toras-muse-cabinet · 4 years
~For the sleepy ones! Repost & Fill out!~
Name: Amato || Loup
Ethnicity: Cat? || Jackal?
Residence: Hollowed out Tree (both)
Average hours of sleep: 4-15 || 5-9
Type of bed: Hammock || Mattress on the floor.
Amount of blankets: 1 Thick One in Winter, 1 Thin One in Summer || 4 at all times
Amount of pillows: 1 || 2
Type of clothing: Oversized T-Shirt or Night Gown || Nothing
Do they sleep with company?: Yes, Each other
Do they sleep with plushies?: Sometimes || Only the One
Do they sleep better with company?: Yes, Each other
Does it matter where they sleep?: No (Can fall asleep anywhere) || Yes (Can only sleep close to the ground)
Frequent dreams, nightmares?: Dreams a lot when together. Nightmares always when seperated
What do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: Practice Name Signs || Rearrange blanket nest
Deep slumber or naps?: Depends on the day || Usually deep slumber
When do they wake up?: Tries to get up at 8am, sleeps in sometimes || 8-9am
When do they sleep?: Tries to get to sleep before Midnight, sometimes doesn’t sleep until 4am or passes out at 8pm || Tries to go to sleep at 11pm but often ends up awake if Amato is still up
What could wake them up?: Any loud noise. Loup shaking their Hammock || Any loud noise.
Tagged By: @musingchaos
Tagging: @preygeteatenbypredssfw @orbviously @adventuresinzoopark or anyone who wants to do the thing
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toras-muse-cabinet · 4 years
//Who's better at building tech/machinery/devices and/or vehicles?, Canon!Tails the Fox or Amato the Cat?
Definitely Tails the Fox. Amato can do some basic repairs and knows enough about machines to take them apart without breaking any of the parts but they’re no engineer. Unlike Tails who is absolutely a little boy genius engineer.
Someone else made their translation gloves, I’m still debating if Tails made them or if I’m going to write Gadget the Wolf back into the AU as the one that made them.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
🎀 + Knee: Strangeness & Curiosity + 🎀 + Arms: Protectiveness + 🎀 + Wrist: Pet / Friend [From Crystal towards Amato and Loup]
Amato smiles blushing a bit as Crystal ties the bows.
Loup is practically a tomato not knowing how to handle someone wanting to protect him and be his friend.
Tumblr media
“Thank you very much Crystal. I hope we can be friends forever.”
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
I : I LOVE YOU. does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say? [Loup n' Amato]
Amato shifts a little at the question frowning a bit. They slowly shrug a little as they sign carefully.
“It’s hard, from an emotional standpoint. The sign itself is very simple, but emotionally I worry people won’t find it as romantic coming from a hand sign or a robotic voice.”
Loup fusses with his tail, brushing it roughly as he tries to avoid the question for a bit. He finally speaks when Amato elbows him.
“S difficult. Especially after all that crude with the Doctor... I always had a hard time feeling romantic stuff for people but now? Now I gotta whole other can of worms to worry about. I dunno if I’ll ever find someone I can say it to. Least in the romantic sorta way.”
Amato nods smiling and clicking off the collar before signing something in Loup’s face much to his embarrassment. They click the collar back on to sign again.
“We can say it platonically to each other just fine”
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
What’s the worst blackmail that you’ve ever received? [Loup + Amato]
Loup: People tend to use the fact he’s Infinite against him which he really really doesn’t like!
Amato: I’m not sure Amato has been blackmailed in recent years but when they were in school I’m sure some particularly mean kids tried to use their friendship with Loup and their Mutism as some sort of trump card on them.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
When Loup and Amato want to hold a private conversation, do they just sign, or are they a pair of friends that has that 'secret friend' language thing?
They usually sign or if they are around people who also sign they will text. It’s not really often they feel the need to talk privately when they are out and about. They usually talk about private things while they are home so they don’t have to be secretive about it.
When they were young kids they probably had a made up code language to use in school but gave up on it after they left school
They do probably have a handful of signs/gestures that aren’t a part of sign language that are just silent signals to each other to coordinate in a fight but no big secret language anymore.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
What do they like that nobody else does? [Loup + Amato]
Amato really likes weird food combinations, or to eat things straight that you usually would only eat with other food.
Loup likes really obscure niche video games, the kind of stuff that’s the passion project of some kid they only work on on weekends at their Dad’s place.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
I’ve just been thinking about what Amato and Loup’s relationship with the rest of the cast would be and for the most part they aren’t actually friends with the main cast?
Sure Amato helped end the war, but they weren’t trying to be a hero. They just were doing everything in their power to bring their friend back. From their point of view they don’t really deserve to be friends with the ‘real’ Heroes because their goals were in part very selfish.
Loup probably doesn’t dislike the main guys but he’s not exactly clamoring to become their friends after everything he did. He’s aware that like half Sonic’s friends were once his enemies but that doesn’t change his mind that he’s not wanted as the main crew’s friend. He also might have some tiny bitter feelings against Shadow even if he knows it’s not fair.
So outside of crack posts, neither of them have any solid relationships with the main cast. Amato might have an emergency contact number to give the main guys a heads up if they find something hugely important (Like a Chaos Emerald, or a clearly active Eggman Base) but they very much value the fact it’s an emergency contact number and would only ever use it in an actual emergency. Not only just in an emergency in general either, specifically an emergency that could affect the world as a whole. So Amato could be severely injured themselves and not use the contact to get help.
None of this is to say it’s impossible for the two to become friends with muses of the main cast, but just there’s not much in way of pre-established friendships from their end.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
✨Lavish: What would you do with a million dollars? [Loup + Amato]
Amato practically drools at the mention of so much money, oh man they could buy so much candy.... and other necessities but candy. Their shake their head before finally answering the question, hands signing quickly.
