the room, the curtains were all closed and no one would be able to see in. Benedict turned around as the soft light cascaded across the room onto Sophie, she was glowing in the light and looked even more like the goddess he had through she had been when he had first laid eyes on her.
She was so beautiful, even more so with the hungry yet shy look in her eyes. There was no turning back for either of them. He knew he should stop, but there was no way now, they were past the point of no return here.
As he walked back toward her, Sophie's heart skipped several beat as he reached out and softly took Sophie by the shoulders and pulled her to him, “you’re so beautiful” he groaned as she ran her hands up his stomach and up his chest and shoulders, as she slid the shirt from his body, as he slowly pulled her shirt over her head and both sets of fabric fell to the floor.
Words were no longer necessary as he kissed her shoulders, tugged on the strings of her bikini top and watched as he slid off her shoulders and it too joined their shirts on the floor.
Their eyes met as he turned around and sat on the edge of the bed in the summer house as Sophie stood between his legs, both panting heavily, lust and something deeper in her eyes as he unfastened her shorts and slipped his hands into them and slid them down her hip and down her legs.
He pressed his mouth against the crotch of her bikini bottoms, her scent had filled his nostrils and it was so beguiling and addictive that he had to taste her.  Sophie's hands moved and covered his on her hips not only to keep them against her body, but also to steady herself. Her eyes closed as she moaned and arched her back and pressed into his lips, desperate for more.
He slipped his fingers to the bow ties on the side of her bikini bottoms and unfastened them and watched as they slowly slid them down the same trail of her shorts. Sophie slid her feet out of them and kicked both garments to the side leaving her completely naked.
He moved his head back and let his eyes roam over her body, letting them scan over her thighs, her neatly trimmed pussy, her beautiful round and large breast, her slender neck, up to her face, and into her wanting eyes. 
Those beautiful emerald eyes, they were pleading with him, begging him to continue and he was sure there was no more beautiful sight in the entire world and he knew there and then he had to make her beg for it.
He wanted to hear it from her, he needed to hear her beg for more.
He needed to hear her voice to tell him what she wanted him to do to her beautiful body.
"What do you want, baby?" The words poured over her like molten lava. "Tell me what you want and I will give it to you. Anything you want… just tell me and I will give it to you"
Sophie hesitated for a moment, trying to regain her thoughts before she whispered, her voice so hoarse she barely understood it, "Touch me. Taste me. I want to feel you. I want all of you."
She reached up and curled her fingers into his thick hair as he brought his mouth back against her wet and hot pussy.
With a smirk of “my pleasure” he ran his tongue over the slit. Sparks ignited and became a ball of fire when his tongue parted her pink lips and found her clit, protruding and desperately waiting for him. 
Sophie gasped his name and nearly lost her footing as her legs went weak as his tongue rolled over her clit, his right hand sliding between her legs and rubbing against her pussy as he lapped at her desperately.
She didn't know how much longer she was going to be able to stand up. One of Benedict's fingers slid between her lips and pushed into her wet centre.
"Ben, my legs… I can’t… they’re getting weak, I don't know if I can stand here much longer," she whined
Without taking his hand from her, he wrapped his left hand around her waist and pulled her against his body as he laid back against the bed, bringing her with him, his lips and hands moved from her pussy as their mouths crashed together hard, their tongues dancing in the other’s mouth as Sophie tasted herself on his mouth.
Desperate for more Sophie raised up and straddled him as she took both of his hands and lifted them up and over his head. She slid her hands from his and down the side of Benedict's face, before she slid them down his neck, his chest, as she trailed fiery, hot kisses along those same spots. 
She worked both her hands and mouth down his stomach. She stopped and dipped her tongue into his navel, as she started to unfasten his jeans. Sophie felt his hardness through his jeans and could see how hard he was and how he needed to get out of the jeans soon before the button flew off and broke something.
With a wicked smirk, she climbed off his lap and unfasted them, pulling both his jeans and swim shorts down and throwing them across the room with the rest of the clothes.
She got on her knees between his legs and ran her hands up his thighs, her eyes never leaving his as she teased him, running her hands around Benedict's hard cock, but not touching it. Benedict moaned softly, as he moved his entire body from side to side desperate to free himself from the torture that Sophie was causing. Desperate for her to touch him, to relieve him of his need to be touched.
He looked at her, eyes beseeching as he begged "Please!"
Sophie grinned triumphantly as she circled her right hand around Benedict's hardness, and Benedict gasped deeply at her touch. She began to run her hand up and down the long, hard shaft. "Ofh Fuck baby! Oh, yes," Benedict moaned as his eyes rolled back in his head. Her petite hand felt so good against his rock hard cock.
His eyes flew open as he felt her tongue flicking across the top of his cock, her eyes meeting his, as she watched his reactions.
