sylvienerevarine · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @thequeenofthewinter and @inkoherentwriting!!! Here's...something, definitely from The Blood of the Covenant. have i mentioned yet that this fic is going to be ridiculous?
I tag @druidx, @stormbeyondreality, and @oblivions-dawn <3
Sophrine wrinkled her nose. “Oh, gods, not the Vigilants. I know they mean well, but…ugh.”
“You don’t like the Vigilants?” Mjoll’s eyebrows shot up. “Why not?”
“Well, for one thing, it’s not very polite to go around hassling people about their religion. Besides, talking to them is always so awkward. They demand to know if I consort with any daedra, and then I’ve got to go on my whole explanation about Auntie Sacha and Nelrene and Nana Sylvie’s connection with Azura, and they usually end up either staring at me in silence or just walking away halfway through.”
“Poor lads just aren’t prepared to learn about the Llervu-Aulette family,” said Lydia with a chuckle. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you gave a few of them a crisis of faith.”
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azures-grace · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @inkysqueed (inkoherentwriting) wheee!
Just a little writing this week for y'all
Tagging @mistythedritten and anyone else who wants to :]]
“So… are we ever going to have something besides bread?” he asked her after he finished his slice.
“I can hunt something,” she offered.
He squinted at her and then looked at the surrounding woods. “Like an animal?”
“And then what?”
“Clean it, I guess?”
His face fell. “You don't know what you're doing either?!”
She shrugged. “I'll figure it out.”
“Figure it out?!”
“That's how I do a lot of things–”
“Oh, we're doomed.” He put his head in his hands.
“We're not doomed! I'm… competent.”
He heaved a sigh. “Ohhh, this was a mistake…”
She reached over and put a finger to his lips. “Shhhh… we're fine.”
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priafey · 6 months
AO3 Twenty Questions
tagged by @ladytanithia. a big thank you, as always!
tagging @inkoherentwriting, @azures-grace and YOU, dear reader
(copy/paste for the questions below the cut)
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
Four, not counting the work I published as a reference list for my OCs.
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Just TES:Skyrim for the moment. Sadly, I haven't been able to play any of the other games just yet.
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
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I'm dying for Among the Many Lost Souls to surpass Sought and Found. It was my first venture into longform writing and it shows. Bleh.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
Almost always. If I don't respond, it's usually because I tried my darndest and couldn't think of a constructive or meaningful response.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The one I'm writing right now :3c (Among the Many Lost Souls). I'm putting Gwilin through the wringer and then I'm gonna hang him out to dry.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sought and Found, I suppose.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
No, I don't. I lowkey wish I did. Firstly, because haters can be remarkably perceptive, and, secondly, because I am as interested in what makes someone scrunch up their nose or click away from my fic as I am about hearing people's thoughts on what was well-executed about them. I think my stuff is too niche to really draw a lot of negative attention (right now, at least).
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Always, my man! I consider it my moral duty to make my characters fuck nasty. Why? BECAUSE IT'S HOT DUHHH
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
People who write crossovers scare me so bad. I can barely limp my way through having to structure a plot around already-existing lore and making sure everything that happens in the story is congruent with in-universe rules, meanwhile there are people out there writing Skyrim x The Walking Dead crossovers. It's cocobananas.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. I don't really give a fuck if people steal my shit. Fighting with someone over authorship of a work that is principally riding on the coattails of an existing IP, which can't even be monetized, mind you, feels like a real 'race to the bottom' situation to me. I'm well aware of the quality of my work and I'm proud to have the drive to constantly better my skills. That's all that matters.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Though I did start translating Sought and Found into Spanish, I dropped it when I started writing Among the Many Lost Souls. In any case, I would be so, so touched if someone decided to translate a fic of mine.
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Also nope. Never tried collaborative writing outside of an academic setting. Totally open to it, though!
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Uh, I'm not real big on shipping existing characters. I mostly just think about my OCs, or my friend's OCs, with each other. Aside from Gwilin x [pretty much every other NPC in Skyrim], I think thoughts about @abstractredd's guys, Hedgrod and Athrar, quite often.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Fic-related WIP? Just one. I wanted to write another romance fic (like Sought and Found) featuring a netch farmer who's a cowboy-type character. Sexy Dunmer with a southwestern accent. Brokeback Mountain: Morrowind Edition. You get the picture.
