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strinak · 1 year ago
I swear, litrpg has the WORST lesbians in fiction
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samuelknevitzschutt · 5 years ago
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1° ano de nosso casamento com torta Marta Rocha e café Starbucks... Yummy!!! ❤️❤️❤️ #mylove #mywyfe #love #meuamor #mydarling #beautiful #beauty #loveyou #insta #instagood #instadaily #instaphoto #instagram #instapic #instamoment #instamarried #tortamartarocha #thanksgod #thanksjesus #obrigadadeus #obrigadojesus #iger #igers #shotoniphone #iphonography #iphotography #portoalegre #casados #aniversário #aniversariodecasamento (em Four Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAk-_VAgNfL/?igshid=1tr9l3uy8as00
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davidbordignon22 · 5 years ago
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7 years by your side, my feeling is gratitude, thanks for always being by my side. Love you very much!! #instafamily #instahappy #instafashion #instamarried #7years #january52020 #instalike #instafollow #instagood #instathanks (at Vitória da Conquista) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69fQKgn3XK/?igshid=3rsk120bh01h
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pohetsworld · 6 years ago
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I couldn't allow this month(July) to officially be over before i acknowledged a very important land mark in my life. I am a VERY private person, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my marriage.💍 You know how it is when you have something so rare and special, that you don't let anyone know about it, or share anything about it, because you don't want anyone getting any bright ideas and try to stir up some 💩.😂 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍 This month, seventeen years ago,(July 2002) i met a man who cares more about me than i care about myself at times. We've built a relationship i never thought was possible, and we've grown something that is unexplainable. We were planning our wedding💒 when i miscarried. It left a hole in my heart ❤, so we tried again a few months later, and behold, i was preggers with our oldest daughter! 🤰Complications happened with the pregnancy that NO ONE could have foreseen, causing us to have to tie the knott as quickly as possible for the sake of my health. 😷 We always said we would have a real wedding later on. Maybe we can plan for our 20 year mark and renew our vows? ( I'll keep everyone posted on that😁) 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍 It doesn't feel like 17 years, nonetheless, im EXTREMELY blessed and thankful.😁💗 🍻 TOO MANY MORE!🍻 #hellnothisaintforyouitsforme #comingsoon #entrepreneur #mompreneur #authorpreneur #marriage #happilyinlove #happilymarried #happymarriage #love #insta #instagram #instaauthor #instawrite #instalove #instamarried #instagood #marriedlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B0maMHPFxwa/?igshid=t68qp2m89ggy
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anike-midele · 8 years ago
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Nothing beats classic roses, We love how this bouquet is a pastel roast/red. Perfect for a summer or autumn wedding, don't you think ?.#bouquetsunday #amevents #ambrides #anikemidele #bouquetInspiration #springbride #bouquetSunday . . . . . . . . . #bridalinspiration #gettingmarried #engaged #futureMrs #londonweddings #instamarried #weddings #engagement #instawedding #shesaidyes #ido #love #fiance #diamond #weddingplanners #fiancee #igers #weddinggown #bouquets #diamond #weddingday @weddedwonderland @bellanaijaweddings @thenationalweddingshow
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I have walked passed this statue so many times and was never curious about it until I process this photo from an engagement shoot. What is the significance and what is its name? #miamilandmark #miamiyoungprofessionals #miamigroom #youngmiami #blackhairstyles #engagementphotos #engagementshoot #engagementsession #couples #couplesshoot #couplesinlove #soontobewed #gettingmarried2019 #weregettingmarried #gettingmarriedsoon #instamarriage #instamarried👰 #instalove #instapic #instawedding #lovethisshot #lovethispic #sharethispic #followme #followmeplease #likethispic #sharethispic (at Downtown Miami) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNPd8qDLkq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o1gza4tou115
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annecanalbr-blog · 7 years ago
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😍😍 Gente do Céu, Criei um amor por essa #homecenter . Quem nunca esteve no #ferreiracostaaracaju , e precisa ter uma noção de todo o projeto da casa, desde o "prego que vai botar na madeira" no início da construção, até a lista de casamento... Não tem lugar melhor! eu #superindico . Tem tudo! Preços Ótimos e Produtos de Qualidade! #incrível . . . #Aracaju #Sergipe #homecenteraracaju #précasamento #listadecasamento #planejamento #idéias #dicas #instamarried #merchan (em Ferreira Costa)
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tortozal · 8 years ago
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#TBT mi querida @villasmillorena en su matrimonio febrero del 2008! Buenos momentos! #instamoment #instamood #instafriends #instanaturelovers #tbt #instaphoto #instaparty #instacake #instamusic #instamarried #instacoolpicture (en Caracas)
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raphaelmussi · 8 years ago
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Um lugar, um belo visual para apreciar e muitos assuntos para conversar. 💑 Fotografia: @lisgf_ . . . #casalunidovailonge #armacaodosbuzios #fotodecasal #fotografia #buzios #casados #umlugar #orlabardot #riointerior #seeyouinbuzios #place #brasil #instaphoto #instapic #instamarried #photography #photo (at Armação Dos Búzios, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
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enrinkari · 7 years ago
All I Ask of You
Notes: I wasn’t gonna post this. But I let @paperhats-and-evil-schemes read it and their response was:
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So I’m going to make all you suffer as well. Also here’s the song if you’ve never seen Phantom of the Opera before. (PLEASE WATCH IT.)
