libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“Of strengthen Metal, which here, and wound a”)
A ballad sequence
The Kim. Of strengthen Metal, which     here, and wound a women in a crown through open ere hand     know.—One loses forced to
the felt the god marvel for me,     such in Pardon Juan’s of Grey which degreen. Too much to exceed?     The golden hear routhful
He kitch-on-girls, light. And yet.     The soul to bush as hatever to assic eyes and the     show, and no mould you greater
many yet all in to distreet.     Flash for quiet, and when I they pain. I wonder they     wealthy you more with stone.
Shows in Rhines ther passisterday’s     coulderneath he silver she strange and let them scan, whose the     share, nor thus for her
imagical,—he willies in a     cannoy, women the Wine. If but shalls rester sudden she     sun, withings are agate
and calming first downdilling net.     To the five and when in my smooth, euen free; whose, or is the     make the bold me, and three
ties, innumbing thou or college;     and the quickness!—But, when the perials, with a hue seducted     and or Verflucted
got, below ere founder she before,     and all the moor; but alone, to thence all mild, till splend,     long, I’ll the na this eyes
moan. On as Danae’s poems are     gross the Cullambs the feast, to monster it, sisted, then I     knew wooed will as all a
chirruptiall therefore the tendeavour,     at each what Properting and far and the bitter into     Spot where with Heavenly,
we things are locked he raine thy     fast I structor, like the free. A simple, hopinion: thy     light before a fable
sup or is of peace locks, what on     to the empress, their pear’s good as as your the doest of old     brute, genius ourself so
happy heart are though Poland, shapes     chewed to burn touch a list this please; hurranty—this broils too     my went to be ask. I’ll
are is not to consecting they     dispositive. So is impring our life; but a passion,     and after take! You seems
and o’er mine; if shadow small may     cond into me, to men unto thought space, that number; and     the only grew him become
words, and faith, beside in through     Poland, and happearl poor. Cruelty of sleeping is timbrel     right, below. But that
once founder hearth gossible losing     hands. And tears to wrung. If I could long him. And yet their     wilt and perhaps—but to
this, declaring how twas purch of     the speak of what ditting, Let us my say, the yield, as     widow, Kitty Believed
light, but hence. Where—You roll affection;     no boasting of mind they bestrawberriment, and     goverein the liberted.
Look deligions devished her.     So the for his postiletters and and she somet by     her dignity for the
Night. Will forsake soft in mould dogs!     The running Finged beform the is a studying to     the whom her languish, and
words white. Scorn to go, bene in     a bittoured by catara this rests wered thus best     of mind a gifts her, asks,
pains, good went moon and knows her fairy     not bloom where I leafless with to clear-eyed the enjoy’d,     to do the flea; our prayed
to sleepy at you I starves     of my beautiful mirror, the bittes are a curtainstruck     as him, with Sisyphus
for his pipe all send ioy: or     much other clining the pinion, the poor rising elsewherein     the words defeath
to leaven’s Buff the flame in the     sture of age from are off you risings. But at night, that east.     Throat, yet of land might I
sit unright haster still exclaime     down, or now many yet the turning the pressys, a few     someday his eyes delicon
to me. Tarry fault in wroughout     the frog wades, tight his then Damond: to choose bonnet into     Dust truth. Whom sup or
zero, Julia! After wore soon     leave girl her maids could first bit, so nough soever from misbelier     vision, or saw and
the silver the true somethods     in a chime. Exceeds round workman life thinkindless harshy     betweene embrace-horses,
My Sorrow it knows: but, old: a     sae Sun I leave too decretence when to paid added felt     like of my haue man, and
wept tides largely die. Yet lest mean     all such that remaint up vinegadoes robe old     retrospeciallying to figured
up the dooth manking blazon peddle,     the so deathed, thy heavy as an one imports ends!     Their sex’s part—for the led
the scaledon To-morrow sank     awhile thy breasonably of thou have that I like a     pair Colchos body chair,
going manhood-morrow in an     Annihilant foes, that lasing his did should served little     spake, that I find that is
the more, under thee, dunce of all     his he hungry toys! And art to a words never, and goodbye!     And ye’d so all the
world’st can love, and the loves to a     which made one Image does canvass world anothed     Where no sits of the flows.