I might still finish it, but I'm reluctant to even touch it because I haven't played Morrowind, and would have to do a real deep-dive into everything related to Dunmer in TES lore to write it. I know a lot already, but I never feel like I know enough, y'know?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at setting a scene and painting a picture. This is, I think, a new ability I acquired in the past year or so. I've also been told my smut-writing abilities are pretty good, which is always nice to hear :) If I had to list what I consider to be my own strengths, I'd add that I've gotten a lot better at cutting the fat out of my writing (especially from dialogue tags and in describing facial expressions and body language).
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue is a bitch a half for me to write. It's probably the thing I most obsessively tweak before publishing. I think my dialogue tends to fall short.
Pacing is another issue. I often criticize, in other fic author's works, that they present an interesting image or idea and then leave me hungry because they don't elaborate on it, but I am the biggest culprit of this if I don't constantly remind myself that, yes, people want to hear more about this or that. They want you to mystify it, justify it, make it sexy, make it like a puzzle for them to solve. You can't just leave it cut-and-dry, much as my autism compels to do because "It's quite literally saying the same thing". Like, that's great, bestie, but you have to elaborate! Say the same thing just make it sound cooler than it is!
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
This is cool. I don't mind busting out Google Translate to enjoy a fic. That mouse-hovering feature that lets you add alternative text to a fic on ao3 is super useful for this sort of thing.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
My first, and only other, fandom: My Little Pony. I was 12.
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
I love them all for different reasons, BUT Among the Many Souls has blood and sex and drama in it, so yeah. It's in the lead.
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
5 – Do you respond to comments?
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
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Tag game that took me way too long to do
Hi, hello, I'm still here. Life and side-tracking happened a lot and, lately, my only online presence was some reblogs. Nonetheless!! It made me really happy to see that I've been tagged in this wonderful tag game by @inkoherentwriting and @dirty-bosmer and @blossom-adventures Thank you so much and sorry it took me this long to actually do it!
How many works do you have on AO3? Just 6 so far!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 100,271 (oh!! I didn't realize I hit the 100k word count before doing this!)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age so far, but I would love to expand that list, and I have my eye on a few fandoms (looking directly at One Piece)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I only have six fics, and I don't really like looking at the statistics because it makes me terribly sad and unmotivated.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!!! Comments are everything to me. It may take some time to respond, but just know that I read the comments as soon as I get the email notification and I reread whenever I feel self conscious about my fics (which is *very* often lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My longfics are not finished yet, but if you read chapter 15 of WYGTYA, then you'll know which one will have the angstiest ending Spoilers: it's Hymn of the Highs Seas, it's prequel. Author's note: WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO, I AM SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THE PIRATES. But I *will* find a way to make it as satisfying an ending as possible, and it will most definitely have a fluffy/bittersweet epilogue. HOTHS will not be sad, I promise!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After all the shit I'll put Ravonna through, she deserves it the most, so WYGTYA, probably! Also, my Ralof/Hadvar fic has a really happy ending, if ya know what I mean :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. I have this wonderful small community of dear readers and they're the most awesome people in the world <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Smut is not really my thing, so no. The most I'll do is imply.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't, but I'll never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I doubt anyone would want to steal my writing out of anyone's
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I think it would be a very nice experience! I've spoken to a few beloved mutuals about crossovers in which Ravonna meets their ldbs, and I have an idea in mind where I could write a few chapters, each of them exploring Ravonna accidentally teleporting into their ldb's world, but it's still just an idea at the moment :)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? That I've written? I don't know if I can choose because I love them all, but Rumcurio and Ralof/Hadvar are incredibly underrated ships in the TES fandom and I wish they had more content! Fave ship of all time? Well, right now I am watching Jujutsu Kaisen and I am, of course, having satosugu brainrot. They could have had everything :(((( So beautifully tragic, this one. The fix-it fanfics are amazing, too! But if I had to pick just one ship to be my favourite, I think I'll go with the ineffable husbands because 6000 years of pining is just exquisite <3 <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A very sad and romantic reincarnation AU of WYGTYA where we get to see many versions of Ravonna through the ages! I say romantic, but knowing myself, it won't be super sappy. It's Ravonna that we're talking about here :))