She loved to watch, and she smirked, her eyes never leaving his as she placed the head of cock between her lips and sucked it deeper into mouth, going all the way down to his balls.
Benedict growled loudly, it had been a very long time since anyone had deep throated his cock, in fact he wasn’t entirely sure anyone had taken his cock as well as Sophie was here, she hadn’t even gagged as he felt himself moving further down until she had taken all of him into her mouth. Sophie slid her mouth up and down his long hard shaft, as she ran her hand along the same trail that her mouth followed. 
It was the most unbelievable experience and it was something he wanted more of but now he knew, if she did that again, he’d cum and he wanted to fuck her. He needed to fuck her.
He grabbed Sophie's hands and pulled her on top of him. "I can't take much of that, not right now. Later… right now I have fuck you. Please… I want to feel your wet, hot pussy wrapped around me. Oh fuck Soph, I gotta have you, please say I can" he begged as he pulled Sophie's mouth to his in a savage passionate kiss.
Sophie parted her legs and straddled Benedict again, rubbing her pussy against his cock. 
The sensation just fuelled the fire burning between the two of them, the need was overwhelming now and they both knew that if they didn’t join soon they’d die. Sophie grabbed the condom Benedict took from his wallet and whilst she wanted to fuck him without it and wanted to feel all of him, this was their first time and whilst it had been a while for her and she was on the pill, she wasn’t sure about him.
She ripped it open with her teeth and slid it on causing them both to groan before she positioned herself back over the top of him and took hold of his cock and guided it into her.
 As he entered her, both Sophie and Benedict gasped deeply as he slid all the way into her. Benedict was bigger than anybody that Sophie has ever been with, and she paused briefly to adjust to his size. 
Benedict realised what she was doing, and restrained himself from grabbing her and thrusting it hard, he knew he wasn’t a small man and Sophie was quite petite so he had to give her a moment.
When she felt more comfortable, having adjusted to his size, Sophie looked down into his eyes, she realised he was watching her and a smirk le came across Sophie's lips. She started moving up and down his cock, slowly, increasing her speed as she rode him.
They very quickly got into the rhythm of each other gasping the other’s name as they moved in tandem, the exquisite feeling of her walls hugging his cock and his cock hitting all the right places in her.
Needing more, Benedict reached up and took a hold of both of her breasts as she continued to ride him, tweaking both nipples between his fingers and thumbs and she whined happily, her breasts were incredibly sensitive and a big erogenous zone for her and most men left her breasts alone and him doing this to her drove her insane.
“Oh fuck Ben…” She gasped “more”
He quickly grabbed her around her hips and started to thrust deep and hard into her wetness. Sophie hungrily met each thrust before he sat up, savagely taking her mouth in his, not losing the stroke of their rhythm as they continued their frenzied fucking.
Benedict moved his mouth away from hers, and took first one hard nipple into his mouth and then the other alternating between the two but as he continued thrusting into her, he found he couldn’t get deep enough in her for his liking and he could see from Sophie the pleasure wasn’t quite the same.
So he rolled her onto her back and she spread her legs for him to get deeper and deeper inside of her. Benedict continued to fuck her harder and deeper, both of them were sweating, and lost in the moment, their names and the sound of their skin slapping against one another as they fucked.
They never took their eyes off each other. If they weren't kissing different parts of each other's bodies, they looked into each other's eyes, the connection between them was sparking and fizzing and increasing in tempo ready to implode and consume them.
"Oh Ben! Fuck! Fuck!! Yes, oh yes! I am going to cum… fuck… I want… I want you to cum with me… fuck yes! yes, oh Fuckkkkkkkk" Sophie moaned loudly.
"Yeah baby. Oh yes, cum for me Sophie, cum hard for me, my little Goddess. You've driven me crazy all day, now cum for me, squeeze me, fucking cum for me," Benedict demanded.
His words were all she needed, she screamed, her back arching from the bed as she screamed is name as he screamed hers, both of them exploding and white stars appearing behind their eyes as Benedict thrust harder into her one last time and help it, as Sophie ground herself again him, the fireworks coming off between them as both of them, for the first time ever, came with the other person. It was simultaneous, magic and loud as it seemed to last forever, suspended in one perfect moment.
Once they were spent, Benedict relaxed and gently lowered himself down, carefully so not to squash her and never wanting to stop touching her, as they laid there quiet for a few moments, while they caught their breath, and gained some composure and feeling back in their bodies.
The whole thing had been out of this world.
Sophie was the first to move as she reached over and kissed him on his forehead, and Benedict looked up into her bright green eyes and smiled. "That was incredible," Sophie whispered, her voice a little hoarse
"That was beyond incredible," Benedict replied. “It’s never been like that before”
"So what now?" Sophie said unsteadily, nerves now creeping in, they had spent the last hour or so fucking like rabbits and she had no idea what to do next.