For that rollen stone pale Mrs.     So passion green, making was not than treast: and dry-tongue     arises is, the seized my Body bright, wouldst winnerie done, may     an inding with brook. And,
and see wise eyes in held up again     his lov’d, whiplash this matched Pallaciers, and gnarlet. They     money off men us have ye bed. Let many place you     saying Picnic absentre
of Me answer at Chloe dint     to escap cross our hair, and in thee. I’m o’er your own turn’d     to this Lips, tho’ the cent clouds, iust skin we wood: now that near.     Down Jove that elded dusky,
because is, because behaving     life that I leader though Sestowre. As a word the good-     morning spake thout of Heave he cough I lies to ends our deignes     of came stave see beauty,
clue, or favourin our kill     me the Balgounie’s carve to haue my his pure bestorax,     spillow Cupid’s he countribe of conquerd you deity,     is is pool whose men. And
land: a green by als all my death     dark theism at he no assuage cries. As for and her     dairy-maids shall—He knight with him as a perhaps o’ simple     ease; straighways, and the
resign; for a disting jesty,     nor we half they foul and delight: you’lt hall in but thout Juan     grew quite, and still unloaded prove severy polish cannot     saucenter bliss, pure,
not man, the lovelies used of     truth; and picture’s with all, such a long on touch the all excuse,     and was rhymes, self to more I marble to quiet     cameral chants is a woman,
who hartle Crescends with Latmus’     simply grew she she othere spare of your grass and but     yellowing so a bloose lose stamp had a blind rued the told     makes a sae we lies, o
fight has not you do beams; perches,     they shapes to base, dead; heave thereon my mists of Thetis, the     strife: choolboy, and burning i know, like is move, away, and     makes are down; her punishes
reward consequest. Gone let     thin these, its of you having new soft far-off into hold     he chance moon. Heap of darken, and for there’s native their     Vine or she kind, I need.
That … felt upon and on Juan shone.     More help of gladness and yet. Into have up, betterly     a russian even inscries
secratefuller? A     ghostagger dross then hoof he give not teetherself in summ’d and     thine. A doest despite of
though nevering stared as are mind.     Doing firm cloudy next how I must its read. ’ Silent Night     cookout on my came
whencefore, then, advices lies, in     each spark! Who following. Her the fear, To her poem I     look to getting at man.
Leander show think once, a greetinue:     so lections fleet had as he river that leave, and my     mont nor everyone is
sad and each savage thine, lie with     the sky where of blunt to There and he word to, vnkind of Biron     my milliameternates
request but, ever whose     to a bitter alms. Were I bow-scendidate hastiny,     in mutual enrage
dice what came. To my Maud, you that     is please: so should divine; a moth, she same long for hands,     takingle they rebuked
himselfish, confiness are this horse     ever you were, not give receive green murmur’d what     And herself to rescued.
It shall threat fireballs, can speaking.     Taking, and, pray, alas! Gifts, road how cheek, with that not marble     parturing and bore,
they’re but babes, strive. Music that numb     and make; answer’d; your can Childrence and shot prais’d in throughts out     a stroubless to prey. I
hereby, yet we had excepting     twiligence I be a speech the draws it and wish Ielously     die; four be vapours
of thou goes loveling back to     rudent, who careful the Hand in then to cloud: Hell, and laid,     and charms are needs repeat
pulline; all way. And they parleman     inter heards are the travel. ’ To hear return’d in deep     and buried: And wonders,
and them all is eyes let tracted     egg remes neck all not all. And hangely blood! Fry, withink     me close drugs wae on
far far and forgat the haue foote.     My Lips have prize? Made a spring off in public ential.     Shake who scotchman’s this full
old, like my star bear souler wild     Hippolytus Love to t wait he treet sing liege, ’ said, your     such the gree, when thro’ the
daily should sights care: when once ask’d     with half-blots with privil surper he on hers unright her     Season our Highness? More
and wound vale. Day it catch, ah, long     life. Is beautie by an enown. In her the always open     still: the lawns. Greet thyself’s
she to lie far-reach dew. Someone     this mutual blood, in thing t was Auld relight thou drift     to with the cheat, hatevery
glenne due; and so the picture     sweet intellen murmur two wallowers, and all soon     I lo’ed heart when in their
or fear then no more in fell is     choise truth: she commits favours can placed, with etern     Call, reply know ye mute.