16. What are your writing strengths? I would say that dialogue, and banter in particular. That's what flows the easiest to me, and I think that is how I'm able to express a character's traits and personality the best
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I believe there's room for improvement in all areas, but what I struggle with the most is angst, probably. I need to practice focusing on describing the character's feelings more. Also, politics. Crucial to the plot, but my mind never cooperates when I want to write politics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue on another language in a fic? If it's a few words, it's fine, I think it adds flavour to the chapter, but translations should be provided. However, I would avoid writing entire paragraphs in another language, that's just confusing to readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Skyrim! I wrote for the Tes Summer Fest event in 2022!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all very dearly, but hear me out!!! WYGTYA is my first baby, my longest fic and the thing that led me to start such beautiful friendships online. It will always have a special place in my heart! In my soul, there's a jewellery box dedicated to just WYGTYA, and it's all heart shaped and made out of love. Ravonna is by far my most developed oc, so much so that she feels like a real person sometimes when I think of her. She's even become a source of inspiration for me at times and her story with her fellowship will never fail to put a smile on my face. She's also such a big impact on my writing that I think she will become a blueprint for future stories that I write. Every story will have a Ravonna-type character, for sure. That's how much love I have for her! But I started writing WYGTYA as a beginner, and I sense that I will go back to some of the earlier chapters and re-edit some stuff. Right now, the fic that I'm most satisfied of is HOTHS. It's still at 2 chapters (soon to be three), but I'm so excited about this project, and the characters are all ocs, and my heart is so full of love for them that it overflows! It's also a pirate story, and I always have such a weak spot for pirates. It also follows the storyline and plot twist that I'm most proud of in WYGTYA, all about Ravonna's lineage. Damn, I guess I have Ravonna to thank for this, too. I'm just really happy with this twist and canon divergence in Deathbrand's character. I feel like he has so much potential in the TES Universe, and I'm about to explore all that and more in this fic!
Oh wow, that last bit got so very rambly, I'm so sorry! I don't know who has done this or not, but I'll tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @bostoniangirl21 @sheirukitriesfandom @illumiera
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druidx · 9 months
WIP extract + WIP Weds(ish) + Heads up 7 up + 9 Lines Tag
Thanks for the tags @bretongirlwrites, @pheita, and @inkoherentwriting
Tagging back (feel free to pick and choose the games, or do them all like me 😅️): @aalinaaaaaa @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior @wispstalk @late-to-the-fandom @athenswrites
All of these are still from Young Dagger, False Dream.
~16 lines (9 lines + heads up 7 up):
In the dimness of the mines, time warped into the repetitious hacking of the rock face, until it snapped back when the guards rounded them up and dragged them back to the cells. After chow, Alexis joined Bastet where she stood close to the bars, watching the guards slurp down roasted game and beer. Ignoring the grumble in her belly, Alexis nudged Bastet. "Did you get an implement to help you… entertain?" "Yes." Bastet turned, flipping over a fold in her shorts to reveal a bone spoon, its handle sharpened to a fine point. Alexis let a breath out, low and steady. "Good. When will you-?" "When will you?" Bastet asked back sharply. "The early hours," Alexis said, ignoring Bastet's waspishness. "Richard says that's the best time to strike." "Right. I'll cause a ruckus at the same time then. Keep them away from the cells while you work." Bastet swallowed, fear ghosting over her face.
WIP Weds-ish:
Picking her silent path with as much haste as she dared, Alexis soon found the cage where half of the menfolk were being kept. Bless Nathardrin's night-vision, Alexis thought as she approached; he'd spotted her first, and had clamped a precautionary hand over Richard's mouth against his cry of surprised delight when she materialised out of the shadows. Behind them crouched the other men, some wielding shivs hewn from odd bits and bobs. Now she understood how the locking mechanisms worked, Alexis had this one open in short order. With hand signals, she conveyed to Nathardrin he should join Bastet in searching for their kit; she and Richard would progress to the second cage. To Richard, Alexis held up a finger to her lips and hoped he understood to be silent.
WIP Extract:
Alexis knew Richard was trying to stay silent, but every dislodged pebble set her nerves jangling. The other cell was much closer to a guard station and she feared every noise would bring the drow running. As they approached the second cell, Richard continued on, halting just out of sight from the guard post. He glanced back once, eyebrows raised questioningly and Alexis nodded her approval. From inside the cell, Ithanor slipped his hand through the bars to squeeze Alexis' shoulder. She glanced up to see Victor poised at the bars from the direction she'd come. Once again, Ithanor was reminding her to trust the team.