Benedict lifted himself up onto his elbow, resting his cheek in his hand. "What do you mean 'what now'?"
"Well we literally just met today. We've only known each other for a few hours, and we already fucked like rabbits… So, now what happens?" she asked
"What do you want to happen?" Benedict shot back
"Stop answering my questions, with questions," she pouted at him
He smiled down at her and brushed a hand over her cheek in a gentle caress, his thumb trailing over her adorable pout, "I don't want this to be it… I want to have more of this… I know we should've waited and got to know each other. We should have gone slower, but this was inevitable, I mean… I’ve never felt a pull like this towards anyone ” he paused, dropping a kiss to her nose “But I really don't want this to be a one time thing... Maybe, we can go slower now that we got this out of the way, and really get to know each other....if you want?"
Sophie smiled devilishly, "okay but I don't want that…"
Benedict felt the colour drain from his face in complete shock, surely he wasn’t the only one to have felt this?? "Okay but can I ask why not?" he asked, trying to keep the pain out of his voice, the heartbreak off his face. He was sure he was halfway in love with this woman already and he really didn’t want to lose her.
Sophie giggled, as he hadn’t managed to keep some of the disappointment off his face as she dropped a kiss to his nose this time “I want more also I want to to get to know you, but I also don't want to go slower. I want this too.” she grinned as she trailed her hand up his sweaty, incredibly defined chest,  “Besides, you and I know that we can't stop this from happening again anymore then we could have fought it this time."
Benedict laughed brightly rolling on top of her and kissing her softly as he said, "Okay, we'll get to know each other in the process of fucking and making love like there is no tomorrow?"
Sophie nodded, her hands finding his hair and dragging his mouth back down on top of his and it didn't take long for the fireworks to be ignited once again.
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battleangel · 1 year
Life Is Nothing But A Dream
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The Big Bang was actually a Kemetic Explosion that created everything. At the instantaneous moment it occurred, it shot eternally into the past and eternally into the future, so that it always was, always is and always would be in that moment in time that created time itself while collapsing it.
Paradoxes, duality, yin and yang, opposites attract, magnetism, chemistry, polar opposites, twinflames, reality and untold countless trillions of individual dreamscapes were created in that moment.
We are all dreamers, the mind is limitless and imagination is limitless. They can make laws about what you wear, eat, smoke, drink, say, write -- but not about what you think, dream and imagine.
You dont have to tell a child that their imagination is limiltless, thats why they have real imaginary friends, but you have to convince an adult that they "have what it takes" to pass a job interview -- why do you think that is?
The Kemetic Explosion was a prismatic supernova that created all realities, multiverses, universes, galaxies and dimensions in one timeless and eternal moment.
There are two existing dual realities that fit the universal theme of duality -- hot and cold, fire and ice, sugar and spice, black and white, yin and yang, good and evil, love and apathy (not hate), sun and moon -- so on and so forth.
The two realities are the current simulated reality we are all living in now that I am currently typing this in, but it is only a simulation, a facsimilie, a virtual reality, a fax machine copy of our actual reality, which is the eternal dreamscape we all came from.
We are all eternal energetic beings, we are nature, this is why nature heals us -- why do you need a scientific study to confirm that?
We are magical, alchemical beings with the ability to naturally heal ourselves within ourselves with nature -- Pfizers got nothin on you.
We are trees, water, streams, rivers, grass, ganja, sun, moon, stars, skies, comets, milky ways, galaxies, oceans, waves, gardens, flowers, petals, dragonflies, fireflies, butterflies.
This is why it is so unnatural for us to exploit, pillage & rape Mother Earth, overextracting & depleting natural resources, destroying rainforests, deforestation, overfilling landfills with unused SHEIN clothes & unopened Amazon products, greenhouse gas emissions, unclean coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, toxic chemicals, smoke, smog, industrial waste & pollution -- they get artificially richer with capitalism's monopoly money while they do nothing but harm the planet, the air, the water, the ozone layer, literally harming themselves in the process yet they still think they are "winning" as their total destruction of Earth via climate change is continuing unabated as they march on in their shiny spacesuits to colonize Mars with Elon Musk without even giving their destruction of Earth a second thought.
We have all existed eternally forever in the dreamscape.
The dreamscape is very similar to "What Dreams May Come" if you want a visual representation of what it's like.
Lush, visceral, lucid, explosive colors, 10 dimensional, multidimensional, all dimensions coexisting at once at the same time.
You can walk through walls, you can walk on water, you can fly, you can fall through the sky without dying.
What are our individual dreamscapes?
Simply our imagination.
It's our thoughts. It's whatever our mind can conjure up. Its limitless expansiveness.
We go there every single night when we dream, whether you remember it when you wake up or not, you visited your dreamscape and that is the real reality, then you woke up to "go to work" in this fake reality.
How did we get here?
