cbmchannel · 2 months
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Inspiro - Hurricane (Inspiro Afro Groove Remix) https://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/04/inspiro-hurricane-inspiro-afro-groove.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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inspirox · 10 months
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panchicha · 11 months
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flamingcreature19 · 1 year
Leo, you are on the cusp of something new. Perhaps you just started a new job, are embarking on a new journey of self-discovery, or are entering some other kind of new life chapter. But despite this fresh start, you may feel as though your past is still gaining its lead on you. You are standing still in your shame and old mistakes, terrified of making them all over again. Here’s the thing, Leo: Your past is behind you, not ahead of you. And no matter how many times you look backward, you cannot fix what has already occurred. You need to forgive yourself for your former blunders and step into this new beginning with hope.
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movedtohypnocus · 1 year
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where were you when the world ended?
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conobarco · 1 year
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bueno dibuje a un messi slut 😌
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ficklesprite · 10 days
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Quote of the day
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codgod · 3 months
i was gonna tryhard on jumpstart artist and see if my tablet would work with it but i couldn’t find the pen jhvsd
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 3 months
When you write a line that it makes you scream into your pillow, giggle, and kick your feet
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belial-ford · 1 year
Dibujamos a mi
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aricastmblr · 8 months
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Antes - Ahora
Jimin tatuajes de Lunas
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inspirox · 10 months
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snowfrozeon · 10 months
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movedtohypnocus · 1 year
hes pushing 40 hes a redditor hes a criminal he is married to a jackbox character hes a silly rabbit hes babygirl material hes a cyborg spy he lives in the middle of the ocean on an island he abandoned his child by accident only to find them years later adopted by a smelly god
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crowsandfrogs · 2 years
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I found this image in the public domain through wiki commons and i went ham once I thought up the concept.
Babette’s being shown, a brothel, without the stigma often attached to it and then having Babette, the owner and runner of it help to vi in arcane mean so much to me. I thinks she has far more depth than shown adn I loved the ways in which her brothel and office differed from other zaun backgrounds and areas in tone and color. I love it.
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saviorpilled · 1 year
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(not) sorry for this one
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