#insert that one “where did the years go” spongebob clip
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magimcull · 2 years ago
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"I see a coward, running from the wrath i wrought from my own brother, a selfish deserter." || "I see the mark i scorned unto the earth as i rose again with hatred, a burning revenant."
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the-lost-media-blog · 4 years ago
Deleted scenes and all that jazz!
Today, I’ll going over scenes that were cut from movies/shows/even comic for reasons and if they’ve been found or not. This won’t be as detailed as my Saki post was, mainly because there’s a lot of ground to cover, but I still hope that you enjoy!
‘Land Before Time’ & ‘All Dogs Go To Heaven’
I placed these two together because: A) both are made by Don Bluth and B) the main reason for why most of them were cut was for being ‘dark’.
Let’s start will ‘All Dogs Go To Heaven’, as that list is shorter than ‘Land Before Time’s list.
‘All Dogs Go To Heaven’ has one found scene while the other is still lost. 
The found scene is Charlie (the main lead, German Shepherd) having a Nightmare of him in Hell! With the devil, little demons biting at Charlie, and a river of straight up blood!
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Any ways, the scene was originally slightly longer than what ended up in the theatrical cut of the film, but it got the cut to avoid getting PG rating (back when it meant something) and stick with a G.  This scene has been found, and has been edited with clips from the theatrical scene into one clip, and the link to that scene is below, though the added in sections are of lower quality as they were recorded on something else:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr7khtV7GAs
The completely lost scene is a scene of Charlie getting RUN OVER WITH A CAR. (insert failing gif I entered above here).
The original scene showed the action happening, as opposed to just showing the aftermath. People thought it was found back in August of 2020, but that was found to be a hoax in October of the same year. 
Don Bluth is the only one with the extended cut of the film, and it’s on him on whether or not it gets shown to the public eye.
Now ‘Land Before Time’ has a ton of scenes cut! One of which could have been Little Foot (main character, dinosaur)’s dying, the extension of the fight scene is cut though. Fun Fact with that, they had to get Child Psychologists to watch that scene as to what they should do with it, and that screening is what lead to the narrator and the character named Rooter to be added.
The actual cut scenes include an extended chase scene with the Sharptooth, an extended intro to Spike, dinos not sharing their food with the young heroes, an added scene, a travel montage, and a lot more but there’s a ton!
The studio was responsible for the reason why 11 whole minutes were cut from the film. They were so worried about scaring/traumatizing the children who would watch the film with their parents. 
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At this moment, only the cells of the scenes have been found which is a shame because some people got all up in arms about making children scared. But in my humble opinion, fuck them kids. Make your movie the way you want to!
CURRENT STATUS:  ‘All Dogs’; Partially found ‘Land Before Time’; Mostly lost
‘A Death In The Family’- Robin Lives ending
Some context for this is, back in the late 80′s there was a Robin named Jason Todd whom was hated by some fans, he did have his own, but not as much as Dick. I’m not sure of the exact reasons, maybe it’s because Jason wasn’t the much beloved Dick Grayson.
Regardless of the reasons why Jason was so hated, DC made the move to set up two call numbers for fans to call in and vote. One number for Jason to live, the other number to let him die; end of the day it was a publicity stunt that ended with Jason being sweet, sweet worm food. There also a rumor or something that someone called multiple times just to kill Jason. But in the words of John Mulaney: 
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Before the call-in poll ended DC wrote up the endings, and the ‘Robin Lives’ ending got some-what done before the ‘Jason Dies’ ending won by 72 votes. Only one page got finished (from what I can find) meanwhile the others are uncompleted, but here’s a look at what could’ve been:
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CURRENT STAUTS: Partially found
Admittedly, there’s a lot that could go wrong when it comes to Television. Lost Episodes, Missing Pilots, lost audio and dubs. But, this is on Deleted Scenes, so lets just go with SpongeBob as the little yellow guy has a fair amount.
SpongeBob SquarePants deleted scenes
There are some edits made that cut lines and scenes. But I’ll go over 5 here today, one of which is a fake ‘deleted scene’.
An example is that on the first airing of the episode ‘Shanghaied’ there was a poll done to show which character (Squidward, SpongeBob, and Patrick) gets a wish from the Flying Dutchman. The first airing showed the endings that lost before the one that won; now when that episode airs it just displays the winning ending. But you can find that segment on YouTube to see the other endings.