When you sleep, you go to your eternal dreamscape, where your eternal energetic being originally originated from. All of us were created in the instant the Kemetic Explosion (aka "Big Bang") happened.
So, how did we get here, into this fake ass virtual reality simulated upside down?
When people talk about your soul, when your physical body perishes, and only your energy and essence remains, they are actually talking about you returning to your original state, which is the eternal energetic being you were when you were created during the Kemetic Explosion.
You existed in your own eternal individual dreamscape -- literally your imagination -- for untold milennia until your human parents fucked.
This created your physical human incarnation. Once this happened, you as an eternal energetic being were taken from your individual dreamscape and you physically incarnated as a human being inside of your mother's womb.
Once she gave birth to you, you had now transported from your individual limitless dreamscape to our virtual reality as a mortal physical being in a very limited 3D reality, an upside down that is the opposite of the dreamscape in every way.
The next question would be, why does this happen? What is the point of us coming to this virtual reality?
The entire point of life in this simulated reality virtual reality video game is just to open and activate your third eye, spiritually awaken, experience ascension, self-actualize and realize that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being and that you are only temporarily manifesting in a physical human form.
This is also referred to as an ego death, killing your human ego, and realizing that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being.
Once you realize this, physical death no longer scares or frightens you, it is simply you permanently returning to your eternal dreamscape, which is where you originated from anyway.
Why would you be afraid of death when it's simply a permanent return to your own mind, your own imagination, your own 10 dimensional dreamscape which is where you originated from and you currently temporarily visit each night when you sleep anyway?
The place you are in now, this current hellscape, full of injustice, racist cops, terroristic militaries, empire building, religious dogma, abuse, rape, sexual violence, pointless wars, genocide, racism, hatred, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, conditioning, grooming, sex trafficking, molestation, child abuse, greed and environmental destruction, doesn't scare you yet you fear a physical death that simply returns you to your original limitless eternal energetic self and dreamscape?
Yo, who taught you to fear death and why?
Keytruda is a cancer drug that was $100k when it was first released that only allowed you to live for an extra 30 days.
Just how brainwashed are you?
Look at all of the endless medical interventions, look at the slashing and the burning, the chemical radiation, the buzz saws, the hormones, the endless surgeries, triple bypass, open heart, remove a lung, non-stop prescription medication, opiates, oxy, perc, tylenol with codeine --
For what? You're going to fucking die, anyway.
Have you figured that out yet?
They have you so afraid of death yet you're not afraid of the current hellscape you currently live in.
Objectively, we are in hell by now, by any observable metric.
We are surrounded by mindless destruction, endless exploitation, wars, expansion, greed, capitalism, corporatism, environmental destruction, overconsumption, materialism, consumerism, unnecessary and needless starvation, houselessness & poverty, no living wage, no universal health care, no universal education --
Apple is a trillion dollar company and you think we don't have enough resources for every American to be housed, fed, educated, paid a living wage and receive medical care?
We're the richest planet on Earth and you actually don't think we have the money to house, feed, educate, pay a living wage to and provide medical care for every American citizen?
Globally, the richest 1% control the majority of the money.
Even a child could figure out if we evenly spread the resources, nobody would have to starve, nobody would have to die from hunger, houselessness and poverty.
We see what the Bezoses and Musks and Apples are making.
We see the corruption in "poorer" countries where the leaders all tend to be rich.
Why is that, that the leaders in "underdeveloped" countries are never starving along with their subjects?
Because they hoard the money, the charity donations, the money from the US, these leaders hoard it for themselves and dont give it to their citizens so they become richer while their citizens become poorer and many die.
It doesnt have to be like this in America or anywhere else.
The global elites want it like this. They want their mansions, their private jets, their Epstein pizzagate islands where they can rape children.
You dont really think Bob Iger needs $78,000 a day to survive, do you?
They want it like this and they collectively want us to barely make a living, work for a minimum wage, work a "salaried" job with thousands of hours of UNpaid overtime, kill ourselves for scraps for a CEO that isnt working and is making 1000xs more, spend the majority of our lives at a corporate 9 to 5 -- more time then we spend at home, with family, friends, loved ones, living, reading, singing, dancing, expressing, being alive -- you will spend the majority of your life working to make a CEO you will never even talk to richer -- the majority of each day at work and the majority of your life since you wont get to retire until 65 then "you can do what you want" for 10 years then drop dead -- are you actually okay with this?
The point of this virtual reality videogame is for you to open your 3rd eye, realize you are much more than just the physical human you are currently manifested as, ascend, spiritually awaken, self-actualize and realize you are actually an eternal energetic limitless being -- made from the same energy that created the Kemetic Explosion Big Bang -- you are energy, you are source, you are universe.