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nine-blessed-hero · 9 months
WIP Weekend
Tagged by @inkoherentwriting
Have something I started for TES Cheer's prompt "grey" and then couldn't decide if I liked it enough to continue.
At four in the morning, the world was dark as death. No moonlight pierced the leaden clouds. Dulled flagstones swam with overflowing puddles. The perfect night, one may think, for ne'er-do-wells and scoundrels to be abroad. But the hands of these grey-clad folks did not hold riches or pilfered treasures; neither sacks of gold or jewels. Instead oilcloths, steaming pies and pink vials of potions filled the sacks slung over shoulders of the darting figures, darker than shadows.
As the mandate of TES Cheer is about bringing joy, the premise I was working to was along the lines of "the Grey Fox looks out for beggars so here's some of the Thieves Guild bringing supplies to the poor and homeless of the Imperial City". But I'm not sure about it any more - or maybe I just used up this week's store of creativity.
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ms-katonic-of-tamriel · 9 months
WIP Wednesday! Late But here you go. I got tagged by @inkoherentwriting, and if you have a WIP, please feel free to share!
Main WIP is the Skyrim AU Unfated, and here's a bit from that. Set 25 years before game, the Markarth Incident went awry, the Forsworn and Stormcloaks teamed up, and it's all gone a bit pear-shaped, leading to a civil war, Alduin coming back early, and Madanach's sister Keirine reacting by summoning Miraak from Apocrypha to deal with the problem. Teenage Cicero is also involved as is his uncle, an ex Imperial spy, also called Cicero.
What had Madanach’s life come to that he was walking into an enemy city… and the two he trusted with his life in this scenario were two Nord warriors. They were presently on the Dragon Bridge, preparing to cross, looking up ahead at the city on the arch at the end of the Karth… and up close the devastation was clear to see. The Blue Palace’s dome caved in, the roof collapsed, windows shattered, and panes of glass scattered on the river banks below. Macnarian Hall, the old Talos temple, likewise with its own towers destroyed. The smoke had mostly disappeared by now but you could still smell fire on the air. Solitude had suffered indeed, from the actions of one dragon. Sound of a mighty Thu’um, no, three of them, from the city, and twenty minutes later three dragons came flying in formation over the Hjaal marsh, flying from the south east. Ulfric was already ordering the soldiers to raise bows, but no fighting came from the city as two perched around it, not doing anything, while the third landed carefully on the bank of the Karth, Shouting at the river itself as the debris glowed and promptly dissolved into nothing. The dragon then dived gleefully into the river, sliding gently into the water and submerging itself, apparently going for a swim. “Stand down,” Ulfric said, blinking in disbelief. “That dragon just cleaned the estuary up. Admittedly it wanted a swim but… it’s not hostile.” “I don’t trust it,” Galmar growled even as he sent word out for everyone to stand at ease. “Don’t trust this Dragonborn either.” “Nor me,” Madanach sighed wearily. “Unfortunately, Keirine likes him so we have to be polite. Don’t we, Ulfric – Ulfric?” Ulfric was staring at the dragon sticking its head out of the Karth with absolute delight. “Isn’t it magnificent,” Ulfric laughed. “Look at him! I didn’t know they swam!” Oh gods. Ulfric liked dragons. Madanach should have seen this coming. “Ulfric,” Madanach sighed. “Ulfric, come on – please stop fussing over the dragon. We’ve got a job to do and my sister to retrieve.” “Do you think the Dovhkiin will let us talk to the dragons,” Ulfric said, falling into place beside Madanach, fairly buzzing with excitement. “If you ask him nicely, probably,” Madanach sighed. “And he has to be friendly. Those dragons look untrustworthy, it’s off.” Ulfric’s smile broadened and he practically danced over the Dragon Bridge, excited at the prospect of meeting dragons.
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Last Line Tag
Tagged by @druidx, thanks!
Tagging: @inkoherentwriting @sylvienerevarine @emeraldhazeart @andromeda-grace (welcome back!) and anyone who wants to
I just wrote this random prose snippet and am pretty proud of it:
            She stepped outside into the light, the sun seeping through the chill on her skin, warming her muscles and easing her aching joints.
