#inspired by the flu ive had for the past 3 to 4 days
Au where Danny starts to destabilize like Dani did but in a vastly different way. His destabilization was brought on by a modified virus his parents had created that affected him and Vlad as Halfas but had no effect on normal ghosts or humans.
Frostbite told him it would be an easy fix. All they needed was a large portion of DNA from his parents and they would have him fixed in a jiffy.
After tricking his parents into donating a significant portion of blood in a fake blood drive, Danny went back to the Far Frozen and gave them the blood. After testing to make sure it would work, he was informed that there was no genetic match to either blood sample and the procedure could not continue.
This is how Danny learned he was adopted.
He, Technus and Tucker showered the internet for any genetic matches in any labs or genealogy sites only to turn up empty handed. With his condition worsening by the day Danny grew desperate and borrowed the Infi-map to lead him to his parents.
Needless to say, he meets the most terrifying goth furry in the multiverse who called himself Batman. He tried to talk to him only for the man to say "No metas allowed in Gotham" and Danny knew he wouldn't be able to win a direct fight with this man in the state he was in. Talking was out and fighting was a no go. His last resort was trickery and thankfully he was good at that.
He stalked the batclan for days until he caught a lucky break and one of them was rushed to a little clinic. Danny was overjoyed to discover the doctor kept spare bags of each heros blood in case of emergency. Danny didn't have the luxury of time to figure out whose was whose and just grabbed all of them except the one the doctor was already hooking up to the wounded vigilante
Now he just needed to find his mother. Things became a lot more complicated when the coughing started. His stealth was pretty much shot and he would randomly fall from his flight and start turning to goo. Danny was running out of time and his mom happened to be an amazing fighter.
Catwoman seemed to realize Danny was dying and asked if that's why he needed her blood. If he was an unstable clone or something. He nodded furiously, his mouth too full of extoplasm and blood to speak properly. A little white lie wouldn't hurt. Plus, the less people that are trying to shove thier way into his afterlife the better. And he had a feeling that if either of his parents knew they had a kid out there they wouldn't rest until they had him.
Catwoman agrees to come with him to the operation and donate her blood to save him on the condition that he doesn't pull any tricks. Phantom readily agrees. They make it just in time for the Yetis to stabilize him just enough for him to be able to wait for Selenas donation to be ready.
Meanwhile the bats have discovered the missing blood bags and are freaking out.
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