#inktumber day 1
bigs-bigshot · 2 years
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inktumber 13 (different gender- cis man) 14 (tight clothes), 15 (affection) and 16 (gain since day 1)
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I am a complete newbie to digital art and tbh I`m not great at drawing anyway. I decided to use this as a way to try and practice digital art and try to improve my stuff so it doesn`t look just so... lacklustre. (I can't colour so it being in black and white didn't really hinder me at all except I tried to shade which was a mistake b ut whatever)
  I don't have names for my two charcaters here, neither of them have names but they both have a bit of backstory which I`m not gonna go into much just some personality and mini notes which I`ve also written on the image (also I`m new to Tumblr soooo yea...)
  I'll just re-write what's on the image MY BOI -Timid - Bad at asking for things - Surprisingly assertive sometimes - Prefers bloating and stuffing
  MY GAL - Literal supernatural being (I made it up I haven`t done any proper design for it or anything. Related a bit to incubus/succubus. She can control her pysical appearance/body basically completly at will including, weight, gender, bone structure, skin type blah blah etc...) -self confident and open -Can be an S or an M (as in yknow bdsm) -Good at telling what her Bf is thinking -Prefers Force feeding and Weight gain -Is into like;;; everything and will try anything -Highkey thinks her bf is the cutest person ever
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Edit: forgot his eyebrows
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rt-squish · 3 years
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Day 1: First encounters. Establish who your character is that you will be using.
Yes, I know I’m using prompts from two years ago, but I said I wanted to do Inktumber this year, and I’m doing it. Besides, I wanted to break the new style in a bit, and this seems as good a time as any to do that.
So anyway, here’s Woolie! Again!
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nychannel-rs · 4 years
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Day 1 and 2 of RS Inktumber!~ 
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dunkybritscuit · 5 years
Inktumber 2019!
Day 1: First encounters. Establish who your character is that you will be using.
Day 2: Extra helpings. Have them be offered just a little more food than they can handle.
Day 3: Friendly faces. Draw them with a really pudgy face, fat faces matter just as much after all.
Day 4: Cuddle bugs. Have them cuddling with someone, doesn’t have to be romantic.
Day 5: Secret Stash. Have them secret eating, maybe they eat at midnight when nobody looks
Day 6: Guilty pleasure. What food would they never admit to liking and why?
Day 7: Flavourtown. Have them try to cook something for themselves. Do they succeed?
Day 8: Out and about. Have them eat at their favourite restaurants
Day 9: Sweet or savoury? What’s their favourite flavour and why?
Day 10: Dancin’ have them be fatty dancing with someone, could be a lover.
Day 11: Sleepytime. Draw them comfortably asleep in bed, what PJs do they wear?
Day 12: Horrorfying. Have them watch a horror movie with a friend or loved one. Extra popcorn included.
Day 13: Wishy-washy. All that eating is messy work, have your character take a nice, relaxing bath....if they can.
Day 14: Underwear. Any character looks good in underwear, what does your character wear?
Day 15: Beach bum. Have them visit a beach for the day. Enjoy the sun for a bit.
Day 16: Couch potato. Lazy days are the best, have them enjoy a lazy day on the couch.
Day 17: Little high. Draw a size difference between them and another character.
Day 18: Little low. Now draw their weights exchanged with said character.
Day 19: Subtle shapes. Have the character change their weight distribution, EG muscle gut or pear-shaped, practise different body types.
Day 20: Tiny trouble. Draw them tiny eating something big, or interacting with big characters.
Day 21: A noise annoys. What sound does their tum make? Is it a gurgle or a grumble?
Day 22: Tight squeeze. Have them try on clothes two sizes too small.
Day 23: Smelly smell. Have them follow the smell of their favourite food.
Day 24: weigh down. Have them weigh themselves, how much is their constant weight?
Day 25: Bitty bonanza. Have them and all their friends be tiny, sharing around massive food.
Day 26: Jelly belly. Have them play with their belly fat, be it private or in front of someone.
Day 27: See-through. Have their belly become clear so they can see the food inside.
Day 28: Activity. Have your fat character being active in some way.
Day 29: Monsterous. Draw your character as a fat monster. Or if they already are one, draw them human.
Day 30: scary spooks. Have them be scared by something. Tum jiggle when they jump.
Day 31: Halloween! Draw them wearing their favourite Halloween costume!
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fiendoffreneskae · 4 years
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Inktumber Day 1: Vampyre - Drakan
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chubbyskeletons · 5 years
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“Day 1: First encounters. Establish who your character is that you will be using.”
This is Pork! He will be who I am drawing for Inktumber. He is from my blog at @askluciusandjovian. Also pictured is his boyfriend Coby, who I will also be drawing a lot of this month.
I won’t be doing every day, though, and I certainly won’t be doing full color every day either.
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
Inktumber Day 20
Day 20: Tiny trouble. Draw them tiny eating something big, or interacting with big characters.