‘Just One Bite’ had a scene where Squidward breaks into the Krusty Krab for a krabby patty, but at the front door there’s a bucket of gasoline which falls and then gets lit by a match causing a fire; in 2002 that bit was cut and you just get a zoom-in on the krabby patty vault. Now there’s a rumor that the scene was cut due to 9/11 (even though the episode was aired on October 5th), but the real reason is so kids don’t get the idea to mix gasoline and matches, you know like idiots! Here’s some screen shots of the scene and a link to the video I got these from:
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But those all examples of confirmed edits, here’s a list of unconfirmed edits. 
In ‘Clams’ the name of the lipstick SpongeBob wore was changed slightly to say  "Actually, it's Coral Blue Lipstick number 3" instead of  "Actually, it's Coral Blue Lipstick number 4". Why this was changed I have no clue.
In ‘The Fry Cook Games’ the end shot was changed from them holding hand to them holding shoulders, the reason I found was to remove hint of homosexuality to avoid controversy. Which is odd, because that’s not the worse thing that could be shown on TV, because ‘Shanghaied’ was aired earlier that year (both versions) in March, and that episode ends with the thought that the Flying Dutchman was going to eat the characters, also handholding is something that is normal for people to do, especially friends. 
There’s rumors that ‘I Was A Teenage Gary’ had a transformation scene with Squidward near the end before the cut to the fence moonlight meowing ending. The reason this rumor exists is because the transition is a simple wipe effect without the traditional bubble wipe. Some say that it could be seen in a different country, that I forgot the name of, unaltered. But it’s been debunked by someone uploading the premiere of that episode onto YouTube and there was no transformation.
CURRENT STATUS  Partially found
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shawnpetermuffins · 6 years ago
Pictured with You (iii.)
A/n: I wanted to insert a little more Connor in this one, so here we go.
Summary: Connor thinks y/n and Shawn are getting too close and thinks they need to slow down.
Warnings: some fluff, some angst, and a lot of flashbacks
Word count: 2.5k
The bus is quiet except for the soft clicks of my keyboard as I edit some photos, and Connor's occasional sigh when he can't fit a clip with another. Everyone had gone to bed hours ago, but neither of us were willing to stop working yet. Connor claimed his footage and ideas were "too exciting to put off until morning." But I just wasn't quite ready to sleep yet.
"Your knee is still pretty banged up," Connor mutters, looking up from his laptop.
I look down at the rough scab and run a finger over it, wincing. "Yeah, I probably should have taken better care of it after Shawn cleaned it."
"Hmm… I don't know why he was the one to clean it anyway."
I think back to the night just a week ago, when I was so determined to get the perfect shot, that I tripped and scraped up my knee pretty bad.
I don't even notice it, really. At least not at first. It's not until I feel that little bit of wetness on my jeans that I realize I might have hit something. And it's confirmed when Shawn comes into the green room, high on adrenaline. He reaches for me, like he does after every show despite the dirty looks from Andrew and Cez (who I'm assuming knows about Shawn's supposed promise to not try anything), but he stops short when he notices my leg.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?"
I brush off his worry with a dismissive hand. "I'm fine. Just fell when I was trying to get a photo. I got it, by the way, and it's definitely my favorite."
"Uh huh, that's great, hon. But you are really bleeding," he's on his knees in front of me, carefully trailing his thumb around the raw skin, seeing as the scrape also tore my jeans. "Does this hurt?" He pushes gently around my leg and I wince.
"Fuck. Yeah."
He sighs, "sit down."
"What? Why?"
"I have to clean it. It might get infected."
"Connor," I shake my head. "He was just being a good friend."
"Y/n, you can't keep saying that's all it is. I know what you look like when you like someone. I was once on the receiving end of it, remember that?"
"Fucking obviously, Con. And bow did that end for us?"
"We're still great friends," he tries to reason.
"But do you remember how long it took for us to get back here? We didn't talk for months. And no offense, but I'm not willing to lose my friendship with Shawn because I might have feelings for him. After what happened with us, I can't risk that again."
"So you do like him?"
I cross my arms over my chest defensively, "Yes. But it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna do anything about it."
"Other than lead him on?"
"Excuse me?"
He chuckles bitterly, "Nice hoodie."
"Don't." I give him a pointed look.
"When did he give it to you? Was it on one of your late night adventures?"
"How did you-?"
"You're not as quiet about leaving as you think you are."
"You're a dick. You know that?"
"I'm not the one playing with my friend's heart. Wearing his clothes, sitting in his lap when you think no one's around, sharing drinks, picking off each other's plates, sharing earbuds, falling asleep on each other, kissing foreheads and cheeks."
