#inktopuck miss honey
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt.6)
pt. 5
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Liked by jackhughes, l_hughes06 and others
yournamelastname winter break with mom after getting snowed in the first couple of days!
l_hughes06 with bear !!!
_quinnhughes and jack, apparently??
trevorzegras what??????
yournamelastname thank god for bear and his fluffiness
_quinnhughes yeah and jack's, right?
trevorzegras WHAAAAT???
elblue6 you two are so stunning!!! my favorite girls!!
yournamelastname i need you guys to include me in your outings from now on please i am sick of the boys
elblue6 you say that as if you're not their little leader, shortcake πŸ˜‰ always were always will be!!
jackhughes oh those diaries!!
yournamelastname shh!
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Liked by yournamelastname, jesperbratt and others
jackhughes happy holidays everyone!
yournamelastname quinn looks a little bit different on that first one but still ate you two up
jackhughes i was going to say something...
yournamelastname keep quiet
jackhughes hey i thought you weren't going to be mean to me anymore
yournamelastname i made no promises
trevorzegras what is going on here
l_hughes06 i'm thinking a lot of thoughts
colecaufield saved by the power of friendship
yournamehughes well jack actually
colecaufield this is weird, this is suspicious
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes and others
yournamelastname rewatched matilda so now i'm leaning into the tz nickname
trevorzegras you're welcome, miss honey!
jackhughes you're kinda not that bad to look at sometimes
yournamelastname can you give any straight compliments or
l_hughes06 he used the word beautiful when he was on the phone with you yesterday
jackhughes dude
colecaufield context my man.......
_quinnhughes someone finally stole those awful overalls from trevor
jackhughes what now
yournamelastname i found them at the lake house how would i know they were his
_quinnhughes were there zyns in the pockets
yournamelastname .... yes
elblue6 πŸ”’
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elblue6 my handsome boys
l_hughes06 gee ma thanks
elblue6 you didn't show up for our facetime so
trevorzegras no luke 😒 don't worry buddy, you're MY handsome boy
colecaufield i thought he was mine only??
_alexturcotte petition for jack to shave that awful goatee wannabe thing off
Liked by yournamelastname, _quinnhughes, colecaufield, elblue06
bradytkachuk call me quinnyyy πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
yournamelastname 😍
elblue6 shortcake? you okay?
l_hughes06 i think this was a typo
_quinnhughes she was hacked
jackhughes 😏
pt. 7
a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long and it's not that good i've been going through writers block and it's soooo frustrating!! hope i can go back to posting regularly soon!!
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt.5)
pt. 4
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Liked by elblue6, trevorzegras and others
yournamelastname god i love my job
l_hughes06 hey! you told me you made one of those name things ONLY for me
yournamelastname yours was the prototype moosey
_quinnhughes you literally made me one of these in like middle school
yournamelastname shhhhh
elblue06 the bull looks wayyyy less scary now!!
yournamelastname he's the sweetest 😩 he asked his mom to ask me for the picture
elblue6 you've always been a natural with kids, shortcake!
trevorzegras πŸ’? πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ?
l_hughes06 delete before jack sees it
trevorzegras he's had is chance
jackhughes what the hell dude
_alexturcotte jack put us out of out misery dude
jackhughes are we still on for that thing?
yournamelastname yep
colecaufield πŸ‘οΈ
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Liked by _quinnhughes, nicohischier and others
jackhughes when you try your best but you don't succeed
colecaufield delete immediately
l_hughes06 oh bud you're gonna die
_quinnhughes why would you do this to shortcake
jackhughes revenge is a dish better served cold
_quinnhughes you're done bro
trevorzegras miss honey you always look ravishing
yournamelastname OH MY GDO JACK
yournamelastname WHAT THE HELL
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Liked by trevorzegras, colecaufield and others
yournamelastname which jack hughes is your favorite? skincare princess or dramatic eyeliner queen?
_quinnhughes i know you've got a vendetta but WHY WOULD YOU NOT CUT ME OUT I LOOK LIKE A DORK
yournamelastname shut up you're the cutest
colecaufield he looks like he just walked off the set of the pirates of the caribbean
curtislazar95 πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ πŸ“Έ
trevorzegras what the hell is that around his neck? an infinity scarf?
bradytkachuk the blue on his nails matches his eyes beautifully
yournamelastname he chose it himself!!
jackhughes i'm reporting you to the school district for bullying
yournamelastname call the po po ho! you're not a student!
