cherylebannon ยท 6 years
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Day 15 of 21 days in my art world challenge asks how I name my paintings. Like everything to do with art, for me, it is an intuitive process. Sometimes the name pops into my head as I am working on a piece and I just know. Other times I sit with an image and see what feelings it holds and what I am connecting with in the art story. I will often begin an art story in my head so I am in the art piece and so the name comes through. Sometimes the art story needs to be written so the words and image form something new and the name becomes obvious. Inside Art Storytelling is integral to becoming the art and knowing the story messages it holds for me. How do you name your art? Is it the image or the combination of the name and the image that pulls you into the art so you can begin to discover the story from the inside or are you busy analysing and forget to open to the messages waiting for you? If you want to know more about Inside Art Storytelling go to bio link. @taraleaver #artname #WIP #insideartstory (at Carnegie, Victoria)
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