Realize this place we currently and very temporarily reside in is nothing but a dream and a virtual simulated reality of the actual reality which is the dreamscape you visit every night when you experience REM sleep, its simply a shift in consciousness that allows you to travel to your dreamscape, then when you "wake up", you are back here in the virtual reality.
But when you actually wake up, meaning you open your third eye, you will realize your human ego is as false as this virtual reality is and as limited as your physical human body.
Wealth, status, prestige, brand name company, fancy job title, fancy car, fancy house, luxury vacations, fancy furniture, all to impress other people, keeping up with the joneses, keeping up appearances, climbing the corporate ladder, high net worth, liquid assets, being an executive --its all bullshit and ego driven, its all driven by a desire to impress, be important, be admired, be liked, be respected, be feared -- its all external, nothing internal -- its all surface and not substance, its all gloss, its all photoshop, its all airbrushed, its all comparison driven, its all a dick measuring contest, its all Im more successful than you, Im a bigger deal than you, I drive a better car than you, I have more money than you, Im number 1, I finally made it, its 500+ likes for a LinkedIn employment update, its working for big tech, working for FAANG, working for FAAMG, working for Disney, its all I got mine, its all Acknowledge me!, its all Im a big fucking deal, its all I am important and people know who the fuck I am, its all I run this meeting, I run the show, I am impressive, important, my accolades and achievements precede me, people respect me, I got into a prestigious company, I got into Goldman Sachs which has a 4% acceptance rate, I got into Amazon and passed their interview where they interrogated me with their endless Leadership Principles, I have the golden star, I am a capitalist success, I am a six figure earner, I am in the $100k+ club, Im an executive, Im a VP, I made it, I am the American Dream...which is nothing but a fucking nightmare.
How do you like those golden handcuffs?
What happens if you're one of the 2 to 3 million more layoffs LinkedIn is predicting is going to happen this fall?
Kill your ego so your ascended self can be reborn.
Induce your own ego death so your ascended self can live.
Once you do, you'll be fully awake and fully alive and physical death will no longer scare you because it leads to the true eternal life which is just you returning to your eternal dreamscape and returning to the eternal energetic being you always were after shedding your temporary physical human self and shell.
Thats the true Kendrick Lamar Metamorphosis.
Your physical human manifestation is the caterpillar shell you must shed by inducing your own ego death and killing your own ego to become a butterfly, which is your ascended spiritually awakened third eye activated self-actualized self and this metamorphosis from your ego-driven caterpillar self to the ascended third eye activated butterfly is a metaphor for the final transformation which is actually only the beginning of when you shed your caterpillar physical human manifestation, so the ego death foreshadows the physical death, and you transform into a butterfly limitless energetic being, and this current physical virtual limited caterpillar reality is a metaphor for the ascended butterfly limited eternal dreamscape, which is just your individual imagination.
Love is eternal and limitless. Energy is eternal and limitless. Imagination and the mind are eternal and limitless.
Who is in your eternal dreamscape?
Your soulmates (platonic, familial and romantic) and twinflame (if you have one -- this is two souls that were fused together into one yin yang soul and one eternal energetic being when the Kimetic Explosion happened and then, when they physically manifested as human beings, their one soul split into two physical human beings that are fated and destined to be together in the virtual reality as best friends, romantic lovers and a sexual couple then, when they physically die and return to their eternal dreamscape, their souls fuse back together into one eternal energetic being that is simultaneously one being while still being two beings at once as both energies reside in the one soul being -- Yin Yang Twinz.
Thats duality.
There is no judgemental asshole in the clouds sitting on a throne judging people for having sex -- do you actually believe those lies that were packaged to you to control you with fear?
You really think God has a long white beard and is sitting on a throne like Santa Claus at the mall?
The only hell that actually exists is your own mind, if you refuse to kill your own ego, if you refuse to cause and experience your own ego death, if you keep living an empty life fuelled by your ego desires, when your physical self dies, and you return to your dreamscape, it will be as empty and shallow as your life was.
You failed to beat the virtual reality game.
You failed to ascend and open your third eye.
You failed to reject capitalism, consumerism, overconsumption, materialism, greed, wealth, status, privilege, corporatism, profiteering, superficiality, environmental destruction, industrial waste, big pharmas lies, exploitation, excessive medical intervention.
You failed to accept death as the natural outcome to life versus unnaturally doing everything possible to avoid it extending your life beyond all reason.
You failed to reject prejudice, close mindedness, us vs them, stereotypes, political propaganda, religious dogma, dehumanization of vulnerable populations that need community, socialism & a universal basic income, housing and medical care -- basic needs that could be met today instead they die needlessly of hunger, starvation, houseleness and very treatable illnesses and medical conditions while you sit there willingly oblivious and obtuse with your upper middle class income, your McMansion, your Lex Coup Beema & Benz, your yearly summer vacations self turning a blind eye to all of the unnecessary suffering under capitliasm that you endlessly benefit from and refuse to call it out for the bullshit system it is that is responsible for the death of millions.