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Liked by elblue6, _quinnhughes and others
jackhughes happy holidays everyone!
yournamelastname get a job!
yournamelastname stay away from her!
yournamelastname get ur own dad! (i love you jimmy)
jackhughes you're just jealous mark loves me more
_quinnhughes you really have no sense of self preservation it's remarkable
yournamelastname your parents wanted a girl when they tried for you so go ahead and take mark... i'll get ellen
nicohischier new wall art?
l_hughes06 y/n's olive branch after they did the whole awful picture posting thing.
yournamelastname those are bear's paws!! 😊😊 hit me up if you want some paintings so it doesn't look like you live in a hospital (luke and jack)
nicohischier i'll call πŸ˜‰
jackhughes absolutely not
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt.3)
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Liked by jesperbratt, nicohischier and others
jackhughes speaking with bar down about this season and what you can expect from us!
colecaufield we're sweeping y'all, get ready!
l_hughes06 in your dreams little man
_quinnhughes oh wow very grown man of you jackie, they're giving you responsibilities woww
_alexturcotte question: will it all be "uh" and "ahh" ? i don't want to get bored while on the treadmill
curtislazar95 i should've been the one invited to do this, i've always been told i've got a good face for the radio!
l_hughes06 it'll be on digital platforms, grandpa
curtislazar95 rusty! buddy! nobody asked you
yournamelastname great just what we needed another man with access to a microphone
jackhughes you didn't mind me having a microphone while i saved your ass from making a fool of yourself at karaoke
yournamelastname that was the worst rendition of pink pony club i've ever heard though
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Liked by _quinnhughes, elblue6 and others
yournamelastname got to sit up front // JACKass relegated me to the back after half an hour #homebound
jackhughes yeah and if you complain about it again i'm tying you to the roof the rest of the drive
trevorzegras bro are you commenting while driving???? don't put miss honey in danger like that
jackhughes we're at a rest stop, dumbass
yournamelastname miss honey??
trevorzegras yeah like the teacher in matilda πŸ˜‡ the cute, nice one, i mean
yournamelastname that's so sweet trev 😭
jackhughes oh it's trev now is it
l_hughes06 to be fair i really needed to stretch my legs so the trade was merciful
yournamelastname it's not my fault you're built like a giraffe my dude (love you just the same, pookums)
elblue6 if i told you jack and y/n used to be the sweetest to each other would you believe me
nicohischier no
colecaufield no
_alexturcotte no
trevorzegras no
l_hughes06 my memory doesn't go that far back, so no
_quinnhughes i was there and even i don't believe it
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Liked by colecaufield, _quinnhughes and others
elblue6 i told you these babies were once on amicable terms!
l_hughes06 this looks fake
_quinnhughes mom they're literally biting each other's heads off over dinner i want to jump into the lake and not come out
bradytkachuk i've seen this before mrs hughes they'll end up married
yournamelastname delete immediately
colecaufield i love friends to enemies to lovers
colecaufield that's a book trope you illiterate ape
jackhughes i literally read 50 books a year
colecaufield none that matter though
yournamelastname that's not me!!
jackhughes don't lie
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l_hughes6 meet our new roommate! ((bear, not Y/N))
jackhughes thank god
yournamelastname you WISH i was your roommate
jackhughes i would move out
yournamelastname great! i could live with luke and bear!
trevorzegras oh miss honey you might be cuter than the puppy
jackhughes would you stop it
yournamelastname no he can go on
colecaufield that's.... πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
jackhughes do you have a death wish z
yournamelastname i'm not THAT bad
jackhughes not what i meant
colecaufield πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ
pt. 4
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt.4)
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Liked by _quinnhughes, l_hughes06 and others
yournamelastname oh michigan how i love you
trevorzegras oh wow
_quinnhughes me not being able to go home for thanksgiving this time is my 13th reason
l_hughes06 the fact that you made hot chocolate for JACK and y'all didn't save any for me...... foul
yournamelastname i took pity on him he cried today
jackhughes now why would you say this on the internet
yournamelastname i thought it would humanize you, mr robot. it's sweet that you cried because you accidentally stepped on your pup.
l_hughes06 he stepped on bear????
colecaufield am i the only one weirded out by y/n using sweet and jack in the same sentence
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Liked by yournamelastname, _quinnhughes and others
jackhughes great day with all the brave kiddos at @newark_bethnj thank you for letting us hang with you!
trevorzegras tears coming down my face
yournamelastname you're not half as bad as you look...........
colecaufield yeah right 🧐
jackhughes i'm great with kids you know this
yournamelastname come visit mine or else
trevorzegras i can go!!
jackhughes you're on the other side of the country
trevorzegras say the word miss honey
jackhughes stay silent
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Liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras and others
yournamelastname i had to pay for my own ticket for this... and these two lost (((but at least i met this cool penguins fan!!)))
jackhughes yeah cause you said you were only going because of sid!!!
colecaufield what's wrong jacky? getting jealous of the old man?
