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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_ ⓪⓪⑦ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗡𝗲𝘂𝗿𝝾𝗻 Typeface Used - Cyrano - 二〇二二年二月二十日 第二次手術後隨著腦水漸漸消退,重回康復之路的爸爸感覺像重開機的電腦,可以與我們有簡單的對話,但很多記憶都在重組中,有時候很正常,有時候感覺卻像另一個人。 常常想像他腦內正在進行的是什麼活動,是否在他昏迷的時候有另一個靈魂住進了他的身體?很多問題醫生也沒有正確答案,變化莫測的神經令人難以掌握。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 20th.Feb.2022 It was the Hydrocephalus causing Dad to behave like a stroke patient. After the second surgery, he was finally back on track to recover; however, everything about him was like a reset computer having memory glitches. Sometimes he would say something clever as he was normal while at other times he could be totally nonsense. At one point I had this strange feeling that he might not be the same Dad, wondering if his brain could be taken over by some spirit while he was in a coma. The neurons are so fickle that even the doctor would not be able to know the whole picture under the surface. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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Me and my mates did a little trolling on the HL discord. He’s still there, I’m banned.
Insendo is my mate btw he’s not a transphobic ass lol
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big-dick-moneybags · 2 years ago
Hi! I’m a friend of Insendo s, who’s the person who posted the ‘trans person scary’ thing in the hogwarts legacy discord server! Me and him did this a couple of nights ago when we were in the server to troll! He didn’t mean it in any way, and I as a trans person said that it was cool if he did it as a joke! He doesn’t want u to take it down, but I would just like to add this for context! He’s a really great person, and I just want to make sure people don’t think he’s a bad person. I hope u have a great day! If you want proof of this btw, you can check my tumblr blog cause I have some screenshots of me and him trolling.
I deleted it from my blog so I can’t edit the post (I didn’t think about that before I did, sorry. Haven’t had too many posts blow up before) but I’ll reblog it and add a screenshot of this message. Ag, hope it’s not causing your friend too much trouble
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reveiling · 10 years ago
I followed your botom, I please have a blog rate? :-) x
URL: 10/10Icon: 8.5/10Sidebar: 9/10Theme: 9.5/10Posts: 8.5/10Overall: 9/10Following: No, sorry! c:
Comments: It's a nice and clean theme, lovely blog ^~^
New followers to my January BOTM can message me for a solo, screenie or a dbr c:
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪⑧ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗣𝗖𝗥 𝝩𝗲𝘀𝘁 Typeface Used - PowerGrotesk - 二〇二二年三月一日 疫情期���在院的陪病者一次只能有一名,離開醫院再回來就必須做一次PCR篩檢,在與家人輪流照顧父親的情況下,平均每週要篩檢一次,篩檢站總是大排長龍,常常和疑似有確診的民眾排在一起等,早已置是否確診於度外。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 1st.Mar.2022 During the pandemic time, only one companion was allowed to stay with a patient. It was Mom, sister and me looking after Dad in turns. Every time going back to the hospital required a new negative PCR test proof. Taking PCR tests had been a weekly task for us. The test station was always full of people queuing, and I was among them without knowing if anyone was tested-positive. I did not seem to worry. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness.
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪①⓪ ∕ ⓪②① 𝝩𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗹 Typeface Used -Baskerville - 二〇二二年三月三十一日 感覺像走進一個未知的隧道,不知通往何處,不知要走多遠才會到出口,只能繼續不停的走著。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 31st.MAR.2022 Feeling like walking in a tunnel without knowing where it leads. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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𓇚 тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ Typeface Used - BROKAT / Veltor / Poppins / Self-made typeface - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - A series of posters inspired by my father’s illness portraying the state of my mind over the past year. - - -
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iiinsendo · 1 year ago
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譫妄症 Delirium (急性意識模糊症狀、日落症候群、加護病房症候群) 是一種突發性的大腦認知障礙,好發於六十五歲以上的高齡住院病患身上。 症狀: 急性意識混亂、突然對時空產生混亂、失憶、注意力不集中,無法與他人正常交談、昏睡、日夜不分,甚至出現幻覺及妄想等、情緒極不穩定,病情常到了晚間益發嚴重,又稱「日落症候群」。 - Delirium is a type of confusion that happens when the combined strain of illnesses, environmental circumstances(e.g. being hospitalized for a long time), or other risk factors disrupt brain function. It is more common in adults over 65. Delirium is a syndrome, not a disease. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪⑥ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗖𝝾𝗶𝗻 Typeface Used - Sygma - 二〇二二年二月二日 因為無法自主排出腦水引起腦水腫, 第二次手術在爸爸頭部裝了可自動調節的引流管 - 屬於自費項目要價六萬, 媽媽說 : 「人窮生不起病。」, 如果人生是一場遊戲,玩遊戲需要錢。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 2nd.Feb.2022 Dad’s Hydrocephalus was caused by his inability to drain the water from his brain naturally after the first surgery. An apparatus, which cost £1500, was implanted in his brain to help take care of the issue. “Impoverished people cannot afford to get sick.”, Mom said to me. If life is a game, playing games costs money. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪⑤ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗚𝗮𝗺❪𝗯𝗹❫𝗲 𝝗𝝾𝘆 Typeface Used - Karmatic Arcade / Synchro LET - 二〇二二年一月二十日 好不容易在農曆年前找到一家地方小醫院願意收治爸爸(環境不是很好但至少過年有個地方住),在這待了一週,每天的生活就是照顧三餐和簡單的各種復健,術後的爸爸表現得像中風的病人各種表達都很不明,常常很難確認他的狀態。這天發現爸爸在掉淚,驚覺不對勁而急忙將他轉往原開刀醫院急診,發現有敗血症&腦水腫而緊急動了第二次手術,每次手術對家屬來說都是一場賭局。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 20th.Jan.2022 Though it is usually a hectic time close to CNY, we luckily found a local hospital to accommodate my dad. Every day there was like just having three meals a day and doing some very light exercises for rehab. After the brain surgery, Dad acted like a patient with Stroke having obscure expressions; therefore, it was hard to know about his condition. Suddenly I found him crying which seemed very not right. We then transferred him to the original hospital for an emergency where he was found with Septicemia and Hydrocephalus requiring a second surgery. Every surgery is like a gamble for us to take. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪③ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗥𝗲⚊𝝗𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 Typeface Used - Self-made Type - 二〇二一年十二月二十八日 轉到普通病房的四天後是爸爸的生日,雖然他還不太能動,頭腦還很不清楚,我們準備了一個小蛋糕幫他慶祝重生之日,早日康復。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 28th.Dec.2021 Today is Dad’s birthday. We got him a cake to celebrate his surviving the difficult surgery. Not sure if he was with us as he was still very weak but happy rebirth day to him. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness.