The more things he points out, the angrier I get. At myself, of course. Because he's right. This has gone way past unprofessional and I hate that I've let things go this far, knowing full well that we shouldn't be doing any of the things that we do.
"Do you see how this looks? Frankly, you and Shawn are lucky Andrew hasn't said anything to you guys yet."
"It won't get to that point," I mumble, shifting uncomfortably in my seat, suddenly too hot in Shawn's hoodie.
"I hope not, because I would hate to see you lose your job because you let your feelings get in the way."
"It won't happen," I say again.
He sighs as he watches me shrug out of Shawn's youth hoodie. "I'm not doing this to be mean, y/n. You know I love and care about you. That's why I'm saying this. I don't want to see you or Shawn get hurt."
I nod, "I know." I clear my throat. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
I sigh and turn back to face him, "Yeah?"
"You know I love you, right?"
I chew the inside of my cheek and stand up, fixing my shirt. "Yep." I grab my laptop and go to the bunks where I fully intend to cry myself to sleep.
The tears fall silently once I'm settled in my bunk. Thinking about how much Shawn and I are jeopardizing not only our professional relationship, but our friendship too. I can't be wearing his clothes like it's nothing.
I walk out of the bathroom, freshly showered and the boys all turn to me, Shawn's eyes stay locked on me longer than Brian's or Connor's. And there's no masking the big smile on his face.
"What?" I ask quietly, sitting next to him.
"Nothing, nothing. You just look cozy, that's all." He pulls gently at the strings and boops my nose.
I scrunch up my face and get comfortable in my spot, legs underneath me as I scroll through Instagram.
And I wish I didn't know what Connor was referring to when he said I can't be sitting in Shawn's lap.
But we really did think we were the only ones in the room.
We're in his dressing room and Shawn's pulling his pinky ring on and off his finger over and over again, barely breathing, but letting out a loud sigh when he realizes how long it's been since he last took in air. It's hard to take pictures of him when he's like this. Anxious and fidgety. So I put my camera beside me and take his hands in mine, knowing that physical contact is always what helps calm him down. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.
"What's wrong, bub?"
He exhaled deeply, letting go of my hands only to place his on my hips, pulling me down to his lap. "I don't know. I just can't think straight." His head leans forward, resting against my chest.
I wrap one arm around the back of his neck and tug softly on the curls on the back of his neck. "Well what are you thinking about?"
After a few seconds of silence, I can hear him mumble into my shirt. "Sound check was a disaster. And I haven't been able to reach my mom all day. My sister went on a date and I swear to god, I will kill that boy if he tries anything with her. And I really miss my dad because he's always telling me that it'll all be alright." He pick his head up, "and have you noticed that Connor's always staring at us when we're together? It's like he has some type of radar up when we're near each other. And he like… doesn't stop until one of us leaves. It's weird right?"
I let out a nervous chuckle, "wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were everywhere."
"Shh… just close your eyes." I tilt his head back a little bit and get off his lap. He protests though and brings me back, this time straddling him, eyes still closed. I know I should, but I don't fight him on it. "Okay, I'm gonna do this thing my mom used to do when I felt restless as a kid. Just focus on my voice, okay?"
He nods, his hands resting firmly on my hips, keeping me safe against him.
And it's not like we intended to share drinks! We just both ended up getting something the other person liked.
"What'd you get?" Shawn asks, taking a sip of his smoothie, his nose wrinkling a bit after he swallows.
"They said it's piña colada. But all I'm getting is the pineapple. What'd you get?"
"Strawberry kiwi."
"But don't you hate kiwi?" I ask, taking another sip of my drink."
"I'm trying something new. Sue me."
I laugh when he coughs after a large gulp. "You don't like it, do you?"
He shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Want to try mine?"
"Sure," he says and we switch cups. He hums in content, holding the cup just far enough from his face to stare at it the way people apparently do when they try something they like. "This is really good." He drinks a little more and I take the opportunity to try his - which, by the way, I like a lot more.
"If you want it, you can have it," I manage to say with a little smoothie still in my mouth.
"You sure?"
I nod, "I happen to like yours more too."
He just laughs and holds the cup out for us to cheers. I smile knowing I can't deny him. He makes it a point to shout out "Clink!" when our paper cups touch.
"I swear you're six years old," I mumble into the straw.
He mocks a pained expression, hand over his heart. "I am hurt. Truly devastated that you think so little of me."
I shove his shoulder, shaking my head, "Shut up!"
