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Sending some #snailmail out each day to brighten mailboxes. 💌📬 #happymail #outgoingmail #penpals #sendmoremail https://ift.tt/39cWIRL
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Have you voted yet? #vote https://instagr.am/p/CG5PdJxJu76/
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Grace Howell said she was “only Mrs. during the month of December.” She lampworked glass dressed as Mrs. Santa Claus in the window of the Manhattan Savings Bank for a decade of Decembers. Learn more on gatheringacrowd.com! 🔥🎄 Grace Howell as Mrs. Santa Claus, 1963. Source: The Joint Digital Archives of Fanwood & Scotch Plains #gatheringacrowd #itinerantglassworkers #mrssantaclaus #igglass #glasshistory #gracehowell #flamework #lampworking #windowdisplay #christmas #glassart https://ift.tt/2PauYWZ
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It's that time of year when I'm usually checking out lots and lots of books from my college library. I'll be taking classes remotely this year, which is safer by far but a little sad given that it's the final year of my MA program. So I thought I'd post this photo of my library book stacks from last fall. 📚 . It shows *only* 55 library books: a pretty modest amount, by my standards! 😆 I'll miss studying and browsing in the library, but most of all I'll miss the amazing librarians who keep me and my fellow classmates supplied with the most obscure titles on our must-read lists. Now I bombard them with requests for ebook versions, which they are almost always able to fulfill, much to my delight and eternal gratitude. 💚 @slclibrary 💚 . For anyone else in school, supporting someone in school, or working at a school (from preschool through PhD programs): stay as safe as you can, wear a mask, and good luck this year! It's going to be a weird one, but we'll make it through. 💕 . #covid19 #backtoschool #remotelearning #gradschool #gradschoollife #womenshistory #gradstudents #mastudent #librariesofinstagram https://instagr.am/p/CEy35zWp1yA/
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I’ve got stacks on stacks of memoirs, biographies, and novels about women circus performers in my #tbrpile. 🤹♀️ Last semester I wrote a paper on how scholars described women itinerant glassworkers and circus performers in their work. Now I want to learn more about these women and how they spoke about themselves! #circushistory #tbr #circusperformer #tinykline #mabelstark #agneslakehickok #josephinedemottrobinson #lillianleitzel #cirkusbrumbach #womenincircus #bookstagram #igreads #stacksonstacks #currentlyreading https://ift.tt/374rfjD
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“I believed I was born to posthumous greatness. I often imagined myself more famous when dead than when alive.” - Heidi Julavits, The Folded Clock #currentlyreading https://ift.tt/32UJnLB
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“Since I have casually alluded to a Michigan mud-hole, I may as well enter into a detailed memoir on the subject.” - Caroline Kirkland, A New Home, Who’ll Follow? #currentlyreading https://ift.tt/3381GMO
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“She walked out of the water, climbed the rocks, and leaned against the gazebo. Nice hat.” - Toni Morrison, Beloved #unreadbooksclub https://ift.tt/3biLsWj
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"Strictly private!" So begins the diary of Lydia Olsson, a diary that led me to Sarah Lawrence College's Women's History graduate program. Read about my journey to becoming a women's historian on slcwhblog.com. One of my new roles at SLC is as editor of the Re/Visionist (the Women's History program's online publication), alongside the delightful @mariiphilly, @hanhanmccancan, and @sidwegs. You can keep up with the publication via @revisionistslc. ----- Lydia Olsson and her siblings, c. 1890s. Seated, left to right: Mia Olsson, Anna Olsson, Hannes Olsson. Standing: Lydia Olsson. Courtesy of Augustana Special Collections. https://ift.tt/33ZoA9E
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What comes to mind when you hear the name Madam Nora? Perhaps a woman, draped in colorful fabrics and jangling bracelets, reading a fortune over a crystal ball or channeling spirits at a seance? Nora Allen, popularly known as #MadamNora, was a traveling entertainer who used glass in her act, but there were no thumping chairs or dire predictions. Instead, she conjured fantastical sculptures made of glass, like the animals and ships. Allen led a troupe of #itinerantglassworkers for several decades as they traveled around the Northeastern United States. --------------- If you're curious about Madam Nora and other itinerant glassworkers, check out my new project, gatheringacrowd.com (link in bio) --------------- Collection of the Rakow Research Library, The Corning Museum of Glass, CMGL 132079. --------------- #travelingglassworkers #lampworking #glassart #glasshistory #flameworking #rakowlibrary #gatheringacrowd #glassonthego #igglass #popularculture #popculturehistory #glassblowing #seeglassglow #rakowinspired #itinerantglassblower #glasssteamengine #torchworking #womenglassartists #womeninglass https://ift.tt/2Z7WSZq
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"We were the slow accretion of the days, built up, like the coral islands, of innumerable things." - Josephine Johnson, Now in November . . . Johnson wrote this book about a family struggling through the Great Depression when she was only 24, and proceeded to win the Pulitzer Prize for her work (women won all the Pulitzer Prizes awarded that year). . . . I would definitely recommend this book. It's an odd, solemn little read with a dark thread running through it, but also moments of beauty (especially when she's describing the natural world). https://ift.tt/38AxIDB
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“There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made.” - Willa Cather, My Antonia #currentlyreading https://ift.tt/317pu3F
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Nella Larsen's Passing - what a revelation. The book follows Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry, the former an active member of the black community in Harlem, the latter attempting to pass as white and the wife of a virulent racist. The two meet after many years, setting a chain of events into motion. It's at once beautiful and devastating. Absolutely a must-read book. . . . Taking Lyde Sizer's Women, Culture, and Politics in U.S. History class is the best part of going back to grad school. I have discovered so many amazing women writers, read books I've been wanting to read for ages, and am finally in a class that combines literature and history effectively! If you follow me on Goodreads (link in bio) you can find all the books I'm reading for this class and a history craft class on my "SLC Reads" bookshelf. https://ift.tt/2VBxOYH
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Currently working my way through These Truths by Jill Lepore. Looking forward to seeing her speak on campus next Friday! #whatimreadingwednesday https://ift.tt/2TeA0Tc
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Living that acid-free life. 🗂 #archivistsofinstagram https://ift.tt/2nuYUSe
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Happy last day of the semester! No, this is not what campus looks like right now - I took this photo on my first day of work in early September and keep forgetting to share it. I only wish it was as warm out as this photo suggests. 🥶 In addition to going back to school, this fall I started a new job as the Project Archivist for the Barbara Walters Collection at @slclibrary. Yep, that means I’ve spent the last three+ months looking through stacks of celebrity photos, promotional materials, and videos of the shows Barbara Walters appears on, including the Barbara Walters Specials, 20/20, and ABC News. (Why is the collection here? BW is a Sarah Lawrence graduate.) It’s been pretty fun, especially since I get to work with a great team in the College Archives and the library! #librariesofinstagram https://ift.tt/2Z8iNgM
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