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪⑨ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗡𝗮𝘀𝝾𝗴𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝝩𝘂𝗯𝗲 Typeface Used - Cascadeur Round - 二〇二二年三月二十日 術後的很長一段時間爸爸都是用鼻胃管進食,好幾次他都會無意識的拔掉鼻胃管,常常一覺醒來就發現鼻胃管不見了,或一個轉身拿個東西回頭發現他鼻胃管又不見了..,問他為什麼要拔,他都說不知道。媽媽和妹妹常常被氣哭,我是被氣到很想就讓他餓個幾餐,沒辦法只能無奈的去拜託住院醫師來幫忙裝回去,看了好幾次裝的過程感覺都很痛苦,因為常常裝不順管子會從嘴巴跑出來,護士建議我們睡覺或暫離時把病人的手綁在床桅,但綁了他好幾次他還是能拔,到現在還是很納悶到底他是怎麼辦到的,後來護士分享了一個鬼故事 - 曾經有個病人雙手被綁著,護士離開病房再回來時看到他人不在病床上卻站在床邊,這些病人術後都會逃脫術是不是? - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 20th.MAR.2022 After having brain surgeries, some patients would have trouble eating with nasogastric tubes, and so did Dad. Wearing the tube feels uncomfortable so many patients would try to remove it consciously and unconsciously. I had no idea how many times Dad had removed his tube without being noticed, as every time it was so quick. Sometimes it was like a second when we just turned around to fetch stuff then the tube was gone. Installing nasogastric tubes is a tricky and risky job so the nurse suggested us tying up Dad’s hands when we were away, in case he removed them again. Once a nurse shared a story that she had tied up a patient’s hands and then walked away. When she came back she found the patient standing by his bed with his two hands freed.. Could these patients stop playing the bloody escaping trick? - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪④ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝝾𝘁𝗶ᑦ Typeface Used - Uncut Sans - 二〇二二年一月四日 健保政策規定一般個人不能待在同一家醫院超過一個月,爸爸的狀況還無法回家照顧,我們必須在短時間內找到醫院轉院,同時日趨嚴重的疫情爲照顧工作帶來各種不便,好多事情卡在一起,一陣混亂啊..。。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 4th.Jan.2022 Due to the NHS policy here, one can stay in the same hospital for no longer than a month. Dad was not good enough to leave the hospital’s medical care. We had to find the next hospital in a short time; meanwhile, there had been many difficulties brought by the pandemic. Disaster. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪② ∕ ⓪②① 𝞠𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝞑𝝾𝘆 Typeface Used - Impact - 二〇二一年十二月九日 手術後的爸爸看起來像獵人裡打完尼飛比特後報廢被治療中的小傑,待在加護病房超過兩週,只能每天祈禱,希望他醒來。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 9th.Dec.2021 After the 10-hour-long surgery, Dad was admitted to the ICU remaining in unconscious until Christmas Eve. During the time we prayed every day. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness.
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪① ∕ ⓪②① 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗜𝗻 𝞞𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝝾𝗻 Typeface Used - Helvetica / Self-made typeface - 二〇二一年十二月八日 時間應該是抽象的,當你觀察它的時候它才是真的存在,這裡的時間感覺像是達利畫的時鐘,手術燈的字體若可愛一點,緊張的氣氛會不會少一點點。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 08th.Dec.2021 While waiting outside the surgery room, I saw the iconic melting clock by Dalí. Here time does not fly. Perhaps it only exists when people check. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness.
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iiinsendo · 2 years ago
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✎_⓪⓪⓪ тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ Cover Typeface Used - BROKAT / Veltor / Avenir / Self-made typeface - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - A series of posters inspired by my father’s illness portraying the state of my mind over the past year. - - -
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