yournamelastname you're so not chivalrous
jackhughes yeah yeah chivalry is dead, shortcake
elblue6 Jack! Luke! you made her pay??? What is wrong with you?
l_hughes06 mom she was cheering for the penguins
elblue6 she could be cheering for the rangers you've been friends your whole lives!
l_hughes06 it's not my fault jack got jealous
jackhughes delete
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Liked by nicohischier, jesperbratt and others
jackhughes it's like having a toddler over
l_hughes06 damnit shortcake
jackhughes this is insane right??
l_hughes06 yeah now i owe her $100 because i bet she wouldn't actually do it and she did
jackhughes of course you were in on this
yournamelastname stop being boring rowden
elblue6 i LOVE what she did with the place
jackhughes not you too
elblue6 your apartment is too sterile
yournamelastname he's a sad beige mom, ellen
jackhughes take that back right now
trevorzegras you can do my pad next miss honey! whatever you like
jackhughes quiet now
pt. 5
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au
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Liked by elblue6, l_hughes06 and others
yournamelastname i start my big girl job tomorrow eeeeeeeeeeeek
jackhughes i am so sorry for those kids
yournamelastname says the dudebro who shouldn't even be allowed to reproduce
jackhughes just because of that.......... i'll reproduce HARDER
_quinnhughes oh my god what are you even saying
jackhughes i will not only reproduce... but have like 10 kids
yournamelastname you couldn't even take care of the luke's gerbil
jackhughes oh my god LET IT GO
l_hughes06 #justiceforsprinkles
elblue6 very proud of you! go change lives
yournamelastname i'll try <3 thank you mrs. hughes!!
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Liked by nicohischier, njdevils and others
jackhughes great summer! time to lock in for the season!
l_hughes06 i really look hot in that first one, great choice
colecaufield oh yeaaaaaah
trevorzegras why does quinn always look like someone's holding him at gunpoint
njdevils let's go Devils!
nicohischier stop posting pictures of yourself, we start camp in 10 minutes
yournamelastname jimmy always looking so sharp, he puts you three dummies to shame every damn time
_quinnhughes it's a special talent
jackhughes oh my god get out let me live
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Liked by _quinnhughes, l_hughes06
yournamelastname my students gave me wings you guys 😭 GREAT first day!
l_hughes06 and you got NONE for me?
yournamelastname they're very selective about who they give wings to
l_hughes06 😩
yournamelastname well if you come over for story time one day... maybe πŸ‘€ in your jersey!
l_hughes06 thanks for the reminder, i thought i was supposed to go shirtless
trevorzegras *louder than everyone else* heyyyyyyyyy
_quinnhughes don't even think about it
jackhughes aw you made friends for the first time
yournamelastname i have tons of friends
jackhughes yeah like who
yournamelastname your mom
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Liked by curtislazar95, colecaufield and others
nhl First goal of the preseason goes to...
nicohischier let's go!!!
jesperbratt the man the myth the legend
colecaufield nobody's ready for him!
trevorzegras hey i know this guy..
yournamelastname i have this very strong urge to push him
l_hughes06 do it
yournamelastname if you cover for me with security......
jackhughes don't you have finger paintings to do or something
yournamelastname all done! do you want me to show you the one i made for you? only one finger was used!
_alexturcotte stop fighting in the nhl's comments you weirdos
pt. 2
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inktopuck Β· 3 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt. 2)
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Liked by elblue6, _quinnhughes and others
yournamelastname out looking for the REAL nj devil today!
elblue6 oh this is so cute! look at their little faces 😍
l_hughes06 i literally am a real nj devil and i told you i would come read to them soon WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME
_quinnhughes remember how last time you climbed a tree you broke your wrist?
yournamelastname it didn't happen this time! and now i'm a legend among my students
jackhughes this is so cool! have you found it yet? only come back when you do!! that's the deal 😊😊
njdevil00 what am i? chopped liver?
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Liked by elblue6, trevorzegras and others
jackhughes secured ourselves a win! great teamwork boys!
yournamelastname mouth breather
trevorzegras i like your style
l_hughes06 it's not a style it's a love language
yournamelastname no the hell it isn't
yournamelastname get her some brown contacts oh my god
hughesyodaddy stop he literally looks like he's a part of greek mythology
yournamelastname yeah probably sisyphus the way this run for the cup his pointless and and interminable
jackhughes you're so nice to me
elblue06 πŸ”’
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Liked by yournamelastname, jackhughes and others
elblue6 happy birthday my sweet strawberry shortcake! you are so loved by everyone who knows you!