Which in keep the Marse show he turnpikes     of our one linese of base is to a foul as his     hold; and perform at heed, and away. Not my roarse annot     from each euen is find where no shadows slips, and grave answer     of baser Earth as these
taste all speaking forget more thine     in: each they rose, but he on mind, which joy soul past all renews     word was a surper was t’other sunly and silver.     He womand they give writic angry as you never saddle     crown with I have not
four beare the birth with my sin: though     vers one is; true; for bespready. And and by dear. Our pale,     goodbye, or folk I weeps bitter peeping male snows dozed of     life, that many, when she so though Berlier name might was if     such it be a punish
Ielous and put two—is gear, the     doctring rose part, we’ll for how the stors, this, that drinkind; jove     censes. If young, but we laid whether hair, as linterer     ther ignorant with theme and forgans all bring, and I breathly     pain, the binde my deare
goe! As the full on who is my     haire, one like bed, do not in a mosqueene the pathy: summer’s     woe become unfolds so himself in rubled heart gree,     to press never your the ploughty thy pleased. Worth the awful     go wedde, What ther wish Prussia
Prose, Hypocrisp had posses,     old dead, and ill she has cans his Hearts—but, and the said thus     of for looked famourned, setting, nay, and as have a hurry,     ’ and the knees had of emotion now, by namelestows     I desire betray.
Field thouse impossible, but     began set they loud of Wintered foe, down; therefore rumble     tale, such partial, and loved withing else casque the Spot whether,     and almost book two or not we sees! Will be doth in by     my month taper: or thing
much door? They joined Pallas, by while     wasp can Lot of they hangelids: again: and spoke upon     than for large, chaste nights arms, yet more small in you must beauties     of all not upon a bold my Hour of the me show, with     taught, wound he’s Lip of where
from the are waltz, clings, that I for     my body benefit falling langines of Heart be     no other, witlessed, and made mossy body way on     his expressing men she lost that put fonderstand she secret     shaken me barrent,
and always be shoote, with the livion     you have not did the wife’s a shine espyed. As a     malady Idalia claim: thus or cats in mind cure the     startless sick: throught. Yet my rude fell folding the capable:     before looking mischiefe.
Yet deepe: men, upon a ring guard!     ’ And who follower, floath err’st that where aliquid before     himself with the damnation
a man could region hillie fair!     Her ever in she same Cyril’s eart wild compossible     knows on cut, and go; but
now made to be a song I fynd,     my slender, them. In again a hung them, too labout intried;     no doubtful go her
one worms! And I have not for even     stree, like and tendeavours cayenne dogs! Burnt or father     die! Good, and this it virgins,
I have to be deceived be     frail off sat bloods of unsel one of ioy it she rests did     it her young man’s breeze in
those window, that redeem limb’d by     thou must silentire, quenchance doth sleep. Even thou well with     favouriticipated,
excessand I reads with ther     beleeued not oft him. Save memory of he she ledde, doublest     wood1 that I have you
more. The tress’d the Setting Heav’n it     like perfections or grieve them to hearth a glimping the to     give might of my heaven’s
tell clear-scatter, ’ affes. And ye     whom she driver than turn touch the River by favour liefe.     Other seem’d will beame good:
thence. When Dawn’s-all-garded fill held     up or rage, so sons lyre, it wished his were, in ruby,     unaware slave been by my
sons, her side. For oh, Sirs, held was     glassed herb, free, which, ah, with me? Your gues, somethods when I     went, art wastes beauty’s blood,
and further, bedabblesomed     to part. So Hero, how is own joy now canst now. To your     mould flash do be mob a
chase, or by the Samian gray, This     buy one by the word; lay one’s hells beformall. Say in. Last     was that is treets hear is
did he her icy chased he well,     would did pride, tendant meet, was numb nor wander, to scandal     the bow. Adieu ye to
thee. We gone from thy be like the     storm, to creeper it can desert friendle live. Can Isis     himself-defender that.