Previous Works in order: Love is a Scien…tist || Heating Up (NSFW) ||  How To (Not) Deal With Feelings: Eldritch Edition || You’re Totally My (Blood) Type (NSFW) || One Word, Four Letters
Rainy days always made Black Hat restless. He couldn't explain why, but the rain made him feel uneasy, and he couldn't stay in one spot for long. Making another round around the manor, he heard noise coming out of one of the rooms. Getting closer to it, he realized it was what Flug had called a "common room," which was a weird name for a room. Flug had set it up with books, a couch, and a tv with a dvd player for guests who were waiting for Black Hat to have something to do while they waited. Black Hat prefered them suffer in boredom, but he didn't want to say no to Flug, so he allowed it. Wondering who was in there now, he hid in the shadows and silently floated in.
Flug, in a tank and pajama pants, and Aphro, also in a tank and pajama shorts, sat on the floor in front of the tv watching some sort of musical, from what Black hat could gather. Looks like they were having a movie night. A little annoyed that they were here and not working, he sighed and focused on the movie. Ah, The Phantom of the Opera. I didn't know Flug liked these types of movies. Wait until he finds out who the Phantom was based on. The movie was about in the middle, where Raoul and Christine are confessing their love to each other in song. Black Hat stuck his tongue out in disgust. He still wasn't used to the feeling of love and it still made him a little sick.
Hearing sniffling, he turned and saw tears in not only Aphro's eyes, but Flug's as well. It took all his willpower to not laugh, as he couldn't believe this was getting to Flug, but to also not curl around Flug to comfort him, as he didn't like seeing him sad even if it was over a stupid movie. At the end of the song, Aphro paused the movie so they could both collect themselves. "Their love is just so...pure!" she said between sobs.
"I mean, I feel sorry for the Phantom, but the chemistry between Christine and Raoul is just too much. They were meant for each other!" Flug sniffled, cleaning the tear marks off his goggles.
"And for him to just serenade her like that...just oof!" Aphro sighed and leaned back against the couch. "I think I'd instamarry anyone who tried that on me."
Flug laughed a little at her. "Yeah, it might be nice."
"You think Hatty would ever try that with you?" Aphro asked, getting close to Flug's face, waiting for an answer.
"I mean, I never know what Black Hat is or isn't going to do, but to be honest I don't think so," Flug replied, pushing her away. "Not that he couldn't, but it just doesn't seem like a Black Hat thing, you know? It's too...romantic? Not that he isn't romantic! Just, in his own way?" Flug sighed, getting flustered.
"Don't worry Fluggy, I understand. I'll just do it myself." Aphro stood up and started waltzing across the room, singing some of Raoul's part from the song. Flug started laughing at her, then stopped briefly when he felt something brush against the back of his neck. He looked around and saw nothing, so just shook it off and went back to laughing at Aphro.
Black Hat floated back to his office. He had some planning, and practicing, to do.
Humming absentmindedly, Flug was trying to fix a broken Hat Bot, focusing on his work. Demencia had really given her all to destroying this one when he had used it to remove her from the lab. So focused was Flug that he didn't notice the tentacles until they pulled him backwards into the arms of Black Hat. "Why hello there," Flug said, looking up at his love with a smile in his eyes.
"Hard at work as always, I see," Black Hat purred. "Think you could put this on pause for a few? I have a surprise for you."
"What really?" Flug gave Black Hat a quizzical look. "This is different."
"Hey I'm a creature full of surprises," Black Hat said with a smirk. "Go put your good suit on and be ready in 30 minutes." He lifted Flug's bag and gave him a gentle kiss before disappearing into the shadows.
Flug sighed happily. He really didn't care what the surprise was, as long as it meant some alone time with Black Hat. Forgetting all about the Hat Bot, he raced to his room to get changed.
30 minutes later, Flug was wondering where he was supposed to meet Black Hat. He didn't say, and Flug's mind was distracted so he forgot to ask. So instead he just paced in his room, suddenly very nervous about this "surprise" Black Hat had planned.
As if on cue, a portal opened up near Flug. He looked at it and watched as a tentacle slowly came through. Reaching for it, the tentacle slowly pulled Flug through the portal. On the other side was Black Hat, looking more regal than ever. His suit and hat now had gold trim, and his monocle had a gold frame around it. "You look amazing," Black Hat breathed as he saw Flug appear.