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inkysqueed · 1 year
gentle nudge that if you want to see my writing (scraps or otherwise) I post about what I write mainly over at @inkoherentwriting and only sometimes reblog it here to my main !
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sylvienerevarine · 18 days
WIP Wunday
Thanks @wispstalk for tagging me! I present to you: Lord Harkon roasting Akatosh for some reason.
I tag @your-talos-is-problematic, @oblivions-dawn, and @inkoherentwriting
“Blame yourself, you piece of shit,” said Mjoll harshly. “You’ve got a brilliant daughter and all you care about is using her blood for your idiot prophecy.”
“The guard dog speaks!” said Harkon in mock surprise. “My, my, and here I thought you could only growl. But you are not who I’m concerned with.” He turned to Sophrine, arms folded. “I’ve done some digging on you, girl, since we last met. Quite an extraordinary tale. To think that a dragon lurks under that prim facade.”
“So you’ve done your research,” said Sophrine, not noticeably disturbed. “Good. You know what you’ll be up against if you fight me.”
Harkon chortled. “I know that was meant to be intimidating, but I do find it difficult to take such threats seriously from you. Your power may be traced back to the Slave Queen and her lizard-god, but vampires of my stature come from a line far older. You should have accepted my gift when given the chance.”
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sylvienerevarine · 1 month
WIP Wriday
@nostalgic-breton-girl very nicely tagged me this week! I'm so sorry but once again I am going to inflict another snippet from the BG3 fic I've been writing, tentatively titled Kestrel MacDuff Writes a Bad Romance. I promise I am simultaneously working on my dawnguard fic, particularly in terms of descriptions of weird mushrooms.
“You are…remarkably open-minded.” “Well, I’ve always sort of had to be,” said Kestrel. “People don’t go on pilgrimages to Hargrave when their lives are going brilliantly. We got people passing through who’d lost their entire families, who were dying of venereal diseases, who were retired assassins or gang bosses–you wouldn’t believe some of the confessions Mama Bettina heard when she was handing out blessings. After a while you stop being shocked, give them what they need, and send them on their way.” She chewed her lip thoughtfully. “But you know, hearing all those wild stories…I think that’s why I became a writer. I longed to see the world like our visitors did, but I was too afraid to leave, so I just wrote about the adventures I’d have if I could.”
I tag @inkoherentwriting, @stormbeyondreality, @your-talos-is-problematic, and @dirty-bosmer!
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sylvienerevarine · 4 months
Wip Wednesday!!
It's been a while since I did one of these! Thanks @inkoherentwriting for tagging me. I'm writing about Sacha and the Adoring Fan again for some reason. They're a normal family.
Ich tag @wispstalk, @oblivions-dawn , and @bretongirlwrites
“But listen, Benny boy, I didn’t just come here to apologize,” said Sacha. “I came to offer you a job.”
Ben frowned. “Didn’t you already give me a job?”
“A better job, ya dumpling. Actually, less of a job, more of a title. How would you feel about being a duke?”
“A…” He couldn’t even finish the sentence, the notion was so absurd. “Of what?”
“Of Mania, naturally. Prettiest part of the Isles, if you like excessive sunshine and rude women. Our old Duke–he was another Bosmer, incidentally–defected when the Greymarch got a little too interesting for his taste, and long story short, he’s dead now. So I thought to myself, who better to take over than my loyal ward Ben?”
“You’re joking.” Ben searched her face. “Aren’t you?”
"Serious as the grave, duckie."
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priafey · 3 months
!! wip whenever !!
