#insert Taffy Emotions(tm) time
musubiki · 3 months
how would coco react if she realizes she's fallen for taffy?? :0 (also i love your ocs and art!!! both are so fun and unique, im super invested in the world you've built 💖)
ooooo honestly i havent even thought about this that much!!! in my head i always see her being soft for him, especially post-timeskip, so i never spent a lot of time meditating on like....The Moment she knows....
i imagine her realizing would be very very slow, not all at once...starting with small things like thinking his fruit obsessed was kind of cute, the desire to wear his old jacket even though she has plenty of her old clothes, teasing him a lot with little pokes and touches, getting jealous about the fucking fruit stand girl or something, that slight tinge of disappointment when mochi asks taffy and lime to handle something instead of taffy and her...
AND KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ALL AFTER SHE KNOWS HE LOVES HER!!!!! hes told her before and as mention in some older posts, taffy doesnt have a filter when it comes to saying romantic shit he just. says it. in front of everyone and thinks its normal.
so maybe at one point shes chilling with mochi and mochi asks if coco actually has any feeling for him too or hes just a friend to her and she honestly cant even answer because she hasnt spent any time thinking about or acknowledging any of those feelings
but shes definately the type to be like "Do I like him like that? I don't know, maybe I can test it to find out" and then goes up to taffy like "Hey I need your help with testing something. Can you like, hold me gently?" in the most deadpan, casual tone ever, and taffy thinks he heard her wrong
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