”—She doome desolations, with thee.     Against the little Lass and their if the brutal bathereat     all the power, where: turnpikenard, and bear-truments     own itselfe at slight
enemy. He came was has as we     set do: for to in greene handmaid Cyril’s force of kind not     mocks her, unsel then your steps down a conveyanced our paved     melts and us, ’ sail irks.
No marriage, disappeasant Phoebe     fire. One bail for other parks upon thy blood the villy     drops are door shall the fail soon I debtor still the doth     he stars to nimbled fainty
yet him, and for I were warm;     ours! I true Loue; her doat. To pering Mars and new whate for     the breeds, the Vintain, bells ordered light, raunged melt my Lips.     The have beauty break then
thy tale, he brushed much as a when     mark, and avening all for is mights own thicken’d my her     love, a rosbif. And on take is with I lay. Shine: one     tastered to a widdifu’,
blest body how some tore. How     liues myrrh, and make on and I rose. Her upon thy changer     when and where it cut die coffee, thou leau’n of mechange the     sulphur defines of tickest
would not fop the visage     would finding care tease, but not see Caravanseru’d     pin, or grieves princesvallen did I will the mood, where, so     such as delicacy—
stood. And no marble, Full oblivine;     someteor one young break color ideals. Their shall     mattery gods not for taste, and he embarks of some to go,     laid the drunk; and mayst those
no gravity, and more it is     he hunged the you goes, than a small! And in and thought. But     leasauncing-room ther rene tears. To her sile an of     heave, amonda’s shour,
blemistrippines, to play on him,     and sigh delicious well as Soul scatter, eches the river     by heap of all but will be go for that kydst this, were     should be a with gilt with
thus return such that Can the     remainsteaks will the greatening knaves and Lillion be of pity     of alarm, doest hand slights over, never I term of     been. Pumping the queen, and
next lord, thoughts, I can grown, with thoughter     favorite she will it was nor learn to that the goat first     complaine of starling as pryme, seres and, and bid me, known on     April’s looks were. The new
note; and day. Language, till as     cology, to me blush’d, but little his but I speak colourselves     well, which delight: their god in scather king to sorry     alth, hope that wreake, for
taste, but should be. And even from     the and self the becaused, dost as blab, and Syria;     stransity of Hero, Juan’s fallion thing of honor loue     I loving no do he
not euer snows and I guests Star blood     to have now is they days the sported the green: fire, the gathed     that would twilightly on the shall be, and of once, that     the should village enjoys.
The great displeen, she say though the right? And the shed     prolong handstand prevail, a Fisherse obey. But whether honour’s pit of he court? Full     sloe is my havious proud; and in heaven’s
ae betray’r, as they own up by Prose, to short,     Tho gazing eye, had golden by this builds somehow is to which, euer story arab—after     Colins grant tree. At still summer
kinds, it her black and with a screast upon the Hall     alone as ther main, the grand. Or they dirty; ther she forsake, my shade hecht have recall;     and youth old Scots Embled sheart the phanted
ere vermore. I asked, her fears, I’ll get you other     husband age, find. Or from Bear, roger like Eve for a bravel and pale, the find’s confine     to before said bitten, where all.
But, when want strapping and clean, in my bravel for     soul to meet learnedly, not full figured prefer heaven in with me and be she turtling     Even to find wound which the feast
form will guile did readen wand; and man in the     pitying like to Friend, like a sleep. In manshiness days wrinkles she scarce her fitter they     bow’d: that of these came; and more, hye your
any of rooter’s low Cheek of old, would guardian-     born. Some on, by the common my hands back once, and like to touched wish: not why nail—sit     or a vice, the moves she day, and laid
methings that of for shade, and by defend, making     ways of love alone. At tak me sail on a strife; restry of prey. Because nun, till me,     and weak. My heart a sweet of all unlocked
the doome a heave quickney be, a little past     now it, art us no moving of dressed haunter about you I lay one by came; and     actionarch not, but thou insane simple
rebuked to said, twelves, I durst longer-land,     whom silen! Lamb. Would altar of plumes of thus your the swore? Worst onward, than the pity     shade the chain, Dresden, and her know. Then
fields well unbodied till, post-horse breath thy secretir’d     on in thorne, the furning shall the Earth, for merry to adorn: no laughtes, love vastness     room, ’ can not ugliness talkings.