tagged on may 15th and may 29th by the incomparable inky @inkoherentwriting <33
i tag @plutoprophecy @azures-grace and @v1ctory-or-sovngarde i'll show you mine if you show me yours? teehee
here's gwilin and lei having a little heart-to-heart in the cemetery behind the temple of mara, from the next chapter of Among The Many Lost Souls:
"What were you, if not enraged, earlier? With the girl?" "That was the only time I've lost control like that." "And it will not be the last." Gwilin sighed and buried a hand in his hair. He propped up his head, poising his elbow on his knee. "I won't let it happen again. Someone has to keep this guild from falling apart." "This burden, why do you think it yours to bear?" "Because I can't leave. Not with Mercer at the helm. You don't know what he's done." "The rape?" "Yes, the–" He couldn't echo the word. "Gwilin, I don't doubt you've experienced far more than is fair for any one soul to be subjected to, in the short time you've been a vampire. The plights of my own life necessarily outnumber your own, however… it is not with pride I would admit my earliest dealings. The ones preceding my decision to remove myself from mortal affairs entirely. I don't remain withdrawn in this way because it is easy. I do it because I have found it more tenable than facing the carnage inevitably following the pursuit of any of my desires. You yourself are living proof of this. I desired, fleetingly, not to take your life. I felt the strings of my heart tugged on by the frail pleas of a mortal, and have thus engendered a suffering within you, and within the world, that is incalculable." "Do you mean to say our desires are meant to be suppressed?" "I am saying we have desires, and turning from them can be just as disastrous as freely indulging them. I don't think my turning from them will save me, Gwilin, or anyone around me. I simply find the turning more bearable." Lei watched Gwilin gently rise. He stopped an arm's length from him, attention then wandering toward the mausoleum. "I suspect you don't share my sentiment." "I think I do, and I don't. If anything has helped keep me sane these past few months…" "…it's the girl." "And Brynjolf." "Do they move you?" Then he murmured what he really meant. "Is it love?" "They're both… very pretty." “Yes, but do they haunt you, Gwilin? Does the mere thought of them awaken feelings in you you’d never known lay dormant? In moments of silence, do you find yourself craving their mouth, their voice, their hair?” Gwilin furrowed his brow, like the thought of such feelings being within his reach was beyond comprehension. “I crave blood. Sylvie gives it to me. I crave sex. Brynjolf gives it to me. I can’t ask for more. Not from this pale shadow of a life you’ve given me.” “Oh, Gwilin. You can always ask for more…”
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azures-grace · 4 months
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG @inkoherentwriting
(sorry inky i didn't see the notification sobbing and crying)
no writing i really want to share this week, it's been a struggle, but I DO have art!
A lil snippet of smth I hope to post later today!
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sylvienerevarine · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
thankee to @inkoherentwriting for tagging my main blog! I tag @dirty-bosmer, @bretongirlwrites, and @oblivions-dawn. anyway, would you like some vampire lesbians? sure you would.
“Aunt Falena was turned about 50 years ago, long before I was born,” Sophrine began. “She’d been hired by some rich historian to investigate an old ruin in northern High Rock, and once she got inside, she realized a family of vampires had moved in.”
“Yes, we do that,” Serana murmured.
“From there it was the usual story–they attacked her, she survived but was infected, and within a few days she’d gone through the change. She was pretty horrified, understandably, and decided to let the family think she was dead until she could find a cure.” Sophrine grimaced. “Aunt Falena doesn’t talk about those first years, and I can imagine why. I don’t think she had a lot of control over herself then. She never did find a cure, but she did eventually find my aunt Astoril. Astoril was part of a very respectable clan of vampires–they only drank from willing people, and took in younger vampires who needed training and support. Falena joined up, she and Astoril fell in love, and the next thing you know the Llervus are attending a vampire wedding.”
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azures-grace · 4 months
tagged by @inkoherentwriting, thank you!
tagging @mistythedritten and @1wn8ure and @gwilin-stay-winnin and you! the person reading this!
for art, I've decided to pick this one back up now that the Iri fic is up
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and writing is under the cut!
The cart stopped in Dragon Bridge and Iriae helped Caryalind get down. Faida seemed a little surprised to see Iriae darken her doorstep again, but welcomed her in nonetheless.
“This some cousin of yours?” she asked, motioning to Caryalind with her head while she cleaned a glass with a rag.
Iriae started to shake her head, but stopped and nodded. “My cousin Cary.”
Caryalind waved with a nervous expression. Iriae looked over at him and told him to go find somewhere to sit and to save her a seat. 
“Are you back to our arrangement?” Faida asked with a raised eyebrow. She set down the mug and leaned her elbows against the bar. 
“Would you mind?” Iriae asked. “I’ll pay for the food, but I need a place to sleep tonight.”
Faida frowned. “Just tonight? Heading out tomorrow?”
She nodded. “I’m sure I’ll visit again,” she promised.
ALSO i have animation!
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guys i promise i've got so many thoughts about this it's got like 3000 frames I'm sobbing
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