“Buy necessities first, then some things we have wanted but could not afford. Nothing crazy just sweets and maybe a new gaming console with a couple games. Then put a fair amount into a savings account for an emergency fund. The rest towards rebuild efforts.”
Loup is still trying to recover from the mention of so much money, he just nods in agreement to Amato’s assessment.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
🐭 - Favorite Rodent Pokemon? [Loup + Amato]
Loup is laying over Amato fussing with his phone trying to catch something in Capsulemon Go, he glances at the notification asking them their favorite rodent-mon and snorts a little, “Hey Amato what’s our favorite rodent capsulemon?~”
Amato doesn’t even look up from their gameboy advanced, which they are replaying Sapphire on, their tail just baps a pair of Plusle and Minun plush toys at the head of the bed.
“Yeah Plusle and Minun are the superior rodent-mons and also the only good Pikachu clones.”
((Mun likes the bunny pokemon who are all technically not rodents but get lumped in with the rodent mons. So Plusle, Minun and Bunneary-line))
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
Amato: =.=
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
ZZZ [Amato and/or Loup?]
-Amato prefers sleeping up off the ground in some way, be it a hammock or sleeping on a tree branch. It’s pretty rare for them to sleep any other way, almost exclusive to them sleeping directly beside Loup or being completely burritoed in a blanket.
-Amato’s been known to draw their Wispon in their sleep if they are having a dream about the war. Once, exactly once, Amato went to sleep with a wisp in the wispon and long story short Amato & Loup don’t currently own a tent anymore.
-Amato often needs to take something like Melatonin to get any sleep at all but they refuse to see a doctor about it. They are sure once enough time has passed from the war their sleep will return to normal on it’s own.
-Loup prefers sleeping close to or on the ground. He doesn’t trust himself to not just roll off the bed in the middle of the night since he’s always been a fitful sleeper, so he safe guards by not letting himself sleep more than a foot off the ground at any time.
-Loup really loves sleeping under the stars, if he had the option to do that every single night he would but since often the Weather does not agree with that plan he instead sleeps next to a large window so he can look out at the night.
-Loup will never admit it but he sleeps way more peacefully when Amato’s in the room with him. Something about his best friend being within arms length allows him to rest and not think about the time he was Infinite.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
💛 [Crystal towards both Loup and Amato. Because yes. XD]
💛: Loves them platonically.
Amato wholeheartedly agrees.
Loup embarrassingly agrees
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
Loup/Amato- Papaya Whip - How honest are you?
Amato and Loup exchange a look when they read the question. Loup is trying really hard not to bust out laughing immediately. He sits up a little grinning, showing off his sharp teeth.
“I tell the truth, fuck if it hurts someone it’s the fucking truth~ The only person I’d tell a lie to is Amato n that’s only if I was plannin a surprise.”
Amato scratches their arm grimacing a little when they realize they have to answer now. They sigh a little signing.
“I am much more likely to tell little white lies to avoid drama. Nothing major just... sometimes the argument telling the truth would cause is not worth the energy.”
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
☯: What do they think of 'good' and 'evil'? [Loup and Amato. Because after everything the two have been through, I honestly wonder what their takes on such things are. ^_^]
Amato frowns at the question rubbing their arm looking out the window thinking for a moment.
Loup however immediately snorts leaning his head on his hand.
“Good n Evil are just one note labels you slap on the people you like and dislike respectively. ‘Oh Sonic is so cool he’s good’ ‘Oh Shadow is so edgy he’s evil’ Fuck off. If life was really that simple it would be so much easier to thrive. People don’t work that way. Even that mother fucker Doctor Robotnik wasn’t just fucking born bad. I dunno what the fuck made him go absolutely mad world domination and destruction levels of bad but he wasn’t born that way. Hell maybe in another time another world he didn’t go mad and he’s the ‘hero’ n Sonic’s the ‘bad guy’ It’s all a load of crap. Most people do good and bad, they are morally grey…. ‘s something I’ve been talkin to a therapist about. Everyone is capable of evil…. ‘s just something you gotta accept.”
Loup folds his arms on the table burying his face in them. Amato reaches over to stoke a hand through Loup’s hair soothing him for a few moments before removing their hand from his hair so they they can sign.
“Loup is right. Life is too complicated to sum up in terms of good versus evil. I mean just look at so many of our now Heroes. The Commander, Knuckles, wanted to maim Sonic at one time. Silver, one of the resistances greatest assets, came to our time to kill Sonic. Just to name a couple of instances, I believe half of Sonic’s allies were once his enemies. People hail me as some hero when all I was doing was selfishly fighting to get my friend back. Perspective is very important to keep in mind when one wants to label an action as good or evil. Knuckles thought he was protecting the Master Emerald from a dangerous criminal. Silver thought destroying Sonic would prevent the future destruction of the world. What drives a person to do their actions is what truly determines their character, while the actions can still be considered evil the person themselves can not be written off as such without further investigation. And even if their motives were evil, the goal should be to reform them not just toss them away to rot.”
Loup lifts his head shifting and capturing one of Amato’s hands, sighing as he mutters.
“Neither of us really think of ourselves as good or evil. We are people doin’ what people do, survive. N as long as we aren’t causin harm to those around us is that really so bad? To just survive?”
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
cobwebs: are there textures that bother you? [Directed to Loup/Amato. Have fun! ^_^]
Loup: Ironically... webs.He hates spiders webs and cobwebs, the stringy feeling makes his skin crawl. Spiders are the only bug he’s somewhat afraid of, though he manages fine with the smaller ones.
Amato: They aren’t fond of slimy textures, even if it’s 100% sterile/clean they really don’t like it because it reminds them of snot.
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