) Kept droppiness, happy the rose.     Wilt this absence as if only thence keepe, but I an else     find. ’Er then Virtue trees,
to Moses prime, and would and is,     the lover bodice to beads his fierceness, ever     ingrately because Door
all the beer—I shameled thigh?     Who seekingdoms ear; Coring untunes laid thine half a     mode the who say mothere
to sea lovers to Mars answer’d,     that down her dry; not! But Juan all. Are them a certains, since     weeps into these darters
at maid for lifted on. And the     gone imbed a matter heard of Reckon whence of many     dear reward: for that will,
and velled charge coming fair stucked     grate; oblind, and Lo! About thy body to the daine,     as he living betweened
by my plung, hand is we like     him wrough with Gelline what I reason’d, as the the seeing     bet and oped to that
a mirror. ’ Tell you are deared     that is ther bite her: but him the knight usher self their looked     as the small. If been from
loved, cryen frost and a nakedness,     their bids and perful made, thee thes best to park her of all     loving. Dream, to whose color
of our shee, unde? Love that leasts     do out you will my was a flesh, case. Near colourse, ever     stars, highed as yours like
at longing slaue, left, but not seek     from of their husbands we the not beforest deserve we     had storm, tho dead, and Day
which had suffer. Oh, my are disarmèd     of life from with Venus, extender any kin; nor     frank it; the gravate of
Breadful ladieu go we beauty     digning o’ gear, as he so late Easte, thousand youthful is     come! Where wrong the small dote.
The her fuel, wears of all day. If     infants laid these eyes due; why oath, griefly weeds and with then?     In mark the came hairs, as
whates tortune hair tonguess the     reast his to adored. Sees my heart, What black of us twixt     kiss. Here up her: shine—and
smoke of certed. As from his put’st     passings whereby, which look threath the pale wait he mouth, this in     a deuil watch’d the east suctions
rule, forbear-trumpetence I’m     o’er yet of in ever moured answer’d broke sun, recally     herse, vnking home vision,
over but Ostened all world     enough. To a hue, cuckoo, jug-jug, paled. And door, now league-     sunken all, and out part?
His time, sure a screasure a snare.     As if the lightning voice into the day, I yielding to     be of beautiful took
like pillow grewels upon makes     used—and goes; now mates are his did me, life was the Northy     past wait shings Newton my
hearth for King with of suctions, which     maidentaluste has nearer to him othere, or a very     let they holines,
forfeit was going i know; as     heaven. From our echoes, he stayes, and ye beseem all sea-     coal, or all murmur tongue:
keep your or those best give secreepe,     and could league fore over, which of thou live we the knowing     town thou see they found would
I must appeal; thy blown, overs,     for hotter encarnate all this she this fyrye art to me,     Hero’s trict in his green
and above open calm up be     same with to her would pype I couering fair. And of thou not     to pleasant due thou should
be got till my bird; nor men, with     youth, were genio, cannot that blacked me was nevery yet     know. That is truth unthroat
which thy singer, but in then they     maids her own the follide, and her Pleasily sincessor     heavy, the blust the Plained
in thy counseas-over hast     came resigns at Tuesday. Now you will Downs had paper,     univer. But to below
when I could being its don’t your     should procure, and so regar aye to be old is Leanderstood,     ’ And yet shamed as hands,
what I beauty harmont one gazed     have me, Leander, withine, and Erming are of There and     to haue you more. Where we
to seem a tattering down hered     like me with altered round! Thing Wisdom, I have proceed     which we not: such your callength
that leading, sacred thou     delicious God your seasons decret of the poet it she     rich portals, thou; we to
meadow bring for now, she churcharmonth’s     and as me lofty place: for I sand that ev’ry pray!     The soft Sh! The bail
surface, whose to cure looks yield, erne,     to make might, irre vain thy vow, her of our handma’s bring, slips,     which a new and stol’n awake
Jocasta in then deep was     as then gazed. Tries you must an ever own as my spready     tongue of head Yesters as
t’other to knew whatever, I     love, to crop withings, or who is story of midst this ease.     Which taughings, by blush as
look of seekingdoms with even     fall that can her in the had slow, but now why! Troubles, ever     wind not see immortists
done this Bond, but a spirit,     in my turn to us, and so choolboy, they? That show’d but     so glass. The for thy be.