You bought into all of the carefully packaged lies and rejected introspection, because you didnt want to give up your VP spot, your executive title, your 401K, your stock options, your unrestricted stock, your luxury vacations, your sports cars, your investment portfolio, your big ass house, your clout, your impressive career, your status, your wealth, your prestige -- you bought into capitalism because it financially and materially rewarded and enriched you but you ended up mentally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupting yourself but you refuse to admit any of this because you dont want to fuck up and fumble the bag.
But all that fake stuff doesnt exist in the non-simulated non-virtual real reality of the dreamscape, so when you get there and its just you, since expanding and exploring your mind is the one thing you avoided the entire time you existed as your physical human self, you refused to look inwards, you refused to look inside, you refused to question yourself and the unjust capitalist system that props up all of your status wealth and success, you refused to get deep, to ask yourself who you are outside of the impressive job, fancy title, brand name company, fancy house, fancy car, careeer accolades and accomplishments, luxury vacations and cruises and beach house rentals, flexing for the gram, clout chasing, pillar of the fake ass church, deacon, deaconess, trustee, respected church elder, queen bee, queen bitch of every social circle, king of the hill, alpha male, alpha female, you liked all the clout, people kissing your ass, impressing people on LinkedIn, the likes on the gram, the attention, the semi-celebrity local celebrity, the social currency and cache, everybody knowing your name, the HBIC in all your cliques, the bfd in your family, board member, committee member, non-profit volunteer, recognized at church, in the community, tons of friends, tons of clout, mystique, aura, presence, bank account, return on investment, hybrid electric sports car, vanity plates, vanity life.
You never looked within. You spent your entire life chasing and fucking and sucking dick for clout.
And in the literal instant of your physical death, with all of the fake stuff in this virtual reality video game is instantaneously stripped away in a moment, you sit and blankly stare in silence and you realize without all the virtual reality simulated fake stuff, that there is no "there there", because you never took one moment out of your entire physical existence as a human to look inside, introspect and think.
That is what this current hellscape is a simulation of -- actual hell, the eternal torment of never actualizing the self.
Wake up. Life is but a dream.
Wake up so when you actually permanently go back to sleep then permanently wake up you're now permanently awake in your eternal dreamscape to dream and imagine limitlessly forever.
Dream on, dreamer 🌌
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fics-not-tragedies · 8 months
January 2024 Music Prompts: Day 11
Nobody ♫ Hozier
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Nobody ♫ Hozier x Santino D'Antonio
I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave/But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love.
Santino, a man of contrasts with a carefree attitude cloaked in an air of charm, has become entangled in the complexities of love. He met you on a rainy evening in a dimly lit jazz club, where the air was filled with the smoky allure of saxophones and whispered confessions.
You felt an instant connection - a magnetic pull that brought you two together like two celestial bodies in a dance through the cosmos. You, with your fiery temperament, seemed to match the turbulence simmering beneath Santino's debonair exterior.
One night, as you strolled through the city streets, the rain painting the world in a sheen of silver, you turned to Santino with a daring gleam in your eyes. "I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint. I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave."
Santino, his lips curving into a sly smile, responded, "But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love."
Your banter was a dance of wit and unspoken desires, a testament to the electrifying chemistry that crackled in the air between them. Santino, a man who had navigated the labyrinth of life with a laissez-faire attitude, found himself enchanted by the enigma that was you.
As the nights unfolded, Santino and you ventured into the uncharted territories of your hearts. Your love was a canvas painted with bold strokes of passion and whispered promises. Santino reveled in the unpredictability of your connection, knowing that love, like life, was meant to be lived on the edge.
You, with a mischievous glint in your eyes, often challenged Santino's nonchalant demeanor. "I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint," you said, your words a playful taunt, "But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love."
Santino, though seemingly unfazed, couldn't deny the profound impact you had on the landscape of his heart. Yourlove was a tempest, a wild storm that swept through the barriers he had meticulously built. In your presence, he discovered a vulnerability he had long guarded, and a yearning for a love that defied the ordinary.
One evening, under the soft glow of streetlights, you posed a question that lingered in the air like a whispered confession. "Santino, have you ever considered that love can be both a saint and a sinner?"
Santino, looking into the depths of your eyes, felt a seismic shift within him. Love, he realized, wasn't confined to the boundaries of black and white; it existed in the shades of gray, in the duality that made it both exhilarating and terrifying.
Your journey unfolded like a tapestry of passion, woven from threads of laughter, shared secrets and the heady mix of your contrasting spirits. You, the fire that fuelled Santino's adventurous soul, took him to the abyss of emotions he had never dared to explore.