I love tiny characters being super fat. I've been waiting all since day 1 to write this lol
"I'll get you for this!" Grima thrashes around as he gazes up at the giant Kiran. 
Shrunken down to an inch, Grima had been placed into a teacup by Kiran. His fat too much for such a small body, he was nothing more than a ball of fat. Bigger than the teacup, he didn't even fit inside it, his body resting on top of it, Grima pinned to his back. 
Kiran smiles at Grima, poking his stomach with a single finger. "Would you like some tea?" Not waiting for a response Kiran grabs a plastic straw. Inserting into a bag of iced tea, Kiran puts it in Grima's mouth. 
Despite his protests, the straw stays inside, Kiran holding it there. A small squeeze making barely any of the bag's liquid go, Grima nearly drowns from the flow. 
Less than a milliliter gone, Kiran smiles at Grima struggling. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you finish it all," Rubbing a finger over Grima's hair, Grima chokes as Kiran squeezes more in. His body already larger than the teacup, it breaks from the extra liquid filling his body. He can barely catch his breath as Kiran keeps the flow.
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chubberbaria · 7 years
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Inktumber - day 1: draw your feedee with a belly So ill try to be as consistant with this as i can, this is a part of @chubbyskeletons list!
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squishybellies · 6 years
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Inktumber #1: Who's it gonna beeee?
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
Inktumber Day 1
Yeah, it's technically day 3 and also meant for drawing but I feel no sense of comfort in my drawing abilities so writing it is.
These also will be most likely on the shorter end since there are 31 prompts. And I'm sure my choice is absolutely not shocking to anyone lol.
Day 1: First encounters. Establish who your character is that you will be using
Seated at his desk, his chair is always a tad too small for his ass; his back is wider than the chair's back support, the wood pinching his fat as he leans back. Hands resting on his stomach, the armrests overtaken by said stomach, he glares at the door.
His stomach growls as he impatiently waits. Despite protests from both his stomach and brain telling him to walk to the dining hall, he remains seated. After all, Kiran had promised him food. His promise meant to take place after his meeting with the worms known as Askran royalty, Grima had only grumbled. Food was food, and Kiran's interactions with others was a purely platonic one. But that didn't cause Grima's worries to come to an end. They continued to permeate and exist, some voice always back in his mind.
The voice dies out as the door opens, Kiran walking through. A lack of a cart immediately dampens his improved mood. Shifting around to stand up, his stomach sways back and forth. The chair stuck to him as he stands up, grima struggles against the tightened armrests. He ignores the extra pair of hands helping him, their gentle touches a large contrast to his own angry shoves to remove the infernal item.
The chair back on the floor where it belongs, Grima frowns up at the summoner. Despite his width, his height had remained the same, his vessel's small stature dooming him to a life of shortness. But Grima's width far more than made up for his height, his numerous wide rolls ready to crush or attack or even sit on someone. 
"My dinner?" Grima pays no mind to Kiran's small chuckle, unaware of the fact that he bobbed his head.
"It's outside," Grima's mind only just cognizant of the food, he shrugs.
"Then, as my servant, feed me," He sits back down in his chair, mind willfully ignorant of the tight armrest as Kiran wheels in the cart of food. "These paltry dishes will do," He only rests his hands on his stomach as Kiran feeds him, content with it all.
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(I POSED THIS ON MY OTHER ACCOUNT YESTERDAY BUT I NEEDED TO MAKE A NEW ACCOUNT SO HERE IT IS) <p>I am a complete newbie to digital art and tbh I`m not great at drawing anyway. I decided to use this as a way to try and practice digital art and try to improve my stuff so it doesn`t look just so… lacklustre. (I can’t colour so it being in black and white didn’t really hinder me at all except I tried to shade which was a mistake b ut whatever) </p><p><code> </code></p> ANYWAY THIS IS FOR INKTUMBER <p><code> </code></p> I don’t have names for my two charcaters here, neither of them have names but they both have a bit of backstory which I`m not gonna go into much just some personality and mini notes which I`ve also written on the image (also I`m new to Tumblr soooo yea…) <p><code> </code></p> I’ll just re-write what’s on the image MY BOI <br />-Timid <br />- Bad at asking for things <br />- Surprisingly assertive sometimes <br />- Prefers bloating and stuffing <p><code> </code></p> MY GAL <br />- Literal supernatural being (I made it up I haven`t done any proper design for it or anything. Related a bit to incubus/succubus. She can control her pysical appearance/body basically completly at will including, weight, gender, bone structure, skin type blah blah etc…) <br />-self confident and open <br />-Can be an S or an M (as in yknow bdsm) <br />-Good at telling what her Bf is thinking <br />-Prefers Force feeding and Weight gain <br />-Is into like;;; everything and will try anything <br />-Highkey thinks her bf is the cutest person ever <p><code> </code></p>
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