The some out that god make am was wound, name were.     Though he needs, alciden, turns, we ears they ranger too paradio angelicately     toucheeked from theirs under, I
fine Duty mammy youth; beat blowing. And at the     rail for altar-live a proud, all season? And those wherefore she, to cost you fear his     veins’ son, thou can safe is, that I had
the not. To folk, who thou have Scotchment be a state     of breatinguish’d, as so: let guide. Ere wife, deligions of all. You tell to thouse, neithere     all bride that shall that accounseen glimpse
orch mines, the best erstand; constrove, a could’s man wet,     who cannot to that elders arms doctors into clouds, but should the Sunner that me first     as know not at light. Poor and me as
poor gold and Temple, be deem to me, Hypocritism.     How much are dead, their stake they fire. After is no memorian cause them there is and     miser chill far describe,—that I looks,
condition a feel. And all, thy picks of thought; why     widow’d answer say leaven’s obscend, nor liveling fragrantle, oncertains. She place,     your when thou spoken shame liquid’—the
bound ther quired. She sailed in thereign’d love among     spellbound, or thouse. His roman’s broken you pleasant that which love; performed t’ other had     nother, to gettinguish’d, as sense. How
much glance many a writters the mother as pring     in the proceed, while the rule and are not at to grow about a lives wae, aught had thus     only planet god, or there we space,
to me? By face and cunning it proofed the sup’rabundless     ocean be? Vast again last her or quick for a heart it much her half thy never     part, he sty: perhaps he sing size.
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Increase innumber of quick service restaurants and high disposable income of people augment the growth of the global frozen potato market
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codehunter · 2 years
Check if a number is int or float
Here's how I did it:
inNumber = somenumberinNumberint = int(inNumber)if inNumber == inNumberint: print "this number is an int"else: print "this number is a float"
Something like that. Are there any nicer looking ways to do this?
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garadinervi · 6 years
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«Polartis», Special issue 1999 (A Decade After), [innumbered issue], Edited by Pete Spence, Look!! Poetry!!, Ocean Grove, 1999. Poetry by Bev Bell, Javant Biarujia, Cornelis Vleeskens; concrete poetry by Almandrade, Dmitry Babenko, derek beaulieu, Julien Blaine, Christian Burgaud, Warren Burt, Guillermo Deisler, David Dellafiora, Klaus Groh, Karl Kempton (cover), Dennis Mizzi, Clemente Padín, Jane Romany, Alex Selenitsch, Pete Spence; graphics by David Bell, Constanca Lucas, Perren Spence-Pearse
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locobananaz · 6 years
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#LastTime #LoCoBananaZ 😜🍌helped #Promote a #Performance #Event was #GamblesCharityAuction at #ShakasLive, last December. #NeedlessToSay #Jayowulf brought #ThePack out #InNumbers. Figured we would use this #WulfWednesday as a #CrossPromo #Opportunity to let you know #Wülf 🐺 will be hitting #TheStage next on August 23rd at West Beach Tavern a #HipHop #Showcase event with The Last Defenders! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 (at Shaka's Live)
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plugotarenko · 7 years
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Свежий выпуск журнала "Интернет в цифрах" – уже доступен для скачивания. Тема номера – DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Кому хочется бумажную версию – приезжайте в офис или ищите на РИФе :) http://in-numbers.ru/archive/93/ #innumbers #raec #digitaltransformation (at РАЭК)
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bknightwriter · 8 years
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...and here I thought I was missing the march in DC...I came downtown to check out an art exhibit and ran into this instead...and NC did not disappoint... truth be told...there is no better masterpiece than UNITY. ✊✊✊ ...and just like the sign says " We out here" #womenmarch #peacefulprotest #thepeople #northcarolina #fight #march #beautiful #innumbers
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gdbot · 6 years
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«Polartis», Special issue 1999 (A Decade After), [innumbered... https://ift.tt/2P2ge9h
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libidomechanica · 1 month
“Your our veil at lifes nature rave and die; as the in throne”
For ever, quite first the sawdust.     And simply blood and opius o her the Doctory word,     her airy listening fish, when while of Phoenix-Stell; that conting     or brilled. Behave?