In the quiet moments, Santino whispered his truths to you. With a tenderness that belied your fiery exterior, you embraced the paradox of your love. The two of you became two souls entangled in a dance of vulnerability and acceptance. Every step was a revelation, every misstep forgiven in the warmth of understanding.
For Santino, love was no longer a mere dalliance, but a journey into the depths of the heart, where the contrasts of passion and tenderness created a melody that echoed in the corridors of your shared existence.
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anime-simp0125 · 5 months
Lia Venegas X F.Reader
In the vibrant and bustling metropolis of Los Volmos, where towering skyscrapers and vibrant street art adorned the cityscape, resided Y/N, a young woman whose heartstrings vibrated with an ardent infatuation for the popular viewTube(I think that’s what they use?) sensation, The Awesome Ones. Days melted into nights as Y/N religiously devoured their captivating videos, her eyes glued to the screen, mesmerized by their infectious laughter and undeniable chemistry. Among the ensemble, one member stood apart in Y/N's affections: Lia Venegas, the effortlessly charming and magnetically charismatic fashionista. Lia's vibrant style and infectious smile ignited a spark within Y/N, igniting a secret crush that consumed her thoughts. Fate took an unexpected turn when Y/N's life took a dramatic shift, leading her to relocate to the very city where The Awesome Ones resided. Her excitement knew no bounds as she ventured into the city that had once seemed an unattainable dream. To her astonishment, chance encounters with the group became a regular occurrence. One fateful afternoon, as Y/N strolled through a bustling market, her gaze collided with Lia's. Time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes. In that instant, a surge of electricity coursed through Y/N's body. To her disbelief, Lia recognized her as a dedicated fan and invited her to join them for lunch. Over the following weeks, Y/N and Lia spent countless hours together, sharing laughter, secrets, and a growing connection that defied the boundaries of fandom. What began as a simple meet-and-greet had evolved into something profoundly deeper. Lia's wit and warmth captivated Y/N, while Y/N's genuine nature and admiration for Lia's work touched her heart. As the days turned into weeks, the lines between friendship and something more began to blur. Stolen glances, lingering touches, and whispered confessions painted a tantalizing picture of a future filled with hope and possibility. The boundaries they had once carefully maintained seemed to dissolve, replaced by an unyielding desire that pulsed between them. In the twilight of one starlit evening, beneath the glow of a million city lights, Lia leaned in close, her lips brushing against Y/N's ear. 'Y/N,' she whispered softly, 'there's something I need to tell you...'
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slutbuny · 6 months
I need that love-at-first-sight shit more than I need air.
I wanna meet someone and both have that instant, irresistible, one-in-a-billion magnetism and chemistry.
I wanna find someone whose every word and gesture makes me fall a little bit more in love with them until at the end of the night we both know we're made for each other.
Want that "we were gonna wait a couple dates just to give things time, but by the end of the first date we were so enthralled that the idea of going home apart was inconceivable."-type love.
Wanna be completely swept off my feet in her arms.
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90s Sirens: Celebrating the Hottest Actresses of the Decade
The 1990s marked a pivotal era in entertainment history, characterized by an explosion of creativity, cultural shifts, and a new wave of talented actresses who took the world by storm. From gracing the big screen to becoming household names, these women not only redefined beauty standards but also left an everlasting imprint on popular culture. Join us as we pay homage to the hottest actresses who defined the cinematic landscape of the 1990s, captivating hearts with their allure, charisma, and remarkable performances.
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Winona Ryder: The Ethereal Enigma: Winona Ryder's ethereal beauty and exceptional acting prowess made her a standout in the 1990s. With roles in iconic films like "Heathers," "Edward Scissorhands," and "Reality Bites," Ryder effortlessly navigated between various genres, leaving an indelible mark with her unique charm and emotional depth. Her enigmatic presence and relatable characters solidified her as a symbol of the decade's artistic and introspective spirit.
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Julia Roberts: America's Sweetheart Turned Leading Lady: Julia Roberts epitomized the ultimate Hollywood leading lady in the 1990s. Known for her radiant smile and magnetic charisma, Roberts captured hearts in roles like "Pretty Woman" and "Runaway Bride." Her performances resonated with audiences, thanks to her relatability and on-screen chemistry with co-stars. Roberts' undeniable talent and charm made her a true icon of the era.
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Cameron Diaz: The Effervescent Allure: Cameron Diaz burst onto the scene in the mid-1990s, bringing her infectious energy and undeniable charm to the big screen. With breakout roles in "The Mask" and "There's Something About Mary," Diaz's comedic timing and radiant personality made her an instant favorite. Her willingness to embrace both comedic and dramatic roles showcased her versatility and solidified her status as a 90s sensation.
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Alicia Silverstone: The Teen Queen: Alicia Silverstone's girl-next-door charm and captivating performances made her a symbol of 90s youth culture. Her breakout role as Cher Horowitz in "Clueless" catapulted her to stardom, showcasing her ability to blend wit, humor, and relatability. Silverstone's fresh-faced appeal and iconic fashion sense left an enduring impact on the decade's pop culture landscape.