And until Connor brought it up, I didn't think there was anything wrong with the way Shawn and I picked food off each other's plate. We like the same food, it's not like Brian wasn't stealing fries from my plate too. What? Was I suddenly trying to get with him as well?
"Shawn, turn your face to the side real quick," I say, holding my camera up to my eye. He's stuffing an overly ranch covered fry in his mouth, but turns anyway and just as I hear the shutter sound, I reach across the table and steal a fry myself.
"I saw that," he says with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I respond, covering my mouth as I swallow.
"You have your own fries, you know?"
"Ah, yes. But mine are cute and curly, like your hair. While yours are straight and normal, which, if you ask me, always taste better when they're not yours."
"I think all fries taste better when they're not yours. Let's test it, shall we?" He hands me another fry from his plate and takes two from mine. He's nodding before he even puts them in his mouth. "Yep, definitely confirmed."
"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scold him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," he mimics, hands on his hips as if trying to recreate one of the many spongebob memes that have surfaced over the past couple years.
I'm quick to snap a picture of his figure and can't help but laugh out loud when it pops up on my screen.
"You know, I think it's you that makes everything better." He says seriously after I put my camera back down.
"What are you talking about?" I reach for his plate again and he doesn't even try to fight me, doesn't look down at my hand. He's just staring at my face, taking everything in. I suddenly become self conscious under the impromptu surveying he's doing and turn my face away from him to chew.
"Jesus Christ, your beautiful." I don't think he meant for me to hear that, so I pretend that I don't.
And for sure, sharing earbuds isn't flirtatious, right? Connor's just making a big deal out of nothing, trying to make me question everything I do around Shawn as if we aren't functioning adults who can make our own decisions… and mistakes.
"What are you listening to?" Shawn plops down beside me, hair wet from his shower only minutes ago.
"Dive," I mumble, scribbling a couple of sentences down.
"By Ed?"
I only respond with a soft yes because I'm on a roll with the story I'm writing and I know if I stop not I don't get that flow back.
"Can I listen too?"
I take out one earbud and hand it to him, never looking up from my piece of paper. Out of the corner of my eye. I can see him bobbing his head, and since one ear is now free to listen to the world outside of the music in my head, I can hear him tapping the table to the beat.
"Don't tell me you need me… if you don't believe it," he sings to me, holding his hand out to me, like a microphone.
I roll my eyes, but hold onto his hand ready to sing the next line. "Let me know the truth… before I dive right into you."
"I could fall, or I could fly. Here in your aeroplane."
"I could live, I could die, hanging on to words you say."
"I've been known to give my own, sitting back looking at every mess that I've made."
"So don't call me baby… unless you mean it."
We continue alternating lines until the song ends and we have stupid grins on our face despite the judging stares from Mike and Zubin.
I'm smiling like a child when Imagination comes on next and watch as Shawn grows increasingly more red. So I start singing to him.
"I keep craving, craving you. Don't know it,but it's true. Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you."
He's shaking his head and takes out the earbud. I don't stop though. I sing the song, in its entirety to him, laughing continuously through every verse.
I wipe at my, no doubt, puffy eyes and turn on my side, facing say from the curtain.
Falling asleep was never the intention. I fully intended on removing myself from him once the coffee started to kick in. But the coffee never did do that. And I felt myself drifting faster and faster. It wasn't until we were at the radio station that felt a soft pair of lips on my hairline, peppering the skin with gentle, almost nonexistent kisses. "Mea vita, time to wake up, y/n/n."
I grumble softly, lifting my head just enough to rest my forehead on his. Without so much as a second thought, I press a kiss to his cheek, smiling sleepily. "Thanks for being my pillow," I murmur.
He brushes a strand of hair from my face. "Anytime."
I nudge his cheek with my nose, still half asleep, choosing to ignore that gnawing feeling in my stomach that is telling me that this is wrong. Dangerous, even, for our friendship. "Let's get to work, my cute little rockstar."
I sigh deeply. I'm gone for him. Completely. And its gonna hurt like a motherfucker when this spark - that is currently burning like a wildfire inside me - dissipates, leaving nothing but debris and loss in its wake.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @anamariel2301 @turtoix @tomshufflepuff @ivegotparticulartaste @dino-16-avocado
PWY tags: @lifeoftheparty74 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @alinaxxshawn @rosesfromcth @bodacious-5sos @sweetheartmendes
I hope you guys are enjoying it to far! From now on PWY is updating twice a week! I hope you're ready for this mess.
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