"Me? Look at you! You normally only get like this when you want to paint yourself," Flug replied. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. They were outside, the starry sky and full moon beaming down on them. They were on what seemed to be a roof, though the building was not modern, as there were no railings of any kind. Gothic statues were near the edges, equal feet apart from each other. Walking all over, he called over to Black Hat. "Where are we?"
Instead of hearing Black Hat answer, he instead heard a violin being played. He turned around and his eyes went wide. Black Hat was playing a beautiful melody, eyes closed as he focused on the music. Flug knew Black Hat could play the violin, but had never heard it himself; it was something Black Hat liked to do alone. Completely captivated, he walked over to Black Hat and just listened.
As Black Hat finished playing the melody, he opened his eyes and grinned at Flug. "So. You don't think I can be romantic, do you Flug?" he asked.
"What? No! I know you can be!" Flug went into worry mode. "You're just romantic in your own special way not in the traditional sense which is fine I don't care either way I real-"
"Shhhh." Two tentacles slowly came out of Black Hat and took over playing his violin. He pulled Flug close to him and placed his hands on Flug's hips. "Just slow dance with me, my mate."
Flug was glad there was no way anyone could see him blush, because he figured if they could he'd be red as a tomato right now. Who is this Black Hat, and why is this just everything? He rested his arms on Black Hat's shoulders and leaned against his chest as they swayed to the violin. Listening carefully, Flug realized that the song Black Hat was playing was Christine and Raoul's confession song. Closing his eyes, Flug started to hum along.
Alright Black Hat. Now or never. Prove to this human how fucking romantic you can be. Even if you are going to vomit later when he isn't looking. Quietly, Black Hat started to sing Raoul's part of the song.
Then say you'll share with me One love, one lifetime Let me lead you from your solitude
Flug, gasping, opened his eyes and looked up at Black Hat. Black Hat looked back at Flug with nothing but love and admiration as he kept on singing.
Say you need me with you here, beside you Anywhere you go, let me go too My Flug, that's all I ask of you
Near tears, Flug picked up Christine's part.
Say you'll share with me One love, one lifetime Say the word and I will follow you
They stopped swaying and pulled their bodies against each others as they sang together.
Share each day with me Each night, each morning
Flug whispered the next part, his heart racing.
Say you love me
Black Hat leaned down and gently took Flug's bag off.
You know I do
They touched their foreheads together, finishing out the song.
Love me, that's all I ask of you
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anike-midele · 6 years ago
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It's a Good day to have a GOOD day. May your week be as gorgeous as this Autumn warmth they call October. Wishing you all a blessed and happy week ahead !! #makeITCount #amevents #ambrides #anikemidele #AutunmBrides 📸Pinterest . . . . . . . . #bridalinspiration #gettingmarried #engaged #futureMrs #londonweddings #instamarried #weddings #engagement #instawedding #shesaidyes #ido #love #fiance #diamond #weddingplanners #fiancee #igers #weddinggown #bouquets #diamond #weddingday @weddedwonderland @bellanaijaweddings @thenationalweddingshow (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpO5IUKB9oi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ikw6xgdiilh5
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rozaliafashion · 5 years ago
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Cześć i czołem 😘 Wiem, że lubicie kiedy poruszam tutaj tematy przygotowań do ślubu ✨ Dla mnie również są to wyjątkowe tematy o których mogłabym rozmawiać godzinami 😜 . Coraz bardziej tym żyję! Zostały 4 miesiące i 29dni ... 🥂 Coś tak czuję, że stres będzie z dnia na dzień coraz większy 😂 . Jednak przygotowania idą pełną parą i cały czas coś się dzieje ✨ Tata robi ozdoby z drewna, mama plecie makramy @slubnysplot ✨ a ja cały czas zamawiam nowości 😂 Tym razem @adreamtwig i piękne ozdoby do włosów oraz biżuteria ✨ . Ja już wybrałam swoją biżuterię ślubną, a Wam która się podoba najbardziej? . . . #adreamtwig #pannamloda #pannamłoda #przygotowaniadoslubu #przygotowania #ślub #wesele #wedding #slubneinspiracje #ozdobadowlosow #slub2020 #bride #bridetobe #slubneprzygotowania #slubrustykalny #bohoslub #wianekslubny #magicinspirations #weddinginspiration #slubnezdjecia #magicwedding #rusticweddings #rustykalnewesele #wczymdoslubu #instagood #instamarried #instawedding #butyslubne #kolczyki #kolczykislubne (w: Wodzisław Slaski, Katowice, Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7B39J7j2kP/?igshid=w448ndcqduqy
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jenwaltersesq · 5 years ago
What’s the point of the Bachelor if they don’t get instamarried at the end?
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lygend · 9 years ago
I watch this video of @morrofmaya92 everyday, because I do know what she does for me she is beautiful well beyond her physical beauty your amazing baby and I appreciate how you love me. 😍😍😍😘😘😘❗️🎉🎉🎉👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 #instafamous #instabeauty #instagorgeous #instalesbians #instawife #instamarried #instagay #instamusic
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