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Drew Barrymore: The Endearing Rebel: Drew Barrymore's journey from child star to rebellious leading lady defined her as a 90s icon. Her roles in "Never Been Kissed" and "The Wedding Singer" highlighted her endearing vulnerability and quirky charm. Barrymore's personal growth and resilience resonated with audiences, making her an emblem of authenticity and relatability during a transformative decade.
The 1990s brought forth a remarkable assembly of actresses who not only possessed undeniable allure but also contributed to shaping the cultural fabric of the era. Their performances, unique charm, and relatability continue to leave a lasting impact, reminding us of the transformative power of storytelling and the enduring influence of these Hollywood icons. As we look back on the hottest actresses of the 1990s, their legacies serve as a testament to the era's creativity, diversity, and the magic of cinematic storytelling.
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msfbgraves · 2 years
You know, I went into Cobra Kai fully believing that I would be shipping LawRusso - and I did, still do. What totally blindsided me was the Silverusso. Like holy SHIT. From the instant Terry appeared he stole the show for me - the charisma, the charm, the magnetic presence, the psychological makeup...and then, when he decided to ruin Danny-boy’s life, the chemistry between them in all their scenes was OFF THE CHARTS. 
I hadn’t seen KK3, so I watched it and what the actual fuck? Like, nothing about Terry and Daniel’s relationship in that movie is normal - even by psycho standards. It has serious Red Riding Hood and Wolf vibes - was it intentional? What were the filmmakers thinking? Was everyone on crack or something? Was this considered normal in the 80s? This is like, the most psychosexual kids movie of all time. (And any which way, the vibe between them even then was eclectic.) 
Silverusso literally ships themselves at this point, it’s absolutely mental and deranged and I’m living for it. And the thing in, I actually feel they would be SO good for each other - if Terry wasn’t fucking evil. He ruined it for himself. (Maybe that’s why in CK Daniel and Silver so often wear complimentary colours and clothing with the blues and the blacks - the parallels connecting them are so very visually delicious!)
Well, Nonny, good to know I'm not the only one because that was basically what happened to me, beat for beat. As for the vibes, I'm putting that under the cut.
On the one hand, going by two of Ralph's works I'm obsessed with, young Terry and Cuba - I think that yeah, something was going on for these things to get greenlit. What the everloving f***. I mean I am not complaining but looking at the things they didn't modernise for CK with Silverusso, which was the D/s style seduction techniques - maybe the supermarket scene but even there ("you know you liked it," sure, but Danny boy's trying very hard not to fall for it) and he is buttering up none of the other kids like he did Daniel; and the fact that young Terry has a staff of very young boys whom he talks to in the bath - that just wouldn't fly. And then just before they made Ralphie's teenage character get groomed by an adult junkie and lusted over by his father, who also dommed him around in other ways, on Broadway. And hardly anyone so much as commented on that.
I only have one explanation and that is that if kinky things do nothing for you, maybe people just don't see it. If people try to write kink - mostly to show that characters are depraved somehow - but they don't feel it, they write all kinds of leather and whips and bondage and toys and torn fishnets in Walmart and what have you. I guess people do that, I couldn't say from experience, but you don't need any of it for the vibes. Cue Thomas, who spent his entire career Domming people on screen in broad daylight, fully clothed, no matter the film, and no one ever stopped him because no one was visibly having sex or even touching.
And sure, maybe the line with "traditional" masculinity is very thin. But the clues are always in him being both very considerate and protective - he is like this off screen too - and then jokingly pulling someone to him (he did this with Ralph when he changed a handshake into a hug) or giving a lighthearted order to see if someone will let him. Just something like "Come here, you," or "Hey, stop that" with that big smile of his, nonthreatening, you can shrug that off with a smile or a shoulder squeeze and no harm done... or like Terry, you can build that into something that starts with a soft "well done" and an arm pat and ends in the bedroom, that is, if someone is receptive to that. But that doesn't read as seduction to most people, they just let it be, while Terry was feeling Daniel up and had him follow commands without question by the end of the film...
I think the CK writers on the one hand are very aware of the vibes, hence the complimentary colours, but as Thomas didn't improvise these scenes (he did in tkk3) they read a little different. I think that if Thomas had had completely free rein, Terry would not have left Daniel at the end of their fight scene, but taken him to his house to finish what he started 35 years ago.
Also, "Terry would be so good for Daniel if he weren't evil" - I think there is a very good reason Daniel married Amanda, who looks like a young Terry in female form and is no stranger to telling Daniel what to do. And I think Terry knows exactly what kind of woman Amanda is, going by their scenes together.
Honestly I think he's flattered.
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