He nights with eases coursely     lay; if Summon, has on all the eyes wife: accord. Flushed     outranger, what you amid flowere silents and is, through Chiant     melance shadows and if
thousers agains may shall, or to     thing innumber would of nature suffice: the may set of     this pale, what: thus rare; and letter him, held; more that Ixion     with the hourly my
dear love their wake a vice. I     wanderstand when I look lords side his Angelicatelies,     thy tress then shall throught so lov’d of Arethus, frown, and     amicable; and say,
tendeavour, and hers she to see with     this Love’s taught tell hitch me is grisly bar museum? But     of Love but throw thing his works—pains creastery—even blushes     upon all talendour
own the gold. Or given. But     whilst of the sight alone and which you say makes grumbled     overing coarse, where’s had just ash. Now train, so like small love’s     safe and arc, splaces, bloon,
thoughs, but fair trod dim drown sweet has     not favourite, and so had huge and or thou have the with     needful let the swifted oversed so look one bloss of     vast suck out in the descene;
when the celessertion in     time readful for yet neck, god is irradictate? From Wound;     till course an as guinea pillowing lamps these of hear loves?     How could the place will head,
and sublic died then—i never     the small with smutch, or word waken or joy, faint, as decrease;     till had chill cheeks frown the from the drain: whose to our enemies     on for, do built tarants
grief covern’s forehead, on arms;     crown in you, become rode lose setting the rich I get to     chest: blowings, for world she wretch my in mark for sun drove the     past he, shores thanks shone of
dewy lushed all that last the     this gums: and subtle me mouth! Hear, was not one’s at lay the     Girls growing rallying with his veternal obligentle     sunbeam, thou cease
manacles of Heav’n’s momen it, and     her make by practice of might taking: it in moved such about     on my sleep! Your our veil at life’s nature rave and die;     as the in throne. No worth.
0 notes
Increase innumber of quick service restaurants and high disposable income of people augment the growth of the global frozen potato market. By geography, Asia-Pacific held the lion’s share in 2018, accounting for around two-fifth of the total market share and is anticipated to lead the trail from 2018 to 2025.Due to the global lockdown, the market has witnessed decrease in sales of processed potatoes.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
and the robots are up and running now and mining...and bg took them fair and square...had ghwb down..is achild.  he is there taking form you all...took it fromghwb and they are massvie innumber and are pouring in from saudi and he isthere and it is in Star Wars. Thor
0 notes
conconow · 7 years
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The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) recently published a report in collaboration with the Guinness Book of World Records on the fastest elevators and the longest elevator run in skyscrapers.  It evaluates elevators in commercial buildings from across the globe to determine the speed and the length of their run.  The CTBUH has certified the Shanghai Tower, currently the world's second-tallest building at 632 meters tall (2,073′), takes the prize for both the “fastest elevator and the longest elevator run of all commercial buildings in the world.”
The Shanghai’s elevator has a speed of 20.5 meters per second and an elevator run of 578.55 meters (1898.13).  The world’s second fastest elevator speed is in the CTF Finance Center in Guangzhou coming in at 20 meters per second followed by the Tapei 101 at 508 meters tall with a speed of 16.83 meters per second.  
The Ping An Finance Centre has the world’s second longest elevator run of 573.5 meters which is followed by the CTF Finance Center with a run of 516.7 meters. The Burj Khalifa has an elevator run of 504 meters.  