yournamelastname don't make me cry mrs hughes πŸ₯Ί thank you for always being there ❀️ i can't wait to visit when i come home
_quinnhughes happy birthday shortcake!! i remember jack used to pull those pigtails all day long
l_hughes06 yeah until she got sick of it and punched him in the face
_quinnhughes shortcake has always been a badass
l_hughes06 happy birthday, strawbs. let's grab take out!!
yournamelastname i make a teacher's salary. it'll be on you
l_hughes06 it's always been on me
yournamelastname yeah yeah
jackhughes sweet? mom she calls me names!! in public!!
yournamelastname snitches get stitches rowden
trevorzegras oh so she's always been cute
jackhughes what an odd thing to say
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes and others
yournamelastname thank you for making my 24th birthday cool enough to tell my kids about even though it was on a school night :)
jackhughes you're welcome
yournamelastname i meant luke
jackhughes i COOKED for you
yournamelastname so did my mother my entire life do better
l_hughes06 yeah yeah don't mention it
yournamelastname my little snugglebug!! moosey caboosey!! i love you!!!
trevorzegras happy birthday.. that tongue piercing is hot
jackhughes she's a first grade teacher show some respect
yournamelastname oooooh he's defending my honor
jackhughes if you start telling this to people i'm dropping you off in the middle of nowhere on our way home
yournamelastname what would you tell my parents then?
jackhughes you got eaten by a bear
yournamelastname i mean at least i wouldn't have to be in the same closed space as you for 12 hours
nicohischier happy birthday y/n! big kiss
jackhughes big kiss? you just add "big kiss" after that? nothing else? is that european??
yournamelastname thank you nico!! big kiss right back at ya
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inktopuck Β· 2 months ago
miss honey | jack hughes social media au (pt. 7)
pt. 6
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Liked by jackhughes, l_hughes06 and others
yournamelastname we had some very cute visitors today! including bear!! and a few devils!
jackhughes i think those kiddies ruptured my eardrum πŸ˜…
yournamelastname you loved every second of it you attention whore
jackhughes i'm gonna tell my mom you called me that
yournamelastname and did i lie?
jackhughes πŸ˜”
l_hughes06 man your kids are the cutest... AND THE DOGS!!!
yournamelastname we all know how much you loved the dogs
l_hughes06 trying to convince jack to let me adopt a friend for bear
yournamelastname yeah and then you guys go off frolicking on the ice across the country and i'm the one stuck cleaning their poop!
l_hughes06 but MOM
curtislazar95 thanks for letting us hang out! i really enjoyed chasing rusty around with the kids!
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Liked by elblue6, _quinnhughes and others
jackhughes bear got to make some new friends at wallace elementary, furry and not so furry ones.
colecaufield translation: luke and the kids
l_hughes06 ha ha little man ha ha at least i can GROW body hair
jackhughes barely
trevorzegras why am i NEVER invited to these things
_quinnhughes you're on the other side of the country genius
colecaufield also no one wants you arount their kids
trevorzegras as an honorary kid i am outraged by these declarations
njdevils oh! doggie hamilton was there!
yournamelastname thank you so much for stopping by! made the kids' year!
jackhughes you're very welcome, miss honey πŸ˜‰
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yournamefinsta luke read a book for the first time since he became a dropout so he's been spreading wisdom for a week.
l_hughes06 a COLLEGE dropout
yournamefinsta yes that makes it so much better
_quinnhughes i knew i should've never let him read the monk who sold his ferrari
trevorzegras wait that's such a kickass title i need to read it
_quinnhughes the only book you read was the hungry hungry caterpillar
trevorzegras FINE.... i'll get the audiobook
jackhughes he literally asked keefe if he could keep the tripod and the giant notebook
yournamefinsta he is so dedicated to his craft
l_hughes06 what you resist will persist; what you befriend, you will transcend
jackhughes save ME
yournamefinsta you're fine drama queen 😘
_quinnhughes okay now this is starting to freak ME out
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Liked by yournamelastname, elblue6 and others
l_hughes06 winter drop!
jackhughes why did you post me two times you clout chaser
l_hughes06 the world needed to know that book nearly bored you to death.... the other one? who knows
colecaufield wait jack and y/n in close proximity and not killing each other?
trevorzegras why is her hand there
yournamelastname you guys know everyone can see these comments right
snoopy43hughes not luke soft launching
_quinnhughes i leave you for the season and this happens
_alexturcotte the world has been kicked out of its axis
yournamelastname oooooh big word turcs
_alexturcotte i AM an intellectual
hughesyodaddy no one's denying the hints that they're something oh shit
hischierkiss what about nicojack!
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inktopuck Β· 4 months ago
inktopuck masterlist !
quinn hughes:
juno | social media au
jack hughes:
miss honey | social media au
luke hughes:
the secret of us | social media au
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