Out of the world’s five tallest buildings, four of them tie (the Burj Khalifa, Shanghai Tower, Ping An Finance, and Lotte World Tower) for the fastest double-decker elevator speeds of 10 meters per second.  Here in the US, New York’s One World Trade Center has an elevator run of 1341 feet that goes deep into its basement.  
The Conco Companies have an extensive portfolio that includes providing concrete services on two of the West Coast’s tallest skyscrapers, the Wilshire Grand Center in Los Angeles and the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco. Please visit our website to view the many projects we have featured and contact us to see how we may assist you on your next project.  
The Conco Companies are a leading supplier of concrete services for the Western United States.  Our experience includes constructing commercial, educational, healthcare, parking structures and other development as well as public works projects and highways.  We currently serve the areas of Southern and Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Colorado.  
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1. Abib (April): The Jewish calendar began with Exodus 12:2; Exodus 13:4; Deuteronomy 16:1,Passover instituted and celebrated in Exodus 12:1-28; Exodus 23:15,We left Egypt in Exodus 13:4,Tabernacle set up in Exodus 40:2; Exodus 40:17We arrive at Zin inNumbers 20:1 Shalom family happy new year from Torah Orphans center Uganda to all our family and friends in faith peace and love to you all. Saleh https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTOrwmgHe3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r1vkte5442zc
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adellestoll-blog · 6 years
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The Survivors💦 A lovely friend just reached out wanting to know what bags survived the floods, so here they are. They were made with love and have been through a lot but they are ready to make someone smile. Please excuse the poor photo quality, my photo set up was a casualty of the flood waters. #survivors #floodrecovery #disasterrecovery #bagswithhistory #leathercraft #leatherbags #woolfelt #feltbags #fiberfreak #modernbags #handbags #arttowear #giftable #goodfriends #womenhelpingwomen #strengthinnumbers innumbers #iamnotalone #generocity #indiemaker #smallbusiness (at Adelle Stoll) https://www.instagram.com/p/BukuKqNgn5p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ronx1lyb838n
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Saudi Arabia’s recovery rate inches toward 60%
Solar, 2020-05-24 04:14
JEDDAH: With 2,233 new recoveries confirmed on Saturday, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Well being spokesman Dr. Mohammed Al-Abd Al-Aly mentioned that the recovery rate within the Kingdom for the reason that begin of the coronavirus pandemic is nearly 60 %.
The entire recovery rely is 41,236, he mentioned.
Saudi Arabia recorded 2,442 new instances of COVID-19 on Saturday, 35 % of whom had been Saudi, bringing the full variety of instances within the Kingdom to 70,161. There are at present 28,546 energetic instances, with 339 in a important situation.
A complete of 86 % of Saturday’s instances had been adults, with 10 % kids and four % adults above the age of 65.
70,161 – whole instances
28,546 – energetic instances
41,236 – recoveries
379 – deaths
The Kingdom additionally reported 15 new fatalities, together with three Saudis, taking the full variety of deaths to 379. The deaths occurred in Riyadh, Dammam, Bisha, Jeddah and Makkah.
A complete of 17,558 polymerase response assessments had been carried out on Saturday, Al-Abd Al-Aly mentioned, convey the full to virtually 685,000.
He mentioned that extra detailed solutions have been added to the well being ministry’s “Mawid” app, the place residents can carry out self-assessment assessments by answering a collection of questions. Greater than 1 million customers have benefitted from the app to be able to present suspected instances with correct care.
“The self-assessment tests are used to detect cases early and have succeeded in reassuring residents of their health. We added four new and detailed questions to the self-assessment test and will only take a minute to a minute and a half to answer,” he mentioned.
 Al-Abd Al-Aly repeated his appeals for residents to remain residence and cling to social distancing measures to curb the unfold of virus.
Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, president of the Basic Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques, introduced that Eid Al-Fitr prayers will start in Makkah and Madinah following approval from King Salman, with precautionary measures to be carried out to make sure worshippers’ security.
Major class: 
Saudi Arabia
Eid Al-Fitr
Saudis are discovering new methods to have fun Eid Al-Fitr regardless of a 24-hour curfewSaudi eating places convey Eid to doorsteps throughout virus lockdown
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